From 1ee4c86e39115efd967b7e5f3dc4d897e443f893 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Konstantin Schulz <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 10:36:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] fix parameters for POST requests

 mc_backend/                             |  8 +--
 mc_backend/mcserver/               |  3 +-
 mc_backend/mcserver/               |  2 +-
 mc_backend/mcserver/app/           | 52 +++++++++++++------
 mc_backend/                           | 11 ++--
 mc_frontend/src/app/corpus.service.ts         |  7 +--
 .../               | 12 ++---
 mc_frontend/src/app/exercise.service.ts       | 10 ++--
 mc_frontend/src/app/helper.service.spec.ts    |  4 +-
 mc_frontend/src/app/helper.service.ts         | 15 ++++--
 .../src/app/semantics/       |  3 +-
 .../src/app/sequences/       |  9 ++--
 .../src/app/show-text/       |  7 +--
 mc_frontend/src/app/test/         |  5 +-
 mc_frontend/src/app/vocabulary.service.ts     |  3 +-
 15 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mc_backend/ b/mc_backend/
index 80aab64..031573d 100644
--- a/mc_backend/
+++ b/mc_backend/
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-from pathlib import Path
 import connexion
 from mcserver import get_app, get_cfg
@@ -7,5 +5,7 @@ from mcserver import get_app, get_cfg
 app: connexion.App = get_app()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-"{Path(__file__).stem}:app", host=get_cfg().HOST_IP_MCSERVER, port=get_cfg().HOST_PORT,
-            use_reloader=True)
+    # disable reloader (import_string) because it would result in multiple conflicting GraphANNIS instances
+    # exclude from watchfiles to prevent Uvicorn from running into an update/reload loop
+, port=get_cfg().HOST_PORT,
+            reload_excludes="")  # import_string=f"{Path(__file__).stem}:app",
diff --git a/mc_backend/mcserver/ b/mc_backend/mcserver/
index 53b89e2..d99c3db 100644
--- a/mc_backend/mcserver/
+++ b/mc_backend/mcserver/
@@ -20,5 +20,4 @@ def get_cfg() -> Type[Config]:
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    # reloader has to be disabled because of a bug with Flask and multiprocessing
-    get_app().run(host=get_cfg().HOST_IP_MCSERVER, port=get_cfg().HOST_PORT, use_reloader=False)
+    get_app().run(host=get_cfg().HOST_IP_MCSERVER, port=get_cfg().HOST_PORT)
diff --git a/mc_backend/mcserver/ b/mc_backend/mcserver/
index 08ecbc7..dc21b63 100644
--- a/mc_backend/mcserver/
+++ b/mc_backend/mcserver/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 from mcserver import get_app, get_cfg
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    get_app().run(host=get_cfg().HOST_IP_MCSERVER, port=get_cfg().HOST_PORT, use_reloader=False)
+    get_app().run(host=get_cfg().HOST_IP_MCSERVER, port=get_cfg().HOST_PORT)
diff --git a/mc_backend/mcserver/app/ b/mc_backend/mcserver/app/
index 7089358..034b3fe 100644
--- a/mc_backend/mcserver/app/
+++ b/mc_backend/mcserver/app/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import uuid
 from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
 from threading import Thread
 from time import strftime
-from typing import Type
+from typing import Type, List
 import connexion
 import open_alchemy
 import prance
@@ -27,6 +27,14 @@ from starlette.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
 from mcserver.config import Config
+class Specification:
+    def __init__(self, content: dict = None, models_last_modified_time: float = 0,
+                 api_last_modified_time: float = 0):
+        self.content: dict = content
+        self.models_last_modified_time: float = models_last_modified_time
+        self.api_last_modified_time: float = api_last_modified_time
 def apply_event_handlers(app: FlaskApp):
     """Applies event handlers to a given Flask application, such as logging after requests or teardown logic."""
@@ -102,29 +110,44 @@ def full_init(app: Flask, cfg: Type[Config] = Config) -> None:
-def get_api_specification() -> dict:
+def get_api_last_modified_time() -> float:
+    """Checks when the API specification was last modified."""
