import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import packageJSON from '../../../package.json'; import { Page, Section, Unit } from 'common/interfaces/unit'; import { ClozeElement, DragNDropValueObject, DropListElement, ElementStyling, InputElement, LikertElement, LikertRowElement, PlayerProperties, PositionedElement, PositionProperties, RadioButtonGroupElement, TextElement, ToggleButtonElement, UIElement, UIElementValue } from 'common/interfaces/elements'; import { ClozeDocument, ClozeDocumentParagraph, ClozeDocumentParagraphPart } from 'common/interfaces/cloze'; import { ClozeUtils } from 'common/util/cloze'; import { Editor } from '@tiptap/core'; import StarterKit from '@tiptap/starter-kit'; import ToggleButtonExtension from 'common/tiptap-editor-extensions/toggle-button'; import DropListExtension from 'common/tiptap-editor-extensions/drop-list'; import TextFieldExtension from 'common/tiptap-editor-extensions/text-field'; import { IDService } from './id.service'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class SanitizationService { constructor(private iDService: IDService) { } private static expectedUnitVersion: [number, number, number] = packageJSON.config.unit_definition_version.split('.') as unknown as [number, number, number]; private static unitDefinitionVersion: [number, number, number] | undefined; static isUnitDefinitionOutdated(unitDefinition: Unit): boolean { SanitizationService.unitDefinitionVersion = SanitizationService.readUnitDefinitionVersion(unitDefinition as unknown as Record<string, string>); return SanitizationService.isVersionOlderThanCurrent(SanitizationService.unitDefinitionVersion); } sanitizeUnitDefinition(unitDefinition: Unit): Unit { return { ...unitDefinition, pages: Page) => this.sanitizePage(page)) }; } private static readUnitDefinitionVersion(unitDefinition: Record<string, string>): [number, number, number] { return ( unitDefinition.version || (unitDefinition.unitDefinitionType && unitDefinition.unitDefinitionType.split('@')[1]) || (unitDefinition.veronaModuleVersion && unitDefinition.veronaModuleVersion.split('@')[1])) .split('.') as unknown as [number, number, number]; } private static isVersionOlderThanCurrent(version: [number, number, number]): boolean { if (!version) return true; if (version[0] < SanitizationService.expectedUnitVersion[0]) { return true; } if (version[1] < SanitizationService.expectedUnitVersion[1]) { return true; } return version[2] < SanitizationService.expectedUnitVersion[2]; } private sanitizePage(page: Page): Page { return {, sections: Section) => this.sanitizeSection(section)) }; } private sanitizeSection(section: Section): Section { return { ...section, elements: UIElement) => ( this.sanitizeElement(element, section.dynamicPositioning))) as PositionedElement[] }; } private sanitizeElement(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>, sectionDynamicPositioning?: boolean): UIElement { let newElement: Partial<UIElement> = { ...element, position: SanitizationService.getPositionProps(element, sectionDynamicPositioning), styling: SanitizationService.getStyleProps(element), player: SanitizationService.getPlayerProps(element) }; if (newElement.type === 'text') { newElement = SanitizationService.handleTextElement(newElement); } if (['text-field', 'text-area', 'text-field-simple', 'spell-correct'] .includes(newElement.type as string)) { newElement = SanitizationService.sanitizeTextInputElement(newElement); } if (newElement.type === 'cloze') { newElement = this.handleClozeElement(newElement as Record<string, UIElementValue>); } if (newElement.type === 'toggle-button') { newElement = SanitizationService.handleToggleButtonElement(newElement as ToggleButtonElement); } if (newElement.type === 'drop-list') { newElement = this.handleDropListElement(newElement as Record<string, UIElementValue>); } if (['dropdown', 'radio', 'likert-row', 'radio-group-images', 'toggle-button'] .includes(newElement.type as string)) { newElement = SanitizationService.handlePlusOne(newElement as InputElement); } if (['radio'].includes(newElement.type as string)) { newElement = SanitizationService.handleRadioButtonGroupElement(newElement as RadioButtonGroupElement); } if (['likert'].includes(newElement.type as string)) { newElement = this.handleLikertElement(newElement as LikertElement); } if (['likert-row', 'likert_row'].includes(newElement.type as string)) { newElement = SanitizationService.handleLikertRowElement(newElement as LikertRowElement); } return newElement as unknown as UIElement; } private static getPositionProps(element: Record<string, any>, sectionDynamicPositioning?: boolean): PositionProperties { if (element.position && element.position.gridColumnEnd) { return { ...element.position, dynamicPositioning: sectionDynamicPositioning, gridColumn: element.position.gridColumn !