Editor ====== 1.8.0 - Add index indicator to option-list preset value - Add alternative radio button group with images Automatically aligned horizontally with a vertical label on top. The label can contain text and/or an image. The label is clickable to select a value. Images are not scaled at all. - Add small preview images to option list for radios with images - Remove image scaling from likert - Rename likert to 'Optionentabelle' - Fix value of button actions to refer to unit instead of page - Fix hidden autoStartDelay property - Add magnifier properties to properties panel - New element DropList ('Ablegeliste') This element has a list of strings as editable options. Those strings form draggable elements which may be reordered or moved between different DropList elements. To be able to move elements the DropLists need to be configured with the ID of the target DropList. There is an additional switch to allow only one item in a list. 1.7.2 - Add showRestRuns property to player-elements - Fix (several problems with) likert element - Headings with Images should also work better now - Fix radio-button-group label margin (Was accidentally removed in the last release) - Fix editing properties of multiple selected elements - Fix disappearing style properties when deleting the value 1.7.1 - Add radio-button-group property for strike-through of unselected options - Allow setting 'first' and 'last' as button actions - TextEditor: Add whitespace to special characters menu This allows multiple whitespaces after one another. Also keeps word groups from 'linebreaking'. - [bug] TextEditor: Show empty paragraphs outside of the TextEditor - Add extra field for manual background color selection Before it was not possible to switch back to transparent, since the color picker does not allow alpha channel settings. This also should make it easier to put the wanted color without having to navigate the picker. NOTE: The color picker does not recognize 'transparent' or any other color notation but hexadecimal. The preview is then always black. - Make radio button and first line of the option text (in case there is a line break) appear at the same height - Audio-/Video-Player: Use steps (of 1000) for timer fields - Remove 'underlinable' property from text elements This feature will have to be reworked from scratch and will be re-introduced in a different form later. 1.7.0: - [bug] Fix resize (drag and drop) in dynamic sections - Replace element selection indicator from border to outline This makes element contents not move when selected. - Allow deselection of elements Clicking anywhere (but the side panels) will deselect elements. This makes it easier to get an impression of how it will look like. - Add 'line-height' property to all elements which have a font - Add 'rows' property to text areas - Change text property input to textarea This allows to properly enter longer default texts in text areas. (This is also active for text-field elements, where it makes little sense but makes it technically simpler to not differentiate). - Fix lables on text fields Now correctly uses a proper label instead of a placeholder. - Change text field appearance depending on label existence When the label text is empty the field will be rendered a lot smaller (and without any label obviously) - Change font-size property to number field - Improve radio-button-group styling Add 10px margin between label and options. - Fix likert elements sizing This should make the selected background color cover the whole element instead of just the upper 100 pixels. - Improve bold text style to be less bold and have letter spacing - Add read-only property to all input elements and likert - Allow changing the line-coloring color for likert elements (not to be mistaken for background color) - Add 'underlinable' property to text elements This is to allow different purpose markers on text. Does NOT work in the aspect-player yet. 1.6.1: - Allow styling of "Likert" element - Set Roboto as app-wide font - [bug] Fix selected page when deleting sections - [bug] Fix duplicated section elements not getting new ID - TextEditor: Improve list style - TextEditor: Add more font sizes - Improve radio button group style (margins) - Allow editing text option properties (via overlay menu) 1.6.0: - Add Likert-Element (looking for better name) - Add Player-Element property controls 1.5.1: - Fix reading of existing elements 1.5.0: - Show scroll bars on element overflow - Allow images for buttons - Add border-radius setting to buttons - [bug] Fix properties panel not always showing the appropriate inputs (especially when selecting multiple elements) - Allow editing of option list for multiple (selected) elements IF they contain the same values - Reduce delay of section menu hide-effect - Add grid settings automatic sizing - Improve deleting elements via Delete key - Add Input Assistance property to input elements This can be activated by selecting one of the presets, which are mutually exclusive for now. - Add "clearable" property to text field element When set, a button at the end of the field appears which allows deleting the field's content. - Add "position" property to "always-visible" pages - [bug] Fix option elements saving value index instead of actual option string This allows duplicate (or empty) options. - Fix TextEditor indent setting to persist when re-opening text element - Improve TextEditor margin logic Default margin of paragraphs is 0px. It can now read existing margin settings. - Make all elements non-interactable. Only the overlay can be moved and resized. 1.4.0 - New Text-Editor (based on TipTap/ProseMirror) 1.3.1 - Fix background color of input fields - Remove font size property from text elements - Add 16px as font size option - Textfield and Textarea have transparent background by default 1.3.0 - Use Roboto as default font - [bug] Fix selection after adding/deleting pages/sections - [bug] Fix deselection of maximum page width. Default design page width is always 900px. - [bug] Fix reset default value (to undefined) for dropdown and radio button group - Improve section highlighting - Make enter key add options to option list of dropdown and radio button group - [bug] Allow dragging of the whole button instead of just the text (in element toolbox) - Allow section duplication - Add new button properties for navigation actions - [bug] Fix properties panel showing wrong properties when selecting multiple elements