+    return os.path.getmtime(Config.API_SPEC_MCSERVER_FILE_PATH)
+def get_api_specification() -> Specification:
     """ Reads, parses and caches the OpenAPI specification including all shared models. """
     parser: prance.ResolvingParser = prance.ResolvingParser(Config.API_SPEC_MCSERVER_FILE_PATH, lazy=True, strict=False)
-    api_last_modified_time: float = os.path.getmtime(Config.API_SPEC_MCSERVER_FILE_PATH)
-    models_last_modified_time: float = os.path.getmtime(Config.API_SPEC_MODELS_YAML_FILE_PATH)
-    lmt: float = api_last_modified_time + models_last_modified_time
+    spec: Specification = Specification(api_last_modified_time=get_api_last_modified_time(),
+                                        models_last_modified_time=get_models_last_modified_time())
     if os.path.exists(Config.API_SPEC_CACHE_PATH):
         with open(Config.API_SPEC_CACHE_PATH, "rb") as f:
-            cache: dict = pickle.load(f)
-            if cache["lmt"] == lmt:
-                parser.specification = cache["spec"]
-    if not parser.specification:
+            content: dict = pickle.load(f)
+            # check for old data to enable backward compatibility
+            if "lmt" not in content.keys():
+                cached_spec: Specification = Specification(content)
+                cached_time: List[float] = [cached_spec.api_last_modified_time, cached_spec.models_last_modified_time]
+                new_time: List[float] = [spec.api_last_modified_time, spec.models_last_modified_time]
+                if cached_time == new_time:
+                    spec.content = cached_spec.content
+    if spec.content is None:
+        spec.content = parser.specification
     with open(Config.API_SPEC_CACHE_PATH, "wb+") as f:
-        pickle.dump(dict(lmt=lmt, spec=parser.specification), f)
-    return parser.specification
+        pickle.dump(spec.__dict__, f)
+    return spec
+def get_models_last_modified_time() -> float:
+    """Checks when the model specification was last modified."""
+    return os.path.getmtime(Config.API_SPEC_MODELS_YAML_FILE_PATH)
 def init_app_common(cfg: Type[Config] = Config) -> connexion.App:
     """ Initializes common Flask parts, e.g., CORS, configuration, database, migrations and custom corpora."""
     connexion_app: connexion.FlaskApp = connexion.FlaskApp(__name__)  # , specification_dir=Config.MC_SERVER_DIRECTORY
-    spec: dict = get_api_specification()
-    connexion_app.add_api(spec)
+    spec: Specification = get_api_specification()
+    connexion_app.add_api(spec.content)
     app: Flask =
     # allow CORS requests for all API routes
@@ -201,8 +224,7 @@ if not hasattr(open_alchemy.models, Config.DATABASE_TABLE_CORPUS):
     # initialize the database and models _BEFORE_ you add any APIs to your application
     init_yaml(Config.API_SPEC_MODELS_YAML_FILE_PATH, base=db.Model,
               models_filename=os.path.join(Config.MC_SERVER_DIRECTORY, ""))
-# import the models so we can access them from other parts of the app using imports from "app.models";
+# import the models, so we can access them from other parts of the app using imports from "app.models";
 # this has to be at the bottom of the file
 from import models
 from import api
diff --git a/mc_backend/ b/mc_backend/
index 3fee1da..e949e2d 100644
--- a/mc_backend/
+++ b/mc_backend/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from sqlalchemy.orm import session
 import mcserver
 from import create_app, db, start_updater, full_init, log_exception, get_api_specification, \
-    init_app_common, create_postgres_database
+    init_app_common, create_postgres_database, Specification, get_models_last_modified_time, get_api_last_modified_time
 from import map_exercise_data_to_database, get_graph_data
 from import clean_tmp_folder
 from import get_remote_exercise
@@ -699,17 +699,16 @@ class CommonTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_get_api_specification(self):
         """ Reads, parses and caches the OpenAPI specification including all shared models. """
-        spec: dict = get_api_specification()
+        spec: Specification = get_api_specification()
         with patch.object(, "parse"):
         # restore the old cache, so that other unit tests can be initialized faster
-        api_last_modified_time: float = os.path.getmtime(Config.API_SPEC_MCSERVER_FILE_PATH)
-        models_last_modified_time: float = os.path.getmtime(Config.API_SPEC_MODELS_YAML_FILE_PATH)
-        lmt: float = api_last_modified_time + models_last_modified_time
+        spec.api_last_modified_time = get_api_last_modified_time()
+        spec.models_last_modified_time = get_models_last_modified_time()
         with open(Config.API_SPEC_CACHE_PATH, "wb+") as f:
-            pickle.dump(dict(lmt=lmt, spec=spec), f)
+            pickle.dump(spec.__dict__, f)
     def test_get_concept_network(self):
         """Extracts a network of words from vector data in an AI model."""
