index dcb5b8d268b4e671d74aca8de83a964019a8b8a1..7efcf9ae18b9b4bcb5651dbdb674f8c7ea7b1c20 100644
@@ -1,9 +1,31 @@
+2019-11-25 (version 1.10):
+    * improved matching of source images to sensors: matching can be specified in the settings dialog. Sensor matching
+      based on ground sampling distance + number of bands + data type and optionally wavelength and/or sensor name
+    * fixed copying of layer styles to maps of same sensor and map view type
+    * improved speed of mapping and layer buffering
+    * failed image sources are logged in the EO Time Series Viewer log panel
+    * Spectral Library Viewer better handles large collections of spectral profiles
+2019-10-02 (version 1.9):
+    * includes several smaller updates
+    * fixed error 'shortcutVisibleInContextMenu' error that occurred with Qt < 5.10
+    * enhanced wavelength extraction from GDAL metadata: wavelength can be specified per band
+2019-09-19 (version 1.8):
+    * updated spectral library module
+    * fixed #104: error in case of wrong spatial extent
+    * default CRS properly shown in map view settings
+    * user-defined CRS visible
 2019-08-06 (version 1.7):
     * increased contrast for default map view text
-    * improved detect of wavelength information, e.g. from Pleiades, Sentinel-2 and RapidEye data
+    * improved reading of wavelength information, e.g. from Pleiades, Sentinel-2 and RapidEye data
+    * temporal profile plot: data gaps can be shown by breaks in the profile line, data source information is correctly shown for selected points only
+    * current extent can be copied via MapCanvas context menu
+    * fixed #102: move maps to date of interest selected in a temporal profile plot
 2019-07-16 (version 1.6):
     * re-design of map visualization: faster and more compact, the number of maps is fixed to n dates x m map views
@@ -37,7 +59,7 @@ Changelog
     * fixed #97: TSV does not start (Linux)
 2019-05-31 (version 1.2):
-    * added SaveAllMapsDialog  and menu option to export all maps as image files.
+    * added SaveAllMapsDialog and menu option to export all maps as image files.
     * fixed #91: select Temporal Profile / Spectral Profile button activates the required map tools.
     * fixed #92: map canvas context menu "copy to clipboard" options.
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.html b/CHANGELOG.html
index 8b782698577a1aa01f7ebe0503562d85e5cebaf6..182a2d06b324391afa7a1dc30635c1f3b9569fe8 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.html
+++ b/CHANGELOG.html
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-<meta name="generator" content="Docutils 0.14: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/" />
+<meta name="generator" content="Docutils 0.15.2: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/" />
 <style type="text/css">
@@ -364,6 +364,40 @@ ul.auto-toc {
 <h1 class="title">Changelog</h1>
 <dl class="docutils">
+<dt>2019-11-25 (version 1.10):</dt>
+<dd><ul class="first last simple">
+<li>improved matching of source images to sensors: matching can be specified in the settings dialog. Sensor matching
+based on ground sampling distance + number of bands + data type and optionally wavelength and/or sensor name</li>
+<li>fixed copying of layer styles to maps of same sensor and map view type</li>
+<li>improved speed of mapping and layer buffering</li>
+<li>failed image sources are logged in teh EO Time Series Viewer log panel</li>
+<li>Spectral Library Viewer better handles large collections of spectral profiles</li>
+<dt>2019-10-02 (version 1.9):</dt>
+<dd><ul class="first last simple">
+<li>includes several smaller updates</li>
+<li>fixed error 'shortcutVisibleInContextMenu' error that occurred with Qt &lt; 5.10</li>
+<li>enhanced wavelength extraction from GDAL metadata: wavelength can be specified per band</li>
+<dt>2019-09-19 (version 1.8):</dt>
+<dd><ul class="first last simple">
+<li>updated spectral library module</li>
+<li>fixed <a class="reference external" href="https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/104">#104</a>: error in case of wrong spatial extent</li>
+<li>default CRS properly shown in map view settings</li>
+<li>user-defined CRS visible</li>
+<dt>2019-08-06 (version 1.7):</dt>
+<dd><ul class="first last simple">
+<li>increased contrast for default map view text</li>
+<li>improved reading of wavelength information, e.g. from Pleiades, Sentinel-2 and RapidEye data</li>
+<li>temporal profile plot: data gaps can be shown by breaks in the profile line, data source information is correctly shown for selected points only</li>
+<li>current extent can be copied via MapCanvas context menu</li>
+<li>fixed <a class="reference external" href="https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/102">#102</a>: move maps to date of interest selected in a temporal profile plot</li>
 <dt>2019-07-16 (version 1.6):</dt>
 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
 <li>re-design of map visualization: faster and more compact, the number of maps is fixed to n dates x m map views</li>
@@ -405,7 +439,7 @@ ul.auto-toc {
 <dt>2019-05-31 (version 1.2):</dt>
 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
-<li>added SaveAllMapsDialog  and menu option to export all maps as image files.</li>
+<li>added SaveAllMapsDialog and menu option to export all maps as image files.</li>
 <li>fixed <a class="reference external" href="https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/91">#91</a>: select Temporal Profile / Spectral Profile button activates the required map tools.</li>
 <li>fixed <a class="reference external" href="https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/92">#92</a>: map canvas context menu &quot;copy to clipboard&quot; options.</li>
diff --git a/LICENSE.html b/LICENSE.html
index c30eb7ebdbad79e329625350927f37c09f940342..873098d576ae535fe583f50a6c5df3bd908ae6da 100644
--- a/LICENSE.html
+++ b/LICENSE.html
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-<meta name="generator" content="Docutils 0.14: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/" />
+<meta name="generator" content="Docutils 0.15.2: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/" />
 <style type="text/css">
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9f5ea64e908863fd17892c757d4d20e6b88e63c0..e54be7f9c6d6e7c673a77f790b2f5f700095417b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 The EO Time Series Viewer is a [http://www.qgis.org](QGIS) plugin to visualize time series of remote sensing images.
 Its major purpose is to ease the visualization and labeling of images from multiple sensors.
-Please visit [Wiki](https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer) for more information.
+Please visit http://eo-time-series-viewer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ for more information.
 ## Licence and Use ##
diff --git a/bitbucket-pipelines.yml b/bitbucket-pipelines.yml
index abb6ec1128a99211357dad2070e4cf3d90fee182..921326779758f235c2cacffafeb01e138a79897b 100644
--- a/bitbucket-pipelines.yml
+++ b/bitbucket-pipelines.yml
@@ -14,14 +14,19 @@ pipelines:
           - docker
           - pip
         script: # Modify the commands below to build your repository.
-          - python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
-          - python -m pip install nose2
+          - python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
+          - python3 -m pip install nose2
           - apt-get update
           - apt-get -y install xvfb
+          - apt-get -y install git-lfs
           - Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x16 &> xvfb.log  &
           - ps aux | grep X
           - DISPLAY=:1.0
           - export DISPLAY
           - mkdir test-reports
-          - python make/setuprepository.py
-          - python -m nose2 discover tests "test_*.py" > test-reports/test-report.txt
+          - git lfs install
+          - git lfs fetch
+          - git lfs pull
+          - git lfs checkout
+          - python3 make/setuprepository.py
+          - python3 -m nose2 discover tests "test_*.py" > test-reports/test-report.txt
diff --git a/doc/source/changelog.rst b/doc/source/changelog.rst
index 36f46eee72cef3cd8a8d3b191b6b1d11903db917..650f62af922fea85d3307fc6e399c367f4fe021a 100644
--- a/doc/source/changelog.rst
+++ b/doc/source/changelog.rst
@@ -1,9 +1,31 @@
+2019-11-25 (version 1.10):
+    * improved matching of source images to sensors: matching can be specified in the settings dialog. Sensor matching
+      based on ground sampling distance + number of bands + data type and optionally wavelength and/or sensor name
+    * fixed copying of layer styles to maps of same sensor and map view type
+    * improved speed of mapping and layer buffering
+    * failed image sources are logged in teh EO Time Series Viewer log panel
+    * Spectral Library Viewer better handles large collections of spectral profiles
+2019-10-02 (version 1.9):
+    * includes several smaller updates
+    * fixed error 'shortcutVisibleInContextMenu' error that occurred with Qt < 5.10
+    * enhanced wavelength extraction from GDAL metadata: wavelength can be specified per band
+2019-09-19 (version 1.8):
+    * updated spectral library module
+    * fixed `#104 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/104>`_: error in case of wrong spatial extent
+    * default CRS properly shown in map view settings
+    * user-defined CRS visible
 2019-08-06 (version 1.7):
     * increased contrast for default map view text
-    * improved detect of wavelength information, e.g. from Pleiades, Sentinel-2 and RapidEye data
+    * improved reading of wavelength information, e.g. from Pleiades, Sentinel-2 and RapidEye data
+    * temporal profile plot: data gaps can be shown by breaks in the profile line, data source information is correctly shown for selected points only
+    * current extent can be copied via MapCanvas context menu
+    * fixed `#102 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/102>`_: move maps to date of interest selected in a temporal profile plot
 2019-07-16 (version 1.6):
     * re-design of map visualization: faster and more compact, the number of maps is fixed to n dates x m map views
@@ -37,7 +59,7 @@ Changelog
     * fixed `#97 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/97>`_: TSV does not start (Linux)
 2019-05-31 (version 1.2):
-    * added SaveAllMapsDialog  and menu option to export all maps as image files.
+    * added SaveAllMapsDialog and menu option to export all maps as image files.
     * fixed `#91 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/91>`_: select Temporal Profile / Spectral Profile button activates the required map tools.
     * fixed `#92 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/92>`_: map canvas context menu "copy to clipboard" options.
diff --git a/doc/source/changelog_visual.rst b/doc/source/changelog_visual.rst
index 31267035f471259a5c19177efe369229fba50447..bcc86d6e10bd16a55a94fc2e8f6afe317133f9dd 100644
--- a/doc/source/changelog_visual.rst
+++ b/doc/source/changelog_visual.rst
@@ -2,6 +2,88 @@
 Visual Changelog
+Version 1.10
+* improved matching of source images to sensors: matching can be specified in the settings dialog. Sensor matching
+  based on ground sampling distance + number of bands + data type and optionally wavelength and/or sensor name
+  .. figure:: img/settings_sensor_matching.png
+* fixed copying of layer styles to maps of same sensor and map view type
+* improved speed of mapping and layer buffering
+* failed image sources are logged in teh EO Time Series Viewer log panel
+  .. figure:: img/changelog.1.10/logpanel_failed_datasource_message.png
+Version 1.9
+* includes several smaller updates
+* fixed error 'shortcutVisibleInContextMenu' error that occurred with Qt < 5.10
+* enhanced wavelength extraction from GDAL metadata: wavelength can be specified per band
+Version 1.8
+* updated spectral library module
+* fixed `#104 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/104>`_: error in case of wrong spatial extent
+* default CRS properly shown in map view settings
+* user-defined CRS visible
+Version 1.7
+* increased contrast for default map view text
+* improved reading of wavelength information, e.g. from Pleiades, Sentinel-2 and RapidEye data
+* temporal profile plot: data gaps can be shown by breaks in the profile line, data source information is correctly shown for selected points only
+* current extent can be copied via MapCanvas context menu
+* fixed `#102 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/102>`_: move maps to date of interest selected in a temporal profile plot
+Version 1.6
+* re-design of map visualization: faster and more compact, the number of maps is fixed to n dates x m map views
+* date, sensor or map view information can be plotted within each map and become available in screenshots
+* releases map layers that are not required any more
+* slider + buttons to navigate over time series
+* fixed preview in crosshair dialog
+Version 1.5
+* closing the EO Time Series Viewer instance will release all of its resources
+* added "Lock Map Panel" to avoid unwanted resizing of central widget
+* fixed missing updates of time series tree view when adding / removing source images
+* map canvas context menu lists layers with spatial extent intersecting the cursor position only
+* fixes feature selection error
+* added quick label source image to label the path of raster layer
+Version 1.4
+* adding vector layers with sublayers will add all sublayers
+* map canvas context menu "Focus on Spatial Extent" will hide maps without time series data for the current spatial extent
+.. image:: img/changelog.1.4/mapcanvas_contextmenu_focus_spatial_extent.png
+* labeling dock allows to iterate over vector features. the spatial map extent will be centered to each feature (`#26 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/26>`_)
+.. image:: img/changelog.1.4/quick_labeling_goto_next_feature.png
+* added several convenience function to TimeSeriesViewer object
+* fixed a bug that did not allow to create new polygon features
+* temporal profile visualization: fixed icons to preview selected plot style, coordinate described by "<fid> <name>", e.g. "42 Deforested", fixed plot style preview
+* updated SpectralLibraryViewer
+* fixed spelling error in stacked band input dialog
+* MapViews can add raster layers that have been opened in QGIS, e.g. XYZ Tile with OpenStreetMap data
+Version 1.3
+Bugfixes only
 Version 1.2
diff --git a/doc/source/img/changelog.1.10/logpanel_failed_datasource_message.png b/doc/source/img/changelog.1.10/logpanel_failed_datasource_message.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51c4e7ec06270b2b5d91b697b971edf25722eb5d
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/source/img/changelog.1.10/logpanel_failed_datasource_message.png differ
diff --git a/doc/source/img/changelog.1.4/mapcanvas_contextmenu_focus_spatial_extent.png b/doc/source/img/changelog.1.4/mapcanvas_contextmenu_focus_spatial_extent.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe319c71f46c86ccec8ac97b8bade677a13f0cdc
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/source/img/changelog.1.4/mapcanvas_contextmenu_focus_spatial_extent.png differ
diff --git a/doc/source/img/changelog.1.4/quick_labeling_goto_next_feature.png b/doc/source/img/changelog.1.4/quick_labeling_goto_next_feature.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..65a65e3bec2eab0f1e6005d434eef0a8a81c97a2
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/source/img/changelog.1.4/quick_labeling_goto_next_feature.png differ
diff --git a/doc/source/img/settings_dtg_precission.png b/doc/source/img/settings_dtg_precission.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2408a8c1b4dd23aa78508f3f7eb167556673264
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/source/img/settings_dtg_precission.png differ
diff --git a/doc/source/img/settings_sensor_matching.png b/doc/source/img/settings_sensor_matching.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73d4cc3b9559939fafaf032c5400701f2b1082de
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/source/img/settings_sensor_matching.png differ
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index 38581fb96baff9ad6a1a17b913389d7bad9b27c6..51266fbdc54f485c230a8fdf683ed35b7c42cf75 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -6,14 +6,21 @@
 EO Time Series Viewer
+The Earth Observation Time Series Viewer (EOTSV) is a free-and-open source QGIS Plugin to visualize and label
+raster-based earth observation time series data.
 .. image:: img/screenshot1.png
-The Earth Observation Time Series Viewer (EOTSV) is a free-and-open source QGIS Plugin to visualize raster-based earth observation time series data.
-* `Online documentation https://eo-time-series-viewer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ <https://eo-time-series-viewer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_
-* `Source Code https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer>`_
-* `Issue tracker https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues?status=new&status=open>`_
+.. table::
+   ==================== ================================================================================================
+   Online documentation https://eo-time-series-viewer.readthedocs.io/en/latest
+   Source Code          https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer
+   Issue tracker        https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues
+   ==================== ================================================================================================
@@ -28,7 +35,10 @@ Features
-.. seealso:: `EnMAP Box 3 <https://bitbucket.org/hu-geomatics/enmap-box/wiki/Home>`_ - Another QGIS Plugin developed at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
+.. seealso::
+   `Virtual Raster Builder <https://virtual-raster-builder.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ - A QGIS Plugin to create Virtual Raster images.
+   `EnMAP Box 3 <https://enmap-box.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ - A QGIS Plugin to visualize and process Multi- and Hyperspectral raster images.
 License and Use
@@ -44,8 +54,7 @@ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under th
     User Guide <user_guide.rst>
-    Visual Changelog <changelog_visual.rst>
-    Changelog <changelog.rst>
+    Changelog <changelog_visual.rst>
     License <LICENSE.md>
diff --git a/doc/source/screenshots.py b/doc/source/screenshots.py
index 0eb8a6bd35de241b4d9523c51a792906b025e8d9..03a4c3fe5523a61a83280e1b17d2168e2e828aef 100644
--- a/doc/source/screenshots.py
+++ b/doc/source/screenshots.py
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ DATE_OF_INTEREST = np.datetime64('2014-07-02')
 TSV = TimeSeriesViewer()
-TSV.spatialTemporalVis.setMapSize(QSize(300, 150))
+TSV.setMapSize(QSize(300, 150))
 #set up example settings
 from example.Images import Img_2014_04_21_LC82270652014111LGN00_BOA, re_2014_06_25
 if True:
-    TSV.loadExampleTimeSeries()
-    center = TSV.mTimeSeries.maxSpatialExtent().spatialCenter()
+    TSV.loadExampleTimeSeries(loadAsync=False)
+    center = TSV.timeSeries().maxSpatialExtent().spatialCenter()
     dirTestData = r'F:\TSData'
     files = list(file_search(dirTestData, re.compile('\.tif$')))
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/__init__.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/__init__.py
index 36175536466d547efbf9070f4cb550c3acd31d41..9d5424ad6c9ec5777950ac355b31fecb6ae046de 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/__init__.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/__init__.py
@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@
 # noinspection PyPep8Naming
-__version__ = '1.7'  # sub-subversion number is added automatically
+__version__ = '1.10'  # sub-subversion number is added automatically
 TITLE = 'EO Time Series Viewer'
 DESCRIPTION = 'Visualization of multi-sensor Earth observation time series data.'
 HOMEPAGE = 'https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer'
 DOCUMENTATION = 'http://eo-time-series-viewer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/'
@@ -84,17 +85,13 @@ if not os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') in ['True', 'TRUE', True]:
-def messageLog(msg, level=None):
+def messageLog(msg, level=Qgis.Info):
     Writes a log message to the QGIS EO TimeSeriesViewer log
     :param msg: log message string
     :param level: QgsMessageLog::MessageLevel with MessageLevel =[INFO |  ALL | WARNING | CRITICAL | NONE]
-    if level is None:
-        level = Qgis.Warning
-        QgsApplication.instance().messageLog().logMessage(msg, 'EO TSV', level)
+    QgsApplication.instance().messageLog().logMessage(msg, LOG_MESSAGE_TAG, level)
 def initResources():
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/__main__.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/__main__.py
index fa9e2e0b5569d8d00f325fd7a3622699c0321e6f..76367e497639ffa49efe5b7206ff223ebe942b07 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/__main__.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/__main__.py
@@ -17,9 +17,15 @@
+import sys, os, pathlib
 def run():
     # add site-packages to sys.path
+    pluginDir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[1]
+    sys.path.append(pluginDir.as_posix())
+    print(pluginDir)
     from eotimeseriesviewer.tests import initQgisApplication
     import qgis.utils
@@ -35,7 +41,7 @@ def run():
     from eotimeseriesviewer.main import TimeSeriesViewer
     ts = TimeSeriesViewer()
-    ts.run()
+    ts.show()
     if not qgisIface:
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/dateparser.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/dateparser.py
index 52f27de599d9a08f4379dd71abc0ecb5854c3094..89c770f63c1a79b58530443f189beb812c6711ed 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/dateparser.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/dateparser.py
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ from qgis import *
 from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QDate
-#regular expression. compile them only once
+# regular expression. compile them only once
-#thanks user "funkwurm" in
+# thanks to user "funkwurm" in
+# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28020805/regex-validate-correct-iso8601-date-string-with-time
 regISODate1 = re.compile(r'(?:[1-9]\d{3}-(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-31)|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-02-29)T(?:[01]\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d(?:Z|[+-][01]\d:[0-5]\d)')
 regISODate3 = re.compile(r'([\+-]?\d{4}(?!\d{2}\b))((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])(\3([12]\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3([0-5]\d|6[1-6])))([T\s]((([01]\d|2[0-3])((:?)[0-5]\d)?|24\:?00)([\.,]\d+(?!:))?)?(\17[0-5]\d([\.,]\d+)?)?([zZ]|([\+-])([01]\d|2[0-3]):?([0-5]\d)?)?)?)?')
 regISODate2 = re.compile(r'(19|20|21\d{4}(?!\d{2}\b))((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])(\3([12]\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3([0-5]\d|6[1-6])))([T\s]((([01]\d|2[0-3])((:?)[0-5]\d)?|24\:?00)([\.,]\d+(?!:))?)?(\17[0-5]\d([\.,]\d+)?)?([zZ]|([\+-])([01]\d|2[0-3]):?([0-5]\d)?)?)?)?')
@@ -195,7 +195,8 @@ class ImageDateReaderDefault(ImageDateReader):
             for key, value in md.items():
                 if self.regDateKeys.search(key):
-                        dtg = np.datetime64(value)
+                        # remove timezone characters from end of string, e.g. 'Z' in '2013-03-25T13:45:03.0Z'
+                        dtg = np.datetime64(re.sub(r'\D+$', '', value))
                         return dtg
                     except Exception as ex:
@@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ class ImageDateParserLandsat(ImageDateReader):
 dateParserList = [c for c in ImageDateReader.__subclasses__()]
-dateParserList.insert(0, dateParserList.pop(dateParserList.index(ImageDateReaderDefault))) #set to first position
+dateParserList.insert(0, dateParserList.pop(dateParserList.index(ImageDateReaderDefault))) # set to first position
 def parseDateFromDataSet(dataSet:gdal.Dataset)->np.datetime64:
     assert isinstance(dataSet, gdal.Dataset)
@@ -282,12 +283,3 @@ def parseDateFromDataSet(dataSet:gdal.Dataset)->np.datetime64:
             return dtg
     return None
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    p = r'E:\_EnMAP\temp\temp_bj\landsat\37S\EB\LE71720342015009SG100\LE71720342015009SG100_sr.tif'
-    p = r'D:\Repositories\QGIS_Plugins\hub-timeseriesviewer\example\Images\2012-04-07_LE72270652012098EDC00_BOA.bsq'
-    ds = gdal.Open(p)
-    print(datetime64FromYYYYMMDD('20141212'))
-    print(parseDateFromDataSet(ds))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/__init__.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/__init__.py
index 5df16d52df4419048c895bcbe6ec4facd3ca99f9..d87ea698883a81bdf8435a5cfee9a55755fd5555 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/__init__.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/__init__.py
@@ -64,3 +64,8 @@ def registerEditorWidgets():
         print(ex, file=sys.stderr)
+def initAll():
+    initResources()
+    registerEditorWidgets()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/classification/classificationscheme.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/classification/classificationscheme.py
index c2a31acf7f343a34d86d9920a9acffbd88397407..f9b120693360fb350b6b990ec15e2c3e8dc9f449 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/classification/classificationscheme.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/classification/classificationscheme.py
@@ -19,12 +19,13 @@
-import os, json, pickle, warnings, csv, re, sys
+import os, json, pickle, warnings, csv, re, sys, typing
 from qgis.core import *
 from qgis.gui import *
 from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
 from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *
 from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import *
+from qgis.PyQt.QtXml import *
 import numpy as np
 from osgeo import gdal
 from ..utils import gdalDataset, nextColor, loadUIFormClass, findMapLayer, registeredMapLayers
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ DEFAULT_FIRST_COLOR = QColor('#a6cee3')
 MIMEDATA_KEY = 'hub-classscheme'
 MIMEDATA_KEY_TEXT = 'text/plain'
 MIMEDATA_INTERNAL_IDs = 'classinfo_ids'
+MIMEDATA_KEY_QGIS_STYLE = 'application/qgis.style'
 def findMapLayersWithClassInfo()->list:
@@ -319,8 +320,22 @@ class ClassificationScheme(QAbstractTableModel):
         mimeData = QMimeData()
         mimeData.setData(MIMEDATA_KEY, cs.qByteArray())
-        mimeData.setData(MIMEDATA_INTERNAL_IDs, QByteArray(pickle.dumps([id(c) for c in classes ])))
+        mimeData.setData(MIMEDATA_INTERNAL_IDs, QByteArray(pickle.dumps([id(c) for c in classes])))
+        renderer = self.featureRenderer()
+        doc = QDomDocument()
+        err = ''
+        for typeName in ['POLYGON']:
+            lyr = QgsVectorLayer('{}?crs=epsg:4326&field=id:integer'.format(typeName), cs.name(), 'memory')
+            assert isinstance(lyr, QgsVectorLayer) and lyr.isValid()
+            lyr.setRenderer(renderer.clone())
+            err = lyr.exportNamedStyle(doc)
+            xml = doc.toString()
+            s = ""
+        mimeData.setData(MIMEDATA_KEY_QGIS_STYLE, doc.toByteArray())
+        mimeData.setText(doc.toString())
         return mimeData
     def mimeTypes(self)->list:
@@ -578,17 +593,17 @@ class ClassificationScheme(QAbstractTableModel):
         return cs
-    def featureRenderer(self)->QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer:
+    def featureRenderer(self, symbolType:typing.Union[QgsMarkerSymbol, QgsFillSymbol, QgsLineSymbol]=QgsFillSymbol)->QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer:
         Returns the ClassificationScheme as QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer
         :return: ClassificationScheme
-        r = QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer('dummy', [])
+        r = QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer(self.name(), [])
         for c in self:
             assert isinstance(c, ClassInfo)
-            symbol = QgsMarkerSymbol()
+            symbol = symbolType()
             cat = QgsRendererCategory(c.label(), symbol, c.name(), render=True)
@@ -989,10 +1004,11 @@ class ClassificationScheme(QAbstractTableModel):
             if isinstance(ba, ClassificationScheme):
                 return ba
         if MIMEDATA_KEY_TEXT in mimeData.formats():
             ba = ClassificationScheme.fromQByteArray(mimeData.data(MIMEDATA_KEY_TEXT))
             if isinstance(ba, ClassificationScheme):
                 return ba
+        if MIMEDATA_KEY_QGIS_STYLE in mimeData.formats():
+            s = ""
         return None
@@ -1543,7 +1559,7 @@ class ClassificationSchemeWidget(QWidget, loadClassificationUI('classificationsc
                 a.triggered.connect(lambda _, lyr=layer, f=idx: self.onLoadClassesFromField(lyr, idx))
                 if isinstance(layer.renderer(), QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer):
-                    a = m.addAction('Current Symbology'.format(layer.name()))
+                    a = m.addAction('Current Symbols'.format(layer.name()))
                     a.triggered.connect(lambda _, lyr=layer: self.onLoadClassesFromRenderer(lyr))
@@ -1572,7 +1588,7 @@ class ClassificationSchemeWidget(QWidget, loadClassificationUI('classificationsc
     def onClipboard(self, *args):
         mimeData = QApplication.clipboard().mimeData()
-        b = isinstance(mimeData, QMimeData) and MIMEDATA_KEY_TEXT in mimeData.formats()
+        b = isinstance(mimeData, QMimeData) and (MIMEDATA_KEY_TEXT in mimeData.formats() or MIMEDATA_KEY_QGIS_STYLE in mimeData.formats())
@@ -1765,6 +1781,7 @@ class ClassificationSchemeEditorConfigWidget(QgsEditorConfigWidget):
     def setConfig(self, config:dict):
         self.mLastConfig = config
         cs = classSchemeFromConfig(config)
+        cs.setName(self.layer().fields()[self.field()].name())
     def resetClassificationScheme(self):
@@ -1875,7 +1892,7 @@ class ClassificationSchemeWidgetFactory(QgsEditorWidgetFactory):
         assert isinstance(field, QgsField)
         if re.search('(int|float|double|text|string)', field.typeName(), re.I):
             if re.search('class', field.name(), re.I):
-                return 10
+                return 5 # should we return 10 for showing specialized support?
                 return 5
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/layerproperties.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/layerproperties.py
index 322676cf3dd01eae12e8de2214eb5b48e624c77a..37f74eb6ef6ccba81bb241eab02b7e3a94b27add 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/layerproperties.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/layerproperties.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 import collections
 import os
 import re
+import typing
 from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr
 import numpy as np
 from qgis.gui import *
@@ -74,6 +74,59 @@ DUMMY_RASTERINTERFACE = QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer(None, 0)
 MDF_QGIS_LAYER_STYLE = 'application/qgis.style'
 MDF_TEXT_PLAIN = 'text/plain'
+def openRasterLayerSilent(uri, name, provider)->QgsRasterLayer:
+    """
+    Opens a QgsRasterLayer without asking for its CRS in case it is undefined.
+    :param uri: path
+    :param name: name of layer
+    :param provider: provider string
+    :return: QgsRasterLayer
+    """
+    key = '/Projections/defaultBehavior'
+    v = QgsSettings().value(key)
+    isPrompt = v == 'prompt'
+    if isPrompt:
+        # do not ask!
+        QgsSettings().setValue(key, 'useProject')
+    loptions = QgsRasterLayer.LayerOptions(loadDefaultStyle=False)
+    lyr = QgsRasterLayer(uri, name, provider, options=loptions)
+    if isPrompt:
+        QgsSettings().setValue(key, v)
+    return lyr
+class SubDataSetInputTableModel(QAbstractTableModel):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
+        super(SubDataSetInputTableModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
+        self.cnID = '#'
+        self.cnName = 'name'
+        self.cnPath = 'path'
+        self.cnSamples = 'ns'
+        self.cnLines = 'nl'
+        self.cnBands = 'nb'
+        self.mInputBands = []
+    def setSourceDataSet(self, ds:gdal.Dataset):
+        pass
+class SubDataSetSelectionDialog(QDialog, loadUI('subdatasetselectiondialog.ui')):
+    pass
 def rendererFromXml(xml):
     Reads a string `text` and returns the first QgsRasterRenderer or QgsFeatureRenderer (if defined).
