import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import axios from 'axios'; import { MapContainer, TileLayer, Marker, Popup, Polyline } from 'react-leaflet'; import { Button, Container, Typography, Stack, CircularProgress, Box, MenuItem, Select, FormControl, InputLabel } from '@mui/material'; import L from 'leaflet'; import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css'; import './App.css'; // Define marker icons for different node types const busIcon = new L.Icon({ iconUrl: './assets/bus.png', iconSize: [25, 41], iconAnchor: [12, 41], popupAnchor: [0, -41], }); const tramIcon = new L.Icon({ iconUrl: './assets/tram.png', iconSize: [25, 41], iconAnchor: [12, 41], popupAnchor: [0, -41], }); const ubahnIcon = new L.Icon({ iconUrl: './assets/u-bahn.png', iconSize: [25, 41], iconAnchor: [12, 41], popupAnchor: [0, -41], }); const sbahnIcon = new L.Icon({ iconUrl: './assets/s-bahn.png', iconSize: [25, 41], iconAnchor: [12, 41], popupAnchor: [0, -41], }); const defaultIcon = new L.Icon({ iconUrl: './assets/location-pin.png', iconSize: [25, 41], iconAnchor: [12, 41], popupAnchor: [0, -41], }); // Helper function to parse coordinates from string const parseCoordinates = (node) => { if (node && node.x !== undefined && node.y !== undefined) { return [node.y, node.x]; // Leaflet expects [latitude, longitude] } return null; }; // Function to determine the correct icon based on node type const getIconByType = (type) => { switch (type) { case 'bus': return busIcon; case 'u-bahn': return ubahnIcon; case 's-bahn': return sbahnIcon; case 'strassenbahn': return tramIcon; default: return defaultIcon; } }; function App() { const [graphData, setGraphData] = useState({ nodes: [], links: [] }); // Initialize with empty arrays const [year, setYear] = useState('1946'); // Year state const [type, setType] = useState(''); // Selected type const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); // Loading state const availableYears = [1946, 1951, 1956, 1960, 1961, 1964, 1967, 1971, 1976, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1989]; // Available types for dropdown const availableTypes = ['All', 'u-bahn', 's-bahn', 'bus', 'strassenbahn']; // Fetch data based on the selected year and type useEffect(() => { if (year) { setLoading(true); // Start loading const typeQueryParam = type === 'All' ? '' : type; axios.get(`${year}&type=${typeQueryParam}`) .then(response => { console.log('Nodes returned:',; // Log number of nodes returned setGraphData(prevData => ({ ...prevData, nodes: })); setLoading(false); // Stop loading once data is fetched }) .catch(error => { console.error("There was an error fetching the nodes data!", error); setLoading(false); // Stop loading on error }); axios.get(`${year}&type=${typeQueryParam}`) .then(response => { console.log('Edges returned:',; // Log number of edges returned setGraphData(prevData => ({ ...prevData, links: })); }) .catch(error => { console.error("Error fetching the edges data!", error); }); } }, [year, type]); if (loading) { return ( <Container> <Box display="flex" justifyContent="center" alignItems="center" height="100vh"> <CircularProgress /> </Box> </Container> ); } // Map nodes to a dictionary by ID for easy lookup const nodeMap = {}; graphData.nodes.forEach(node => { nodeMap[] = node; }); return ( <Container> <Box textAlign="center" mb={4}> <Typography variant="h3" component="h1" sx={{ fontFamily: 'Roboto, sans-serif', fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#333' }} > Berlin's Public Transport Visualised </Typography> </Box> {/* Buttons for selecting the year */} <Stack spacing={2} direction="row" mb={3}> { => ( <Button key={availableYear} variant="contained" color="primary" onClick={() => setYear(availableYear)} > {availableYear} </Button> ))} </Stack> {year && ( <Box display="flex" justifyContent="center" alignItems="center" mb={3} sx={{ padding: '16px', borderRadius: '8px', maxWidth: '400px', margin: '0 auto', // Center the box }} > <Typography variant="h6" component="span" sx={{ fontWeight: 'bold', backgroundColor: '#3f51b5', // Background color for the "Selected Year" label color: 'white', padding: '8px 12px', borderRadius: '4px 0 0 4px', // Rounded only on the left side }} > Selected Year: </Typography> <Typography variant="h6" component="span" sx={{ fontWeight: 'bold', backgroundColor: '#ff9800', // Different background for the year itself color: 'white', padding: '8px 12px', borderRadius: '0 4px 4px 0', // Rounded only on the right side marginLeft: '4px' // Small spacing between the two sections }} > {year} </Typography> </Box> )} <Box display="flex" justifyContent="center" alignItems="center" mb={3} sx={{ padding: '16px', borderRadius: '8px', maxWidth: '400px', margin: '0 auto', // Center the box }}> <Typography variant="h6" component="span" sx={{ fontWeight: 'bold', backgroundColor: '#3f51b5', // Background color for the "Selected Year" label color: 'white', padding: '8px 12px', borderRadius: '4px 0 0 4px', // Rounded only on the left side }}>Select Type:</Typography> <select value={type} onChange={(e) => setType(} style={{ padding: '8px', fontSize: '16px' }}> {, index) => ( <option key={index} value={typeOption}>{typeOption}</option> ))} </select> </Box> <Box style={{ height: 'calc(100vh - 80px)', // Adjust height to fit in the viewport minus header/footer height width: '100%', marginBottom: '2rem' // Add margin-bottom for spacing under the map }}> <MapContainer center={[52.52, 13.405]} zoom={12} style={{ height: '100%', width: '100%' }}> <TileLayer url="https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png" /> {/* Render Nodes with Dynamic Icons and Custom Popup */} {graphData.nodes &&, index) => { const nodeType = node.type; // Adjust based on the actual data key const icon = getIconByType(nodeType); // Determine the correct icon const popupContent = node.node_label; // Adjust based on the actual data key return ( <Marker key={index} position={[node.y, node.x]} icon={icon} // Use dynamic icon based on type > <Popup> {popupContent} {/* Display the content from d3 */} </Popup> </Marker> ); })} {/* Render Edges (Polylines) */} {graphData.links &&, index) => { const sourceNode = nodeMap[edge.source]; const targetNode = nodeMap[]; const sourceCoords = parseCoordinates(sourceNode); const targetCoords = parseCoordinates(targetNode); if (!sourceCoords || !targetCoords) { console.warn('Skipping edge due to invalid coordinates:', edge); return null; } return ( <Polyline key={index} positions={[sourceCoords, targetCoords]} color="blue" weight={3} /> ); })} {/* Log number of edges added to the map */} {console.log('Edges added to the map:', graphData.links.length)} </MapContainer> </Box> </Container> ); } export default App;