diff --git a/mc_frontend/src/app/corpus.service.ts b/mc_frontend/src/app/corpus.service.ts
index 60eb9ce..e937936 100644
--- a/mc_frontend/src/app/corpus.service.ts
+++ b/mc_frontend/src/app/corpus.service.ts
@@ -170,11 +170,8 @@ export class CorpusService {
             const rtfe: RawTextFormExtension = {
                 plain_text: this.currentText,
-            const formData: FormData = new FormData();
-            Object.keys(rtfe).forEach((key: string) => {
-                formData.append(key, rtfe[key].toString());
-            });
-            this.helperService.makePostRequest(this.http, this.toastCtrl, url, formData).then((ar: AnnisResponse) => {
+            const body: HttpParams = this.helperService.getFormForPostRequest(rtfe);
+            this.helperService.makePostRequest(this.http, this.toastCtrl, url, body).then((ar: AnnisResponse) => {
                 return resolve(ar);
             }, (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
                 return reject(error);
diff --git a/mc_frontend/src/app/exercise-parameters/ b/mc_frontend/src/app/exercise-parameters/
index df90bae..32973ab 100644
--- a/mc_frontend/src/app/exercise-parameters/
+++ b/mc_frontend/src/app/exercise-parameters/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import {
 } from '../models/enum';
 import {NavController, ToastController} from '@ionic/angular';
-import {HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http';
+import {HttpClient, HttpParams} from '@angular/common/http';
 import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
 import {TranslateService} from '@ngx-translate/core';
 import {ExerciseService} from 'src/app/exercise.service';
@@ -132,10 +132,7 @@ export class ExerciseParametersPage implements OnInit {
     getH5Pexercise(ef: ExerciseForm): Promise<void> {
         return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
             const url: string = configMC.backendBaseUrl + configMC.backendApiExercisePath;
-            const formData = new FormData();
-            Object.keys(ef).forEach((key: string) => {
-                formData.append(key, ef[key]);
-            });
+            const formData: HttpParams = this.helperService.getFormForPostRequest(ef);
             this.helperService.makePostRequest(this.http, this.toastCtrl, url, formData).then((ar: AnnisResponse) => {
                 this.helperService.applicationState.pipe(take(1)).subscribe((as: ApplicationState) => {
                     as.previewAnnisResponse = this.corpusService.previewAnnisResponse = ar;
@@ -157,11 +154,8 @@ export class ExerciseParametersPage implements OnInit {
                 search_values: searchValues,
                 urn: this.corpusService.currentUrn
-            const formData = new FormData();
-            Object.keys(kf).forEach((key: string) => {
-                formData.append(key, kf[key]);
-            });
             const kwicUrl: string = configMC.backendBaseUrl + configMC.backendApiKwicPath;
+            const formData: HttpParams = this.helperService.getFormForPostRequest(kf);
             this.helperService.makePostRequest(this.http, this.toastCtrl, kwicUrl, formData).then((svgString: string) => {
                 this.exerciseService.kwicGraphs = svgString;
                 this.helperService.goToPage(this.navCtrl, configMC.pageUrlKwic).then();
diff --git a/mc_frontend/src/app/exercise.service.ts b/mc_frontend/src/app/exercise.service.ts
index 4a944e1..cf384dd 100644
--- a/mc_frontend/src/app/exercise.service.ts
+++ b/mc_frontend/src/app/exercise.service.ts
@@ -137,12 +137,9 @@ export class ExerciseService {
                 lang: this.currentExerciseParams.language.toString(),
                 solution_indices: indices
-            const formData: FormData = new FormData();
-            Object.keys(h5pForm).forEach((key: string) => {
-                formData.append(key, h5pForm[key].toString());
-            });
-            const options = {responseType: 'blob' as const};
+            const options: object = {responseType: 'blob' as const};
             const errorMsg: string = HelperService.generalErrorAlertMessage;
+            const formData: HttpParams = this.helperService.getFormForPostRequest(h5pForm);
             this.helperService.makePostRequest(this.http, this.toastCtrl, url, formData, errorMsg, options)
                 .then((result: Blob) => {
                     const fileName = this.currentExerciseParams.type + '.h5p';
@@ -338,8 +335,7 @@ export class ExerciseService {
     sendData(result: TestResultMC): Promise<void> {
         return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
             const fileUrl: string = configMC.backendBaseUrl + configMC.backendApiFilePath;
-            const formData = new FormData();
-            formData.append('learning_result', JSON.stringify({0: result.statement}));
+            const formData: HttpParams = new HttpParams().set('learning_result', JSON.stringify({0: result.statement}));
             this.helperService.makePostRequest(this.http, this.toastCtrl, fileUrl, formData, '').then(() => {
