import { Component, OnInit, Inject, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { MatTableDataSource } from '@angular/material/table'; import { MatSnackBar } from '@angular/material/snack-bar'; import { MatDialog } from '@angular/material/dialog'; import { Sort } from '@angular/material/sort'; import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'; import { ConfirmDialogComponent, ConfirmDialogData, MessageDialogComponent, MessageDialogData, MessageType } from 'iqb-components'; import { map } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { WorkspaceDataService } from '../workspacedata.service'; import { IQBFileType, GetFileResponseData, IQBFile, IQBFileTypes } from '../workspace.interfaces'; import { BackendService, FileDeletionReport } from '../backend.service'; import { MainDataService } from '../../maindata.service'; import { IqbFilesUploadQueueComponent } from './iqb-files'; interface FileStats { invalid: { [type in IQBFileType]?: number; } total: { count: number; invalid: number; }; testtakers: number; } @Component({ templateUrl: './files.component.html', styleUrls: ['./files.component.css'] }) export class FilesComponent implements OnInit { public files: {[type in IQBFileType]?: MatTableDataSource<IQBFile>} = {}; public fileTypes = IQBFileTypes; public displayedColumns = ['checked', 'name', 'size', 'modificationTime']; public uploadUrl = ''; public fileNameAlias = 'fileforvo'; public lastSort:Sort = { active: 'name', direction: 'asc' }; public typeLabels = { Testtakers: 'Teilnehmerlisten', Booklet: 'Testhefte', SysCheck: 'System-Check-Definitionen', Resource: 'Ressourcen', Unit: 'Units' }; public fileStats: FileStats = { total: { count: 0, invalid: 0 }, invalid: {}, testtakers: 0 }; @ViewChild('fileUploadQueue', { static: true }) public uploadQueue: IqbFilesUploadQueueComponent; constructor( @Inject('SERVER_URL') private serverUrl: string, @Inject('VERONA_API_VERSION_SUPPORTED') private veronaApiVersionSupported: string, private bs: BackendService, public wds: WorkspaceDataService, public confirmDialog: MatDialog, public messageDialog: MatDialog, private mds: MainDataService, public snackBar: MatSnackBar ) { } ngOnInit(): void { this.uploadUrl = `${this.serverUrl}workspace/${this.wds.wsId}/file`; setTimeout(() => { this.mds.setSpinnerOn(); this.updateFileList(); }); } public checkAll(isChecked: boolean, type: IQBFileType): void { this.files[type].data = this.files[type] => { // eslint-disable-next-line file.isChecked = isChecked; return file; }); } public deleteFiles(): void { if (this.wds.wsRole !== 'RW') { return; } const filesToDelete = []; Object.keys(this.files).forEach(type => { this.files[type].data.forEach(file => { if (file.isChecked) { filesToDelete.push(`${file.type}/${}`); } }); }); if (filesToDelete.length > 0) { const p = filesToDelete.length > 1; const dialogRef =, { width: '400px', data: <ConfirmDialogData>{ title: 'Löschen von Dateien', content: `Sie haben ${p ? filesToDelete.length : 'eine'} Datei${p ? 'en' : ''}\` ausgewählt. Soll${p ? 'en' : ''} diese gelöscht werden?`, confirmbuttonlabel: 'Löschen', showcancel: true } }); dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => { if (result !== false) { this.mds.setSpinnerOn(); FileDeletionReport) => { const message = []; if (fileDeletionReport.deleted.length > 0) { message.push(`${fileDeletionReport.deleted.length} Dateien erfolgreich gelöscht.`); } if (fileDeletionReport.not_allowed.length > 0) { message.push(`${fileDeletionReport.not_allowed.length} Dateien konnten nicht gelöscht werden.`); }'<br>'), message.length > 1 ? 'Achtung' : '', { duration: 1000 }); this.updateFileList(); }); } }); } else {, { width: '400px', data: <MessageDialogData>{ title: 'Löschen von Dateien', content: 'Bitte markieren Sie erst Dateien!', type: MessageType.error } }); } } public updateFileList(empty = false): void { if (empty) { this.files = {}; this.mds.setSpinnerOff(); } else { .pipe(map(fileList => this.addFrontendChecksToFiles(fileList))) .subscribe(fileList => { this.files = {}; Object.keys(fileList) .forEach(type => { this.files[type] = new MatTableDataSource(fileList[type]); }); this.fileStats = FilesComponent.getStats(fileList); this.setTableSorting(this.lastSort); this.mds.setSpinnerOff(); }); } } private static getStats(fileList: GetFileResponseData): FileStats { const stats: FileStats = { total: { count: 0, invalid: 0 }, invalid: {}, testtakers: 0 }; Object.keys(fileList) .forEach(type => { fileList[type].forEach(file => { if (typeof stats.invalid[type] === 'undefined') { stats.invalid[type] = 0; } += 1; if ( && { stats.invalid[type] += 1; += 1; stats.testtakers += (typeof === 'number') ? : 0; } }); }); return stats; } private addFrontendChecksToFiles(fileList: GetFileResponseData): GetFileResponseData { Object.keys(fileList).forEach(type => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign fileList[type] = fileList[type].map(files => this.addFrontendChecksToFile(files)); }); return fileList; } private addFrontendChecksToFile(file: IQBFile): IQBFile { if (typeof['verona-version'] !== 'undefined') { const fileMayor =['verona-version'].toString().split('.').shift(); const systemMayor = this.veronaApiVersionSupported.split('.').shift(); if (fileMayor !== systemMayor) { if (typeof === 'undefined') { = []; }`Verona Version of this Player is not compatible with this system's version (\`${this.veronaApiVersionSupported}\`)!`); } } return file; } public download(file: IQBFile): void { this.mds.setSpinnerOn();, .subscribe( (fileData: Blob|boolean) => { this.mds.setSpinnerOff(); if (fileData !== false) { saveAs(fileData as Blob,; } } ); } setTableSorting(sort: Sort): void { this.lastSort = sort; function compare(a: number | string, b: number | string, isAsc: boolean) { if ((typeof a === 'string') && (typeof b === 'string')) { return a.localeCompare(b) * (isAsc ? 1 : -1); } return (a < b ? -1 : 1) * (isAsc ? 1 : -1); } Object.keys(this.files).forEach(type => { this.files[type].data = this.files[type].data .sort((a, b) => compare(a[], b[], (sort.direction === 'asc'))); }); } }