@@ -144,8 +197,9 @@ def defaultRasterRenderer(layer:QgsRasterLayer, bandIndices:list=None, sampleSiz
     if not isinstance(bandIndices, list):
         if nb >= 3:
             if isinstance(defaultRenderer, QgsMultiBandColorRenderer):
-                bandIndices = [defaultRenderer.redBand()-1, defaultRenderer.greenBand()-1, defaultRenderer.blueBand()-1]
+                bandIndices = defaultBands(layer)
                 bandIndices = [2, 1, 0]
@@ -154,9 +208,7 @@ def defaultRasterRenderer(layer:QgsRasterLayer, bandIndices:list=None, sampleSiz
     assert isinstance(bandIndices, list)
     # get band stats
-    bandStats = [layer.dataProvider().bandStatistics(b + 1,
-                                                     stats=QgsRasterBandStats.All,
-                                                     sampleSize=256) for b in bandIndices]
+    bandStats = [layer.dataProvider().bandStatistics(b + 1, stats=QgsRasterBandStats.Min | QgsRasterBandStats.Max, sampleSize=sampleSize) for b in bandIndices]
     dp = layer.dataProvider()
     assert isinstance(dp, QgsRasterDataProvider)
@@ -187,7 +239,7 @@ def defaultRasterRenderer(layer:QgsRasterLayer, bandIndices:list=None, sampleSiz
-            vmin, vmax = layer.dataProvider().cumulativeCut(b, 0.02, 0.98)
+            vmin, vmax = layer.dataProvider().cumulativeCut(b, 0.02, 0.98, sampleSize=sampleSize)
@@ -207,7 +259,7 @@ def defaultRasterRenderer(layer:QgsRasterLayer, bandIndices:list=None, sampleSiz
             assert isinstance(ce, QgsContrastEnhancement)
             ce.setContrastEnhancementAlgorithm(QgsContrastEnhancement.StretchToMinimumMaximum, True)
-            vmin, vmax = layer.dataProvider().cumulativeCut(b, 0.02, 0.98)
+            vmin, vmax = layer.dataProvider().cumulativeCut(b, 0.02, 0.98, sampleSize=sampleSize)
             if dt == Qgis.Byte:
                 #standard RGB photo?
                 if False and layer.bandCount() == 3:
@@ -327,7 +379,12 @@ def pasteStyleFromClipboard(layer:QgsMapLayer):
-def subLayerDefinitions(mapLayer:QgsMapLayer)->list:
+def subLayerDefinitions(mapLayer:QgsMapLayer)->typing.List[QgsSublayersDialog.LayerDefinition]:
+    """
+    :param mapLayer:QgsMapLayer
+    :return: list of sublayer definitions
+    """
     definitions = []
     dp = mapLayer.dataProvider()
@@ -371,7 +428,7 @@ def subLayerDefinitions(mapLayer:QgsMapLayer)->list:
     return definitions
-def subLayers(mapLayer:QgsMapLayer, subLayers:list=None)->list:
+def subLayers(mapLayer:QgsMapLayer, subLayers:list=None)->typing.List[QgsMapLayer]:
     Returns a list of QgsMapLayer instances extracted from the input QgsMapLayer.
     Returns the "parent" QgsMapLayer in case no sublayers can be extracted
@@ -1327,22 +1384,38 @@ class RasterLayerProperties(QgsOptionsDialogBase, loadUI('rasterlayerpropertiesd
         renderer = self.mRasterLayer.renderer()
-        for func in RASTERRENDERER_CREATE_FUNCTIONSV2.optionValues():
+        iCurrent = None
+        for i, constructor in enumerate(RASTERRENDERER_CREATE_FUNCTIONSV2.optionValues()):
             extent = self.canvas.extent()
-            w = func(self.mRasterLayer, extent)
+            w = constructor(self.mRasterLayer, extent)
             assert isinstance(w, QgsRasterRendererWidget)
+            w.setRasterLayer(self.mRasterLayer)
             minMaxWidget = w.minMaxWidget()
             if isinstance(minMaxWidget, QgsRasterMinMaxWidget):
             w.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Ignored, QSizePolicy.Ignored)
-            f2 = getattr(w, 'setFromRenderer', None)
-            if f2:
-                f2(renderer)
+            if type(w.renderer()) == type(renderer):
+                iCurrent = i
+            try:
+                w.setFromRenderer(renderer)
+                if isinstance(w, QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidget) and isinstance(renderer, QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRenderer):
+                    w.setMin(renderer.classificationMin())
+                    w.setMax(renderer.classificationMax())
+                elif isinstance(w, QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidget) and isinstance(renderer, QgsSingleBandGrayRenderer):
+                    pass
+            except Exception as ex:
+                s = ""
+        if isinstance(iCurrent, int):
+            self.mRenderTypeComboBox.setCurrentIndex(iCurrent)
@@ -1383,7 +1456,7 @@ class RasterLayerProperties(QgsOptionsDialogBase, loadUI('rasterlayerpropertiesd
             renderer = mRendererWidget.renderer()
             assert isinstance(renderer, QgsRasterRenderer)
             renderer.setOpacity(self.sliderOpacity.value() / 100.)
-            self.mRasterLayer.setRenderer(renderer)
+            self.mRasterLayer.setRenderer(renderer.clone())
         s = ""
@@ -1562,12 +1635,14 @@ def showLayerPropertiesDialog(layer:QgsMapLayer,
         result = dialog.exec_()
     return result
 #RASTERRENDERER_CREATE_FUNCTIONSV2.addOption(Option(MultiBandColorRendererWidget.create, name='multibandcolor'))
-RASTERRENDERER_CREATE_FUNCTIONSV2.addOption(Option(QgsMultiBandColorRendererWidget.create, name='multibandcolor (QGIS)'))
-RASTERRENDERER_CREATE_FUNCTIONSV2.addOption(Option(QgsPalettedRendererWidget.create, name='paletted'))
+RASTERRENDERER_CREATE_FUNCTIONSV2.addOption(Option(QgsMultiBandColorRendererWidget, name='multibandcolor (QGIS)'))
+RASTERRENDERER_CREATE_FUNCTIONSV2.addOption(Option(QgsPalettedRendererWidget, name='paletted'))
 #RASTERRENDERER_CREATE_FUNCTIONSV2.addOption(Option(SingleBandGrayRendererWidget.create, name='singlegray'))
-RASTERRENDERER_CREATE_FUNCTIONSV2.addOption(Option(QgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidget.create, name='singlegray (QGIS)'))
+RASTERRENDERER_CREATE_FUNCTIONSV2.addOption(Option(QgsSingleBandGrayRendererWidget, name='singlegray (QGIS)'))
 #RASTERRENDERER_CREATE_FUNCTIONSV2.addOption(Option(SingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidget.create, name='singlebandpseudocolor'))
-RASTERRENDERER_CREATE_FUNCTIONSV2.addOption(Option(QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidget.create, name='singlebandpseudocolor (QGIS)'))
+RASTERRENDERER_CREATE_FUNCTIONSV2.addOption(Option(QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidget, name='singlebandpseudocolor (QGIS)'))
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/make/iconselect.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/make/iconselect.py
index f50c2f2136908a2fd086b9a4cab2d9226960f60a..a7e4b574cfdc4962b21678341115a2e6b3a4249d 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/make/iconselect.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/make/iconselect.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from PyQt5.QtCore import *
 from PyQt5.QtGui import *
 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
 from qgis.gui import QgsCollapsibleGroupBox
-from ..testing import initQgisApplication
+from qps.testing import initQgisApplication
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class AvailableIcons(QWidget):
     def findResourceDirs(self, resource:QResource)->list:
         dirs = []
         for path in resource.children():
-            r = QResource(resource.fileName() +'/'+ path)
+            r = QResource(resource.fileName() + '/' + path)
             assert isinstance(r, QResource)
             if r.isDir():
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/make/make.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/make/make.py
index 7ab8814a06ab44b630abc40a907d249ed13df0d4..b59e0523af7c3f4d9ce3610a0ce4b49ff390659b 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/make/make.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/make/make.py
@@ -5,8 +5,37 @@ app = initQgisApplication()
 from ..utils import *
 from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr
-DIR_QGIS_REPO = r'C:\Users\geo_beja\Repositories\QGIS'
-DIR_REPO = dn(findUpwardPath(__file__, '.git'))
+DIR_QGIS_REPO = os.environ.get('DIR_QGIS_REPO')
+DIR_REPO = findUpwardPath(__file__, '.git')
+if not DIR_REPO is None:
+    DIR_REPO = dn(DIR_REPO)
+def remove_shortcutVisibleInContextMenu(rootDir):
+    """
+    This routine searches for *.ui files and removes the shortcutVisibleInContextMenu <property> from which causes errors with Qt < 5.10.
+    :param rootDir: str
+    """
+    uiFiles = file_search(rootDir, '*.ui', recursive=True)
+    regex = re.compile(r'<property name="shortcutVisibleInContextMenu">[^<]*<bool>true</bool>[^<]*</property>', re.MULTILINE)
+    for p in uiFiles:
+        assert isinstance(p, str)
+        assert os.path.isfile(p)
+        with open(p, encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            xml = f.read()
+        if 'shortcutVisibleInContextMenu' in xml:
+            print('remove "shortcutVisibleInContextMenu" properties from {}'.format(p))
+            xml = regex.sub('', xml)
+            with open(p, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+                f.write(xml)
 def rasterize_vector_labels(pathRef, pathDst, pathShp, label_field, band_ref=1, label_layer=0):
@@ -156,7 +185,7 @@ def searchAndCompileResourceFiles(dirRoot:str, targetDir:str=None):
            Defaults to the *.qrc's directory
     # find ui files
-    assert os.path.isdir(dirRoot)
+    assert os.path.isdir(dirRoot), '"dirRoot" is not a directory: {}'.format(dirRoot)
     ui_files = list(file_search(dirRoot, '*.ui', recursive=True))
     qrcs = set()
@@ -179,13 +208,20 @@ def searchAndCompileResourceFiles(dirRoot:str, targetDir:str=None):
     resourcefiles = list(qrcs)
     assert len(resourcefiles) > 0
+    qrcFiles = []
     for root_dir, f in resourcefiles:
         pathQrc = os.path.normpath(jp(root_dir, f))
         if not os.path.exists(pathQrc):
             print('Resource file does not exist: {}'.format(pathQrc))
-        compileResourceFile(pathQrc, targetDir=targetDir)
+        if pathQrc not in qrcFiles:
+            qrcFiles.append(pathQrc)
+    print('Compile {} *.qrc files'.format(len(qrcFiles)))
+    for qrcFiles in qrcFiles:
+        compileResourceFile(qrcFiles, targetDir=targetDir)
 def compileResourceFile(pathQrc:str, targetDir:str=None):
@@ -231,180 +267,6 @@ def fileNeedsUpdate(file1, file2):
             return os.path.getmtime(file1) > os.path.getmtime(file2)
-def createResourceIconPackage(dirIcons, pathResourceFile):
-    import numpy as np
-    pathInit = jp(dirIcons, '__init__.py')
-    code = ['#!/usr/bin/env python',
-            '"""',
-            'This file is auto-generated.',
-            'Do not edit manually, as changes might get overwritten.',
-            '"""',
-            '__author__ = "auto-generated by {}"'.format(os.path.relpath(__file__, DIR_REPO)),
-            '__date__ = "{}"'.format(np.datetime64('now')),
-            '',
-            'import sys, os',
-            '',
-            'thisDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)',
-            '# File path attributes:',
-            ]
-    files = list(file_search(dirIcons, '*.png', recursive=True))
-    filePathAttributes = set()
-    def addFiles(files, comment=None, numberPrefix='File'):
-        if len(files) > 0:
-            if comment:
-                code.append('# ' + comment)
-            for f in files:
-                an, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))
-                if re.search(r'^\d', an):
-                    an = numberPrefix + an
-                an = re.sub(r'[-.]', '_', an)
-                assert an not in filePathAttributes
-                relpath = os.path.relpath(f, dirIcons)
-                code.append("{} = os.path.join(thisDir,r'{}')".format(an, relpath))
-                filePathAttributes.add(an)
-            code.append('\n')
-    raster = [f for f in files if re.search(r'.*\.(bsq|bip|bil|tif|tiff)$', f)]
-    vector = [f for f in files if re.search(r'.*\.(shp|kml|kmz)$', f)]
-    addFiles(raster, 'Raster files:', numberPrefix='Img_')
-    addFiles(vector, 'Vector files:', numberPrefix='Shp_')
-    # add self-test for file existence
-    if len(filePathAttributes) > 0:
-        code.extend(
-            [
-                "",
-                "# self-test to check each file path attribute",
-                "for a in dir(sys.modules[__name__]):",
-                "    v = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], a)",
-                "    if type(v) == str and os.path.isabs(v):",
-                "        if not os.path.exists(v):",
-                "            sys.stderr.write('Missing package attribute file: {}={}'.format(a, v))",
-                "",
-                "# cleanup",
-                "del thisDir ",
-            ]
-        )
-    open(pathInit, 'w').write('\n'.join(code))
-    print('Created ' + pathInit)
-def createIconProvider(resourceFiles:list, pathIconProvider:str, className = 'IconProvider'):
-    """
-    class IconProvider:
-        EnMAP_Logo = ':/enmapbox/icons/enmapbox.svg'
-        Map_Link_Remove = ':/enmapbox/icons/link_open.svg'
-        Map_Link = ':/enmapbox/icons/link_basic.svg'
-        Map_Link_Center = ':/enmapbox/icons/link_center.svg'
-    :param resourceFiles:
-    :param pathIconProvider:
-    :return:
-    """
-    info = ['#autogenerated file. do not modify']
-    info.append('class {}:'.format(className))
-    for file in resourceFiles:
-        assert os.path.isfile(file)
-        assert file.endswith('.qrc')
-        xml = ''
-        with open(file, encoding='utf8') as f:
-            xml = f.read()
-        #:/qps/ui/icons/classinfo.svg
-        tree = ET.fromstring(xml)
-        for xmlResource in tree.findall('qresource'):
-            prefix = xmlResource.attrib['prefix']
-            for xmlFile in xmlResource.findall('file'):
-                uri = xmlFile.text
-                uriSrc = ':/{}/{}'.format(prefix, uri)
-                name, ext = os.path.splitext(uriSrc)
-                varname = '_'.join([s for s in re.split(r'[ :/\.]+', name) if len(s) > 0])
-                #name = ' '.join(re.split('[:/\.]', name))
-                #name = ''.join(x for x in name.title() if not x.isspace())
-                info.append("    {} = '{}'".format(varname, uriSrc))
-def createFilePackage(dirData):
-    import numpy as np
-    pathInit = jp(dirData, '__init__.py')
-    code = ['#!/usr/bin/env python',
-            '"""',
-            'This file is auto-generated.',
-            'Do not edit manually, as changes might get overwritten.',
-            '"""',
-            '__author__ = "auto-generated by {}"'.format(os.path.relpath(__file__, DIR_REPO)),
-            '__date__ = "{}"'.format(np.datetime64('now')),
-            '',
-            'import sys, os',
-            '',
-            'thisDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)',
-            '# File path attributes:',
-            ]
-    files = list(file_search(dirData, '*', recursive=True))
-    filePathAttributes = set()
-    def addFiles(files, comment=None, numberPrefix='File'):
-        if len(files) > 0:
-            if comment:
-                code.append('# '+comment)
-            for f in files:
-                attributeName, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))
-                #take care of leading numbers
-                if re.search(r'^\d', attributeName):
-                    attributeName = numberPrefix+attributeName
-                # append extension
-                attributeName += ext
-                #take care of not allowed characters
-                attributeName = re.sub(r'[-.]', '_',attributeName)
-                assert attributeName not in filePathAttributes, attributeName
-                relpath = os.path.relpath(f, dirData)
-                code.append("{} = os.path.join(thisDir,r'{}')".format(attributeName, relpath))
-                filePathAttributes.add(attributeName)
-            code.append('\n')
-    raster = [f for f in files if re.search(r'.*\.(bsq|bip|bil|tif|tiff)$', f)]
-    vector = [f for f in files if re.search(r'.*\.(shp|kml|kmz)$', f)]
-    addFiles(raster, 'Raster files:', numberPrefix='Img_')
-    addFiles(vector, 'Vector files:', numberPrefix='Shp_')
-    #add self-test for file existence
-    if len(filePathAttributes) > 0:
-        code.extend(
-        [
-        "",
-        "# self-test to check each file path attribute",
-        "for a in dir(sys.modules[__name__]):",
-        "    v = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], a)",
-        "    if type(v) == str and os.path.isabs(v):" ,
-        "        if not os.path.exists(v):",
-        "            sys.stderr.write('Missing package attribute file: {}={}'.format(a, v))",
-        "",
-        "# cleanup",
-        "del thisDir ",
-        ]
-        )
-    open(pathInit, 'w').write('\n'.join(code))
-    print('Created '+pathInit)
 def compileQGISResourceFiles(pathQGISRepo:str, target:str=None):
@@ -419,8 +281,9 @@ def compileQGISResourceFiles(pathQGISRepo:str, target:str=None):
             pathQGISRepo = pathQGISRepo.strip("'").strip('"')
-    assert os.path.isdir(pathQGISRepo)
-    if not isinstance(target, str):
-        target = jp(DIR_REPO, 'qgisresources')
-    searchAndCompileResourceFiles(pathQGISRepo, targetDir=target)
+    if os.path.isdir(pathQGISRepo):
+        if not isinstance(target, str):
+            target = jp(DIR_REPO, 'qgisresources')
+        searchAndCompileResourceFiles(pathQGISRepo, targetDir=target)
+    else:
+        print('Unable to find local QGIS_REPOSITORY')
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/make/updateexternals.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/make/updateexternals.py
index 6fd915c68d811e00ad5a71d999f79893f7007be5..fe7983d0490f75c8b1b99f8c6596b4119b871b5b 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/make/updateexternals.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/make/updateexternals.py
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ def updateRemoteLocations(locationsToUpdate:list):
     for id in locationsToUpdate:
         assert isinstance(id, str)
-        assert id in REMOTEINFOS.keys()
+        assert id in REMOTEINFOS.keys(), 'Unknown remote location key "{}"'.format(id)
     # check existing remotes
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/maptools.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/maptools.py
index be1c7e1d9addb26a1f2532f2c2e74730a4c71b54..326f32d3f9252544240add5170044ac3ef26dbcb 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/maptools.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/maptools.py
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class PixelScaleExtentMapTool(QgsMapTool):
     def __init__(self, canvas):
         super(PixelScaleExtentMapTool, self).__init__(canvas)
-        #see defintion getThemePixmap(const QString &):QPixmap in qgsapplication.cpp
         self.mCursor = createCursor(':/qps/ui/icons/cursor_zoom_pixelscale.svg')
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ class SpatialExtentMapTool(QgsMapToolEmitPoint):
     sigSpatialExtentSelected = pyqtSignal(SpatialExtent)
     def __init__(self, canvas:QgsMapCanvas):
-        QgsMapToolEmitPoint.__init__(self, self.canvas)
+        super(SpatialExtentMapTool, self).__init__(canvas)
         self.isEmittingPoint = False
         self.rubberBand = QgsRubberBand(self.canvas(), QgsWkbTypes.PolygonGeometry)
         self.setStyle(Qt.red, 1)
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ class SpatialExtentMapTool(QgsMapToolEmitPoint):
         if crs is not None and rect is not None:
             extent = SpatialExtent(crs, rect)
-            self.rectangleDrawed.emit(extent)
+            self.sigSpatialExtentSelected.emit(extent)
     def canvasMoveEvent(self, e):
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/plotstyling/plotstylewidget.ui b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/plotstyling/plotstylewidget.ui
index f0fc7ebcf4b7e0ade832a104a4055075bc99a10c..1ad4f2f3b3d2d6ca38904c11a17b41904dec7d5c 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/plotstyling/plotstylewidget.ui
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/plotstyling/plotstylewidget.ui
@@ -6,14 +6,29 @@
-    <width>305</width>
-    <height>204</height>
+    <width>249</width>
+    <height>146</height>
   <property name="windowTitle">
   <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
+   <property name="leftMargin">
+    <number>2</number>
+   </property>
+   <property name="topMargin">
+    <number>2</number>
+   </property>
+   <property name="rightMargin">
+    <number>2</number>
+   </property>
+   <property name="bottomMargin">
+    <number>2</number>
+   </property>
+   <property name="spacing">
+    <number>2</number>
+   </property>
    <item row="3" column="3">
     <widget class="QSpinBox" name="sbLinePenWidth">
      <property name="enabled">
@@ -121,10 +136,10 @@
-     <property name="colorDialogTitle">
+     <property name="colorDialogTitle" stdset="0">
       <string>Select Map Canvas Background Color</string>
-     <property name="color">
+     <property name="color" stdset="0">
@@ -166,10 +181,10 @@
-     <property name="colorDialogTitle">
+     <property name="colorDialogTitle" stdset="0">
       <string>Select Map Canvas Background Color</string>
-     <property name="color">
+     <property name="color" stdset="0">
@@ -189,10 +204,10 @@
-     <property name="colorDialogTitle">
+     <property name="colorDialogTitle" stdset="0">
       <string>Select Map Canvas Background Color</string>
-     <property name="color">
+     <property name="color" stdset="0">
@@ -225,7 +240,14 @@
    <item row="4" column="1" rowspan="4" colspan="3">
-    <widget class="PlotWidget" name="plotWidget"/>
+    <widget class="PlotWidget" name="plotWidget">
+     <property name="sizePolicy">
+      <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+       <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+       <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+      </sizepolicy>
+     </property>
+    </widget>
    <item row="4" column="0">
     <widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbIsVisible">
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/plotstyling/plotstyling.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/plotstyling/plotstyling.py
index 47a48624eb0a03d9dcc6b1deade158a6a74f701c..546268f00fde13ba92c03cf3bd2b44db786be841 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/plotstyling/plotstyling.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/plotstyling/plotstyling.py
@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@
 # noinspection PyPep8Naming
 import os, json, sys
+from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *
+from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
 from ..externals.pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.ScatterPlotItem import drawSymbol
+from ..externals.pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.PlotDataItem import PlotDataItem
 from ..utils import *
 from ..models import OptionListModel, Option, currentComboBoxValue, setCurrentComboBoxValue
 from ..externals import pyqtgraph as pg
@@ -191,9 +195,26 @@ class PlotStyle(QObject):
     sigUpdated = pyqtSignal()
+    @staticmethod
+    def fromPlotDataItem( pdi:PlotDataItem):
+        ps = PlotStyle()
+        linePen = pg.mkPen(pdi.opts['pen'])
+        ps.linePen = linePen
+        ps.markerSymbol = pdi.opts['symbol']
+        ps.markerBrush = pg.mkBrush(pdi.opts['symbolBrush'])
+        ps.markerSize = pdi.opts['symbolSize']
+        ps.markerPen = pg.mkPen(pdi.opts['symbolPen'])
+        ps.mIsVisible = pdi.isVisible()
+        return ps
     def __init__(self, **kwds):
         plotStyle = kwds.get('plotStyle')
-        if plotStyle: kwds.pop('plotStyle')
+        if plotStyle:
+            kwds.pop('plotStyle')
         super(PlotStyle, self).__init__()
         self.markerSymbol = MARKERSYMBOLS[0].mValue
@@ -221,6 +242,38 @@ class PlotStyle(QObject):
         if plotStyle:
+    def lineWidth(self)->int:
+        return self.linePen.width()
+    def setLineWidth(self, width:int):
+        self.linePen.setWidth(width)
+    def lineColor(self)->QColor:
+        return self.linePen.color()
+    def setLineColor(self, color:QColor):
+        if not isinstance(color, QColor):
+            color = QColor(color)
+        self.linePen.setColor(color)
+    def apply(self, pdi:PlotDataItem, updateItem:bool=True):
+        assert isinstance(pdi, PlotDataItem)
+        pdi.opts['pen'] = pg.mkPen(self.linePen)
+        pdi.opts['symbol'] = self.markerSymbol
+        pdi.opts['symbolPen'] = pg.mkPen(self.markerPen)
+        pdi.opts['symbolBrush'] = pg.mkBrush(self.markerBrush)
+        pdi.opts['symbolSize'] = self.markerSize
+        pdi.setVisible(self.mIsVisible)
+        if updateItem:
+            pdi.updateItems()
     def fromJSON(jsonString: str):
@@ -312,6 +365,14 @@ class PlotStyle(QObject):
         return self.mIsVisible
+    def __copy__(self):
+        style = PlotStyle()
+        style.copyFrom(self)
+        return style
+    def clone(self):
+        return copy.copy(self)
     def copyFrom(self, plotStyle):
         Copy plot settings from another plot style
@@ -434,7 +495,7 @@ class PlotStyle(QObject):
 class PlotStyleWidget(QWidget, loadUI('plotstylewidget.ui')):
     sigPlotStyleChanged = pyqtSignal(PlotStyle)
-    def __init__(self, title='<#>', parent=None, x=None, y=None):
+    def __init__(self, title='<#>', parent=None, x=None, y=None, plotStyle:PlotStyle=PlotStyle()):
         super(PlotStyleWidget, self).__init__(parent)
         assert isinstance(self.plotWidget, pg.PlotWidget)
@@ -487,7 +548,7 @@ class PlotStyleWidget(QWidget, loadUI('plotstylewidget.ui')):
         self.mLastPlotStyle = None
-        self.setPlotStyle(PlotStyle())
+        self.setPlotStyle(plotStyle)
     def toggleWidgetEnabled(self, cb: QComboBox, widgets: list):
@@ -502,6 +563,16 @@ class PlotStyleWidget(QWidget, loadUI('plotstylewidget.ui')):
             assert isinstance(w, QWidget)
+    def setPreviewVisible(self, b:bool):
+        """
+        Sets the visibility of the preview window.
+        :param b:
+        :type b:
+        """
+        assert isinstance(b, bool)
+        self.plotWidget.setVisible(b)
     def refreshPreview(self, *args):
         if not self.mBlockUpdates:
             # log(': REFRESH NOW')
@@ -570,7 +641,7 @@ class PlotStyleWidget(QWidget, loadUI('plotstylewidget.ui')):
-        # style.linePen = pg.mkPen(color=self.btnLinePenColor.color(),
+        # style.linePen = pg.mkPen(plotStyle=self.btnLinePenColor.plotStyle(),
         #                         width=self.sbLinePenWidth.value(),
         #                         style=currentComboBoxValue(self.cbLinePenStyle))
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/setup.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d92bb6e0fa077fb9c336f1e095caf00fb3f9799c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import os, sys
+DIR_QGIS_REPO = os.environ.get('DIR_QGIS_REPO')
+def compileQPSResources():
+    pathQPSDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+    pathQPSRoot = os.path.dirname(pathQPSDir)
+    addSysPath = pathQPSRoot not in sys.path
+    if addSysPath:
+        sys.path.append(pathQPSRoot)
+    from qps.make.make import searchAndCompileResourceFiles, compileQGISResourceFiles
+    searchAndCompileResourceFiles(pathQPSDir)
+    if os.path.isdir(DIR_QGIS_REPO):
+        compileQGISResourceFiles(DIR_QGIS_REPO, None)
+    if addSysPath:
+        sys.path.remove(pathQPSRoot)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    compileQPSResources()
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/__init__.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/__init__.py
index 234fbe77f70e5a796e2fadb684118375046dd0db..c13481683ab1032396601f75910f5430c2eaaec6 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/__init__.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/__init__.py
@@ -27,11 +27,22 @@
 *                                                                         *
-import sys
+import sys, enum
 from qgis.core import *
 from qgis.gui import *
 from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QSettings
+class SpectralLibrarySettingsKey(enum.Enum):
+    INFO_COLOR = 5
 def speclibSettings()->QSettings:
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/artmo.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/artmo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c037f50f2f77896b08aee58e4489fed555c4fe72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/artmo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import os, sys, re, pathlib, json, io, re, linecache, collections
+from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
+from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *
+from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import *
+import csv as pycsv
+from .spectrallibraries import SpectralProfile, SpectralLibrary, AbstractSpectralLibraryIO, FIELD_FID, FIELD_VALUES, FIELD_NAME, findTypeFromString, createQgsField
+class ARTMOSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
+    """
+    I/O Interface for ARTMO CSV profile outputs.
+    See https://artmotoolbox.com/tools.html for details.
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def canRead(path:str):
+        """
+        Returns true if it can read the source defined by path
+        :param path: source uri
+        :return: True, if source is readable.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(path, str) and os.path.isfile(path):
+            return False
+        # check if an _meta.txt exists
+        pathMeta = os.path.splitext(path)[0] + '_meta.txt'
+        if not os.path.isfile(pathMeta):
+            return False
+        with open(pathMeta, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            for line in f:
+                if re.search(r'Line 1, Column \d \.{3} end:', line, re.I):
+                    return True
+        return False
+    @staticmethod
+    def readFrom(path, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None)->SpectralLibrary:
+        """
+        Returns the SpectralLibrary read from "path"
+        :param path: source of SpectralLibrary
+        :return: SpectralLibrary
+        """
+        delimiter = ','
+        xUnit = 'nm'
+        bn = os.path.basename(path)
+        pathMeta = os.path.splitext(path)[0]+'_meta.txt'
+        assert os.path.isfile(path)
+        assert os.path.isfile(pathMeta)
+        with open(pathMeta, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            meta = f.read()
+        header = re.search(r'Line (\d+).*Column (\d+) ... end: Wavelength', meta)
+        firstLine = int(header.group(1)) - 1
+        firstXValueColumn = int(header.group(2)) - 1
+        COLUMNS = collections.OrderedDict()
+        for c, name in re.findall(r'Column (\d+): ([^\t]+)', meta):
+            COLUMNS[int(c)-1] = name
+        speclib = SpectralLibrary()
+        speclib.startEditing()
+        for name in COLUMNS.values():
+            speclib.addAttribute(createQgsField(name, 1.0))
+        speclib.commitChanges()
+        profiles = []
+        with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            for iLine, line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
+                if len(line) == 0:
+                    continue
+                parts = line.split(delimiter)
+                if iLine == firstLine:
+                    # read the header data
+                    xValues = [float(v) for v in parts[firstXValueColumn:]]
+                elif iLine > firstLine:
+                    yValues = [float(v) for v in parts[firstXValueColumn:]]
+                    profile = SpectralProfile(fields=speclib.fields())
+                    name = None
+                    if name is None:
+                        name = '{}:{}'.format(bn, len(profiles) +1)
+                    profile.setName(name)
+                    for iCol, name in COLUMNS.items():
+                        profile.setAttribute(name, float(parts[iCol]))
+                    profile.setValues(x=xValues, y=yValues, xUnit=xUnit)
+                    profiles.append(profile)
+        speclib.startEditing()
+        speclib.addProfiles(profiles)
+        speclib.commitChanges()
+        return speclib
+    @staticmethod
+    def addImportActions(spectralLibrary: SpectralLibrary, menu: QMenu) -> list:
+        def read(speclib: SpectralLibrary):
+            path, filter = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption='ARTMO CSV File',
+                                               filter='All type (*.*);;Text files (*.txt);; CSV (*.csv)')
+            if os.path.isfile(path):
+                sl = ARTMOSpectralLibraryIO.readFrom(path)
+                if isinstance(sl, SpectralLibrary):
+                    speclib.startEditing()
+                    speclib.beginEditCommand('Add ARTMO profiles from {}'.format(path))
+                    speclib.addSpeclib(sl, True)
+                    speclib.endEditCommand()
+                    speclib.commitChanges()
+        m = menu.addAction('ARTMO')
+        m.setToolTip('Adds profiles from an ARTMO csv text file.')
