components: parameters: EidParam: name: eid in: query description: Unique identifier (UUID) for the exercise. required: true schema: type: string example: 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 LangParam: name: lang in: query description: ISO 639-1 Language Code for the localization of exercise content. required: true schema: type: string example: en SolutionIndicesParam: name: solution_indices in: query description: Indices for the solutions that should be included in the download. required: false schema: type: array items: type: integer example: 0 default: [] UrnParam: name: urn in: query description: CTS URN for referencing the corpus. required: true schema: type: string example: urn:cts:latinLit:phi1254.phi001.perseus-lat2:5.6.21-5.6.21 schemas: AnnisResponse: description: A response with graph data from ANNIS, possibly with additional data for exercises. type: object properties: exercise_id: type: string description: Unique identifier (UUID) for the exercise. example: 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 default: "" exercise_type: type: string description: Type of exercise, concerning interaction and layout. example: ddwtos default: "" frequency_analysis: type: array description: List of items with frequency data for linguistic phenomena. items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FrequencyItem" default: [] graph_data: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GraphData" solutions: type: array description: Correct solutions for this exercise. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Solution' default: [] text_complexity: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TextComplexity' uri: type: string description: URI for accessing the exercise in this API. example: /mc/api/v1.0/file/fd97630c-1f5a-4102-af56-20eb0babdfee default: "" Corpus: description: Collection of texts. type: object x-tablename: Corpus properties: author: type: string description: Author of the texts in the corpus. example: Aulus Gellius default: "Anonymus" nullable: false cid: type: integer description: Unique identifier for the corpus. example: 1 x-primary-key: true x-autoincrement: true citation_level_1: type: string description: First level for citing the corpus. example: Book default: default citation_level_2: type: string description: Second level for citing the corpus. example: Chapter default: default citation_level_3: type: string description: Third level for citing the corpus. example: Section default: default source_urn: type: string description: CTS base URN for referencing the corpus. example: urn:cts:latinLit:phi1254.phi001.perseus-lat2 x-unique: true title: type: string description: Corpus title. example: Noctes Atticae nullable: false default: Anonymus required: - source_urn Exercise: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/ExerciseBase" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/ExerciseExtension" - description: Data for creating and evaluating interactive exercises. type: object x-tablename: Exercise properties: exercise_type_translation: type: string description: Localized expression of the exercise type. example: Cloze default: "" ExerciseBase: description: Base data for creating and evaluating interactive exercises. type: object properties: correct_feedback: type: string description: Feedback for successful completion of the exercise. example: Well done! default: "" general_feedback: type: string description: Feedback for finishing the exercise. example: You have finished the exercise. default: "" incorrect_feedback: type: string description: Feedback for failing to complete the exercise successfully. example: Unfortunately, that answer is wrong. default: "" instructions: type: string description: Hints for how to complete the exercise. example: Fill in the gaps! default: "" language: type: string description: ISO 639-1 Language Code for the localization of exercise content. example: en default: de partially_correct_feedback: type: string description: Feedback for successfully completing certain parts of the exercise. example: Some parts of this answer are correct. default: "" search_values: type: string description: Search queries that were used to build the exercise. example: "['upostag=noun', 'dependency=object']" default: "[]" work_author: type: string description: Name of the person who wrote the base text for the exercise. example: C. Iulius Caesar default: "" work_title: type: string description: Title of the base text for the exercise. example: Noctes Atticae default: "" required: - instructions - search_values ExerciseExtension: description: Additional data for creating and evaluating interactive exercises. type: object properties: conll: type: string description: CONLL-formatted linguistic annotations represented as a single string. example: \# newdoc id = ...\n# sent_id = 1\n# text = Caesar fortis est.