diff --git a/doc/source/user_guide.rst b/doc/source/user_guide.rst
index 90bba2a384fc9a277ed1ec6d0aa0f8aa42036eac..2970a4c4d068e751f1da8b17f1895a7be2828919 100644
--- a/doc/source/user_guide.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user_guide.rst
@@ -21,14 +21,17 @@ Quick Start
 2. Click :menuselection:`Files --> Add example` to load an exemplary time series of Landsat and RapidEye observations.
+   Open the sensor panel :menuselection:`View --> Panels... --> Sensors / Products` and change the sensor names
-    5bands@5.0m  RapidEye3. Open the sensor panel :menuselection:`View --> Panels... --> Sensors / Products` and change the sensor names
+   ============ =========
+   Default      Changed
+   ============ =========
+   6bands@30.0m Landsat
+   5bands@5.0m  RapidEye3
+   ============ =========
-    ============ =========
-    Default      Changed
-    ============ =========
-    6bands@30.0m Landsat
-    ============ =========
+   The change of sensor names becomes visible in other other parts of the GUI as well, e.g. the
+   list of time series source images.
 4. Use the scroll band and the map tools  |mActionZoomIn| |mActionZoomOut| |mActionPan| to change the temporal and spatial subset shown from the time series.
@@ -326,7 +329,7 @@ The spectral library view allows you to visualize, label and export spectral pro
 .. note::
     The spectral library table behaves quite similar to the attribute table you know from QGIS:
-        * You can edit the content by entering the editing mode (|mActionToggleEditing|)
+        * You can edit the content by entering the editing mode |mActionToggleEditing|
         * You can add further information by adding fields via the |mActionNewAttribute| button (e.g. different class labels).
           Remove them with |mActionDeleteAttribute|, accordingly.
         * Double-click into a desired field to change its content
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/main.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/main.py
index 761e70335bb4c65013fee84d33bbfca9ef22dab7..eed166aee21aeeb7f748114e0c04ccec53d6ce4a 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/main.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/main.py
@@ -205,8 +205,6 @@ class EOTimeSeriesViewerUI(QMainWindow):
     def addDockWidget(self, area: Qt.DockWidgetArea, dock: QDockWidget) -> QDockWidget:
         shortcut to add a created dock and return it
@@ -470,8 +468,6 @@ class EOTimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
         dts = self.ui.dockTimeSeries
         mw: MapWidget = self.ui.mMapWidget
         assert isinstance(mvd, MapViewDock)
         assert isinstance(mw, MapWidget)
         assert isinstance(dts, TimeSeriesDock)
@@ -644,10 +640,10 @@ class EOTimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
         assert isinstance(SLW, SpectralLibraryWidget)
         SLW.sigLoadFromMapRequest.connect(lambda *args: self.setMapTool(MapTools.SpectralProfile))
-        #SLW.setMapInteraction(True)
-        #SLW.setCurrentProfilesMode(SpectralLibraryWidget.CurrentProfilesMode.automatically)
-        #SLW.sigMapExtentRequested.connect(self.setSpatialExtent)
-        #SLW.sigMapCenterRequested.connect(self.setSpatialCenter)
+        # SLW.setMapInteraction(True)
+        # SLW.setCurrentProfilesMode(SpectralLibraryWidget.CurrentProfilesMode.automatically)
+        # SLW.sigMapExtentRequested.connect(self.setSpatialExtent)
+        # SLW.sigMapCenterRequested.connect(self.setSpatialCenter)
         # add time-specific fields
         sl = self.spectralLibrary()
@@ -1477,7 +1473,7 @@ class EOTimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
         filters = "CSV (*.csv *.txt);;" + \
                   "All files (*.*)"
         path, filter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(caption='Save Time Series definition', filter=filters,
-                                       directory=defFile)
+                                                   directory=defFile)
         if path not in [None, '']:
             path = self.mTimeSeries.saveToFile(path)
             s.setValue('FILE_TS_DEFINITION', path)
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/timeseries.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/timeseries.py
index 059aadfd5a42cd82916417cca84e09c8a3c3be6b..b3d1136b05faa85f9384494d36d30e7a00d88168 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/timeseries.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/timeseries.py
@@ -1793,12 +1793,24 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
         assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
         if not sensor in self.mSensors:
+            sensor.sigNameChanged.connect(self.onSensorNameChanged)
             return sensor
             return None
+    def onSensorNameChanged(self, name: str):
+        sensor = self.sender()
+        if isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument) and sensor in self.sensors():
+            c = self.columnNames().index(self.cnSensor)
+            idx0 = self.index(0, c)
+            idx1 = self.index(self.rowCount()-1, c)
+            self.dataChanged.emit(idx0, idx1)
+        s = ""
     def checkSensorList(self):
         Removes sensors without linked TSD / no data