+        m.triggered.connect(lambda *args, sl=spectralLibrary: read(sl))
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/asd.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/asd.py
index b8d7ef8175ab50aa3bc9c8098fc373ece4f832a1..2c2f6f004a3c8ba9f1a16a96ec33ce0288281ad9 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/asd.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/asd.py
@@ -5,25 +5,498 @@
     Reading Spectral Profiles from ASD data
-    Date                 : Okt 2018
-    Copyright            : (C) 2018 by Benjamin Jakimow
+    Date                 : Aug 2019
+    Copyright            : (C) 2019 by Benjamin Jakimow
     Email                : benjamin.jakimow@geo.hu-berlin.de
-*                                                                         *
-*   This file is part of the EnMAP-Box.                                   *
-*                                                                         *
-*   The EnMAP-Box is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
-*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or     *
-*   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
-*                                                                         *
-*   The EnMAP-Box is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      *
-*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
-*   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
-*                                                                         *
-*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
-*   along with the EnMAP-Box. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
-*                                                                         *
\ No newline at end of file
+import os, sys, re, pathlib, json, enum, struct, time, datetime, typing, collections
+import numpy as np
+import csv as pycsv
+from .spectrallibraries import *
+Offset Size Type Description Comment
+3 char co[3]; // File Version - as6
+3 157 char comments[157]; // comment field
+160 18 struct tm when; // time when spectrum was saved
+178 1 byte program_version; // ver. of the programcreatinf this file.
+// major ver in upper nibble, min in lower
+179 1 byte file_version; // spectrum file format version
+180 1 byte itime; // Not used after v2.00
+181 1 byte dc_corr; // 1 if DC subtracted, 0 if not
+182 4 time_t (==long) dc_time; // Time of last dc, seconds since 1/1/1970
+186 1 byte data_type; // see *_TYPE below
+187 4 time_t (==long) ref_time; // Time of last wr, seconds since 1/1/1970
+191 4 float ch1_wavel; // calibrated starting wavelength in nm
+195 4 float wavel_step; // calibrated wavelength step in nm
+199 1 byte data_format; // format of spectrum.
+200 1 byte old_dc_count; // Num of DC measurements in the avg
+201 1 byte old_ref_count; // Num of WR in the average
+202 1 byte old_sample_count; // Num of spec samples in the avg
+203 1 byte application; // Which application created APP_DATA
+204 2 ushort channels; // Num of channels in the detector
+206 128 APP_DATA app_data; // Application-specific data
+334 56 GPS_DATA gps_data; // GPS position, course, etc.
+390 4 ulong it; // The actual integration time in ms
+394 2 int fo; // The fo attachment's view in degrees
+396 2 int dcc; // The dark current correction value
+398 2 uint calibration; // calibration series
+400 2 uint instrument_num; // instrument number
+402 4 float ymin; // setting of the y axis' min value
+406 4 float ymax; // setting of the y axis' max value
+410 4 float xmin; // setting of the x axis' min value
+414 4 float xmax; // setting of the x axis' max value
+418 2 uint ip_numbits; // instrument's dynamic range
+420 1 byte xmode; // x axis mode. See *_XMODE
+421 4 byte flags[4]; // flags(0) = AVGFIX'ed
+// flags(1) see below
+425 2 unsigned dc_count; // Num of DC measurements in the avg
+427 2 unsigned ref_count; // Num of WR in the average
+429 2 unsigned sample_count; // Num of spec samples in the avg
+431 1 byte instrument; // Instrument type. See defs below
+432 4 ulong bulb; // The id number of the cal bulb
+436 2 uint swir1_gain; // gain setting for swir 1
+438 2 uint swir2_gain; // gain setting for swir 2
+440 2 uint swir1_offset; // offset setting for swir 1
+442 2 uint swir2_offset; // offset setting for swir 2
+444 4 float splice1_wavelength; // wavelength of VNIR and SWIR1 splice
+448 4 float splice2_wavelength; // wavelength of SWIR1 and SWIR2 splice
+452 27 float SmartDetectorType // Data from OL731 device
+479 5 byte spare[5]; // fill to 484 bytes
+ASD_VERSIONS = ['ASD', 'asd', 'as6', 'as7', 'as8']
+class SpectrumDataType(enum.IntEnum):
+    RAW_TYPE = 0
+    REF_TYPE = 1
+    RAD_TYPE = 2
+    IRRAD_TYPE = 4
+    QI_TYPE = 5
+    TRANS_TYPE = 6
+    ABS_TYPE = 8
+class SpectrumDataFormat(enum.Enum):
+class InstrumentType(enum.Enum):
+class GPS_DATA(object):
+    def __init__(self, DATA):
+        ASD_GPS_DATA = struct.Struct("= 5d 2b cl 2b 5B 2c").unpack(DATA)
+        self.true_heading = self.speed = self.latitude = self.longitude = self.altitude = ASD_GPS_DATA[0:5]
+        self.flags = ASD_GPS_DATA[5:7]
+        self.hardware_mode = ASD_GPS_DATA[7]
+        self.timestamp = np.datetime64('1970-01-01') + np.timedelta64(ASD_GPS_DATA[8],'s')
+class SmartDetectorType(object):
+    def __init__(self, DATA):
+        """
+        :param DATA:
+        """
+        # 27 byte struct
+        # 1 i int   4           4
+        # 3 f float 12         16
+        # 1 h short 2          18
+        # 1 b byte  1          19
+        # 2 f float 8          27
+        if DATA is not None:
+            DETECTOR = struct.Struct('= 1i 3f 1h 1b 2f').unpack(DATA)
+        else:
+            DETECTOR = [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
+        self.serial_number, self.Signal, self.dark, self.ref, self.Status, self.avg, self.humid, self.temp = DETECTOR
+class TM_STRUCT(object):
+    def __init__(self, DATA):
+        self.tm_sec, self.tm_min, self.tm_hour, self.tm_mday, \
+        self.tm_mon, self.tm_year, self.tm_wday, \
+        self.tm_yday, self.tm_isdst = struct.Struct("= 9h").unpack(DATA)
+    def date(self):
+        return datetime.date(self.year(), self.month(), self.day())
+    def datetime(self):
+        return datetime.datetime(self.year(), self.month(), self.day(), hour=self.tm_hour, minute=self.tm_min, second=self.tm_sec)
+    def time(self):
+        return datetime.time(hour=self.tm_hour, minute=self.tm_min, second=self.tm_sec)
+    def datetime64(self)->np.datetime64:
+        return np.datetime64('{:04}-{:02}-{:02}T{:02}:{:02}:{:02}'.format(self.year(), self.month(), self.day(), self.tm_hour, self.tm_min, self.tm_sec))
+    def doy(self)->int:
+        return self.tm_yday
+    def day(self)->int:
+        return self.tm_mday
+    def month(self)->int:
+        return self.tm_mon + 1
+    def year(self)->int:
+        return self.tm_year + 1900
+class ASDBinaryFile(object):
+    """
+    Wrapper class to access a ASD File Format binary file.
+    See ASD File Format, version 8, revision B, ASD Inc., a PANalytical company, 2555 55th Street, Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(ASDBinaryFile, self).__init__()
+        # initialize all variables in the ASD Binary file header
+        self.co = None
+        self.comments = None
+        self.when = None
+        self.program_version = None
+        self.file_version = None
+        self.itime = None
+        self.dc_corr = None
+        self.dc_time = None
+        self.data_type = None
+        self.ref_time = None
+        self.ch1_wavel = None
+        self.wavel_step = None
+        self.data_format = None
+        self.old_dc_count = None
+        self.old_ref_count = None
+        self.old_sample_count = None
+        self.application = None
+        self.channels = None
+        self.app_data = None
+        self.gps_data = None
+        self.it = None
+        self.fo = None
+        self.dcc = None
+        self.calibration = None
+        self.instrument_num = None
+        self.ymin = None
+        self.ymax = None
+        self.xmin = None
+        self.ymax = None
+        self.ip_numbits = None
+        self.xmode = None
+        self.flags = None
+        self.dc_count = None
+        self.ref_count = None
+        self.sample_count = None
+        self.instrument = None
+        self.bulb = None
+        self.swir1_gain = None
+        self.swir2_gain = None
+        self.swir1_offset = None
+        self.swir2_offset = None
+        self.splice1_wavelength = None
+        self.splice2_wavelength = None
+        self.SmartDetectorType = None
+        self.spare = None
+        self.Spectrum = None
+        self.ReferenceFlag = None
+        self.ReferenceTime = None
+        self.SpectrumTime = None
+        self.SpectrumDescription = None
+        self.Reference = None
+    def xValues(self)->np.ndarray:
+        values = np.linspace(self.ch1_wavel, self.ch1_wavel + self.channels * self.wavel_step - 1, self.channels)
+        return values
+    def yValues(self)->np.ndarray:
+        return self.Spectrum
+    def readFromBinaryFile(self, path: str):
+        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
+            DATA = f.read()
+            def sub(start, len):
+                return DATA[start:start + len]
+            self.co = DATA[0:3].decode('utf-8')
+            self.comments = DATA[3:(3 + 157)].decode('utf-8')
+            self.when = TM_STRUCT(DATA[160:(160 + 18)])
+            self.program_version = DATA[178]
+            self.file_version = DATA[179]
+            self.itime = DATA[180]
+            self.dc_corr = DATA[181]
+            self.dc_time = np.datetime64('1970-01-01') + np.timedelta64(struct.unpack('l', DATA[182:182 + 4])[0], 's')
+            self.data_type = SpectrumDataType(DATA[186])
+            self.ref_time = np.datetime64('1970-01-01') + np.timedelta64(struct.unpack('l', DATA[182:182 + 4])[0], 's')
+            self.ch1_wavel = struct.unpack('f', sub(191, 4))[0]
+            self.wavel_step = struct.unpack('f', sub(195, 4))[0]
+            self.data_format = SpectrumDataFormat(DATA[199])
+            self.old_dc_count = DATA[200]
+            self.old_ref_count = DATA[201]
+            self.old_sample_count = DATA[202]
+            self.application = DATA[203]
+            self.channels = struct.unpack('H', sub(204, 2))[0]
+            self.app_data = sub(206, 128)
+            self.gps_data = GPS_DATA(sub(334, 56))
+            self.it = struct.unpack('L', sub(390, 4))[0]
+            self.fo = struct.unpack('h', sub(394, 2))[0]
+            self.dcc = struct.unpack('h', sub(396, 2))[0]
+            self.calibration = struct.unpack('H', sub(398, 2))[0]
+            self.instrument_num = struct.unpack('H', sub(400, 2))[0]
+            self.ymin, self.ymax, self.xmin, self.ymax = struct.unpack('4f', sub(402, 4 * 4))
+            self.ip_numbits = struct.unpack('H', sub(418, 2))[0]
+            self.xmode = struct.unpack('b', sub(420, 1))[0]
+            self.flags = struct.unpack('4b', sub(421, 4))
+            self.dc_count, self.ref_count, self.sample_count = struct.unpack('3H', sub(425, 2 * 3))
+            self.instrument = sub(431, 1)
+            self.bulb = struct.unpack('L', sub(432, 4))
+            self.swir1_gain, self.swir2_gain, self.swir1_offset, self.swir2_offset = struct.unpack('4H', sub(436, 2 * 4))
+            self.splice1_wavelength, self.splice2_wavelength = struct.unpack('2f', sub(444, 2 * 4))
+            self.SmartDetectorType = SmartDetectorType(sub(452, 27))
+            self.spare = sub(479, 5)
+            if self.data_format == SpectrumDataFormat.FLOAT_FORMAT:
+                size = 4 * self.channels
+                fmt = '{}f'.format(self.channels)
+            elif self.data_format == SpectrumDataFormat.DOUBLE_FORMAT:
+                size = 8 * self.channels
+                fmt = '{}d'.format(self.channels)
+            elif self.data_format == SpectrumDataFormat.INTEGER_FORMAT:
+                size = 4 * self.channels
+                fmt = '{}i'.format(self.channels)
+            else:
+                raise Exception()
+            self.Spectrum = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, sub(484, size)))
+        return self
+class ASDSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
+    @staticmethod
+    def addImportActions(spectralLibrary: SpectralLibrary, menu: QMenu) -> list:
+        def read(speclib: SpectralLibrary):
+            pathes, filter = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(caption='ASD FilesCSV File',
+                                               filter='All type (*.*);;Text files (*.txt);; CSV (*.csv);;ASD (*.asd)')
+            if len(pathes) > 0:
+                sl = ASDSpectralLibraryIO.readFrom(pathes)
+                if isinstance(sl, SpectralLibrary):
+                    speclib.startEditing()
+                    speclib.beginEditCommand('Add ASD profiles')
+                    speclib.addSpeclib(sl, True)
+                    speclib.endEditCommand()
+                    speclib.commitChanges()
+        a = menu.addAction('ASD')
+        a.setToolTip('Loads ASD FieldSpec files (binary or text)')
+        a.triggered.connect(lambda *args, sl=spectralLibrary: read(sl))
+    @staticmethod
+    def canRead(path, binary:bool=None)->bool:
+        """
+        Returns true if it can read the source defined by path
+        :param path: source uri
+        :return: True, if source is readable.
+        """
+        if not os.path.isfile(path):
+            return False
+        if isinstance(binary, bool):
+            if binary:
+                st = os.stat(path)
+                if st.st_size < 484 + 1 or st.st_size > 2 ** 20:
+                    return False
+                with open(path, 'rb') as f:
+                    DATA = f.read(3)
+                    co = DATA[0:3].decode('utf-8')
+                    if co not in ASD_VERSIONS:
+                        return False
+                    else:
+                        return True
+                return False
+            else:
+                try:
+                    with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+                        lines = []
+                        for line in f:
+                            if len(lines) >= 2:
+                                break
+                            line = line.strip()
+                            if len(line) > 0:
+                                lines.append(line)
+                        if len(lines) == 2:
+                            return re.search(r'^wavelength[;]', lines[0], re.I) is not None \
+                                   and re.search(r'^\d+(\.\d+)?[;]', lines[1]) is not None
+                        return False
+                except Exception as ex:
+                    return False
+        else:
+            if ASDSpectralLibraryIO.canRead(path, binary=True):
+                return True
+            else:
+                return ASDSpectralLibraryIO.canRead(path, binary=False)
+    @staticmethod
+    def readFrom(pathes:typing.Union[str, list], asdFields:typing.Iterable[str] = None, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None)->SpectralLibrary:
+        """
+        :param pathes: list of source paths
+        :param asdFields: list of header information to be extracted from ASD binary files
+        :return: SpectralLibrary
+        """
+        if asdFields is None:
+            #default fields to add as meta data
+            asdFields = ['when', 'ref_time', 'dc_time', 'dc_corr', 'it', 'sample_count', 'instrument_num', 'spec_type']
+        if not isinstance(pathes, list):
+            pathes = [pathes]
+        sl = SpectralLibrary()
+        profiles = []
+        asddFieldsInitialized = False
+        for filePath in pathes:
+            bn = os.path.basename(filePath)
+            if ASDSpectralLibraryIO.canRead(filePath, binary=True):
+                asd = ASDBinaryFile().readFromBinaryFile(filePath)
+                if isinstance(asd, ASDBinaryFile):
+                    if not asddFieldsInitialized:
+                        sl.startEditing()
+                        asdFields = [n for n in asdFields if n not in sl.fieldNames() and n in asd.__dict__.keys()]
+                        for n in asdFields:
+                            v = asd.__dict__[n]
+                            if isinstance(v, TM_STRUCT):
+                                sl.addAttribute(createQgsField(n, '')) # TM struct will use a VARCHAR field to express the time stamp
+                            else:
+                                sl.addAttribute(createQgsField(n, v))
+                        asddFieldsInitialized = True
+                        sl.commitChanges()
+                        sl.startEditing()
+                    p = SpectralProfile(fields=sl.fields())
+                    p.setName(bn)
+                    for n in asdFields:
+                        value = asd.__dict__[n]
+                        if isinstance(value, np.datetime64):
+                            value = str(value)
+                        elif isinstance(value, TM_STRUCT):
+                            value = str(value.datetime64())
+                        p.setAttribute(n, value)
+                    p.setValues(asd.xValues(), asd.yValues(), xUnit='nm')
+                    profiles.append(p)
+            elif ASDSpectralLibraryIO.canRead(filePath, binary=False):
+                with open(filePath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+                    profiles = []
+                    lines = f.readlines()
+                    delimiter = ';'
+                    if len(lines) >= 2:
+                        hdrLine = lines[0].strip().split(delimiter)
+                        if len(hdrLine) >= 2:
+                            profileNames = hdrLine[1:]
+                            xValues = []
+                            DATA = dict()
+                            for line in lines[1:]:
+                                line = line.split(delimiter)
+                                wl = float(line[0])
+                                xValues.append(wl)
+                                DATA[wl] = [float(v) for v in line[1:]]
+                            for i, name in enumerate(profileNames):
+                                yValues = [DATA[wl][i] for wl in xValues]
+                                xUnit = 'nm'
+                                profile = SpectralProfile(fields=sl.fields())
+                                profile.setName(name)
+                                profile.setValues(x=xValues, y=yValues, xUnit=xUnit)
+                                profiles.append(profile)
+                    if len(profiles) > 0:
+                        sl.startEditing()
+                        sl.addProfiles(profiles)
+                        profiles.clear()
+                        sl.commitChanges()
+                        sl.startEditing()
+            else:
+                print('Unable to read {}'.format(filePath), file=sys.stderr)
+        sl.startEditing()
+        sl.addProfiles(profiles, addMissingFields=False)
+        sl.commitChanges()
+        return sl
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/clipboard.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/clipboard.py
index 1afe90218f90ca2181a15649adfafbe148a1f3f5..3aee1c76d931a02056c3e6308957947ba9330537 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/clipboard.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/clipboard.py
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class ClipboardIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
         return False
-    def readFrom(path=None):
+    def readFrom(path=None, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None):
         clipboard = QApplication.clipboard()
         mimeData = clipboard.mimeData()
         assert isinstance(mimeData, QMimeData)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class ClipboardIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
         return SpectralLibrary()
-    def write(speclib, path=None, mode=None, sep=None, newline=None):
+    def write(speclib, path=None, mode=None, sep=None, newline=None, progressDialog:QProgressDialog):
         if mode is None:
             mode = ClipboardIO.WritingModes.ALL
         assert isinstance(speclib, SpectralLibrary)
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/csvdata.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/csvdata.py
index 2699ec52b8ef2ba4758e5f84ab9a4dd8d52f7c2e..48890687d5524d51ec75f09d1fd1fc5b393dd875 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/csvdata.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/csvdata.py
@@ -44,6 +44,40 @@ class CSVSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
     REGEX_HEADERLINE = re.compile('^'+'[\t;,]'.join(STD_NAMES)+'\\t.*')
     REGEX_BANDVALUE_COLUMN = re.compile(r'^(?P<bandprefix>\D+)?(?P<band>\d+)[ _]*(?P<xvalue>-?\d+\.?\d*)?[ _]*(?P<xunit>\D+)?', re.IGNORECASE)
+    @staticmethod
+    def addImportActions(spectralLibrary:SpectralLibrary, menu:QMenu)->list:
+        def read(speclib:SpectralLibrary, dialect):
+            path, ext = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption='Import CSV File', filter='All type (*.*);;Text files (*.txt);; CSV (*.csv)')
+            if isinstance(path, str) and os.path.isfile(path):
+                sl = CSVSpectralLibraryIO.readFrom(path, dialect)
+                if isinstance(sl, SpectralLibrary):
+                    speclib.addSpeclib(sl, True)
+        m = menu.addMenu('CSV')
+        a = m.addAction('Excel (TAB)')
+        a.setToolTip('Imports Spectral Profiles from a Excel CSV sheet.')
+        a.triggered.connect(lambda *args, sl=spectralLibrary: read(sl, pycsv.excel_tab))
+        a = m.addAction('Excel (,)')
+        a.setToolTip('Imports Spectral Profiles from a Excel CSV sheet.')
+        a.triggered.connect(lambda *args, sl=spectralLibrary: read(sl, pycsv.excel))
+    @staticmethod
+    def addExportActions(spectralLibrary: SpectralLibrary, menu: QMenu) -> list:
+        def write(speclib: SpectralLibrary):
+            path, filter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(caption='Write to CSV File',
+                                                       filter='CSV (*.csv);;Text files (*.txt)')
+            if isinstance(path, str) and len(path) > 0:
+                CSVSpectralLibraryIO.write(spectralLibrary, path)
+        m = menu.addAction('CSV Table')
+        m.triggered.connect(lambda *args, sl=spectralLibrary: write(sl))
     def isHeaderLine(line: str) -> str:
@@ -85,7 +119,7 @@ class CSVSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
-    def write(speclib, path, dialect=pycsv.excel_tab)->list:
+    def write(speclib, path, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None, dialect=pycsv.excel_tab)->list:
         Writes the speclib into a CSv file
         :param speclib: SpectralLibrary
@@ -102,7 +136,7 @@ class CSVSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
         return [path]
-    def readFrom(path=None, dialect=pycsv.excel_tab):
+    def readFrom(path=None, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None, dialect=pycsv.excel_tab):
         f = open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
         text = f.read()
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/ecosis.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/ecosis.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..821fd7984054035595da0a769ec0d8f0495f2740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/ecosis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+import os, sys, re, pathlib, json, io, re, linecache
+from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
+from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *
+from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import *
+from qgis.core import *
+import csv as pycsv
+from .spectrallibraries import SpectralProfile, SpectralLibrary, AbstractSpectralLibraryIO, FIELD_FID, FIELD_VALUES, FIELD_NAME, findTypeFromString, createQgsField
+class EcoSISCSVDialect(pycsv.Dialect):
+    delimiter = ','
+    quotechar = '"'
+    doublequote = True
+    skipinitialspace = False
+    lineterminator = '\n'
+    escapechar = '\\'
+    quoting = pycsv.QUOTE_NONE
+def findDialect(file)->pycsv.Dialect:
+    if isinstance(file, str):
+        file = open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
+    line = ''
+    while len(line) == 0:
+        line = file.readline()
+    delimiters = [',', ';', '\t']
+    counts = [len(line.split(delimiter)) for delimiter in delimiters]
+    dialect = EcoSISCSVDialect()
+    dialect.delimiter = delimiters[counts.index(max(counts))]
+    dialect.lineterminator = '\n\r' if line.endswith('\n\r') else line[-1]
+    file.seek(0)
+    s = ""
+    return dialect
+class EcoSISSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
+    """
+    I/O Interface for the EcoSIS spectral library format.
+    See https://ecosis.org for details.
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def canRead(path:str):
+        """
+        Returns true if it can read the source defined by path
+        :param path: source uri
+        :return: True, if source is readable.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(path, str) and os.path.isfile(path):
+            return False
+        try:
+            with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+                for line in f:
+                    line = f.readline().strip()
+                    if len(line) > 0:
+                        # most-right header name must be a number
+                        lastColumn = [c for c in re.split(r'[\t\n;,]', line) if c != ''][-1]
+                        return re.search(r'^\d+(\.\d+)?$', lastColumn) is not None
+        except Exception as ex:
+            print(ex, file=sys.stderr)
+        return False
+    @staticmethod
+    def readFrom(path, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None)->SpectralLibrary:
+        """
+        Returns the SpectralLibrary read from "path"
+        :param path: source of SpectralLibrary
+        :return: SpectralLibrary
+        """
+        # the EcoSIS CSV outputs are encoded as UTF-8 with BOM
+        with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
+            bn = os.path.basename(path)
+            dialect = findDialect(f)
+            reader = pycsv.DictReader(f, dialect=dialect)
+            fieldnames = reader.fieldnames
+            if fieldnames[0].startswith('\ufeff'):
+                s = ""
+            fieldnames = [n for n in fieldnames if len(n) > 0]
+            xUnit = yUnit = None
+            xValueNames = []
+            for fieldName in reversed(fieldnames):
+                if re.search(r'^\d+(\.\d+)?$', fieldName):
+                    xValueNames.insert(0, fieldName)
+                else:
+                    break
+            s = ""
+            xValues = [float(n) for n in xValueNames]
+            if len(xValues) == 0:
+                s = ""
+            if xValues[0] > 200:
+                xUnit = 'nm'
+            fieldnames = [n for n in fieldnames if n not in xValueNames]
+            speclib = SpectralLibrary()
+            speclib.startEditing()
+            profiles = []
+            LUT_FIELD_TYPES = dict()
+            missing_field_definitions = [n for n in fieldnames if n not in speclib.fieldNames()]
+            for i, row in enumerate(reader):
+                if len(missing_field_definitions) > 0:
+                    for fieldName in missing_field_definitions[:]:
+                        fieldValue = row[fieldName]
+                        if fieldValue == 'NA':
+                            continue
+                        fieldType = findTypeFromString(fieldValue)
+                        LUT_FIELD_TYPES[fieldName] = fieldType
+                        qgsField = createQgsField(fieldName, fieldType(fieldValue))
+                        speclib.addAttribute(qgsField)
+                        assert speclib.commitChanges()
+                        speclib.startEditing()
+                        missing_field_definitions.remove(fieldName)
+                profile = SpectralProfile(fields=speclib.fields())
+                yValues = [float(row[n]) for n in xValueNames]
+                profile.setValues(x=xValues, y=yValues, xUnit=xUnit, yUnit=yUnit)
+                for fieldName, fieldType in LUT_FIELD_TYPES.items():
+                    fieldValue = fieldType(row[fieldName])
+                    profile.setAttribute(fieldName, fieldValue)
+                if FIELD_NAME not in fieldnames:
+                    profile.setName('{}:{}'.format(bn, i+1))
+                else:
+                    profile.setName(row[FIELD_NAME])
+                profiles.append(profile)
+            speclib.addProfiles(profiles)
+            s = ""
+        s = ""
+        assert speclib.commitChanges()
+        return speclib
+    @staticmethod
+    def write(speclib:SpectralLibrary, path:str, progressDialog:QProgressDialog, delimiter:str=';'):
+        """
+        Writes the SpectralLibrary to path and returns a list of written files that can be used to open the spectral library with readFrom
+        """
+        assert isinstance(speclib, SpectralLibrary)
+        basePath, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
+        s = ""
+        writtenFiles = []
+        fieldNames = [n for n in speclib.fields().names() if n not in [FIELD_VALUES, FIELD_FID]]
+        groups = speclib.groupBySpectralProperties()
+        for i, grp in enumerate(groups.keys()):
+            # in-memory text buffer
+            stream = io.StringIO()
+            xValues, xUnit, yUnit = grp
+            profiles = groups[grp]
+            if i == 0:
+                path = basePath + ext
+            else:
+                path = basePath + '{}{}'.format(i+1, ext)
+            headerNames = fieldNames + [str(v) for v in xValues]
+            W = pycsv.DictWriter(stream, fieldnames=headerNames, dialect=EcoSISCSVDialect())
+            W.writeheader()
+            for profile in profiles:
+                assert isinstance(profile, SpectralProfile)
+                rowDict = dict()
+                for n in fieldNames:
+                    v = profile.attribute(n)
+                    if v in [None, QVariant(None), '']:
+                        v = 'NA'
+                    rowDict[n] = v
+                yValues = profile.yValues()
+                for i, xValue in enumerate(xValues):
+                    rowDict[str(xValue)] = yValues[i]
+                W.writerow(rowDict)
+            stream.write('\n')
+            lines = stream.getvalue().replace('\r', '')
+            with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+                f.write(lines)
+                writtenFiles.append(path)
+        return writtenFiles
+    @staticmethod
+    def score(uri:str)->int:
+        """
+        Returns a score value for the give uri. E.g. 0 for unlikely/unknown, 20 for yes, probalby thats the file format the reader can read.
+        :param uri: str
+        :return: int
+        """
+        return 0
+    @staticmethod
+    def addImportActions(spectralLibrary: SpectralLibrary, menu: QMenu) -> list:
+        def read(speclib: SpectralLibrary):
+            path, filter = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption='EcoSIS CSV File',
+                                               filter='All type (*.*);;Text files (*.txt);; CSV (*.csv)')
+            if os.path.isfile(path):
+                sl = EcoSISSpectralLibraryIO.readFrom(path)
+                if isinstance(sl, SpectralLibrary):
+                    speclib.startEditing()
+                    speclib.beginEditCommand('Add EcoSIS profiles from {}'.format(path))
+                    speclib.addSpeclib(sl, True)
+                    speclib.endEditCommand()
+                    speclib.commitChanges()
+        m = menu.addAction('EcoSIS')
+        m.setToolTip('Adds profiles from an EcoSIS csv text file.')
+        m.triggered.connect(lambda *args, sl=spectralLibrary: read(sl))
+    @staticmethod
+    def addExportActions(spectralLibrary:SpectralLibrary, menu:QMenu) -> list:
+        def write(speclib: SpectralLibrary):
+            path, filter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(caption='Write to EcoSIS CSV File',
+                                                    filter='EcoSIS CSV (*.csv);;Text files (*.txt)')
+            if isinstance(path, str) and len(path) > 0:
+                sl = EcoSISSpectralLibraryIO.write(spectralLibrary, path)
+        m = menu.addAction('EcoSIS CSV')
+        m.triggered.connect(lambda *args, sl=spectralLibrary: write(sl))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/ecosys.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/ecosys.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7db403bf1327ff201df5b3f1759ea936cc96e74f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/ecosys.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-import os, sys, re, pathlib, json
-import csv as pycsv
-from .spectrallibraries import *
-class EcoSYSSpectralLibraryIO(object):
-    """
-    I/O Interface for the EcoSYS spectral library format.