\n1\tCaesar\tCaeso\tVERB ... default: "" nullable: false eid: type: string description: Unique identifier (UUID) for the exercise. example: 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 x-primary-key: true exercise_type: type: string description: Type of exercise, concerning interaction and layout. example: markWords default: "" nullable: false last_access_time: type: number format: float description: When the exercise was last accessed (as POSIX timestamp). example: 1234567.789 x-index: true solutions: type: string description: Correct solutions for the exercise. example: "[{'target': {'sentence_id': 1, 'token_id': 7, 'salt_id': 'salt:/urn:...', 'content': 'eo'}, 'value': {'sentence_id': 0, 'token_id': 0, 'content': None, 'salt_id': 'salt:/urn:...'}}]" default: "[]" nullable: false text_complexity: type: number format: float description: Overall text complexity as measured by the software's internal language analysis. example: 54.53 default: 0 urn: type: string description: CTS URN for the text passage from which the exercise was created. example: urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-lat2:1.1.1-1.1.1 default: "" nullable: false required: - eid - last_access_time ExerciseForm: x-body-name: exercise_data type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExerciseBase' - description: Additional exercise data. type: object properties: type: type: string description: Type of exercise, concerning interaction and layout. example: markWords type_translation: type: string description: Localized expression of the exercise type. example: Cloze default: "" urn: type: string description: CTS URN for the text passage from which the exercise was created. example: urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-lat2:1.1.1-1.1.1 required: - type - urn FileType: type: string enum: [docx, json, pdf, xml] description: File format for the requested serialization. example: pdf FrequencyItem: type: object properties: count: type: integer description: How often the given combination of values occurred. example: 1 default: 0 phenomena: type: array description: Labels for the linguistic phenomena described in this frequency entry. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Phenomenon' default: [] values: type: array description: Values for the phenomena described in this frequency entry. items: type: string example: "" default: [] GraphData: type: object description: Nodes, edges and metadata for a graph. properties: directed: type: boolean description: Whether edges in the returned graph are directed. example: true graph: type: object description: Additional graph data. example: {} links: type: array description: List of edges for the graph. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Link' multigraph: type: boolean description: Whether the graph consists of multiple subgraphs. example: true nodes: type: array description: List of nodes for the graph. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NodeMC' required: - links - nodes KwicForm: x-body-name: kwic_data type: object description: Relevant parameters for creating a Keyword In Context view. properties: search_values: type: string description: Search queries that were used to build the exercise. example: "['upostag=noun', 'dependency=object']" default: "[]" urn: type: string description: CTS URN for the text passage from which the KWIC view should be generated. example: urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-lat2:1.1.1-1.1.1 ctx_left: type: integer description: Number of tokens that should be given as context on the left side of a target. example: 5 ctx_right: type: integer description: Number of tokens that should be given as context on the right side of a target. example: 5 required: - ctx_left - ctx_right - search_values - urn LearningResult: description: Learner data for completed exercises. type: object x-tablename: LearningResult properties: actor_account_name: type: string description: H5P user ID, usually unique per device. example: ebea3f3e-7410-4215-b34d-c1417f7c7c18 default: "" actor_object_type: type: string description: Describes the kind of object that was recognized as actor. example: Agent default: "" category_id: type: string description: Link to the exercise type specification. example: default: "" category_object_type: type: string description: Describes the kind of object that was recognized as exercise. example: Activity default: "" choices: type: string description: JSON string containing a list of possible choices, each with ID and description. example: "[{'id':'2','description':{'en-US':'Quintus ist bei allen in der Provinz beliebt.\n'}},{'id':'3','description':{'en-US':'Asia ist eine unbekannte Provinz.