diff --git a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/environment.js b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/environment.js
index 6f9b69d22b290789e04ed9bc53c4491ad951ab2d..95dd2245e25a7029e29e9a9d8da2d334ccfecca3 100644
--- a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/environment.js
+++ b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/environment.js
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Environment.progress = {
     // -----------------------------
     inventory_money: false,
+    inventory_ruestung: false,
     inventory_goatDroppings: false
diff --git a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/events.js b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/events.js
index f19b4d916e1688b8fc032f24cbbd3fe1bec657b3..d62e074f7913ff691917a173e8a16709956a8a41 100644
--- a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/events.js
+++ b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/events.js
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ EventHandler.prototype.triggerEventOn = function (trigger, x, y) {
  * @param event
 EventHandler.prototype.handleEvent = function (event, context) {
+    var eventWasActive = true;
     switch (event.type) {
         case 'achievement':
             Game.achievements.triggerAchievement(event.id, context);
@@ -92,118 +93,34 @@ EventHandler.prototype.handleEvent = function (event, context) {
             Game.instance.nextMap(event.destination, event.target);
         case 'special':
-            EventHandler.handleAction(event);
+            eventWasActive = EventHandler.handleAction(event);
-    if (event.stopsWalk) {
+    if (event.stopsWalk && eventWasActive) {
 EventHandler.handleAction = function (event) {
-    if (event.action && event.action in EventHandler.actions) {
+    var isPossible = Story.actions[event.action].possible();
+    // check, whether action exists and is allowed at this point
+    if (event.action && event.action in Story.actions && isPossible) {
+        // in case the action requires to walk to a location first
         if (event.walkTo) {
             var spawn = Game.char.svg.select('#' + event.walkTo);
             if (spawn[0][0]) {
                 var bbox = spawn[0][0].getBBox();
                 var xy = Vec.add(getTranslation(spawn[0][0], Game.char.svg[0][0]), [bbox.x, bbox.y]);
-                Game.char.setMoveTarget(xy[0], xy[1], EventHandler.actions[event.action]);
-            }
-        } else {
-            EventHandler.actions[event.action]();
-        }
-    }
-EventHandler.actions = {
-    'fs_open_board': function () {
-        console.log('fuck yeah!');
-        Game.log('Kontaktdaten verloren.');
-        Game.log('Lieber schnell wieder raus hier!');
-        // TODO implement board fill
-    },
-    'fs_screamingGeorge': function () {dialogueHelper([
-        {
-            bubble: '#george_speech',
-            message: 'EY! MELD\' DICH MAL ZUR FACHSCHAFTSFAHRT AN!!'
-        },{
-            bubble: '#george_speech',
-            message: 'SCHREIB\' DICH AN DER TAFEL DAZU EIN!!!'
-        }
-    ], function () {
-        Game.log('Geh\' zur Tafel.');
-        Environment.progress.fs_firstApproach = true;
-    });
-        Environment.progress.fs_georgeScreamed = true;
-    },
-    'fs_firstApproach': function () {
-        dialogueHelper([
-            {
-                bubble: '#tim_speech',
-                message: 'Willkommen in der Fachschaft!'
-            }, {
-                bubble: '#manu_speech',
-                message: 'Yoh, geh\' mal rüber zu George.'
-            }
-        ], function () {
-            Game.log('Finde George.');
-            Environment.progress.fs_firstApproach = true;
-        });
-    },
-    'fs_exit_hint': function () {
-        dialogueHelper([
-            {
-                bubble: '#tim_speech',
-                message: 'Du bist hier noch nicht fertig. Vorher kommst du nicht raus!'
+                // walk to the action point, start action on callback
+                Game.char.setMoveTarget(xy[0], xy[1], Story.actions[event.action].action);
-        ]);
-    }
-function dialogueHelper(dialogue, done) {
-    var speed = {
-        talk: UrlComponents.isSet('fastTalk') ? 1 : 40,
-        pause: UrlComponents.isSet('fastTalk') ? 50 : 1000
-    };
-    Game.actionsBlocked = true;
-    var dialogueBox = $('#gameDialogue');
-    dialogueBox.html('');
-    dialogueBox.show();
-    var dialogue_i = 0;
-    dialogueStepper();
-    function dialogueStepper() {
-        if (dialogue_i >= dialogue.length) {
-            dialogueBox.hide();
-            Game.actionsBlocked = false;
-            if (typeof done === 'function') done();
-        } else {
-            var part = dialogue[dialogue_i];
-            dialogue_i++;
-            // TODO: antwort selektion implementieren
-            plotMessage(part.bubble, part.message, dialogueStepper);
+        }
+        // otherwise start action directly
+        else {
+            Story.actions[event.action].action();
-    function plotMessage(bubble, message, plotDone) {
-        var i = 0;
-        var messageStepper = setInterval(function () {
-            i++;
-            if (i > message.length) {
-                clearInterval(messageStepper);
-                Game.char.svg.select(bubble).style('display', 'block');
-                setTimeout(function() {
-                    Game.char.svg.select(bubble).style('display', 'none');
-                    plotDone();
-                }, speed.pause)
-            } else {