== undefined ? element.position.gridColumn : element.position.gridColumnStart, gridColumnRange: element.position.gridColumnEnd - element.position.gridColumnStart, gridRow: element.position.gridRow !== undefined ? element.position.gridRow : element.position.gridRowStart, gridRowRange: element.position.gridRowEnd - element.position.gridRowStart }; } if (element.position) { return { ...element.position, dynamicPositioning: sectionDynamicPositioning }; } if (element.positionProps) { return { ...element.positionProps, dynamicPositioning: sectionDynamicPositioning, gridColumn: element.positionProps.gridColumn !== undefined ? element.positionProps.gridColumn : element.positionProps.gridColumnStart, gridColumnRange: element.positionProps.gridColumnEnd - element.positionProps.gridColumnStart, gridRow: element.positionProps.gridRow !== undefined ? element.positionProps.gridRow : element.positionProps.gridRowStart, gridRowRange: element.positionProps.gridRowEnd - element.positionProps.gridRowStart }; } return { ...element, dynamicPositioning: sectionDynamicPositioning, gridColumn: element.gridColumn !== undefined ? element.gridColumn : element.gridColumnStart, gridColumnRange: element.gridColumnEnd - element.gridColumnStart, gridRow: element.gridRow !== undefined ? element.gridRow : element.gridRowStart, gridRowRange: element.gridRowEnd - element.gridRowStart } as PositionProperties; } /* Style properties are expected to be in 'stylings'. If not they may be in fontProps and/or * surfaceProps. Even older versions had them in the root of the object, which is uses as last resort. * The styles object then has all other properties of the element, but that is not a problem * since the factory methods only use the values they care for and all others are discarded. */ private static getStyleProps(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): ElementStyling { if (element.styling !== undefined) { return element.styling as ElementStyling; } if (element.fontProps !== undefined) { return { ...(element.fontProps as Record<string, any>), // additional props that were neither fontProp nor surfaceProp before backgroundColor: (element.surfaceProps as Record<string, any>)?.backgroundColor, borderRadius: element.borderRadius as number | undefined, itemBackgroundColor: element.itemBackgroundColor as string | undefined, borderWidth: element.borderWidth as number | undefined, borderColor: element.borderColor as string | undefined, borderStyle: element.borderStyle as 'solid' | 'dotted' | 'dashed' | 'double' | 'groove' | 'ridge' | 'inset' | 'outset' | undefined, lineColoring: element.lineColoring as boolean | undefined, lineColoringColor: element.lineColoringColor as string | undefined }; } return element as ElementStyling; } private static getPlayerProps(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): PlayerProperties { if (element.playerProps !== undefined) { return element.playerProps as PlayerProperties; } else if (element.player !== undefined) { return element.player as PlayerProperties; } return element as unknown as PlayerProperties; } private static handleTextElement(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): TextElement { const newElement = { ...element }; if (newElement.highlightable || newElement.interaction === 'highlightable') { newElement.highlightableYellow = true; newElement.highlightableTurquoise = true; newElement.highlightableOrange = true; } if (newElement.interaction === 'underlinable') { newElement.highlightableYellow = true; } return newElement as TextElement; } private static sanitizeTextInputElement(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): InputElement { const newElement = { ...element }; if (newElement.restrictedToInputAssistanceChars === undefined && newElement.inputAssistancePreset === 'french') { newElement.restrictedToInputAssistanceChars = false; } if (newElement.inputAssistancePreset === 'none') { newElement.inputAssistancePreset = null; } return newElement as InputElement; } /* Replace raw text with backslash-markers with HTML tags. The TipTap editor module can create JSOM from the HTML. It needs plugins though to be able to create ui-elements. Afterwards element models are added to the JSON. */ private handleClozeElement(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): ClozeElement { if (!element.document && (! || !element.text)) throw Error('Can\'t read Cloze Element'); // Version 2.0.0 needs to be sanatized as well because child elements were not sanatized before if (SanitizationService.unitDefinitionVersion && SanitizationService.unitDefinitionVersion[0] >= 3) { return element as ClozeElement; } let childElements: UIElement[]; let doc: ClozeDocument; if (element.document) { childElements = ClozeUtils.getClozeChildElements((element as ClozeElement)); doc = element.document as ClozeDocument; } else { childElements = ( as any[]) .map((el: any) => el .filter((el2: { type: string; }) => ['text-field', 'text-field-simple', 'drop-list', 'drop-list', 'toggle-button'] .includes(el2.type)).value) .flat(); doc = SanitizationService.createClozeDocument(element); } // repair child element types childElements.forEach(childElement => { childElement.type = childElement.type === 'text-field' ? 'text-field-simple' : childElement.type; childElement.type = childElement.type === 'drop-list' ? 'drop-list-simple' : childElement.type; }); return { ...element, document: { ...doc, content: doc.content .map((paragraph: ClozeDocumentParagraph) => ({ ...paragraph, content: paragraph.content ? paragraph.content .map((paraPart: ClozeDocumentParagraphPart) => ( ['TextField', 'DropList', 'ToggleButton'].includes(paraPart.type) ? { ...paraPart, attrs: { ...paraPart.attrs, model: this.sanitizeElement(childElements.shift()!) } } : { ...paraPart } )) : undefined })) } as ClozeDocument } as ClozeElement; } private static createClozeDocument(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): ClozeDocument { const replacedText = (element.text as string).replace(/\\i|\\z|\\r/g, (match: string) => { switch (match) { case '\\i': return '<aspect-nodeview-text-field></aspect-nodeview-text-field>'; case '\\z': return '<aspect-nodeview-drop-list></aspect-nodeview-drop-list>'; case '\\r': return '<aspect-nodeview-toggle-button></aspect-nodeview-toggle-button>'; default: throw Error('error in match'); } }); const editor = new Editor({ extensions: [StarterKit, ToggleButtonExtension, DropListExtension, TextFieldExtension], content: replacedText }); return editor.getJSON() as ClozeDocument; } /* before: simple string[]; after: DragNDropValueObject with ID and value. * Needs to be done to selectable options and the possibly set preset (value). */ private handleDropListElement(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): DropListElement { const newElement = element; if (newElement.options) { console.warn('New dropList value IDs have been generated'); newElement.value = []; (newElement.options as string[]).forEach(option => { (newElement.value as DragNDropValueObject[]).push({ id: this.iDService.getNewID('value'), stringValue: option }); }); } if (newElement.value && !((newElement.value as DragNDropValueObject[])[0] instanceof Object)) { const newValues: DragNDropValueObject[] = []; (newElement.value as string[]).forEach(value => { newValues.push({ id: this.iDService.getNewID('value'), stringValue: value }); }); newElement.value = newValues; } return newElement as DropListElement; } private handleLikertElement(element: LikertElement): LikertElement { return { ...element, rows: LikertRowElement) => this.sanitizeElement(row)) } as LikertElement; } private static handleLikertRowElement(element: LikertRowElement): LikertRowElement { const newElement = element; if (newElement.rowLabel) { return newElement; } return { ...newElement, rowLabel: { text: newElement.text, imgSrc: null, position: 'above' } } as LikertRowElement; } // version 1.1.0 is the only version where there was a plus one for values, which was rolled back afterwards. private static handlePlusOne(element: InputElement): InputElement { return ((SanitizationService.unitDefinitionVersion === [1, 1, 0]) && (element.value && element.value > 0)) ? { ...element, value: (element.value as number) - 1 } : element; } private static handleRadioButtonGroupElement(element: RadioButtonGroupElement): RadioButtonGroupElement { if (element.richTextOptions) { return element; } return { ...element, richTextOptions: element.options as string[] }; } private static handleToggleButtonElement(element: ToggleButtonElement): ToggleButtonElement { if (element.richTextOptions) { return element; } return { ...element, richTextOptions: element.options as string[] }; } }