                 return resolve();
             }, () => {
diff --git a/mc_frontend/src/app/helper.service.spec.ts b/mc_frontend/src/app/helper.service.spec.ts
index e9fb48b..90fe76d 100644
--- a/mc_frontend/src/app/helper.service.spec.ts
+++ b/mc_frontend/src/app/helper.service.spec.ts
@@ -209,11 +209,11 @@ describe('HelperService', () => {
         const toastCtrl: ToastController = TestBed.inject(ToastController);
         spyOn(toastCtrl, 'create').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({present: () => Promise.resolve()} as HTMLIonToastElement));
         const httpSpy: Spy = spyOn(helperService.http, 'post').and.returnValue(of(0));
-        helperService.makePostRequest(helperService.http, toastCtrl, '', new FormData()).then((result: number) => {
+        helperService.makePostRequest(helperService.http, toastCtrl, '', new HttpParams()).then((result: number) => {
             httpSpy.and.returnValue(new Observable(subscriber => subscriber.error(new HttpErrorResponse({status: 500}))));
-            helperService.makePostRequest(helperService.http, toastCtrl, '', new FormData()).then(() => {
+            helperService.makePostRequest(helperService.http, toastCtrl, '', new HttpParams()).then(() => {
             }, (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
diff --git a/mc_frontend/src/app/helper.service.ts b/mc_frontend/src/app/helper.service.ts
index 16e666b..0cd656a 100644
--- a/mc_frontend/src/app/helper.service.ts
+++ b/mc_frontend/src/app/helper.service.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* tslint:disable:no-string-literal */
-import {HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse, HttpParams} from '@angular/common/http';
+import {HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse, HttpHeaders, HttpParams} from '@angular/common/http';
 import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
 import {NavController, ToastController} from '@ionic/angular';
 import {ApplicationState} from 'src/app/models/applicationState';
@@ -207,6 +207,14 @@ export class HelperService {
+    getFormForPostRequest(form: object): HttpParams {
+        let params: HttpParams = new HttpParams();
+        Object.keys(form).forEach((key: string) => {
+            params = params.set(key, form[key]);
+        });
+        return params;
+    }
     getH5P(): any {
         return H5P;
@@ -324,12 +332,13 @@ export class HelperService {
-    makePostRequest(http: HttpClient, toastCtrl: ToastController, url: string, formData: FormData,
+    makePostRequest(http: HttpClient, toastCtrl: ToastController, url: string, body: HttpParams,
                     errorMessage: string = HelperService.generalErrorAlertMessage, options: any = {}): Promise<any> {
         return new Promise(((resolve, reject) => {
             this.currentError = null;
-  , formData, options).subscribe((result: any) => {
+            options.headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
+  , body, options).subscribe((result: any) => {
                 this.openRequests.splice(this.openRequests.indexOf(url), 1);
                 return resolve(result);
             }, async (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
diff --git a/mc_frontend/src/app/semantics/ b/mc_frontend/src/app/semantics/
index 98f13e3..bf6e74b 100644
--- a/mc_frontend/src/app/semantics/
+++ b/mc_frontend/src/app/semantics/
@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ export class SemanticsPage implements AfterViewInit {
                 search_regex: this.searchRegex,
                 nearest_neighbor_count: Math.max(Math.round(this.nearestNeighborCount), 1)
-            const formData: FormData = new FormData();
-            Object.keys(vnf).forEach((key: string) => formData.append(key, vnf[key]));
+            const formData: HttpParams = this.helperService.getFormForPostRequest(vnf);
             const semanticsUrl: string = configMC.backendBaseUrl + configMC.backendApiVectorNetworkPath;
             this.similarContexts = [];
             this.helperService.makePostRequest(this.http, this.toastCtrl, semanticsUrl, formData).then((contexts: string[][]) => {
diff --git a/mc_frontend/src/app/sequences/ b/mc_frontend/src/app/sequences/
index e283b72..045b583 100644
--- a/mc_frontend/src/app/sequences/
+++ b/mc_frontend/src/app/sequences/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import {NavController, ToastController} from '@ionic/angular';
 import configMC from '../../configMC';
 import {ExerciseTypePath, ZenodoRecord} from '../../../openapi';
 import {ExerciseService} from '../exercise.service';
-import {HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http';
+import {HttpClient, HttpParams} from '@angular/common/http';
 import {ZenodoRecordMC} from '../models/zenodoRecordMC';
 import {ExerciseParams} from '../models/exerciseParams';
 import {TranslateService} from '@ngx-translate/core';
@@ -86,11 +86,8 @@ export class SequencesPage implements OnInit {
             } else {
                 const url: string = configMC.backendBaseUrl + configMC.backendApiZenodoPath;