-    See https://ecosis.org for details.
-    """
-    @staticmethod
-    def canRead(path):
-        """
-        Returns true if it can read the source defined by path
-        :param path: source uri
-        :return: True, if source is readable.
-        """
-        return False
-    @staticmethod
-    def readFrom(path):
-        """
-        Returns the SpectralLibrary read from "path"
-        :param path: source of SpectralLibrary
-        :return: SpectralLibrary
-        """
-        return None
-    @staticmethod
-    def write(speclib, path):
-        """Writes the SpectralLibrary to path and returns a list of written files that can be used to open the spectral library with readFrom"""
-        assert isinstance(speclib, SpectralLibrary)
-        return []
-    @staticmethod
-    def score(uri:str)->int:
-        """
-        Returns a score value for the give uri. E.g. 0 for unlikely/unknown, 20 for yes, probalby thats the file format the reader can read.
-        :param uri: str
-        :return: int
-        """
-        return 0
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/envi.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/envi.py
index 7778802a3e9c147590189a37217804a23eedc799..6db4c96fffaba78646c0050e970206731c300d37 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/envi.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/envi.py
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ LUT_GDT_NAME = {gdal.GDT_Byte:'Byte',
+FILTER_SLI = 'ENVI Spectral Library (*.sli)'
 CSV_PROFILE_NAME_COLUMN_NAMES = ['spectra names', 'name']
@@ -200,12 +201,13 @@ def readCSVMetadata(pathESL):
     for i, row in enumerate(reader):
-    #set emtpy value to None
+    # set an emtpy value to None
     def stripped(value:str):
         if value is None:
             return None
         value = value.strip()
         return None if len(value) == 0 else value
     METADATA_LINES = [tuple([stripped(v) for v in row]) for row in METADATA_LINES]
@@ -213,30 +215,40 @@ def readCSVMetadata(pathESL):
     QGSFIELDS = QgsFields()
     for i, fieldName in enumerate(fieldNames):
-        fieldValues = [row[i] for row in METADATA_LINES if row[i] is not None]
-        fieldTypes = [findTypeFromString(v) for v in fieldValues]
-        if len(fieldTypes) == 0:
-            fieldTypes = [str]
+        refValue = None
+        for lineValues in METADATA_LINES:
+            if lineValues[i] not in ['', None, 'NA']:
+                refValue = lineValues[i]
+                break
+        if refValue is None:
+            refValue = ''
+        fieldType = findTypeFromString(refValue)
-        if str in fieldTypes:
-            t = str
+        if fieldType is str:
             a, b = QVariant.String, 'varchar'
-        elif float in fieldTypes:
-            t = float
+        elif fieldType is float:
             a, b = QVariant.Double, 'double'
-        elif int in fieldTypes:
-            t = int
+        elif fieldType is int:
             a, b = QVariant.Int, 'int'
             raise NotImplementedError()
-        QGSFIELD_PYTHON_TYPES.append(t)
+        QGSFIELD_PYTHON_TYPES.append(fieldType)
         QGSFIELDS.append(QgsField(fieldName, a, b))
     # convert metadata string values to basic python type
     def typeOrNone(value:str, t:type):
         return value if value is None else t(value)
-    METADATA_LINES = [tuple(typeOrNone(v, QGSFIELD_PYTHON_TYPES[i]) for i, v in enumerate(line)) for line in METADATA_LINES]
+    for i in range(len(METADATA_LINES)):
+        line = METADATA_LINES[i]
+        lineTuple = tuple(typeOrNone(cellValue, cellType) for cellValue, cellType in zip(line, QGSFIELD_PYTHON_TYPES))
+        METADATA_LINES[i] = lineTuple
+    #METADATA_LINES = [tuple(typeOrNone(v, QGSFIELD_PYTHON_TYPES[i]) for i, v in enumerate(line)) for line in METADATA_LINES]
@@ -262,7 +274,10 @@ def writeCSVMetadata(pathCSV:str, profiles:list):
         for p in profiles:
             assert isinstance(p, SpectralProfile)
             d = {}
-            d['spectra names'] = p.name().replace(',', '-')
+            spectrumName = p.name()
+            if spectrumName is None:
+                spectrumName = ''
+            d['spectra names'] = spectrumName.replace(',', '-')
             d[CSV_GEOMETRY_COLUMN] = p.geometry().asWkt()
             for name in fieldNames:
                 v = p.attribute(name)
@@ -282,6 +297,42 @@ class EnviSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
     REQUIRED_TAGS = ['byte order', 'data type', 'header offset', 'lines', 'samples', 'bands']
     SINGLE_VALUE_TAGS = REQUIRED_TAGS + ['description', 'wavelength', 'wavelength units']
+    @staticmethod
+    def addImportActions(spectralLibrary: SpectralLibrary, menu: QMenu) -> list:
+        def read(speclib: SpectralLibrary):
+            path, filter = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption='ENVI Spectral Library',
+                                               filter='All types (*.*);;Spectral Library files (*.sli)')
+            if os.path.isfile(path):
+                sl = EnviSpectralLibraryIO.readFrom(path)
+                if isinstance(sl, SpectralLibrary):
+                    speclib.startEditing()
+                    speclib.beginEditCommand('Add ENVI Spectral Library from {}'.format(path))
+                    speclib.addSpeclib(sl, True)
+                    speclib.endEditCommand()
+                    speclib.commitChanges()
+        m = menu.addAction('ENVI')
+        m.triggered.connect(lambda *args, sl=spectralLibrary: read(sl))
+    @staticmethod
+    def addExportActions(spectralLibrary:SpectralLibrary, menu:QMenu) -> list:
+        def write(speclib: SpectralLibrary):
+            path, filter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(caption='Write ENVI Spectral Library ',
+                                                    filter=FILTER_SLI)
+            if isinstance(path, str) and len(path) > 0:
+                EnviSpectralLibraryIO.write(spectralLibrary, path)
+        m = menu.addAction('ENVI')
+        m.triggered.connect(lambda *args, sl=spectralLibrary: write(sl))
     def canRead(pathESL):
@@ -306,7 +357,7 @@ class EnviSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
         return 0
-    def readFrom(path):
+    def readFrom(path, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None):
         Reads an ENVI Spectral Library (ESL).
         :param path: path to ENVI Spectral Library
@@ -339,13 +390,10 @@ class EnviSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
         spectraNames = md.get('spectra names', ['Spectrum {}'.format(i+1) for i in range(nSpectra)])
         # thanks to Ann for https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/qgispluginsupport/issues/3/speclib-envypy
-        try:
-            gbl = np.where(np.asarray(md.get('bbl'), dtype=int))[0]
-            if xValues is not None:
-                xValues = np.asarray(xValues, dtype=float)[gbl]
-        except TypeError:
-            gbl = range(nbands)
+        bbl = md.get('bbl', None)
+        if bbl:
+            bbl = np.asarray(bbl, dtype=np.byte).tolist()
         speclibFields = createStandardFields()
@@ -356,6 +404,9 @@ class EnviSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
         except Exception as ex:
             print(str(ex), file=sys.stderr)
+        PROFILE2CSVLine = {}
         if CSV_METADATA is not None:
@@ -365,6 +416,7 @@ class EnviSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
             CSVLine2ESLProfile = {}
             # look if we can match a CSV column with names to profile names
             for profileNameColumnName in CSV_PROFILE_NAME_COLUMN_NAMES:
                 if profileNameColumnName in CSV_FIELDS.names():
@@ -372,67 +424,69 @@ class EnviSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
                     for r, row in enumerate(CSV_DATA):
                         nameCSV = row[c]
                         if nameCSV in spectraNames:
-                            CSVLine2ESLProfile[r] = spectraNames.index(nameCSV)
+                            iProfile = spectraNames.index(nameCSV)
+                            CSVLine2ESLProfile[r] = iProfile
+                            PROFILE2CSVLine[iProfile] = r
-            #backup: match csv line with profile index
-            if len(CSVLine2ESLProfile) == 0:
+            # backup: match csv line with profile index
+            if len(PROFILE2CSVLine) == 0:
                 indices = range(min(nSpectra, len(CSV_DATA)))
-                CSVLine2ESLProfile = dict(zip(indices, indices))
+                CSVLine2ESLProfile = PROFILE2CSVLine = dict(zip(indices, indices))
+        SLIB = SpectralLibrary()
+        assert SLIB.startEditing()
+        SLIB.addMissingFields(speclibFields)
+        if CSV_METADATA is not None:
+            sliceCSV = []
+            sliceAttr = []
+            for slibField in SLIB.fields():
+                fieldName = slibField.name()
+                iSLIB = SLIB.fields().lookupField(fieldName)
+                iCSV = CSV_FIELDS.lookupField(fieldName)
+                if iCSV >= 0:
+                    sliceCSV.append(iCSV)
+                    sliceAttr.append(iSLIB)
+            iCSVGeometry = CSV_FIELDS.lookupField(CSV_GEOMETRY_COLUMN)
         profiles = []
+        import datetime
+        t0 = datetime.datetime.now()
         for i in range(nSpectra):
-            p = SpectralProfile(fields=speclibFields)
-            p.setValues(x=xValues, y=data[i, gbl].tolist(), xUnit=xUnit, yUnit=yUnit)
-            name = spectraNames[i]
-            p.setName(name)
-            profiles.append(p)
+            f = QgsFeature(SLIB.fields())
+            valueDict = {'x': xValues, 'y': data[i, :].tolist(), 'xUnit': xUnit, 'yUnit': yUnit, 'bbl': bbl}
+            if CSV_METADATA is not None:
+                j = PROFILE2CSVLine.get(i)
+                if j:
+                    csvLine = CSV_DATA[j]
+                    attr = f.attributes()
+                    for iCSV, iAttr in zip(sliceCSV, sliceAttr):
+                        attr[iAttr] = csvLine[iCSV]
+                    f.setAttributes(attr)
-        if CSV_METADATA is not None:
-            #find which column index from CSV table matches which QgsFeature attribute index
-            for fieldIndex, csvField in enumerate(CSV_FIELDS):
-                assert isinstance(csvField, QgsField)
-                fieldName = csvField.name()
-                #is this a geometry field?
-                if fieldName == CSV_GEOMETRY_COLUMN:
-                    # copy CSV values to profile geometry attribute
-                    for iCSV, iProfile in CSVLine2ESLProfile.items():
-                        value = CSV_DATA[iCSV][fieldIndex]
-                        if isinstance(value, str):
-                            g = QgsGeometry.fromWkt(value)
+                    if iCSVGeometry > 0:
+                        wkt = csvLine[iCSVGeometry]
+                        if isinstance(wkt, str):
+                            g = QgsGeometry.fromWkt(wkt)
                             if g.wkbType() == QgsWkbTypes.Point:
-                                profile = profiles[iProfile]
-                                assert isinstance(profile, SpectralProfile)
-                                profile.setGeometry(g)
-                else:
-                    #set normal value fields
-                    if fieldName in CSV_PROFILE_NAME_COLUMN_NAMES:
-                        #map CSV field "spectrum names" or "name" to speclib "name" columns
-                        aSpeclib = speclibFields.lookupField(FIELD_NAME)
-                    else:
-                        aSpeclib = speclibFields.lookupField(fieldName)
-                    if aSpeclib < 0:
-                        s = ""
-                    aCSV = CSV_FIELDS.lookupField(fieldName)
-                    #copy CSV values to profile attribute
-                    for iCSV, iProfile in CSVLine2ESLProfile.items():
-                        profile = profiles[iProfile]
-                        assert isinstance(profile, SpectralProfile)
-                        value = CSV_DATA[iCSV][aCSV]
-                        if value not in EMPTY_VALUES:
-                            assert profile.setAttribute(aSpeclib, value)
-                            s = ""
+                                f.setGeometry(g)
+            f.setAttribute(FIELD_VALUES, encodeProfileValueDict(valueDict))
+            f.setAttribute(FIELD_NAME, spectraNames[i])
+            profiles.append(f)
+        #print('Creation: {}'.format(datetime.datetime.now() - t0))
+        t0 = datetime.datetime.now()
+        SLIB.addFeatures(profiles)
+        #print('Adding: {}'.format(datetime.datetime.now() - t0))
-        SLIB = SpectralLibrary()
-        SLIB.startEditing()
-        SLIB.addMissingFields(speclibFields)
-        SLIB.addProfiles(profiles)
         assert SLIB.commitChanges()
         assert SLIB.featureCount() == nSpectra
@@ -441,7 +495,7 @@ class EnviSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
         return SLIB
-    def write(speclib:SpectralLibrary, path:str):
+    def write(speclib:SpectralLibrary, path:str, progressDialog:QProgressDialog):
         Writes a SpectralLibrary as ENVI Spectral Library (ESL).
         See http://www.harrisgeospatial.com/docs/ENVIHeaderFiles.html for ESL definition
@@ -461,7 +515,9 @@ class EnviSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
         dn = os.path.dirname(path)
         bn, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))
-        assert ext in ['.sli', '.esl'], "Path needs extension .sli or .esl: {}".format(path)
+        if not re.search(r'\.(sli|esl)', ext, re.I):
+            ext = '.sli'
         writtenFiles = []
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/plotting.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/plotting.py
index 0aac0f1077f6393ffcf814282fcc1fa2c40240b0..a05e0da5c37b68f170633da7dbbe57572726a438 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/plotting.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/plotting.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 *                                                                         *
-import sys, re, os, collections
+import sys, re, os, collections, typing, random, copy
 from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *
 from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
 from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import *
@@ -37,11 +37,19 @@ from ..externals.pyqtgraph.functions import mkPen
 from ..externals import pyqtgraph as pg
 from ..externals.pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.PlotDataItem import PlotDataItem
 from ..utils import METRIC_EXPONENTS, convertMetricUnit
-from .spectrallibraries import SpectralProfile, SpectralLibrary, MIMEDATA_SPECLIB_LINK, FIELD_VALUES
+from .spectrallibraries import SpectralProfile, SpectralLibrary, MIMEDATA_SPECLIB_LINK, FIELD_VALUES, X_UNITS, speclibSettings, SpectralLibrarySettingsKey, loadSpeclibUI
+from ..plotstyling.plotstyling import PlotStyleWidget, PlotStyle
 BAND_INDEX = 'Band Index'
+def defaultCurvePlotStyle()->PlotStyle:
+    ps = PlotStyle()
+    ps.setLineColor('white')
+    ps.markerSymbol = None
+    ps.linePen.setStyle(Qt.SolidLine)
+    return ps
 class SpectralXAxis(pg.AxisItem):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
@@ -113,9 +121,216 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotItem(pg.PlotItem):
         #    self.legend.addItem(item, name=name)
+class SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme(object):
+    @staticmethod
+    def default():
+        """
+        Returns the default plotStyle scheme.
+        :return:
+        :rtype: SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme
+        """
+        return SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme.dark()
+    @staticmethod
+    def fromUserSettings():
+        """
+        Returns the SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme last  saved in then library settings
+        :return:
+        :rtype:
+        """
+        settings = speclibSettings()
+        scheme = SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme.default()
+        if SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.DEFAULT_PROFILE_STYLE.name in settings.allKeys():
+            scheme.ps = PlotStyle.fromJSON(settings.value(SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.DEFAULT_PROFILE_STYLE.name))
+        if SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.CURRENT_PROFILE_STYLE.name in settings.allKeys():
+            scheme.cs = PlotStyle.fromJSON(settings.value(SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.CURRENT_PROFILE_STYLE.name))
+        scheme.bg = settings.value(SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.BACKGROUND_COLOR.name, scheme.bg)
+        scheme.fg = settings.value(SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.FOREGROUND_COLOR.name, scheme.fg)
+        scheme.ic = settings.value(SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.INFO_COLOR.name, scheme.ic)
+        scheme.useRendererColors = settings.value(SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.USE_VECTOR_RENDER_COLORS.name, scheme.useRendererColors) in ['True', 'true', True]
+        return scheme
+    @staticmethod
+    def dark():
+        ps = defaultCurvePlotStyle()
+        ps.setLineColor('white')
+        cs = defaultCurvePlotStyle()
+        cs.setLineColor('green')
+        return SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme(
+            name='Dark', fg=QColor('white'), bg=QColor('black'),
+            ic=QColor('yellow'), ps=ps, cs=cs, userRendererColors=False)
+    @staticmethod
+    def bright():
+        ps = defaultCurvePlotStyle()
+        ps.setLineColor('black')
+        cs = defaultCurvePlotStyle()
+        cs.setLineColor('green')
+        return SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme(
+            name='Bright', fg=QColor('black'), bg=QColor('white'),
+            ic=QColor('red'), ps=ps, cs=cs, userRendererColors=False)
+    def __init__(self, name:str='color_scheme',
+                 fg:QColor=QColor('white'),
+                 bg:QColor=QColor('black'),
+                 ps:PlotStyle=PlotStyle(),
+                 cs:PlotStyle=PlotStyle(),
+                 ic:QColor=QColor('yellow'),
+                 userRendererColors:bool=True):
+        self.name:str
+        self.name = name
+        self.fg : QColor
+        self.fg = fg
+        self.bg : QColor
+        self.bg = bg
+        self.ps:PlotStyle
+        self.ps = ps
+        self.cs: PlotStyle
+        self.cs = cs
+        self.ic:QColor
+        self.ic = ic
+        self.useRendererColors:bool
+        self.useRendererColors = userRendererColors
+    def clone(self):
+        return copy.deepcopy(self)
+    def __copy__(self):
+        return copy.copy(self)
+    def saveToUserSettings(self):
+        """
+        Saves this plotStyle scheme to the user Qt user settings
+        :return:
+        :rtype:
+        """
+        settings = speclibSettings()
+        settings.setValue(SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.DEFAULT_PROFILE_STYLE.name, self.ps.json())
+        settings.setValue(SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.CURRENT_PROFILE_STYLE.name, self.cs.json())
+        settings.setValue(SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.BACKGROUND_COLOR.name, self.bg)
+        settings.setValue(SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.FOREGROUND_COLOR.name, self.fg)
+        settings.setValue(SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.INFO_COLOR.name, self.ic)
+        settings.setValue(SpectralLibrarySettingsKey.USE_VECTOR_RENDER_COLORS.name, self.useRendererColors)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if not isinstance(other, SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme):
+            return False
+        else:
+            return self.bg == other.bg and \
+                   self.fg == other.fg and \
+                   self.ic == other.ic and \
+                   self.ps == other.ps and \
+                   self.cs == other.cs and \
+                   self.useRendererColors == other.useRendererColors
+class SpectralLibraryPlotColorSchemeWidget(QWidget, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibraryplotcolorschemewidget.ui')):
+    sigColorSchemeChanged = pyqtSignal(SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme)
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
+        super(SpectralLibraryPlotColorSchemeWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
+        self.setupUi(self)
+        self.mBlocked = False
+        self.mLastColorScheme: SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme
+        self.mLastColorScheme = None
+        self.btnColorBackground.colorChanged.connect(self.onColorSchemeChanged)
+        self.btnColorForeground.colorChanged.connect(self.onColorSchemeChanged)
+        self.btnColorInfo.colorChanged.connect(self.onColorSchemeChanged)
+        self.cbUseRendererColors.clicked.connect(self.onCbUseRendererColorsClicked)
+        self.wDefaultProfileStyle.setPreviewVisible(False)
+        self.wDefaultProfileStyle.cbIsVisible.setVisible(False)
+        self.wDefaultProfileStyle.sigPlotStyleChanged.connect(self.onColorSchemeChanged)
+        self.wDefaultProfileStyle.setMinimumSize(self.wDefaultProfileStyle.sizeHint())
+        self.btnReset.setDisabled(True)
+        self.btnReset.clicked.connect(lambda : self.setColorScheme(self.mLastColorScheme))
+        self.btnColorSchemeBright.clicked.connect(lambda : self.setColorScheme(SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme.bright()))
+        self.btnColorSchemeDark.clicked.connect(lambda: self.setColorScheme(SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme.dark()))
+        #l.setMargin(1)
+        #l.setSpacing(2)
+        #frame.setMinimumSize(l.sizeHint())
+    def onCbUseRendererColorsClicked(self, checked:bool):
+        self.onColorSchemeChanged()
+        w = self.wDefaultProfileStyle
+        assert isinstance(w, PlotStyleWidget)
+        w.btnLinePenColor.setDisabled(checked)
+    def setColorScheme(self, colorScheme:SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme):
+        assert isinstance(colorScheme, SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme)
+        if self.mLastColorScheme is None:
+            self.mLastColorScheme = colorScheme
+            self.btnReset.setEnabled(True)
+        changed = colorScheme != self.colorScheme()
+        self.mBlocked = True
+        self.btnColorBackground.setColor(colorScheme.bg)
+        self.btnColorForeground.setColor(colorScheme.fg)
+        self.btnColorInfo.setColor(colorScheme.ic)
+        self.wDefaultProfileStyle.setPlotStyle(colorScheme.ps)
+        ''
+        self.cbUseRendererColors.setChecked(colorScheme.useRendererColors)
+        self.mBlocked = False
+        if changed:
+            self.sigColorSchemeChanged.emit(self.colorScheme())
+    def onColorSchemeChanged(self, *args):
+        if not self.mBlocked:
+            self.sigColorSchemeChanged.emit(self.colorScheme())
+        self.btnReset.setEnabled(isinstance(self.mLastColorScheme, SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme) and
+                                 self.colorScheme() != self.mLastColorScheme)
+    def colorScheme(self)->SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme:
+        cs = SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme()
+        cs.bg = self.btnColorBackground.color()
+        cs.fg = self.btnColorForeground.color()
+        cs.ic = self.btnColorInfo.color()
+        cs.ps = self.wDefaultProfileStyle.plotStyle()
+        cs.cs = self.mLastColorScheme.cs
+        cs.useRendererColors = self.cbUseRendererColors.isChecked()
+        return cs
 class SpectralProfilePlotDataItem(PlotDataItem):
-    A pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem to plot SpectralProfiles
+    A pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem to plot a SpectralProfile
     def __init__(self, spectralProfile: SpectralProfile):
@@ -125,15 +340,17 @@ class SpectralProfilePlotDataItem(PlotDataItem):
         self.mXValueConversionFunction = lambda v, *args: v
         self.mYValueConversionFunction = lambda v, *args: v
-        self.mDefaultLineWidth = self.pen().width()
-        self.mDefaultLineColor = None
+        self.mDefaultStyle = PlotStyle()
+        self.mProfile:SpectralProfile
         self.mProfile = None
         self.mInitialDataX = None
         self.mInitialDataY = None
         self.mInitialUnitX = None
         self.mInitialUnitY = None
@@ -245,40 +462,60 @@ class SpectralProfilePlotDataItem(PlotDataItem):
         if b:
-            self.setLineWidth(self.mDefaultLineWidth + 3)
+            self.setLineWidth(self.mDefaultStyle.lineWidth() + 3)
+            self.setZValue(999999)
             # self.setColor(Qgis.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR)
-            self.setLineWidth(self.mDefaultLineWidth)
-            # self.setColor(self.mDefaultLineColor)
+            self.setLineWidth(self.mDefaultStyle.lineWidth())
+            self.setZValue(1)
+    def setPlotStyle(self, plotStyle:PlotStyle, updateItem=True):
+        """
+        Applies a PlotStyle to this SpectralProfilePlotDataItem
+        :param plotStyle:
+        :type plotStyle:
+        :param updateItem: set True (default) to apply changes immediately.
+        :type updateItem: bool
+        """
+        assert isinstance(plotStyle, PlotStyle)
+        plotStyle.apply(self, updateItem=updateItem)
+    def plotStyle(self)->PlotStyle:
+        """
+        Returns the SpectralProfilePlotDataItems' PlotStyle
+        :return: PlotStyle
+        :rtype: PlotStyle
+        """
+        return PlotStyle.fromPlotDataItem(self)
     def setColor(self, color: QColor):
-        Sets the profile color
+        Sets the profile plotStyle
         :param color: QColor
         if not isinstance(color, QColor):
             color = QColor(color)
-        self.setPen(color)
+        style = self.profileStyle()
+        style.linePen.setColor(color)
+        self.setProfileStyle(style)
-        if not isinstance(self.mDefaultLineColor, QColor):
-            self.mDefaultLineColor = color
-    def pen(self):
+    def pen(self) -> QPen:
         Returns the QPen of the profile
         :return: QPen
         return mkPen(self.opts['pen'])
-    def color(self):
+    def color(self) -> QColor:
-        Returns the profile color
+        Returns the profile plotStyle
         :return: QColor
         return self.pen().color()
-    def setLineWidth(self, width):
+    def setLineWidth(self, width:int):
         Set the profile width in px
         :param width: int
@@ -288,6 +525,14 @@ class SpectralProfilePlotDataItem(PlotDataItem):
+    def lineWidth(self)->int:
+        """
+        Returns the line width
+        :return: line width in pixel
+        :rtype: int
+        """
+        return self.pen().width()
     def mouseClickEvent(self, ev):
         if ev.button() == Qt.RightButton:
             if self.raiseContextMenu(ev):
@@ -334,6 +579,172 @@ class SpectralProfilePlotDataItem(PlotDataItem):
         return self.menu
+class SpectralViewBox(pg.ViewBox):
+    """
+    Subclass of ViewBox
+    """
+    sigXUnitChanged = pyqtSignal(str)
+    sigColorSchemeChanged = pyqtSignal(SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme)
+    sigMaxNumberOfProfilesChanged = pyqtSignal(int)
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        """
+        Constructor of the CustomViewBox
+        """
+        super(SpectralViewBox, self).__init__(parent)
+        # self.menu = None # Override pyqtgraph ViewBoxMenu
+        # self.menu = self.getMenu() # Create the menu
+        # self.menu = None
+        xAction = [a for a in self.menu.actions() if a.text() == 'X Axis'][0]
+        yAction = [a for a in self.menu.actions() if a.text() == 'Y Axis'][0]
+        self.cbXAxisUnits = QComboBox(parent)
+        # profile settings
+        menuProfiles = self.menu.addMenu('Profiles')
+        l = QGridLayout()
+        self.sbMaxProfiles = QSpinBox(parent)
+        self.sbMaxProfiles.setToolTip('Maximum number of profiles to plot.')
+        self.sbMaxProfiles.setRange(0, 256)
+        self.sbMaxProfiles.setValue(64)
+        self.sbMaxProfiles.valueChanged[int].connect(self.sigMaxNumberOfProfilesChanged)
+        l.addWidget(QLabel('Max.'), 0, 0)
+        l.addWidget(self.sbMaxProfiles, 0, 1)
+        frame = QFrame()
+        frame.setLayout(l)
+        wa = QWidgetAction(menuProfiles)
+        wa.setDefaultWidget(frame)
+        menuProfiles.addAction(wa)
+        # color settings
+        menuColors = self.menu.addMenu('Colors')
+        wa = QWidgetAction(menuColors)
+        self.wColorScheme = SpectralLibraryPlotColorSchemeWidget(parent)
+        self.wColorScheme.sigColorSchemeChanged.connect(self.sigColorSchemeChanged.emit)
+        wa.setDefaultWidget(self.wColorScheme)
+        menuColors.addAction(wa)
+        menuXAxis = self.menu.addMenu('X Axis')
+        # define the widget to set X-Axis options
+        frame = QFrame()
+        l = QGridLayout()
+        frame.setLayout(l)
+        self.rbXManualRange = QRadioButton('Manual')
+        self.rbXAutoRange = QRadioButton('Auto')
+        self.rbXAutoRange.setChecked(True)
+        l.addWidget(self.rbXManualRange, 0, 0)
+        l.addWidget(self.rbXAutoRange, 1, 0)
+        self.mCBXAxisUnit = QComboBox()
+        # Order of X units:
+        # 1. long names
+        # 2. short si names
+        # 3. within these groups: by exponent
+        items = sorted(METRIC_EXPONENTS.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])
+        fullNames = []
+        siNames = []
+        for item in items:
+            if len(item[0]) > 5:
+                # make centimeters to Centimeters
+                item = (item[0].title(), item[1])
+                fullNames.append(item)
+            else:
+                siNames.append(item)
+        self.mCBXAxisUnit.addItem(BAND_INDEX, userData='')
+        for item in fullNames + siNames:
+            name, exponent = item
+            self.mCBXAxisUnit.addItem(name, userData=name)
+        self.mCBXAxisUnit.setCurrentIndex(0)
+        self.mCBXAxisUnit.currentIndexChanged.connect(
+            lambda: self.sigXUnitChanged.emit(self.mCBXAxisUnit.currentText()))
+        l.addWidget(QLabel('Unit'), 2, 0)
+        l.addWidget(self.mCBXAxisUnit, 2, 1)
+        self.mXAxisUnit = 'index'
+        l.setMargin(1)
+        l.setSpacing(1)
+        frame.setMinimumSize(l.sizeHint())
+        wa = QWidgetAction(menuXAxis)
+        wa.setDefaultWidget(frame)
+        menuXAxis.addAction(wa)
+        self.menu.insertMenu(xAction, menuXAxis)
+        self.menu.removeAction(xAction)
+        self.mActionShowCrosshair = self.menu.addAction('Show Crosshair')
+        self.mActionShowCrosshair.setCheckable(True)
+        self.mActionShowCrosshair.setChecked(True)
+        self.mActionShowCursorValues = self.menu.addAction('Show Mouse values')
+        self.mActionShowCursorValues.setCheckable(True)
+        self.mActionShowCursorValues.setChecked(True)
+    def raiseContextMenu(self, ev):
+        self.mLastColorScheme = self.colorScheme()
+        super(SpectralViewBox, self).raiseContextMenu(ev)
+    def setColorScheme(self, colorScheme:SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme):
+        assert isinstance(colorScheme, SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme)
+        self.wColorScheme.setColorScheme(colorScheme)
+    def colorScheme(self)->SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme:
+        """
+        Returns the color scheme
+        """
+        return self.wColorScheme.colorScheme()
+    def setXAxisUnit(self, unit: str):
+        """
+        Sets the X axis unit.
+        :param unit: str, metric unit like `nm` or `Nanometers`.