-                Game.char.svg.select(bubble).style('display', (i % 2) ? 'none' : 'block');
-                dialogueBox.text(message.substring(0, i));
-            }
-        }, speed.talk);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
+    return isPossible;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/game.js b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/game.js
index b7429d84b69a2d82b5343599c5f1af56da6835c6..3730d4be7a0c3d079651594bd56dfab37b848b06 100644
--- a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/game.js
+++ b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/game.js
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ Game.prototype.loadMap = function (map, spawn) {
             mousePointer.attr('cy', xy.y);
             var colour = Game.char.pathFinder.canWalkOn(xy.x, xy.y) ? 'green' : 'red';
             if (Game.eventHandler.hasEventOn('click', xy.x, xy.y)) colour = 'blue';
+            if (Game.actionsBlocked) colour = 'red';
             mousePointer.style("fill", colour);
diff --git a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/story.js b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/story.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e7a9613668b5a75c4bda5a59c5b6e8e03375be9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/js/story.js
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+function Story() {
+Story.actions = {
+    // =================================================================================================================
+    // Actions in the Fachschaft room
+    'fs_firstApproach': {
+        state: {
+            welcome_message: false, // welcome message spoken
+            failed: false, // was approached before, but had no money
+            successful: false // all done with this action (equivalent to Environment.progress.fs_firstApproach)
+        },
+        possible: function () {
+            return (!Story.actions.fs_firstApproach.state.successful && !Story.actions.fs_firstApproach.state.failed) ||
+                (!Environment.progress.fs_firstApproach && Environment.progress.inventory_money);
+        },
+        action: function () {
+            var state = Story.actions.fs_firstApproach.state;
+            Story.dialogueHelper([{
+                    bubble: '#tim_speech',
+                    message: 'Willkommen in der Fachschaft!',
+                    condition: !state.welcome_message
+                }, {
+                    bubble: '#tim_speech',
+                    message: state.failed ?
+                        'Wie ich sehe, hast du etwas gefunden? Noch Lust auf die Rüstung?' :
+                        'Du bist ohne Rüstung unterwegs, das kann gefährlich werden. Gegen eine Spende könntest du eine bekommen.'
+                }, {
+                    answer: [{
+                        message: 'Gib her, hier ist ein dicker Sack',
+                        condition: Environment.progress.inventory_money,
+                        action: function () {
+                            Environment.progress.inventory_ruestung = true;
+                        }
+                    }, {
+                        message: 'Was? Spende? Ich hab\' nichts!',
+                        condition: !Environment.progress.inventory_money,
+                        action: function () {
+                            Game.log('Finde den Schatz bei den Fahrstühlen.');
+                            state.failed = true;
+                        }
+                    }]
+                }, {
+                    bubble: '#manu_speech',
+                    message: 'Yoh, geh\' mal rüber zu George.',
+                    condition: Environment.progress.inventory_ruestung
+                }],
+                state,
+                function () {
+                    state.welcome_message = true;
+                    Environment.progress.fs_firstApproach = true;
+                    if (Environment.progress.inventory_ruestung) {
+                        Game.log('Finde George.');
+                        state.successful = true;
+                    }
+                });
+        }
+    },
+    'fs_screamingGeorge': {
+        possible: function () {
+            return !Environment.progress.fs_georgeScreamed && Story.actions.fs_firstApproach.state.successful;
+        },
+        action: function () {
+            Story.dialogueHelper([
+                {
+                    bubble: '#george_speech',
+                    message: 'EY! MELD\' DICH MAL ZUR FACHSCHAFTSFAHRT AN!!'
+                }, {
+                    bubble: '#george_speech',
+                    message: 'SCHREIB\' DICH AN DER TAFEL DAZU EIN!!!'
+                }
+            ], null, function () {
+                Game.log('Schreib\' an die zur Tafel.');
+                Environment.progress.fs_firstApproach = true;
+            });
+            Environment.progress.fs_georgeScreamed = true;
+        }
+    },
+    // some hint message when trying to leave fs without all actions complete
+    'fs_exit_hint': {
+        state: {
+            hintGiven: false
+        },
+        possible: function () {
+            return !Story.actions.fs_exit_hint.state.hintGiven &&!Environment.progress.fs_filledBoard
+                && Environment.progress.fs_firstApproach && Environment.progress.inventory_money;
+        },
+        action: function () {
+            Story.dialogueHelper([
+                {
+                    bubble: '#tim_speech',
+                    message: 'Du bist hier noch nicht fertig. Vorher kommst du nicht raus!'
