diff --git a/pyqtgraph/debug.py b/pyqtgraph/debug.py
index a175be9ca2964c98ddf813afacfa7fdffada9c92..685780d444b98fd6125eb3d70902183eb778ec46 100644
--- a/pyqtgraph/debug.py
+++ b/pyqtgraph/debug.py
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ Copyright 2010  Luke Campagnola
 Distributed under MIT/X11 license. See license.txt for more infomation.
+from __future__ import print_function
 import sys, traceback, time, gc, re, types, weakref, inspect, os, cProfile
 from . import ptime
 from numpy import ndarray
@@ -365,85 +367,128 @@ class GarbageWatcher(object):
         return self.objs[item]
-class Profiler:
+class Profiler(object):
     """Simple profiler allowing measurement of multiple time intervals.
-    Arguments:
-        msg: message to print at start and finish of profiling
-        disabled: If true, profiler does nothing (so you can leave it in place)
-        delayed: If true, all messages are printed after call to finish()
-                 (this can result in more accurate time step measurements)
-        globalDelay: if True, all nested profilers delay printing until the top level finishes
+    By default, profilers are disabled.  To enable profiling, set the
+    environment variable `PYQTGRAPHPROFILE` to a comma-separated list of
+    fully-qualified names of profiled functions.
+    Calling a profiler registers a message (defaulting to an increasing
+    counter) that contains the time elapsed since the last call.  When the
+    profiler is about to be garbage-collected, the messages are passed to the
+    outer profiler if one is running, or printed to stdout otherwise.
+    If `delayed` is set to False, messages are immediately printed instead.
-        prof = Profiler('Function')
-          ... do stuff ...
-        prof.mark('did stuff')
-          ... do other stuff ...
-        prof.mark('did other stuff')
-        prof.finish()
+        def function(...):
+            profiler = Profiler()
+            ... do stuff ...
+            profiler('did stuff')
+            ... do other stuff ...
+            profiler('did other stuff')
+            # profiler is garbage-collected and flushed at function end
+    If this function is a method of class C, setting `PYQTGRAPHPROFILE` to
+    "C.function" (without the module name) will enable this profiler.
+    For regular functions, use the qualified name of the function, stripping
+    only the initial "pyqtgraph." prefix from the module.
-    depth = 0
-    msgs = []
-    def __init__(self, msg="Profiler", disabled=False, delayed=True, globalDelay=True):
-        self.disabled = disabled
-        if disabled: 
-            return
-        self.markCount = 0
-        self.finished = False
-        self.depth = Profiler.depth 
-        Profiler.depth += 1
-        if not globalDelay:
-            self.msgs = []
-        self.delayed = delayed
-        self.msg = "  "*self.depth + msg
-        msg2 = self.msg + " >>> Started"
-        if self.delayed:
-            self.msgs.append(msg2)
-        else:
-            print(msg2)
-        self.t0 = ptime.time()
-        self.t1 = self.t0
+    _profilers = os.environ.get("PYQTGRAPHPROFILE", "")
+    _depth = 0
+    _msgs = []
-    def mark(self, msg=None):
-        if self.disabled: 
-            return
+    class DisabledProfiler(object):
+        def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
+            pass
+        def __call__(self, *args):
+            pass
+        def finish(self):
+            pass
+        def mark(self, msg=None):
+            pass
+    _disabledProfiler = DisabledProfiler()
+    if _profilers:
+        _profilers = _profilers.split(",")
+        def __new__(cls, msg=None, disabled='env', delayed=True):
+            """Optionally create a new profiler based on caller's qualname.
+            """
+            if disabled is True:
+                return cls._disabledProfiler
+            # determine the qualified name of the caller function
+            caller_frame = sys._getframe(1)
+            try:
+                caller_object_type = type(caller_frame.f_locals["self"])
+            except KeyError: # we are in a regular function
+                qualifier = caller_frame.f_globals["__name__"].split(".", 1)[1]
+            else: # we are in a method
+                qualifier = caller_object_type.__name__
+            func_qualname = qualifier + "." + caller_frame.f_code.co_name
+            if func_qualname not in cls._profilers: # don't do anything
+                return cls._disabledProfiler
+            # create an actual profiling object
+            cls._depth += 1
+            obj = super(Profiler, cls).__new__(cls)
+            obj._name = msg or func_qualname
+            obj._delayed = delayed
+            obj._markCount = 0
+            obj._finished = False
+            obj._firstTime = obj._lastTime = ptime.time()
+            obj._newMsg("> Entering " + obj._name)
+            return obj
+    else:
+        def __new__(cls, delayed=True):
+            return lambda msg=None: None
+    def __call__(self, msg=None):
+        """Register or print a new message with timing information.