+        """
+        i = self.mCBXAxisUnit.findText(unit)
+        if i == -1:
+            i = 0
+        if i != self.mCBXAxisUnit.currentIndex():
+            self.mCBXAxisUnit.setCurrentIndex(i)
+    def xAxisUnit(self) -> str:
+        """
+        Returns unit of X-Axis values
+        :return: str
+        """
+        return self.mCBXAxisUnit.currentText()
+    def addItems(self, pdis: list, ignoreBounds=False):
+        """
+        Add multiple QGraphicsItem to this view. The view will include this item when determining how to set its range
+        automatically unless *ignoreBounds* is True.
+        """
+        for i, item in enumerate(pdis):
+            if item.zValue() < self.zValue():
+                item.setZValue(self.zValue() + 1 + i)
+        scene = self.scene()
+        if scene is not None and scene is not item.scene():
+            for item in pdis:
+                scene.addItem(item)  ## Necessary due to Qt bug: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-18616
+                item.setParentItem(self.childGroup)
+        if not ignoreBounds:
+            self.addedItems.extend(pdis)
+        # self.updateAutoRange()
+    def updateCurrentPosition(self, x, y):
+        self.mCurrentPosition = (x, y)
+        pass
 class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
     A widget to PlotWidget SpectralProfiles
@@ -342,14 +753,22 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
     def __init__(self, parent=None):
         super(SpectralLibraryPlotWidget, self).__init__(parent)
+        self.mMaxProfiles = 64
         self.mViewBox = SpectralViewBox()
         plotItem = SpectralLibraryPlotItem(
             axisItems={'bottom': SpectralXAxis(orientation='bottom')}
             , viewBox=self.mViewBox
+        self.mViewBox.sbMaxProfiles.setValue(self.mMaxProfiles)
+        self.mViewBox.sigColorSchemeChanged.connect(self.setColorScheme)
+        self.mViewBox.sigMaxNumberOfProfilesChanged.connect(self.setMaxProfiles)
+        self.mDualView = None
         self.centralWidget = None
+        self.plotItem:SpectralLibraryPlotItem
         self.plotItem = plotItem
         for m in ['addItem', 'removeItem', 'autoRange', 'clear', 'setXRange',
                   'setYRange', 'setRange', 'setAspectLocked', 'setMouseEnabled',
@@ -360,19 +779,20 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
         pi = self.getPlotItem()
-        assert isinstance(pi, pg.PlotItem) and pi == plotItem and pi == self.plotItem
+        assert isinstance(pi, SpectralLibraryPlotItem) and pi == plotItem and pi == self.plotItem
+        self.mSpeclib:SpectralLibrary
         self.mSpeclib = None
         self.mSpeclibSignalConnections = []
-        self.mUpdatesBlocked = False
         self.mXUnitInitialized = False
         self.mXUnit = BAND_INDEX
         self.mYUnit = None
         # describe function to convert length units from unit a to unit b
         self.mLUT_UnitConversions = dict()
         returnNone = lambda v, *args: None
@@ -398,15 +818,11 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
         self.mPlotDataItems = dict()
-        self.mMaxProfiles = 256
-        self.mPlotOverlayItems = []
-        self.mAddedFeatureList = []
+        self.mPlotOverlayItems = []
-        self.mUpdateTimer = QTimer()
-        #self.mUpdateTimer.timeout.connect(self._addedFeatureCheck)
-        self.mUpdateTimer.setInterval(2000)
-        self.mUpdateTimer.start(2000)
+        self.mLastFIDs = []
+        self.mNeedsPlotUpdate = False
         self.mCrosshairLineV = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False)
         self.mCrosshairLineH = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False)
@@ -424,9 +840,6 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
         pi.addItem(self.mCrosshairLineV, ignoreBounds=True)
         pi.addItem(self.mCrosshairLineH, ignoreBounds=True)
-        self.setBackground(QColor('black'))
-        self.mInfoColor = None
-        self.setInfoColor(QColor('yellow'))
         self.proxy2D = pg.SignalProxy(self.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=100, slot=self.onMouseMoved2D)
@@ -436,91 +849,149 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
         self.setYLabel('Y (Spectral Value)')
+        self.mSPECIFIC_PROFILE_STYLES = dict()
+        self.mDefaultColorScheme:SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme
+        self.mDefaultColorScheme = SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme.default()
+        self.mColorScheme:SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme
+        self.mColorScheme = SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme.fromUserSettings()
+        self.setColorScheme(self.mColorScheme)
-    def setInfoColor(self, color: QColor):
-        if isinstance(color, QColor):
-            self.mInfoColor = color
-            self.mInfoLabelCursor.setColor(self.mInfoColor)
-            self.mCrosshairLineH.pen.setColor(self.mInfoColor)
-            self.mCrosshairLineV.pen.setColor(self.mInfoColor)
+        self.mUpdateTimer = QTimer()
+        self.mUpdateTimeIsBlocked = False
+        self.mUpdateTimerInterval = 500
+        self.mUpdateTimer.timeout.connect(self.onPlotUpdateTimeOut)
-    def infoColor(self) -> QColor:
-        """
-        Returns the color of overlotted information
-        :return: QColor
-        """
-        return QColor(self.mInfoColor)
-    def foregroundInfoColor(self) -> QColor:
-        return self.plotItem.axes['bottom']['item'].pen().color()
+    def viewBox(self)->SpectralViewBox:
+        return self.mViewBox
-    def setForegroundInfoColor(self, color: QColor):
-        if isinstance(color, QColor):
-            for axis in self.plotItem.axes.values():
+    def setColorScheme(self, colorScheme:SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme):
+        """Sets and applies the SpectralProfilePlotColorScheme"""
+        assert isinstance(colorScheme, SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme)
+        old = self.colorScheme()
+        self.mColorScheme = colorScheme
+        # set Background color
+        if old.bg != colorScheme.bg:
+            self.setBackground(colorScheme.bg)
+        # set Foreground color
+        if old.fg != colorScheme.fg:
+            for axis in self.plotItem.axes.values():
                 ai = axis['item']
                 if isinstance(ai, pg.AxisItem):
-                    ai.setPen(QColor(color))
+                    ai.setPen(colorScheme.fg)
-    def updatesBlocked(self) -> bool:
-        """
-        Returns whether speclib updates are shown in the plot widget or not
-        :return: bool
-        """
-        return self.mUpdatesBlocked
+                    # set info color
+                    self.mInfoLabelCursor.setColor(colorScheme.ic)
+                    self.mCrosshairLineH.pen.setColor(colorScheme.ic)
+                    self.mCrosshairLineV.pen.setColor(colorScheme.ic)
+        # set Info Color
+        if old.ic != colorScheme.ic:
+            self.mInfoLabelCursor.setColor(colorScheme.ic)
+            self.mCrosshairLineH.pen.setColor(colorScheme.ic)
+            self.mCrosshairLineV.pen.setColor(colorScheme.ic)
-    def blockUpdates(self, b: bool) -> bool:
+        # update profile colors
+        if old.ps != colorScheme.ps or old.cs != colorScheme.cs or old.useRendererColors != colorScheme.useRendererColors:
+            self.updateProfileStyles()
+        # update viewbox context menu and
+        self.viewBox().setColorScheme(self.mColorScheme)
+        self.mColorScheme.saveToUserSettings()
+    def colorScheme(self)->SpectralLibraryPlotColorScheme:
-        Disconnect the plot widget from spectral library signales.
-        :param b:
+        Returns the used SpectralProfileColorScheme
+        :rtype:
-        b0 = self.updatesBlocked()
-        self.mUpdatesBlocked = b
+        return self.mColorScheme.clone()
-        if b == True:
-            self.disconnectSpeclibSignals()
-            self.blockSignals(True)
-            #self.updatePlot()
-            self.setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView.NoViewportUpdate)
-        else:
-            self.setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView.MinimalViewportUpdate)
-            self.blockSignals(False)
-            self.connectSpeclibSignals()
+    def onPlotUpdateTimeOut(self, *args):
+        try:
+            if not self.mUpdateTimeIsBlocked:
+                self.mUpdateTimeIsBlocked = True
+                self.updateSpectralProfilePlotItems()
+                self.mUpdateTimeIsBlocked = False
+            else:
+                s =""
+        except RuntimeError as ex:
+            print(ex, file=sys.stderr)
+            self.mUpdateTimeIsBlocked = False
+        finally:
+            # adapt changes to update interval
+            if self.mUpdateTimer.interval() != self.mUpdateTimerInterval:
+                self.mUpdateTimer.setInterval(self.mUpdateTimerInterval)
+                self.mUpdateTimer.start()
+    def leaveEvent(self, ev):
+        super(SpectralLibraryPlotWidget, self).leaveEvent(ev)
+        # disable mouse-position related plot items
+        self.mCrosshairLineH.setVisible(False)
+        self.mCrosshairLineV.setVisible(False)
+        self.mInfoLabelCursor.setVisible(False)
-        return b0
+    def enterEvent(self, ev):
+        super(SpectralLibraryPlotWidget, self).enterEvent(ev)
+    def foregroundInfoColor(self) -> QColor:
+        return self.plotItem.axes['bottom']['item'].pen().color()
+    def hoverEvent(self, ev):
+        if ev.enter:
+            self.mouseHovering = True
+        if ev.exit:
+            self.mouseHovering = False
     def onMouseMoved2D(self, evt):
         pos = evt[0]  ## using signal proxy turns original arguments into a tuple
         plotItem = self.getPlotItem()
-        if plotItem.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos):
+        assert isinstance(plotItem, SpectralLibraryPlotItem)
+        if plotItem.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos) and self.underMouse():
             vb = plotItem.vb
             assert isinstance(vb, SpectralViewBox)
             mousePoint = vb.mapSceneToView(pos)
             x = mousePoint.x()
-            if x >= 0:
+            y = mousePoint.y()
+            # todo: add infos about plot data below mouse, e.g. profile band number
+            rect = QRectF(pos.x() - 2, pos.y() - 2, 5, 5)
+            itemsBelow = plotItem.scene().items(rect)
+            if SpectralProfilePlotDataItem in itemsBelow:
+                s = ""
-                # todo: add infos about plot data below mouse, e.g. profile band number
-                rect = QRectF(pos.x() - 2, pos.y() - 2, 5, 5)
-                itemsBelow = plotItem.scene().items(rect)
-                if SpectralProfilePlotDataItem in itemsBelow:
-                    s = ""
-                y = mousePoint.y()
-                vb.updateCurrentPosition(x, y)
-                self.mInfoLabelCursor.setText('x:{:0.5f}\ny:{:0.5f}'.format(x, y))
+            vb.updateCurrentPosition(x, y)
+            self.mInfoLabelCursor.setText('x:{:0.5f}\ny:{:0.5f}'.format(x, y))
-                s = self.size()
-                pos = QPointF(s.width(), 0)
-                self.mInfoLabelCursor.setVisible(vb.mActionShowCursorValues.isChecked())
-                self.mInfoLabelCursor.setPos(pos)
+            s = self.size()
+            pos = QPointF(s.width(), 0)
+            self.mInfoLabelCursor.setVisible(vb.mActionShowCursorValues.isChecked())
+            self.mInfoLabelCursor.setPos(pos)
+            b = vb.mActionShowCrosshair.isChecked()
+            self.mCrosshairLineH.setVisible(b)
+            self.mCrosshairLineV.setVisible(b)
+            self.mCrosshairLineV.setPos(mousePoint.x())
+            self.mCrosshairLineH.setPos(mousePoint.y())
+        else:
+            self.mCrosshairLineH.setVisible(False)
+            self.mCrosshairLineV.setVisible(False)
+            self.mInfoLabelCursor.setVisible(False)
-                b = vb.mActionShowCrosshair.isChecked()
-                self.mCrosshairLineH.setVisible(b)
-                self.mCrosshairLineV.setVisible(b)
-                self.mCrosshairLineV.setPos(mousePoint.x())
-                self.mCrosshairLineH.setPos(mousePoint.y())
     def setPlotOverlayItems(self, items):
@@ -558,20 +1029,82 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
                 self.mXUnitInitialized = True
-    def _spectralProfilePDIs(self) -> list:
+    def spectralProfilePlotDataItems(self) -> typing.List[SpectralProfilePlotDataItem]:
+        """
+        Returns all SpectralProfilePlotDataItems
+        """
         return [i for i in self.getPlotItem().items if isinstance(i, SpectralProfilePlotDataItem)]
-    def _removeSpectralProfilePDIs(self, pdis: list):
+    def _removeSpectralProfilePDIs(self, fidsToRemove: typing.List[int]):
+        """
-        pi = self.getPlotItem()
-        assert isinstance(pi, pg.PlotItem)
+        :param fidsToRemove: feature ids to remove
+        :type fidsToRemove:
+        :return:
+        :rtype:
+        """
-        for pdi in pdis:
+        def disconnect(sig, slot):
+            while True:
+                try:
+                    r = sig.disconnect(slot)
+                    s = ""
+                except:
+                    break
+        plotItem = self.getPlotItem()
+        assert isinstance(plotItem, pg.PlotItem)
+        pdisToRemove = [pdi for pdi in self.spectralProfilePlotDataItems() if pdi.id() in fidsToRemove]
+        for pdi in pdisToRemove:
             assert isinstance(pdi, SpectralProfilePlotDataItem)
-            pi.removeItem(pdi)
-            assert pdi not in pi.dataItems
+            pdi.setClickable(False)
+            disconnect(pdi, self.onProfileClicked)
+            plotItem.removeItem(pdi)
+            #QtGui.QGraphicsScene.items(self, *args)
+            assert pdi not in plotItem.dataItems
             if pdi.id() in self.mPlotDataItems.keys():
-                self.mPlotDataItems.pop(pdi.id())
+                self.mPlotDataItems.pop(pdi.id(), None)
+                self.mSPECIFIC_PROFILE_STYLES.pop(pdi.id(), None)
+        self.scene().update()
+        s = ""
+    def resetProfileStyles(self):
+        """
+        Resets the profile colors
+        """
+        self.mSPECIFIC_PROFILE_STYLES.clear()
+    def setProfileStyle(self, style:PlotStyle, fids:typing.List[int]):
+        """
+        Sets the specific profile style
+        :param style:
+        :type style:
+        :param fids:
+        :type fids:
+        :return:
+        :rtype:
+        """
+        if isinstance(fids, list):
+            if isinstance(style, PlotStyle):
+                for fid in fids:
+                    self.mSPECIFIC_PROFILE_STYLES[fid] = style
+            elif style is None:
+                # delete existing
+                for fid in fids:
+                    self.mSPECIFIC_PROFILE_STYLES.pop(fid, None)
+            self.updateProfileStyles(fids)
+    def setMaxProfiles(self, n:int):
+        """
+        Sets the maximum number of profiles.
+        :param n: maximum number of profiles visualized
+        :type n: int
+        """
+        assert n > 0
+        self.mMaxProfiles = n
+        self.mViewBox.sbMaxProfiles.setValue(self.mMaxProfiles)
     def setSpeclib(self, speclib: SpectralLibrary):
@@ -579,26 +1112,44 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
         :param speclib: SpectralLibrary
         assert isinstance(speclib, SpectralLibrary)
-        self._removeSpectralProfilePDIs(self._spectralProfilePDIs())
+        self.mUpdateTimer.stop()
+        # remove old spectra
+        if isinstance(self.speclib(), SpectralLibrary):
+            self._removeSpectralProfilePDIs(self.speclib().allFeatureIds())
         self.mSpeclib = speclib
-        self.onProfilesAdded(self.speclib().allFeatureIds())
+        self.mUpdateTimer.start(self.mUpdateTimerInterval)
+    def setDualView(self, dualView:QgsDualView):
+        assert isinstance(dualView, QgsDualView)
+        speclib = dualView.masterModel().layer()
+        assert isinstance(speclib, SpectralLibrary)
+        self.mDualView = dualView
+        if self.speclib() != speclib:
+            self.setSpeclib(speclib)
-        self.updatePlot()
+    def dualView(self)->QgsDualView:
+        return self.mDualView
     def connectSpeclibSignals(self):
+        """
+        """
         if isinstance(self.mSpeclib, SpectralLibrary):
-            self.mSpeclib.featureAdded.connect(self.onProfilesAdded)
-            self.mSpeclib.featuresDeleted.connect(self.onProfilesRemoved)
+            #self.mSpeclib.featureAdded.connect(self.onProfilesAdded)
+            #self.mSpeclib.featuresDeleted.connect(self.onProfilesRemoved)
     def disconnectSpeclibSignals(self):
+        """
+        Savely disconnects all signals from the linked SpectralLibrary
+        """
         if isinstance(self.mSpeclib, SpectralLibrary):
             def disconnect(sig, slot):
                 while True:
@@ -613,21 +1164,12 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
             disconnect(self.mSpeclib.committedAttributeValuesChanges, self.onCommittedAttributeValuesChanges)
             disconnect(self.mSpeclib.rendererChanged, self.onRendererChanged)
-    def _addedFeatureCheck(self):
-        if len(self.mAddedFeatureList) > 0 and not self.mUpdatesBlocked:
-            fids = self.mAddedFeatureList[:]
-            self.mAddedFeatureList.clear()
-            self.onProfilesAdded(fids)
-    def _addAddedFeatureList(self, fid):
-        self.mAddedFeatureList.append(fid)
     def speclib(self) -> SpectralLibrary:
         Returns the SpectralLibrary this widget is linked to.
         :return: SpectralLibrary
+        return self.mSpeclib
     def onCommittedAttributeValuesChanges(self, layerID, featureMap):
@@ -655,42 +1197,39 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
     def onRendererChanged(self):
+        """
+        Updates all SpectralProfilePlotDataItems
+        """
+        self.updateProfileStyles()
-        profiles = self.mSpeclib.profiles(fids=self.mPlotDataItems.keys())
-        self.updateProfileStyles(list(profiles))
-    def onSelectionChanged(self, selected, deselected):
-        for pdi in self.plotItem.items:
-            if isinstance(pdi, SpectralProfilePlotDataItem):
-                w = pdi.pen().width()
-                if pdi.id() in selected:
-                    pdi.setSelected(True)
-                elif pdi.id() in deselected:
-                    pdi.setSelected(False)
-        s = ""
+    def onSelectionChanged(self, selected, deselected, clearAndSelect):
+        self.updateSpectralProfilePlotItems()
+        for pdi in self.allSpectralProfilePlotDataItems():
+            if pdi.id() in selected:
+                pdi.setSelected(True)
+            elif pdi.id() in deselected:
+                pdi.setSelected(False)
+    """
     def syncLibrary(self):
         s = ""
         # see https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/pyqtgraph/kz4U6dswEKg
         # speed problems in case of too many line items
-        profiles = list(self.speclib().profiles())
+        #profiles = list(self.speclib().profiles())
-        self.plotItem
-        self.updateProfileStyles(profiles) #take too much time
-        self.updatePlot() #take much more time
+        self.updateSpectralProfilePlotItems()
+        self.updateProfileStyles()
+    """
-        s = ""
     def unitConversionFunction(self, unitSrc, unitDst):
         Returns a function to convert a numeric value from unitSrc to unitDst.
@@ -738,16 +1277,16 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
         return self.mXUnit
-    def allPlotDataItems(self) -> list:
+    def allPlotDataItems(self) -> typing.List[PlotDataItem]:
         Returns all PlotDataItems (not only SpectralProfilePlotDataItems)
         :return: [list-of-PlotDataItems]
         return list(self.mPlotDataItems.values()) + self.mPlotOverlayItems
-    def allSpectralProfilePlotDataItems(self):
+    def allSpectralProfilePlotDataItems(self)->typing.List[SpectralProfilePlotDataItem]:
-        Returns alls SpectralProfilePlotDataItem, including those used as temporary overlays.
+        Returns all SpectralProfilePlotDataItem, including those used as temporary overlays.
         :return: [list-of-SpectralProfilePlotDataItem]
         return [pdi for pdi in self.allPlotDataItems() if isinstance(pdi, SpectralProfilePlotDataItem)]
@@ -772,36 +1311,51 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
         s = ""
-    def updatePlot(self):
-        i = 0
+    def updateSpectralProfilePlotItems(self):
+        """
+        """
         pi = self.getPlotItem()
         assert isinstance(pi, SpectralLibraryPlotItem)
-        existing = list(self.mPlotDataItems.values())
+        toBeVisualized = self.profileIDsToVisualize()
+        visualized = self.plottedProfileIDs()
+        toBeRemoved = [fid for fid in visualized if fid not in toBeVisualized]
+        toBeAdded = [fid for fid in toBeVisualized if fid not in visualized]
-        to_add = [i for i in existing if isinstance(i, SpectralProfilePlotDataItem) and i not in pi.dataItems]
-        to_remove = [pdi for pdi in pi.dataItems if
-                     isinstance(pdi, SpectralProfilePlotDataItem) and pdi not in existing]
+        if len(toBeRemoved) > 0:
+            self._removeSpectralProfilePDIs(toBeRemoved)
-        self._removeSpectralProfilePDIs(to_remove)
-        pi.addItems(to_add)
+        if len(toBeAdded) > 0:
+            addedPDIs = []
+            addedProfiles = self.speclib().profiles(toBeAdded)
+            defaultPlotStyle = self.mColorScheme.ps
+            for profile in addedProfiles:
+                assert isinstance(profile, SpectralProfile)
+                pdi = SpectralProfilePlotDataItem(profile)
+                defaultPlotStyle.apply(pdi)
+                pdi.setClickable(True)
+                pdi.setVisible(True)
+                pdi.sigClicked.connect(self.onProfileClicked)
+                self.mPlotDataItems[profile.id()] = pdi
+                addedPDIs.append(pdi)
+            pi.addItems(addedPDIs)
+            self.updateProfileStyles(toBeAdded)
+            s = ""
+        if len(toBeAdded) > 0 or len(toBeRemoved) > 0:
+            pi.update()
-        pi.update()
-        s = ""
     def resetSpectralProfiles(self):
         for pdi in self.spectralProfilePlotDataItems():
             assert isinstance(pdi, SpectralProfilePlotDataItem)
-    def spectralProfilePlotDataItems(self) -> list:
-        """
-        Returns all available SpectralProfilePlotDataItems
-        """
-        return [i for i in self.mPlotDataItems.values() if isinstance(i, SpectralProfilePlotDataItem)]
-    def spectralProfilePlotDataItem(self, fid) -> SpectralProfilePlotDataItem:
+    def spectralProfilePlotDataItem(self, fid:typing.Union[int, QgsFeature, SpectralProfile]) -> SpectralProfilePlotDataItem:
         Returns the SpectralProfilePlotDataItem related to SpectralProfile fid
         :param fid: int | QgsFeature | SpectralProfile
@@ -811,63 +1365,67 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
             fid = fid.id()
         return self.mPlotDataItems.get(fid)
-    def updateProfileStyles(self, listOfProfiles: list):
+    def updateProfileStyles(self, fids: typing.List[SpectralProfile]=None):
         Updates the styles for a set of SpectralProfilePlotDataItems
         :param listOfProfiles: [list-of-SpectralProfiles]
+        if not isinstance(self.speclib(), SpectralLibrary):
+            return
+        cs = self.mColorScheme
         xUnit = None
         renderContext = QgsRenderContext()
-        renderContext.setExtent(self.mSpeclib.extent())
+        renderContext.setExtent(self.speclib().extent())
         renderer = self.speclib().renderer().clone()
-        colors = []
-        from .spectrallibraries import DEFAULT_PROFILE_COLOR
-        if isinstance(renderer, QgsNullSymbolRenderer):
-            for i in range(len(listOfProfiles)):
-                colors.append(DEFAULT_PROFILE_COLOR)
-        else:
-            renderer.startRender(renderContext, self.mSpeclib.fields())
-            for profile in listOfProfiles:
-                symbol = renderer.symbolForFeature(profile, renderContext)
-                if not isinstance(symbol, QgsSymbol):
-                    symbol = renderer.sourceSymbol()
-                assert isinstance(symbol, QgsSymbol)
-                color = QColor('white')
+        pdis = self.spectralProfilePlotDataItems()
-                if isinstance(symbol, (QgsMarkerSymbol, QgsLineSymbol, QgsFillSymbol)):
-                    color = symbol.color()
-                colors.append(color)
-            renderer.stopRender(renderContext)
+        # update requested FIDs only
+        if isinstance(fids, list):
+            pdis = [pdi for pdi in pdis if pdi.id() in fids]
-        s = ""
-        for profile, color in zip(listOfProfiles, colors):
-            assert isinstance(profile, SpectralProfile)
+        # update X Axis unit
+        if not self.mXUnitInitialized:
+            for pdi in pdis:
+                profile = pdi.spectralProfile()
+                if profile.xUnit() in X_UNITS:
+                    self.setXUnit(profile.xUnit())
+                    break
-            if not self.mXUnitInitialized and isinstance(profile.xUnit(), str):
-                self.setXUnit(profile.xUnit())
+        # update line colors
+        if not cs.useRendererColors or isinstance(renderer, QgsNullSymbolRenderer):
+            for pdi in pdis:
+                style = self.mSPECIFIC_PROFILE_STYLES.get(pdi.id(), cs.ps)
+                style.apply(pdi)
+        else:
+            renderer.startRender(renderContext, self.speclib().fields())
+            for pdi in pdis:
+                profile = pdi.spectralProfile()
-            id = profile.id()
+                style = self.mSPECIFIC_PROFILE_STYLES.get(pdi.id(), None)
-            pdi = self.mPlotDataItems.get(id)
-            if not isinstance(pdi, PlotDataItem):
-                pdi = SpectralProfilePlotDataItem(profile)
-                pdi.setClickable(True)
-                pdi.sigClicked.connect(self.onProfileClicked)
-                self.mPlotDataItems[profile.id()] = pdi
-            pdi.setColor(color)
+                if not isinstance(style, PlotStyle):
+                    style = cs.ps.clone()
+                    symbol = renderer.symbolForFeature(profile, renderContext)
+                    if not isinstance(symbol, QgsSymbol):
+                        symbol = renderer.sourceSymbol()
+                    assert isinstance(symbol, QgsSymbol)
+                    if isinstance(symbol, (QgsMarkerSymbol, QgsLineSymbol, QgsFillSymbol)):
+                        style.setLineColor(symbol.color())
+                style.apply(pdi)
+            renderer.stopRender(renderContext)
         if isinstance(xUnit, str):
             self.mXUnitInitialized = True
     def onProfileClicked(self, pdi):
-        if self.mUpdatesBlocked:
-            return
         if isinstance(pdi, SpectralProfilePlotDataItem) and pdi in self.mPlotDataItems.values():
             modifiers = QApplication.keyboardModifiers()
@@ -907,234 +1465,79 @@ class SpectralLibraryPlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
     def xLabel(self) -> str:
         return self.getPlotItem().getAxis('bottom').label
-    def speclib(self) -> SpectralLibrary:
-        """
-        :return: SpectralLibrary
-        """
-        return self.mSpeclib
-    def onProfilesAdded(self, fids):
-        if not isinstance(fids, list):
-            fids = [fids]
-        if len(fids) == 0:
-            return
-        profiles = self.speclib().profiles(fids=fids)
-        self.updateProfileStyles(list(profiles))
-        self.updatePlot()
-        s = ""
-    def onProfilesRemoved(self, fids):
-        if len(fids) == 0:
-            return
-        pi = self.getPlotItem()
-        assert isinstance(pi, pg.PlotItem)
-        to_remove = [pdi for pdi in self._spectralProfilePDIs() if pdi.id() in fids]
-        self._removeSpectralProfilePDIs(to_remove)
-    def dragEnterEvent(self, event):
-        assert isinstance(event, QDragEnterEvent)
-        if MIMEDATA_SPECLIB_LINK in event.mimeData().formats():
-            event.accept()
-    def dragMoveEvent(self, event):
-        if MIMEDATA_SPECLIB_LINK in event.mimeData().formats():
-            event.accept()
-class SpectralViewBox(pg.ViewBox):
-    """
-    Subclass of ViewBox
-    """
-    sigXUnitChanged = pyqtSignal(str)
-    def __init__(self, parent=None):
-        """
-        Constructor of the CustomViewBox
-        """
-        super(SpectralViewBox, self).__init__(parent)
-        # self.menu = None # Override pyqtgraph ViewBoxMenu
-        # self.menu = self.getMenu() # Create the menu
-        # self.menu = None
-        xAction = [a for a in self.menu.actions() if a.text() == 'X Axis'][0]
-        yAction = [a for a in self.menu.actions() if a.text() == 'Y Axis'][0]
-        menuColors = self.menu.addMenu('Colors')
-        frame = QFrame()
-        l = QGridLayout()
-        frame.setLayout(l)
-        self.btnColorBackground = QgsColorButton(parent)
-        self.btnColorForeground = QgsColorButton(parent)
-        self.btnColorInfo = QgsColorButton(parent)
-        self.btnColorSelected = QgsColorButton(parent)
-        self.cbXAxisUnits = QComboBox(parent)
-        def onBackgroundColorChanged(color: QColor):
-            w = self._viewWidget()
-            if isinstance(w, SpectralLibraryPlotWidget):
-                w.setBackground(QColor(color))
-        def onForegroundColorChanged(color: QColor):
-            w = self._viewWidget()
-            if isinstance(w, SpectralLibraryPlotWidget):
-                w.setForegroundInfoColor(color)
-                # w.setForegroundBrush(color)
-        def onInfoColorChanged(color: QColor):
-            w = self._viewWidget()
-            if isinstance(w, SpectralLibraryPlotWidget):
-                w.setInfoColor(color)
-                s = ""
-        self.btnColorBackground.colorChanged.connect(onBackgroundColorChanged)
-        self.btnColorForeground.colorChanged.connect(onForegroundColorChanged)
-        self.btnColorInfo.colorChanged.connect(onInfoColorChanged)
-        l.addWidget(QLabel('Background'), 0, 0)
-        l.addWidget(self.btnColorBackground, 0, 1)
-        l.addWidget(QLabel('Foreground'), 1, 0)
-        l.addWidget(self.btnColorForeground, 1, 1)
-        l.addWidget(QLabel('Crosshair info'), 2, 0)
-        l.addWidget(self.btnColorInfo, 2, 1)
-        l.setMargin(1)
-        l.setSpacing(1)
-        frame.setMinimumSize(l.sizeHint())
-        wa = QWidgetAction(menuColors)
-        wa.setDefaultWidget(frame)
-        menuColors.addAction(wa)
-        menuXAxis = self.menu.addMenu('X Axis')
-        # define the widget to set X-Axis options
-        frame = QFrame()
-        l = QGridLayout()
-        frame.setLayout(l)
-        self.rbXManualRange = QRadioButton('Manual')
-        self.rbXAutoRange = QRadioButton('Auto')
-        self.rbXAutoRange.setChecked(True)
-        l.addWidget(self.rbXManualRange, 0, 0)
-        l.addWidget(self.rbXAutoRange, 1, 0)
-        self.mCBXAxisUnit = QComboBox()
-        # Order of X units:
-        # 1. long names
-        # 2. short si names
-        # 3. within these groups: by exponent
-        items = sorted(METRIC_EXPONENTS.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])
-        fullNames = []
-        siNames = []
-        for item in items:
-            if len(item[0]) > 5:
-                # make centimeters to Centimeters
-                item = (item[0].title(), item[1])
-                fullNames.append(item)
-            else:
-                siNames.append(item)
-        self.mCBXAxisUnit.addItem(BAND_INDEX, userData='')
-        for item in fullNames + siNames:
-            name, exponent = item
-            self.mCBXAxisUnit.addItem(name, userData=name)
-        self.mCBXAxisUnit.setCurrentIndex(0)
-        self.mCBXAxisUnit.currentIndexChanged.connect(
-            lambda: self.sigXUnitChanged.emit(self.mCBXAxisUnit.currentText()))
-        l.addWidget(QLabel('Unit'), 2, 0)
-        l.addWidget(self.mCBXAxisUnit, 2, 1)
-        self.mXAxisUnit = 'index'
-        l.setMargin(1)
-        l.setSpacing(1)
-        frame.setMinimumSize(l.sizeHint())
-        wa = QWidgetAction(menuXAxis)
-        wa.setDefaultWidget(frame)
-        menuXAxis.addAction(wa)
-        self.menu.insertMenu(xAction, menuXAxis)
-        self.menu.removeAction(xAction)
-        self.mActionShowCrosshair = self.menu.addAction('Show Crosshair')
-        self.mActionShowCrosshair.setCheckable(True)
-        self.mActionShowCrosshair.setChecked(True)
-        self.mActionShowCursorValues = self.menu.addAction('Show Mouse values')
-        self.mActionShowCursorValues.setCheckable(True)
-        self.mActionShowCursorValues.setChecked(True)
-    def setXAxisUnit(self, unit: str):
+    def plottedProfileCount(self)->int:
-        Sets the X axis unit.
