diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d041ca04683b2723cc8bd58dff230aab27879999..6bb3398cacc5bf11aaa232289429dea97a7ba0a6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 ### Docker
 1. Install Docker (https://docs.docker.com/v17.12/install/) and
-   Docker-Compose (https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/).
+   Docker Compose (https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/).
 2. Clone the repository:
    `git clone https://scm.cms.hu-berlin.de/callidus/machina-callida.git`.
 3. Move to the newly created folder:
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ For installation via command line, see the respective subdirectories (`mc_fronte
 ### Access to the Docker container
-Use `docker-compose down` to stop and remove the currently running containers.
+Use `docker compose down` to stop and remove the currently running containers.
 To access a running container directly, get the container ID via `docker ps` and connect
 via `docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash`.
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ To update the changelog, use: `git log --oneline --decorate > CHANGELOG`
 ### Locally
 To test your code locally, run `./coverage_local.sh` (all components)
-or `docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint="./coverage_backend.sh" mcserver` (only backend).
+or `docker compose run --rm --entrypoint="./coverage_backend.sh" mcserver` (only backend).
 To test the GitLab CI locally, run `gitlab-runner exec docker --docker-privileged --env CI_REGISTRY_USER=YOUR_USERNAME JOB_NAME`. 
 Do not forget to insert your actual GitLab username. The `JOB_NAME` should be replaced by an actual job name from the 
diff --git a/coverage_local.sh b/coverage_local.sh
index a052db9456f00924fa1f50789b203a7a8caa31b2..7ad333e87cd8940e99a8c687aab86b043d928b47 100755
--- a/coverage_local.sh
+++ b/coverage_local.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-docker-compose build
-docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint="npm run test-ci" mc_frontend > ci_frontend.log
-docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint="./coverage_backend.sh" mcserver > ci_backend.log
+docker compose build
+docker compose run --rm --entrypoint="npm run test-ci" mc_frontend > ci_frontend.log
+docker compose run --rm --entrypoint="./coverage_backend.sh" mcserver > ci_backend.log
 cat coverage.log
diff --git a/deploy.sh b/deploy.sh
index cf349bd7957da6156032c68d63ece7d176480033..60d6c8dd090723ead7decf4156bba6ad9ad0bc42 100755
--- a/deploy.sh
+++ b/deploy.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 python3 ./mc_frontend/update_version.py
-docker-compose build
-docker-compose down
-docker-compose up -d
+docker compose build
+docker compose down
+docker compose up -d
diff --git a/mc_backend/README.md b/mc_backend/README.md
index b75a781433915887cb9ede4b7ce046908662fe4f..52a7944a2e70180e917bc4fb84d2fa480b3424c0 100644
--- a/mc_backend/README.md
+++ b/mc_backend/README.md
 # Dependencies
 To update outdated dependencies, find the relevant ones by running: `pip list -o`
+Then, for each of the listed dependencies, run: `pip install -U <DEPENDENCY_NAME>`
 Then, for each of the listed dependencies, run: `pip install -U <DEPENDENCY_NAME>`
 Or combine both commands in one line: `pip list -o --format=freeze | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1  | xargs -n1 pip install -U`
@@ -33,13 +34,13 @@ Or combine both commands in one line: `pip list -o --format=freeze | grep -v '^\
 # Database
 To autogenerate a new migration script:
-1. Start the Docker container with the database: `docker-compose up -p 5432:5432 -d db`
+1. Start the Docker container with the database: `docker compose up -p 5432:5432 -d db`
 2. Create a new migration: `flask db migrate`.
 3. Perform a migration... 
     - ... to a newer version: `flask db upgrade`.
     - ... to an older version: `flask db downgrade`.
     - If it does nothing or fails, make sure that the environment variable FLASK_APP is set correctly (see https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/cli/): `export FLASK_APP=app.py`
-5. To finish the process, shut down the database container: `docker-compose down`
+5. To finish the process, shut down the database container: `docker compose down`
diff --git a/mc_backend/mcserver/app/services/customCorpusService.py b/mc_backend/mcserver/app/services/customCorpusService.py
index a00b0c7a26daedbc323f467216fb11e3df11b02c..15b5dde2953b60d2a7db0713d0c993e04b0d5775 100644
--- a/mc_backend/mcserver/app/services/customCorpusService.py
+++ b/mc_backend/mcserver/app/services/customCorpusService.py
@@ -292,13 +292,13 @@ class CustomCorpusService:
             if len(cc.text_parts) == 0 or cc.text_parts[-1].citation.label != citation_parts[0]:
-                                               label=citation_parts[0], value=len(cc.text_parts) + 1)))
+                                               label=citation_parts[0], value=int(citation_parts[0]))))
             target_text_parts: List[TextPart] = cc.text_parts[-1].sub_text_parts
             if cc.corpus.citation_level_2 != CitationLevel.default.value and (
                     len(target_text_parts) == 0 or target_text_parts[-1].citation.label != citation_parts[1]):
-                                               label=citation_parts[1], value=len(target_text_parts) + 1)))
+                                               label=citation_parts[1], value=int(citation_parts[1]))))
             target_text_parts = cc.text_parts[-1].sub_text_parts[-1].sub_text_parts
             if cc.corpus.citation_level_3 != CitationLevel.default.value:
                 if len(citation_parts) < 3:
diff --git a/mc_backend/tests.py b/mc_backend/tests.py
index 9f8bc1d035830640d5342eb4ebdcb688409ca19e..07436b00f304b7dd6b4ca8b92ec2cc8cacbc18dd 100644
--- a/mc_backend/tests.py
+++ b/mc_backend/tests.py
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ from mcserver.app.api.zenodoAPI import remove_older_versions
 from mcserver.app.models import ResourceType, FileType, ExerciseType, ExerciseData, \
     NodeMC, LinkMC, GraphData, Phenomenon, CustomCorpus, AnnisResponse, Solution, DownloadableFile, Language, \
     VocabularyCorpus, TextComplexityMeasure, CitationLevel, FrequencyItem, Choice, XapiStatement, ExerciseMC, \
-    CorpusMC, make_solution_element_from_salt_id, Sentence, ReferenceableText, Dependency, PartOfSpeech
+    CorpusMC, make_solution_element_from_salt_id, Sentence, ReferenceableText, Dependency, PartOfSpeech, Citation
 from mcserver.app.services import AnnotationService, CorpusService, FileService, CustomCorpusService, \
     DatabaseService, XMLservice, TextService, FrequencyService, ExerciseService, TextComplexityService, NetworkService
 from mcserver.config import TestingConfig, Config, DevelopmentConfig
@@ -1169,6 +1169,12 @@ class CorpusTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
             self.assertEqual(len(cc.text_parts), 1)
             cc.text_parts = []
+    def test_init_custom_corpus_caesar_proiel(self):
+        """ Checks the consistency of citations for text parts from messy parts of the treebank. """
+        cc: CustomCorpus = CustomCorpusService.init_custom_corpus(CustomCorpusService.custom_corpora[0])
+        target_citation: Citation = cc.text_parts[5].sub_text_parts[19].sub_text_parts[1].citation
+        self.assertEqual(target_citation.value, int(target_citation.label))
     def test_init_custom_corpus_commentariolus(self):
         """ Initializes the citation system for Copernicus' Commentariolus. """
         cc: CustomCorpus = CustomCorpusService.get_custom_corpus_by_urn(