# Phrasenerkenner

## Setup

1. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt` from the project root folder.

2. Download the `DE -> EN (tab-delimited, UTF8)` [dictionary file](https://www1.dict.cc/translation_file_request.php?l=e) from dict.cc.

3. Unzip the downloaded archive and rename its content dictionary file to `de-en.txt`.

4. Move the dictionary file into the `resources/dictionary` folder.

5. Run `python setup.py` from the project root folder.
Overwrite the dictionary database if asked to do so.

## Optional: Integrate Other Languages Than English

Note: The German to English dictionary is required regardless of other integrated languages.

1. Download the desired language [dictionary file](https://www1.dict.cc/translation_file_request.php?l=e) from dict.cc.
   **The origin language is required to be German.** 

2. Unzip the downloaded archive and rename the content dictionary file to `de-target_language_code.txt`.
Substitute `target_language_code` with the corresponding target language code.
A ist of valid language codes is specified in the "Language Codes" section.

3. Move the dictionary file into the `resources/dictionary` folder.

4. Run `python setup.py` from the project root folder.
Overwrite the dictionary database if asked to do so.

## Run

- To start the commandline interface run `python phrasenerkenner.py` from the project root folder.

- To start the GUI application run `python GUI_start.py` from the project root folder.

## Language Codes

The following table specifies the supported languages by dict.cc and the Phrasenerkenner.

| Language   | Language Code |
| Deutsch    |       de      |
| English    |       en      |
| Svenska    |       sv      |
| Íslenska   |       is      |
| Русский    |       ru      |
| Română     |       ro      |
| Français   |       fr      |
| Italiano   |       it      |
| Slovenčina |       sk      |
| Português  |       pt      |
| Nederlands |       nl      |
| Magyar     |       hu      |
| Suomi      |       fi      |
| Latina     |       la      |
| Español    |       es      |
| Български  |       bg      |
| Hrvatski   |       hr      |
| Norsk      |       no      |
| Čeština    |       cs      |
| Dansk      |       da      |
| Türkçe     |       tr      |
| Polski     |       pl      |
| Esperanto  |       eo      |
| Српски     |       sr      |
| Ελληνικά   |       el      |
| Босански   |       bs      |
| Shqip      |       sq      |