-        :param unit: str, metric unit like `nm` or `Nanometers`.
+        Returns the number of plotted profiles
+        :return: int
+        :rtype: int
-        i = self.mCBXAxisUnit.findText(unit)
-        if i == -1:
-            i = 0
-        if i != self.mCBXAxisUnit.currentIndex():
-            self.mCBXAxisUnit.setCurrentIndex(i)
+        return len(self.allSpectralProfilePlotDataItems())
-    def xAxisUnit(self) -> str:
+    def plottedProfileIDs(self)->typing.List[int]:
-        Returns unit of X-Axis values
-        :return: str
+        Returns the feature IDs of all visualized SpectralProfiles.
-        return self.mCBXAxisUnit.currentText()
+        return [pdi.id() for pdi in self.allSpectralProfilePlotDataItems()]
-    def addItems(self, pdis: list, ignoreBounds=False):
+    def profileIDsToVisualize(self)->typing.List[int]:
-        Add multiple QGraphicsItem to this view. The view will include this item when determining how to set its range
-        automatically unless *ignoreBounds* is True.
+        Returns the list of profile/feature ids to be visualized.
+        The maximum number is determined by self.mMaxProfiles
+        Order of returned fids is equal to its importance. 1st postion = most important
-        for i, item in enumerate(pdis):
-            if item.zValue() < self.zValue():
-                item.setZValue(self.zValue() + 1 + i)
+        nMax = len(self.speclib())
-        scene = self.scene()
-        if scene is not None and scene is not item.scene():
-            for item in pdis:
-                scene.addItem(item)  ## Necessary due to Qt bug: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-18616
-                item.setParentItem(self.childGroup)
-        if not ignoreBounds:
-            self.addedItems.extend(pdis)
-        # self.updateAutoRange()
-    def updateContextMenu(self):
+        allIDs = self.speclib().allFeatureIds()
+        if nMax <= self.mMaxProfiles:
+            return allIDs
-        w = self._viewWidget()
-        if isinstance(w, SpectralLibraryPlotWidget):
-            # get background color
-            bg = w.backgroundBrush().color()
-            self.btnColorBackground.setColor(bg)
+        # Order:
+        # 1. visible in table
+        # 2. selected
+        # 3. others
-            # get foreground color
-            self.btnColorForeground.setColor(w.foregroundInfoColor())
-            # get info color
-            self.btnColorInfo.setColor(w.infoColor())
-    def raiseContextMenu(self, ev):
+        vis = self.plottedProfileIDs()
+        dualView = self.dualView()
-        pt = self.mapDeviceToView(ev.pos())
+        priority1 = []
+        if isinstance(dualView, QgsDualView):
+            tv = dualView.tableView()
+            assert isinstance(tv, QTableView)
+            rowHeight = tv.rowViewportPosition(1) - tv.rowViewportPosition(0)
+            for y in range(0, tv.viewport().height(), rowHeight):
+                idx = dualView.tableView().indexAt(QPoint(0, y))
+                if idx.isValid():
+                    fid = tv.model().data(idx, role=Qt.UserRole)
+                    priority1.append(fid)
+            priority2 = self.dualView().masterModel().layer().selectedFeatureIds()
+            priority3 = dualView.filteredFeatures()
+        else:
+            priority2 = self.speclib().selectedFeatureIds()
+            priority3 = self.speclib().allFeatureIds()
-        xRange, yRange = self.viewRange()
+        #featurePool = priority3
+        featurePool = priority1+priority2
+        toVisualize = sorted(featurePool, key=lambda fid : (fid not in priority1, fid not in priority2, fid))
-        menu = self.getMenu(ev)
+        if len(toVisualize) >= self.mMaxProfiles:
+            return sorted(toVisualize[0:self.mMaxProfiles])
+        else:
+            toVisualize = sorted(toVisualize)
+            nMissing = min(self.mMaxProfiles - len(toVisualize), len(priority3))
+            if nMissing > 0:
+                toVisualize += sorted(priority3[0:nMissing])
+            return toVisualize
-        self.scene().addParentContextMenus(self, menu, ev)
-        self.updateContextMenu()
-        menu.exec_(ev.screenPos().toPoint())
-    def updateCurrentPosition(self, x, y):
-        self.mCurrentPosition = (x, y)
-        pass
+    def dragEnterEvent(self, event):
+        assert isinstance(event, QDragEnterEvent)
+        if MIMEDATA_SPECLIB_LINK in event.mimeData().formats():
+            event.accept()
+    def dragMoveEvent(self, event):
+        if MIMEDATA_SPECLIB_LINK in event.mimeData().formats():
+            event.accept()
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/specchio.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/specchio.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2e82266fecafd2a480a71d30765cd17c2fa35bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/specchio.py
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+import os, sys, re, pathlib, json, collections
+import csv as pycsv
+from .spectrallibraries import *
+class SPECCHIOSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
+    """
+    I/O Interface for the SPECCHIO spectral library .
+    See https://ecosis.org for details.
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def canRead(path)->bool:
+        """
+        Returns true if it can read the source defined by path
+        :param path: source uri
+        :return: True, if source is readable.
+        """
+        with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            for line in f:
+                if re.search(r'^\d+(\.\d+)?.+', line):
+                    return True
+        return False
+    @staticmethod
+    def readFrom(path, wlu='nm', delimiter=',', progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None)->SpectralLibrary:
+        """
+        Returns the SpectralLibrary read from "path"
+        :param path: source of SpectralLibrary
+        :return: SpectralLibrary
+        """
+        sl = SpectralLibrary()
+        sl.startEditing()
+        bn = os.path.basename(path)
+        delimiter = ','
+        with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+            lines = f.readlines()
+            DATA = collections.OrderedDict()
+            readMetaData = True
+            regNumber = re.compile(r'^\d+(\.\d+)?$')
+            nProfiles = 0
+            for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+                assert isinstance(line, str)
+                line = line.strip()
+                if len(line) == 0:
+                    continue
+                values = line.split(delimiter)
+                if len(values) < 2:
+                    continue
+                try:
+                    mdKey = values.pop(0).strip()
+                    assert isinstance(mdKey, str)
+                    if len(values) == 0:
+                        continue
+                    t = findTypeFromString(values[0])
+                    values = [t(v) for v in values if len(v) > 0]
+                    if len(values) > 0:
+                        DATA[mdKey] = values
+                    else:
+                        s = ""
+                except Exception as ex:
+                    print(ex, file=sys.stderr)
+                    print('Line {}:{}'.format(i+1, line), file=sys.stderr)
+            numericValueKeys = []
+            metadataKeys = []
+            for k in DATA.keys():
+                if regNumber.search(k):
+                    numericValueKeys.append(k)
+                else:
+                    metadataKeys.append(k)
+            numericValueKeys = sorted(numericValueKeys)
+            xValues = [float(v) for v in numericValueKeys]
+            nProfiles = len(DATA[numericValueKeys[0]])
+            sl.beginEditCommand('Set metadata columns')
+            for k in metadataKeys:
+                if k in sl.fieldNames():
+                    continue
+                k2 = k.replace(' ', '_')
+                qgsField = createQgsField(k, DATA[k][0])
+                assert sl.addAttribute(qgsField)
+            sl.endEditCommand()
+            sl.commitChanges()
+            sl.startEditing()
+            profiles = []
+            for i in range(nProfiles):
+                profile = SpectralProfile(fields=sl.fields())
+                # add profile name
+                if FIELD_NAME in metadataKeys:
+                    profile.setName(DATA[FIELD_NAME][i])
+                else:
+                    profile.setName('{}:{}'.format(bn, i+1))
+                # add profile values
+                yValues = [float(DATA[k][i]) for k in numericValueKeys]
+                profile.setValues(x=xValues, y=yValues, xUnit=wlu)
+                # add profile metadata
+                for k in metadataKeys:
+                    mdValues = DATA[k]
+                    if len(mdValues) > i:
+                        profile.setAttribute(k, mdValues[i])
+                profiles.append(profile)
+            sl.addProfiles(profiles, addMissingFields=True)
+        sl.commitChanges()
+        return sl
+    @staticmethod
+    def write(speclib:SpectralLibrary, path:str, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None, delimiter:str=',')->list:
+        """
+        Writes the SpectralLibrary to path and returns a list of written files that can be used to open the spectral library with readFrom(...)
+        :param speclib: SpectralLibrary
+        :param path: str, path to library source
+        :return: [str-list-of-written-files]
+        """
+        """
+                Writes the SpectralLibrary to path and returns a list of written files that can be used to open the spectral library with readFrom
+                """
+        assert isinstance(speclib, SpectralLibrary)
+        basePath, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
+        s = ""
+        writtenFiles = []
+        fieldNames = [n for n in speclib.fields().names() if n not in [FIELD_VALUES, FIELD_FID]]
+        groups = speclib.groupBySpectralProperties()
+        for i, grp in enumerate(groups.keys()):
+            # in-memory text buffer
+            stream = io.StringIO()
+            xValues, xUnit, yUnit = grp
+            profiles = groups[grp]
+            if i == 0:
+                path = basePath + ext
+            else:
+                path = basePath + '{}{}'.format(i + 1, ext)
+            # write metadata
+            for fn in speclib.fields().names():
+                assert isinstance(fn, str)
+                if fn in [FIELD_FID, FIELD_VALUES]:
+                    continue
+                line = [fn]
+                for p in profiles:
+                    assert isinstance(p, SpectralProfile)
+                    line.append(str(p.attribute(fn)))
+                stream.write(delimiter.join(line) + '\n')
+            #
+            line = ['wavelength unit']
+            for p in profiles:
+                line.append(str(p.xUnit()))
+            stream.write(delimiter.join(line) + '\n')
+            # write values
+            for i, xValue in enumerate(xValues):
+                line = [str(xValue)]
+                for p in profiles:
+                    assert isinstance(p, SpectralProfile)
+                    yValue = p.values()['y'][i]
+                    line.append(str(yValue))
+                stream.write(delimiter.join(line) + '\n')
+            lines = stream.getvalue().replace('\r', '')
+            with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+                f.write(lines)
+                writtenFiles.append(path)
+        return writtenFiles
+    @staticmethod
+    def score(uri:str)->int:
+        """
+        Returns a score value for the give uri. E.g. 0 for unlikely/unknown, 20 for yes, probalby thats the file format the reader can read.
+        :param uri: str
+        :return: int
+        """
+        return 0
+    @staticmethod
+    def addExportActions(spectralLibrary:SpectralLibrary, menu:QMenu) -> list:
+        def write(speclib: SpectralLibrary):
+            path, filter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(caption='Write SPECCHIO CSV Spectral Library ',
+                                                    filter='Textfile (*.csv)')
+            if isinstance(path, str) and len(path) > 0:
+                SPECCHIOSpectralLibraryIO.write(spectralLibrary, path)
+        m = menu.addAction('SPECCHIO')
+        m.setToolTip('Exports the profiles into the SPECCIO text file format.')
+        m.triggered.connect(lambda *args, sl=spectralLibrary: write(sl))
+    @staticmethod
+    def addImportActions(spectralLibrary: SpectralLibrary, menu: QMenu) -> list:
+        def read(speclib: SpectralLibrary):
+            path, filter = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption='Read SPECCHIO CSV File',
+                                               filter='All type (*.*);;Text files (*.txt);; CSV (*.csv)')
+            if os.path.isfile(path):
+                sl = SPECCHIOSpectralLibraryIO.readFrom(path)
+                if isinstance(sl, SpectralLibrary):
+                    speclib.startEditing()
+                    speclib.beginEditCommand('Add profiles from {}'.format(path))
+                    speclib.addSpeclib(sl, True)
+                    speclib.endEditCommand()
+                    speclib.commitChanges()
+        m = menu.addAction('SPECCHIO')
+        m.setToolTip('Adds profiles stored in an SPECCHIO csv text file.')
+        m.triggered.connect(lambda *args, sl=spectralLibrary: read(sl))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/speclibcsvexportdialog.ui b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/speclibcsvexportdialog.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..efb0b15ee880b3b62e3f1ecc90651c3d5208e05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/speclibcsvexportdialog.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/spectrallibraries.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/spectrallibraries.py
index 70c112fa8ba95d83cb8ed9ed7d7ebbd008977ad9..08ec9c61a1968de6a12cca5129ea29a2789e410d 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/spectrallibraries.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/spectrallibraries.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # noinspection PyPep8Naming
@@ -30,15 +31,17 @@
 #see http://python-future.org/str_literals.html for str issue discussion
-import json, enum, tempfile, pickle, collections
+import json, enum, tempfile, pickle, collections, typing, inspect
 from osgeo import ogr, osr
 from qgis.utils import iface
 from qgis.gui import Targets, QgsMapLayerAction
+from qgis.core import QgsField, QgsVectorLayer, QgsRasterLayer, QgsVectorFileWriter
 from ..externals.pyqtgraph import PlotItem
 from ..externals import pyqtgraph as pg
 from ..models import Option, OptionListModel
 from .. utils import *
-from ..speclib import speclibSettings
+from ..speclib import speclibSettings, SpectralLibrarySettingsKey
+from ..plotstyling.plotstyling import PlotStyleWidget, PlotStyle
 # get to now how we can import this module
@@ -60,15 +63,31 @@ SPECLIB_CRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:{}'.format(SPECLIB_EPSG_CODE))
 SPECLIB_CLIPBOARD = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
-COLOR_BACKGROUND = QColor('black')
+OGR_EXTENSION2DRIVER[''] = [] #list all drivers without specific extension
+for i in range(ogr.GetDriverCount()):
+    drv = ogr.GetDriver(i)
+    extensions = drv.GetMetadataItem(gdal.DMD_EXTENSIONS)
+    if isinstance(extensions, str):
+        extensions = extensions.split(',')
+        for ext in extensions:
+            if ext not in OGR_EXTENSION2DRIVER.keys():
+                OGR_EXTENSION2DRIVER[ext] = []
+            OGR_EXTENSION2DRIVER[ext].append(drv.GetName())
+    else:
+        OGR_EXTENSION2DRIVER[''].append(drv.GetName())
 DEBUG = False
+class SerializationMode(enum.Enum):
+    JSON = 1
+    PICKLE = 2
 def log(msg:str):
     if DEBUG:
@@ -97,7 +116,7 @@ PICKLE_PROTOCOL = pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL
 # DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_STYLE.linePen.setColor(Qt.white)
 EMPTY_VALUES = [None, NULL, QVariant(), '', 'None']
-EMPTY_PROFILE_VALUES = {'x': None, 'y': None, 'xUnit': None, 'yUnit': None}
+EMPTY_PROFILE_VALUES = {'x': None, 'y': None, 'xUnit': None, 'yUnit': None, 'bbl': None}
 FIELD_VALUES = 'values'
 FIELD_NAME = 'name'
@@ -209,7 +228,7 @@ def findTypeFromString(value:str):
         return t
-    #every values can be converted into a string
+    # every values can be converted into a string
     return str
 def setComboboxValue(cb: QComboBox, text: str):
@@ -272,27 +291,39 @@ def encodeProfileValueDict(d:dict)->str:
     d2 = {}
     for k in EMPTY_PROFILE_VALUES.keys():
         v = d.get(k)
         # save keys with information only
         if v is not None:
             d2[k] = v
-    return json.dumps(d2, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':'))
+    if SERIALIZATION == SerializationMode.JSON:
+        return json.dumps(d2, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':'))
+    elif SERIALIZATION == SerializationMode.PICKLE:
+        return QByteArray(pickle.dumps(d2))
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError()
-def decodeProfileValueDict(jsonDump:str):
+def decodeProfileValueDict(dump):
-    Converts a json string into a SpectralProfile value dictionary
-    :param jsonDump: str
+    Converts a json / pickle dump  into a SpectralProfile value dictionary
+    :param dump: str
     :return: dict
     d = EMPTY_PROFILE_VALUES.copy()
-    if isinstance(jsonDump, str):
-        d2 = json.loads(jsonDump)
+    if dump not in EMPTY_VALUES:
+        d2 = None
+        if SERIALIZATION == SerializationMode.JSON:
+            d2 = json.loads(dump)
+        elif SERIALIZATION == SerializationMode.PICKLE:
+            d2 = pickle.loads(dump)
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError()
     return d
 def qgsFieldAttributes2List(attributes)->list:
-    """Returns a list of attibutes with None instead of NULL or QVariatn("""
+    """Returns a list of attributes with None instead of NULL or QVariant.NULL"""
     r = QVariant(None)
     return [None if v == r else v for v in attributes]
@@ -338,11 +369,10 @@ def ogrStandardFields()->list:
     fields = [
         ogr.FieldDefn(FIELD_FID, ogr.OFTInteger),
         ogr.FieldDefn(FIELD_NAME, ogr.OFTString),
-        #ogr.FieldDefn('x_unit', ogr.OFTString),
-        #ogr.FieldDefn('y_unit', ogr.OFTString),
         ogr.FieldDefn('source', ogr.OFTString),
-        ogr.FieldDefn(FIELD_VALUES, ogr.OFTString),
-        #ogr.FieldDefn(FIELD_STYLE, ogr.OFTString),
+        ogr.FieldDefn(FIELD_VALUES, ogr.OFTString) \
+            if SERIALIZATION == SerializationMode.JSON else \
+                ogr.FieldDefn(FIELD_VALUES, ogr.OFTBinary),
     return fields
@@ -360,6 +390,8 @@ def createStandardFields():
             a, b = QVariant.Int, 'int'
         elif ogrType in [ogr.OFTReal]:
             a, b = QVariant.Double, 'double'
+        elif ogrType in [ogr.OFTBinary]:
+            a, b = QVariant.ByteArray, 'Binary'
             raise NotImplementedError()
@@ -391,6 +423,29 @@ class SpectralProfile(QgsFeature):
     crs = SPECLIB_CRS
+    @staticmethod
+    def profileName(basename:str, pxPosition:QPoint=None, geoPosition:QgsPointXY=None, index:int=None):
+        """
+        Unified method to generate the name of a single profile
+        :param basename: base name
+        :param pxPosition: optional, pixel position in source image
+        :param geoPosition: optional, pixel position in geo-coordinates
+        :param index: index, e.g. n'th-1 profile that was sampled from a data set
+        :return: name
+        """
+        name = basename
+        if isinstance(index, int):
+            name += str(index)
+        if isinstance(pxPosition, QPoint):
+            name += '({}:{})'.format(pxPosition.x(), pxPosition.y())
+        elif isinstance(geoPosition, QgsPoint):
+            name += '({}:{})'.format(geoPosition.x(), geoPosition.y())
+        return name.replace(' ', ':')
     def fromMapCanvas(mapCanvas, position)->list:
@@ -434,7 +489,7 @@ class SpectralProfile(QgsFeature):
                 return None
         profile = SpectralProfile()
-        profile.setName('{} {}'.format(layer.name(), position))
+        profile.setName(SpectralProfile.profileName(layer.name(), geoPosition=position))
         profile.setValues(x=wl, y=y, xUnit=wlu)
@@ -509,7 +564,7 @@ class SpectralProfile(QgsFeature):
         wl, wlu = parseWavelength(ds)
         profile = SpectralProfile(fields=fields)
-        profile.setName('{} {},{}'.format(baseName, px.x(), px.y()))
+        profile.setName(SpectralProfile.profileName(baseName, pxPosition=px))
         profile.setValues(x=wl, y=y, xUnit=wlu)
@@ -553,16 +608,20 @@ class SpectralProfile(QgsFeature):
-    def fieldNames(self):
+    def fieldNames(self)->typing.List[str]:
+        """
+        Returns all field names
+        :return:
+        """
         return self.fields().names()
     def setName(self, name:str):
         if name != self.name():
-            self.setAttribute('name', name)
+            self.setAttribute(FIELD_NAME, name)
-    def name(self):
-        return self.metadata('name')
+    def name(self)->str:
+        return self.metadata(FIELD_NAME)
     def setSource(self, uri: str):
         self.setAttribute('source', uri)
@@ -580,28 +639,6 @@ class SpectralProfile(QgsFeature):
     def geoCoordinate(self):
         return self.geometry()
-    #def style(self)->PlotStyle:
-    #    """
-    #    Returns this features's PlotStyle
-    #    :return: PlotStyle
-    #    """
-    #    styleJson = self.metadata(FIELD_STYLE)
-    #    try:
-    #        style = PlotStyle.fromJSON(styleJson)
-    #    except Exception as ex:
-    #        style = DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_STYLE
-    #    return style
-    #def setStyle(self, style:PlotStyle):
-    #    """
-    #    Sets a Spectral Profiles's plot style
-    #    :param style: PLotStyle
-    #    """
-    #    if isinstance(style, PlotStyle):
-    #        self.setMetadata(FIELD_STYLE, style.json())
-    #    else:
-    #        self.setMetadata(FIELD_STYLE, None)
     def updateMetadata(self, metaData):
         if isinstance(metaData, dict):
             for key, value in metaData.items():
@@ -657,10 +694,18 @@ class SpectralProfile(QgsFeature):
             v = None
         return default if v is None else v
+    def nb(self)->int:
+        """
+        Returns the number of profile bands / profile values
+        :return: int
+        :rtype:
+        """
+        return len(self.yValues())
     def values(self)->dict:
         Returns a dictionary with 'x', 'y', 'xUnit' and 'yUnit' values.
-        :return: {'x':list,'y':list,'xUnit':str,'yUnit':str}
+        :return: {'x':list,'y':list,'xUnit':str,'yUnit':str, 'bbl':list}
         if self.mValueCache is None:
             jsonStr = self.attribute(self.fields().indexFromName(FIELD_VALUES))
@@ -671,7 +716,7 @@ class SpectralProfile(QgsFeature):
         return self.mValueCache
-    def setValues(self, x=None, y=None, xUnit=None, yUnit=None):
+    def setValues(self, x=None, y=None, xUnit=None, yUnit=None, bbl=None):
         d = self.values().copy()
@@ -681,16 +726,22 @@ class SpectralProfile(QgsFeature):
         if isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
             y = y.tolist()
+        if isinstance(bbl, np.ndarray):
+            bbl = bbl.astype(bool).tolist()
         if isinstance(x, list):
             d['x'] = x
         if isinstance(y, list):
             d['y'] = y
-        # ensure x/y are list or None
+        if isinstance(bbl, list):
+            d['bbl'] = bbl
+        # ensure x/y/bbl are list or None
         assert d['x'] is None or isinstance(d['x'], list)
         assert d['y'] is None or isinstance(d['y'], list)
+        assert d['bbl'] is None or isinstance(d['bbl'], list)
         # ensure same length
         if isinstance(d['x'], list):
@@ -699,6 +750,11 @@ class SpectralProfile(QgsFeature):
             assert len(d['x']) == len(d['y']), \
                 'x and y need to have the same number of values ({} != {})'.format(len(d['x']), len(d['y']))
+        if isinstance(d['bbl'], list):
+            assert isinstance(d['y'], list), 'y values need to be specified'
+            assert len(d['bbl']) == len(d['y']), \
+                'y and bbl need to have the same number of values ({} != {})'.format(len(d['y']), len(d['bbl']))
         if isinstance(xUnit, str):
             d['xUnit'] = xUnit
         if isinstance(yUnit, str):
@@ -735,6 +791,16 @@ class SpectralProfile(QgsFeature):
             return y
+    def bbl(self)->list:
+        """
+        Returns the BadBandList.
+        :return:
+        :rtype:
+        """
+        bbl = self.values().get('bbl')
+        if not isinstance(bbl, list):
+            bbl = np.ones(self.nb(), dtype=np.byte).tolist()
+        return bbl
     def setXUnit(self, unit : str):
         d = self.values()
@@ -796,10 +862,10 @@ class SpectralProfile(QgsFeature):
         pi = SpectralProfilePlotDataItem(self)
         pw = pg.plot( title=self.name())
-        pw.plotItem().addItem(pi)
+        pw.getPlotItem().addItem(pi)
-        pg.QAPP.exec_()
+        #pg.QAPP.exec_()
     def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol):
@@ -849,6 +915,8 @@ class SpectralProfile(QgsFeature):
                     return False
                 if self.yValues() != other.yValues():
                     return False
+                if self.xUnit() != other.xUnit():
+                    return False
                 i2 = names2.index(n)
                 if self.attribute(i1) != other.attribute(i2):
@@ -969,7 +1037,9 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
     def readFromVector(vector_qgs_layer:QgsVectorLayer=None,
-                       all_touched=False):
+                       nameField=None,
+                       all_touched=False,
+                       returnProfileList=False):
         Reads SpectraProfiles from a raster source, based on the locations specified in a vector data set.
         Opens a Select Polygon Layer dialog to select the correct polygon and returns a Spectral Library with
@@ -978,26 +1048,23 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
         :param vector_qgs_layer: QgsVectorLayer | str
         :param raster_qgs_layer: QgsRasterLayer | str
         :param progressDialog: QProgressDialog (optional)
+        :param nameField: str | int | QgsField that is used to generate individual profile names.
         :param all_touched: bool, False (default) = extract only pixel entirely covered with a geometry
                                   True = extract all pixels touched by a geometry
-        :return: Spectral Library
+        :param returnProfileList: bool, False (default) = return a SpectralLibrary
+                                        True = return a [list-of-SpectralProfiles] and skip the SpectralLibrary generations.
+        :return: Spectral Library | [list-of-profiles]
-        # for debugging only
-        # layers = [l for l in canvas.layers()]
-        # vector_qgs_layer = layers[0]
-        # raster_qgs_layer = layers[1]
-        # assert isinstance(vector_qgs_layer, QgsVectorLayer)
-        # assert isinstance(raster_qgs_layer, QgsRasterLayer)
         # the SpectralLibrary to be returned
         spectral_library = SpectralLibrary()
-        if isinstance(vector_qgs_layer, str):
-            vector_qgs_layer = QgsVectorLayer(vector_qgs_layer)
-        if isinstance(raster_qgs_layer, str):
-            raster_qgs_layer = QgsRasterLayer(raster_qgs_layer)
+        # homogenize source file formats
+        try:
+            vector_qgs_layer = qgsVectorLayer(vector_qgs_layer)
+            raster_qgs_layer = qgsRasterLayer(raster_qgs_layer)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            print(ex, file=sys.stderr)
         # get QgsLayers of vector and raster
         from ..utils import SelectMapLayersDialog
@@ -1014,7 +1081,6 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
         # get the shapefile fields and check the minimum requirements
-        # standard_fields = qgsStandardFields()
         # field in the vector source
         vector_fields = vector_qgs_layer.fields()
@@ -1024,84 +1090,94 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
         # fields we need to copy values from the vector source to each SpectralProfile
         fields_to_copy = []
         for field in vector_fields:
             if speclib_fields.indexOf(field.name()) == -1:
+        options = QgsVectorFileWriter.SaveVectorOptions()
+        options.driverName = 'GPKG'
+        # set spatial filter in destination CRS
+        options.filterExtent = SpatialExtent.fromLayer(raster_qgs_layer)
+        #options.filterExtent = SpatialExtent.fromLayer(raster_qgs_layer).toCrs(vector_qgs_layer.crs())
+        options.destCRS = raster_qgs_layer.crs()
+        tmpPath = '/vsimem/tmp_transform{}.gpkg'.format(vector_qgs_layer.name())
+        ct = QgsCoordinateTransform()
+        ct.setSourceCrs(vector_qgs_layer.crs())
+        ct.setDestinationCrs(raster_qgs_layer.crs())
+        options.ct = ct
+        error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(layer=vector_qgs_layer,
+                                                        fileName=tmpPath,
+                                                        options=options)
+        vector_qgs_layer.disconnect()
+        del vector_qgs_layer
+        # make the internal FID a normal attribute which gdal can rasterize
+        tmp_qgs_layer = QgsVectorLayer(tmpPath)
+        if tmp_qgs_layer.featureCount() == 0:
+            info = 'No intersection between\nraster {} and vector {}'.format(raster_qgs_layer.source(), vector_qgs_layer.source())
+            print(info)
+            if isinstance(progressDialog, QProgressDialog):
+                progressDialog.setLabelText('No intersection between raster and vector source')
+                progressDialog.setValue(progressDialog.maximum())
+            return spectral_library
+        assert isinstance(tmp_qgs_layer, QgsVectorLayer)
+        assert tmp_qgs_layer.isValid()
+        assert tmp_qgs_layer.startEditing()
+        fidName = 'tmpFID'
+        i = 1
+        while fidName in tmp_qgs_layer.fields().names():
+            fidName = 'tmpFID{}'.format(i)
+            i += 1
+        tmp_qgs_layer.addAttribute(QgsField(fidName,  QVariant.Int, 'int'))
+        assert tmp_qgs_layer.commitChanges()
+        assert fidName in tmp_qgs_layer.fields().names()
+        # let the tmpFID be fid + 1, so that there is not negative or zero tmpFID
+        # this will be the value to be burned into the gdal raster
+        assert tmp_qgs_layer.startEditing()
+        i = tmp_qgs_layer.fields().lookupField(fidName)
+        for fid in [fid for fid in tmp_qgs_layer.allFeatureIds() if fid >= 0]:
+            tmp_qgs_layer.changeAttributeValue(fid, i, fid+1)
+        assert tmp_qgs_layer.commitChanges()
         # get ORG/GDAL dataset and OGR/GDAL layer of vector and raster
-        drv = ogr.GetDriverByName('Memory')
-        assert isinstance(drv, ogr.Driver)
-        # load vector data into memory
-        vector_dataset = drv.CopyDataSource(ogrDataSource(vector_qgs_layer), '')
-        assert isinstance(vector_dataset, ogr.DataSource)
+        tmp_ogrDataSource = ogr.Open(tmpPath)
+        assert isinstance(tmp_ogrDataSource, ogr.DataSource)
+        assert tmp_ogrDataSource.GetLayerCount() == 1
+        tmp_ogrLayer = tmp_ogrDataSource.GetLayer(0)
+        assert isinstance(tmp_ogrLayer, ogr.Layer)
         raster_dataset = gdal.Open(raster_qgs_layer.source())
-        bn = os.path.basename(raster_dataset.GetDescription())
-        assert isinstance(raster_dataset, gdal.Dataset)
+        badBandList = parseBadBandList(raster_dataset)
         wl, wlu = parseWavelength(raster_dataset)
+        bn = os.path.basename(raster_dataset.GetDescription())
+        assert isinstance(raster_dataset, gdal.Dataset)
-        iLayer = 0
-        layerNames = [vector_dataset.GetLayer(i).GetName() for i in range(vector_dataset.GetLayerCount())]
-        match = re.search('layername=([^|,;]+)', vector_qgs_layer.source())
-        if match:
-            layerName = match.group(1)
-            if layerName in layerNames:
-                iLayer = layerNames.index(layerName)
-        vector_layer = vector_dataset.GetLayer(iLayer)
-        assert isinstance(vector_layer, ogr.Layer)
-        ldefn = vector_layer.GetLayerDefn()
-        assert isinstance(ldefn, ogr.FeatureDefn)
-        fieldNames = [ldefn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName() for i in range(ldefn.GetFieldCount())]
-        # make the internal FID a normal attribute which we can rasterize
-        fidName = 'FID'
-        iProfile = 0
-        while fidName in fieldNames:
-            fidName = 'tmpFID{}'.format(iProfile)
-        vector_layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn(fidName, ogr.OFTInteger64))
-        # transform geometries to raster SRS
-        srsVector = vector_layer.GetSpatialRef()
-        srsRaster = osr.SpatialReference()
-        srsRaster.ImportFromWkt(raster_dataset.GetProjection())
-        trans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(srsVector, srsRaster)
-        assert isinstance(trans, osr.CoordinateTransformation)
-        for feature in vector_layer:
-            assert isinstance(feature, ogr.Feature)
-            feature.SetField(fidName, feature.GetFID()+1) # let the smalled fid be 1
-            # assert geom.Transform(trans) == ogr.OGRERR_NONE
-            # wow! gdal.Rasterize considers SRS differences
-            # geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
-            # feature.SetGeometry(geom)
-            vector_layer.SetFeature(feature)
-        vector_layer.ResetReading()
-        # vector to array to x and y values
-        driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM')
-        mem = driver.Create('', raster_dataset.RasterXSize, raster_dataset.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt32)
-        assert isinstance(mem, gdal.Dataset)
-        band = mem.GetRasterBand(1)
+        # create in-memory raster to burn the tempFID into
+        memDrv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM')
+        memRaster = memDrv.Create('', raster_dataset.RasterXSize, raster_dataset.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_UInt32)
+        assert isinstance(memRaster, gdal.Dataset)
+        band = memRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
         assert isinstance(band, gdal.Band)
-        mem.SetGeoTransform(raster_dataset.GetGeoTransform())
-        mem.SetProjection(raster_dataset.GetProjection())
-        mem.FlushCache()
+        memRaster.SetGeoTransform(raster_dataset.GetGeoTransform())
+        memRaster.SetProjection(raster_dataset.GetProjection())
+        memRaster.FlushCache()
         all_touched = 'TRUE' if all_touched else 'FALSE'
-        gdal.RasterizeLayer(mem, [1], vector_layer,
+        gdal.RasterizeLayer(memRaster, [1], tmp_ogrLayer,
-        memory_array = mem.ReadAsArray()
-        y, x = np.where(memory_array > 0)
+        # read the burned tmpFIDs
+        tmpFIDArray = memRaster.ReadAsArray()
+        y, x = np.where(tmpFIDArray > 0)
         n_profiles = len(y)
-        memory_array = memory_array - 1 # decrease FID by 1 (we already got the right positions
+        # decrease tmpFID array by 1 (we already got the right positions)
+        # it now contains the real FID values
+        tmpFIDArray = tmpFIDArray - 1
         if n_profiles == 0:
             # no profiles to extract. Return an empty speclib
@@ -1113,44 +1189,46 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
             progressDialog.setRange(0, raster_dataset.RasterCount + n_profiles + 1)
-            progressDialog.setLabelText('Read profiles...')
-        fids = memory_array[y, x]
-        unique_fids = list(np.unique(fids))
-        driver = None
+            progressDialog.setLabelText('Read {} profiles...'.format(n_profiles))
-        percentage_to_extract = float(len(y)) / (mem.RasterXSize * mem.RasterYSize)
+        fids = tmpFIDArray[y, x]
+        unique_fids = np.unique(fids).tolist()
+        fids = fids.tolist()
-        del vector_layer, memory_array, mem, driver
+        del tmp_ogrLayer, tmpFIDArray, memRaster, memDrv
         # save all profiles in a spectral library
         profiles = []
-        # transform x/y pixel position into speclib crs
+        # transform x/y pixel position into the speclib crs
         rasterCRS = raster_qgs_layer.crs()
         rasterGT = raster_dataset.GetGeoTransform()
         rasterSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
-        speclibSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
+        speclibSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
-        transCRS = QgsCoordinateTransform()
-        transCRS.setSourceCrs(rasterCRS)
-        transCRS.setDestinationCrs(spectral_library.crs())
+        # GDAL 3.0 considers authority specific axis order
+        # see https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/1974
+        #     https://gdal.org/tutorials/osr_api_tut.html
+        rasterSRS.SetAxisMappingStrategy(osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER)
+        speclibSRS.SetAxisMappingStrategy(osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER)
         # transform many coordinates fast!
         transSRS = osr.CoordinateTransformation(rasterSRS, speclibSRS)
         # geo-coordinate in raster CRS
-        if True: # pixel center
-            x2, y2 = x+0.5, y+0.5
+        # move to pixel center
+        if True:
+            x2, y2 = x + 0.5, y + 0.5
             x2, y2 = x, y
-        # transSRS.TransformPoints(np.ones((n_points, 2)))
         geo_coordinates = np.empty((n_profiles, 2), dtype=np.float)
         geo_coordinates[:, 0] = rasterGT[0] + x2 * rasterGT[1] + y2 * rasterGT[2]
         geo_coordinates[:, 1] = rasterGT[3] + x2 * rasterGT[4] + y2 * rasterGT[5]
         geo_coordinates = transSRS.TransformPoints(geo_coordinates)
         attr_idx_profile = []
@@ -1164,7 +1242,7 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
         # store relevant features in memory for faster accesss
         features = {}
         featureAttributes = {}
-        for f in vector_qgs_layer.getFeatures(unique_fids):
+        for f in tmp_qgs_layer.getFeatures(unique_fids):
             assert isinstance(f, QgsFeature)
             features[f.id()] = f
@@ -1178,8 +1256,6 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
         profileData = None
-        # should we consider a band-band-list?
         for b in range(raster_dataset.RasterCount):
             if isinstance(progressDialog, QProgressDialog):
                 if progressDialog.wasCanceled():
@@ -1199,14 +1275,34 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
         del raster_dataset, bandData
-        # 2. profiles with source vector metadata
-        wasPointGeometry = vector_qgs_layer.wkbType() in [QgsWkbTypes.Point, QgsWkbTypes.PointGeometry]
+        # 2. write profiles + some meta data from the source vector file
+        wasPointGeometry = tmp_qgs_layer.wkbType() in [QgsWkbTypes.Point, QgsWkbTypes.PointGeometry]
         if wasPointGeometry:
+        # which field is to choose to describe the spectrum name?
+        nameFieldIndex = None
+        if isinstance(nameField, int):
+            nameFieldIndex = nameField
+        elif isinstance(nameField, QgsField):
+            nameFieldIndex = vector_fields.lookupField(nameField.name())
+        elif isinstance(nameField, str):
+            nameFieldIndex = vector_fields.lookupField(nameField)
+        if nameFieldIndex is None:
+            for i, field in enumerate(vector_fields):
+                assert isinstance(field, QgsField)
+                if field.type() == QVariant.String and re.search(field.name(), 'Name', re.I):
+                    nameFieldIndex = vector_fields.lookupField(field.name())
+                    break
+        if nameFieldIndex is None:
+            for i, field in enumerate(vector_fields):
+                assert isinstance(field, QgsField)
+                if re.search(field.name(), '^(fid|id)$', re.I):
+                    nameFieldIndex = vector_fields.lookupField(field.name())
+                    break
+        profileNameCounts = dict() # dictionary to store spectra names
         for iProfile, fid, in enumerate(fids):
             if isinstance(progressDialog, QProgressDialog):
@@ -1218,39 +1314,65 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
             assert isinstance(feature, QgsFeature)
             profile = SpectralProfile(fields=speclib_fields)
-            # 2.1 set profile id + name
+            # 2.1 set profile id
-            px_x, px_y = x[iProfile], y[iProfile]
-            profile.setName('{} {},{}'.format(bn, px_x, px_y))
-            # 2.2 set geometry
+            # 2.2. set profile name
+            if nameFieldIndex is None:
+                px_x, px_y = x[iProfile], y[iProfile]
+                profileName = '{} {},{}'.format(bn, px_x, px_y)
+            else:
+                profileName = str(feature.attribute(nameFieldIndex))
+                n = profileNameCounts.get(profileName)
+                # n = 1 -> Foobar
+                # n > 1 -> Foobar (n)
+                if n is None:
+                    profileNameCounts[profileName] = 1
+                else:
+                    profileNameCounts[profileName] = n + 1
+                    profileName = profileName + ' ({})'.format(n + 1)
+            profile.setName(profileName)
+            # 2.3 set geometry
             g = geo_coordinates[iProfile]
             profile.setGeometry(QgsPoint(g[0], g[1]))
-            # 2.3 copy vector feature attribute
+            # 2.4 copy vector feature attribute
             for idx_p, idx_f in zip(attr_idx_profile, attr_idx_feature):
                 profile.setAttribute(idx_p, feature.attribute(idx_f))
-            # 2.4 set the profile values
-            profile.setValues(x=wl, y=profileData[:, iProfile], xUnit=wlu)
+            # 2.5 set the profile values
+            profile.setValues(x=wl, y=profileData[:, iProfile], xUnit=wlu, bbl=badBandList)
+        if returnProfileList:
+            return profiles
         if isinstance(progressDialog, QProgressDialog):
             progressDialog.setLabelText('Create speclib...')
-        spectral_library.startEditing()
+        assert spectral_library.startEditing()
+        assert spectral_library.commitChanges()
+        assert spectral_library.startEditing()
         # spectral_library.addProfiles(profiles)
         if not spectral_library.addFeatures(profiles, QgsFeatureSink.FastInsert):
             s = ""
-        spectral_library.commitChanges()
+        if not spectral_library.commitChanges():
+            s = ""
         if isinstance(progressDialog, QProgressDialog):
             # print('{} {} {}'.format(progressDialog.minimum(), progressDialog.maximum(), progressDialog.value()))
+        tmp_qgs_layer.disconnect()
+        del tmp_qgs_layer
+        gdal.Unlink(tmpPath)
         return spectral_library
@@ -1263,7 +1385,7 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
         :param mode:
+        warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning(r'Use readFromVector instead'))
         assert mode in ['CENTROIDS', 'AVERAGES', 'PIXELS']
         if isinstance(rasterSource, str):
@@ -1586,7 +1708,7 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
-    def readFrom(uri):
+    def readFrom(uri, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None):
         Reads a Spectral Library from the source specified in "uri" (path, url, ...)
         :param uri: path or uri of the source from which to read SpectralProfiles and return them in a SpectralLibrary
@@ -1603,12 +1725,13 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
         readers = AbstractSpectralLibraryIO.__subclasses__()
         for cls in sorted(readers, key=lambda r:r.score(uri)):
-            if cls.canRead(uri):
-                return cls.readFrom(uri)
+            try:
+                if cls.canRead(uri):
+                    return cls.readFrom(uri, progressDialog=progressDialog)
+            except Exception as ex:
+                s = ""
         return None
     sigNameChanged = pyqtSignal(str)
     __refs__ = []
@@ -1691,8 +1814,9 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
         Initializes the default QgsFeatureRenderer
-        self.renderer().symbol().setColor(DEFAULT_PROFILE_COLOR)
-        s = ""
+        color = speclibSettings().value('DEFAULT_PROFILE_COLOR', QColor('green'))
+        self.renderer().symbol().setColor(color)
     def initTableConfig(self):
@@ -1816,7 +1940,7 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
         #    self.dataProvider().addAttributes(missingFields)
-    def addSpeclib(self, speclib, addMissingFields=True):
+    def addSpeclib(self, speclib, addMissingFields=True, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None):
         Adds another SpectraLibrary
         :param speclib: SpectralLibrary
@@ -1824,69 +1948,85 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
         assert isinstance(speclib, SpectralLibrary)
-        self.addProfiles(speclib.profiles(), addMissingFields=addMissingFields)
+        self.addProfiles(speclib, addMissingFields=addMissingFields, progressDialog=progressDialog)
         s = ""
-    def addProfiles(self, profiles, addMissingFields:bool=None):
-        if addMissingFields is None:
-            addMissingFields = isinstance(profiles, SpectralLibrary)
+    def addProfiles(self, profiles:typing.Union[typing.List[SpectralProfile], QgsVectorLayer],
+                    addMissingFields:bool=None,
+                    progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None):
         if isinstance(profiles, SpectralProfile):
             profiles = [profiles]
-        elif isinstance(profiles, SpectralLibrary):
-            profiles = profiles.profiles()
-        profiles = list(profiles)
+        if addMissingFields is None:
+            addMissingFields = isinstance(profiles, SpectralLibrary)
         if len(profiles) == 0:
         assert self.isEditable(), 'SpectralLibrary "{}" is not editable. call startEditing() first'.format(self.name())
-        profiles2 = []
-        fieldLookup={}
-        def createCopy(srcFeature:QgsFeature)->QgsFeature:
-            p2 = QgsFeature(self.fields())
-            srcAttributes = srcFeature.attributes()
-            p2.setGeometry(srcFeature.geometry())
-            for i1, i2 in fieldLookup.items():
-                v = srcAttributes[i1]
-                p2.setAttribute(i2, None if v == QVariant(None) else v)
-            return p2
-        pRef = profiles[0]
-        if addMissingFields:
-            self.addMissingFields(pRef.fields())
+        if isinstance(progressDialog, QProgressDialog):
+            progressDialog.setLabelText('Add {} profiles'.format(len(profiles)))
+            progressDialog.setValue(0)
+            progressDialog.setRange(0, len(profiles))
         iSrcList = []
         iDstList = []
-        for i1, srcName in enumerate(pRef.fields().names()):
-            if srcName == FIELD_FID:
-                continue
-            i2 = self.fields().lookupField(srcName)
-            if i2 >= 0:
-                iSrcList.append(i1)
-                iDstList.append(i2)
-                fieldLookup[i1] = i2
-            elif addMissingFields:
-                raise Exception('Missing field: "{}"'.format(srcName))
-        # create new features + copy geometry
+        bufferLength = 500
+        profileBuffer = []
+        nAdded = 0
+        def flushBuffer():
+            nonlocal self, nAdded, profileBuffer, progressDialog
+            if not self.addFeatures(profileBuffer):
+                self.raiseError()
+            nAdded += len(profileBuffer)
+            #print('added {}'.format(len(profileBuffer)))
+            profileBuffer.clear()
+            if isinstance(progressDialog, QProgressDialog):
+                progressDialog.setValue(nAdded)
-        for pSrc in profiles:
+                QApplication.processEvents()
+        for i, pSrc in enumerate(profiles):
+            #print(i)
+            if i == 0:
+                if addMissingFields:
+                    self.addMissingFields(pSrc.fields())
+                for iSrc, srcName in enumerate(pSrc.fields().names()):
+                    if srcName == FIELD_FID:
+                        continue
+                    iDst = self.fields().lookupField(srcName)
+                    if iDst >= 0:
+                        iSrcList.append(iSrc)
+                        iDstList.append(iDst)
+                    elif addMissingFields:
+                        raise Exception('Missing field: "{}"'.format(srcName))
+            # create new feature + copy geometry
             pDst = QgsFeature(self.fields())
-            profiles2.append(pDst)
-        for iSrc, iDst in zip(iSrcList,iDstList):
-            for pSrc, pDst in zip(profiles, profiles2):
+            # copy attributes
+            for iSrc, iDst in zip(iSrcList, iDstList):
                 pDst.setAttribute(iDst, pSrc.attribute(iSrc))
-        if not self.addFeatures(profiles2):
-            self.raiseError()
-        s = ""
+            profileBuffer.append(pDst)
+            if len(profileBuffer) >= bufferLength:
+                flushBuffer()
+        flushBuffer()
+        #s = ""
     def speclibFromFeatureIDs(self, fids):
         if isinstance(fids, int):
@@ -1937,13 +2077,13 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
             for fid in fids:
                 assert isinstance(fid, int)
-        # features = [f for f in self.features() if f.id() in fids]
+        # features = [f for f in self.features() if f.id() in fidsToRemove]
         return self.getFeatures(featureRequest)
-    def profiles(self, fids=None):
+    def profiles(self, fids=None)->typing.Generator[SpectralProfile, None, None]:
-        Like features(fids=None), but converts each returned QgsFeature into a SpectralProfile
+        Like features(fidsToRemove=None), but converts each returned QgsFeature into a SpectralProfile
         :param fids: optional, [int-list-of-feature-ids] to return
         :return: generator of [List-of-SpectralProfiles]
@@ -2118,9 +2258,9 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
-    def __len__(self):
+    def __len__(self)->int:
         cnt = self.featureCount()
-        #can be -1 if the number of features is unknown
+        # can be -1 if the number of features is unknown
         return max(cnt, 0)
     def __iter__(self):
@@ -2161,10 +2301,9 @@ class SpectralLibrary(QgsVectorLayer):
 class AbstractSpectralLibraryIO(object):
     Abstract class interface to define I/O operations for spectral libraries
-    Overwrite the canRead and read From routines.
-    def canRead(path):
+    def canRead(path:str)->bool:
         Returns true if it can read the source defined by path
         :param path: source uri
@@ -2173,18 +2312,24 @@ class AbstractSpectralLibraryIO(object):
         return False
-    def readFrom(path):
+    def readFrom(path:str, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None)->SpectralLibrary:
         Returns the SpectralLibrary read from "path"
-        :param path: source of SpectralLibrary
+        :param path: source of Spectral Library
+        :param progressDialog: QProgressDialog, which well-behave implementations can use to show the import progress.
         :return: SpectralLibrary
         return None
-    def write(speclib, path):
-        """Writes the SpectralLibrary to path and returns a list of written files that can be used to open
-        the spectral library with readFrom"""
+    def write(speclib:SpectralLibrary, path:str, progressDialog:QProgressDialog)->typing.List[str]:
+        """
+        Writes the SpectralLibrary.
+        :param speclib: SpectralLibrary to write
+        :param path: file path to write the SpectralLibrary to
+        :param progressDialog:  QProgressDialog, which well-behave implementations can use to show the writting progress.
