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Binary files a/doc/source/img/cursorlocationvalues.PNG and /dev/null differ
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diff --git a/doc/source/img/timeseriesdock.png b/doc/source/img/timeseriesdock.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 51e123c1d1dc94f5cba931ae3060902ca81690ea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/doc/source/img/timeseriesdock.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/source/installation.rst b/doc/source/installation.rst
index 851160a23673ecbd4edb17b22c04fa824ab97795..e16bc5c276da799de4f819cd379df39eb6ddd695 100644
--- a/doc/source/installation.rst
+++ b/doc/source/installation.rst
@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ On **Windows**, open the *OSGeo4W Shell* and install the packages via pip:
     python3 -m pip install pyqtgraph
     python3 -m pip install pyopengl
-On **Linux** or **Mac** you should be able to use the same commands in the terminal, as long as pip is available, i.e.
+On **Linux** or **Mac** you should be able to use the same commands in the terminal, as long as `pip <https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/>`_
+is available, i.e.
 .. code-block:: shell
diff --git a/doc/source/news.rst b/doc/source/news.rst
index f41dc8157c4851173c2b98166553e1ed27006618..5475a229f27efab9816dd060e05676cfcb3224a4 100644
--- a/doc/source/news.rst
+++ b/doc/source/news.rst
@@ -2,24 +2,42 @@
-2018-04-17: Increased version to 0.5, ported to QGIS 3, Qt5 and Python 3.6. Improvements in temporal profile visualization.
-Removed several bugs. Visibility of vector and raster layers can be toggled per map view. Improved interaction between
-QGIS and EOTSV (Buttons to import/export spatial extent of map canvas or center)
-2018-03-29: Improved definition of individual 2D / 3D charts per sensor & pixel-location added based OpenGL based 3D
+    * increased version to 0.6
+    * SpectralLibrary Module
+        - now based on in-memory QgsVectorLayer
+        - Locations and values of spectral profile can be exported as vector data set
+        - Locations of spectral profiles can be rendered on MapCanvases
+    * Temporal Profile Module
+        - now based on in-memory QgsVectorLayer
+        - Locations of temporal profiles can be exported as vector data set
+        - Band values of temporal profiles can be exported as CSV file
+        - Locations of temporal profiles can be rendered on MapCanvases
+    * several bug fixes
+    * Increased version to 0.5, ported to QGIS 3, Qt5 and Python 3.6.
+    * Improvements in temporal profile visualization.
+    * Removed several bugs.
+    * Visibility of vector and raster layers can be toggled per map view.
+    * Improved interaction between QGIS and EOTSV (Buttons to import/export spatial extent of map canvas or center)
+**2018-03-29:** Improved definition of individual 2D / 3D charts per sensor & pixel-location added based OpenGL based 3D
 plot features (axis, grids, labels) changed name to "EO Time Series Viewer" (EOTSV)
-2018-02-11: Merged updates to temporal profile visualization, e.g. save temporal profiles, compare 2D profiles between
+**2018-02-11:** Merged updates to temporal profile visualization, e.g. save temporal profiles, compare 2D profiles between
 different location, experimental 3D visualization.
-2018-01-19: Re-written dialog to configure map visualizations ("Map Views"), Vector & Raster layers can be hidden.
+**2018-01-19:** Re-written dialog to configure map visualizations ("Map Views"), Vector & Raster layers can be hidden.
 Initialized Sphinx-based documentation.
-2017-06-27: `Poster <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/downloads/Jakimow.et.al.TimeSeriesViewer.pdf>`_ & demonstration at `Multitemp 2017, Brugges, Belgium <https://multitemp2017.vito.be>`_.
+**2017-06-27:** `Poster <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/downloads/Jakimow.et.al.TimeSeriesViewer.pdf>`_ & demonstration at `Multitemp 2017, Brugges, Belgium <https://multitemp2017.vito.be>`_.
-2017-05-21: many changes, done in development branch "develop", e.g. QGIS MapCanvases for interactive maps, temporal profiles and more.
+**2017-05-21:** many changes, done in development branch "develop", e.g. QGIS MapCanvases for interactive maps, temporal profiles and more.
-2017-02-14: first setup for test users in the recent development branch qgis_apo
+**2017-02-14:** first setup for test users in the recent development branch qgis_apo
-2016-12-02: Work on this project continued. During the last months I focused on the `EnMAP-Box <https://bitbucket.org/hu-geomatics/enmap-box>`_ where I gained a lot of experience in using Qt and QGIS API.
\ No newline at end of file
+**2016-12-02:** Work on this project continued. During the last months I focused on the `EnMAP-Box <https://bitbucket.org/hu-geomatics/enmap-box>`_ where I gained a lot of experience in using Qt and QGIS API.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/source/user_guide.rst b/doc/source/user_guide.rst
index 1973b76d1619f84c0b6b765b0476f794ec29b77d..6f6b1dda8eb85a73e3b10994ac867eec31f04ce1 100644
--- a/doc/source/user_guide.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user_guide.rst
@@ -27,15 +27,13 @@
     :width: 27px
 .. |spectral_profile| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/pickrasterspectrum.svg
     :width: 27px
-.. |icon_refresh| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/mActionRefresh.png
-    :width: 27px
 .. |addTS| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/mActionAddTS.svg
     :width: 27px
 .. |remTS| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/mActionRemoveTS.svg
     :width: 27px
 .. |saveTS| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/mActionSaveTS.svg
     :width: 27px
-.. |refresh| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/mActionRefresh.png
+.. |refresh| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/mActionRefresh.svg
     :width: 27px
 .. |zoompoint| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/mActionZoomPoint.svg
     :width: 27px
@@ -67,14 +65,19 @@
 .. |addspectrum| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/profile2speclib.svg
     :width: 27px
-.. |addattribute| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/add_class.svg
+.. |addattribute| image:: img/qgis_icons/mActionNewAttribute.svg
     :width: 27px
-.. |removeattribute| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/remove_class.svg
+.. |removeattribute| image:: img/qgis_icons/mActionDeleteAttribute.svg
     :width: 27px
 .. |importspeclib| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/speclib_add.svg
     :width: 27px
 .. |exportspeclib| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/speclib_save.svg
     :width: 27px
+.. |info| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/metadata.svg
+    :width: 27px
+.. |loadmissingvalues| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/mIconTemporalProfileRefresh.svg
+    :width: 27px
 .. || image:: ../../
     :width: 27px
@@ -104,7 +107,7 @@ Quick Start
 5. Open the Map View panel, change the map view name from `Map View 1` to `True Color` and set the multiband color render band selection to `RGB = 3-2-1` for both, Landsat and RapidEye images.
-.. note:: Use |icon_refresh| to refresh or redraw related maps, spectral profile plots etc.
+.. note:: Use |refresh| to refresh or redraw related maps, spectral profile plots etc.
 6. Now we like to Optimize the color stretch. Choose a none-clouded Landsat observation like 2014-06-24 and use the map context menu (right-mouse-click)
    to click on :menuselection:`Stretch to current extent ... --> Linear 5%`. Repeat with `Linear` and `Gaussian` stretch as well as for RapidEye images to
@@ -148,16 +151,17 @@ The Graphical User Interface
           Activate/Deactivate panels under :menuselection:`View --> Panels`
 Time Series
-.. figure:: img/timeseriesdock.png
+.. figure:: img/autogenerated/timeseriesPanel.png
 This window lists the individual input raster files of the time series.
-* ``date`` corresponds to the image acquisition date as automatically derived by the TSV from the file name. Checking |cbc| or unchecking |cbu| the box in the date field will include or exclude the respective image from the display
+* ``date`` corresponds to the image acquisition date as automatically derived by the EO TSV from the file name. Checking |cbc| or unchecking |cbu| the box in the date field will include or exclude the respective image from the display
 * ``sensor`` shows the name of the sensor as defined in the :ref:`Sensors / Products` tab
 * ``ns``: number of samples (pixels in x direction)
 * ``nl``: number of lines (pixels in y direction)
@@ -169,6 +173,8 @@ Remove them by selecting the desired rows in the table (click on the row number)
 .. tip:: Click :menuselection:`Files --> Add example` to load a small example time series.
 Sensors / Products
@@ -184,6 +190,7 @@ and combines identical ones into sensor groups (or products). Those are listed a
 * ``wl``: comma separated string of the (center) wavelength of every band and [unit]
 * ``id``: string identifying number of bands, geometric resolution and wavelengths (primary for internal use)
 The Toolbar
@@ -211,7 +218,7 @@ Button                                       Function
 |identify|                                   Identify map layers (cursor location info)
 |icon_select_ts_profile|                     Identify pixel time series for specific coordinate
 |spectral_profile|                           Select pixel profiles from map
-|icon_eotsv|                                 About the plugin
+|info|                                       About the plugin
 ============================================ ===========================================================================
@@ -219,8 +226,7 @@ Button                                       Function
 Map Visualization
@@ -238,17 +244,17 @@ you want to have unequally sized views, deactivate this option.
 .. .. image:: img/maprendering.png
-.. * :guilabel:`Set Center` center the QGIS Map View to the same coordinate as the TSV Map View
-.. * :guilabel:`Get Center` center the TSV Map View to the same coordinate as the QGIS Map View
-.. * :guilabel:`Set Extent` zoom the QGIS Map View to the same extent as the TSV Map View
-.. * :guilabel:`Get Extent` zoom the TSV Map View to the same extent as the QGIS Map View
+.. * :guilabel:`Set Center` center the QGIS Map View to the same coordinate as the EO TSV Map View
+.. * :guilabel:`Get Center` center the EO TSV Map View to the same coordinate as the QGIS Map View
+.. * :guilabel:`Set Extent` zoom the QGIS Map View to the same extent as the EO TSV Map View
+.. * :guilabel:`Get Extent` zoom the EO TSV Map View to the same extent as the QGIS Map View
 .. * ``Load center profile``, when checked |cbc|, the temporal profile of the center pixel will automatically be displayed and updated in the :ref:`Profile View` tab.
 Map Views
-A map view is a row of map canvases that show the time series images of different sensors/product in the same band band combination, e.g. as "True Color bands".
+A map view is a row of map canvases that show the time series images of different sensors/product in the same band combination, e.g. as "True Color bands".
 The map view panel allows to add or remove map views and to specifiy how the images of each sensor are to be rendered.
@@ -266,20 +272,22 @@ Now, for every Map View you can alter the following settings:
   the *Crosshair specifications* |symbology| , where you can customize e.g. color, opacity, thickness, size and further options.
 * You may rename the Map View by altering the text in the ``Name`` field.
 * **Vector Rendering** allows you to visualize vector data (e.g. a shapefile). In order to do so, open the file in QGIS. Once loaded in the QGIS Layers Panel, it will become selectable
   in the dropdown menu. Vector styling will be same as in QGIS (i.e. if you want to adjust it, do it in QGIS). Check |cbc| or uncheck |cbu| in order to activate/deactivate Vector Rendering.
+  Furthermore, you can visualize the locations of :ref:`Temporal Profiles` or :ref:`Spectral Profiles <Spectral Library>` as points. Select the desired option
+  from the dropdown list.
 * Under **Raster Rendering** you can adjust the visualisation of the raster layers. Every sensor, as specified in the :ref:`Sensors / Products` tab, has its separate
   rendering option section (since band specifications differ among sensors). The handling is very similar to the QGIS style options.
         * Multiband (RGB) as well as singleband rendering is supported. Select the desired mode in the dropdown menu.
         * Select the desired band(s) for display using the slider or dropdown list. In the dropdown menu at the bottom you can specify the contrast enhancement to be used for the value stretch.
-          In case TSV has sufficient wavelength information for the bands, you can choose several presets: *True* (True Color; red-green-blue),
+          In case EO TSV has sufficient wavelength information for the bands, you can choose several presets: *True* (True Color; red-green-blue),
           *CIR1* (colored infrared; swir-red-green) and *CIR2* (colored infrared; swIR-mwIR-red)
-        * You can copy and paste styles using the |copy| :superscript:`Copy style to clipboard` and |paste| :superscript:`Paste style from clipboard` buttons (also between QGIS and TSV)
+        * You can copy and paste styles using the |copy| :superscript:`Copy style to clipboard` and |paste| :superscript:`Paste style from clipboard` buttons (also between QGIS and EO TSV)
         * Once you specified your rendering settings, press |refresh| to apply them.
@@ -288,7 +296,7 @@ Now, for every Map View you can alter the following settings:
 Cursor Location Values
@@ -297,7 +305,7 @@ Similar to the Identify tool in QGIS, you can retrieve the pixel information for
 |identify| :superscript:`Select cursor location` button and then on a desired pixel in the Map Views.
 In case the Map View contains (additional) vector data, location information will also be retrieved for those features.
-.. image:: img/cursorlocationvalues.png
+.. image:: img/autogenerated/cursorLocationInfoPanel.png
 * Coordinates of the selected pixel are shown in the ``x`` and ``y`` fields. You may change the coordinate system of the
   displayed coordinates via the |crs| :superscript:`Select CRS` button.
@@ -307,7 +315,7 @@ In case the Map View contains (additional) vector data, location information wil
 Profile Visualization
@@ -317,7 +325,6 @@ Profile Visualization
     Example: Temporal NDSI (Normalized Difference Snow Index) profile for 2 locations using Landsat 7 and 8 images.
 Temporal Profiles
@@ -348,20 +355,24 @@ On the left side you can switch between the different modes, i.e. |temporal2d| :
         .. figure:: img/example_temppindex.png
             Example of visualizing the NDVI for the same location for different sensors (example dataset).
-* You can also move the map views to a desired date from the plot directly by :menuselection:`Right-click --> Move maps to ...`
+* You can also move the map views to a desired date from the plot directly by :menuselection:`Right-click into plot --> Move maps to ...`
-.. note:: The TSV won't extract and load all pixel values into memory by default in order to reduce processing time (only the ones required).
-          You can manually load all the values by selecting the rows on the coordinates |temporal_coords| page :menuselection:`--> Right-click --> Load missing/reload`.
-          See information in the ``Loading`` column.
+.. note:: The EO TSV won't extract and load all pixel values into memory by default in order to reduce processing time (only the ones required).
+          You can manually load all the values by selecting the rows on the coordinates |temporal_coords| page :menuselection:`--> Right-click --> Load missing/reload`,
+          or click the |loadmissingvalues| button.
+          See information in the ``loaded`` and ``percent`` column.
-**Importing or exporting locations:**
-* You can also import locations from a vector file instead of collecting them from the map: Go to the coordinates |temporal_coords| page
-  and add locations via the |addvector| button. The naming of the locations will be based on respective fields in the vector dataset.
-* If you want to save your locations, e.g. as shapefile or CSV, click on |save|.
+Importing or exporting locations:
+ * You can also import locations from a vector file instead of collecting them from the map: Go to the coordinates |temporal_coords| page
+   and add locations via the |addvector| button. The naming of the locations will be based on respective fields in the vector dataset.
+ * If you want to save your locations, e.g. as shapefile or CSV, click on |save|.
+Visualizing the temporal profile locations as points in the Map View:
+ * Under :ref:`Map Properties` --> Vector Rendering select *Temporal profile*
+ * Furthermore, you can focus the Map View center on the profile location, by clicking the :guilabel:`Move to` button
+   in the table on the coordinates |temporal_coords| page
 **Spectral-temporal plots (3D):**
@@ -385,8 +396,6 @@ On the left side you can switch between the different modes, i.e. |temporal2d| :
 Spectral Library
@@ -394,28 +403,44 @@ Spectral Library
 The spectral library view allows you to visualize, label and export spectral profiles.
-.. image:: img/speclib.png
+.. image:: img/autogenerated/spectralLibraryPanel.png
 * Use the |spectral_profile| :superscript:`Select a spectrum from a map` button to extract and visualize a pixels profile
   (by clicking on a pixel on the map)
 * You can add a selected spectrum to your spectral library by clicking on |addspectrum|.
-* When the **Add Profiles** setting is checked |cbc|, the profile will be directly added to the library after clicking on a pixel.
+* The gathered spectra are listed in the table on the right. For every spectrum additional metadata will be stored, e.g.
+  the columns and rows (``px_x``, ``px_y``), the ``sensorname`` or the path of the respective file (``source``).
+* When the |autoadd_profile| button is activated, the profile will be directly added to the library after clicking on a pixel.
+* In the table, you can choose whether to display a spectral profile in the plot, by checking |cbc| or unchecking |cbu| it.
+* Change the display style (color, shape, linetype) via :menuselection:`Right-click into respective row(s) --> Set Style`
-The gathered spectra are listed in the table on the right. For every spectrum additional metadata will be stored:
-The columns and rows (px x, px y), coordinates (x,y), coordinate system (CRS) and the path of the respective file (Source).
-* You can add further information by adding attributes via the |addattribute| button (e.g. different class labels).
-  Remove them with |removeattribute|, accordingly.
-* Double-click in the ``Name`` field to label the spectrum
-* You can specify colors for the different spectra: Right-click on the respective row in the table and choose **Set color**.
-* Remove spectra by selecting the desired rows in the table and :menuselection:`Right-click --> Remove`.
-* Export or import a spectral library via the |importspeclib| |exportspeclib| buttons.
+.. note::
+    The spectral library table behaves quite similar to the attribute table you know from QGIS:
+        * You can edit the content by entering the editing mode (|startediting|)
+        * You can add further information by adding fields via the |addattribute| button (e.g. different class labels).
+          Remove them with |removeattribute|, accordingly.
+        * Double click into a desired field to change its content
+        * Remove spectra by selecting the desired row(s) in the table and click |deleteselected|
-.. add further information on spectral library format or import/export. maybe link to enmap box documentation once its there
+* Export or import a spectral library via the |importspeclib| |exportspeclib| buttons.
+You can visualize the locations of your extracted spectra as points in the Map View:
+ * Under :ref:`Map Properties` --> Vector Rendering select *Spectral Library*
+ * Furthermore, you can focus the Map View center on a specific spectrum, by clicking the :guilabel:`Move to` button
+   in the spectral library table
+.. add further information on spectral library format or import/export. maybe link to enmap box documentation once its there
+.. |startediting| image:: img/qgis_icons/mActionToggleEditing.svg
+    :width: 27px
+.. |autoadd_profile| image:: ../../timeseriesviewer/ui/icons/profile2speclib_auto.svg
+    :width: 27px
+.. |deleteselected| image:: img/qgis_icons/mActionDeleteSelected.svg
+    :width: 27px