+        """
         if msg is None:
-            msg = str(self.markCount)
-        self.markCount += 1
+            msg = str(self._markCount)
+        self._markCount += 1
+        newTime = ptime.time()
+        self._newMsg("  %s: %0.4f ms", 
+                     msg, (newTime - self._lastTime) * 1000)
+        self._lastTime = newTime
-        t1 = ptime.time()
-        msg2 = "  "+self.msg+" "+msg+" "+"%gms" % ((t1-self.t1)*1000)
-        if self.delayed:
-            self.msgs.append(msg2)
+    def mark(self, msg=None):
+        self(msg)
+    def _newMsg(self, msg, *args):
+        msg = "  " * (self._depth - 1) + msg
+        if self._delayed:
+            self._msgs.append((msg, args))
-            print(msg2)
-        self.t1 = ptime.time()  ## don't measure time it took to print
+            print(msg % args)
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.finish()
     def finish(self, msg=None):
-        if self.disabled or self.finished: 
-            return
+        """Add a final message; flush the message list if no parent profiler.
+        """
+        if self._finished:
+            return        
+        self._finished = True
         if msg is not None:
-            self.mark(msg)
-        t1 = ptime.time()
-        msg = self.msg + ' <<< Finished, total time: %gms' % ((t1-self.t0)*1000)
-        if self.delayed:
-            self.msgs.append(msg)
-            if self.depth == 0:
-                for line in self.msgs:
-                    print(line)
-                Profiler.msgs = []
-        else:
-            print(msg)
-        Profiler.depth = self.depth
-        self.finished = True
+            self(msg)
+        self._newMsg("< Exiting %s, total time: %0.4f ms", 
+                     self._name, (ptime.time() - self._firstTime) * 1000)
+        type(self)._depth -= 1
+        if self._depth < 1 and self._msgs:
+            print("\n".join([m[0]%m[1] for m in self._msgs]))
+            type(self)._msgs = []
 def profile(code, name='profile_run', sort='cumulative', num=30):
     """Common-use for cProfile"""
     cProfile.run(code, name)
@@ -943,4 +988,4 @@ class PrintDetector(object):
     def flush(self):
-        self.stdout.flush()
\ No newline at end of file
+        self.stdout.flush()
diff --git a/pyqtgraph/exporters/SVGExporter.py b/pyqtgraph/exporters/SVGExporter.py
index 62b49d30ae25785783b73bd4b4fbbd9219cf5186..19a7a6a7791899ed68247f563ce07a980aa5c4c7 100644
--- a/pyqtgraph/exporters/SVGExporter.py
+++ b/pyqtgraph/exporters/SVGExporter.py
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ def _generateItemSvg(item, nodes=None, root=None):
     ##    Both 2 and 3 can be addressed by drawing all items in world coordinates.
-    prof = pg.debug.Profiler('generateItemSvg %s' % str(item), disabled=True)
+    profiler = pg.debug.Profiler()
     if nodes is None:  ## nodes maps all node IDs to their XML element. 
                        ## this allows us to ensure all elements receive unique names.
@@ -235,12 +235,12 @@ def _generateItemSvg(item, nodes=None, root=None):
-    prof.mark('render')
+    profiler('render')
     ## Get rid of group transformation matrices by applying
     ## transformation to inner coordinates
     correctCoordinates(g1, item)
-    prof.mark('correct')
+    profiler('correct')
     ## make sure g1 has the transformation matrix
     #m = (tr.m11(), tr.m12(), tr.m21(), tr.m22(), tr.m31(), tr.m32())
     #g1.setAttribute('transform', "matrix(%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f)" % m)
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ def _generateItemSvg(item, nodes=None, root=None):
             childGroup = g1.ownerDocument.createElement('g')
             childGroup.setAttribute('clip-path', 'url(#%s)' % clip)
-    prof.mark('clipping')
+    profiler('clipping')