                 const zenodoForm: ZenodoForm = {record_id: +zr.record.identifier[0].split('.').slice(-1)[0]};
-                const formData: FormData = new FormData();
-                Object.keys(zenodoForm).forEach((key: string) => {
-                    formData.append(key, zenodoForm[key]);
-                });
-                this.helperService.makePostRequest(this.http, this.toastCtrl, url, formData).then((uris: string[]) => {
+                const params: HttpParams = this.helperService.getFormForPostRequest(zenodoForm);
+                this.helperService.makePostRequest(this.http, this.toastCtrl, url, params).then((uris: string[]) => {
                     zr.fileURIs = uris;
                     zr.showFiles = !zr.showFiles;
                     return resolve();
diff --git a/mc_frontend/src/app/show-text/ b/mc_frontend/src/app/show-text/
index 12f4da3..9cb4ab5 100644
--- a/mc_frontend/src/app/show-text/
+++ b/mc_frontend/src/app/show-text/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import {VocabularyService} from 'src/app/vocabulary.service';
 import {ExerciseService} from 'src/app/exercise.service';
 import {HelperService} from 'src/app/helper.service';
 import {TranslateService} from '@ngx-translate/core';
-import {HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http';
+import {HttpClient, HttpParams} from '@angular/common/http';
 import {CorpusMC} from '../models/corpusMC';
 import {take} from 'rxjs/operators';
 import configMC from '../../configMC';
@@ -64,13 +64,10 @@ export class ShowTextPage implements OnInit {
             this.corpusService.currentCorpus.pipe(take(1)).subscribe((cc: CorpusMC) => {
                 const authorTitle: string = + ', ' + cc.title;
                 content = `<p>${authorTitle} ${this.corpusService.currentUrn.split(':').slice(-1)[0]}</p>` + content;
-                const formData = new FormData();
                 const ff: FileForm = {
                     file_type: fileType as FileType, html_content: content, urn: this.corpusService.currentUrn
-                Object.keys(ff).forEach((key: string) => {
-                    formData.append(key, ff[key]);
-                });
+                let formData: HttpParams = this.helperService.getFormForPostRequest(ff);
                 const url: string = configMC.backendBaseUrl + configMC.backendApiFilePath;
                 this.isDownloading = true;
                 this.helperService.makePostRequest(this.http, this.toastCtrl, url, formData)
diff --git a/mc_frontend/src/app/test/ b/mc_frontend/src/app/test/
index ec013f8..e07042c 100644
--- a/mc_frontend/src/app/test/
+++ b/mc_frontend/src/app/test/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import {ConfirmCancelPage} from 'src/app/confirm-cancel/';
 import {ExercisePart} from 'src/app/models/exercisePart';
 import Activity from 'src/app/models/xAPI/Activity';
 import LanguageMap from 'src/app/models/xAPI/LanguageMap';
-import {HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http';
+import {HttpClient, HttpParams} from '@angular/common/http';
 import Context from 'src/app/models/xAPI/Context';
 import {TestResultMC} from 'src/app/models/testResultMC';
 import {ExerciseService} from 'src/app/exercise.service';
@@ -380,12 +380,11 @@ export class TestPage implements OnDestroy, OnInit {
                 return resolve();
             const fileUrl: string = configMC.backendBaseUrl + configMC.backendApiFilePath;
-            const formData = new FormData();
             // tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-const
             let learningResult: object = {};
                 .forEach(i => learningResult[i] = this.vocService.currentTestResults[i].statement);
-            formData.append('learning_result', JSON.stringify(learningResult));
+            const formData: HttpParams = new HttpParams().set('learning_result', JSON.stringify(learningResult));
             this.helperService.makePostRequest(this.http, this.toastCtrl, fileUrl, formData).then(async () => {
                 this.wasDataSent = true;
                 this.helperService.showToast(this.toastCtrl, this.corpusService.dataSentSuccessMessage).then();
diff --git a/mc_frontend/src/app/vocabulary.service.ts b/mc_frontend/src/app/vocabulary.service.ts
index c995037..97d6888 100644
--- a/mc_frontend/src/app/vocabulary.service.ts
+++ b/mc_frontend/src/app/vocabulary.service.ts
@@ -103,8 +103,7 @@ export class VocabularyService implements OnInit {
                 query_urn: queryUrn,
                 vocabulary: this.currentReferenceVocabulary
-            const formData: FormData = new FormData();
-            Object.keys(vf).forEach((key: string) => formData.append(key, vf[key]));
+            let formData: HttpParams = this.helperService.getFormForPostRequest(vf);
             this.helperService.makePostRequest(this.http, this.toastCtrl, url, formData).then((result: AnnisResponse) => {
                 return resolve(result);
             }, (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {