diff --git a/registration-system/admin/index.php b/registration-system/admin/index.php
index 4c36f4603eaf254d1696d3a468eded9b2bac35d5..f91df203ba747707ee15d6ecc68f1ee3eb5954bd 100644
--- a/registration-system/admin/index.php
+++ b/registration-system/admin/index.php
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ if (isLoggedIn())
         "Kosten" => "cost",
         "Rundmail" => "mail",
         "Notizen" => "notes",
+        "Listenexport" => "export",
         "Deadlink" => "dead"
@@ -64,6 +65,8 @@ if (isLoggedIn())
             page_mail(); break;
         case "notes":
             page_notes(); break;
+        case "export":
+            page_export(); break;
diff --git a/registration-system/admin/pages.php b/registration-system/admin/pages.php
index 3d57dd608cd42ac6de0daa9905ae20ea0b58916f..6aaf132717a1df11615f3df5518d441cf32c524b 100644
--- a/registration-system/admin/pages.php
+++ b/registration-system/admin/pages.php
@@ -111,6 +111,9 @@ function page_mail(){
 function page_cost(){
+function page_export(){
+    require_page("pages_export.php");
 function require_page($page){
     if(!@file_exists($page) ) {
diff --git a/registration-system/admin/pages_cost.php b/registration-system/admin/pages_cost.php
index c3acf358bb285ee8f93b48b65e697a45776da44b..a4e15fe53210fa4f3c8b6cacdb796775f584735e 100644
--- a/registration-system/admin/pages_cost.php
+++ b/registration-system/admin/pages_cost.php
@@ -8,45 +8,87 @@
 global $config_studitypen, $config_reisearten, $config_essen, $admin_db, $config_current_fahrt_id, $config_admin_verbose_level, $config_verbose_level, $text, $headers, $ajax;
-$text .= "<h2>Unterkunft</h2>";
-$h = array("Position", "Anzahl", "Satz", "Summe");
-$s[3] = array(1,2);
-$t[2] = " €"; 
-$t[3] = " €";
 $text .= "<h3>Kalkulation</h3>";
-$d = array(array("Ãœbernachtung", 2, 10.50),
-           array("Zwiebel", 300, 5),
-           array("Brötchen", 200, 0.2));
+$h1 = array("Position", "Anzahl (normal)", "Satz", "Summe");
+$s1[3] = array(1,2);
+$t1[2] = " €";
+$t1[3] = " €";
+$d1 = array(array("Reisekosten", 2, 1.9),
+           array("Ãœbernachtung (HP)", 2, 17.8),
+           array("Bettwäsche", 1, 4),
+           array("Grillen", 1, 0.3),
+           array("Kurzreisezuschlag", 1, 2));
+$text .= html_table($h1, $d1, $s1, $t1);
+$text .= "<h2>Einkaufen</h2>";
+$h2 = array("Position", "Anzahl", "Satz", "Summe");
+$s2[3] = array(1,2);
+$t2[2] = " €";
+$t2[3] = " €";
+$d2 = array(array("Club Mate", 120, 0.69),
+    array("Chips", 15,0.5),
+    array("Flips", 15, 0.5),
+    array("Fanta", 24, 0.39),
+    array("Wasser", 42, 0.3));
+$text .= html_table($h2, $d2, $s2, $t2);
-$text .= html_table($h, $d, $s, $t);
 $text .= "<h3>Rechnung</h3>";
-$text .= html_table($h, $d, $s, $t);
-$text .= "<h2>Einkaufen</h2>";
-$text .= html_table($h, $d, $s, $t);
+$h3 = array("Position", "Menge", "Anzahl", "Satz", "Summe");
+$s3[4] = array(1,2,3);
+$t3[3] = " €";
+$t3[4] = " €";
+$d3 = array(
+    array("Ãœbernachtung", 2, 69, 10.5),
+    array("Bettwäsche", 1, 75, 4),
+    array("Grillnutzung", 1, 69, 0.3),
+    array("Kurzreisezuschlag", 1, 69, 2),
+    array("Halbpension", 2, 69, 7.3));
+$text .= html_table($h3, $d3, $s3, $t3);
 $text .= "<h2>Money In/Out</h2>";
-$text .= html_table($h, $d, $s, $t);
+$text .= '<div style="float:left">';
+$h4 = array("Position", "Summe");
+$s4 = array();
+$t4[1] = " €";
+$d4_out = array(
+    array("Frauensee", 2815.1),
+    array("Einkauf", 590.13),
+    array("Busfahrt", 216),
+    array("Bäcker", 22.4),
+    array("Kaution", 100)
+$d4_in = array(
+    array("Pfand1", 82.17),
+    array("Pfand2", 10),
+    array("Pfand3", 15),
+    array("Fachschaft (Reste)", 76),
+    array("Kollekte", 4620),
+    array("Förderung", 2200),
+    array("Kaution", 100)
+$text .= html_table($h4, $d4_out, $s4, $t4);
+$text .= '</div><div style="float:left">';
+$text .= html_table($h4, $d4_in, $s4, $t4);
+$text .= '</div><div style="clear:both"></div>';
- * $headers 
+ * $headers
  *    is an array of the headers
  * $data
  *    is an array with the data to output
- * $sum 
- *    is an array declaring which cols should be summed up and put below the table, 
+ * $sum
+ *    is an array declaring which cols should be summed up and put below the table,
  *    second dimension declares which cols need to be multiplied (if no second dimension, just sum at the end)
- * $type 
+ * $type
  *    is an array declaring type of data to put behind the value (i.e. €), not all cols need to be declared
  * return value: variable containing the html code for echo
 function html_table($header, $data, $sum = array(), $type = array()){
 	$summy = array();
 	$ret = "<table class=\"cost-table\">
@@ -74,7 +116,7 @@ function html_table($header, $data, $sum = array(), $type = array()){
 									$tmp = (is_null($tmp)) ? $row[$s] : $tmp*$row[$s];
 								$ret .= prepval($tmp,(isset($type[$i]) ? $type[$i] : ""));
 									$summy[$i] = $tmp;
@@ -102,7 +144,7 @@ function html_table($header, $data, $sum = array(), $type = array()){
 	$ret.= "</table>";
 	return $ret;
diff --git a/registration-system/admin/pages_export.php b/registration-system/admin/pages_export.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79e217ee163dd78f4ee339cd1df9e9e19dde650a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/registration-system/admin/pages_export.php
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * Created by PhpStorm.
+ * User: tim
+ * Date: 8/26/14
+ * Time: 10:05 PM
+ */
+global $config_studitypen, $config_reisearten, $config_essen, $admin_db, $config_current_fahrt_id, $config_admin_verbose_level, $config_verbose_level, $text, $headers, $ajax;
+$text .= '
+    <li><a href="?page=export&ex=refra">RefRat-Liste</a> (<a href="http://www.refrat.hu-berlin.de/finanzen/TeilnehmerInnenlisteMitEinverstaendniserklaerung.pdf">orig</a>)</li>
+    <li><a href="?page=export&ex=treff">Treffpunktanwesenheitsliste</a></li>
+    <li><a href="?page=export&ex=konto">Kontodatenliste</a></li>
+    <li><a href="?page=export&ex=unter">Anwesenheitsunterschriftsliste für Unterkunft</a></li>
+    <li><a href="http://www.refrat.de/docs/finanzen/FormularFSErstattung_sepa_form_2.pdf">Erstattungsformular</a></li>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/registration-system/view/admin_style.css b/registration-system/view/admin_style.css
index b3c907606553d07667e64d479637a14e8a9ae8d8..409da2da57ce650e68c69a5b2321db2947b82626 100644
--- a/registration-system/view/admin_style.css
+++ b/registration-system/view/admin_style.css
@@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ a:active, a:hover {
+a[href ^= "http"]:after {
+    content: " " url("graphics/outlonk.png");
+table {
+    border-collapse: collapse;
     border-bottom: 1px dashed coral;
     width: 100%;
@@ -51,7 +57,7 @@ form table tr td{
+    padding: 5px;
 .cost-table td{
 	padding-left: 12px;
@@ -70,3 +76,7 @@ form table tr td{
 	border: 0;
+.cost-table tfoot td{
+    border-bottom: 1px solid #0c0c0c;
+    border-top: 1px dashed #0c0c0c;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/registration-system/view/graphics/outlonk.png b/registration-system/view/graphics/outlonk.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..acf260fcd9c744bf3479f8e15c66b458b22df568
Binary files /dev/null and b/registration-system/view/graphics/outlonk.png differ