     ## Add all child items as sub-elements.
     childs.sort(key=lambda c: c.zValue())
@@ -299,8 +299,7 @@ def _generateItemSvg(item, nodes=None, root=None):
         if cg is None:
         childGroup.appendChild(cg)  ### this isn't quite right--some items draw below their parent (good enough for now)
-    prof.mark('children')
-    prof.finish()
+    profiler('children')
     return g1
 def correctCoordinates(node, item):
diff --git a/pyqtgraph/functions.py b/pyqtgraph/functions.py
index 3e16fe48f8fdae0ea381e5e21f9043308b60b8fb..80e614043826dc03ea2c1e8761aa7077d60f1d21 100644
--- a/pyqtgraph/functions.py
+++ b/pyqtgraph/functions.py
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ def makeARGB(data, lut=None, levels=None, scale=None, useRGBA=False):
                  is BGRA).
     ============ ==================================================================================
-    prof = debug.Profiler('functions.makeARGB', disabled=True)
+    profile = debug.Profiler()
     if lut is not None and not isinstance(lut, np.ndarray):
         lut = np.array(lut)
@@ -794,8 +794,8 @@ def makeARGB(data, lut=None, levels=None, scale=None, useRGBA=False):
             raise Exception("levels argument must be 1D or 2D.")
-    prof.mark('1')
+    profile()
     if scale is None:
         if lut is not None:
@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@ def makeARGB(data, lut=None, levels=None, scale=None, useRGBA=False):
             if minVal == maxVal:
                 maxVal += 1e-16
             data = rescaleData(data, scale/(maxVal-minVal), minVal, dtype=int)
-    prof.mark('2')
+    profile()
     ## apply LUT if given
     if lut is not None:
@@ -831,13 +831,13 @@ def makeARGB(data, lut=None, levels=None, scale=None, useRGBA=False):
         if data.dtype is not np.ubyte:
             data = np.clip(data, 0, 255).astype(np.ubyte)
-    prof.mark('3')
+    profile()
     ## copy data into ARGB ordered array
     imgData = np.empty(data.shape[:2]+(4,), dtype=np.ubyte)
-    prof.mark('4')
+    profile()
     if useRGBA:
         order = [0,1,2,3] ## array comes out RGBA
@@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ def makeARGB(data, lut=None, levels=None, scale=None, useRGBA=False):
         for i in range(0, data.shape[2]):
             imgData[..., i] = data[..., order[i]] 
-    prof.mark('5')
+    profile()
     if data.ndim == 2 or data.shape[2] == 3:
         alpha = False
@@ -865,11 +865,9 @@ def makeARGB(data, lut=None, levels=None, scale=None, useRGBA=False):
         alpha = True
-    prof.mark('6')
-    prof.finish()
+    profile()
     return imgData, alpha
 def makeQImage(imgData, alpha=None, copy=True, transpose=True):
@@ -898,7 +896,7 @@ def makeQImage(imgData, alpha=None, copy=True, transpose=True):
     =========== ===================================================================    
     ## create QImage from buffer
-    prof = debug.Profiler('functions.makeQImage', disabled=True)
+    profile = debug.Profiler()
     ## If we didn't explicitly specify alpha, check the array shape.
     if alpha is None:
@@ -922,7 +920,9 @@ def makeQImage(imgData, alpha=None, copy=True, transpose=True):
     if transpose:
         imgData = imgData.transpose((1, 0, 2))  ## QImage expects the row/column order to be opposite
+    profile()
     if not imgData.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
         if copy is False:
             extra = ' (try setting transpose=False)' if transpose else ''
@@ -963,11 +963,10 @@ def makeQImage(imgData, alpha=None, copy=True, transpose=True):
     #except AttributeError:  ## happens when image data is non-contiguous
         #buf = imgData.data
-    #prof.mark('1')
+    #profiler()
     #qimage = QtGui.QImage(buf, imgData.shape[1], imgData.shape[0], imgFormat)
-    #prof.mark('2')
+    #profiler()
     #qimage.data = imgData
-    #prof.finish()
     #return qimage
 def imageToArray(img, copy=False, transpose=True):
@@ -1087,16 +1086,16 @@ def arrayToQPath(x, y, connect='all'):
     path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
-    #prof = debug.Profiler('PlotCurveItem.generatePath', disabled=True)
+    #profiler = debug.Profiler()
     n = x.shape[0]
     # create empty array, pad with extra space on either end
     arr = np.empty(n+2, dtype=[('x', '>f8'), ('y', '>f8'), ('c', '>i4')])
     # write first two integers
-    #prof.mark('allocate empty')
+    #profiler('allocate empty')
     byteview = arr.view(dtype=np.ubyte)
     byteview[:12] = 0
     byteview.data[12:20] = struct.pack('>ii', n, 0)
-    #prof.mark('pack header')
+    #profiler('pack header')
     # Fill array with vertex values
     arr[1:-1]['x'] = x
     arr[1:-1]['y'] = y
@@ -1117,11 +1116,11 @@ def arrayToQPath(x, y, connect='all'):
         raise Exception('connect argument must be "all", "pairs", or array')
-    #prof.mark('fill array')
+    #profiler('fill array')
     # write last 0
     lastInd = 20*(n+1)
     byteview.data[lastInd:lastInd+4] = struct.pack('>i', 0)
-    #prof.mark('footer')
+    #profiler('footer')
     # create datastream object and stream into path
     ## Avoiding this method because QByteArray(str) leaks memory in PySide
@@ -1132,13 +1131,11 @@ def arrayToQPath(x, y, connect='all'):
         buf = QtCore.QByteArray.fromRawData(path.strn)
     except TypeError:
         buf = QtCore.QByteArray(bytes(path.strn))
-    #prof.mark('create buffer')
+    #profiler('create buffer')
     ds = QtCore.QDataStream(buf)
     ds >> path
-    #prof.mark('load')
-    #prof.finish()
+    #profiler('load')
     return path
@@ -1865,7 +1862,7 @@ def isosurface(data, level):
     faces = np.empty((totFaces, 3), dtype=np.uint32)
     ptr = 0
     #import debug
-    #p = debug.Profiler('isosurface', disabled=False)
+    #p = debug.Profiler()
     ## this helps speed up an indexing operation later on
     cs = np.array(cutEdges.strides)//cutEdges.itemsize
@@ -1877,32 +1874,32 @@ def isosurface(data, level):
     for i in range(1,6):
         ### expensive:
-        #p.mark('1')
+        #profiler()
         cells = np.argwhere(nFaces == i)  ## all cells which require i faces  (argwhere is expensive)
-        #p.mark('2')
+        #profiler()
         if cells.shape[0] == 0:
         #cellInds = index[(cells*ins[np.newaxis,:]).sum(axis=1)]
         cellInds = index[cells[:,0], cells[:,1], cells[:,2]]   ## index values of cells to process for this round
-        #p.mark('3')
+        #profiler()
         ### expensive:
         verts = faceShiftTables[i][cellInds]
-        #p.mark('4')
+        #profiler()
         verts[...,:3] += cells[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:]  ## we now have indexes into cutEdges
         verts = verts.reshape((verts.shape[0]*i,)+verts.shape[2:])
-        #p.mark('5')
+        #profiler()
         ### expensive:
         #print verts.shape
         verts = (verts * cs[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]).sum(axis=2)
         #vertInds = cutEdges[verts[...,0], verts[...,1], verts[...,2], verts[...,3]]  ## and these are the vertex indexes we want.
         vertInds = cutEdges[verts]
-        #p.mark('6')
+        #profiler()
         nv = vertInds.shape[0]
-        #p.mark('7')
+        #profiler()
         faces[ptr:ptr+nv] = vertInds #.reshape((nv, 3))
-        #p.mark('8')
+        #profiler()
         ptr += nv
     return vertexes, faces
diff --git a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/AxisItem.py b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/AxisItem.py
index 429ff49ca42af16cd76cfb33e62d15546c7ea913..3dd98cefe93ca5aa46b265926c48a3801449c598 100644
--- a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/AxisItem.py
+++ b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/AxisItem.py
@@ -404,25 +404,22 @@ class AxisItem(GraphicsWidget):
             return self.mapRectFromParent(self.geometry()) | linkedView.mapRectToItem(self, linkedView.boundingRect())
     def paint(self, p, opt, widget):
-        prof = debug.Profiler('AxisItem.paint', disabled=True)
+        profiler = debug.Profiler()
         if self.picture is None:
                 picture = QtGui.QPicture()
                 painter = QtGui.QPainter(picture)
                 specs = self.generateDrawSpecs(painter)
-                prof.mark('generate specs')
+                profiler('generate specs')
                 if specs is not None:
                     self.drawPicture(painter, *specs)
-                    prof.mark('draw picture')
+                    profiler('draw picture')
             self.picture = picture
         #p.setRenderHint(p.Antialiasing, False)   ## Sometimes we get a segfault here ???