\n'}}]" default: "[]" completion: type: boolean description: Whether the exercise was fully processed or not. example: true correct_responses_pattern: type: string description: JSON string containing a list of possible solutions to the exercise, given as patterns of answers. example: "['0[,]1[,]2']" created_time: type: number format: float description: When the learner data was received (POSIX timestamp). example: 1234567.789 x-index: true x-primary-key: true duration: type: string description: How many seconds it took a learner to complete the exercise. example: PT9.19S default: "PT0S" extensions: type: string description: JSON string containing a mapping of keys and values (usually the local content ID, i.e. a versioning mechanism). example: "{'':1}" default: "{}" interaction_type: type: string description: Exercise type. example: choice default: "" object_definition_description: type: string description: Exercise content, possibly including instructions. example: "Bestimme die Form von custodem im Satz: Urbs custodem non tyrannum, domus hospitem non expilatorem recepit.\n" object_definition_type: type: string description: Type of object definition that is presented to the user. example: default: "" object_object_type: type: string description: Type of object that is presented to the user. example: Activity default: "" response: type: string description: Answer provided by the user, possibly as a pattern. example: His in rebus[,]sociis[,]civibus[,]rei publicae score_max: type: integer description: Maximum possible score to be achieved in this exercise. example: 1 score_min: type: integer description: Minimum score to be achieved in this exercise. example: 0 score_raw: type: integer description: Score that was actually achieved by the user in this exercise. example: 1 score_scaled: type: number format: float description: Relative score (between 0 and 1) that was actually achieved by the user in this exercise. example: 0.8889 default: 0 success: type: boolean description: Whether the exercise was successfully completed or not. example: true verb_display: type: string description: Type of action that was performed by the user. example: answered default: "" verb_id: type: string description: Link to the type of action that was performed by the user. example: default: "" required: - completion - correct_responses_pattern - created_time - object_definition_description - response - score_max - score_min - score_raw - success Link: type: object properties: annis_component_name: type: string description: Component name as given by ANNIS. example: dep annis_component_type: type: string description: Component type as given by ANNIS. example: Pointing source: type: string description: ID of the source node for the edge. example: salt:/ target: type: string description: ID of the target node for the edge. example: salt:/ udep_deprel: type: string description: Dependency relation described by the edge. example: "det" MatchingExercise: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/ExerciseBase" - $ref: "#/components/schemas/ExerciseExtension" - description: Extra data for comparison with a reference vocabulary. type: object properties: exercise_type_translation: type: string description: Localized expression of the exercise type. example: Cloze matching_degree: type: number format: float description: Percentage of words in the exercise that match a reference vocabulary. example: 76.34 NearestNeighborCount: type: integer description: Number of nearest neighbors that should be considered for each target node in a graph analysis. example: 50 default: 0 NodeMC: type: object properties: annis_node_name: type: string description: Node name as given by ANNIS. example: "" annis_node_type: type: string description: Node type as given by ANNIS. example: "node" annis_tok: type: string description: Raw word form as given by ANNIS. example: "Galliae" annis_type: type: string description: Node type as given by ANNIS (?). example: "node" id: type: string description: Unique identifier for the node in the SALT model. example: "salt:/" is_oov: type: boolean description: Whether the raw word form is missing in a given vocabulary. example: true udep_lemma: type: string description: Lemmatized word form. example: "Gallia" udep_upostag: type: string description: Universal part of speech tag for the word form. example: "PROPN" udep_xpostag: type: string description: Language-specific part of speech tag for the word form. example: "Ne" udep_feats: type: string description: Additional morphological information. example: "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing" solution: type: string description: Solution value for this node in an exercise. example: "" Phenomenon: type: string enum: [dependency, feats, lemma, upostag] description: "Linguistic phenomena: syntactic dependencies, morphological features, lemmata, parts of speech." example: upostag SearchRegex: type: string description: Regular expression for a textual search. example: ver[aoe] Sentence: type: object description: Sentence with metadata properties: id: type: integer description: Unique identifier (in the corpus). example: 1 matching_degree: type: number format: float description: Percentage of words in the sentence that match a reference vocabulary. example: 76.34 Solution: type: object description: Correct solution for an exercise. properties: target: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SolutionElement' value: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SolutionElement' SolutionElement: type: object description: Target or value of a correct solution for an exercise. properties: content: type: string description: Content of the solution element. example: unam salt_id: type: string description: Unique identifier for the node in the SALT model. example: salt:/ sentence_id: type: integer description: Unique identifier for the sentence in a corpus. example: 52548 token_id: type: integer description: Unique identifier for the token in a sentence. example: 9 required: - sentence_id - token_id StaticExercise: type: object description: Metadata for a static exercise. properties: solutions: type: array description: Solutions for the exercise. items: type: array description: Single solution, given as tuple of correct response and its lemma. items: description: Correct response or corresponding lemma. type: string example: gaudeas urn: type: string description: CTS URN for the text passage from which the exercise was created. example: urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-lat2:1.1.1-1.1.1 TextComplexity: type: object description: Mapping of various elements of text complexity to their corresponding values. properties: all: type: number format: float description: Overall text complexity of the given corpus. example: 42.31 avg_w_len: type: number format: float description: Average length of a word in the given corpus. example: 5.4 avg_w_per_sent: type: number format: float description: Average number of words per sentence. example: 5.4 lex_den: type: number format: float minimum: 0 maximum: 1 description: Lexical density of the given corpus. example: 0.43 n_abl_abs: type: integer description: Number of ablativi absoluti in the given corpus. example: 1 n_clause: type: integer description: Number of clauses in the given corpus. example: 1 n_gerund: type: integer description: Number of gerunds in the given corpus. example: 1 n_inf: type: integer description: Number of infinitives in the given corpus. example: 1 n_part: type: integer description: Number of participles in the given corpus. example: 1 n_punct: type: integer description: Number of punctuation signs in the given corpus. example: 1 n_sent: type: integer description: Number of sentences in the given corpus. example: 1 n_subclause: type: integer description: Number of subclauses in the given corpus. example: 1 n_types: type: integer description: Number of distinct word forms in the given corpus. example: 1 n_w: type: integer description: Number of words in the given corpus. example: 1 pos: type: integer description: Number of distinct part of speech tags in the given corpus. example: 1 TextComplexityForm: type: object x-body-name: complexity_data description: Relevant parameters for measuring the text complexity of a text passage. properties: measure: type: string description: Label of the desired measure for text complexity. example: all urn: type: string description: CTS URN for the text passage from which the text complexity should be calculated. example: urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-lat2:1.1.1-1.1.1 annis_response: type: string description: Serialized ANNIS response. example: "{}" required: - measure - urn discriminator: propertyName: measure UpdateInfo: description: Timestamps for updates of various resources. type: object x-tablename: UpdateInfo properties: created_time: type: number format: float description: When the resource was created (as POSIX timestamp). example: 1234567.789 x-index: true last_modified_time: type: number format: float description: When the resource was last modified (as POSIX timestamp). example: 1234567.789 x-index: true resource_type: type: string enum: [cts_data, exercise_list, file_api_clean] description: Name of the resource for which update timestamps are indexed. example: cts_data x-primary-key: true required: - created_time - last_modified_time - resource_type VectorNetworkForm: x-body-name: network_data type: object description: Relevant parameters for finding sentences that are similar to a target word. properties: search_regex: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SearchRegex' nearest_neighbor_count: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NearestNeighborCount' required: - search_regex VocabularyMC: type: string enum: [agldt, bws, proiel, viva] description: "Reference vocabularies: Ancient Greek and Latin Dependency Treebank, Bamberger Wortschatz, PROIEL treebank, VIVA textbook" example: agldt VocabularyForm: x-body-name: vocabulary_data type: object description: Relevant parameters for comparing a corpus to a reference vocabulary. properties: frequency_upper_bound: type: integer description: Upper bound for reference vocabulary frequency. example: 500 query_urn: type: string description: URN for the query corpus. example: urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-lat2:1.1.1-1.1.1 vocabulary: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VocabularyMC' required: - frequency_upper_bound - query_urn - vocabulary