diff --git a/registration-system/frameworks/environment.php b/registration-system/frameworks/Environment.php
similarity index 90%
rename from registration-system/frameworks/environment.php
rename to registration-system/frameworks/Environment.php
index 6f3a6cda46b6d51cb2ff2eb70eb92302fc1d823e..4aa09ce5780bbaa235cbac59f0209a7fda257f34 100644
--- a/registration-system/frameworks/environment.php
+++ b/registration-system/frameworks/Environment.php
@@ -256,22 +256,5 @@ class Environment {
         return true;
-    private function feedbackHelper($mail_langs, $to, $hash, $fid) {
-        global $config_baseurl;
-        if (!is_array($mail_langs)) $mail_langs = [$mail_langs];
-        $from = $this->database->get("fahrten", ["kontakt","leiter", "paydeadline", "payinfo", "wikilink"], ["fahrt_id"=>$fid]);
-        foreach ($mail_langs as $mail_lang) {
-            $mail = comm_get_lang($mail_lang, [
-                "{{url}}" => $config_baseurl . "status.php?hash=" . $hash,
-                "{{organisator}}" => $from['leiter'],
-                "{{paydeadline}}" => $from['paydeadline'],
-                "{{payinfo}}" => $from['payinfo'],
-                "{{wikilink}}" => $from['wikilink']]);
-            $bcc = $mail_lang === "lang_payinfomail" ? $from['kontakt'] : NULL;
-            comm_send_mail($this->database, $to, $mail, $from['kontakt'], $bcc);
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/registration-system/frameworks/Fahrt.php b/registration-system/frameworks/Fahrt.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5473a873eb24570cb768bdbf6b81cbdca9622a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/registration-system/frameworks/Fahrt.php
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+require_once 'Bachelor.php';
+class Fahrt {
+    const STATUS_IS_OPEN_NOT_FULL = 0;
+    const STATUS_IS_OPEN_FULL = 1;
+    const STATUS_IS_CLOSED = 2;
+    const ALLOWED_FIELDS = ['fahrt_id', 'titel', 'ziel', 'vom', 'bis', 'regopen', 'beschreibung', 'leiter', 'kontakt',
+        'map_pin', 'max_bachelor', 'wikilink', 'paydeadline', 'payinfo', 'opentime'];
+    private $environment;
+    private $fid;
+    private $data;
+    function __construct($fid) {
+        $this->environment = Environment::getEnv();
+        $this->fid = $fid;
+        $this->data = null;
+    }
+    private function getBachelorsSelector($params) {
+        $conditions = [
+            'fahrt_id' => $this->fid
+        ];
+        if (isset($params['waiting'])) {
+            $conditions['transferred' . (($params['waiting']) ? '' : '[!]')] = null;
+            $conditions['on_waitlist'] = ($params['waiting']) ? 1 : 0;
+        }
+        if (isset($params['essen']))
+            $conditions['essen'] = $params['essen'];
+        if (isset($params['studityp']))
+            $conditions['studityp'] = $params['studityp'];
+        if (isset($params['virgin']))
+            $conditions['virgin'] = ($params['virgin']) ? 1 : 0;
+        if (isset($params['backstepped']))
+            $conditions['backstepped' . (($params['backstepped']) ? '[!]' : '')] = null;
+        if (isset($params['paid']))
+            $conditions['paid' . (($params['paid']) ? '[!]' : '')] = null;
+        if (isset($params['repaid']))
+            $conditions['repaid' . (($params['backstepped']) ? '[!]' : '')] = null;
+        if (isset($params['public']))
+            $conditions['public'] = ($params['public']) ? 1 : 0;
+        $selector = [
+            'table' => 'bachelor',
+            'fields' => !isset($params['fields']) ? Bachelor::ALLOWED_FIELDS : $params['fields'],
+            'where' => ['AND' => $conditions]
+        ];
+        return $selector;
+    }
+    /**
+     * This function returns participants of this fahrt.
+     * Set parameters to filter, keep unset means 'dont care'.
+     *
+     * Form the param array as follows:
+     *   - $fields (array[string]) columns you want to select
+     *   - $waiting (bool) is on the waitlist and not transferred
+     *   - $essen (str) has specific food preferences
+     *   - $studityp (int) is of specific studityp
+     *   - $virgin (bool) is <18 or not
+     *   - $backstepped (bool) stepped back or not
+     *   - $paid (bool) paid or not
+     *   - $repaid (bool) got money back or not
+     *   - $public (bool) publically visible
+     *
+     * @param array $params params for the selector
+     *
+     * @return medoo result
+     */
+    public function getBachelors($params) {
+        $selector = $this->getBachelorsSelector($params);
+        return $this->environment->database->select($selector['table'], $selector['fields'], $selector['where']);
+    }
+    public function getBachelor($bid) {
+        return Bachelor::makeFromDB($this->fid, $bid);
+    }
+    public function getFahrtDetails() {
+        if (!is_null($this->data))
+            return $this->data;
+        $this->data = $this->environment->database->get('fahrten', Fahrt::ALLOWED_FIELDS, ['fahrt_id' => $this->fid]);
+        return $this->data;
+    }
+    public function getID() {
+        return $this->fid;
+    }
+    public function getPossibleDates(){
+        $details = $this->getFahrtDetails();
+        $end = new DateTime($details['bis']);
+        $period = new DatePeriod(
+            new DateTime($details['von']),
+            new DateInterval('P1D'),
+            $end->modify( '+1 day' )
+        );
+        $ret = [];
+        foreach($period as $d){
+            array_push($ret, $d->format("d.m.Y"));
+        }
+        return $ret;
+    }
+    public function getRegistrationState() {
+        comm_verbose(3, 'checking if fid ' . $this->fid . ' is open');
+        if (!$this->environment->database->has('fahrten', ['AND' => ['fahrt_id' => $this->fid, 'regopen' => 1]]))
+            return Fahrt::STATUS_IS_CLOSED;
+        $selector = $this->getBachelorsSelector(['backstepped' => false, 'waiting' => false]);
+        $cnt = $this->environment->database->count('bachelor', $selector['where']);
+        $max = $this->getFahrtDetails()['max_bachelor'];
+        if ($cnt < $max)
+            return Fahrt::STATUS_IS_OPEN_NOT_FULL;
+        return Fahrt::STATUS_IS_OPEN_FULL;
+    }
+    public function isRegistrationOpen() {
+        $state = $this->getRegistrationState();
+        return $state == Fahrt::STATUS_IS_OPEN_FULL or $state == Fahrt::STATUS_IS_OPEN_NOT_FULL;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file