         #p.setRenderHint(p.TextAntialiasing, True)
-        prof.finish()
     def setTicks(self, ticks):
         """Explicitly determine which ticks to display.
@@ -626,8 +623,8 @@ class AxisItem(GraphicsWidget):
         be drawn, then generates from this a set of drawing commands to be 
         interpreted by drawPicture().
-        prof = debug.Profiler("AxisItem.generateDrawSpecs", disabled=True)
+        profiler = debug.Profiler()
         #bounds = self.boundingRect()
         bounds = self.mapRectFromParent(self.geometry())
@@ -706,7 +703,7 @@ class AxisItem(GraphicsWidget):
         xMin = min(xRange)
         xMax = max(xRange)
-        prof.mark('init')
+        profiler('init')
         tickPositions = [] # remembers positions of previously drawn ticks
@@ -744,7 +741,7 @@ class AxisItem(GraphicsWidget):
                 tickSpecs.append((tickPen, Point(p1), Point(p2)))
-        prof.mark('compute ticks')
+        profiler('compute ticks')
         ## This is where the long axis line should be drawn
@@ -857,7 +854,7 @@ class AxisItem(GraphicsWidget):
                 #p.drawText(rect, textFlags, vstr)
                 textSpecs.append((rect, textFlags, vstr))
-        prof.mark('compute text')
+        profiler('compute text')
         ## update max text size if needed.
@@ -865,8 +862,8 @@ class AxisItem(GraphicsWidget):
         return (axisSpec, tickSpecs, textSpecs)
     def drawPicture(self, p, axisSpec, tickSpecs, textSpecs):
-        prof = debug.Profiler("AxisItem.drawPicture", disabled=True)
+        profiler = debug.Profiler()
         p.setRenderHint(p.Antialiasing, False)
         p.setRenderHint(p.TextAntialiasing, True)
@@ -880,8 +877,8 @@ class AxisItem(GraphicsWidget):
         for pen, p1, p2 in tickSpecs:
             p.drawLine(p1, p2)
-        prof.mark('draw ticks')
+        profiler('draw ticks')
         ## Draw all text
         if self.tickFont is not None:
@@ -889,10 +886,8 @@ class AxisItem(GraphicsWidget):
         for rect, flags, text in textSpecs:
             p.drawText(rect, flags, text)
-        prof.mark('draw text')
-        prof.finish()
+        profiler('draw text')
     def show(self):
         if self.orientation in ['left', 'right']:
diff --git a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/HistogramLUTItem.py b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/HistogramLUTItem.py
index 5a3b63d619f5d991e2fcb81fda54fe95c739c351..70d8662f7cdf96f67d720ca12eacdbb9468ad8fc 100644
--- a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/HistogramLUTItem.py
+++ b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/HistogramLUTItem.py
@@ -184,19 +184,18 @@ class HistogramLUTItem(GraphicsWidget):
     def imageChanged(self, autoLevel=False, autoRange=False):
-        prof = debug.Profiler('HistogramLUTItem.imageChanged', disabled=True)
+        profiler = debug.Profiler()
         h = self.imageItem.getHistogram()
-        prof.mark('get histogram')
+        profiler('get histogram')
         if h[0] is None:
-        prof.mark('set plot')
+        profiler('set plot')
         if autoLevel:
             mn = h[0][0]
             mx = h[0][-1]
             self.region.setRegion([mn, mx])
-            prof.mark('set region')
-        prof.finish()
+            profiler('set region')
     def getLevels(self):
         return self.region.getRegion()
diff --git a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ImageItem.py b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ImageItem.py
index 5c4a09efc2845a40e3b09f8dfd04b6abac59c948..f7a211d986e78c9990b7b06bf6284e5ad01a8109 100644
--- a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ImageItem.py
+++ b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ImageItem.py
@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ class ImageItem(GraphicsObject):
         border             Sets the pen used when drawing the image border. Default is None.
         =================  =========================================================================
-        prof = debug.Profiler('ImageItem.setImage', disabled=True)
+        profile = debug.Profiler()
         gotNewData = False
         if image is None:
             if self.image is None:
@@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ class ImageItem(GraphicsObject):
             if shapeChanged:
-        prof.mark('1')
+        profile()
         if autoLevels is None:
             if 'levels' in kargs:
                 autoLevels = False
@@ -218,23 +218,22 @@ class ImageItem(GraphicsObject):
                 mn = 0
                 mx = 255
             kargs['levels'] = [mn,mx]
-        prof.mark('2')
+        profile()
         self.setOpts(update=False, **kargs)
-        prof.mark('3')
+        profile()
         self.qimage = None
-        prof.mark('4')
+        profile()
         if gotNewData:
-        prof.finish()
     def updateImage(self, *args, **kargs):
         ## used for re-rendering qimage from self.image.
@@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ class ImageItem(GraphicsObject):
     def render(self):
-        prof = debug.Profiler('ImageItem.render', disabled=True)
+        profile = debug.Profiler()
         if self.image is None or self.image.size == 0:
         if isinstance(self.lut, collections.Callable):
@@ -262,28 +261,25 @@ class ImageItem(GraphicsObject):
         argb, alpha = fn.makeARGB(self.image.transpose((1, 0, 2)[:self.image.ndim]), lut=lut, levels=self.levels)
         self.qimage = fn.makeQImage(argb, alpha, transpose=False)
-        prof.finish()
     def paint(self, p, *args):
-        prof = debug.Profiler('ImageItem.paint', disabled=True)
+        profile = debug.Profiler()
         if self.image is None:
         if self.qimage is None:
             if self.qimage is None:
-            prof.mark('render QImage')
+            profile('render QImage')
         if self.paintMode is not None:
-            prof.mark('set comp mode')
+            profile('set comp mode')
         p.drawImage(QtCore.QPointF(0,0), self.qimage)
-        prof.mark('p.drawImage')
+        profile('p.drawImage')
         if self.border is not None:
-        prof.finish()
     def save(self, fileName, *args):
         """Save this image to file. Note that this saves the visible image (after scale/color changes), not the original data."""
diff --git a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/LinearRegionItem.py b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/LinearRegionItem.py
index a35e8efc02032762361eeda89493976804a67e47..08f7e1985a5b91602e902bc8a13ca2f668320cfa 100644
--- a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/LinearRegionItem.py
+++ b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/LinearRegionItem.py
@@ -140,12 +140,11 @@ class LinearRegionItem(UIGraphicsItem):
         return br.normalized()
     def paint(self, p, *args):
-        #prof = debug.Profiler('LinearRegionItem.paint')
+        profiler = debug.Profiler()
         UIGraphicsItem.paint(self, p, *args)
-        #prof.finish()
     def dataBounds(self, axis, frac=1.0, orthoRange=None):
         if axis == self.orientation:
diff --git a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/PlotCurveItem.py b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/PlotCurveItem.py
index 282145522f976ef7c5853410628769e6aeb704f6..7ee063384edfefbebee2490397728e991709d1bd 100644
--- a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/PlotCurveItem.py
+++ b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/PlotCurveItem.py
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class PlotCurveItem(GraphicsObject):
         self.updateData(*args, **kargs)
     def updateData(self, *args, **kargs):
-        prof = debug.Profiler('PlotCurveItem.updateData', disabled=True)
+        profiler = debug.Profiler()
         if len(args) == 1:
             kargs['y'] = args[0]
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ class PlotCurveItem(GraphicsObject):
             if 'complex' in str(data.dtype):
                 raise Exception("Can not plot complex data types.")
-        prof.mark("data checks")
+        profiler("data checks")
         #self.setCacheMode(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.NoCache)  ## Disabling and re-enabling the cache works around a bug in Qt 4.6 causing the cached results to display incorrectly
                                                         ##    Test this bug with test_PlotWidget and zoom in on the animated plot
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ class PlotCurveItem(GraphicsObject):
         self.yData = kargs['y'].view(np.ndarray)
         self.xData = kargs['x'].view(np.ndarray)
-        prof.mark('copy')
+        profiler('copy')
         if 'stepMode' in kargs:
             self.opts['stepMode'] = kargs['stepMode']
@@ -346,12 +346,11 @@ class PlotCurveItem(GraphicsObject):
             self.opts['antialias'] = kargs['antialias']
-        prof.mark('set')
+        profiler('set')
-        prof.mark('update')
+        profiler('update')
-        prof.mark('emit')
-        prof.finish()
+        profiler('emit')
     def generatePath(self, x, y):
         if self.opts['stepMode']:
@@ -387,7 +386,7 @@ class PlotCurveItem(GraphicsObject):
     @pg.debug.warnOnException  ## raising an exception here causes crash
     def paint(self, p, opt, widget):
-        prof = debug.Profiler('PlotCurveItem.paint '+str(id(self)), disabled=True)
+        profiler = debug.Profiler()
         if self.xData is None:
@@ -405,7 +404,7 @@ class PlotCurveItem(GraphicsObject):
             self.fillPath = None
         path = self.path
-        prof.mark('generate path')
+        profiler('generate path')
         if self._exportOpts is not False:
             aa = self._exportOpts.get('antialias', True)
@@ -426,9 +425,9 @@ class PlotCurveItem(GraphicsObject):
                 self.fillPath = p2
-            prof.mark('generate fill path')
+            profiler('generate fill path')
             p.fillPath(self.fillPath, self.opts['brush'])
-            prof.mark('draw fill path')
+            profiler('draw fill path')
         sp = fn.mkPen(self.opts['shadowPen'])
         cp = fn.mkPen(self.opts['pen'])
@@ -451,10 +450,9 @@ class PlotCurveItem(GraphicsObject):
-        prof.mark('drawPath')
+        profiler('drawPath')
         #print "Render hints:", int(p.renderHints())
-        prof.finish()
diff --git a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/PlotDataItem.py b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/PlotDataItem.py
index 87b47227f283b3f125ff3e0b2a6f1d88717013f7..2235711cf5215c83cb385f82e3bb627ae968903f 100644
--- a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/PlotDataItem.py
+++ b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/PlotDataItem.py
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ class PlotDataItem(GraphicsObject):
         See :func:`__init__() <pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem.__init__>` for details; it accepts the same arguments.
-        prof = debug.Profiler('PlotDataItem.setData (0x%x)' % id(self), disabled=True)
+        profiler = debug.Profiler()
         y = None
         x = None
         if len(args) == 1:
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ class PlotDataItem(GraphicsObject):
         if 'y' in kargs:
             y = kargs['y']
-        prof.mark('interpret data')
+        profiler('interpret data')
         ## pull in all style arguments. 
         ## Use self.opts to fill in anything not present in kargs.
@@ -432,10 +432,10 @@ class PlotDataItem(GraphicsObject):
         self.xClean = self.yClean = None
         self.xDisp = None
         self.yDisp = None
-        prof.mark('set data')
+        profiler('set data')
-        prof.mark('update items')
+        profiler('update items')
         #view = self.getViewBox()
@@ -443,9 +443,7 @@ class PlotDataItem(GraphicsObject):
             #view.itemBoundsChanged(self)  ## inform view so it can update its range if it wants
-        prof.mark('emit')
-        prof.finish()
+        profiler('emit')
     def updateItems(self):
diff --git a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/PlotItem/PlotItem.py b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/PlotItem/PlotItem.py
index ec0960ba3ab8a6aeabb23fcb2c5c195a448b2c41..7f817f813d38fab5917724336bca4ce7355129d5 100644
--- a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/PlotItem/PlotItem.py
+++ b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/PlotItem/PlotItem.py
@@ -339,9 +339,8 @@ class PlotItem(GraphicsWidget):
     #def paint(self, *args):
-        #prof = debug.Profiler('PlotItem.paint', disabled=True)
+        #prof = debug.Profiler()
         #QtGui.QGraphicsWidget.paint(self, *args)
-        #prof.finish()
     ## bad idea. 
     #def __getattr__(self, attr):  ## wrap ms
diff --git a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ScatterPlotItem.py b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ScatterPlotItem.py
index f1a5201dc928dd2dd065342d1f19033e6aacb248..15be8be0db120b00e2c0e5c1a7ba56fc1aab2fe0 100644
--- a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ScatterPlotItem.py
+++ b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ScatterPlotItem.py
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class ScatterPlotItem(GraphicsObject):
         Accepts the same arguments as setData()
-        prof = debug.Profiler('ScatterPlotItem.__init__', disabled=True)
+        profiler = debug.Profiler()
         self.picture = None   # QPicture used for rendering when pxmode==False
@@ -240,11 +240,10 @@ class ScatterPlotItem(GraphicsObject):
         self.setBrush(100,100,150, update=False)
         self.setSymbol('o', update=False)
         self.setSize(7, update=False)
-        prof.mark('1')
+        profiler()
         self.setData(*args, **kargs)
-        prof.mark('setData')
-        prof.finish()
+        profiler('setData')
     def setData(self, *args, **kargs):
diff --git a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ViewBox/ViewBox.py b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ViewBox/ViewBox.py
index 55d15757b9f90a21b15bb6bf309d89ac15a618ea..17bd220782c9cea064c8f6912da9761d2c0794eb 100644
--- a/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ViewBox/ViewBox.py
+++ b/pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/ViewBox/ViewBox.py
@@ -1205,7 +1205,7 @@ class ViewBox(GraphicsWidget):
         [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]]
         Values may be None if there are no specific bounds for an axis.
-        prof = debug.Profiler('updateAutoRange', disabled=True)
+        profiler = debug.Profiler()
         if items is None:
             items = self.addedItems
@@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ class ViewBox(GraphicsWidget):
                     range[0] = [min(bounds.left(), range[0][0]), max(bounds.right(), range[0][1])]
                     range[0] = [bounds.left(), bounds.right()]
-            prof.mark('2')
+            profiler()
         #print "range", range
@@ -1306,10 +1306,7 @@ class ViewBox(GraphicsWidget):
                 range[1][0] = min(range[1][0], bounds.top() - px*pxSize)
                 range[1][1] = max(range[1][1], bounds.bottom() + px*pxSize)
-        #print "final range", range
-        prof.finish()
         return range
     def childrenBoundingRect(self, *args, **kwds):
diff --git a/pyqtgraph/imageview/ImageView.py b/pyqtgraph/imageview/ImageView.py
index 77f344196abfbdfbda09d1d20a1c96aaca946efd..25700d93cdf45e6dcf33049ba79be01e612f0f76 100644
--- a/pyqtgraph/imageview/ImageView.py
+++ b/pyqtgraph/imageview/ImageView.py
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ class ImageView(QtGui.QWidget):
                            image data.
         ================== =======================================================================
-        prof = debug.Profiler('ImageView.setImage', disabled=True)
+        profiler = debug.Profiler()
         if hasattr(img, 'implements') and img.implements('MetaArray'):
             img = img.asarray()
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class ImageView(QtGui.QWidget):
             self.tVals = np.arange(img.shape[0])
-        prof.mark('1')
+        profiler()
         if axes is None:
             if img.ndim == 2:
@@ -234,13 +234,9 @@ class ImageView(QtGui.QWidget):
         for x in ['t', 'x', 'y', 'c']:
             self.axes[x] = self.axes.get(x, None)
-        prof.mark('2')
-        self.imageDisp = None
-        prof.mark('3')
+        profiler()
         self.currentIndex = 0
         if levels is None and autoLevels:
@@ -250,9 +246,9 @@ class ImageView(QtGui.QWidget):
         if self.ui.roiBtn.isChecked():
-        prof.mark('4')
+        profiler()
         if self.axes['t'] is not None:
             self.ui.roiPlot.setXRange(self.tVals.min(), self.tVals.max())
@@ -271,8 +267,8 @@ class ImageView(QtGui.QWidget):
                 s.setBounds([start, stop])
-        prof.mark('5')
+        profiler()
         if scale is not None:
@@ -280,15 +276,15 @@ class ImageView(QtGui.QWidget):
         if transform is not None:
-        prof.mark('6')
+        profiler()
         if autoRange:
-        prof.mark('7')
-        prof.finish()
+        profiler()
     def play(self, rate):
         """Begin automatically stepping frames forward at the given rate (in fps).
         This can also be accessed by pressing the spacebar."""