diff --git a/src/rdf-mappings/map-tblBranch.py b/src/rdf-mappings/map-tblBranch.py
index 8c9aff7a7a5a7bdacb69ebb1cf230fad77333484..143cdc06b8c7c63dd95f5c39f6968b350475d981 100644
--- a/src/rdf-mappings/map-tblBranch.py
+++ b/src/rdf-mappings/map-tblBranch.py
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ def create_owl_class_from_string(new_class_name, sub_class_of=None, create_prope
     new_class_name = new_class_name.replace(':', '')
-    if mapping_config['create_research_dataset'] == True and '(' in new_class_name:
+    if (mapping_config['create_research_dataset'] == True or mapping_config['create_test_dataset'] == True) and '(' in new_class_name:
         new_class_name = new_class_name.split('(')[0]
-    if mapping_config['create_research_dataset'] == True and '[' in new_class_name:
+    if (mapping_config['create_research_dataset'] == True or mapping_config['create_test_dataset'] == True) and '[' in new_class_name:
         new_class_name = new_class_name.split('[')[0]
     if new_class_name != '' and ( new_class_name[-1] == '.' or new_class_name[-1] == ')' ):
@@ -157,14 +157,32 @@ def add_modifier(charge_node, charge, modifier_number):
 def create_visual_link(source_node, target_node=None, direction='current_to_next', charge_number=0):
-    Creates a link between two nodes from a column named with the scheme 'Charge#_relation_to_Charge#' (where # is a number).
-    The relation is defined as a sub property of dho:hasVisualRelation.
+    Creates a link between two nodes to describe the visual positioning of something on a shield.
+    (1) Link from a column named with the scheme 'Charge#_relation_to_Charge#' (where # is a number).
+    The relation is defined as a sub property of dho:hasSpatialRelation.
     Target node is newly created and returned, if not given and if the visual link is created. If the visual link is not
     created, `None` is returned.
+    (2) Define an topological relation between something and how it is positioned absolutely on a shield (e.g. something is placed in base)
     valid_directions = {'current_to_next', 'previous_to_current', 'current_to_previous', 'field_relation_to_Layer1'}
+    topological_keywords = [
+        'dx',
+        'sn',
+        'in base',
+        'in chf',
+        'in chf dx',
+        'issant',
+        'issant sn',
+        'isst sn',
+        'overall',
+        'over all',
+        'from dx base',
+        'enhanced',
+        'from dx corner'
+    ]
     if direction == 'current_to_next':
         relation_column_name = 'Charge' + str(charge_number) + '_relation_to_Charge' + str(charge_number + 1)
     elif direction == 'previous_to_current':
@@ -180,8 +198,14 @@ def create_visual_link(source_node, target_node=None, direction='current_to_next
         target_node = URIRef(dho_blazon_n + str(uuid.uuid4()))
     if relation_column_name in df_tblBranch.columns and not pd.isnull(row[relation_column_name]):
-        relation_property = create_owl_property_from_string(row[relation_column_name], sub_property_of=dho_n.hasVisualRelation)
-        g.add((source_node, relation_property, target_node))
+        # Decide if the visal link is to be defined as an absolute topological relation (with regard to the whole shield) or as a spatial
+        # relation (with regard to the visual relation between two elements)
+        if row[relation_column_name] in topological_keywords:
+            direction_class = create_owl_class_from_string(row[relation_column_name], sub_class_of=dho_n.Direction)
+            g.add((source_node, dho_n.hasTopologicalRelation, direction_class))
+        else:
+            relation_property = create_owl_property_from_string(row[relation_column_name], sub_property_of=dho_n.hasSpatialRelation)
+            g.add((source_node, relation_property, target_node))
         return target_node
@@ -336,8 +360,8 @@ def add_layer(layer_number, layer_content, field_node, previous_layer_node=None,
             # Create visual link to field
             if charge + '_relation_to_field' in df_tblBranch.columns and not pd.isnull(row[charge + '_relation_to_field']):
-                visual_relation = create_owl_property_from_string(row[charge + '_relation_to_field'], sub_property_of=dho_n.hasVisualRelation)
-                g.add((charge_node, visual_relation, field_node))
+                direction_class = create_owl_class_from_string(row[charge + '_relation_to_field'], sub_class_of=dho_n.Direction)
+                g.add((charge_node, dho_n.hasTopologicalRelation, direction_class))
             # Create visual link from current Charge to next Charge if next Charge is part of the same Layer
             if charge != layer_charge_list[-1]: