diff --git a/data/ontologies/digital-heraldry-ontology.ttl b/data/ontologies/digital-heraldry-ontology.ttl index 6e3434e6c7852300d825b7d981718e1acc630a0f..04072fca616b19313a652f137209648948883084 100644 --- a/data/ontologies/digital-heraldry-ontology.ttl +++ b/data/ontologies/digital-heraldry-ontology.ttl @@ -1,2073 +1,3437 @@ -@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> . -@prefix dhoh: <http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#> . +@prefix : <http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#> . @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . +@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . +@prefix xml: <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace> . +@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> . +@prefix dhoh: <http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix vann: <http://purl.org/vocab/vann/> . +@prefix schema: <https://schema.org/> . +@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> . +@base <http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#> . -dhoh: a owl:Ontology ; - dcterms:creator "Philipp Schneider", - "Torsten Hiltmann" ; - dcterms:description "The Digital Heraldry Ontology enables the encoding of coats of arms, based on the practices of blazoning. This is done by regarding coats of arms as conceptual objects (rather than images or textual representations), composed in a specific way of figures, tinctures, and geometric patterns. In this way, any combination of coats of arms can be created in a machine-readable way. Thereby, the ontology can be used as a controlled vocabulary to annotate and semantically describe coats of arms e.g. on different material objects, which then can be uniquely referenced as Linked Data."@en ; - dcterms:license <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/> ; - dcterms:publisher "https://www.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/de/bereiche-und-lehrstuehle/digital-history" ; - dcterms:title "Digital Heraldry Ontology" ; - vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "dhoh" ; - owl:versionIRI <http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry/0.1.0> . +<http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#> rdf:type owl:Ontology ; + owl:versionIRI <http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry/0.2.0> ; + dcterms:creator "Philipp Schneider" , + "Torsten Hiltmann" ; + dcterms:description "The Digital Heraldry Ontology enables the encoding of coats of arms, based on the practices of blazoning. This is done by regarding coats of arms as conceptual objects (rather than images or textual representations), composed in a specific way of figures, tinctures, and geometric patterns. In this way, any combination of coats of arms can be created in a machine-readable way. Thereby, the ontology can be used as a controlled vocabulary to annotate and semantically describe coats of arms e.g. on different material objects, which then can be uniquely referenced as Linked Data."@en ; + dcterms:license <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/> ; + dcterms:publisher "https://www.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/de/bereiche-und-lehrstuehle/digital-history" ; + dcterms:title "Digital Heraldry Ontology" ; + vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "dhoh" . -<http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#(2:1)> rdfs:label "(2:1)" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . +################################################################# +# Annotation properties +################################################################# -<http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#(3:2:1)> rdfs:label "(3:2:1)" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#blazonCorrectionComment +dhoh:blazonCorrectionComment rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:comment . -<http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#(3:3)> rdfs:label "(3:3)" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . -dhoh:Addorsed rdfs:label "Addorsed" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasBlazonTerm +dhoh:hasBlazonTerm rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; + rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; + rdfs:domain dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition . -dhoh:Affronted rdfs:label "Affronted" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . -dhoh:Aigle rdfs:label "Aigle" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasLetter +dhoh:hasLetter rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasLetter"@en ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label ; + rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; + rdfs:domain dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Anchor rdfs:label "Anchor" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Annelet rdfs:label "Annelet" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasNumber +dhoh:hasNumber rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasNumber"@en ; + rdfs:range xsd:int . -dhoh:Annulet rdfs:label "Annulet" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Antler rdfs:label "Antler" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasOMAid +dhoh:hasOMAid rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasOMAid"@en ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label ; + rdfs:range xsd:int ; + rdfs:domain dhoh:CoatOfArms . -dhoh:Argent a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Argent" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Metal . -dhoh:Arm rdfs:label "Arm" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasPatternNumber +dhoh:hasPatternNumber rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasNumber ; + rdfs:domain dhoh:Pattern . -dhoh:Armed rdfs:label "Armed" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Arrow rdfs:label "Arrow" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasText +dhoh:hasText rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasText"@en ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label ; + rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; + rdfs:domain dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Arrowhead rdfs:label "Arrowhead" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Axe rdfs:label "Axe" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#numberOfMarshalledParts +dhoh:numberOfMarshalledParts rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasNumber ; + rdfs:domain dhoh:Field . -dhoh:Azure a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Azure" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour . -dhoh:Bar rdfs:label "Bar" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://purl.org/dc/terms/creator +dcterms:creator rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . -dhoh:BarOfLozenges rdfs:label "BarOfLozenges" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Barbel rdfs:label "Barbel" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://purl.org/dc/terms/description +dcterms:description rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . -dhoh:Barruly rdfs:label "Barruly" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:BarrulyFox-Davies, - dhoh:BarrulyParker, - dhoh:BarrulyRietstap, - dhoh:BarrulydeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . -dhoh:Barry rdfs:label "Barry" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:BarryFox-Davies, - dhoh:BarryGritzner, - dhoh:BarryOswald, - dhoh:BarryParker, - dhoh:BarryRietstap, - dhoh:BarrydeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . +### http://purl.org/dc/terms/license +dcterms:license rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . -dhoh:Bear rdfs:label "Bear" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:BearsHead rdfs:label "BearsHead" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://purl.org/dc/terms/publisher +dcterms:publisher rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . -dhoh:BellFrame rdfs:label "BellFrame" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Bend rdfs:label "Bend" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://purl.org/dc/terms/title +dcterms:title rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . -dhoh:BendCotisedPotenty rdfs:label "BendCotisedPotenty" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:BendOfLozenges rdfs:label "BendOfLozenges" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge, - dhoh:Pattern . +### http://purl.org/vocab/vann/preferredNamespacePrefix +vann:preferredNamespacePrefix rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . -dhoh:Bendwise rdfs:label "Bendwise" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . -dhoh:Bendy rdfs:label "Bendy" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:BendyFox-Davies, - dhoh:BendyGritzner, - dhoh:BendyParker, - dhoh:BendyRietstap, - dhoh:BendydeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . +### https://schema.org/RangeIncludes +schema:RangeIncludes rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . -dhoh:Bird rdfs:label "Bird" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Birdcage rdfs:label "Birdcage" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### https://schema.org/domainIncludes +schema:domainIncludes rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . -dhoh:Bluebell rdfs:label "Bluebell" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Boat rdfs:label "Boat" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +################################################################# +# Object Properties +################################################################# -dhoh:Bodkin rdfs:label "Bodkin" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#accompaniedBy +dhoh:accompaniedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "accompaniedBy" . -dhoh:Book rdfs:label "Book" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Border rdfs:label "Border" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#and +dhoh:and rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "and" . -dhoh:BorderRoundely rdfs:label "BorderRoundely" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Buckle rdfs:label "Buckle" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#arranged +dhoh:arranged rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:domain dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:range dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "arranged"@en . -dhoh:Bugle-Horn rdfs:label "Bugle-Horn" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Bull rdfs:label "Bull" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#between +dhoh:between rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "between" . -dhoh:BullsFace rdfs:label "BullsFace" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Calve rdfs:label "Calve" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#blazonWasCorrected +dhoh:blazonWasCorrected rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty . -dhoh:Canton rdfs:label "Canton" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Castely rdfs:label "Castely" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#chargedWith +dhoh:chargedWith rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "chargedWith" . -dhoh:Castle rdfs:label "Castle" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Cerf rdfs:label "Cerf" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#correctedCoatOfArms +dhoh:correctedCoatOfArms rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "correctedCoatOfArms"@en . -dhoh:Chaplet rdfs:label "Chaplet" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Checky rdfs:label "Checky" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:CheckyFox-Davies, - dhoh:CheckyGritzner, - dhoh:CheckyOswald, - dhoh:CheckyParker, - dhoh:CheckyRietstap, - dhoh:CheckydeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#decoratedWith +dhoh:decoratedWith rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "decoratedWith" . -dhoh:Chevron rdfs:label "Chevron" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Chevronny rdfs:label "Chevronny" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:ChevronnyFox-Davies, - dhoh:ChevronnyGritzner, - dhoh:ChevronnyOswald, - dhoh:ChevronnyParker, - dhoh:ChevronnyRietstap, - dhoh:ChevronnydeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#dexter +dhoh:dexter rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "dexter" . -dhoh:Chicot rdfs:label "Chicot" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Chief rdfs:label "Chief" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#eachTippedWith +dhoh:eachTippedWith rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "eachTippedWith" . -dhoh:Cinquefoil rdfs:label "Cinquefoil" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:CoatOfArms a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "CoatOfArms"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#enhanced +dhoh:enhanced rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "enhanced" . -dhoh:Cock rdfs:label "Cock" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Compony rdfs:label "Compony" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#fromReference +dhoh:fromReference rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty . -dhoh:ConjoinedInPairle rdfs:label "ConjoinedInPairle" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . -dhoh:Cotised rdfs:label "Cotised" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasBeliefValue +dhoh:hasBeliefValue rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasBeliefValue"@en . -dhoh:Countercharged rdfs:label "Countercharged" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Couped rdfs:label "Couped" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasCharge +dhoh:hasCharge rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:domain dhoh:Layer ; + rdfs:range dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasCharge"@en . -dhoh:CoveredCup rdfs:label "CoveredCup" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Cowardly rdfs:label "Cowardly" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasCharge1 +dhoh:hasCharge1 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasCharge . -dhoh:Crampon rdfs:label "Crampon" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Crancelin rdfs:label "Crancelin" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasCharge2 +dhoh:hasCharge2 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasCharge . -dhoh:Crenelated rdfs:label "Crenelated" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . -dhoh:CrequerPlant rdfs:label "CrequerPlant" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasCoatOfArms +dhoh:hasCoatOfArms rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:range dhoh:CoatOfArms ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasCoatOfArms"@en ; + schema:domainIncludes dhoh:Charge , + dhoh:Field . -dhoh:Crescent rdfs:label "Crescent" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:CrestOfWings rdfs:label "CrestOfWings" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasDirection +dhoh:hasDirection rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:range dhoh:Direction ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasDirection"@en ; + schema:domainIncludes dhoh:Charge , + dhoh:Line , + dhoh:Pattern . -dhoh:Cross rdfs:label "Cross" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:CrossBotonny rdfs:label "CrossBotonny" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasEscutcheon +dhoh:hasEscutcheon rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasCoatOfArms . -dhoh:CrossCrosslets rdfs:label "CrossCrosslets" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:CrossCrossly rdfs:label "CrossCrossly" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasField +dhoh:hasField rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:domain dhoh:CoatOfArms ; + rdfs:range dhoh:Field ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasField"@en . -dhoh:CrossFormy rdfs:label "CrossFormy" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:CrossMoline rdfs:label "CrossMoline" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasLayer +dhoh:hasLayer rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:domain dhoh:CoatOfArms ; + rdfs:range dhoh:Layer ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasLayer"@en . -dhoh:CrossOfAvis rdfs:label "CrossOfAvis" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:CrossOfJerusalem rdfs:label "CrossOfJerusalem" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasLayer1 +dhoh:hasLayer1 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . -dhoh:Crown rdfs:label "Crown" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Crowned rdfs:label "Crowned" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasLayer2 +dhoh:hasLayer2 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . -dhoh:Curled rdfs:label "Curled" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Cushion rdfs:label "Cushion" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasLayer3 +dhoh:hasLayer3 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . -dhoh:CushionTasseled rdfs:label "CushionTasseled" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Dancetty rdfs:label "Dancetty" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasLayer4 +dhoh:hasLayer4 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . -dhoh:Demi-Eagle rdfs:label "Demi-Eagle" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Demi-Gironny rdfs:label "Demi-Gironny" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasLayerOverall +dhoh:hasLayerOverall rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . -dhoh:Dexter rdfs:label "Dexter" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Direction . -dhoh:Dice rdfs:label "Dice" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasLine +dhoh:hasLine rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:range dhoh:Line ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasLine"@en ; + schema:domainIncludes dhoh:Charge , + dhoh:Field , + dhoh:Pattern . -dhoh:Dog rdfs:label "Dog" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:DogsHead rdfs:label "DogsHead" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasLineModifier +dhoh:hasLineModifier rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:range dhoh:LineModifier ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasLineModifier"@en ; + schema:domainIncludes dhoh:Charge , + dhoh:Field , + dhoh:Pattern . -dhoh:Dolphin rdfs:label "Dolphin" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:DonkeysHead rdfs:label "DonkeysHead" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasMarshalledPart +dhoh:hasMarshalledPart rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasCoatOfArms ; + rdfs:domain dhoh:Field ; + rdfs:range dhoh:CoatOfArms . -dhoh:DoubleTressure rdfs:label "DoubleTressure" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:DoubleTressureFlory rdfs:label "DoubleTressureFlory" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasMarshalledPart1 +dhoh:hasMarshalledPart1 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . -dhoh:DoubleTressureFlory-Counterflory rdfs:label "DoubleTressureFlory-Counterflory" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Doubleheaded rdfs:label "Doubleheaded" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasMarshalledPart2 +dhoh:hasMarshalledPart2 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . -dhoh:Dove rdfs:label "Dove" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Dragon rdfs:label "Dragon" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasMarshalledPart3 +dhoh:hasMarshalledPart3 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . -dhoh:Eagle rdfs:label "Eagle" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:EaglesHead rdfs:label "EaglesHead" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasMarshalledPart4 +dhoh:hasMarshalledPart4 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . -dhoh:ElmBranch rdfs:label "ElmBranch" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Embattled-Counterembattled rdfs:label "Embattled-Counterembattled" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasMarshalledPart5 +dhoh:hasMarshalledPart5 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . -dhoh:Embowed rdfs:label "Embowed" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Empty rdfs:label "Empty" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasModifier +dhoh:hasModifier rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:domain dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:range dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasModifier"@en . -dhoh:Enflamed rdfs:label "Enflamed" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Engrailed rdfs:label "Engrailed" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasPattern +dhoh:hasPattern rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:range dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasPattern"@en ; + schema:domainIncludes dhoh:Charge , + dhoh:Field , + dhoh:Pattern . -dhoh:Erect rdfs:label "Erect" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Ermine a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Ermine" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Fur . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasSeme +dhoh:hasSeme rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasCharge . -dhoh:Escallop rdfs:label "Escallop" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:EscutchOf rdfs:label "EscutchOf" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasTincture +dhoh:hasTincture rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:range dhoh:Tincture ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasTincture"@en ; + schema:domainIncludes dhoh:Charge , + dhoh:Field . -dhoh:Estoile rdfs:label "Estoile" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Fess rdfs:label "Fess" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasTincture1 +dhoh:hasTincture1 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasTincture . -dhoh:FessOfLozenges rdfs:label "FessOfLozenges" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Fesswise rdfs:label "Fesswise" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasTincture2 +dhoh:hasTincture2 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasTincture . -dhoh:Field a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Field"@en ; - rdfs:comment "The canvas of a shield. Each field must have a pattern and at least one tincture and may have one or more Layers. A Field can be marshalled to incorporate multiple objects of the type CoatOfArms."@en . -dhoh:Fimbriated rdfs:label "Fimbriated" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasTincture3 +dhoh:hasTincture3 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasTincture . -dhoh:FireBreathing rdfs:label "FireBreathing" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Fish rdfs:label "Fish" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasTincture4 +dhoh:hasTincture4 rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasTincture . -dhoh:FishHauriant rdfs:label "FishHauriant" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Flanchi rdfs:label "Flanchi" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#hasVisualRelation +dhoh:hasVisualRelation rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "hasVisualRelation"@en ; + schema:RangeIncludes dhoh:Charge , + dhoh:Layer ; + schema:domainIncludes dhoh:Charge , + dhoh:Layer . -dhoh:Fleur-De-Lis rdfs:label "Fleur-De-Lis" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Fleur-De-LisOnPartition rdfs:label "Fleur-De-LisOnPartition" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#holding +dhoh:holding rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "holding" . -dhoh:Flory-Counterflory rdfs:label "Flory-Counterflory" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Flying rdfs:label "Flying" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#inBase +dhoh:inBase rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "inBase" . -dhoh:Fretty rdfs:label "Fretty" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:FrettyFox-Davies, - dhoh:FrettyGritzner, - dhoh:FrettyOswald, - dhoh:FrettyParker, - dhoh:FrettyRietstap, - dhoh:FrettydeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:FromEdgesInwards rdfs:label "FromEdgesInwards" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#inChf +dhoh:inChf rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "inChf" . -dhoh:Gamb rdfs:label "Gamb" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Garb rdfs:label "Garb" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#inChfDx +dhoh:inChfDx rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "inChfDx" . -dhoh:GarlicPlant rdfs:label "GarlicPlant" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Gem-Ring rdfs:label "Gem-Ring" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#issant +dhoh:issant rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "issant" . -dhoh:Gemel rdfs:label "Gemel" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Gironny rdfs:label "Gironny" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:GironnyFox-Davies, - dhoh:GironnyGritzner, - dhoh:GironnyOswald, - dhoh:GironnyParker, - dhoh:GironnyRietstap, - dhoh:GironnydeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#isstSn +dhoh:isstSn rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "isstSn" . -dhoh:Gonfanon rdfs:label "Gonfanon" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Gorged rdfs:label "Gorged" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#marshalledByType +dhoh:marshalledByType rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:domain dhoh:Field ; + rdfs:range dhoh:MarshallingType ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "marshalledByType"@en . -dhoh:Grady rdfs:label "Grady" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . -dhoh:Greyhound rdfs:label "Greyhound" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#on +dhoh:on rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "on" . -dhoh:Griffin rdfs:label "Griffin" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Guardant rdfs:label "Guardant" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#sinister +dhoh:sinister rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "sinister" . -dhoh:Gules a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Gules" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour . -dhoh:Hammer rdfs:label "Hammer" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#with +dhoh:with rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation ; + rdfs:label "with" . -dhoh:Harp rdfs:label "Harp" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Heart rdfs:label "Heart" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +################################################################# +# Classes +################################################################# -dhoh:Helmet rdfs:label "Helmet" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Addorsed +dhoh:Addorsed rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "Addorsed" . -dhoh:Hooded rdfs:label "Hooded" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:HumanHead rdfs:label "HumanHead" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Affronted +dhoh:Affronted rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "Affronted" . -dhoh:IbexHorn rdfs:label "IbexHorn" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:ImperialCrown rdfs:label "ImperialCrown" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Aigle +dhoh:Aigle rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Aigle" . -dhoh:InBend rdfs:label "InBend" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . -dhoh:InFess rdfs:label "InFess" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Anchor +dhoh:Anchor rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Anchor" . -dhoh:InLure rdfs:label "InLure" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:InOmbre a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "InOmbre" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Annelet +dhoh:Annelet rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Annelet" . -dhoh:InPale rdfs:label "InPale" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . -dhoh:InSaltire rdfs:label "InSaltire" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Annulet +dhoh:Annulet rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Annulet" . -dhoh:Increscent rdfs:label "Increscent" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Indented rdfs:label "Indented" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Antler +dhoh:Antler rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Antler" . -dhoh:Inescutcheon rdfs:label "Inescutcheon" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Escutcheon . -dhoh:Inverted rdfs:label "Inverted" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Argent +dhoh:Argent rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Metal ; + rdfs:label "Argent" . -dhoh:IronGrate rdfs:label "IronGrate" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Issant rdfs:label "Issant" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Arm +dhoh:Arm rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Arm" . -dhoh:Key rdfs:label "Key" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Label rdfs:label "Label" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Armed +dhoh:Armed rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Armed" . -dhoh:Ladder rdfs:label "Ladder" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Langued rdfs:label "Langued" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Arrangement +dhoh:Arrangement rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:comment "Terms to indicate the way two or more charges of the same type are visually placed in relation to each other."@en ; + rdfs:label "Arrangement"@en . -dhoh:Layer a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Layer"@en ; - rdfs:comment "A group of one or more Charges that form a strong visual relation between each other. A Layer may be connected to other Layers by using hasVisualRelation."@en . -dhoh:Leaf rdfs:label "Leaf" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Arrow +dhoh:Arrow rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Arrow" . -dhoh:Leek rdfs:label "Leek" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:LeopardsFace rdfs:label "LeopardsFace" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Arrowhead +dhoh:Arrowhead rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Arrowhead" . -dhoh:LeopardsHead rdfs:label "LeopardsHead" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Letters rdfs:label "Letters" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Axe +dhoh:Axe rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Axe" . -dhoh:Lion rdfs:label "Lion" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:LionsHead rdfs:label "LionsHead" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Azure +dhoh:Azure rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour ; + rdfs:label "Azure" . -dhoh:LobstersClaw rdfs:label "LobstersClaw" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Lozenge rdfs:label "Lozenge" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Bar +dhoh:Bar rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Bar" . -dhoh:Lozengy rdfs:label "Lozengy" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:LozengyFox-Davies, - dhoh:LozengyGritzner, - dhoh:LozengyOswald, - dhoh:LozengyParker, - dhoh:LozengyRietstap, - dhoh:LozengydeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . -dhoh:Mace rdfs:label "Mace" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BarOfLozenges +dhoh:BarOfLozenges rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "BarOfLozenges" . -dhoh:Mallet rdfs:label "Mallet" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Mallets rdfs:label "Mallets" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Barbel +dhoh:Barbel rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Barbel" . -dhoh:Martlet rdfs:label "Martlet" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Mascle rdfs:label "Mascle" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Barruly +dhoh:Barruly rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:BarrulyFox-Davies , + dhoh:BarrulyParker , + dhoh:BarrulyRietstap , + dhoh:BarrulydeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Barruly" . -dhoh:Masoned rdfs:label "Masoned" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:MasonedOswald, - dhoh:MasonedParker, - dhoh:MasonedRietstap, - dhoh:MasoneddeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . -dhoh:Maunch rdfs:label "Maunch" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Barry +dhoh:Barry rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:BarryFox-Davies , + dhoh:BarryGritzner , + dhoh:BarryOswald , + dhoh:BarryParker , + dhoh:BarryRietstap , + dhoh:BarrydeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Barry" . -dhoh:MaunchFisted rdfs:label "MaunchFisted" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Mill-Rind rdfs:label "Mill-Rind" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Bear +dhoh:Bear rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Bear" . -dhoh:Millstone rdfs:label "Millstone" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Mirror rdfs:label "Mirror" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BearsHead +dhoh:BearsHead rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "BearsHead" . -dhoh:Missing a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Missing" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . -dhoh:Molette rdfs:label "Molette" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BellFrame +dhoh:BellFrame rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "BellFrame" . -dhoh:Monk rdfs:label "Monk" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Moorcock rdfs:label "Moorcock" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Bend +dhoh:Bend rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Bend" . -dhoh:Mount rdfs:label "Mount" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:MountedKnight rdfs:label "MountedKnight" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BendCotisedPotenty +dhoh:BendCotisedPotenty rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "BendCotisedPotenty" . -dhoh:Mullet rdfs:label "Mullet" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Multiple a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Multiple"@en ; - rdfs:comment "States that something is displayed a number multiple times. If this class is used, this number is always greater than one. This class may be used to describe multiple occurrences of something when the specific number is either irrelevant for the heraldic description or unknown."@en . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BendOfLozenges +dhoh:BendOfLozenges rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge , + dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:label "BendOfLozenges" . -dhoh:Naiant rdfs:label "Naiant" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Naissant rdfs:label "Naissant" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . - -dhoh:Naturel a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Naturel" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . - -dhoh:NavarreChain rdfs:label "NavarreChain" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . - -dhoh:Nebuly rdfs:label "Nebuly" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . - -dhoh:Nettleleaf rdfs:label "Nettleleaf" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . - -dhoh:Nimbed rdfs:label "Nimbed" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . - -dhoh:Of7Pt rdfs:label "Of7Pt" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . - -dhoh:Of8Pt rdfs:label "Of8Pt" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . - -dhoh:Or a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Or" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Metal . - -dhoh:OrleOf rdfs:label "OrleOf" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . - -dhoh:PairOfPincers rdfs:label "PairOfPincers" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . - -dhoh:Pale rdfs:label "Pale" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . - -dhoh:Palewise rdfs:label "Palewise" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . - -dhoh:Paly rdfs:label "Paly" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PalyFox-Davies, - dhoh:PalyParker, - dhoh:PalyRietstap, - dhoh:PalydeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . - -dhoh:Paly-Bendy rdfs:label "Paly-Bendy" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . - -dhoh:Panther rdfs:label "Panther" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . - -dhoh:Passant rdfs:label "Passant" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . - -dhoh:PerBend rdfs:label "PerBend" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerBendFox-Davies, - dhoh:PerBendGritzner, - dhoh:PerBendParker, - dhoh:PerBendRietstap, - dhoh:PerBenddeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement, - dhoh:Pattern . - -dhoh:PerChevron rdfs:label "PerChevron" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerChevronFox-Davies, - dhoh:PerChevronGritzner, - dhoh:PerChevronParker, - dhoh:PerChevronRietstap, - dhoh:PerChevrondeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement, - dhoh:Pattern . - -dhoh:PerFess rdfs:label "PerFess" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerFessFox-Davies, - dhoh:PerFessGritzner, - dhoh:PerFessParker, - dhoh:PerFessRietstap, - dhoh:PerFessdeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement, - dhoh:LineModifier, - dhoh:MarshallingType, - dhoh:Pattern . - -dhoh:PerFessIndented rdfs:label "PerFessIndented" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . - -dhoh:PerPale rdfs:label "PerPale" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerPaleFox-Davies, - dhoh:PerPaleGritzner, - dhoh:PerPaleOswald, - dhoh:PerPaleParker, - dhoh:PerPaleRietstap, - dhoh:PerPaledeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement, - dhoh:MarshallingType, - dhoh:Pattern . - -dhoh:PerQuarter rdfs:label "PerQuarter" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:MarshallingType . - -dhoh:PerSaltire rdfs:label "PerSaltire" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerSaltireFox-Davies, - dhoh:PerSaltireGritzner, - dhoh:PerSaltireParker, - dhoh:PerSaltireRietstap, - dhoh:PerSaltiredeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:MarshallingType, - dhoh:Pattern . - -dhoh:PiedNouri rdfs:label "PiedNouri" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . - -dhoh:Pierced rdfs:label "Pierced" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . - -dhoh:Pile rdfs:label "Pile" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . - -dhoh:Pily-Barry rdfs:label "Pily-Barry" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . - -dhoh:Pily-Bendy rdfs:label "Pily-Bendy" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . - -dhoh:Pincers rdfs:label "Pincers" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . - -dhoh:Plain rdfs:label "Plain" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PlainGritzner, - dhoh:PlainOswald, - dhoh:PlainParker, - dhoh:PlainRietstap, - dhoh:PlaindeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Bendwise +dhoh:Bendwise rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "Bendwise" . -dhoh:Popinjay rdfs:label "Popinjay" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:PosedBendwise rdfs:label "PosedBendwise" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Bendy +dhoh:Bendy rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:BendyFox-Davies , + dhoh:BendyGritzner , + dhoh:BendyParker , + dhoh:BendyRietstap , + dhoh:BendydeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Bendy" . -dhoh:Pouch rdfs:label "Pouch" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Purpure a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Purpure" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Bird +dhoh:Bird rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Bird" . -dhoh:Quarterly rdfs:label "Quarterly" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . -dhoh:QueensFace rdfs:label "QueensFace" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Birdcage +dhoh:Birdcage rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Birdcage" . -dhoh:QueueFourchy rdfs:label "QueueFourchy" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Quina rdfs:label "Quina" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BlazonTermDefinition +dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:comment "A definition, e.g. by a single author or textbook reference, that describes the meaning of a single heraldic term. One BlazonTermDefinition can be attributed with one or multiple multilingual labels."@en ; + rdfs:label "BlazonTermDefinition"@en . -dhoh:Rake rdfs:label "Rake" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Rampant rdfs:label "Rampant" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Bluebell +dhoh:Bluebell rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Bluebell" . -dhoh:ReedMace rdfs:label "ReedMace" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Ring rdfs:label "Ring" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Boat +dhoh:Boat rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Boat" . -dhoh:Rose rdfs:label "Rose" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:RoseLeaf rdfs:label "RoseLeaf" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Bodkin +dhoh:Bodkin rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Bodkin" . -dhoh:Roundel rdfs:label "Roundel" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Sable a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Sable" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Book +dhoh:Book rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Book" . -dhoh:Salient rdfs:label "Salient" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Saltire rdfs:label "Saltire" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Border +dhoh:Border rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Border" . -dhoh:Scissor rdfs:label "Scissor" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Segreant rdfs:label "Segreant" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BorderRoundely +dhoh:BorderRoundely rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "BorderRoundely" . -dhoh:Sejant rdfs:label "Sejant" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Seme a owl:Class ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Buckle +dhoh:Buckle rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Buckle" . -dhoh:SerpentCoiled rdfs:label "SerpentCoiled" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Sickle rdfs:label "Sickle" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Bugle-Horn +dhoh:Bugle-Horn rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Bugle-Horn" . -dhoh:Sinister rdfs:label "Sinister" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Direction . -dhoh:Slipped rdfs:label "Slipped" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Bull +dhoh:Bull rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Bull" . -dhoh:Staff rdfs:label "Staff" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Stag rdfs:label "Stag" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BullsFace +dhoh:BullsFace rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "BullsFace" . -dhoh:Star rdfs:label "Star" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:StarOf7Pt rdfs:label "StarOf7Pt" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Calve +dhoh:Calve rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Calve" . -dhoh:Statant rdfs:label "Statant" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:Stringed rdfs:label "Stringed" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Canton +dhoh:Canton rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Canton" . -dhoh:Swan rdfs:label "Swan" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Sword rdfs:label "Sword" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Castely +dhoh:Castely rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:label "Castely" . -dhoh:Talbot rdfs:label "Talbot" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:TalbotsHead rdfs:label "TalbotsHead" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Castle +dhoh:Castle rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Castle" . -dhoh:Talon rdfs:label "Talon" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Tasseled rdfs:label "Tasseled" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Cerf +dhoh:Cerf rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Cerf" . -dhoh:Tenne a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Tenne" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Stain . -dhoh:Text rdfs:label "Text" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Chaplet +dhoh:Chaplet rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Chaplet" . -dhoh:Tierced rdfs:label "Tierced" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:TiercedFox-Davies, - dhoh:TiercedGritzner, - dhoh:TiercedParker, - dhoh:TiercedRietstap, - dhoh:TierceddeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . -dhoh:Tower rdfs:label "Tower" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Charge +dhoh:Charge rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:comment "A single visual object that is used on a coat of arms. A charge must be discernible as a visual item that does not cover the coat of arms as a whole (unlike a Pattern). Each term of the class charge may be used on its own to blazon a coat of arms."@en ; + rdfs:label "Charge"@en . -dhoh:Tree rdfs:label "Tree" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Triskele rdfs:label "Triskele" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Checky +dhoh:Checky rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:CheckyFox-Davies , + dhoh:CheckyGritzner , + dhoh:CheckyOswald , + dhoh:CheckyParker , + dhoh:CheckyRietstap , + dhoh:CheckydeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Checky" . -dhoh:Trumpet rdfs:label "Trumpet" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Undy rdfs:label "Undy" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Chevron +dhoh:Chevron rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Chevron" . -dhoh:Unicorn rdfs:label "Unicorn" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Vair a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Vair" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:VairFox-Davies, - dhoh:VairGritzner, - dhoh:VairOswald, - dhoh:VairParker, - dhoh:VairRietstap, - dhoh:VairdeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Fur . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Chevronny +dhoh:Chevronny rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:ChevronnyFox-Davies , + dhoh:ChevronnyGritzner , + dhoh:ChevronnyOswald , + dhoh:ChevronnyParker , + dhoh:ChevronnyRietstap , + dhoh:ChevronnydeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Chevronny" . -dhoh:Vairy a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Vairy" ; - rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; - rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:VairyFox-Davies, - dhoh:VairyGritzner, - dhoh:VairyOswald, - dhoh:VairyParker, - dhoh:VairyRietstap, - dhoh:VairydeBoos ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Fur . -dhoh:Vert a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Vert" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Chicot +dhoh:Chicot rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Chicot" . -dhoh:Viol rdfs:label "Viol" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Water-Bouget rdfs:label "Water-Bouget" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Chief +dhoh:Chief rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Chief" . -dhoh:WaterBouget rdfs:label "WaterBouget" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:WaterlilyLeaf rdfs:label "WaterlilyLeaf" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Cinquefoil +dhoh:Cinquefoil rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Cinquefoil" . -dhoh:Wheel rdfs:label "Wheel" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:WheelOnPartition rdfs:label "WheelOnPartition" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CoatOfArms +dhoh:CoatOfArms rdf:type owl:Class ; + owl:equivalentClass [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; + owl:onProperty dhoh:hasField ; + owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; + owl:onClass dhoh:Field + ] ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "CoatOfArms"@en . -dhoh:Wing rdfs:label "Wing" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:WithLionsClaws rdfs:label "WithLionsClaws" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Cock +dhoh:Cock rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Cock" . -dhoh:Wolf rdfs:label "Wolf" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:Wolf-Hook rdfs:label "Wolf-Hook" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Colour +dhoh:Colour rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . -dhoh:WolfsHead rdfs:label "WolfsHead" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . -dhoh:accompaniedBy rdfs:label "accompaniedBy" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Compony +dhoh:Compony rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:label "Compony" . -dhoh:and rdfs:label "and" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . -dhoh:arranged a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "arranged"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#ConjoinedInPairle +dhoh:ConjoinedInPairle rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "ConjoinedInPairle" . -dhoh:between rdfs:label "between" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . -dhoh:blasonWasCorrected rdfs:label "blasonWasCorrected"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Cotised +dhoh:Cotised rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line ; + rdfs:label "Cotised" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Countercharged +dhoh:Countercharged rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Countercharged" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Couped +dhoh:Couped rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Couped" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CoveredCup +dhoh:CoveredCup rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "CoveredCup" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Cowardly +dhoh:Cowardly rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Cowardly" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Crampon +dhoh:Crampon rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Crampon" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Crancelin +dhoh:Crancelin rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Crancelin" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Crenelated +dhoh:Crenelated rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line ; + rdfs:label "Crenelated" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CrequerPlant +dhoh:CrequerPlant rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "CrequerPlant" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Crescent +dhoh:Crescent rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Crescent" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CrestOfWings +dhoh:CrestOfWings rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "CrestOfWings" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Cross +dhoh:Cross rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Cross" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CrossBotonny +dhoh:CrossBotonny rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "CrossBotonny" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CrossCrosslets +dhoh:CrossCrosslets rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "CrossCrosslets" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CrossCrossly +dhoh:CrossCrossly rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "CrossCrossly" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CrossFormy +dhoh:CrossFormy rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "CrossFormy" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CrossMoline +dhoh:CrossMoline rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "CrossMoline" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CrossOfAvis +dhoh:CrossOfAvis rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "CrossOfAvis" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CrossOfJerusalem +dhoh:CrossOfJerusalem rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "CrossOfJerusalem" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Crown +dhoh:Crown rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Crown" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Crowned +dhoh:Crowned rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Crowned" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Curled +dhoh:Curled rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Curled" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Cushion +dhoh:Cushion rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Cushion" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CushionTasseled +dhoh:CushionTasseled rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "CushionTasseled" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Dancetty +dhoh:Dancetty rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line ; + rdfs:label "Dancetty" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Demi-Eagle +dhoh:Demi-Eagle rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Demi-Eagle" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Demi-Gironny +dhoh:Demi-Gironny rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:label "Demi-Gironny" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Dexter +dhoh:Dexter rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Direction ; + rdfs:label "Dexter" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Dice +dhoh:Dice rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Dice" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Direction +dhoh:Direction rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:comment "Heraldic terms for the directions \"left\" and \"right\". May be used to more accurately describe the placement of a charge or the alignment of a pattern."@en ; + rdfs:label "Direction"@en . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Dog +dhoh:Dog rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Dog" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#DogsHead +dhoh:DogsHead rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "DogsHead" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Dolphin +dhoh:Dolphin rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Dolphin" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#DonkeysHead +dhoh:DonkeysHead rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "DonkeysHead" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#DoubleTressure +dhoh:DoubleTressure rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "DoubleTressure" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#DoubleTressureFlory +dhoh:DoubleTressureFlory rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "DoubleTressureFlory" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#DoubleTressureFlory-Counterflory +dhoh:DoubleTressureFlory-Counterflory rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "DoubleTressureFlory-Counterflory" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Doubleheaded +dhoh:Doubleheaded rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Doubleheaded" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Dove +dhoh:Dove rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Dove" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Dragon +dhoh:Dragon rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Dragon" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Eagle +dhoh:Eagle rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Eagle" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#EaglesHead +dhoh:EaglesHead rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "EaglesHead" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#ElmBranch +dhoh:ElmBranch rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "ElmBranch" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Embattled-Counterembattled +dhoh:Embattled-Counterembattled rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line ; + rdfs:label "Embattled-Counterembattled" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Embowed +dhoh:Embowed rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Embowed" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Empty +dhoh:Empty rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Empty" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Enflamed +dhoh:Enflamed rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Enflamed" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Engrailed +dhoh:Engrailed rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line ; + rdfs:label "Engrailed" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Erect +dhoh:Erect rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Erect" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Ermine +dhoh:Ermine rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Fur ; + rdfs:label "Ermine" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Escallop +dhoh:Escallop rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Escallop" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#EscutchOf +dhoh:EscutchOf rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "EscutchOf" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Escutcheon +dhoh:Escutcheon rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Escutcheon" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Estoile +dhoh:Estoile rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Estoile" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Fess +dhoh:Fess rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Fess" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#FessOfLozenges +dhoh:FessOfLozenges rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "FessOfLozenges" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Fesswise +dhoh:Fesswise rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "Fesswise" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Field +dhoh:Field rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:comment "The canvas of a shield. Each field must have a pattern and at least one tincture and may have one or more Layers. A Field can be marshalled to incorporate multiple objects of the type CoatOfArms."@en ; + rdfs:label "Field"@en . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Fimbriated +dhoh:Fimbriated rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line ; + rdfs:label "Fimbriated" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#FireBreathing +dhoh:FireBreathing rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "FireBreathing" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Fish +dhoh:Fish rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Fish" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#FishHauriant +dhoh:FishHauriant rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "FishHauriant" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Flanchi +dhoh:Flanchi rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Flanchi" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Fleur-De-Lis +dhoh:Fleur-De-Lis rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Fleur-De-Lis" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Fleur-De-LisOnPartition +dhoh:Fleur-De-LisOnPartition rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Fleur-De-LisOnPartition" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Flory-Counterflory +dhoh:Flory-Counterflory rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Flory-Counterflory" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Flying +dhoh:Flying rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Flying" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Fretty +dhoh:Fretty rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:FrettyFox-Davies , + dhoh:FrettyGritzner , + dhoh:FrettyOswald , + dhoh:FrettyParker , + dhoh:FrettyRietstap , + dhoh:FrettydeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Fretty" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#FromEdgesInwards +dhoh:FromEdgesInwards rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "FromEdgesInwards" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Fur +dhoh:Fur rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Gamb +dhoh:Gamb rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Gamb" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Garb +dhoh:Garb rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Garb" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#GarlicPlant +dhoh:GarlicPlant rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "GarlicPlant" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Gem-Ring +dhoh:Gem-Ring rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Gem-Ring" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Gemel +dhoh:Gemel rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Gemel" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Gironny +dhoh:Gironny rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:GironnyFox-Davies , + dhoh:GironnyGritzner , + dhoh:GironnyOswald , + dhoh:GironnyParker , + dhoh:GironnyRietstap , + dhoh:GironnydeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Gironny" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Gonfanon +dhoh:Gonfanon rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Gonfanon" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Gorged +dhoh:Gorged rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Gorged" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Grady +dhoh:Grady rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line ; + rdfs:label "Grady" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Greyhound +dhoh:Greyhound rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Greyhound" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Griffin +dhoh:Griffin rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Griffin" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Guardant +dhoh:Guardant rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Guardant" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Gules +dhoh:Gules rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour ; + rdfs:label "Gules" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Hammer +dhoh:Hammer rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Hammer" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Harp +dhoh:Harp rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Harp" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Heart +dhoh:Heart rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Heart" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Helmet +dhoh:Helmet rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Helmet" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Hooded +dhoh:Hooded rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Hooded" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#HumanHead +dhoh:HumanHead rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "HumanHead" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#IbexHorn +dhoh:IbexHorn rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "IbexHorn" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#ImperialCrown +dhoh:ImperialCrown rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "ImperialCrown" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#InBend +dhoh:InBend rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "InBend" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#InFess +dhoh:InFess rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "InFess" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#InLure +dhoh:InLure rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "InLure" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#InOmbre +dhoh:InOmbre rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture ; + rdfs:label "InOmbre" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#InPale +dhoh:InPale rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "InPale" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#InSaltire +dhoh:InSaltire rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "InSaltire" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Increscent +dhoh:Increscent rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Increscent" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Indented +dhoh:Indented rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line ; + rdfs:label "Indented" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Inescutcheon +dhoh:Inescutcheon rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Escutcheon ; + rdfs:label "Inescutcheon" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Inverted +dhoh:Inverted rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Inverted" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#IronGrate +dhoh:IronGrate rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "IronGrate" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Issant +dhoh:Issant rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Issant" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Key +dhoh:Key rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Key" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Label +dhoh:Label rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Label" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Ladder +dhoh:Ladder rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Ladder" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Langued +dhoh:Langued rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Langued" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Layer +dhoh:Layer rdf:type owl:Class ; + owl:equivalentClass [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; + owl:onProperty dhoh:hasCharge ; + owl:minQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; + owl:onClass dhoh:Charge + ] ; + rdfs:comment "A group of one or more Charges that form a strong visual relation between each other. A Layer may be connected to other Layers by using hasVisualRelation."@en ; + rdfs:label "Layer"@en . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Leaf +dhoh:Leaf rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Leaf" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Leek +dhoh:Leek rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Leek" . -dhoh:blazonCorrectionComment rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:comment . -dhoh:blazonTerm rdfs:label "blazonTerm"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#LeopardsFace +dhoh:LeopardsFace rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "LeopardsFace" . -dhoh:blazonWasCorrected a owl:ObjectProperty . -dhoh:chargedWith rdfs:label "chargedWith" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#LeopardsHead +dhoh:LeopardsHead rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "LeopardsHead" . -dhoh:correctedCoatOfArms a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "correctedCoatOfArms"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . -dhoh:decoratedWith rdfs:label "decoratedWith" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Letters +dhoh:Letters rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Letters" . -dhoh:dexter rdfs:label "dexter" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . -dhoh:eachTippedWith rdfs:label "eachTippedWith" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Line +dhoh:Line rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:comment "Terms to specify distinct styles how lines and borders are drawn on a Charge or Pattern. A Line cannot be used on its own, but must be used as part of an object of type Charge or Pattern."@en ; + rdfs:label "Line"@en . -dhoh:enhanced rdfs:label "enhanced" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . -dhoh:fromReference a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "fromReference"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#LineModifier +dhoh:LineModifier rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . -dhoh:hasBeliefValue a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasBeliefValue"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . -dhoh:hasBlazonTerm a owl:ObjectProperty . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Lion +dhoh:Lion rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Lion" . -dhoh:hasCharge1 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasCharge . -dhoh:hasCharge2 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasCharge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#LionsHead +dhoh:LionsHead rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "LionsHead" . -dhoh:hasDirection a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasDirection"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . -dhoh:hasEscutcheon rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:numberOfMarshalledParts . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#LobstersClaw +dhoh:LobstersClaw rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "LobstersClaw" . -dhoh:hasField a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasField"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . -dhoh:hasLayer1 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Lozenge +dhoh:Lozenge rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Lozenge" . -dhoh:hasLayer2 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . -dhoh:hasLayer3 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Lozengy +dhoh:Lozengy rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:LozengyFox-Davies , + dhoh:LozengyGritzner , + dhoh:LozengyOswald , + dhoh:LozengyParker , + dhoh:LozengyRietstap , + dhoh:LozengydeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Lozengy" . -dhoh:hasLayer4 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . -dhoh:hasLayerOverall rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Mace +dhoh:Mace rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Mace" . -dhoh:hasLetter a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasLetter"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . -dhoh:hasLine a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasLine"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Mallet +dhoh:Mallet rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Mallet" . -dhoh:hasLineModifier rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasModifier . -dhoh:hasMarshalledPart1 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Mallets +dhoh:Mallets rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Mallets" . -dhoh:hasMarshalledPart2 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . -dhoh:hasMarshalledPart3 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#MarshallingType +dhoh:MarshallingType rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:comment "Heraldic terms to describe how a Field can be divided to include multiple different coats of arms."@en ; + rdfs:label "MarshallingType"@en . -dhoh:hasMarshalledPart4 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . -dhoh:hasMarshalledPart5 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Martlet +dhoh:Martlet rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Martlet" . -dhoh:hasOMAid a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasOMAid"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . -dhoh:hasPattern a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasPattern"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Mascle +dhoh:Mascle rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Mascle" . -dhoh:hasPatternNumber rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasNumber . -dhoh:hasSeme rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasCharge . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Masoned +dhoh:Masoned rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:MasonedOswald , + dhoh:MasonedParker , + dhoh:MasonedRietstap , + dhoh:MasoneddeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Masoned" . -dhoh:hasText a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasText"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . -dhoh:hasTincture1 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasTincture . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Maunch +dhoh:Maunch rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Maunch" . -dhoh:hasTincture2 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasTincture . -dhoh:hasTincture3 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasTincture . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#MaunchFisted +dhoh:MaunchFisted rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "MaunchFisted" . -dhoh:hasTincture4 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasTincture . -dhoh:holding rdfs:label "holding" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Metal +dhoh:Metal rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . -dhoh:inBase rdfs:label "inBase" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . -dhoh:inChf rdfs:label "inChf" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Mill-Rind +dhoh:Mill-Rind rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Mill-Rind" . -dhoh:inChfDx rdfs:label "inChfDx" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . -dhoh:issant rdfs:label "issant" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Millstone +dhoh:Millstone rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Millstone" . -dhoh:isstSn rdfs:label "isstSn" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . -dhoh:marshalledByType a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "marshalledByType"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Mirror +dhoh:Mirror rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Mirror" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Missing +dhoh:Missing rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture ; + rdfs:label "Missing" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Modifier +dhoh:Modifier rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:comment "Heraldic terms that change the appearance of a Charge while at the same time preserving the identity of said charge. A Modifier must always be connected to a single Charge."@en ; + rdfs:label "Modifier"@en . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Molette +dhoh:Molette rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Molette" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Monk +dhoh:Monk rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Monk" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Moorcock +dhoh:Moorcock rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Moorcock" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Mount +dhoh:Mount rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Mount" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#MountedKnight +dhoh:MountedKnight rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "MountedKnight" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Mullet +dhoh:Mullet rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Mullet" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Multiple +dhoh:Multiple rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:comment "States that something is displayed a number multiple times. If this class is used, this number is always greater than one. This class may be used to describe multiple occurrences of something when the specific number is either irrelevant for the heraldic description or unknown."@en ; + rdfs:label "Multiple"@en . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Naiant +dhoh:Naiant rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Naiant" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Naissant +dhoh:Naissant rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Naissant" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Naturel +dhoh:Naturel rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture ; + rdfs:label "Naturel" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#NavarreChain +dhoh:NavarreChain rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "NavarreChain" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Nebuly +dhoh:Nebuly rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line ; + rdfs:label "Nebuly" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Nettleleaf +dhoh:Nettleleaf rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Nettleleaf" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Nimbed +dhoh:Nimbed rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Nimbed" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Of7Pt +dhoh:Of7Pt rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Of7Pt" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Of8Pt +dhoh:Of8Pt rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Of8Pt" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Or +dhoh:Or rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Metal ; + rdfs:label "Or" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#OrleOf +dhoh:OrleOf rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "OrleOf" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PairOfPincers +dhoh:PairOfPincers rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "PairOfPincers" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Pale +dhoh:Pale rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Pale" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Palewise +dhoh:Palewise rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "Palewise" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Paly +dhoh:Paly rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PalyFox-Davies , + dhoh:PalyParker , + dhoh:PalyRietstap , + dhoh:PalydeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Paly" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Paly-Bendy +dhoh:Paly-Bendy rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:label "Paly-Bendy" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Panther +dhoh:Panther rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Panther" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Passant +dhoh:Passant rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Passant" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Pattern +dhoh:Pattern rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:comment "Terms to describe distinct patterns, covering the whole of an area. A pattern can be used by a Field as well as by a Charge."@en ; + rdfs:label "Pattern"@en . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerBend +dhoh:PerBend rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement , + dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerBendFox-Davies , + dhoh:PerBendGritzner , + dhoh:PerBendParker , + dhoh:PerBendRietstap , + dhoh:PerBenddeBoos ; + rdfs:label "PerBend" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerChevron +dhoh:PerChevron rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement , + dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerChevronFox-Davies , + dhoh:PerChevronGritzner , + dhoh:PerChevronParker , + dhoh:PerChevronRietstap , + dhoh:PerChevrondeBoos ; + rdfs:label "PerChevron" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerFess +dhoh:PerFess rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement , + dhoh:LineModifier , + dhoh:MarshallingType , + dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerFessFox-Davies , + dhoh:PerFessGritzner , + dhoh:PerFessParker , + dhoh:PerFessRietstap , + dhoh:PerFessdeBoos ; + rdfs:label "PerFess" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerFessIndented +dhoh:PerFessIndented rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line ; + rdfs:label "PerFessIndented" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerPale +dhoh:PerPale rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement , + dhoh:MarshallingType , + dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerPaleFox-Davies , + dhoh:PerPaleGritzner , + dhoh:PerPaleOswald , + dhoh:PerPaleParker , + dhoh:PerPaleRietstap , + dhoh:PerPaledeBoos ; + rdfs:label "PerPale" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerQuarter +dhoh:PerQuarter rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:MarshallingType ; + rdfs:label "PerQuarter" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerSaltire +dhoh:PerSaltire rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:MarshallingType , + dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerSaltireFox-Davies , + dhoh:PerSaltireGritzner , + dhoh:PerSaltireParker , + dhoh:PerSaltireRietstap , + dhoh:PerSaltiredeBoos ; + rdfs:label "PerSaltire" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PiedNouri +dhoh:PiedNouri rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "PiedNouri" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Pierced +dhoh:Pierced rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Pierced" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Pile +dhoh:Pile rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Pile" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Pily-Barry +dhoh:Pily-Barry rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:label "Pily-Barry" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Pily-Bendy +dhoh:Pily-Bendy rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:label "Pily-Bendy" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Pincers +dhoh:Pincers rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Pincers" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Plain +dhoh:Plain rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PlainGritzner , + dhoh:PlainOswald , + dhoh:PlainParker , + dhoh:PlainRietstap , + dhoh:PlaindeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Plain" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Popinjay +dhoh:Popinjay rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Popinjay" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PosedBendwise +dhoh:PosedBendwise rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "PosedBendwise" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Pouch +dhoh:Pouch rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Pouch" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Purpure +dhoh:Purpure rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour ; + rdfs:label "Purpure" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Quarterly +dhoh:Quarterly rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:label "Quarterly" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#QueensFace +dhoh:QueensFace rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "QueensFace" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#QueueFourchy +dhoh:QueueFourchy rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "QueueFourchy" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Quina +dhoh:Quina rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Quina" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Rake +dhoh:Rake rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Rake" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Rampant +dhoh:Rampant rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Rampant" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#ReedMace +dhoh:ReedMace rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "ReedMace" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Ring +dhoh:Ring rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Ring" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Rose +dhoh:Rose rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Rose" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#RoseLeaf +dhoh:RoseLeaf rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "RoseLeaf" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Roundel +dhoh:Roundel rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Roundel" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Sable +dhoh:Sable rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour ; + rdfs:label "Sable" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Salient +dhoh:Salient rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Salient" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Saltire +dhoh:Saltire rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Saltire" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Scissor +dhoh:Scissor rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Scissor" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Segreant +dhoh:Segreant rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Segreant" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Sejant +dhoh:Sejant rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Sejant" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Seme +dhoh:Seme rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#SerpentCoiled +dhoh:SerpentCoiled rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "SerpentCoiled" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Sickle +dhoh:Sickle rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Sickle" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Sinister +dhoh:Sinister rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Direction ; + rdfs:label "Sinister" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Slipped +dhoh:Slipped rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Slipped" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Staff +dhoh:Staff rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Staff" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Stag +dhoh:Stag rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Stag" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Stain +dhoh:Stain rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Star +dhoh:Star rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Star" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#StarOf7Pt +dhoh:StarOf7Pt rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "StarOf7Pt" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Statant +dhoh:Statant rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Statant" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Stringed +dhoh:Stringed rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Stringed" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Swan +dhoh:Swan rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Swan" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Sword +dhoh:Sword rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Sword" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Talbot +dhoh:Talbot rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Talbot" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#TalbotsHead +dhoh:TalbotsHead rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "TalbotsHead" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Talon +dhoh:Talon rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Talon" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Tasseled +dhoh:Tasseled rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "Tasseled" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Tenne +dhoh:Tenne rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Stain ; + rdfs:label "Tenne" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Text +dhoh:Text rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Text" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Tierced +dhoh:Tierced rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:TiercedFox-Davies , + dhoh:TiercedGritzner , + dhoh:TiercedParker , + dhoh:TiercedRietstap , + dhoh:TierceddeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Tierced" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Tincture +dhoh:Tincture rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:comment "Terms for heraldic tinctures to colour elements of a coat of arms."@en ; + rdfs:label "Tincture"@en . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Tower +dhoh:Tower rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Tower" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Tree +dhoh:Tree rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Tree" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Triskele +dhoh:Triskele rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Triskele" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Trumpet +dhoh:Trumpet rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Trumpet" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Undy +dhoh:Undy rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line ; + rdfs:label "Undy" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Unicorn +dhoh:Unicorn rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Unicorn" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Vair +dhoh:Vair rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Fur ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:VairFox-Davies , + dhoh:VairGritzner , + dhoh:VairOswald , + dhoh:VairParker , + dhoh:VairRietstap , + dhoh:VairdeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Vair" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Vairy +dhoh:Vairy rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Fur ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:VairyFox-Davies , + dhoh:VairyGritzner , + dhoh:VairyOswald , + dhoh:VairyParker , + dhoh:VairyRietstap , + dhoh:VairydeBoos ; + rdfs:label "Vairy" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Vert +dhoh:Vert rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour ; + rdfs:label "Vert" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Viol +dhoh:Viol rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Viol" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Water-Bouget +dhoh:Water-Bouget rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Water-Bouget" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#WaterBouget +dhoh:WaterBouget rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "WaterBouget" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#WaterlilyLeaf +dhoh:WaterlilyLeaf rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "WaterlilyLeaf" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Wheel +dhoh:Wheel rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Wheel" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#WheelOnPartition +dhoh:WheelOnPartition rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "WheelOnPartition" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Wing +dhoh:Wing rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Wing" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#WithLionsClaws +dhoh:WithLionsClaws rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier ; + rdfs:label "WithLionsClaws" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Wolf +dhoh:Wolf rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Wolf" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#Wolf-Hook +dhoh:Wolf-Hook rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "Wolf-Hook" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#WolfsHead +dhoh:WolfsHead rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge ; + rdfs:label "WolfsHead" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#(2:1) +<http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#(2:1)> rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "(2:1)" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#(3:2:1) +<http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#(3:2:1)> rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "(3:2:1)" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#(3:3) +<http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#(3:3)> rdf:type owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement ; + rdfs:label "(3:3)" . + + +################################################################# +# Individuals +################################################################# + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BarrulyFox-Davies +dhoh:BarrulyFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barruly"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A field composed of an equal number of horizontally shaped pieces, when these exceed ten in number, is termed \"barruly\" of such and such a number. The term barruly is also sometimes used for ten pieces. (p. 120) Einordnung als Ordinary" ; + rdfs:label "BarrulyFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BarrulyParker +dhoh:BarrulyParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barruly"@en ; + rdfs:comment "The term barruly is used by some writers in describing a field horizontally divided into ten or any higher even number of equal parts; practically, however, the term barry might be used in most cases. (p. 45) Einordnung als \"Lines\"" ; + rdfs:label "BarrulyParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BarrulyRietstap +dhoh:BarrulyRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "burelé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Nom du fascé lorsqu'il a dix pièces au moins. (p. xv)" ; + rdfs:label "BarrulyRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BarrulydeBoos +dhoh:BarrulydeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barruly"@en , + "burely"@en , + "burelé"@fr , + "elfmal geteilt"@de , + "mehrfach geteilt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Nom que l'on donne au fascé lorsque le nombre de ses divisions est égal ou supérieur à dix et qu'il est constitué non plus de fasces mais de burelles. (p. 42)" ; + rdfs:label "BarrulydeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BarryFox-Davies +dhoh:BarryFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barry"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A field can be composed of any number of piece's in the form of the ordinaries filling the area of the shield, in which case the field is said to be \"barry\" (Figs. 55), chevronny (Fig. 59), paly (Fig. 57), bendy (Fig. 58), &c. but the number of must be pieces specified. (p. 97)" ; + rdfs:label "BarryFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BarryGritzner +dhoh:BarryGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "durchgeschnitten"@de , + "getheilt"@de , + "quergetheilt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "nennt man eine Theilung des Schildes durch eine, oder mehrere gerade, gebogene, oder gebrochene Linien in der horizontalen Richtung. Die Bezeichnung quergetheilt ist überflüssig, da alle anderen Theilungen ihre besonderen Bezeichnungen haben, ein Irrthum also ausgeschlsosen ist. Hier gilt dasselbe, was bei gespalten und Pfal im Allgemeinen gesagt ist; es entstehen also durch Theilungslinien mit gerade Ziffern: Balken, durch Theilungslinine mit ungeraden Ziffern: Theilungen. (p. 19)" ; + rdfs:label "BarryGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BarryOswald +dhoh:BarryOswald rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gequert"@de , + "geteilt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Schild oder gemeine Figur, der bzw. die durch einen oder mehrere waa- gerechte Querlinien in zwei oder mehr Plätze unterteilt wurde. Der g. Schild ent- steht durch eine, der zweimal g. durch zwei Querlinien. Bei letzterem müssen jedoch die einzelnen Plätze verschiedene Tinktu- ren aufweisen, sonst würde der Eindruck ei- nes j Balkens entstehen. Teilungen werden demnach nur durch eine ungerade Anzahl von Querlinien gebildet; bei gerader er- scheint dann die halbe Anzahl Balken. Auch hier müssen sich nach der heraldi- schen Farbregel immer Farbe und Metall ab- wechseln. (p. 160)" ; + rdfs:label "BarryOswald" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BarryParker +dhoh:BarryParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barry"@en , + "barré"@fr , + "burelé"@fr , + "fascé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Barry, [...] denotes that the field is horizontally divided into a certain even number of equal parts. If the number of divisions were odd the same tuncture would appear in cheif and in base, and the pieces of the other tunvture would be so many bars, or barrulets. (p. 38) Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" ; + rdfs:label "BarryParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BarryRietstap +dhoh:BarryRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "fascé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "couvert de fasces en nombre pair. Le fascé ordinaire est de six pièces, ce qui n'est pas nécessaire d'énoncer (I, 38.) S'il y en a plus ou moins, il faut l'indiquer. Le fascé ne peut avoir plus de huit pièces; au-dessus de ce nombre ou l'appelle burelé. — On trouve des fascés dont chaque fasce est d'un autre émail (I, 39.) (p. xxii)" ; + rdfs:label "BarryRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BarrydeBoos +dhoh:BarrydeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barry"@en , + "fascé"@fr , + "geteilt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Se dit de l'écu, et de toute figure, divisés dans le sens de Ia fasce en un nombre pair de parties égales aux émaux alternés. Le fascé est d'ordinaire de six pièces et on n'en précise le nombre que s'il est différent. Lorsque le nombre de divisions de cette figure est égal ou supérieur à dix, elle prend le nom de burelé. (p. 75)" ; + rdfs:label "BarrydeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BendyFox-Davies +dhoh:BendyFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "bendy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A field can be composed of any number of piece's in the form of the ordinaries filling the area of the shield, in which case the field is said to be \"barry\" (Figs. 55), chevronny (Fig. 59), paly (Fig. 57), bendy (Fig. 58), &c. but the number of must be pieces specified. (p. 97)" ; + rdfs:label "BendyFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BendyGritzner +dhoh:BendyGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geschrägt"@de , + "schräggetheilt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Einordnung als Theilung in diagonaler Richtung (p. 45)" ; + rdfs:label "BendyGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BendyParker +dhoh:BendyParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "bandé"@fr , + "bendy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "said of a field or charge civided bendwise into an even number of equal parts; or, as it may be otherwise described, as a field ebaring a series of diagonal stripes of alternate tunctures (and liable to the same variatins of the edges as the bedn), but so that there is an equal number of each. It stands to reason that if the same tuncture appears in chief as in base, the shield must be blazoned as a field bearing so many bendlets. As a rule, the first tuncture is named; but in the case of a metal and colour, though the latter is first in order, the metal is to be first named. Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" ; + rdfs:label "BendyParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BendyRietstap +dhoh:BendyRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "bandé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "couvert de bander en nombre pair (II, 19, iO il.) — On dit encore que des tètes de More ou autres tètes humaines ont les yeux bandés lorsqu'ils portent un ruban qui leur piisse sur les yeux, ce qui toutefois se rencontre rarement. (p. xv)" ; + rdfs:label "BendyRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#BendydeBoos +dhoh:BendydeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "bandé"@fr , + "bendy"@en , + "schräggeteilt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Se dit de l'écu, et de toute figure, divisé dans le sens de Ia bande en un nombre pair de parties égales et d'émaux alternés. Le bandé est d'ordinaire de six pièces et on n'en précise le nombre que s'il est différent. Lorsque le nombre de divisions de cette figure est égal ou supérieur à dix, elle prend le nom de coticé. (p. 33)" ; + rdfs:label "BendydeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CheckyFox-Davies +dhoh:CheckyFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "checky"@en , + "chequy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Another method of will be found in the fields \"checky\" (or \"chequy\") and lozengy; but these divisions, as also the foregoing, will be treated more specifically under the different ordinaries. (p. 98)" ; + rdfs:label "CheckyFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CheckyGritzner +dhoh:CheckyGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geschacht"@de , + "geschaechet"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Das Schach entsteht durch eine gleiche Anzahl von Theilungs- und Spaltungslinien. Die einfachste Form des Schachs ist die auf Fig. 65, nämlich durch 2 Theilungs- und 2 Spaltungslinien; man sagt hier von G. u. B. neunfach geschacht. (p. 33)" ; + rdfs:label "CheckyGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CheckyOswald +dhoh:CheckyOswald rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Quaderstücke"@de , + "Schach"@de , + "geplätzt"@de , + "geschacht"@de , + "gewürfelt"@de , + "symboliche Kärtchen"@de , + "viereckiger Span"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Schildesteilung, die durch mehrfache Teilung und Spaltung in einzelne Felder mit je gleichviel Linien erzielt wurde, wobei die entstandenen einzelnen kleinen Plätze in der Tinktur abwechseln müssen. Befinden sich mehr als neun Plätze auf dem Schild, so werden diese in der Regel nicht gezählt. In diesem Fall wird der Schild oder das Feld einfach als geschacht oder ungezählt geschacht angesprochen. (p. 156)" ; + rdfs:label "CheckyOswald" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CheckyParker +dhoh:CheckyParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "checky"@en , + "checquer-bearing"@en , + "chequy"@en , + "eschequeré"@fr , + "échiqueté"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "terms applied to a field or charge divided by perpendicular and horizontal lines, into small squares of metal and colour alternately. There should be at least twenty squatres in the shield. If less, the number is named [...]. When only 9, with the French heralds the term equipollé is applied. (p. 103) Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" ; + rdfs:label "CheckyParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CheckyRietstap +dhoh:CheckyRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "échiqueté"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "D'abord l'écu entier peut être échii|uel«* II, 16, 17 , Cl- qui m- fait d unliiiain* par «imi traits verticaux et cinq truit> horizontaux, produisant ln*nlc-si\\ rarn-aux, apw'li's points. I.ors4|u'il v a plus ou moins de moKS de carreaux, il faut I exprimer. L'écu éthiquete doit avoir au moins \\in):t carreaux. — Ensuite les pièces héraldiques peuvent être échi- quetées. Elles ont au moins deux ninfis de carreaux; ces rancs s'ap|)ellent lires III, 16, ia, 50.i Nous n'indiquerons que le nombre de tires qui en diffère. Entin on trouve des aigles, des lions écbiquetés, etc. La dirwtion de léihiquete est horizontale, mais il va des échiquetés où les carreaux se suivent dans la iii- recliop. de la bande ou de la Iwrre. (p. xxi)" ; + rdfs:label "CheckyRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#CheckydeBoos +dhoh:CheckydeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "checky"@en , + "chequy"@en , + "geschacht"@de , + "échiqueté"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Partition formée de lignes horizontales et verticales qui se coupent à angles droits et constituent une sorte de damier d'émaux alternés. Le nombre des points ainsi formés est indifférent, de même que leur forme; ils sont le plus souvent de forme carrée, mais dans le monde hispano-lusitanien, où cette partition est très courante, on les représente plutôt de forme rectangulaire. (p. 68)" ; + rdfs:label "CheckydeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#ChevronnyFox-Davies +dhoh:ChevronnyFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chevronny"@en ; + rdfs:comment "The field when entirely composed of an even number of chevrons is termed \"chevronny\" (p. 124)" ; + rdfs:label "ChevronnyFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#ChevronnyGritzner +dhoh:ChevronnyGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chevronné"@en , + "chevronné"@fr , + "gesparrt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "hier neunmal oder zehnfach geteilt (p. 64)" ; + rdfs:label "ChevronnyGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#ChevronnyOswald +dhoh:ChevronnyOswald rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gesparrt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "durch mehrere parallellaufende, übereinander gesetzte Spitzen bewirkte Schildteilung. Es ergeben sich dabei den Teilungen und Spaltungen analoge Bilder. Bei zwei Spitzen und drei Tinkturen ent- steht der g. Schild. Zwei Tinkturen, bei der der oberste und unterste Platz dieselbe Farbe haben - der mittelste erscheint als abweichend tingierter Winkelbalken - bil- den den j Sparren. Durch eine ungerade Anzahl von Spitzenlinien übereinander ent- steht der drei-, fünf-, oder siebenmal g. Schild, bei gerader Anzahl halb soviel Spar- ren. G. Schilde können auch mit verwech- selten Tinkturen (j verwechselte Farben) vorkommen. (p. 159)" ; + rdfs:label "ChevronnyOswald" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#ChevronnyParker +dhoh:ChevronnyParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chevronelly"@en , + "chevronny"@en , + "chevronné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "is used when the field is divided into an even number of euqal portions chevronwise. Chevronelly appears to be used more correctly. (p. 110= Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" ; + rdfs:label "ChevronnyParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#ChevronnyRietstap +dhoh:ChevronnyRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chevronné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "se dit d'un écu ou d'un objet entièrement couvert de chevrons en nombre pair 111,11,12) De la même manière on peut avoir un chevronné-renrersé III, \". (p. xvii)" ; + rdfs:label "ChevronnyRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#ChevronnydeBoos +dhoh:ChevronnydeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chevronny"@en , + "chevronné"@fr , + "gesparrt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifie l'écu, ou toute figure, divises en un nombre pair de chevrons égaux et d'émaux alternés. Le fait que l'écu soit ainsi couvert de chevrons entraine le fait que quelques uns d'entire eux, en chef, ne puissent être représentés en entiers, ce qui distingue cette figure des chevrons en nombre. (p. 50)" ; + rdfs:label "ChevronnydeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#FrettyFox-Davies +dhoh:FrettyFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "fretty"@en ; + rdfs:comment "The fret (Fig. 238), which is very frequently found occurring in British armory, is no doubt derived from earlier coats of arms, the whole field of which was covered by an interlacing of alternate bendlets and bendlets sinister, because many of the families who now bear a simple fret are found in earlier representations and in the early rolls of arms bearing coats which were fretty. (p. 149) Einordnung als Ordinary" ; + rdfs:label "FrettyFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#FrettyGritzner +dhoh:FrettyGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Flechtgitter"@de , + "fretty"@en , + "fretté"@fr , + "schrägflechtgegittert"@de ; + rdfs:comment "bestehend aus gekreuzten und mit einander verflochtenen Schrägbalken. Für gewähnlich weden die einzelnen Stäbe des Gitters nicht gezählt, ausgenommen da, wo es nur wenige und ausnahmesweis breite sind [...] (p. 66) Einordnung als \"Teilung\"" ; + rdfs:label "FrettyGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#FrettyOswald +dhoh:FrettyOswald rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Flechtgitter"@de , + "Schräggitter"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Schräggitter: das Heroldsbild j Gitter, je- doch mlt schragen Linien. (p. 356) Flechtgitter: aus schräg oder gerade ge- kreuzten Stabpfählen und -balken entste- hendes gitterförmiges Heroldsbild. Es kom- men auch F. vor, die aus j Strichbalken und -pfählen gebildet sind; dann erscheinen sie jedoch in feinerer Zeichnung. (p. 132) Trennung von Schräg- und Flechtgitter" ; + rdfs:label "FrettyOswald" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#FrettyParker +dhoh:FrettyParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "fretty"@en , + "fretté"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Fretty is now understood to mean a continuous fret, and forms a pattern for diapering the field, or some ordinary. Very many instances are found, and sometimes the points of junction are ornamented, at others the fret itself is charged with roundles, etc. The fr. teillissé is only to be distinguished from the fretté from the mesh being smaller. (p.276) Einordnung unter \"Lines\" (nicht \"Ordinaries\")" ; + rdfs:label "FrettyParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#FrettyRietstap +dhoh:FrettyRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "fretté"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Le fretté se compose de trois bandes et de trois barres passantes les unes au-dessus et au- dessous des autres en fonne de treillage, de manière à laisser des espaces vides qu'on appelle rlniretoiex flV, 11). — Des pièces longues, iwr ex. des lances, peuvent également être frcttées, c'est-à -dire entrela- cées à la manière d un fretté. (p. xxiii)" ; + rdfs:label "FrettyRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#FrettydeBoos +dhoh:FrettydeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Schräggitter"@de , + "fretty"@en , + "fretté"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifie l'écu ou les pièces et les partitions couverts de cotices en bande et de cotices en barre entrcroisées à la manière d'un tissage ou d'une vannerie. Les espaces lasissés libres par cette figure sont appelés entrefrettes. (p. 80f)" ; + rdfs:label "FrettydeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#GironnyFox-Davies +dhoh:GironnyFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gyronny"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Save in rare cases, a field gyronny is divided quarterly and then per saltire, making eight divisions, but it may be gyronny of six, ten, twelve, or more pieces, though such cases are seldom met with and always need to be specified. (p. 137)" ; + rdfs:label "GironnyFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#GironnyGritzner +dhoh:GironnyGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Ständer"@de , + "Ständerung"@de , + "geständert"@de , + "gironny"@en , + "gyronné"@en , + "sechsfach geständert"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Theilt man einen Schild durch eine linke, rechte und eine Schrägtheilung sowie eine Quer- und eine senkrechte Theilung [...] in 8 Theile, (congruente Dreiecke), so nennt man diese Theilung die Ständerung, spricht man von \"geständertem Schild\" und benennt die 8 einzelnen Theile \"Ständer\". (p. 43)" ; + rdfs:label "GironnyGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#GironnyOswald +dhoh:GironnyOswald rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "beschoßt"@de , + "geständert"@de ; + rdfs:comment "durch Ständerung geteilter Schild. (p. 159)" ; + rdfs:label "GironnyOswald" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#GironnyParker +dhoh:GironnyParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gironnße"@fr , + "gyronny"@en ; + rdfs:comment "The usual number of pieces is eight, but there may be six, ten, or twelve. Party pr saltire has been erroneously called gyronny of four, but in English armoury one of the lines forming the pattern must be in fesse. It will be observed that the term is an ancient one. The gyron with which the tunctures begin is the uppermost upon the dexter side. (p. 301) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" ; + rdfs:label "GironnyParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#GironnyRietstap +dhoh:GironnyRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gironné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Le gironné est le résultat des quatre luirtitions principales, c'est-à -dire du parti, du coupé, du tranché et du taillé, qui produisent huit triangles dont les sommets .se rencontrent en cf)eur de lécu II, 39.) Par la multiplication des lignes on obtient des giroDiiés de dix II, 11;., de douze et de .seize pièces. Des meubles, tels que fasces, sautoirs etc. peuvent être gironnés III. 48. — Gironné à Tantique se dit lorsque les quatre lignes de piirtition .sortent deux et deux de chacun des quatre Inirds de lécu, au lieu de sortir des angles et du milieu des twrds. — Le malgironné est le résultat de moins de quatre lignes; mais conmie cette psiriition est irregulière, il est nécessaire de donner la dénomination des lignes emplovées ill, S3. Les girons .scmt dits gironnants lorsqu'ils sont courl)és en volule l\\, (M), ei, «3. (p. xxiii)" ; + rdfs:label "GironnyRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#GironnydeBoos +dhoh:GironnydeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geständert"@de , + "gironné"@fr , + "gyronny"@en ; + rdfs:comment "gironné (ita, gheronato, ou grembiato; c spa, jironado; eng, gyronny ; ger, gestandert). Partition évoquant la forme d'ailes de moulin, ordinairement formée de la combi- naison des traits de l'écartelé et de l'écartelé en sautoir ; mais, surtout au moyen-âge, les quartiers de l'écartelé sont très souvent divisés non par une, mais par deux ou trois lignes obliques, appointées, formant des gironnés de douze ou seize pièces. Lorsqu'un gironné n'est pas construit sur la base des traits du coupé et du parti, on l'appelle souvent mal-gironné. (p. 82)" ; + rdfs:label "GironnydeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#LozengyFox-Davies +dhoh:LozengyFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "lozengy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Lozengy is made by use of lines in bend crossed by lines in bend sinister, and \"fusilly\", the same, only drawn at a more acute angle. (p. 122)" ; + rdfs:label "LozengyFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#LozengyGritzner +dhoh:LozengyGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geweckt"@de , + "lozangé"@en , + "lozengy"@en , + "schräggewürfelt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Die entstandenen Plätze müssen quadratisch sein, zum Unterschied von (senkrecht) gerautet und quer gerautet. (p. 58)" ; + rdfs:label "LozengyGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#LozengyOswald +dhoh:LozengyOswald rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gerautet"@de , + "gesteint"@de , + "schräg geschacht"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Bezeichnung für einen mit Rau- tensektionen (j Rauten) geteilten Schild. Für g. findet sich in älteren Blasonierungen bisweilen auch der Ausdruck schräg geschacht oder gesteint. (p. 155)" ; + rdfs:label "LozengyOswald" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#LozengyParker +dhoh:LozengyParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "lesangé"@fr , + "lozengy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "entirely covered with lozenges of alterante tunctures. The lines are variously drawn, but as a rule they should produce lozenges narrower in breadth in proportion to their length than in the example drawn to illustrate what bendy, decter and sinister would produce, yet not so narrow as fusilly. (p. 384) Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" ; + rdfs:label "LozengyParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#LozengyRietstap +dhoh:LozengyRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "losangé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "se dit d'un écu ou d'une pièce entière- ment couverte de losanges entre lesquelles il ne reste pointd'espace. D'ordinaireladirectiondulosangeest verticale, mais il v a des losanges en bande et en barre dV, 189.j (p. xxv)" ; + rdfs:label "LozengyRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#LozengydeBoos +dhoh:LozengydeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gerautet"@de , + "losangé"@fr , + "lozengy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifie l'écu, les pièces ou les partitions divisées en losanges égaux et d'émaux alternés. (p. 94)" ; + rdfs:label "LozengydeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#MasonedOswald +dhoh:MasonedOswald rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gemauert"@de , + "schwarz gemauert"@de ; + rdfs:comment "diejenigen Teilungen oder Figuren, in deren Tinktur sich ein mit schwarzen Strichen angedeutetes Mauerwerk mit schwarzen Fugen befin- det. Diese An der Darstellung ist der i Schattenf~rbe und der i Damaszierung ähnlich. (p. 358)" ; + rdfs:label "MasonedOswald" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#MasonedParker +dhoh:MasonedParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "masoned"@en , + "maçonné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "a term used to describe the lines formed by the junction of the stones in a building. It is sometimes appied to the field, but more frequently to a castle, tower, or wall. (p. 403)" ; + rdfs:label "MasonedParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#MasonedRietstap +dhoh:MasonedRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "maçonné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment ".se dit des traits de séparation entre les pierres d un édifice. Quelquefois le champ d'un , écu est entièrement couvert du maionné IV, 49,30,31., (p. xxv)" ; + rdfs:label "MasonedRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#MasoneddeBoos +dhoh:MasoneddeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gemauert"@de , + "masoned"@en , + "maçonné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifie les différents ouvrages de maçonnerie dont le jountoiement des pierres est d'un émail particulier; lorsque ce jointoiement est de sable, sa mention est le plus souvent facultative. Ce terme s'applique également à l'écu, aux pièces et partitions, couverts de lignes d'un émail particulier, imitant la maçonnerie d'un mur. (p. 94f)" ; + rdfs:label "MasoneddeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PalyFox-Davies +dhoh:PalyFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "paly"@en ; + rdfs:comment "When the field is striped vertically it is said to be “paly†of so many. (p. 117)" ; + rdfs:label "PalyFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PalyParker +dhoh:PalyParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "paly"@en , + "palé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "when the field is divided by perpendicular lines into an even number of equal parts, the first of which is generally of a metal, and the last of a colour. An uneven number (see barry) would be blazoned as of so many pales. The French term vergetté is used when the pales, or rather palets, are above ten in number. (p. 437) Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" ; + rdfs:label "PalyParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PalyRietstap +dhoh:PalyRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "palé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "se dit d'un écu ou d'une pièce couverte de pals en nombre pair, entre lesquels il ne rest aucun espace. (p. xxvii) " ; + rdfs:label "PalyRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PalydeBoos +dhoh:PalydeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "paly"@en , + "palé"@fr , + "pfahlweise"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Se dit de l'écu, et de toute figure, divisé verticalement en un nombre pair de parties égales et d'émaux alternés. Le palé est d'ordinaire de six pièces et on n'en précise le nombre que s'il est différent. Lorsque le nombre de divisions de cette figure est égal ou supérieur à dix, elle prend le nom de vergeté. (p. 106)" ; + rdfs:label "PalydeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerBendFox-Davies +dhoh:PerBendFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per bend"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" ; + rdfs:label "PerBendFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerBendGritzner +dhoh:PerBendGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geschrägt"@de , + "schräggetheilt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Einordnung als Theilung in diagonaler Richtung (p. 45)" ; + rdfs:label "PerBendGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerBendParker +dhoh:PerBendParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per bend"@en , + "per bend"@en ; + rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" ; + rdfs:label "PerBendParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerBendRietstap +dhoh:PerBendRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tiercé en bande"@fr , + "tranché"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Partition de l'écu, au moyen d'une ligne diagonale, tirée de dextre à senestre. (p. xxx) Divisé en trois parties égales au moyen de lignes droites. De cette manière on obtient le tiercé en bande, en barre, en chevron, en écusson, en fasce, en pairle, en pairle renversé, en en pal. Les armes de Blanc d'Hauterive sont tiercées en écusson, ce qui veut dire que l'écu a l'apparance de trois ècussons de grandeur différente couchés l'un sur l'autre. (p. xxx)" ; + rdfs:label "PerBendRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerBenddeBoos +dhoh:PerBenddeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Schräggeteilt"@de , + "per bend"@en , + "tranché"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Partition qui divise l'écu ou une figure en deux parties egales au moyen d'une ligne diagonale descendant de l'angle dextre du chef vers l'angle senestre de la pointe. (p. 127)" ; + rdfs:label "PerBenddeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerChevronFox-Davies +dhoh:PerChevronFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per chevron"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" ; + rdfs:label "PerChevronFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerChevronGritzner +dhoh:PerChevronGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Spitze"@de ; + rdfs:comment "wird gebildet durch 2 von der Mitte des Oberrandes ausgenende nach den beiden Unterecken zezogene Linien. In dieser Form wird die Spitze steigend oder aufsteigend genannt, was zum Untenrschiede von der gestürzten etc. dienen soll, im Grunde genommen aber, weil selbstreden, nciht gemeldet zu werden braucht. Der Scheitelpunkt der Spitze heisst wie beim Sparren: Gipfel, die begrenzenden Seitenlinien: Schenkel. (p. 54)" ; + rdfs:label "PerChevronGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerChevronParker +dhoh:PerChevronParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per chevron"@en , + "per chevron"@en ; + rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" ; + rdfs:label "PerChevronParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerChevronRietstap +dhoh:PerChevronRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chapé"@fr , + "tiercé en chevron"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "se dit du coq qui a le bec ouvert. Chape : se dit de l'écu divisé par deux lignes dia- gonales jointes au milieu du bord supérieur et qui se terminent l'une à l'angle dextre et l'autre à l'angle se- nestre de la base de l'écu (III, 59, 60, 61). Dans les armoiries allemandes, où cette partition est très-fré- quente, on a la coutume d'arrondir ces lignes diago- nales, ce qui alors s'appelle chapé-ployé (Ilf, 62.) Pour le chapé-chaussé, v. Chaussé. (p. xvi) Divisé en trois parties égales au moyen de lignes droites. De cette manière on obtient le tiercé en bande, en barre, en chevron, en écusson, en fasce, en pairle, en pairle renversé, en en pal. Les armes de Blanc d'Hauterive sont tiercées en écusson, ce qui veut dire que l'écu a l'apparance de trois ècussons de grandeur différente couchés l'un sur l'autre. (p. xxx)" ; + rdfs:label "PerChevronRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerChevrondeBoos +dhoh:PerChevrondeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Spitze"@de , + "chapé"@en , + "chapé"@fr , + "pile throughout issuant in base"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Partition en forme d'angle aigu, délimitée par deux lignes obliques descendant, à la manière d'un chevron, du mulieu du chef vers les angels de la pointe. Il Convient de noter que le champ de l'écu est la partie qui apparait en pointe et que c'est cet émail qui est nommé le premier. (p. 46)" ; + rdfs:label "PerChevrondeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerFessFox-Davies +dhoh:PerFessFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per fess"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" ; + rdfs:label "PerFessFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerFessGritzner +dhoh:PerFessGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "durchgeschnitten"@de , + "getheilt"@de , + "quergetheilt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "nennt man eine Theilung des Schildes durch eine, oder mehrere gerade, gebogene, oder gebrochene Linien in der horizontalen Richtung. Die Bezeichnung quergetheilt ist überflüssig, da alle anderen Theilungen ihre besonderen Bezeichnungen haben, ein Irrthum also ausgeschlsosen ist. Hier gilt dasselbe, was bei gespalten und Pfal im Allgemeinen gesagt ist; es entstehen also durch Theilungslinien mit gerade Ziffern: Balken, durch Theilungslinine mit ungeraden Ziffern: Theilungen. (p. 19)" ; + rdfs:label "PerFessGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerFessParker +dhoh:PerFessParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per fesse"@en , + "per fesse"@en ; + rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" ; + rdfs:label "PerFessParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerFessRietstap +dhoh:PerFessRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "coupé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "se dit : 1° d'un écu ou d'une pièce divisée en deux parties égales au moven d'un trait horizontal (I, 23, 24); — 2° des têtes d'animaux qui semblent séparées du corps au moyen d'un instrument tranchant; 3° des fleurs-de-lis dont le pied est coupé. (p. xviii)" ; + rdfs:label "PerFessRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerFessdeBoos +dhoh:PerFessdeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "coupé"@fr , + "geteilt"@de , + "per fess"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Partition qui divise l'écu ou une figure en deux parties égales au moyen d'une ligne horizontale. (p. 59)" ; + rdfs:label "PerFessdeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerPaleFox-Davies +dhoh:PerPaleFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per pale"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" ; + rdfs:label "PerPaleFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerPaleGritzner +dhoh:PerPaleGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gespalten"@de , + "per pale"@en ; + rdfs:comment "[...] heisst der von oben nach unten durch eine oder mehrere durchgehende Linien perpendikular, oder senkrecht getheilte Schild; den Schnitt selber nennt man: Spaltung oder Spaltschnitt. (p. 12)" ; + rdfs:label "PerPaleGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerPaleOswald +dhoh:PerPaleOswald rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gespalten"@de , + "senkrecht gestreift"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Schild oder ge- meine Figur, der bzw. die durch einen oder mehrere senkrechte Schnitte in zwei oder mehr Plätze geteilt wird. Bei einem zweimal g.en Schild müssen alle drei entstehenden Plätze eine andere Tinktur haben. Wären die äußeren Plätze von einer Farbe, würde das Heroldsbild j Pfahl entstehen. In der Regel haben bei einer zweimaligen Spal- tung die einzelnen Plätze eine Breite von einem Drittel der gesamten Schildbreite. Bei mehr Spaltungen verringert sie sich pro- portional. Spaltungen haben immer eine un- gerade Anzahl von Spaltungslinien. Nach den heraldischen Farbgesetzen muß immer eine Farbe neben einem Metall stehen. Eine siebenmalige oder höhere Spaltung wird als senkrecht gestreift angesprochen. (p.158)" ; + rdfs:label "PerPaleOswald" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerPaleParker +dhoh:PerPaleParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per pale"@en , + "per pale"@en ; + rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" ; + rdfs:label "PerPaleParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerPaleRietstap +dhoh:PerPaleRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "parti"@fr , + "tiercé en pal"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Le pjirti est le produit d'une ligne penien- diculaire qui divise le champ ou un meuble en deux parties é2ale> I, ii. (p. xxvii) Divisé en trois parties égales au moyen de lignes droites. De cette manière on obtient le tiercé en bande, en barre, en chevron, en écusson, en fasce, en pairle, en pairle renversé, en en pal. Les armes de Blanc d'Hauterive sont tiercées en écusson, ce qui veut dire que l'écu a l'apparance de trois ècussons de grandeur différente couchés l'un sur l'autre. (p. xxx)" ; + rdfs:label "PerPaleRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerPaledeBoos +dhoh:PerPaledeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gespalten"@de , + "parti"@fr , + "per pale"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifte l'écu, les pièces ou les figures divisés en deux parties egales par un trait vertical. (p. 107)" ; + rdfs:label "PerPaledeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerSaltireFox-Davies +dhoh:PerSaltireFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per saltire"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" ; + rdfs:label "PerSaltireFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerSaltireGritzner +dhoh:PerSaltireGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "schräg quadrirt"@de , + "schräggeviert"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Combination zweier ganzer gekreuzter (oder vier von bis zur Mitte reichender) Schräglinien (p. 58)" ; + rdfs:label "PerSaltireGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerSaltireParker +dhoh:PerSaltireParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per saltire"@en , + "per saltire"@en ; + rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" ; + rdfs:label "PerSaltireParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerSaltireRietstap +dhoh:PerSaltireRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "écartelé en sautoir"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Divisé en quatre quartiers égaux, au moyen d'un coupé et d'un parti. Cependant on donne aussi le nom de quartiers aux comaprtliments qui résullent de l'application d'un plus grand nombre de lignes. Ecartelé en équerre est un écartelé de manière que chaque quartier a la forme d'une équerre. L'écartelé en sautoir est le produit du tranché et du taillé. (p. xx)" ; + rdfs:label "PerSaltireRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PerSaltiredeBoos +dhoh:PerSaltiredeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Schräggeviert"@de , + "quartered per saltire"@en , + "écartelé en sautoir"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Nom que prend l'écartelé lorsque les lignes qui le composent sont obliques. Cette figure obéit aux mêmes règles que l'écartelé; ses quartiers sont eux aussi numérotés: le 1 est en chef, le 2 en flanc à dextre, le 3 en flanc à senestre et le 4 en pointe. (p. 67)" ; + rdfs:label "PerSaltiredeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PlainGritzner +dhoh:PlainGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "ledig"@de , + "lediger Schild"@de , + "plein"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "ein leerer Schild (p. 284)" ; + rdfs:label "PlainGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PlainOswald +dhoh:PlainOswald rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Ledigenschild"@de , + "einfach"@de , + "ledig"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Schild oder Feld in dem keine Heroldsbilder oder gemein~ Figuren, sondern nur eine Tinktur enthal- ten ist. Bei l.en Schilden, die nicht j Warte- schilde sind, zählt die Tinktur als Wappen- figur und ist als solche zu betrachten. Im hohen Mittelalter trugen die Ritter auch 1. Schilde, um nicht erkannt zu werden. In dieser Zeit wurden häufig nur mit einer Tinktur oder Pelzwerk versehene Schilde geführt. In einigen älteren Blasonierungen werden mitunter nur mit Schildteilungen versehene Schilde fälschlich als I. Schilde bezeichnet. (p. 250)" ; + rdfs:label "PlainOswald" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PlainParker +dhoh:PlainParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "plain"@en ; + rdfs:comment "it is sometimes found useful for the sake of distinction to introduce this word (p. 464)" ; + rdfs:label "PlainParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PlainRietstap +dhoh:PlainRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "plein"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "se dit d un champ couvert d'un émail uni sans aucun meuble. Ce terme s'emploie également pour indiquer qu'une pièce héraldique est représentée sous sa forme onlinaire, sans que ses tionls aient subi quelque changement, Ainsi une croix de la forme ordinaire serait appelée croix pleine par rapport à d'autrescroix dont les lignes seraient at accidentées. (p. xxvii)" ; + rdfs:label "PlainRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#PlaindeBoos +dhoh:PlaindeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "full"@en , + "plein"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifie un écu à lintérieur duquel ne se trouve aucune brisure; les armes pleines sont - en rpincipe - réservées au \"chef d'armes\". (p. 110f)" ; + rdfs:label "PlaindeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#TiercedFox-Davies +dhoh:TiercedFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tierced"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A field divided horizontally into three equal divisions of e.g. gules, sable, and argent is theoretically blazoned by British rules “party per fess gules and argent, a fess sable.†This, however, gives an exaggerated width to the fess which it does not really possess with us, and the German rules, which would blazon it “tierced per fess gules, sable, and argent,†would seem preferable. (p. 121)" ; + rdfs:label "TiercedFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#TiercedGritzner +dhoh:TiercedGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tiercé"@en , + "tiercé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Schild in drei gleiche Theile, jeder andere Farbe getheilt. (p. 312)" ; + rdfs:label "TiercedGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#TiercedParker +dhoh:TiercedParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tierced"@en , + "tiercé"@fr , + "triparted"@en ; + rdfs:comment "in French arms the term is generally of the shield when it is divided into three parts per fesse; but the shield also may be blazoned as tiercé per pale or per bend. See under Party. (p. 573)" ; + rdfs:label "TiercedParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#TiercedRietstap +dhoh:TiercedRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tiercé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Divisé en trois parties égales au moyen de lignes droites. De cette manière on obtient le tiercé en bande, en barre, en chevron, en écusson, en fasce, en pairle, en pairle renversé, en en pal. Les armes de Blanc d'Hauterive sont tiercées en écusson, ce qui veut dire que l'écu a l'apparance de trois ècussons de grandeur différente couchés l'un sur l'autre. (p. xxx)" ; + rdfs:label "TiercedRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#TierceddeBoos +dhoh:TierceddeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gespalten"@de , + "geteilt"@de , + "tierced"@en , + "tiercé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifie l'écu divisé en trois parties égales d'émaux différents, au moyen de lignes disposées dans le sens de la fasce, du pal, de la bande, de la barre, du pairle, ou parfois du chevron. (p. 125)" ; + rdfs:label "TierceddeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#VairFox-Davies +dhoh:VairFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Eisenhüt-feh"@de , + "vair"@en ; + rdfs:comment "This originated from the fur of a kind of squirrel [...] The animal was bluey-grey upon the back and white underneath, and the whole skin was used. It will be readily seen that by sewing a number of these skins together a result is obtained of a series of cupshaped figures, alternating bluey-grey and white [...] Ordinary vair in German heraldry is known as Eisenhüt-feh (sic!), or iron hat vair. (p. 79)" ; + rdfs:label "VairFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#VairGritzner +dhoh:VairGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Eisenhutfeh"@de , + "Feh"@de , + "vair"@en , + "vair"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "[...] wird gebildet, indem man zunächst den Schild durch mehrere Linien in gleich große Querreihen teilt und letztere durch Figuren, bestehend aus je 4 schrägen und 2 senkrechten Linien, welche zusammen die Gestalt eines Eisenhutes (Sturmhaube) bilden, derartig in von Blau und Weiß abwechselnde kongruente Figuren teilt, dass die Spitzen der blauen Eisenhütlein nach oben, die der dazwischen, resp. daneben liegenden weißen nach abwärts zeigen. Selbstredend muss, dem Gesetz der Teilung zufolge, je an beiden Seiten des Schildes immer in den Reihen abwechselnd ein blaues oder ein weißes Eisenhütlein halb in den Rand verschwinden. (p. 7)" ; + rdfs:label "VairGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#VairOswald +dhoh:VairOswald rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Fech"@de , + "Feh"@de ; + rdfs:comment "heraldischer Sammelbegriff für bezeichnet. Abb. Federkorb j Federköcher. alle wahrscheinlich vom wirklichen Pelz- werk abgeleiteten Schildmuster. Grundlage der verschiedenen Varianten dürften die Eisenhütlein sein. Aus diesem Grundmu- ster entwickelten die Herolde später die unterschiedlichsten Formen (p. 127)" ; + rdfs:label "VairOswald" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#VairParker +dhoh:VairParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vair"@en , + "vairé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "generally written vairy when definite tinctures are named: a party-coloured fur, properly argent and azuure, which tinctures are alqays implied when no others are mentioned; but, as will be seen, it occurs even in the early rolls of different tunctures. (p. 597)" ; + rdfs:label "VairParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#VairRietstap +dhoh:VairRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vair"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Une des fourrures employées en armoiries, composée de quatre rangs de pièces en forme de clochettes, alternativement d'argent et d'azur. Ces clochettes, appelées pièces de vair, seules ou en nombre, se trouvent séparément dans quelques armoiries comme meubles. (p. xxxi)" ; + rdfs:label "VairRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#VairdeBoos +dhoh:VairdeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Feh"@de , + "vair"@en , + "vair"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Fourrure composée de petites pièces en forme de clochettes, disposées en plusieurs rangées horizontales ou tires, décalées d'une tire à l'autre et alternativement d'argent et d'azur. Plus que l'hermine, le vair se prète à de nombreuses variations ou variantes (p. 129)" ; + rdfs:label "VairdeBoos" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#VairyFox-Davies +dhoh:VairyFox-Davies rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vairy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Vair is always blue and white, but the same subdivision of the field is frequently found in other colours ; and when this is the case, it is termed vairy of such and such colours. (p. 81)" ; + rdfs:label "VairyFox-Davies" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#VairyGritzner +dhoh:VairyGritzner rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vairé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "wenn das Feh aus anderen Färbungen asl weiss u. blau besteht. (p. 317)" ; + rdfs:label "VairyGritzner" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#VairyOswald +dhoh:VairyOswald rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gefeht"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Ein mit Eisenhütlein versehener Schild, in dem diese nicht in ihrer natürlichen Tingierung erscheinen, sondern andere Farbkombinationen, meist rot-gelb, aufweisen. (p. 147)" ; + rdfs:label "VairyOswald" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#VairyParker +dhoh:VairyParker rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vairy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "generally written vairy when definite tinctures are named: a party-coloured fur, properly argent and azuure, which tinctures are alqays implied when no others are mentioned; but, as will be seen, it occurs even in the early rolls of different tunctures. (p. 597)" ; + rdfs:label "VairyParker" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#VairyRietstap +dhoh:VairyRietstap rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vairé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "s'emploie lorsque le vair est composé d'autres émaux que d'argent et d'azur. (p. xxxi)" ; + rdfs:label "VairyRietstap" . + + +### http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#VairydeBoos +dhoh:VairydeBoos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , + dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gefeht"@de , + "vairy"@en , + "vairé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Nom que l'on donne au vair lorsque la combinaison des émaux qui colorent ses pièces est différente de celle formée par l'argent et l'azur. (p. 129)" ; + rdfs:label "VairydeBoos" . + + +################################################################# +# Annotations +################################################################# + +dhoh:blasonWasCorrected rdfs:label "blasonWasCorrected"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . -dhoh:on rdfs:label "on" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . -dhoh:sinister rdfs:label "sinister" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . +dhoh:blazonTerm rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "blazonTerm"@en . -dhoh:with rdfs:label "with" ; - rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . -dhoh:BarrulyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BarrulyFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barruly"@en ; - rdfs:comment "A field composed of an equal number of horizontally shaped pieces, when these exceed ten in number, is termed \"barruly\" of such and such a number. The term barruly is also sometimes used for ten pieces. (p. 120) Einordnung als Ordinary" . - -dhoh:BarrulyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BarrulyParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barruly"@en ; - rdfs:comment "The term barruly is used by some writers in describing a field horizontally divided into ten or any higher even number of equal parts; practically, however, the term barry might be used in most cases. (p. 45) Einordnung als \"Lines\"" . - -dhoh:BarrulyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BarrulyRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "burelé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Nom du fascé lorsqu'il a dix pièces au moins. (p. xv)" . - -dhoh:BarrulydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BarrulydeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "elfmal geteilt"@de, - "mehrfach geteilt"@de, - "barruly"@en, - "burely"@en, - "burelé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Nom que l'on donne au fascé lorsque le nombre de ses divisions est égal ou supérieur à dix et qu'il est constitué non plus de fasces mais de burelles. (p. 42)" . - -dhoh:BarryFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BarryFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barry"@en ; - rdfs:comment "A field can be composed of any number of piece's in the form of the ordinaries filling the area of the shield, in which case the field is said to be \"barry\" (Figs. 55), chevronny (Fig. 59), paly (Fig. 57), bendy (Fig. 58), &c. but the number of must be pieces specified. (p. 97)" . - -dhoh:BarryGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BarryGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "durchgeschnitten"@de, - "getheilt"@de, - "quergetheilt"@de ; - rdfs:comment "nennt man eine Theilung des Schildes durch eine, oder mehrere gerade, gebogene, oder gebrochene Linien in der horizontalen Richtung. Die Bezeichnung quergetheilt ist überflüssig, da alle anderen Theilungen ihre besonderen Bezeichnungen haben, ein Irrthum also ausgeschlsosen ist. Hier gilt dasselbe, was bei gespalten und Pfal im Allgemeinen gesagt ist; es entstehen also durch Theilungslinien mit gerade Ziffern: Balken, durch Theilungslinine mit ungeraden Ziffern: Theilungen. (p. 19)" . - -dhoh:BarryOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BarryOswald" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gequert"@de, - "geteilt"@de ; - rdfs:comment "Schild oder gemeine Figur, der bzw. die durch einen oder mehrere waa- gerechte Querlinien in zwei oder mehr Plätze unterteilt wurde. Der g. Schild ent- steht durch eine, der zweimal g. durch zwei Querlinien. Bei letzterem müssen jedoch die einzelnen Plätze verschiedene Tinktu- ren aufweisen, sonst würde der Eindruck ei- nes j Balkens entstehen. Teilungen werden demnach nur durch eine ungerade Anzahl von Querlinien gebildet; bei gerader er- scheint dann die halbe Anzahl Balken. Auch hier müssen sich nach der heraldi- schen Farbregel immer Farbe und Metall ab- wechseln. (p. 160)" . - -dhoh:BarryParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BarryParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barry"@en, - "barré"@fr, - "burelé"@fr, - "fascé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Barry, [...] denotes that the field is horizontally divided into a certain even number of equal parts. If the number of divisions were odd the same tuncture would appear in cheif and in base, and the pieces of the other tunvture would be so many bars, or barrulets. (p. 38) Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . - -dhoh:BarryRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BarryRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "fascé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "couvert de fasces en nombre pair. Le fascé ordinaire est de six pièces, ce qui n'est pas nécessaire d'énoncer (I, 38.) S'il y en a plus ou moins, il faut l'indiquer. Le fascé ne peut avoir plus de huit pièces; au-dessus de ce nombre ou l'appelle burelé. — On trouve des fascés dont chaque fasce est d'un autre émail (I, 39.) (p. xxii)" . - -dhoh:BarrydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BarrydeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geteilt"@de, - "barry"@en, - "fascé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Se dit de l'écu, et de toute figure, divisés dans le sens de Ia fasce en un nombre pair de parties égales aux émaux alternés. Le fascé est d'ordinaire de six pièces et on n'en précise le nombre que s'il est différent. Lorsque le nombre de divisions de cette figure est égal ou supérieur à dix, elle prend le nom de burelé. (p. 75)" . - -dhoh:BendyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BendyFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "bendy"@en ; - rdfs:comment "A field can be composed of any number of piece's in the form of the ordinaries filling the area of the shield, in which case the field is said to be \"barry\" (Figs. 55), chevronny (Fig. 59), paly (Fig. 57), bendy (Fig. 58), &c. but the number of must be pieces specified. (p. 97)" . - -dhoh:BendyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BendyGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geschrägt"@de, - "schräggetheilt"@de ; - rdfs:comment "Einordnung als Theilung in diagonaler Richtung (p. 45)" . - -dhoh:BendyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BendyParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "bendy"@en, - "bandé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "said of a field or charge civided bendwise into an even number of equal parts; or, as it may be otherwise described, as a field ebaring a series of diagonal stripes of alternate tunctures (and liable to the same variatins of the edges as the bedn), but so that there is an equal number of each. It stands to reason that if the same tuncture appears in chief as in base, the shield must be blazoned as a field bearing so many bendlets. As a rule, the first tuncture is named; but in the case of a metal and colour, though the latter is first in order, the metal is to be first named. Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . - -dhoh:BendyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BendyRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "bandé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "couvert de bander en nombre pair (II, 19, iO il.) — On dit encore que des tètes de More ou autres tètes humaines ont les yeux bandés lorsqu'ils portent un ruban qui leur piisse sur les yeux, ce qui toutefois se rencontre rarement. (p. xv)" . - -dhoh:BendydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "BendydeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "schräggeteilt"@de, - "bendy"@en, - "bandé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Se dit de l'écu, et de toute figure, divisé dans le sens de Ia bande en un nombre pair de parties égales et d'émaux alternés. Le bandé est d'ordinaire de six pièces et on n'en précise le nombre que s'il est différent. Lorsque le nombre de divisions de cette figure est égal ou supérieur à dix, elle prend le nom de coticé. (p. 33)" . - -dhoh:CheckyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "CheckyFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "checky"@en, - "chequy"@en ; - rdfs:comment "Another method of will be found in the fields \"checky\" (or \"chequy\") and lozengy; but these divisions, as also the foregoing, will be treated more specifically under the different ordinaries. (p. 98)" . - -dhoh:CheckyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "CheckyGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geschacht"@de, - "geschaechet"@de ; - rdfs:comment "Das Schach entsteht durch eine gleiche Anzahl von Theilungs- und Spaltungslinien. Die einfachste Form des Schachs ist die auf Fig. 65, nämlich durch 2 Theilungs- und 2 Spaltungslinien; man sagt hier von G. u. B. neunfach geschacht. (p. 33)" . - -dhoh:CheckyOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "CheckyOswald" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Quaderstücke"@de, - "Schach"@de, - "geplätzt"@de, - "geschacht"@de, - "gewürfelt"@de, - "symboliche Kärtchen"@de, - "viereckiger Span"@de ; - rdfs:comment "Schildesteilung, die durch mehrfache Teilung und Spaltung in einzelne Felder mit je gleichviel Linien erzielt wurde, wobei die entstandenen einzelnen kleinen Plätze in der Tinktur abwechseln müssen. Befinden sich mehr als neun Plätze auf dem Schild, so werden diese in der Regel nicht gezählt. In diesem Fall wird der Schild oder das Feld einfach als geschacht oder ungezählt geschacht angesprochen. (p. 156)" . - -dhoh:CheckyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "CheckyParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "checky"@en, - "checquer-bearing"@en, - "chequy"@en, - "eschequeré"@fr, - "échiqueté"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "terms applied to a field or charge divided by perpendicular and horizontal lines, into small squares of metal and colour alternately. There should be at least twenty squatres in the shield. If less, the number is named [...]. When only 9, with the French heralds the term equipollé is applied. (p. 103) Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . - -dhoh:CheckyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "CheckyRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "échiqueté"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "D'abord l'écu entier peut être échii|uel«* II, 16, 17 , Cl- qui m- fait d unliiiain* par «imi traits verticaux et cinq truit> horizontaux, produisant ln*nlc-si\\ rarn-aux, apw'li's points. I.ors4|u'il v a plus ou moins de moKS de carreaux, il faut I exprimer. L'écu éthiquete doit avoir au moins \\in):t carreaux. — Ensuite les pièces héraldiques peuvent être échi- quetées. Elles ont au moins deux ninfis de carreaux; ces rancs s'ap|)ellent lires III, 16, ia, 50.i Nous n'indiquerons que le nombre de tires qui en diffère. Entin on trouve des aigles, des lions écbiquetés, etc. La dirwtion de léihiquete est horizontale, mais il va des échiquetés où les carreaux se suivent dans la iii- recliop. de la bande ou de la Iwrre. (p. xxi)" . - -dhoh:CheckydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "CheckydeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geschacht"@de, - "checky"@en, - "chequy"@en, - "échiqueté"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Partition formée de lignes horizontales et verticales qui se coupent à angles droits et constituent une sorte de damier d'émaux alternés. Le nombre des points ainsi formés est indifférent, de même que leur forme; ils sont le plus souvent de forme carrée, mais dans le monde hispano-lusitanien, où cette partition est très courante, on les représente plutôt de forme rectangulaire. (p. 68)" . - -dhoh:ChevronnyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "ChevronnyFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chevronny"@en ; - rdfs:comment "The field when entirely composed of an even number of chevrons is termed \"chevronny\" (p. 124)" . - -dhoh:ChevronnyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "ChevronnyGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gesparrt"@de, - "chevronné"@en, - "chevronné"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "hier neunmal oder zehnfach geteilt (p. 64)" . - -dhoh:ChevronnyOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "ChevronnyOswald" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gesparrt"@de ; - rdfs:comment "durch mehrere parallellaufende, übereinander gesetzte Spitzen bewirkte Schildteilung. Es ergeben sich dabei den Teilungen und Spaltungen analoge Bilder. Bei zwei Spitzen und drei Tinkturen ent- steht der g. Schild. Zwei Tinkturen, bei der der oberste und unterste Platz dieselbe Farbe haben - der mittelste erscheint als abweichend tingierter Winkelbalken - bil- den den j Sparren. Durch eine ungerade Anzahl von Spitzenlinien übereinander ent- steht der drei-, fünf-, oder siebenmal g. Schild, bei gerader Anzahl halb soviel Spar- ren. G. Schilde können auch mit verwech- selten Tinkturen (j verwechselte Farben) vorkommen. (p. 159)" . - -dhoh:ChevronnyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "ChevronnyParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chevronelly"@en, - "chevronny"@en, - "chevronné"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "is used when the field is divided into an even number of euqal portions chevronwise. Chevronelly appears to be used more correctly. (p. 110= Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . - -dhoh:ChevronnyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "ChevronnyRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chevronné"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "se dit d'un écu ou d'un objet entièrement couvert de chevrons en nombre pair 111,11,12) De la même manière on peut avoir un chevronné-renrersé III, \". (p. xvii)" . - -dhoh:ChevronnydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "ChevronnydeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gesparrt"@de, - "chevronny"@en, - "chevronné"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Qualifie l'écu, ou toute figure, divises en un nombre pair de chevrons égaux et d'émaux alternés. Le fait que l'écu soit ainsi couvert de chevrons entraine le fait que quelques uns d'entire eux, en chef, ne puissent être représentés en entiers, ce qui distingue cette figure des chevrons en nombre. (p. 50)" . - -dhoh:Escutcheon rdfs:label "Escutcheon" ; - rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . - -dhoh:FrettyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "FrettyFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "fretty"@en ; - rdfs:comment "The fret (Fig. 238), which is very frequently found occurring in British armory, is no doubt derived from earlier coats of arms, the whole field of which was covered by an interlacing of alternate bendlets and bendlets sinister, because many of the families who now bear a simple fret are found in earlier representations and in the early rolls of arms bearing coats which were fretty. (p. 149) Einordnung als Ordinary" . - -dhoh:FrettyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "FrettyGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Flechtgitter"@de, - "schrägflechtgegittert"@de, - "fretty"@en, - "fretté"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "bestehend aus gekreuzten und mit einander verflochtenen Schrägbalken. Für gewähnlich weden die einzelnen Stäbe des Gitters nicht gezählt, ausgenommen da, wo es nur wenige und ausnahmesweis breite sind [...] (p. 66) Einordnung als \"Teilung\"" . - -dhoh:FrettyOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "FrettyOswald" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Flechtgitter"@de, - "Schräggitter"@de ; - rdfs:comment "Schräggitter: das Heroldsbild j Gitter, je- doch mlt schragen Linien. (p. 356) Flechtgitter: aus schräg oder gerade ge- kreuzten Stabpfählen und -balken entste- hendes gitterförmiges Heroldsbild. Es kom- men auch F. vor, die aus j Strichbalken und -pfählen gebildet sind; dann erscheinen sie jedoch in feinerer Zeichnung. (p. 132) Trennung von Schräg- und Flechtgitter" . - -dhoh:FrettyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "FrettyParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "fretty"@en, - "fretté"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Fretty is now understood to mean a continuous fret, and forms a pattern for diapering the field, or some ordinary. Very many instances are found, and sometimes the points of junction are ornamented, at others the fret itself is charged with roundles, etc. The fr. teillissé is only to be distinguished from the fretté from the mesh being smaller. (p.276) Einordnung unter \"Lines\" (nicht \"Ordinaries\")" . - -dhoh:FrettyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "FrettyRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "fretté"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Le fretté se compose de trois bandes et de trois barres passantes les unes au-dessus et au- dessous des autres en fonne de treillage, de manière à laisser des espaces vides qu'on appelle rlniretoiex flV, 11). — Des pièces longues, iwr ex. des lances, peuvent également être frcttées, c'est-à -dire entrela- cées à la manière d un fretté. (p. xxiii)" . - -dhoh:FrettydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "FrettydeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Schräggitter"@de, - "fretty"@en, - "fretté"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Qualifie l'écu ou les pièces et les partitions couverts de cotices en bande et de cotices en barre entrcroisées à la manière d'un tissage ou d'une vannerie. Les espaces lasissés libres par cette figure sont appelés entrefrettes. (p. 80f)" . - -dhoh:GironnyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "GironnyFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gyronny"@en ; - rdfs:comment "Save in rare cases, a field gyronny is divided quarterly and then per saltire, making eight divisions, but it may be gyronny of six, ten, twelve, or more pieces, though such cases are seldom met with and always need to be specified. (p. 137)" . - -dhoh:GironnyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "GironnyGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Ständer"@de, - "Ständerung"@de, - "geständert"@de, - "sechsfach geständert"@de, - "gironny"@en, - "gyronné"@en ; - rdfs:comment "Theilt man einen Schild durch eine linke, rechte und eine Schrägtheilung sowie eine Quer- und eine senkrechte Theilung [...] in 8 Theile, (congruente Dreiecke), so nennt man diese Theilung die Ständerung, spricht man von \"geständertem Schild\" und benennt die 8 einzelnen Theile \"Ständer\". (p. 43)" . - -dhoh:GironnyOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "GironnyOswald" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "beschoßt"@de, - "geständert"@de ; - rdfs:comment "durch Ständerung geteilter Schild. (p. 159)" . - -dhoh:GironnyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "GironnyParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gyronny"@en, - "gironnße"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "The usual number of pieces is eight, but there may be six, ten, or twelve. Party pr saltire has been erroneously called gyronny of four, but in English armoury one of the lines forming the pattern must be in fesse. It will be observed that the term is an ancient one. The gyron with which the tunctures begin is the uppermost upon the dexter side. (p. 301) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . - -dhoh:GironnyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "GironnyRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gironné"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Le gironné est le résultat des quatre luirtitions principales, c'est-à -dire du parti, du coupé, du tranché et du taillé, qui produisent huit triangles dont les sommets .se rencontrent en cf)eur de lécu II, 39.) Par la multiplication des lignes on obtient des giroDiiés de dix II, 11;., de douze et de .seize pièces. Des meubles, tels que fasces, sautoirs etc. peuvent être gironnés III. 48. — Gironné à Tantique se dit lorsque les quatre lignes de piirtition .sortent deux et deux de chacun des quatre Inirds de lécu, au lieu de sortir des angles et du milieu des twrds. — Le malgironné est le résultat de moins de quatre lignes; mais conmie cette psiriition est irregulière, il est nécessaire de donner la dénomination des lignes emplovées ill, S3. Les girons .scmt dits gironnants lorsqu'ils sont courl)és en volule l\\, (M), ei, «3. (p. xxiii)" . - -dhoh:GironnydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "GironnydeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geständert"@de, - "gyronny"@en, - "gironné"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "gironné (ita, gheronato, ou grembiato; c spa, jironado; eng, gyronny ; ger, gestandert). Partition évoquant la forme d'ailes de moulin, ordinairement formée de la combi- naison des traits de l'écartelé et de l'écartelé en sautoir ; mais, surtout au moyen-âge, les quartiers de l'écartelé sont très souvent divisés non par une, mais par deux ou trois lignes obliques, appointées, formant des gironnés de douze ou seize pièces. Lorsqu'un gironné n'est pas construit sur la base des traits du coupé et du parti, on l'appelle souvent mal-gironné. (p. 82)" . - -dhoh:LineModifier rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . - -dhoh:LozengyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "LozengyFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "lozengy"@en ; - rdfs:comment "Lozengy is made by use of lines in bend crossed by lines in bend sinister, and \"fusilly\", the same, only drawn at a more acute angle. (p. 122)" . - -dhoh:LozengyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "LozengyGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geweckt"@de, - "schräggewürfelt"@de, - "lozangé"@en, - "lozengy"@en ; - rdfs:comment "Die entstandenen Plätze müssen quadratisch sein, zum Unterschied von (senkrecht) gerautet und quer gerautet. (p. 58)" . - -dhoh:LozengyOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "LozengyOswald" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gerautet"@de, - "gesteint"@de, - "schräg geschacht"@de ; - rdfs:comment "Bezeichnung für einen mit Rau- tensektionen (j Rauten) geteilten Schild. Für g. findet sich in älteren Blasonierungen bisweilen auch der Ausdruck schräg geschacht oder gesteint. (p. 155)" . - -dhoh:LozengyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "LozengyParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "lozengy"@en, - "lesangé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "entirely covered with lozenges of alterante tunctures. The lines are variously drawn, but as a rule they should produce lozenges narrower in breadth in proportion to their length than in the example drawn to illustrate what bendy, decter and sinister would produce, yet not so narrow as fusilly. (p. 384) Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . - -dhoh:LozengyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "LozengyRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "losangé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "se dit d'un écu ou d'une pièce entière- ment couverte de losanges entre lesquelles il ne reste pointd'espace. D'ordinaireladirectiondulosangeest verticale, mais il v a des losanges en bande et en barre dV, 189.j (p. xxv)" . - -dhoh:LozengydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "LozengydeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gerautet"@de, - "lozengy"@en, - "losangé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Qualifie l'écu, les pièces ou les partitions divisées en losanges égaux et d'émaux alternés. (p. 94)" . - -dhoh:MasonedOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "MasonedOswald" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gemauert"@de, - "schwarz gemauert"@de ; - rdfs:comment "diejenigen Teilungen oder Figuren, in deren Tinktur sich ein mit schwarzen Strichen angedeutetes Mauerwerk mit schwarzen Fugen befin- det. Diese An der Darstellung ist der i Schattenf~rbe und der i Damaszierung ähnlich. (p. 358)" . - -dhoh:MasonedParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "MasonedParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "masoned"@en, - "maçonné"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "a term used to describe the lines formed by the junction of the stones in a building. It is sometimes appied to the field, but more frequently to a castle, tower, or wall. (p. 403)" . - -dhoh:MasonedRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "MasonedRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "maçonné"@fr ; - rdfs:comment ".se dit des traits de séparation entre les pierres d un édifice. Quelquefois le champ d'un , écu est entièrement couvert du maionné IV, 49,30,31., (p. xxv)" . - -dhoh:MasoneddeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "MasoneddeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gemauert"@de, - "masoned"@en, - "maçonné"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Qualifie les différents ouvrages de maçonnerie dont le jountoiement des pierres est d'un émail particulier; lorsque ce jointoiement est de sable, sa mention est le plus souvent facultative. Ce terme s'applique également à l'écu, aux pièces et partitions, couverts de lignes d'un émail particulier, imitant la maçonnerie d'un mur. (p. 94f)" . - -dhoh:PalyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PalyFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "paly"@en ; - rdfs:comment "When the field is striped vertically it is said to be “paly†of so many. (p. 117)" . - -dhoh:PalyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PalyParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "paly"@en, - "palé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "when the field is divided by perpendicular lines into an even number of equal parts, the first of which is generally of a metal, and the last of a colour. An uneven number (see barry) would be blazoned as of so many pales. The French term vergetté is used when the pales, or rather palets, are above ten in number. (p. 437) Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . - -dhoh:PalyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PalyRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "palé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "se dit d'un écu ou d'une pièce couverte de pals en nombre pair, entre lesquels il ne rest aucun espace. (p. xxvii) " . - -dhoh:PalydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PalydeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "pfahlweise"@de, - "paly"@en, - "palé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Se dit de l'écu, et de toute figure, divisé verticalement en un nombre pair de parties égales et d'émaux alternés. Le palé est d'ordinaire de six pièces et on n'en précise le nombre que s'il est différent. Lorsque le nombre de divisions de cette figure est égal ou supérieur à dix, elle prend le nom de vergeté. (p. 106)" . - -dhoh:PerBendFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerBendFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per bend"@en ; - rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" . - -dhoh:PerBendGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerBendGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geschrägt"@de, - "schräggetheilt"@de ; - rdfs:comment "Einordnung als Theilung in diagonaler Richtung (p. 45)" . - -dhoh:PerBendParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerBendParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per bend"@en, - "per bend"@en ; - rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . - -dhoh:PerBendRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerBendRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tiercé en bande"@fr, - "tranché"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Partition de l'écu, au moyen d'une ligne diagonale, tirée de dextre à senestre. (p. xxx) Divisé en trois parties égales au moyen de lignes droites. De cette manière on obtient le tiercé en bande, en barre, en chevron, en écusson, en fasce, en pairle, en pairle renversé, en en pal. Les armes de Blanc d'Hauterive sont tiercées en écusson, ce qui veut dire que l'écu a l'apparance de trois ècussons de grandeur différente couchés l'un sur l'autre. (p. xxx)" . - -dhoh:PerBenddeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerBenddeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Schräggeteilt"@de, - "per bend"@en, - "tranché"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Partition qui divise l'écu ou une figure en deux parties egales au moyen d'une ligne diagonale descendant de l'angle dextre du chef vers l'angle senestre de la pointe. (p. 127)" . - -dhoh:PerChevronFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerChevronFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per chevron"@en ; - rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" . - -dhoh:PerChevronGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerChevronGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Spitze"@de ; - rdfs:comment "wird gebildet durch 2 von der Mitte des Oberrandes ausgenende nach den beiden Unterecken zezogene Linien. In dieser Form wird die Spitze steigend oder aufsteigend genannt, was zum Untenrschiede von der gestürzten etc. dienen soll, im Grunde genommen aber, weil selbstreden, nciht gemeldet zu werden braucht. Der Scheitelpunkt der Spitze heisst wie beim Sparren: Gipfel, die begrenzenden Seitenlinien: Schenkel. (p. 54)" . - -dhoh:PerChevronParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerChevronParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per chevron"@en, - "per chevron"@en ; - rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . - -dhoh:PerChevronRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerChevronRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chapé"@fr, - "tiercé en chevron"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "se dit du coq qui a le bec ouvert. Chape : se dit de l'écu divisé par deux lignes dia- gonales jointes au milieu du bord supérieur et qui se terminent l'une à l'angle dextre et l'autre à l'angle se- nestre de la base de l'écu (III, 59, 60, 61). Dans les armoiries allemandes, où cette partition est très-fré- quente, on a la coutume d'arrondir ces lignes diago- nales, ce qui alors s'appelle chapé-ployé (Ilf, 62.) Pour le chapé-chaussé, v. Chaussé. (p. xvi) Divisé en trois parties égales au moyen de lignes droites. De cette manière on obtient le tiercé en bande, en barre, en chevron, en écusson, en fasce, en pairle, en pairle renversé, en en pal. Les armes de Blanc d'Hauterive sont tiercées en écusson, ce qui veut dire que l'écu a l'apparance de trois ècussons de grandeur différente couchés l'un sur l'autre. (p. xxx)" . - -dhoh:PerChevrondeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerChevrondeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Spitze"@de, - "chapé"@en, - "pile throughout issuant in base"@en, - "chapé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Partition en forme d'angle aigu, délimitée par deux lignes obliques descendant, à la manière d'un chevron, du mulieu du chef vers les angels de la pointe. Il Convient de noter que le champ de l'écu est la partie qui apparait en pointe et que c'est cet émail qui est nommé le premier. (p. 46)" . - -dhoh:PerFessFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerFessFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per fess"@en ; - rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" . - -dhoh:PerFessGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerFessGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "durchgeschnitten"@de, - "getheilt"@de, - "quergetheilt"@de ; - rdfs:comment "nennt man eine Theilung des Schildes durch eine, oder mehrere gerade, gebogene, oder gebrochene Linien in der horizontalen Richtung. Die Bezeichnung quergetheilt ist überflüssig, da alle anderen Theilungen ihre besonderen Bezeichnungen haben, ein Irrthum also ausgeschlsosen ist. Hier gilt dasselbe, was bei gespalten und Pfal im Allgemeinen gesagt ist; es entstehen also durch Theilungslinien mit gerade Ziffern: Balken, durch Theilungslinine mit ungeraden Ziffern: Theilungen. (p. 19)" . - -dhoh:PerFessParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerFessParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per fesse"@en, - "per fesse"@en ; - rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . - -dhoh:PerFessRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerFessRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "coupé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "se dit : 1° d'un écu ou d'une pièce divisée en deux parties égales au moven d'un trait horizontal (I, 23, 24); — 2° des têtes d'animaux qui semblent séparées du corps au moyen d'un instrument tranchant; 3° des fleurs-de-lis dont le pied est coupé. (p. xviii)" . - -dhoh:PerFessdeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerFessdeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geteilt"@de, - "per fess"@en, - "coupé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Partition qui divise l'écu ou une figure en deux parties égales au moyen d'une ligne horizontale. (p. 59)" . - -dhoh:PerPaleFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerPaleFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per pale"@en ; - rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" . - -dhoh:PerPaleGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerPaleGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gespalten"@de, - "per pale"@en ; - rdfs:comment "[...] heisst der von oben nach unten durch eine oder mehrere durchgehende Linien perpendikular, oder senkrecht getheilte Schild; den Schnitt selber nennt man: Spaltung oder Spaltschnitt. (p. 12)" . - -dhoh:PerPaleOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerPaleOswald" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gespalten"@de, - "senkrecht gestreift"@de ; - rdfs:comment "Schild oder ge- meine Figur, der bzw. die durch einen oder mehrere senkrechte Schnitte in zwei oder mehr Plätze geteilt wird. Bei einem zweimal g.en Schild müssen alle drei entstehenden Plätze eine andere Tinktur haben. Wären die äußeren Plätze von einer Farbe, würde das Heroldsbild j Pfahl entstehen. In der Regel haben bei einer zweimaligen Spal- tung die einzelnen Plätze eine Breite von einem Drittel der gesamten Schildbreite. Bei mehr Spaltungen verringert sie sich pro- portional. Spaltungen haben immer eine un- gerade Anzahl von Spaltungslinien. Nach den heraldischen Farbgesetzen muß immer eine Farbe neben einem Metall stehen. Eine siebenmalige oder höhere Spaltung wird als senkrecht gestreift angesprochen. (p.158)" . - -dhoh:PerPaleParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerPaleParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per pale"@en, - "per pale"@en ; - rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . - -dhoh:PerPaleRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerPaleRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "parti"@fr, - "tiercé en pal"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Le pjirti est le produit d'une ligne penien- diculaire qui divise le champ ou un meuble en deux parties é2ale> I, ii. (p. xxvii) Divisé en trois parties égales au moyen de lignes droites. De cette manière on obtient le tiercé en bande, en barre, en chevron, en écusson, en fasce, en pairle, en pairle renversé, en en pal. Les armes de Blanc d'Hauterive sont tiercées en écusson, ce qui veut dire que l'écu a l'apparance de trois ècussons de grandeur différente couchés l'un sur l'autre. (p. xxx)" . - -dhoh:PerPaledeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerPaledeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gespalten"@de, - "per pale"@en, - "parti"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Qualifte l'écu, les pièces ou les figures divisés en deux parties egales par un trait vertical. (p. 107)" . - -dhoh:PerSaltireFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerSaltireFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per saltire"@en ; - rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" . - -dhoh:PerSaltireGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerSaltireGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "schräg quadrirt"@de, - "schräggeviert"@de ; - rdfs:comment "Combination zweier ganzer gekreuzter (oder vier von bis zur Mitte reichender) Schräglinien (p. 58)" . - -dhoh:PerSaltireParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerSaltireParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per saltire"@en, - "per saltire"@en ; - rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . - -dhoh:PerSaltireRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerSaltireRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "écartelé en sautoir"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Divisé en quatre quartiers égaux, au moyen d'un coupé et d'un parti. Cependant on donne aussi le nom de quartiers aux comaprtliments qui résullent de l'application d'un plus grand nombre de lignes. Ecartelé en équerre est un écartelé de manière que chaque quartier a la forme d'une équerre. L'écartelé en sautoir est le produit du tranché et du taillé. (p. xx)" . - -dhoh:PerSaltiredeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PerSaltiredeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Schräggeviert"@de, - "quartered per saltire"@en, - "écartelé en sautoir"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Nom que prend l'écartelé lorsque les lignes qui le composent sont obliques. Cette figure obéit aux mêmes règles que l'écartelé; ses quartiers sont eux aussi numérotés: le 1 est en chef, le 2 en flanc à dextre, le 3 en flanc à senestre et le 4 en pointe. (p. 67)" . - -dhoh:PlainGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PlainGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "ledig"@de, - "lediger Schild"@de, - "plein"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "ein leerer Schild (p. 284)" . - -dhoh:PlainOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PlainOswald" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Ledigenschild"@de, - "einfach"@de, - "ledig"@de ; - rdfs:comment "Schild oder Feld in dem keine Heroldsbilder oder gemein~ Figuren, sondern nur eine Tinktur enthal- ten ist. Bei l.en Schilden, die nicht j Warte- schilde sind, zählt die Tinktur als Wappen- figur und ist als solche zu betrachten. Im hohen Mittelalter trugen die Ritter auch 1. Schilde, um nicht erkannt zu werden. In dieser Zeit wurden häufig nur mit einer Tinktur oder Pelzwerk versehene Schilde geführt. In einigen älteren Blasonierungen werden mitunter nur mit Schildteilungen versehene Schilde fälschlich als I. Schilde bezeichnet. (p. 250)" . - -dhoh:PlainParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PlainParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "plain"@en ; - rdfs:comment "it is sometimes found useful for the sake of distinction to introduce this word (p. 464)" . - -dhoh:PlainRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PlainRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "plein"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "se dit d un champ couvert d'un émail uni sans aucun meuble. Ce terme s'emploie également pour indiquer qu'une pièce héraldique est représentée sous sa forme onlinaire, sans que ses tionls aient subi quelque changement, Ainsi une croix de la forme ordinaire serait appelée croix pleine par rapport à d'autrescroix dont les lignes seraient at accidentées. (p. xxvii)" . - -dhoh:PlaindeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "PlaindeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "full"@en, - "plein"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Qualifie un écu à lintérieur duquel ne se trouve aucune brisure; les armes pleines sont - en rpincipe - réservées au \"chef d'armes\". (p. 110f)" . - -dhoh:Stain rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . - -dhoh:TiercedFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "TiercedFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tierced"@en ; - rdfs:comment "A field divided horizontally into three equal divisions of e.g. gules, sable, and argent is theoretically blazoned by British rules “party per fess gules and argent, a fess sable.†This, however, gives an exaggerated width to the fess which it does not really possess with us, and the German rules, which would blazon it “tierced per fess gules, sable, and argent,†would seem preferable. (p. 121)" . - -dhoh:TiercedGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "TiercedGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tiercé"@en, - "tiercé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Schild in drei gleiche Theile, jeder andere Farbe getheilt. (p. 312)" . - -dhoh:TiercedParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "TiercedParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tierced"@en, - "triparted"@en, - "tiercé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "in French arms the term is generally of the shield when it is divided into three parts per fesse; but the shield also may be blazoned as tiercé per pale or per bend. See under Party. (p. 573)" . - -dhoh:TiercedRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "TiercedRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tiercé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Divisé en trois parties égales au moyen de lignes droites. De cette manière on obtient le tiercé en bande, en barre, en chevron, en écusson, en fasce, en pairle, en pairle renversé, en en pal. Les armes de Blanc d'Hauterive sont tiercées en écusson, ce qui veut dire que l'écu a l'apparance de trois ècussons de grandeur différente couchés l'un sur l'autre. (p. xxx)" . - -dhoh:TierceddeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "TierceddeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gespalten"@de, - "geteilt"@de, - "tierced"@en, - "tiercé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Qualifie l'écu divisé en trois parties égales d'émaux différents, au moyen de lignes disposées dans le sens de la fasce, du pal, de la bande, de la barre, du pairle, ou parfois du chevron. (p. 125)" . - -dhoh:VairFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "VairFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Eisenhüt-feh"@de, - "vair"@en ; - rdfs:comment "This originated from the fur of a kind of squirrel [...] The animal was bluey-grey upon the back and white underneath, and the whole skin was used. It will be readily seen that by sewing a number of these skins together a result is obtained of a series of cupshaped figures, alternating bluey-grey and white [...] Ordinary vair in German heraldry is known as Eisenhüt-feh (sic!), or iron hat vair. (p. 79)" . - -dhoh:VairGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "VairGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Eisenhutfeh"@de, - "Feh"@de, - "vair"@en, - "vair"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "[...] wird gebildet, indem man zunächst den Schild durch mehrere Linien in gleich große Querreihen teilt und letztere durch Figuren, bestehend aus je 4 schrägen und 2 senkrechten Linien, welche zusammen die Gestalt eines Eisenhutes (Sturmhaube) bilden, derartig in von Blau und Weiß abwechselnde kongruente Figuren teilt, dass die Spitzen der blauen Eisenhütlein nach oben, die der dazwischen, resp. daneben liegenden weißen nach abwärts zeigen. Selbstredend muss, dem Gesetz der Teilung zufolge, je an beiden Seiten des Schildes immer in den Reihen abwechselnd ein blaues oder ein weißes Eisenhütlein halb in den Rand verschwinden. (p. 7)" . - -dhoh:VairOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "VairOswald" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Fech"@de, - "Feh"@de ; - rdfs:comment "heraldischer Sammelbegriff für bezeichnet. Abb. Federkorb j Federköcher. alle wahrscheinlich vom wirklichen Pelz- werk abgeleiteten Schildmuster. Grundlage der verschiedenen Varianten dürften die Eisenhütlein sein. Aus diesem Grundmu- ster entwickelten die Herolde später die unterschiedlichsten Formen (p. 127)" . - -dhoh:VairParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "VairParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vair"@en, - "vairé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "generally written vairy when definite tinctures are named: a party-coloured fur, properly argent and azuure, which tinctures are alqays implied when no others are mentioned; but, as will be seen, it occurs even in the early rolls of different tunctures. (p. 597)" . - -dhoh:VairRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "VairRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vair"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Une des fourrures employées en armoiries, composée de quatre rangs de pièces en forme de clochettes, alternativement d'argent et d'azur. Ces clochettes, appelées pièces de vair, seules ou en nombre, se trouvent séparément dans quelques armoiries comme meubles. (p. xxxi)" . - -dhoh:VairdeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "VairdeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Feh"@de, - "vair"@en, - "vair"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Fourrure composée de petites pièces en forme de clochettes, disposées en plusieurs rangées horizontales ou tires, décalées d'une tire à l'autre et alternativement d'argent et d'azur. Plus que l'hermine, le vair se prète à de nombreuses variations ou variantes (p. 129)" . - -dhoh:VairyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "VairyFox-Davies" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vairy"@en ; - rdfs:comment "Vair is always blue and white, but the same subdivision of the field is frequently found in other colours ; and when this is the case, it is termed vairy of such and such colours. (p. 81)" . - -dhoh:VairyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "VairyGritzner" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vairé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "wenn das Feh aus anderen Färbungen asl weiss u. blau besteht. (p. 317)" . - -dhoh:VairyOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "VairyOswald" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gefeht"@de ; - rdfs:comment "Ein mit Eisenhütlein versehener Schild, in dem diese nicht in ihrer natürlichen Tingierung erscheinen, sondern andere Farbkombinationen, meist rot-gelb, aufweisen. (p. 147)" . - -dhoh:VairyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "VairyParker" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vairy"@en ; - rdfs:comment "generally written vairy when definite tinctures are named: a party-coloured fur, properly argent and azuure, which tinctures are alqays implied when no others are mentioned; but, as will be seen, it occurs even in the early rolls of different tunctures. (p. 597)" . - -dhoh:VairyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "VairyRietstap" ; - dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vairé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "s'emploie lorsque le vair est composé d'autres émaux que d'argent et d'azur. (p. xxxi)" . - -dhoh:VairydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, - owl:NamedIndividual ; - rdfs:label "VairydeBoos" ; - dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; - dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gefeht"@de, - "vairy"@en, - "vairé"@fr ; - rdfs:comment "Nom que l'on donne au vair lorsque la combinaison des émaux qui colorent ses pièces est différente de celle formée par l'argent et l'azur. (p. 129)" . - -dhoh:hasCoatOfArms a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasCoatOfArms"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . - -dhoh:hasModifier a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasModifier"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . - -dhoh:numberOfMarshalledParts rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasNumber . - -dhoh:Direction a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Direction"@en ; - rdfs:comment "Heraldic terms for the directions \"left\" and \"right\". May be used to more accurately describe the placement of a charge or the alignment of a pattern."@en . - -dhoh:Metal rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . - -dhoh:hasNumber a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasNumber"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . - -dhoh:Fur rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . - -dhoh:hasCharge a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasCharge"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . - -dhoh:MarshallingType a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "MarshallingType"@en ; - rdfs:comment "Heraldic terms to describe how a Field can be divided to include multiple different coats of arms."@en . - -dhoh:hasTincture a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasTincture"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . - -dhoh:Colour rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . - -dhoh:hasLayer a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasLayer"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . - -dhoh:hasMarshalledPart rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasCoatOfArms . - -dhoh:Tincture a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Tincture"@en ; - rdfs:comment "Terms for heraldic tinctures to colour elements of a coat of arms."@en . - -dhoh:Line a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Line"@en ; - rdfs:comment "Terms to specify distinct styles how lines and borders are drawn on a Charge or Pattern. A Line cannot be used on its own, but must be used as part of an object of type Charge or Pattern."@en . - -dhoh:hasVisualRelation a owl:ObjectProperty ; - rdfs:label "hasVisualRelation"@en ; - rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . - -dhoh:Arrangement a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Arrangement"@en ; - rdfs:comment "Terms to indicate the way two or more charges of the same type are visually placed in relation to each other."@en . - -dhoh:Pattern a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Pattern"@en ; - rdfs:comment "Terms to describe distinct patterns, covering the whole of an area. A pattern can be used by a Field as well as by a Charge."@en . - -dhoh:Modifier a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Modifier"@en ; - rdfs:comment "Heraldic terms that change the appearance of a Charge while at the same time preserving the identity of said charge. A Modifier must always be connected to a single Charge."@en . - -dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "BlazonTermDefinition"@en ; - rdfs:comment "A definition, e.g. by a single author or textbook reference, that describes the meaning of a single heraldic term. One BlazonTermDefinition can be attributed with one or multiple multilingual labels."@en . +dhoh:fromReference rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en ; + rdfs:label "fromReference"@en . -dhoh:Charge a owl:Class ; - rdfs:label "Charge"@en ; - rdfs:comment "A single visual object that is used on a coat of arms. A charge must be discernible as a visual item that does not cover the coat of arms as a whole (unlike a Pattern). Each term of the class charge may be used on its own to blazon a coat of arms."@en . +### Generated by the OWL API (version https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi diff --git a/data/ontologies/v0.1.0/digital-heraldry-ontology.ttl b/data/ontologies/v0.1.0/digital-heraldry-ontology.ttl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e3434e6c7852300d825b7d981718e1acc630a0f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/ontologies/v0.1.0/digital-heraldry-ontology.ttl @@ -0,0 +1,2073 @@ +@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> . +@prefix dhoh: <http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#> . +@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . +@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . +@prefix vann: <http://purl.org/vocab/vann/> . + +dhoh: a owl:Ontology ; + dcterms:creator "Philipp Schneider", + "Torsten Hiltmann" ; + dcterms:description "The Digital Heraldry Ontology enables the encoding of coats of arms, based on the practices of blazoning. This is done by regarding coats of arms as conceptual objects (rather than images or textual representations), composed in a specific way of figures, tinctures, and geometric patterns. In this way, any combination of coats of arms can be created in a machine-readable way. Thereby, the ontology can be used as a controlled vocabulary to annotate and semantically describe coats of arms e.g. on different material objects, which then can be uniquely referenced as Linked Data."@en ; + dcterms:license <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/> ; + dcterms:publisher "https://www.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/de/bereiche-und-lehrstuehle/digital-history" ; + dcterms:title "Digital Heraldry Ontology" ; + vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "dhoh" ; + owl:versionIRI <http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry/0.1.0> . + +<http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#(2:1)> rdfs:label "(2:1)" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +<http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#(3:2:1)> rdfs:label "(3:2:1)" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +<http://digitalheraldry.org/digital-heraldry-ontology/heraldry#(3:3)> rdfs:label "(3:3)" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:Addorsed rdfs:label "Addorsed" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:Affronted rdfs:label "Affronted" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:Aigle rdfs:label "Aigle" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Anchor rdfs:label "Anchor" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Annelet rdfs:label "Annelet" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Annulet rdfs:label "Annulet" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Antler rdfs:label "Antler" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Argent a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Argent" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Metal . + +dhoh:Arm rdfs:label "Arm" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Armed rdfs:label "Armed" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Arrow rdfs:label "Arrow" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Arrowhead rdfs:label "Arrowhead" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Axe rdfs:label "Axe" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Azure a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Azure" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour . + +dhoh:Bar rdfs:label "Bar" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:BarOfLozenges rdfs:label "BarOfLozenges" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Barbel rdfs:label "Barbel" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Barruly rdfs:label "Barruly" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:BarrulyFox-Davies, + dhoh:BarrulyParker, + dhoh:BarrulyRietstap, + dhoh:BarrulydeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Barry rdfs:label "Barry" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:BarryFox-Davies, + dhoh:BarryGritzner, + dhoh:BarryOswald, + dhoh:BarryParker, + dhoh:BarryRietstap, + dhoh:BarrydeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Bear rdfs:label "Bear" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:BearsHead rdfs:label "BearsHead" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:BellFrame rdfs:label "BellFrame" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Bend rdfs:label "Bend" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:BendCotisedPotenty rdfs:label "BendCotisedPotenty" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:BendOfLozenges rdfs:label "BendOfLozenges" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge, + dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Bendwise rdfs:label "Bendwise" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:Bendy rdfs:label "Bendy" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:BendyFox-Davies, + dhoh:BendyGritzner, + dhoh:BendyParker, + dhoh:BendyRietstap, + dhoh:BendydeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Bird rdfs:label "Bird" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Birdcage rdfs:label "Birdcage" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Bluebell rdfs:label "Bluebell" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Boat rdfs:label "Boat" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Bodkin rdfs:label "Bodkin" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Book rdfs:label "Book" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Border rdfs:label "Border" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:BorderRoundely rdfs:label "BorderRoundely" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Buckle rdfs:label "Buckle" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Bugle-Horn rdfs:label "Bugle-Horn" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Bull rdfs:label "Bull" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:BullsFace rdfs:label "BullsFace" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Calve rdfs:label "Calve" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Canton rdfs:label "Canton" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Castely rdfs:label "Castely" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Castle rdfs:label "Castle" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Cerf rdfs:label "Cerf" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Chaplet rdfs:label "Chaplet" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Checky rdfs:label "Checky" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:CheckyFox-Davies, + dhoh:CheckyGritzner, + dhoh:CheckyOswald, + dhoh:CheckyParker, + dhoh:CheckyRietstap, + dhoh:CheckydeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Chevron rdfs:label "Chevron" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Chevronny rdfs:label "Chevronny" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:ChevronnyFox-Davies, + dhoh:ChevronnyGritzner, + dhoh:ChevronnyOswald, + dhoh:ChevronnyParker, + dhoh:ChevronnyRietstap, + dhoh:ChevronnydeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Chicot rdfs:label "Chicot" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Chief rdfs:label "Chief" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Cinquefoil rdfs:label "Cinquefoil" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:CoatOfArms a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "CoatOfArms"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:Cock rdfs:label "Cock" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Compony rdfs:label "Compony" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:ConjoinedInPairle rdfs:label "ConjoinedInPairle" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:Cotised rdfs:label "Cotised" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . + +dhoh:Countercharged rdfs:label "Countercharged" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Couped rdfs:label "Couped" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:CoveredCup rdfs:label "CoveredCup" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Cowardly rdfs:label "Cowardly" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Crampon rdfs:label "Crampon" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Crancelin rdfs:label "Crancelin" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Crenelated rdfs:label "Crenelated" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . + +dhoh:CrequerPlant rdfs:label "CrequerPlant" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Crescent rdfs:label "Crescent" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:CrestOfWings rdfs:label "CrestOfWings" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Cross rdfs:label "Cross" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:CrossBotonny rdfs:label "CrossBotonny" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:CrossCrosslets rdfs:label "CrossCrosslets" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:CrossCrossly rdfs:label "CrossCrossly" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:CrossFormy rdfs:label "CrossFormy" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:CrossMoline rdfs:label "CrossMoline" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:CrossOfAvis rdfs:label "CrossOfAvis" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:CrossOfJerusalem rdfs:label "CrossOfJerusalem" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Crown rdfs:label "Crown" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Crowned rdfs:label "Crowned" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Curled rdfs:label "Curled" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Cushion rdfs:label "Cushion" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:CushionTasseled rdfs:label "CushionTasseled" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Dancetty rdfs:label "Dancetty" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . + +dhoh:Demi-Eagle rdfs:label "Demi-Eagle" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Demi-Gironny rdfs:label "Demi-Gironny" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Dexter rdfs:label "Dexter" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Direction . + +dhoh:Dice rdfs:label "Dice" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Dog rdfs:label "Dog" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:DogsHead rdfs:label "DogsHead" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Dolphin rdfs:label "Dolphin" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:DonkeysHead rdfs:label "DonkeysHead" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:DoubleTressure rdfs:label "DoubleTressure" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:DoubleTressureFlory rdfs:label "DoubleTressureFlory" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:DoubleTressureFlory-Counterflory rdfs:label "DoubleTressureFlory-Counterflory" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Doubleheaded rdfs:label "Doubleheaded" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Dove rdfs:label "Dove" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Dragon rdfs:label "Dragon" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Eagle rdfs:label "Eagle" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:EaglesHead rdfs:label "EaglesHead" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:ElmBranch rdfs:label "ElmBranch" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Embattled-Counterembattled rdfs:label "Embattled-Counterembattled" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . + +dhoh:Embowed rdfs:label "Embowed" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Empty rdfs:label "Empty" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Enflamed rdfs:label "Enflamed" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Engrailed rdfs:label "Engrailed" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . + +dhoh:Erect rdfs:label "Erect" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Ermine a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Ermine" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Fur . + +dhoh:Escallop rdfs:label "Escallop" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:EscutchOf rdfs:label "EscutchOf" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Estoile rdfs:label "Estoile" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Fess rdfs:label "Fess" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:FessOfLozenges rdfs:label "FessOfLozenges" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Fesswise rdfs:label "Fesswise" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:Field a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Field"@en ; + rdfs:comment "The canvas of a shield. Each field must have a pattern and at least one tincture and may have one or more Layers. A Field can be marshalled to incorporate multiple objects of the type CoatOfArms."@en . + +dhoh:Fimbriated rdfs:label "Fimbriated" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . + +dhoh:FireBreathing rdfs:label "FireBreathing" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Fish rdfs:label "Fish" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:FishHauriant rdfs:label "FishHauriant" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Flanchi rdfs:label "Flanchi" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Fleur-De-Lis rdfs:label "Fleur-De-Lis" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Fleur-De-LisOnPartition rdfs:label "Fleur-De-LisOnPartition" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Flory-Counterflory rdfs:label "Flory-Counterflory" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Flying rdfs:label "Flying" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Fretty rdfs:label "Fretty" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:FrettyFox-Davies, + dhoh:FrettyGritzner, + dhoh:FrettyOswald, + dhoh:FrettyParker, + dhoh:FrettyRietstap, + dhoh:FrettydeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:FromEdgesInwards rdfs:label "FromEdgesInwards" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:Gamb rdfs:label "Gamb" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Garb rdfs:label "Garb" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:GarlicPlant rdfs:label "GarlicPlant" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Gem-Ring rdfs:label "Gem-Ring" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Gemel rdfs:label "Gemel" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Gironny rdfs:label "Gironny" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:GironnyFox-Davies, + dhoh:GironnyGritzner, + dhoh:GironnyOswald, + dhoh:GironnyParker, + dhoh:GironnyRietstap, + dhoh:GironnydeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Gonfanon rdfs:label "Gonfanon" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Gorged rdfs:label "Gorged" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Grady rdfs:label "Grady" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . + +dhoh:Greyhound rdfs:label "Greyhound" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Griffin rdfs:label "Griffin" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Guardant rdfs:label "Guardant" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Gules a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Gules" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour . + +dhoh:Hammer rdfs:label "Hammer" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Harp rdfs:label "Harp" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Heart rdfs:label "Heart" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Helmet rdfs:label "Helmet" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Hooded rdfs:label "Hooded" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:HumanHead rdfs:label "HumanHead" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:IbexHorn rdfs:label "IbexHorn" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:ImperialCrown rdfs:label "ImperialCrown" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:InBend rdfs:label "InBend" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:InFess rdfs:label "InFess" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:InLure rdfs:label "InLure" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:InOmbre a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "InOmbre" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . + +dhoh:InPale rdfs:label "InPale" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:InSaltire rdfs:label "InSaltire" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:Increscent rdfs:label "Increscent" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Indented rdfs:label "Indented" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . + +dhoh:Inescutcheon rdfs:label "Inescutcheon" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Escutcheon . + +dhoh:Inverted rdfs:label "Inverted" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:IronGrate rdfs:label "IronGrate" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Issant rdfs:label "Issant" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Key rdfs:label "Key" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Label rdfs:label "Label" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Ladder rdfs:label "Ladder" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Langued rdfs:label "Langued" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Layer a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Layer"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A group of one or more Charges that form a strong visual relation between each other. A Layer may be connected to other Layers by using hasVisualRelation."@en . + +dhoh:Leaf rdfs:label "Leaf" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Leek rdfs:label "Leek" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:LeopardsFace rdfs:label "LeopardsFace" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:LeopardsHead rdfs:label "LeopardsHead" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Letters rdfs:label "Letters" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Lion rdfs:label "Lion" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:LionsHead rdfs:label "LionsHead" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:LobstersClaw rdfs:label "LobstersClaw" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Lozenge rdfs:label "Lozenge" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Lozengy rdfs:label "Lozengy" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:LozengyFox-Davies, + dhoh:LozengyGritzner, + dhoh:LozengyOswald, + dhoh:LozengyParker, + dhoh:LozengyRietstap, + dhoh:LozengydeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Mace rdfs:label "Mace" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Mallet rdfs:label "Mallet" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Mallets rdfs:label "Mallets" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Martlet rdfs:label "Martlet" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Mascle rdfs:label "Mascle" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Masoned rdfs:label "Masoned" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:MasonedOswald, + dhoh:MasonedParker, + dhoh:MasonedRietstap, + dhoh:MasoneddeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Maunch rdfs:label "Maunch" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:MaunchFisted rdfs:label "MaunchFisted" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Mill-Rind rdfs:label "Mill-Rind" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Millstone rdfs:label "Millstone" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Mirror rdfs:label "Mirror" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Missing a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Missing" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . + +dhoh:Molette rdfs:label "Molette" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Monk rdfs:label "Monk" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Moorcock rdfs:label "Moorcock" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Mount rdfs:label "Mount" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:MountedKnight rdfs:label "MountedKnight" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Mullet rdfs:label "Mullet" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Multiple a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Multiple"@en ; + rdfs:comment "States that something is displayed a number multiple times. If this class is used, this number is always greater than one. This class may be used to describe multiple occurrences of something when the specific number is either irrelevant for the heraldic description or unknown."@en . + +dhoh:Naiant rdfs:label "Naiant" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Naissant rdfs:label "Naissant" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Naturel a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Naturel" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . + +dhoh:NavarreChain rdfs:label "NavarreChain" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Nebuly rdfs:label "Nebuly" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . + +dhoh:Nettleleaf rdfs:label "Nettleleaf" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Nimbed rdfs:label "Nimbed" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Of7Pt rdfs:label "Of7Pt" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Of8Pt rdfs:label "Of8Pt" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Or a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Or" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Metal . + +dhoh:OrleOf rdfs:label "OrleOf" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:PairOfPincers rdfs:label "PairOfPincers" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Pale rdfs:label "Pale" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Palewise rdfs:label "Palewise" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:Paly rdfs:label "Paly" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PalyFox-Davies, + dhoh:PalyParker, + dhoh:PalyRietstap, + dhoh:PalydeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Paly-Bendy rdfs:label "Paly-Bendy" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Panther rdfs:label "Panther" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Passant rdfs:label "Passant" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:PerBend rdfs:label "PerBend" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerBendFox-Davies, + dhoh:PerBendGritzner, + dhoh:PerBendParker, + dhoh:PerBendRietstap, + dhoh:PerBenddeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement, + dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:PerChevron rdfs:label "PerChevron" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerChevronFox-Davies, + dhoh:PerChevronGritzner, + dhoh:PerChevronParker, + dhoh:PerChevronRietstap, + dhoh:PerChevrondeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement, + dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:PerFess rdfs:label "PerFess" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerFessFox-Davies, + dhoh:PerFessGritzner, + dhoh:PerFessParker, + dhoh:PerFessRietstap, + dhoh:PerFessdeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement, + dhoh:LineModifier, + dhoh:MarshallingType, + dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:PerFessIndented rdfs:label "PerFessIndented" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . + +dhoh:PerPale rdfs:label "PerPale" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerPaleFox-Davies, + dhoh:PerPaleGritzner, + dhoh:PerPaleOswald, + dhoh:PerPaleParker, + dhoh:PerPaleRietstap, + dhoh:PerPaledeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement, + dhoh:MarshallingType, + dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:PerQuarter rdfs:label "PerQuarter" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:MarshallingType . + +dhoh:PerSaltire rdfs:label "PerSaltire" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PerSaltireFox-Davies, + dhoh:PerSaltireGritzner, + dhoh:PerSaltireParker, + dhoh:PerSaltireRietstap, + dhoh:PerSaltiredeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:MarshallingType, + dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:PiedNouri rdfs:label "PiedNouri" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Pierced rdfs:label "Pierced" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Pile rdfs:label "Pile" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Pily-Barry rdfs:label "Pily-Barry" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Pily-Bendy rdfs:label "Pily-Bendy" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Pincers rdfs:label "Pincers" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Plain rdfs:label "Plain" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:PlainGritzner, + dhoh:PlainOswald, + dhoh:PlainParker, + dhoh:PlainRietstap, + dhoh:PlaindeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Popinjay rdfs:label "Popinjay" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:PosedBendwise rdfs:label "PosedBendwise" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Arrangement . + +dhoh:Pouch rdfs:label "Pouch" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Purpure a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Purpure" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour . + +dhoh:Quarterly rdfs:label "Quarterly" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:QueensFace rdfs:label "QueensFace" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:QueueFourchy rdfs:label "QueueFourchy" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Quina rdfs:label "Quina" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Rake rdfs:label "Rake" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Rampant rdfs:label "Rampant" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:ReedMace rdfs:label "ReedMace" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Ring rdfs:label "Ring" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Rose rdfs:label "Rose" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:RoseLeaf rdfs:label "RoseLeaf" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Roundel rdfs:label "Roundel" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Sable a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Sable" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour . + +dhoh:Salient rdfs:label "Salient" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Saltire rdfs:label "Saltire" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Scissor rdfs:label "Scissor" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Segreant rdfs:label "Segreant" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Sejant rdfs:label "Sejant" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Seme a owl:Class ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:SerpentCoiled rdfs:label "SerpentCoiled" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Sickle rdfs:label "Sickle" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Sinister rdfs:label "Sinister" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Direction . + +dhoh:Slipped rdfs:label "Slipped" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Staff rdfs:label "Staff" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Stag rdfs:label "Stag" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Star rdfs:label "Star" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:StarOf7Pt rdfs:label "StarOf7Pt" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Statant rdfs:label "Statant" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Stringed rdfs:label "Stringed" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Swan rdfs:label "Swan" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Sword rdfs:label "Sword" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Talbot rdfs:label "Talbot" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:TalbotsHead rdfs:label "TalbotsHead" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Talon rdfs:label "Talon" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Tasseled rdfs:label "Tasseled" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Tenne a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Tenne" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Stain . + +dhoh:Text rdfs:label "Text" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Tierced rdfs:label "Tierced" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:TiercedFox-Davies, + dhoh:TiercedGritzner, + dhoh:TiercedParker, + dhoh:TiercedRietstap, + dhoh:TierceddeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Pattern . + +dhoh:Tower rdfs:label "Tower" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Tree rdfs:label "Tree" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Triskele rdfs:label "Triskele" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Trumpet rdfs:label "Trumpet" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Undy rdfs:label "Undy" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Line . + +dhoh:Unicorn rdfs:label "Unicorn" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Vair a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Vair" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:VairFox-Davies, + dhoh:VairGritzner, + dhoh:VairOswald, + dhoh:VairParker, + dhoh:VairRietstap, + dhoh:VairdeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Fur . + +dhoh:Vairy a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Vairy" ; + rdfs:comment "comment"@en ; + rdfs:isDefinedBy dhoh:VairyFox-Davies, + dhoh:VairyGritzner, + dhoh:VairyOswald, + dhoh:VairyParker, + dhoh:VairyRietstap, + dhoh:VairydeBoos ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Fur . + +dhoh:Vert a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Vert" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Colour . + +dhoh:Viol rdfs:label "Viol" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Water-Bouget rdfs:label "Water-Bouget" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:WaterBouget rdfs:label "WaterBouget" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:WaterlilyLeaf rdfs:label "WaterlilyLeaf" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Wheel rdfs:label "Wheel" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:WheelOnPartition rdfs:label "WheelOnPartition" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Wing rdfs:label "Wing" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:WithLionsClaws rdfs:label "WithLionsClaws" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:Wolf rdfs:label "Wolf" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:Wolf-Hook rdfs:label "Wolf-Hook" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:WolfsHead rdfs:label "WolfsHead" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:accompaniedBy rdfs:label "accompaniedBy" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:and rdfs:label "and" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:arranged a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "arranged"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:between rdfs:label "between" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:blasonWasCorrected rdfs:label "blasonWasCorrected"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:blazonCorrectionComment rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:comment . + +dhoh:blazonTerm rdfs:label "blazonTerm"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:blazonWasCorrected a owl:ObjectProperty . + +dhoh:chargedWith rdfs:label "chargedWith" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:correctedCoatOfArms a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "correctedCoatOfArms"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:decoratedWith rdfs:label "decoratedWith" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:dexter rdfs:label "dexter" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:eachTippedWith rdfs:label "eachTippedWith" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:enhanced rdfs:label "enhanced" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:fromReference a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "fromReference"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:hasBeliefValue a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasBeliefValue"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:hasBlazonTerm a owl:ObjectProperty . + +dhoh:hasCharge1 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasCharge . + +dhoh:hasCharge2 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasCharge . + +dhoh:hasDirection a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasDirection"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:hasEscutcheon rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:numberOfMarshalledParts . + +dhoh:hasField a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasField"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:hasLayer1 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . + +dhoh:hasLayer2 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . + +dhoh:hasLayer3 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . + +dhoh:hasLayer4 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . + +dhoh:hasLayerOverall rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasLayer . + +dhoh:hasLetter a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasLetter"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:hasLine a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasLine"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:hasLineModifier rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasModifier . + +dhoh:hasMarshalledPart1 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . + +dhoh:hasMarshalledPart2 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . + +dhoh:hasMarshalledPart3 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . + +dhoh:hasMarshalledPart4 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . + +dhoh:hasMarshalledPart5 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasMarshalledPart . + +dhoh:hasOMAid a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasOMAid"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:hasPattern a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasPattern"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:hasPatternNumber rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasNumber . + +dhoh:hasSeme rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasCharge . + +dhoh:hasText a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasText"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:hasTincture1 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasTincture . + +dhoh:hasTincture2 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasTincture . + +dhoh:hasTincture3 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasTincture . + +dhoh:hasTincture4 rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasTincture . + +dhoh:holding rdfs:label "holding" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:inBase rdfs:label "inBase" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:inChf rdfs:label "inChf" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:inChfDx rdfs:label "inChfDx" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:issant rdfs:label "issant" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:isstSn rdfs:label "isstSn" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:marshalledByType a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "marshalledByType"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:on rdfs:label "on" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:sinister rdfs:label "sinister" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:with rdfs:label "with" ; + rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasVisualRelation . + +dhoh:BarrulyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BarrulyFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barruly"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A field composed of an equal number of horizontally shaped pieces, when these exceed ten in number, is termed \"barruly\" of such and such a number. The term barruly is also sometimes used for ten pieces. (p. 120) Einordnung als Ordinary" . + +dhoh:BarrulyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BarrulyParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barruly"@en ; + rdfs:comment "The term barruly is used by some writers in describing a field horizontally divided into ten or any higher even number of equal parts; practically, however, the term barry might be used in most cases. (p. 45) Einordnung als \"Lines\"" . + +dhoh:BarrulyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BarrulyRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "burelé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Nom du fascé lorsqu'il a dix pièces au moins. (p. xv)" . + +dhoh:BarrulydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BarrulydeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "elfmal geteilt"@de, + "mehrfach geteilt"@de, + "barruly"@en, + "burely"@en, + "burelé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Nom que l'on donne au fascé lorsque le nombre de ses divisions est égal ou supérieur à dix et qu'il est constitué non plus de fasces mais de burelles. (p. 42)" . + +dhoh:BarryFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BarryFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barry"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A field can be composed of any number of piece's in the form of the ordinaries filling the area of the shield, in which case the field is said to be \"barry\" (Figs. 55), chevronny (Fig. 59), paly (Fig. 57), bendy (Fig. 58), &c. but the number of must be pieces specified. (p. 97)" . + +dhoh:BarryGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BarryGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "durchgeschnitten"@de, + "getheilt"@de, + "quergetheilt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "nennt man eine Theilung des Schildes durch eine, oder mehrere gerade, gebogene, oder gebrochene Linien in der horizontalen Richtung. Die Bezeichnung quergetheilt ist überflüssig, da alle anderen Theilungen ihre besonderen Bezeichnungen haben, ein Irrthum also ausgeschlsosen ist. Hier gilt dasselbe, was bei gespalten und Pfal im Allgemeinen gesagt ist; es entstehen also durch Theilungslinien mit gerade Ziffern: Balken, durch Theilungslinine mit ungeraden Ziffern: Theilungen. (p. 19)" . + +dhoh:BarryOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BarryOswald" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gequert"@de, + "geteilt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Schild oder gemeine Figur, der bzw. die durch einen oder mehrere waa- gerechte Querlinien in zwei oder mehr Plätze unterteilt wurde. Der g. Schild ent- steht durch eine, der zweimal g. durch zwei Querlinien. Bei letzterem müssen jedoch die einzelnen Plätze verschiedene Tinktu- ren aufweisen, sonst würde der Eindruck ei- nes j Balkens entstehen. Teilungen werden demnach nur durch eine ungerade Anzahl von Querlinien gebildet; bei gerader er- scheint dann die halbe Anzahl Balken. Auch hier müssen sich nach der heraldi- schen Farbregel immer Farbe und Metall ab- wechseln. (p. 160)" . + +dhoh:BarryParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BarryParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "barry"@en, + "barré"@fr, + "burelé"@fr, + "fascé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Barry, [...] denotes that the field is horizontally divided into a certain even number of equal parts. If the number of divisions were odd the same tuncture would appear in cheif and in base, and the pieces of the other tunvture would be so many bars, or barrulets. (p. 38) Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . + +dhoh:BarryRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BarryRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "fascé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "couvert de fasces en nombre pair. Le fascé ordinaire est de six pièces, ce qui n'est pas nécessaire d'énoncer (I, 38.) S'il y en a plus ou moins, il faut l'indiquer. Le fascé ne peut avoir plus de huit pièces; au-dessus de ce nombre ou l'appelle burelé. — On trouve des fascés dont chaque fasce est d'un autre émail (I, 39.) (p. xxii)" . + +dhoh:BarrydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BarrydeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geteilt"@de, + "barry"@en, + "fascé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Se dit de l'écu, et de toute figure, divisés dans le sens de Ia fasce en un nombre pair de parties égales aux émaux alternés. Le fascé est d'ordinaire de six pièces et on n'en précise le nombre que s'il est différent. Lorsque le nombre de divisions de cette figure est égal ou supérieur à dix, elle prend le nom de burelé. (p. 75)" . + +dhoh:BendyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BendyFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "bendy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A field can be composed of any number of piece's in the form of the ordinaries filling the area of the shield, in which case the field is said to be \"barry\" (Figs. 55), chevronny (Fig. 59), paly (Fig. 57), bendy (Fig. 58), &c. but the number of must be pieces specified. (p. 97)" . + +dhoh:BendyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BendyGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geschrägt"@de, + "schräggetheilt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Einordnung als Theilung in diagonaler Richtung (p. 45)" . + +dhoh:BendyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BendyParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "bendy"@en, + "bandé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "said of a field or charge civided bendwise into an even number of equal parts; or, as it may be otherwise described, as a field ebaring a series of diagonal stripes of alternate tunctures (and liable to the same variatins of the edges as the bedn), but so that there is an equal number of each. It stands to reason that if the same tuncture appears in chief as in base, the shield must be blazoned as a field bearing so many bendlets. As a rule, the first tuncture is named; but in the case of a metal and colour, though the latter is first in order, the metal is to be first named. Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . + +dhoh:BendyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BendyRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "bandé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "couvert de bander en nombre pair (II, 19, iO il.) — On dit encore que des tètes de More ou autres tètes humaines ont les yeux bandés lorsqu'ils portent un ruban qui leur piisse sur les yeux, ce qui toutefois se rencontre rarement. (p. xv)" . + +dhoh:BendydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "BendydeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "schräggeteilt"@de, + "bendy"@en, + "bandé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Se dit de l'écu, et de toute figure, divisé dans le sens de Ia bande en un nombre pair de parties égales et d'émaux alternés. Le bandé est d'ordinaire de six pièces et on n'en précise le nombre que s'il est différent. Lorsque le nombre de divisions de cette figure est égal ou supérieur à dix, elle prend le nom de coticé. (p. 33)" . + +dhoh:CheckyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "CheckyFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "checky"@en, + "chequy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Another method of will be found in the fields \"checky\" (or \"chequy\") and lozengy; but these divisions, as also the foregoing, will be treated more specifically under the different ordinaries. (p. 98)" . + +dhoh:CheckyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "CheckyGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geschacht"@de, + "geschaechet"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Das Schach entsteht durch eine gleiche Anzahl von Theilungs- und Spaltungslinien. Die einfachste Form des Schachs ist die auf Fig. 65, nämlich durch 2 Theilungs- und 2 Spaltungslinien; man sagt hier von G. u. B. neunfach geschacht. (p. 33)" . + +dhoh:CheckyOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "CheckyOswald" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Quaderstücke"@de, + "Schach"@de, + "geplätzt"@de, + "geschacht"@de, + "gewürfelt"@de, + "symboliche Kärtchen"@de, + "viereckiger Span"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Schildesteilung, die durch mehrfache Teilung und Spaltung in einzelne Felder mit je gleichviel Linien erzielt wurde, wobei die entstandenen einzelnen kleinen Plätze in der Tinktur abwechseln müssen. Befinden sich mehr als neun Plätze auf dem Schild, so werden diese in der Regel nicht gezählt. In diesem Fall wird der Schild oder das Feld einfach als geschacht oder ungezählt geschacht angesprochen. (p. 156)" . + +dhoh:CheckyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "CheckyParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "checky"@en, + "checquer-bearing"@en, + "chequy"@en, + "eschequeré"@fr, + "échiqueté"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "terms applied to a field or charge divided by perpendicular and horizontal lines, into small squares of metal and colour alternately. There should be at least twenty squatres in the shield. If less, the number is named [...]. When only 9, with the French heralds the term equipollé is applied. (p. 103) Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . + +dhoh:CheckyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "CheckyRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "échiqueté"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "D'abord l'écu entier peut être échii|uel«* II, 16, 17 , Cl- qui m- fait d unliiiain* par «imi traits verticaux et cinq truit> horizontaux, produisant ln*nlc-si\\ rarn-aux, apw'li's points. I.ors4|u'il v a plus ou moins de moKS de carreaux, il faut I exprimer. L'écu éthiquete doit avoir au moins \\in):t carreaux. — Ensuite les pièces héraldiques peuvent être échi- quetées. Elles ont au moins deux ninfis de carreaux; ces rancs s'ap|)ellent lires III, 16, ia, 50.i Nous n'indiquerons que le nombre de tires qui en diffère. Entin on trouve des aigles, des lions écbiquetés, etc. La dirwtion de léihiquete est horizontale, mais il va des échiquetés où les carreaux se suivent dans la iii- recliop. de la bande ou de la Iwrre. (p. xxi)" . + +dhoh:CheckydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "CheckydeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geschacht"@de, + "checky"@en, + "chequy"@en, + "échiqueté"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Partition formée de lignes horizontales et verticales qui se coupent à angles droits et constituent une sorte de damier d'émaux alternés. Le nombre des points ainsi formés est indifférent, de même que leur forme; ils sont le plus souvent de forme carrée, mais dans le monde hispano-lusitanien, où cette partition est très courante, on les représente plutôt de forme rectangulaire. (p. 68)" . + +dhoh:ChevronnyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "ChevronnyFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chevronny"@en ; + rdfs:comment "The field when entirely composed of an even number of chevrons is termed \"chevronny\" (p. 124)" . + +dhoh:ChevronnyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "ChevronnyGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gesparrt"@de, + "chevronné"@en, + "chevronné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "hier neunmal oder zehnfach geteilt (p. 64)" . + +dhoh:ChevronnyOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "ChevronnyOswald" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gesparrt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "durch mehrere parallellaufende, übereinander gesetzte Spitzen bewirkte Schildteilung. Es ergeben sich dabei den Teilungen und Spaltungen analoge Bilder. Bei zwei Spitzen und drei Tinkturen ent- steht der g. Schild. Zwei Tinkturen, bei der der oberste und unterste Platz dieselbe Farbe haben - der mittelste erscheint als abweichend tingierter Winkelbalken - bil- den den j Sparren. Durch eine ungerade Anzahl von Spitzenlinien übereinander ent- steht der drei-, fünf-, oder siebenmal g. Schild, bei gerader Anzahl halb soviel Spar- ren. G. Schilde können auch mit verwech- selten Tinkturen (j verwechselte Farben) vorkommen. (p. 159)" . + +dhoh:ChevronnyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "ChevronnyParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chevronelly"@en, + "chevronny"@en, + "chevronné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "is used when the field is divided into an even number of euqal portions chevronwise. Chevronelly appears to be used more correctly. (p. 110= Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . + +dhoh:ChevronnyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "ChevronnyRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chevronné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "se dit d'un écu ou d'un objet entièrement couvert de chevrons en nombre pair 111,11,12) De la même manière on peut avoir un chevronné-renrersé III, \". (p. xvii)" . + +dhoh:ChevronnydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "ChevronnydeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gesparrt"@de, + "chevronny"@en, + "chevronné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifie l'écu, ou toute figure, divises en un nombre pair de chevrons égaux et d'émaux alternés. Le fait que l'écu soit ainsi couvert de chevrons entraine le fait que quelques uns d'entire eux, en chef, ne puissent être représentés en entiers, ce qui distingue cette figure des chevrons en nombre. (p. 50)" . + +dhoh:Escutcheon rdfs:label "Escutcheon" ; + rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Charge . + +dhoh:FrettyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "FrettyFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "fretty"@en ; + rdfs:comment "The fret (Fig. 238), which is very frequently found occurring in British armory, is no doubt derived from earlier coats of arms, the whole field of which was covered by an interlacing of alternate bendlets and bendlets sinister, because many of the families who now bear a simple fret are found in earlier representations and in the early rolls of arms bearing coats which were fretty. (p. 149) Einordnung als Ordinary" . + +dhoh:FrettyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "FrettyGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Flechtgitter"@de, + "schrägflechtgegittert"@de, + "fretty"@en, + "fretté"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "bestehend aus gekreuzten und mit einander verflochtenen Schrägbalken. Für gewähnlich weden die einzelnen Stäbe des Gitters nicht gezählt, ausgenommen da, wo es nur wenige und ausnahmesweis breite sind [...] (p. 66) Einordnung als \"Teilung\"" . + +dhoh:FrettyOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "FrettyOswald" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Flechtgitter"@de, + "Schräggitter"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Schräggitter: das Heroldsbild j Gitter, je- doch mlt schragen Linien. (p. 356) Flechtgitter: aus schräg oder gerade ge- kreuzten Stabpfählen und -balken entste- hendes gitterförmiges Heroldsbild. Es kom- men auch F. vor, die aus j Strichbalken und -pfählen gebildet sind; dann erscheinen sie jedoch in feinerer Zeichnung. (p. 132) Trennung von Schräg- und Flechtgitter" . + +dhoh:FrettyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "FrettyParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "fretty"@en, + "fretté"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Fretty is now understood to mean a continuous fret, and forms a pattern for diapering the field, or some ordinary. Very many instances are found, and sometimes the points of junction are ornamented, at others the fret itself is charged with roundles, etc. The fr. teillissé is only to be distinguished from the fretté from the mesh being smaller. (p.276) Einordnung unter \"Lines\" (nicht \"Ordinaries\")" . + +dhoh:FrettyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "FrettyRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "fretté"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Le fretté se compose de trois bandes et de trois barres passantes les unes au-dessus et au- dessous des autres en fonne de treillage, de manière à laisser des espaces vides qu'on appelle rlniretoiex flV, 11). — Des pièces longues, iwr ex. des lances, peuvent également être frcttées, c'est-à -dire entrela- cées à la manière d un fretté. (p. xxiii)" . + +dhoh:FrettydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "FrettydeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Schräggitter"@de, + "fretty"@en, + "fretté"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifie l'écu ou les pièces et les partitions couverts de cotices en bande et de cotices en barre entrcroisées à la manière d'un tissage ou d'une vannerie. Les espaces lasissés libres par cette figure sont appelés entrefrettes. (p. 80f)" . + +dhoh:GironnyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "GironnyFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gyronny"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Save in rare cases, a field gyronny is divided quarterly and then per saltire, making eight divisions, but it may be gyronny of six, ten, twelve, or more pieces, though such cases are seldom met with and always need to be specified. (p. 137)" . + +dhoh:GironnyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "GironnyGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Ständer"@de, + "Ständerung"@de, + "geständert"@de, + "sechsfach geständert"@de, + "gironny"@en, + "gyronné"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Theilt man einen Schild durch eine linke, rechte und eine Schrägtheilung sowie eine Quer- und eine senkrechte Theilung [...] in 8 Theile, (congruente Dreiecke), so nennt man diese Theilung die Ständerung, spricht man von \"geständertem Schild\" und benennt die 8 einzelnen Theile \"Ständer\". (p. 43)" . + +dhoh:GironnyOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "GironnyOswald" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "beschoßt"@de, + "geständert"@de ; + rdfs:comment "durch Ständerung geteilter Schild. (p. 159)" . + +dhoh:GironnyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "GironnyParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gyronny"@en, + "gironnße"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "The usual number of pieces is eight, but there may be six, ten, or twelve. Party pr saltire has been erroneously called gyronny of four, but in English armoury one of the lines forming the pattern must be in fesse. It will be observed that the term is an ancient one. The gyron with which the tunctures begin is the uppermost upon the dexter side. (p. 301) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . + +dhoh:GironnyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "GironnyRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gironné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Le gironné est le résultat des quatre luirtitions principales, c'est-à -dire du parti, du coupé, du tranché et du taillé, qui produisent huit triangles dont les sommets .se rencontrent en cf)eur de lécu II, 39.) Par la multiplication des lignes on obtient des giroDiiés de dix II, 11;., de douze et de .seize pièces. Des meubles, tels que fasces, sautoirs etc. peuvent être gironnés III. 48. — Gironné à Tantique se dit lorsque les quatre lignes de piirtition .sortent deux et deux de chacun des quatre Inirds de lécu, au lieu de sortir des angles et du milieu des twrds. — Le malgironné est le résultat de moins de quatre lignes; mais conmie cette psiriition est irregulière, il est nécessaire de donner la dénomination des lignes emplovées ill, S3. Les girons .scmt dits gironnants lorsqu'ils sont courl)és en volule l\\, (M), ei, «3. (p. xxiii)" . + +dhoh:GironnydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "GironnydeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geständert"@de, + "gyronny"@en, + "gironné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "gironné (ita, gheronato, ou grembiato; c spa, jironado; eng, gyronny ; ger, gestandert). Partition évoquant la forme d'ailes de moulin, ordinairement formée de la combi- naison des traits de l'écartelé et de l'écartelé en sautoir ; mais, surtout au moyen-âge, les quartiers de l'écartelé sont très souvent divisés non par une, mais par deux ou trois lignes obliques, appointées, formant des gironnés de douze ou seize pièces. Lorsqu'un gironné n'est pas construit sur la base des traits du coupé et du parti, on l'appelle souvent mal-gironné. (p. 82)" . + +dhoh:LineModifier rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Modifier . + +dhoh:LozengyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "LozengyFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "lozengy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Lozengy is made by use of lines in bend crossed by lines in bend sinister, and \"fusilly\", the same, only drawn at a more acute angle. (p. 122)" . + +dhoh:LozengyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "LozengyGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geweckt"@de, + "schräggewürfelt"@de, + "lozangé"@en, + "lozengy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Die entstandenen Plätze müssen quadratisch sein, zum Unterschied von (senkrecht) gerautet und quer gerautet. (p. 58)" . + +dhoh:LozengyOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "LozengyOswald" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gerautet"@de, + "gesteint"@de, + "schräg geschacht"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Bezeichnung für einen mit Rau- tensektionen (j Rauten) geteilten Schild. Für g. findet sich in älteren Blasonierungen bisweilen auch der Ausdruck schräg geschacht oder gesteint. (p. 155)" . + +dhoh:LozengyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "LozengyParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "lozengy"@en, + "lesangé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "entirely covered with lozenges of alterante tunctures. The lines are variously drawn, but as a rule they should produce lozenges narrower in breadth in proportion to their length than in the example drawn to illustrate what bendy, decter and sinister would produce, yet not so narrow as fusilly. (p. 384) Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . + +dhoh:LozengyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "LozengyRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "losangé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "se dit d'un écu ou d'une pièce entière- ment couverte de losanges entre lesquelles il ne reste pointd'espace. D'ordinaireladirectiondulosangeest verticale, mais il v a des losanges en bande et en barre dV, 189.j (p. xxv)" . + +dhoh:LozengydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "LozengydeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gerautet"@de, + "lozengy"@en, + "losangé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifie l'écu, les pièces ou les partitions divisées en losanges égaux et d'émaux alternés. (p. 94)" . + +dhoh:MasonedOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "MasonedOswald" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gemauert"@de, + "schwarz gemauert"@de ; + rdfs:comment "diejenigen Teilungen oder Figuren, in deren Tinktur sich ein mit schwarzen Strichen angedeutetes Mauerwerk mit schwarzen Fugen befin- det. Diese An der Darstellung ist der i Schattenf~rbe und der i Damaszierung ähnlich. (p. 358)" . + +dhoh:MasonedParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "MasonedParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "masoned"@en, + "maçonné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "a term used to describe the lines formed by the junction of the stones in a building. It is sometimes appied to the field, but more frequently to a castle, tower, or wall. (p. 403)" . + +dhoh:MasonedRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "MasonedRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "maçonné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment ".se dit des traits de séparation entre les pierres d un édifice. Quelquefois le champ d'un , écu est entièrement couvert du maionné IV, 49,30,31., (p. xxv)" . + +dhoh:MasoneddeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "MasoneddeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gemauert"@de, + "masoned"@en, + "maçonné"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifie les différents ouvrages de maçonnerie dont le jountoiement des pierres est d'un émail particulier; lorsque ce jointoiement est de sable, sa mention est le plus souvent facultative. Ce terme s'applique également à l'écu, aux pièces et partitions, couverts de lignes d'un émail particulier, imitant la maçonnerie d'un mur. (p. 94f)" . + +dhoh:PalyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PalyFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "paly"@en ; + rdfs:comment "When the field is striped vertically it is said to be “paly†of so many. (p. 117)" . + +dhoh:PalyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PalyParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "paly"@en, + "palé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "when the field is divided by perpendicular lines into an even number of equal parts, the first of which is generally of a metal, and the last of a colour. An uneven number (see barry) would be blazoned as of so many pales. The French term vergetté is used when the pales, or rather palets, are above ten in number. (p. 437) Einordnung unter \"Lines of diversity applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . + +dhoh:PalyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PalyRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "palé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "se dit d'un écu ou d'une pièce couverte de pals en nombre pair, entre lesquels il ne rest aucun espace. (p. xxvii) " . + +dhoh:PalydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PalydeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "pfahlweise"@de, + "paly"@en, + "palé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Se dit de l'écu, et de toute figure, divisé verticalement en un nombre pair de parties égales et d'émaux alternés. Le palé est d'ordinaire de six pièces et on n'en précise le nombre que s'il est différent. Lorsque le nombre de divisions de cette figure est égal ou supérieur à dix, elle prend le nom de vergeté. (p. 106)" . + +dhoh:PerBendFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerBendFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per bend"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" . + +dhoh:PerBendGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerBendGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geschrägt"@de, + "schräggetheilt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Einordnung als Theilung in diagonaler Richtung (p. 45)" . + +dhoh:PerBendParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerBendParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per bend"@en, + "per bend"@en ; + rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . + +dhoh:PerBendRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerBendRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tiercé en bande"@fr, + "tranché"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Partition de l'écu, au moyen d'une ligne diagonale, tirée de dextre à senestre. (p. xxx) Divisé en trois parties égales au moyen de lignes droites. De cette manière on obtient le tiercé en bande, en barre, en chevron, en écusson, en fasce, en pairle, en pairle renversé, en en pal. Les armes de Blanc d'Hauterive sont tiercées en écusson, ce qui veut dire que l'écu a l'apparance de trois ècussons de grandeur différente couchés l'un sur l'autre. (p. xxx)" . + +dhoh:PerBenddeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerBenddeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Schräggeteilt"@de, + "per bend"@en, + "tranché"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Partition qui divise l'écu ou une figure en deux parties egales au moyen d'une ligne diagonale descendant de l'angle dextre du chef vers l'angle senestre de la pointe. (p. 127)" . + +dhoh:PerChevronFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerChevronFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per chevron"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" . + +dhoh:PerChevronGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerChevronGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Spitze"@de ; + rdfs:comment "wird gebildet durch 2 von der Mitte des Oberrandes ausgenende nach den beiden Unterecken zezogene Linien. In dieser Form wird die Spitze steigend oder aufsteigend genannt, was zum Untenrschiede von der gestürzten etc. dienen soll, im Grunde genommen aber, weil selbstreden, nciht gemeldet zu werden braucht. Der Scheitelpunkt der Spitze heisst wie beim Sparren: Gipfel, die begrenzenden Seitenlinien: Schenkel. (p. 54)" . + +dhoh:PerChevronParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerChevronParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per chevron"@en, + "per chevron"@en ; + rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . + +dhoh:PerChevronRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerChevronRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "chapé"@fr, + "tiercé en chevron"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "se dit du coq qui a le bec ouvert. Chape : se dit de l'écu divisé par deux lignes dia- gonales jointes au milieu du bord supérieur et qui se terminent l'une à l'angle dextre et l'autre à l'angle se- nestre de la base de l'écu (III, 59, 60, 61). Dans les armoiries allemandes, où cette partition est très-fré- quente, on a la coutume d'arrondir ces lignes diago- nales, ce qui alors s'appelle chapé-ployé (Ilf, 62.) Pour le chapé-chaussé, v. Chaussé. (p. xvi) Divisé en trois parties égales au moyen de lignes droites. De cette manière on obtient le tiercé en bande, en barre, en chevron, en écusson, en fasce, en pairle, en pairle renversé, en en pal. Les armes de Blanc d'Hauterive sont tiercées en écusson, ce qui veut dire que l'écu a l'apparance de trois ècussons de grandeur différente couchés l'un sur l'autre. (p. xxx)" . + +dhoh:PerChevrondeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerChevrondeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Spitze"@de, + "chapé"@en, + "pile throughout issuant in base"@en, + "chapé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Partition en forme d'angle aigu, délimitée par deux lignes obliques descendant, à la manière d'un chevron, du mulieu du chef vers les angels de la pointe. Il Convient de noter que le champ de l'écu est la partie qui apparait en pointe et que c'est cet émail qui est nommé le premier. (p. 46)" . + +dhoh:PerFessFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerFessFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per fess"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" . + +dhoh:PerFessGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerFessGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "durchgeschnitten"@de, + "getheilt"@de, + "quergetheilt"@de ; + rdfs:comment "nennt man eine Theilung des Schildes durch eine, oder mehrere gerade, gebogene, oder gebrochene Linien in der horizontalen Richtung. Die Bezeichnung quergetheilt ist überflüssig, da alle anderen Theilungen ihre besonderen Bezeichnungen haben, ein Irrthum also ausgeschlsosen ist. Hier gilt dasselbe, was bei gespalten und Pfal im Allgemeinen gesagt ist; es entstehen also durch Theilungslinien mit gerade Ziffern: Balken, durch Theilungslinine mit ungeraden Ziffern: Theilungen. (p. 19)" . + +dhoh:PerFessParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerFessParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per fesse"@en, + "per fesse"@en ; + rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . + +dhoh:PerFessRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerFessRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "coupé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "se dit : 1° d'un écu ou d'une pièce divisée en deux parties égales au moven d'un trait horizontal (I, 23, 24); — 2° des têtes d'animaux qui semblent séparées du corps au moyen d'un instrument tranchant; 3° des fleurs-de-lis dont le pied est coupé. (p. xviii)" . + +dhoh:PerFessdeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerFessdeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "geteilt"@de, + "per fess"@en, + "coupé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Partition qui divise l'écu ou une figure en deux parties égales au moyen d'une ligne horizontale. (p. 59)" . + +dhoh:PerPaleFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerPaleFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per pale"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" . + +dhoh:PerPaleGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerPaleGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gespalten"@de, + "per pale"@en ; + rdfs:comment "[...] heisst der von oben nach unten durch eine oder mehrere durchgehende Linien perpendikular, oder senkrecht getheilte Schild; den Schnitt selber nennt man: Spaltung oder Spaltschnitt. (p. 12)" . + +dhoh:PerPaleOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerPaleOswald" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gespalten"@de, + "senkrecht gestreift"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Schild oder ge- meine Figur, der bzw. die durch einen oder mehrere senkrechte Schnitte in zwei oder mehr Plätze geteilt wird. Bei einem zweimal g.en Schild müssen alle drei entstehenden Plätze eine andere Tinktur haben. Wären die äußeren Plätze von einer Farbe, würde das Heroldsbild j Pfahl entstehen. In der Regel haben bei einer zweimaligen Spal- tung die einzelnen Plätze eine Breite von einem Drittel der gesamten Schildbreite. Bei mehr Spaltungen verringert sie sich pro- portional. Spaltungen haben immer eine un- gerade Anzahl von Spaltungslinien. Nach den heraldischen Farbgesetzen muß immer eine Farbe neben einem Metall stehen. Eine siebenmalige oder höhere Spaltung wird als senkrecht gestreift angesprochen. (p.158)" . + +dhoh:PerPaleParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerPaleParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per pale"@en, + "per pale"@en ; + rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . + +dhoh:PerPaleRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerPaleRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "parti"@fr, + "tiercé en pal"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Le pjirti est le produit d'une ligne penien- diculaire qui divise le champ ou un meuble en deux parties é2ale> I, ii. (p. xxvii) Divisé en trois parties égales au moyen de lignes droites. De cette manière on obtient le tiercé en bande, en barre, en chevron, en écusson, en fasce, en pairle, en pairle renversé, en en pal. Les armes de Blanc d'Hauterive sont tiercées en écusson, ce qui veut dire que l'écu a l'apparance de trois ècussons de grandeur différente couchés l'un sur l'autre. (p. xxx)" . + +dhoh:PerPaledeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerPaledeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gespalten"@de, + "per pale"@en, + "parti"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifte l'écu, les pièces ou les figures divisés en deux parties egales par un trait vertical. (p. 107)" . + +dhoh:PerSaltireFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerSaltireFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "per saltire"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A shield may be divided by partition lines running in the direction of almost any \"ordinary\" in which case the field will be described as \"per bend\" or \"per chevron\" &c. (p. 97)" . + +dhoh:PerSaltireGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerSaltireGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "schräg quadrirt"@de, + "schräggeviert"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Combination zweier ganzer gekreuzter (oder vier von bis zur Mitte reichender) Schräglinien (p. 58)" . + +dhoh:PerSaltireParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerSaltireParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "party per saltire"@en, + "per saltire"@en ; + rdfs:comment "signifies that the field is divided, the name of the same ordinary being added to shew in what direction; the term, however, may be applied also to ordinaries and to charges of all kinds, adn even to crests and supporters. Many heralds say per bend, &c., considering the word party to be unnecessary. The term party per pale is perhabs the most used, and very frequently the charge superimposed is party also, the tinctures being countercharged. But besides these party per fesse, per chevron, and per saltire are not infrequent. Party per pile is somewaht rare, while instead of aprty per cross the term quarterly is nearly always used. But the party may be considerably varied, as the per pale, fesse, bedn, &c., may be subjected to the same variations as the ordinary itself, i.e. it may be per ebdn indented, per fesse nebuly, &c. Again there may be a combination, such as party per pale and per chevron. (p. 444f) Einordnung unter \"Lines of partition applied chiefly to the Field\" (p. xi)" . + +dhoh:PerSaltireRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerSaltireRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "écartelé en sautoir"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Divisé en quatre quartiers égaux, au moyen d'un coupé et d'un parti. Cependant on donne aussi le nom de quartiers aux comaprtliments qui résullent de l'application d'un plus grand nombre de lignes. Ecartelé en équerre est un écartelé de manière que chaque quartier a la forme d'une équerre. L'écartelé en sautoir est le produit du tranché et du taillé. (p. xx)" . + +dhoh:PerSaltiredeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PerSaltiredeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Schräggeviert"@de, + "quartered per saltire"@en, + "écartelé en sautoir"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Nom que prend l'écartelé lorsque les lignes qui le composent sont obliques. Cette figure obéit aux mêmes règles que l'écartelé; ses quartiers sont eux aussi numérotés: le 1 est en chef, le 2 en flanc à dextre, le 3 en flanc à senestre et le 4 en pointe. (p. 67)" . + +dhoh:PlainGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PlainGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "ledig"@de, + "lediger Schild"@de, + "plein"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "ein leerer Schild (p. 284)" . + +dhoh:PlainOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PlainOswald" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Ledigenschild"@de, + "einfach"@de, + "ledig"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Schild oder Feld in dem keine Heroldsbilder oder gemein~ Figuren, sondern nur eine Tinktur enthal- ten ist. Bei l.en Schilden, die nicht j Warte- schilde sind, zählt die Tinktur als Wappen- figur und ist als solche zu betrachten. Im hohen Mittelalter trugen die Ritter auch 1. Schilde, um nicht erkannt zu werden. In dieser Zeit wurden häufig nur mit einer Tinktur oder Pelzwerk versehene Schilde geführt. In einigen älteren Blasonierungen werden mitunter nur mit Schildteilungen versehene Schilde fälschlich als I. Schilde bezeichnet. (p. 250)" . + +dhoh:PlainParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PlainParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "plain"@en ; + rdfs:comment "it is sometimes found useful for the sake of distinction to introduce this word (p. 464)" . + +dhoh:PlainRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PlainRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "plein"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "se dit d un champ couvert d'un émail uni sans aucun meuble. Ce terme s'emploie également pour indiquer qu'une pièce héraldique est représentée sous sa forme onlinaire, sans que ses tionls aient subi quelque changement, Ainsi une croix de la forme ordinaire serait appelée croix pleine par rapport à d'autrescroix dont les lignes seraient at accidentées. (p. xxvii)" . + +dhoh:PlaindeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "PlaindeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "full"@en, + "plein"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifie un écu à lintérieur duquel ne se trouve aucune brisure; les armes pleines sont - en rpincipe - réservées au \"chef d'armes\". (p. 110f)" . + +dhoh:Stain rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . + +dhoh:TiercedFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "TiercedFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tierced"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A field divided horizontally into three equal divisions of e.g. gules, sable, and argent is theoretically blazoned by British rules “party per fess gules and argent, a fess sable.†This, however, gives an exaggerated width to the fess which it does not really possess with us, and the German rules, which would blazon it “tierced per fess gules, sable, and argent,†would seem preferable. (p. 121)" . + +dhoh:TiercedGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "TiercedGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tiercé"@en, + "tiercé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Schild in drei gleiche Theile, jeder andere Farbe getheilt. (p. 312)" . + +dhoh:TiercedParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "TiercedParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tierced"@en, + "triparted"@en, + "tiercé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "in French arms the term is generally of the shield when it is divided into three parts per fesse; but the shield also may be blazoned as tiercé per pale or per bend. See under Party. (p. 573)" . + +dhoh:TiercedRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "TiercedRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "tiercé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Divisé en trois parties égales au moyen de lignes droites. De cette manière on obtient le tiercé en bande, en barre, en chevron, en écusson, en fasce, en pairle, en pairle renversé, en en pal. Les armes de Blanc d'Hauterive sont tiercées en écusson, ce qui veut dire que l'écu a l'apparance de trois ècussons de grandeur différente couchés l'un sur l'autre. (p. xxx)" . + +dhoh:TierceddeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "TierceddeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gespalten"@de, + "geteilt"@de, + "tierced"@en, + "tiercé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Qualifie l'écu divisé en trois parties égales d'émaux différents, au moyen de lignes disposées dans le sens de la fasce, du pal, de la bande, de la barre, du pairle, ou parfois du chevron. (p. 125)" . + +dhoh:VairFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "VairFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Eisenhüt-feh"@de, + "vair"@en ; + rdfs:comment "This originated from the fur of a kind of squirrel [...] The animal was bluey-grey upon the back and white underneath, and the whole skin was used. It will be readily seen that by sewing a number of these skins together a result is obtained of a series of cupshaped figures, alternating bluey-grey and white [...] Ordinary vair in German heraldry is known as Eisenhüt-feh (sic!), or iron hat vair. (p. 79)" . + +dhoh:VairGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "VairGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Eisenhutfeh"@de, + "Feh"@de, + "vair"@en, + "vair"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "[...] wird gebildet, indem man zunächst den Schild durch mehrere Linien in gleich große Querreihen teilt und letztere durch Figuren, bestehend aus je 4 schrägen und 2 senkrechten Linien, welche zusammen die Gestalt eines Eisenhutes (Sturmhaube) bilden, derartig in von Blau und Weiß abwechselnde kongruente Figuren teilt, dass die Spitzen der blauen Eisenhütlein nach oben, die der dazwischen, resp. daneben liegenden weißen nach abwärts zeigen. Selbstredend muss, dem Gesetz der Teilung zufolge, je an beiden Seiten des Schildes immer in den Reihen abwechselnd ein blaues oder ein weißes Eisenhütlein halb in den Rand verschwinden. (p. 7)" . + +dhoh:VairOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "VairOswald" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Fech"@de, + "Feh"@de ; + rdfs:comment "heraldischer Sammelbegriff für bezeichnet. Abb. Federkorb j Federköcher. alle wahrscheinlich vom wirklichen Pelz- werk abgeleiteten Schildmuster. Grundlage der verschiedenen Varianten dürften die Eisenhütlein sein. Aus diesem Grundmu- ster entwickelten die Herolde später die unterschiedlichsten Formen (p. 127)" . + +dhoh:VairParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "VairParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vair"@en, + "vairé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "generally written vairy when definite tinctures are named: a party-coloured fur, properly argent and azuure, which tinctures are alqays implied when no others are mentioned; but, as will be seen, it occurs even in the early rolls of different tunctures. (p. 597)" . + +dhoh:VairRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "VairRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vair"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Une des fourrures employées en armoiries, composée de quatre rangs de pièces en forme de clochettes, alternativement d'argent et d'azur. Ces clochettes, appelées pièces de vair, seules ou en nombre, se trouvent séparément dans quelques armoiries comme meubles. (p. xxxi)" . + +dhoh:VairdeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "VairdeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "Feh"@de, + "vair"@en, + "vair"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Fourrure composée de petites pièces en forme de clochettes, disposées en plusieurs rangées horizontales ou tires, décalées d'une tire à l'autre et alternativement d'argent et d'azur. Plus que l'hermine, le vair se prète à de nombreuses variations ou variantes (p. 129)" . + +dhoh:VairyFox-Davies a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "VairyFox-Davies" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles: A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, Edinburgh 1909." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vairy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Vair is always blue and white, but the same subdivision of the field is frequently found in other colours ; and when this is the case, it is termed vairy of such and such colours. (p. 81)" . + +dhoh:VairyGritzner a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "VairyGritzner" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Gritzner, Maximilian: Handbuch der heraldischen Terminologie in zwölf (germanischen und romanischen) Zungen. Enthaltend zugleich die Haupt-Grundsätze zur Wappenkunst (J. Siebmachers grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, Einleitungsband, Abt. B); Nürnberg 1890." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vairé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "wenn das Feh aus anderen Färbungen asl weiss u. blau besteht. (p. 317)" . + +dhoh:VairyOswald a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "VairyOswald" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Oswald, Gert: Lexikon der Heraldik. Von Apfelkreuz bis Zwillingsbalken, 3., unveränd. Aufl., Regenstauf 2011." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gefeht"@de ; + rdfs:comment "Ein mit Eisenhütlein versehener Schild, in dem diese nicht in ihrer natürlichen Tingierung erscheinen, sondern andere Farbkombinationen, meist rot-gelb, aufweisen. (p. 147)" . + +dhoh:VairyParker a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "VairyParker" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Parker, James: A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry, Oxford, London 1894." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vairy"@en ; + rdfs:comment "generally written vairy when definite tinctures are named: a party-coloured fur, properly argent and azuure, which tinctures are alqays implied when no others are mentioned; but, as will be seen, it occurs even in the early rolls of different tunctures. (p. 597)" . + +dhoh:VairyRietstap a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "VairyRietstap" ; + dhoh:fromReference "Rietstap, Jean Baptiste: Armorial Général. Contenant la Description des Armoirries des Familles nobles et patriciennes de l'Europe; Précédé d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, Gouda 1861." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "vairé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "s'emploie lorsque le vair est composé d'autres émaux que d'argent et d'azur. (p. xxxi)" . + +dhoh:VairydeBoos a dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "VairydeBoos" ; + dhoh:fromReference "de Boos, Emmanuel: Dictionnaire du Blason, Paris 2001." ; + dhoh:hasBlazonTerm "gefeht"@de, + "vairy"@en, + "vairé"@fr ; + rdfs:comment "Nom que l'on donne au vair lorsque la combinaison des émaux qui colorent ses pièces est différente de celle formée par l'argent et l'azur. (p. 129)" . + +dhoh:hasCoatOfArms a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasCoatOfArms"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:hasModifier a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasModifier"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:numberOfMarshalledParts rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasNumber . + +dhoh:Direction a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Direction"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Heraldic terms for the directions \"left\" and \"right\". May be used to more accurately describe the placement of a charge or the alignment of a pattern."@en . + +dhoh:Metal rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . + +dhoh:hasNumber a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasNumber"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:Fur rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . + +dhoh:hasCharge a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasCharge"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:MarshallingType a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "MarshallingType"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Heraldic terms to describe how a Field can be divided to include multiple different coats of arms."@en . + +dhoh:hasTincture a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasTincture"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:Colour rdfs:subClassOf dhoh:Tincture . + +dhoh:hasLayer a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasLayer"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:hasMarshalledPart rdfs:subPropertyOf dhoh:hasCoatOfArms . + +dhoh:Tincture a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Tincture"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Terms for heraldic tinctures to colour elements of a coat of arms."@en . + +dhoh:Line a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Line"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Terms to specify distinct styles how lines and borders are drawn on a Charge or Pattern. A Line cannot be used on its own, but must be used as part of an object of type Charge or Pattern."@en . + +dhoh:hasVisualRelation a owl:ObjectProperty ; + rdfs:label "hasVisualRelation"@en ; + rdfs:comment "DOCUMENTATION TO BE ADDED"@en . + +dhoh:Arrangement a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Arrangement"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Terms to indicate the way two or more charges of the same type are visually placed in relation to each other."@en . + +dhoh:Pattern a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Pattern"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Terms to describe distinct patterns, covering the whole of an area. A pattern can be used by a Field as well as by a Charge."@en . + +dhoh:Modifier a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Modifier"@en ; + rdfs:comment "Heraldic terms that change the appearance of a Charge while at the same time preserving the identity of said charge. A Modifier must always be connected to a single Charge."@en . + +dhoh:BlazonTermDefinition a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "BlazonTermDefinition"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A definition, e.g. by a single author or textbook reference, that describes the meaning of a single heraldic term. One BlazonTermDefinition can be attributed with one or multiple multilingual labels."@en . + +dhoh:Charge a owl:Class ; + rdfs:label "Charge"@en ; + rdfs:comment "A single visual object that is used on a coat of arms. A charge must be discernible as a visual item that does not cover the coat of arms as a whole (unlike a Pattern). Each term of the class charge may be used on its own to blazon a coat of arms."@en . +