+                }
+            ]);
+        }
+    },
+    // name/email signup board
+    'fs_open_board': {
+        possible: function () {
+            return Environment.progress.fs_georgeScreamed;
+        },
+        action: function () {
+            console.log('fuck yeah!');
+            Game.log('Kontaktdaten verloren.');
+            Game.log('Lieber schnell wieder raus hier!');
+            // TODO implement board fill
+        }
+    },
+    // =================================================================================================================
+    // Actions on the landing map
+    'landing_goatFight': {
+        possible: function () {
+            return true;
+        },
+        action: function () {
+        }
+    }
+Story.dialogueHelper = function (dialogue, context, done) {
+    var speed = {
+        talk: UrlComponents.isSet('fastTalk') ? 1 : 45,
+        pause: UrlComponents.isSet('fastTalk') ? 50 : 1000
+    };
+    Game.actionsBlocked = true;
+    var dialogueBox = $('#gameDialogue');
+    dialogueBox.html('');
+    dialogueBox.show();
+    var dialogue_i = 0;
+    dialogueStepper();
+    function dialogueStepper() {
+        if (dialogue_i >= dialogue.length) {
+            dialogueBox.hide();
+            Game.actionsBlocked = false;
+            if (typeof done === 'function') done();
+        } else {
+            var part = dialogue[dialogue_i];
+            dialogue_i++;
+            if ('condition' in part && !part.condition) {
+                dialogueStepper();
+            } else if (part.answer) {
+                answerSelection(part.answer);
+            } else {
+                plotMessage(part.bubble, part.message, dialogueStepper);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function answerSelection(answers) {
+        var possibleAnswers = answers.map(function (answer, i) {
+            if ('condition' in answer && answer.condition)
+                return '<li gameDialogueAnswer="' + i + '">' + answer.message + '</li>';
+            else return null;
+        }).filter(function (answer) {
+            return !!answer;
+        });
+        if (possibleAnswers.length > 0) {
+            var list = '<ul>' + possibleAnswers.join('') + '</ul>';
+            dialogueBox.html(list);
+            $('[gameDialogueAnswer]').on('click', function () {
+                var answer = $(this).attr('gameDialogueAnswer');
+                if (typeof answers[answer].action() === 'function') answers[answer].action();
+                dialogueStepper();
+            })
+        } else {
+            dialogueStepper();
+        }
+    }
+    function plotMessage(bubble, message, plotDone) {
+        var i = 0;
+        var bubbleNode = !bubble ? null : Game.char.svg.select(bubble);
+        var messageStepper = setInterval(function () {
+            i++;
+            if (i > message.length) {
+                clearInterval(messageStepper);
+                if (bubbleNode) bubbleNode.style('display', 'block');
+                setTimeout(function () {
+                    if (bubbleNode) bubbleNode.style('display', 'none');
+                    plotDone();
+                }, speed.pause)
+            } else {
+                if (bubbleNode) bubbleNode.style('display', (i % 2) ? 'none' : 'block');
+                dialogueBox.text(message.substring(0, i));
+            }
+        }, speed.talk);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/maps/castle_fs.svg b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/maps/castle_fs.svg
index 0971efa75f6e9549140a91320b729f61737ffd0b..f68a98adba4abe770ba64200e8b87f4ce509d1f6 100644
Binary files a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/maps/castle_fs.svg and b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/maps/castle_fs.svg differ
diff --git a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/maps/dorf.svg b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/maps/dorf.svg
index 687074329bec96c1a0b57dc211e65bb8c2008568..3e1df597912fc0837400bdea1482b49aaa2988c8 100644
Binary files a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/maps/dorf.svg and b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/maps/dorf.svg differ
diff --git a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/maps/map_landing.svg b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/maps/map_landing.svg
index c5e121480efce80a255643a91a3cebd0934e8e8a..db4ae1a6fd048a97f29e8f8cff017fac75dcbd70 100644
Binary files a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/maps/map_landing.svg and b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/maps/map_landing.svg differ
diff --git a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/test.html b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/test.html
index a1c4091ce9a8f8a860983c772bb3466a10dc288f..5b853da56143a873771a5e4bc80601e1e7d5314b 100644
--- a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/test.html
+++ b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/test.html
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
     <script src="js/character.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     <script src="js/camera.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     <script src="js/environment.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+    <script src="js/story.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     <script src="js/game.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
     <div id="game-game">
         <div id="gameCanvas" style="overflow:hidden;position:relative">
             <div id="gameRoot" style="position:relative"></div>
-            <div id="gameDialogue" class="bordered-box">Some dialogue</div>
+            <div id="gameDialogue" class="bordered-box"></div>
diff --git a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/ui.css b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/ui.css
index fea0e6a1a9523e5b21bc9c4bd5eb85e97b05437b..0757bf87c3d9107b3e4b557b799c5953f183f6bb 100644
--- a/registration-system/view/signups/game1/ui.css
+++ b/registration-system/view/signups/game1/ui.css
@@ -34,15 +34,36 @@
 #gameDialogue {
-    height: 50px;
+    font-size: 11pt;
+    height: 4em;
     position: absolute;
     bottom: 20px;
     left: 20px;
     right: 20px;
-    padding: 5px;
+    padding: 0.5em 1em;
     display: none;
+#gameDialogue ul {
+    margin: 0;
+    padding: 0 0 0 0.5em;
+    list-style: none;
+#gameDialogue ul li {
+    padding: 0.1em;
+#gameDialogue ul li:hover {
+    background-color: #474c46;
+#gameDialogue ul li:before {
+    content: '⇢';
+    font-size: 15pt;
+    line-height: 11pt;
+    margin-right: 0.3em;
+#gameDialogue ul li:hover:before {
+    content: '↠';
 #2E2E2E dark