+        :return: a list of paths that can be used to re-open all written profiles
+        """
         assert isinstance(speclib, SpectralLibrary)
         return []
@@ -2199,6 +2344,31 @@ class AbstractSpectralLibraryIO(object):
         return 0
+    @staticmethod
+    def filterString()->str:
+        """
+        Returns a Qt file filter string
+        :return:
+        :rtype:
+        """
+        return None
+    @staticmethod
+    def addImportActions(spectralLibrary:SpectralLibrary, menu:QMenu):
+        """
+        Returns a list of QActions or QMenus that can be called to read/import SpectralProfiles from a certain file format into a SpectralLibrary
+        :param spectralLibrary: SpectralLibrary to import SpectralProfiles to
+        :return: [list-of-QAction-or-QMenus]
+        """
+    @staticmethod
+    def addExportActions(spectralLibrary:SpectralLibrary, menu:QMenu):
+        """
+        Returns a list of QActions or QMenus that can be called to write/export SpectralProfiles into certain file format
+        :param spectralLibrary: SpectralLibrary to export SpectralProfiles from
+        :return: [list-of-QAction-or-QMenus]
+        """
 class AddAttributeDialog(QDialog):
@@ -2359,13 +2529,13 @@ class SpectralProfileMapTool(QgsMapToolEmitPoint):
         self.marker = QgsVertexMarker(self.mCanvas)
         self.rubberband = QgsRubberBand(self.mCanvas, QgsWkbTypes.PolygonGeometry)
-        color = QColor('red')
+        plotStyle = QColor('red')
-        self.rubberband.setColor(color)
+        self.rubberband.setColor(plotStyle)
-        self.marker.setColor(color)
+        self.marker.setColor(plotStyle)
         self.marker.setIconType(QgsVertexMarker.ICON_CROSS)  # or ICON_CROSS, ICON_X
@@ -2375,9 +2545,9 @@ class SpectralProfileMapTool(QgsMapToolEmitPoint):
-    def setStyle(self, color=None, brushStyle=None, fillColor=None, lineStyle=None):
-        if color:
-            self.rubberband.setColor(color)
+    def setStyle(self, plotStyle=None, brushStyle=None, fillColor=None, lineStyle=None):
+        if plotStyle:
+            self.rubberband.setColor(plotStyle)
         if brushStyle:
         if fillColor:
@@ -2962,14 +3132,6 @@ def registerSpectralProfileEditorWidget():
-def registerAbstractLibraryIOs():
-    try:
-        import asd
-    except:
-        s = ""
 from ..utils import SelectMapLayersDialog
 class SpectralProfileImportPointsDialog(SelectMapLayersDialog):
@@ -3076,15 +3238,32 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
         # set spacer into menu
         # empty = QWidget(self.mToolbar)
          #empty.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred)
-        from .plotting import SpectralLibraryPlotWidget
+        from ..speclib.plotting import SpectralLibraryPlotWidget
         assert isinstance(self.mPlotWidget, SpectralLibraryPlotWidget)
-        #self.mToolbar.insertWidget(self.actionReload, empty)
-        self.mColorCurrentSpectra = COLOR_SELECTED_SPECTRA
-        self.mColorSelectedSpectra = COLOR_SELECTED_SPECTRA
         self.m_plot_max = 500
+        from .envi import EnviSpectralLibraryIO
+        from .csvdata import CSVSpectralLibraryIO
+        from .asd import ASDSpectralLibraryIO
+        from .ecosis import EcoSISSpectralLibraryIO
+        from .specchio import SPECCHIOSpectralLibraryIO
+        from .artmo import ARTMOSpectralLibraryIO
+        from .vectorsources import VectorSourceSpectralLibraryIO
+        self.mSpeclibIOInterfaces = [
+            EnviSpectralLibraryIO(),
+            CSVSpectralLibraryIO(),
+            ARTMOSpectralLibraryIO(),
+            ASDSpectralLibraryIO(),
+            EcoSISSpectralLibraryIO(),
+            SPECCHIOSpectralLibraryIO(),
+            VectorSourceSpectralLibraryIO(),
+        ]
+        self.mSpeclibIOInterfaces = sorted(self.mSpeclibIOInterfaces, key=lambda c: c.__class__.__name__)
         self.mSelectionModel = None
         if not isinstance(speclib, SpectralLibrary):
@@ -3093,19 +3272,12 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
         assert isinstance(speclib, SpectralLibrary)
         self.mSpeclib = speclib
-        MAP_LAYER_STORES[0].addMapLayer(speclib)
+        QPS_MAPLAYER_STORE.addMapLayer(speclib)
-        from .plotting import SpectralLibraryPlotWidget
-        assert isinstance(self.mPlotWidget, SpectralLibraryPlotWidget)
-        self.mPlotWidget.setSpeclib(self.mSpeclib)
-        self.mPlotWidget.backgroundBrush().setColor(COLOR_BACKGROUND)
+        self.mSpeclib.nameChanged.connect(lambda *args, sl=self.mSpeclib: self.setWindowTitle(sl.name()))
         if isinstance(mapCanvas, QgsMapCanvas):
             self.mCanvas = mapCanvas
@@ -3121,12 +3293,14 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
         self.mDualView.init(self.mSpeclib, self.mCanvas)
+        self.mDualView.showContextMenuExternally.connect(self.onShowContextMenuExternally)
+        self.mDualView.tableView().willShowContextMenu.connect(self.onWillShowContextMenu)
+        from .plotting import SpectralLibraryPlotWidget
+        assert isinstance(self.mPlotWidget, SpectralLibraryPlotWidget)
+        self.mPlotWidget.setDualView(self.mDualView)
+        self.mPlotWidget.mUpdateTimer.timeout.connect(self.updateStatusBar)
-        self.mTableView = self.mDualView.tableView()
-        assert isinstance(self.mTableView, QgsAttributeTableView)
-        self.mTableView.willShowContextMenu.connect(self.onWillShowContextMenu)
-        # change selected row color: keep color also when attribtue table looses focus
+        # change selected row plotStyle: keep plotStyle also when the attribute table looses focus
         pal = self.mDualView.tableView().palette()
         cSelected = pal.color(QPalette.Active, QPalette.Highlight)
@@ -3160,6 +3334,29 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
         self.spectraLibrary = self.speclib
         self.clearTable = self.clearSpectralLibrary
+    def applyAllPlotUpdates(self):
+        """
+        Forces the plot widget to update
+        :return:
+        :rtype:
+        """
+        self.plotWidget().onPlotUpdateTimeOut()
+    def updateStatusBar(self):
+        assert isinstance(self.mStatusBar, QStatusBar)
+        slib = self.speclib()
+        nFeatures = slib.featureCount()
+        nSelected = slib.selectedFeatureCount()
+        nVisible = self.plotWidget().plottedProfileCount()
+        msg = "{}/{}/{}".format(nFeatures, nSelected, nVisible)
+        self.mStatusBar.showMessage(msg)
+    def onShowContextMenuExternally(self, menu:QgsActionMenu, fid):
+        s = ""
     def onImportFromVectorSource(self):
         d = SpectralProfileImportPointsDialog()
@@ -3201,6 +3398,47 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
+        menu.addSeparator()
+        selectedFIDs = self.mDualView.tableView().selectedFeaturesIds()
+        n = len(selectedFIDs)
+        menuProfileStyle = menu.addMenu('Profile Style')
+        wa = QWidgetAction(menuProfileStyle)
+        btnResetProfileStyles = QPushButton('Reset')
+        plotStyle = self.plotWidget().colorScheme().ps
+        if n == 0:
+            btnResetProfileStyles.setText('Reset All')
+            btnResetProfileStyles.clicked.connect(self.plotWidget().resetProfileStyles)
+            btnResetProfileStyles.setToolTip('Resets all profile styles')
+        else:
+            from .plotting import SpectralProfilePlotDataItem
+            for fid in selectedFIDs:
+                spi = self.plotWidget().spectralProfilePlotDataItem(fid)
+                if isinstance(spi, SpectralProfilePlotDataItem):
+                    plotStyle = PlotStyle.fromPlotDataItem(spi)
+            btnResetProfileStyles.setText('Reset Selected')
+            btnResetProfileStyles.clicked.connect(lambda *args, fids=selectedFIDs: self.plotWidget().setProfileStyle(None, fids))
+        psw = PlotStyleWidget(plotStyle=plotStyle)
+        psw.setPreviewVisible(False)
+        psw.cbIsVisible.setVisible(False)
+        psw.sigPlotStyleChanged.connect(lambda style, fids=selectedFIDs : self.plotWidget().setProfileStyle(style, fids))
+        frame = QFrame()
+        l = QVBoxLayout()
+        l.addWidget(btnResetProfileStyles)
+        l.addWidget(psw)
+        frame.setLayout(l)
+        wa.setDefaultWidget(frame)
+        menuProfileStyle.addAction(wa)
+        self.mDualView.tableView().currentIndex()
     def clearSpectralLibrary(self):
         Removes all SpectralProfiles and additional fields
@@ -3267,7 +3505,7 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
-    def  initActions(self):
+    def initActions(self):
@@ -3287,13 +3525,15 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
                 if b else self.setCurrentProfilesMode(SpectralLibraryWidget.CurrentProfilesMode.normal)
-        self.actionImportSpeclib.triggered.connect(lambda: self.importSpeclib())
+        self.actionImportSpeclib.triggered.connect(self.onImportSpeclib)
+        self.actionImportSpeclib.setMenu(self.importSpeclibMenu())
         m = QMenu()
-        m.addAction(self.actionImportSpeclib)
+        #m.addAction(self.actionImportSpeclib)
@@ -3301,9 +3541,10 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
-        self.actionSaveSpeclib.triggered.connect(self.onExportSpectra)
-        self.actionReload.triggered.connect(lambda : self.mPlotWidget.updatePlot())
+        self.actionExportSpeclib.triggered.connect(self.onExportSpectra)
+        self.actionExportSpeclib.setMenu(self.exportSpeclibMenu())
+        self.actionSaveSpeclib = self.actionExportSpeclib  # backward compatibility
+        self.actionReload.triggered.connect(lambda : self.mPlotWidget.updateSpectralProfilePlotItems())
         self.actionDeleteSelected.triggered.connect(lambda : deleteSelected(self.speclib()))
@@ -3335,6 +3576,27 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
+    def importSpeclibMenu(self)->QMenu:
+        """
+        :return: QMenu with QActions and submenus to import SpectralProfiles
+        """
+        m = QMenu()
+        for iface in self.mSpeclibIOInterfaces:
+            assert isinstance(iface, AbstractSpectralLibraryIO), iface
+            iface.addImportActions(self.speclib(), m)
+        return m
+    def exportSpeclibMenu(self)->QMenu:
+        """
+        :return: QMenu with QActions and submenus to export SpectralProfiles
+        """
+        m = QMenu()
+        for iface in self.mSpeclibIOInterfaces:
+            assert isinstance(iface, AbstractSpectralLibraryIO)
+            iface.addExportActions(self.speclib(), m)
+        return m
     def showProperties(self, *args):
         from ..layerproperties import showLayerPropertiesDialog
@@ -3343,16 +3605,13 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
         s = ""
-    def importSpeclib(self, path=None):
+    def onImportSpeclib(self):
         Imports a SpectralLibrary
         :param path: str
-        slib = None
-        if path is None:
-            slib = SpectralLibrary.readFromSourceDialog(self)
-        else:
-            slib = SpectralLibrary.readFrom(path)
+        slib = SpectralLibrary.readFromSourceDialog(self)
         if isinstance(slib, SpectralLibrary) and len(slib) > 0:
@@ -3387,6 +3646,11 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
         self.actionDeleteSelected.setEnabled(self.mSpeclib.isEditable() and hasSelected)
         self.actionReloadProfiles.setEnabled(self.mSpeclib.isEditable() and hasSelected)
+        self.actionPanMapToSelectedRows.setEnabled(hasSelected)
+        self.actionRemoveSelection.setEnabled(hasSelected)
+        self.actionZoomMapToSelectedRows.setEnabled(hasSelected)
     def onIsEditableChanged(self, *args):
         speclib = self.speclib()
@@ -3432,7 +3696,7 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
     def onReloadProfiles(self):
         cnt = self.speclib().selectedFeatureCount()
-        if  cnt > 0 and self.speclib().isEditable():
+        if cnt > 0 and self.speclib().isEditable():
             # ask for profile source raster
             from ..utils import SelectMapLayersDialog
@@ -3572,13 +3836,13 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
         if isinstance(iface, QgisInterface):
-    def onAttributesChanged(self):
-        self.btnRemoveAttribute.setEnabled(len(self.mSpeclib.metadataAttributes()) > 0)
+    #def onAttributesChanged(self):
+    #    self.btnRemoveAttribute.setEnabled(len(self.mSpeclib.metadataAttributes()) > 0)
-    def addAttribute(self, name):
-        name = str(name)
-        if len(name) > 0 and name not in self.mSpeclib.metadataAttributes():
-            self.mModel.addAttribute(name)
+    #def addAttribute(self, name):
+    #    name = str(name)
+    #    if len(name) > 0 and name not in self.mSpeclib.metadataAttributes():
+    #        self.mModel.addAttribute(name)
     def plotWidget(self):
@@ -3612,40 +3876,32 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
             progressDialog = QProgressDialog(self)
-            progressDialog.setRange(0,1)
-            info = 'Add {} profiles...'.format(len(speclib))
-            progressDialog.setLabelText(info)
-            progressDialog.setValue(0)
+            progressDialog.setWindowTitle('Add Profiles')
+            progressDialog.show()
+            info = 'Add {} profiles...'.format(len(speclib))
             wasEditable = sl.isEditable()
-            plotWasBlocked = self.mPlotWidget.blockUpdates(True)
-                sl.addSpeclib(speclib)
+                sl.addSpeclib(speclib, progressDialog=progressDialog)
                 if not wasEditable:
-            except:
-                s = ""
+            except Exception as ex:
+                print(ex, file=sys.stderr)
-            progressDialog.setValue(1)
-            self.mPlotWidget.blockUpdates(plotWasBlocked)
-            self.mPlotWidget.syncLibrary()
-            s = ""
-            #def onReset(*args):
-            #    self.mProgressBar.setValue(0)
-            #    self.mInfoLabel.setText('')
-            #    self.mPlotWidget.blockUpdates(False)
-            #    self.mPlotWidget.syncLibrary()
+            progressDialog.hide()
+            progressDialog.close()
+            QApplication.processEvents()
-            #QTimer.singleShot(500, onReset)
     def addCurrentSpectraToSpeclib(self, *args):
-        Adds all current spectral profiles to the "persistant" SpectralLibrary
+        Adds all current spectral profiles to the "persistent" SpectralLibrary
         profiles = self.currentSpectra()
@@ -3695,9 +3951,10 @@ class SpectralLibraryWidget(QMainWindow, loadSpeclibUI('spectrallibrarywidget.ui
             newCurrent = collections.OrderedDict()
+            colorScheme = self.plotWidget().colorScheme()
             for i, p in enumerate(profiles):
                 pdi = SpectralProfilePlotDataItem(p)
-                pdi.setColor(CURRENT_PROFILE_COLOR)
+                pdi.setPlotStyle(colorScheme.cs)
                 newCurrent[p] = pdi
@@ -3755,4 +4012,7 @@ class SpectralLibraryPanel(QgsDockWidget):
\ No newline at end of file
+class SpectralLibraryLayerStyleWidget(QgsMapLayerConfigWidget):
+    pass
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/spectrallibraryplotcolorschemewidget.ui b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/spectrallibraryplotcolorschemewidget.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..511189320a5287f2337e7ad5957648cac11619f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/spectrallibraryplotcolorschemewidget.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+      <string>...</string>
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+     <property name="text">
+      <string>Crosshair</string>
+     </property>
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+   <item row="1" column="1">
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+      <string>...</string>
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+      <string>Foreground</string>
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+     <property name="text">
+      <string>Background</string>
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+        <string>Dark</string>
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+        <bool>true</bool>
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+     <item>
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+       <property name="styleSheet">
+        <string notr="true">background-color:&quot;white&quot;;
+       </property>
+       <property name="text">
+        <string>Bright</string>
+       </property>
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+        <bool>true</bool>
+       </property>
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+     <item>
+      <widget class="QToolButton" name="btnReset">
+       <property name="text">
+        <string>Reset</string>
+       </property>
+       <property name="autoRaise">
+        <bool>true</bool>
+       </property>
+      </widget>
+     </item>
+    </layout>
+   </item>
+   <item row="4" column="0" colspan="2">
+    <widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbUseRendererColors">
+     <property name="text">
+      <string>Vector point colors as line colors</string>
+     </property>
+    </widget>
+   </item>
+   <item row="5" column="0" colspan="2">
+    <widget class="PlotStyleWidget" name="wDefaultProfileStyle" native="true">
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+      <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
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+      <size>
+       <width>50</width>
+       <height>50</height>
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+  </layout>
+ </widget>
+ <customwidgets>
+  <customwidget>
+   <class>QgsColorButton</class>
+   <extends>QToolButton</extends>
+   <header>qgscolorbutton.h</header>
+  </customwidget>
+  <customwidget>
+   <class>PlotStyleWidget</class>
+   <extends>QWidget</extends>
+   <header>qps.plotstyling.plotstyling</header>
+   <container>1</container>
+  </customwidget>
+ </customwidgets>
+ <resources>
+  <include location="../../../../QGIS/images/images.qrc"/>
+  <include location="../qpsresources.qrc"/>
+ </resources>
+ <connections/>
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/spectrallibrarywidget.ui b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/spectrallibrarywidget.ui
index 60b7126473bd8023cb63c62248b34c7abd4f7e40..918178cfa6ea29f754aa52d468c009377effaca3 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/spectrallibrarywidget.ui
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/spectrallibrarywidget.ui
@@ -60,23 +60,6 @@
        <property name="acceptDrops">
-       <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
-        <property name="spacing">
-         <number>2</number>
-        </property>
-        <property name="leftMargin">
-         <number>0</number>
-        </property>
-        <property name="topMargin">
-         <number>0</number>
-        </property>
-        <property name="rightMargin">
-         <number>0</number>
-        </property>
-        <property name="bottomMargin">
-         <number>0</number>
-        </property>
-       </layout>
@@ -94,7 +77,8 @@
    <addaction name="actionSelectProfilesFromMap"/>
    <addaction name="actionAddProfiles"/>
-   <addaction name="actionSaveSpeclib"/>
+   <addaction name="actionImportSpeclib"/>
+   <addaction name="actionExportSpeclib"/>
   <widget class="QToolBar" name="toolBarFeatureSelections">
    <property name="windowTitle">
@@ -135,7 +119,7 @@
   <widget class="QStatusBar" name="mStatusBar">
    <property name="sizeGripEnabled">
-    <bool>false</bool>
+    <bool>true</bool>
   <action name="actionImportSpeclib">
@@ -150,7 +134,7 @@
     <string>Import Spectral Library</string>
-  <action name="actionSaveSpeclib">
+  <action name="actionExportSpeclib">
    <property name="icon">
     <iconset resource="../qpsresources.qrc">
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/vectorsources.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/vectorsources.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6840921f1946a6de7c47caa5a96b0ad542dc9f55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/speclib/vectorsources.py
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+import os, sys, re, pathlib, json, io, re, linecache
+from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
+from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *
+from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import *
+from qgis.core import *
+from .spectrallibraries import SpectralProfile, SpectralLibrary, AbstractSpectralLibraryIO, FIELD_FID, FIELD_VALUES, FIELD_NAME, findTypeFromString, createQgsField, OGR_EXTENSION2DRIVER
+class VectorSourceSpectralLibraryIO(AbstractSpectralLibraryIO):
+    """
+    I/O Interface for the EcoSIS spectral library format.
+    See https://ecosis.org for details.
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def canRead(path:str):
+        """
+        Returns true if it can read the source defined by path
+        :param path: source uri
+        :return: True, if source is readable.
+        """
+        try:
+            lyr = QgsVectorLayer(path)
+            assert isinstance(lyr, QgsVectorLayer)
+            assert lyr.isValid()
+            fieldNames = lyr.fields().names()
+            for fn in [FIELD_NAME, FIELD_VALUES]:
+                assert fn in fieldNames
+                typeName = lyr.fields().at(lyr.fields().lookupField(FIELD_NAME)).typeName()
+                assert re.search('(string|varchar|char|json)', typeName, re.I)
+            return True
+        except:
+            return False
+        return False
+    @staticmethod
+    def readFrom(path, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None, addAttributes:bool = True)->SpectralLibrary:
+        """
+        Returns the SpectralLibrary read from "path"
+        :param path: source of SpectralLibrary
+        :return: SpectralLibrary
+        """
+        lyr = QgsVectorLayer(path)
+        assert isinstance(lyr, QgsVectorLayer)
+        speclib = SpectralLibrary()
+        assert isinstance(speclib, SpectralLibrary)
+        speclib.setName(lyr.name())
+        assert speclib.startEditing()
+        if addAttributes:
+            speclib.addMissingFields(lyr.fields())
+            assert speclib.commitChanges()
+            assert speclib.startEditing()
+        profiles = []
+        for feature in lyr.getFeatures():
+            profile = SpectralProfile(fields=speclib.fields())
+            for name in speclib.fieldNames():
+                profile.setAttribute(name, feature.attribute(name))
+            profiles.append(profile)
+        speclib.addProfiles(profiles, addMissingFields=False)
+        assert speclib.commitChanges()
+        return speclib
+    @staticmethod
+    def write(speclib:SpectralLibrary, path:str, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None, options:QgsVectorFileWriter.SaveVectorOptions=None):
+        """
+        Writes the SpectralLibrary to path and returns a list of written files that can be used to open the spectral library with readFrom
+        """
+        assert isinstance(speclib, SpectralLibrary)
+        basePath, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
+        if not isinstance(options, QgsVectorFileWriter.SaveVectorOptions):
+            driverName = OGR_EXTENSION2DRIVER.get(ext, 'GPKG')
+            options = QgsVectorFileWriter.SaveVectorOptions()
+            options.fileEncoding = 'utf-8'
+            options.driverName = driverName
+            if driverName == 'GPKG' and not ext == '.gpkg':
+                path += '.gpkg'
+        if options.layerName in [None, '']:
+            options.layerName = speclib.name()
+        errors = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(layer=speclib,
+                                                         fileName=path,
+                                                         options=options)
+        writtenFiles = []
+        if os.path.exists(path):
+            writtenFiles.append(path)
+        return writtenFiles
+    @staticmethod
+    def score(uri:str)->int:
+        """
+        Returns a score value for the give uri. E.g. 0 for unlikely/unknown, 20 for yes, probably thats the file format the reader can read.
+        :param uri: str
+        :return: int
+        """
+        return 0
+    @staticmethod
+    def addImportActions(spectralLibrary: SpectralLibrary, menu: QMenu) -> list:
+        def read(speclib: SpectralLibrary):
+            path, filter = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption='Vector File',
+                                               filter='All type (*.*)')
+            if os.path.isfile(path) and VectorSourceSpectralLibraryIO.canRead(path):
+                sl = VectorSourceSpectralLibraryIO.readFrom(path)
+                if isinstance(sl, SpectralLibrary):
+                    speclib.startEditing()
+                    speclib.beginEditCommand('Add Spectral Library profiles from {}'.format(path))
+                    speclib.addSpeclib(sl, True)
+                    speclib.endEditCommand()
+                    speclib.commitChanges()
+        m = menu.addAction('Vector Layer')
+        m.setToolTip('Adds profiles from another vector source\'s "{}" and "{}" attributes.'.format(FIELD_VALUES, FIELD_NAME))
+        m.triggered.connect(lambda *args, sl=spectralLibrary: read(sl))
+    @staticmethod
+    def addExportActions(spectralLibrary:SpectralLibrary, menu:QMenu) -> list:
+        def write(speclib: SpectralLibrary):
+            # https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/index.html
+            LUT_Files = {'Geopackage (*.gpkg)': 'GPKG',
+                         'ESRI Shapefile (*.shp)' : 'ESRI Shapefile',
+                         'Keyhole Markup Language (*.kml)': 'KML',
+                         'Comma Separated Value (*.csv)': 'CSV'}
+            path, filter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(caption='Write to Vector Layer', 
+                                                    filter=';;'.join(LUT_Files.keys()))
+            if isinstance(path, str) and len(path) > 0:
+                options = QgsVectorFileWriter.SaveVectorOptions()
+                options.fileEncoding = 'UTF-8'
+                ogrType = LUT_Files.get(filter)
+                if isinstance(ogrType, str):
+                    options.driverName = ogrType
+                    if ogrType == 'GPKG':
+                        pass
+                    elif ogrType == 'ESRI Shapefile':
+                        pass
+                    elif ogrType == 'KML':
+                        pass
+                    elif ogrType == 'CSV':
+                        pass
+                sl = VectorSourceSpectralLibraryIO.write(spectralLibrary, path, options=options)
+        m = menu.addAction('Vector Source')
+        m.triggered.connect(lambda *args, sl=spectralLibrary: write(sl))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/testing.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/testing.py
index 19f0dc7dee6034eceba926b188228ffa17c25eda..c8c0ce6967530597cd6c947eb3fe4f0a14e40a28 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/testing.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/testing.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import os, sys, re, io, importlib, uuid, warnings, pathlib, time, site
+import os, sys, re, io, importlib, uuid, warnings, pathlib, time, site, mock, inspect, types
 import sip
 from qgis.core import *
 from qgis.gui import *
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ def initQgisApplication(*args, qgisResourceDir: str = None,
         loadPythonRunner = False
     if isinstance(QgsApplication.instance(), QgsApplication):
+        print('Found existing QgsApplication.instance()')
         return QgsApplication.instance()
@@ -209,12 +210,14 @@ def initQgisApplication(*args, qgisResourceDir: str = None,
             if isinstance(resourceDir, str) and os.path.exists(resourceDir):
                 qgisResourceDir = resourceDir
+        # try to find a directory "qgisresources" that contains python modules mit a qInitResources method
         if isinstance(qgisResourceDir, str) and os.path.isdir(qgisResourceDir):
             modules = [m for m in os.listdir(qgisResourceDir) if re.search(r'[^_].*\.py', m)]
             modules = [m[0:-3] for m in modules]
             for m in modules:
                 mod = importlib.import_module('qgisresources.{}'.format(m))
                 if "qInitResources" in dir(mod):
+                    print('Loads Qt resources from {}'.format(m))
         # initiate a PythonRunner instance if None exists
@@ -255,7 +258,7 @@ def initQgisApplication(*args, qgisResourceDir: str = None,
         providers = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().providerList()
         potentialProviders = ['DB2', 'WFS', 'arcgisfeatureserver', 'arcgismapserver', 'delimitedtext', 'gdal',
-                              'geonode', 'gpx', 'mdal', 'memory', 'mesh_memory', 'mssql', 'ogr', 'oracle', 'ows',
+                              'geonode', 'gpx', 'mdal', 'memory', 'mesh_memory', 'mssql', 'ogr', 'ows',
                               'postgres', 'spatialite', 'virtual', 'wcs', 'wms']
         missing = [p for p in potentialProviders if p not in providers]
@@ -267,16 +270,19 @@ def initQgisApplication(*args, qgisResourceDir: str = None,
 class QgisMockup(QgisInterface):
-    A "fake" QGIS Desktop instance that should provide all the inferfaces a plugin developer might need (and nothing more)
+    A "fake" QGIS Desktop instance that should provide all the interfaces a plugin developer might need (and nothing more)
-    def pluginManagerInterface(self) -> QgsPluginManagerInterface:
-        return self.mPluginManager
     def __init__(self, *args):
-        # QgisInterface.__init__(self)
         super(QgisMockup, self).__init__()
+        #mock.MagicMock.__init__(self, spec=QgisInterface, name='QgisMockup')
+        #super(QgisMockup, self).__init__(spec=QgisInterface, name='QgisMockup')
+        #mock.MagicMock.__init__(self, spec=QgisInterface)
+        #QgisInterface.__init__(self)
         self.mCanvas = QgsMapCanvas()
@@ -313,8 +319,30 @@ class QgisMockup(QgisInterface):
         self.mClipBoard = QgsClipboardMockup()
+        # mock other functions
+        excluded = QObject.__dict__.keys()
+        self._mock = mock.Mock(spec=QgisInterface)
+        for n in self._mock._mock_methods:
+            assert isinstance(n, str)
+            if not n.startswith('_') and n not in excluded:
+                try:
+                    inspect.getfullargspec(getattr(self, n))
+                except:
+                    setattr(self, n, getattr(self._mock, n))
+    def pluginManagerInterface(self) -> QgsPluginManagerInterface:
+        return self.mPluginManager
     def activeLayer(self):
-        return None
+        return self.mapCanvas().currentLayer()
+    def setActiveLayer(self, mapLayer:QgsMapLayer):
+        if mapLayer in self.mapCanvas().layers():
+            self.mapCanvas().setCurrentLayer(mapLayer)
     def cutSelectionToClipboard(self, mapLayer: QgsMapLayer):
         if isinstance(mapLayer, QgsVectorLayer):
@@ -543,11 +571,22 @@ class TestObjects():
         Create an in-memory ogr.DataSource
         :return: ogr.DataSource
+        ogr.UseExceptions()
         assert wkb in [ogr.wkbPoint, ogr.wkbPolygon, ogr.wkbLineString]
+        # find the QGIS world_map.shp
         pkgPath = QgsApplication.instance().pkgDataPath()
-        pathSrc = os.path.join(pkgPath, *['resources', 'data', 'world_map.shp'])
-        assert os.path.isfile(pathSrc), 'Unable to find QGIS "world_map.shp"'
+        pathSrc = None
+        potentialPathes = [
+            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testpolygons.geojson'),
+            os.path.join(pkgPath, *['resources', 'data', 'world_map.shp']),
+        ]
+        for p in potentialPathes:
+            if os.path.isfile(p):
+                pathSrc = p
+                break
+        assert os.path.isfile(pathSrc), 'Unable to find QGIS "world_map.shp". QGIS Pkg path = {}'.format(pkgPath)
         dsSrc = ogr.Open(pathSrc)
         assert isinstance(dsSrc, ogr.DataSource)
@@ -560,19 +599,19 @@ class TestObjects():
         srs = lyrSrc.GetSpatialRef()
         assert isinstance(srs, osr.SpatialReference)
-        drv = dsSrc.GetDriver()
+        drv = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
         assert isinstance(drv, ogr.Driver)
         # set temp path
         if wkb == ogr.wkbPolygon:
             lname = 'polygons'
-            pathDst = '/vsimem/tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.world_map.polygons.shp'
+            pathDst = '/vsimem/tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.test.polygons.shp'
         elif wkb == ogr.wkbPoint:
             lname = 'points'
-            pathDst = '/vsimem/tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.world_map.centroids.shp'
+            pathDst = '/vsimem/tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.test.centroids.shp'
         elif wkb == ogr.wkbLineString:
             lname = 'lines'
-            pathDst = '/vsimem/tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.world_map.line.shp'
+            pathDst = '/vsimem/tmp' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.test.line.shp'
             raise NotImplementedError()
@@ -612,7 +651,7 @@ class TestObjects():
                 for i in range(ldef.GetFieldCount()):
                     fDst.SetField(i, fSrc.GetField(i))
-                lyrDst.CreateFeature(fDst)
+                assert lyrDst.CreateFeature(fDst) == ogr.OGRERR_NONE
         assert isinstance(dsDst, ogr.DataSource)
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/testpolygons.geojson b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/testpolygons.geojson
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..730b78f3025804487da43d503ccb21c127dee3d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/testpolygons.geojson
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+"type": "FeatureCollection",
+"name": "testpolygons",
+"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } },
+"features": [
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "fid": 1, "id": 2, "name": "vegetation" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 13.297082085241408, 52.501857636615817 ], [ 13.297091916472423, 52.501855399052978 ], [ 13.297111122367605, 52.501862812730671 ], [ 13.297123131476843, 52.501854659724032 ], [ 13.297125401290463, 52.501846365631216 ], [ 13.297114173278231, 52.5018343095376 ], [ 13.297108374751774, 52.501833036535857 ], [ 13.297091162945314, 52.501824462922258 ], [ 13.297095243067778, 52.501819763501132 ], [ 13.297089629821974, 52.501813735014331 ], [ 13.297060362969674, 52.501814503275988 ], [ 13.297044410083084, 52.501823789944318 ], [ 13.297036159427256, 52.501835565657998 ], [ 13.297031757660644, 52.501848586312406 ], [ 13.297050870199671, 52.501858376832537 ], [ 13.297058387126265, 52.50186562226132 ], [ 13.297073833116501, 52.501869412310882 ], [ 13.297082085241408, 52.501857636615817 ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "fid": 2, "id": 2, "name": "vegetation" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 13.298304702572262, 52.501824082425173 ], [ 13.298300435722354, 52.501822824320577 ], [ 13.29825068351229, 52.501822331659241 ], [ 13.298246260722161, 52.501823241788593 ], [ 13.298235832622826, 52.501840933950739 ], [ 13.298229437127349, 52.501855115506416 ], [ 13.298227029792844, 52.501866975354623 ], [ 13.298242293678461, 52.501875520781752 ], [ 13.298277036215257, 52.501884347291082 ], [ 13.298290811110379, 52.501880976817539 ], [ 13.298302820043775, 52.501872822790673 ], [ 13.2983165015893, 52.501871830945682 ], [ 13.298330506067664, 52.501862516082035 ], [ 13.298317282167101, 52.501851620933977 ], [ 13.298305961987545, 52.501841942704885 ], [ 13.298304702572262, 52.501824082425173 ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "fid": 3, "id": 2, "name": "vegetation" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 13.30011789363734, 52.50296980947023 ], [ 13.300084958990217, 52.502964578098634 ], [ 13.300072812496468, 52.502976298040394 ], [ 13.300056905682681, 52.502984396237082 ], [ 13.300036966322143, 52.50299600419978 ], [ 13.300034284195048, 52.503014996454972 ], [ 13.300035681956849, 52.503029290085308 ], [ 13.300052663936688, 52.503043808544668 ], [ 13.300069509850308, 52.50306189185936 ], [ 13.300096460828359, 52.50307060586924 ], [ 13.30011548431251, 52.503082773679566 ], [ 13.300140626181049, 52.503087893074024 ], [ 13.300181535806409, 52.503088480864932 ], [ 13.300201245858641, 52.503082816369421 ], [ 13.300224989912431, 52.503073642117229 ], [ 13.300229253296955, 52.50306418707504 ], [ 13.300225815517718, 52.503052243211627 ], [ 13.300234250508318, 52.503035711781585 ], [ 13.300248253454688, 52.503026397569819 ], [ 13.300250568580179, 52.503016915434721 ], [ 13.300233540676105, 52.503003585881267 ], [ 13.300210392892453, 52.502997306518672 ], [ 13.300204961040695, 52.502986523541374 ], [ 13.300199113699573, 52.502982156116161 ], [ 13.300193594321467, 52.502978033468104 ], [ 13.300176367183729, 52.502977200623455 ], [ 13.300158573834583, 52.502976340759389 ], [ 13.30011789363734, 52.50296980947023 ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "fid": 4, "id": 2, "name": "vegetation" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 13.299496909753373, 52.502948989912838 ], [ 13.299477750305265, 52.502940388658601 ], [ 13.299461569568436, 52.502955619162442 ], [ 13.299435923101921, 52.502963576379294 ], [ 13.29942544783469, 52.502982457501119 ], [ 13.29944034521821, 52.503000513797666 ], [ 13.299424392425534, 52.50300979988711 ], [ 13.299437525163722, 52.503023072669706 ], [ 13.299464752798588, 52.503024653578208 ], [ 13.299486089904134, 52.503027339348705 ], [ 13.299507748229658, 52.503021702972347 ], [ 13.299518085773174, 52.503006389374463 ], [ 13.299518957607523, 52.502983801598894 ], [ 13.299515841242265, 52.502963535573194 ], [ 13.299496909753373, 52.502948989912838 ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "fid": 5, "id": 1, "name": "impervious" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 13.300367728312782, 52.503571915856064 ], [ 13.300336400444165, 52.503564208085116 ], [ 13.300337501155242, 52.503565390058228 ], [ 13.300367728312782, 52.503571915856064 ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "fid": 6, "id": 1, "name": "impervious" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 13.300203039686897, 52.503531395592923 ], [ 13.300139368274001, 52.503515728892388 ], [ 13.300139487031698, 52.50351582051082 ], [ 13.300143339562354, 52.503523468940621 ], [ 13.300192831547587, 52.503534154884534 ], [ 13.300199237270173, 52.503533331614861 ], [ 13.300203039686897, 52.503531395592923 ] ] ] } },
+{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "fid": 7, "id": 2, "name": "vegetation" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 13.297801449808738, 52.502914829827432 ], [ 13.297799960907115, 52.502902913929717 ], [ 13.297784099678516, 52.502909822042447 ], [ 13.297772595611489, 52.502904899268792 ], [ 13.297753298754193, 52.502899863469182 ], [ 13.29774122380152, 52.502909220414637 ], [ 13.297735213697502, 52.502913876802737 ], [ 13.297722784590649, 52.502921112119047 ], [ 13.297721256199086, 52.502922001836495 ], [ 13.297713286114993, 52.502929260850792 ], [ 13.297878326254931, 52.502974029025758 ], [ 13.29787178375668, 52.502961041497464 ], [ 13.297868302310833, 52.502956918389067 ], [ 13.297860599721353, 52.502947796574958 ], [ 13.297853036548389, 52.502941740072316 ], [ 13.297848740251519, 52.50293899168458 ], [ 13.297835917505157, 52.502930788831748 ], [ 13.297820654811188, 52.502922243372403 ], [ 13.297801449808738, 52.502914829827432 ] ] ] } },
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52.503288299311713 ], [ 13.300241921841749, 52.503291557171316 ], [ 13.300207086020672, 52.503285109882789 ], [ 13.300205159301134, 52.503273488035965 ], [ 13.300199678661006, 52.503269276932187 ], [ 13.3001939257241, 52.503266815201663 ], [ 13.300174821722688, 52.503258641042365 ], [ 13.30016917792415, 52.503257207674814 ], [ 13.300167346822031, 52.503255442465743 ], [ 13.30016516248722, 52.503254507464703 ], [ 13.300143871099179, 52.503250632937601 ], [ 13.30012978277972, 52.503251656015436 ], [ 13.300114434843467, 52.503267186291801 ], [ 13.300095503026551, 52.503252640725172 ], [ 13.300105930935546, 52.503238914425197 ], [ 13.300103511759183, 52.503235779496215 ], [ 13.300109314838263, 52.503234459349834 ], [ 13.300145010137447, 52.503187468973394 ], [ 13.300163347203778, 52.503191423333313 ], [ 13.30016325756813, 52.503191378887628 ], [ 13.300154351627119, 52.503186815563041 ], [ 13.300140989301433, 52.50317948634919 ], [ 13.300127949519938, 52.503163835908154 ], [ 13.300115047328957, 52.503144619730527 ], [ 13.300111838935299, 52.503126731474445 ], [ 13.300124168947953, 52.503110256017521 ], [ 13.300147821290274, 52.503103459537016 ], [ 13.300161137758318, 52.503111976729315 ], [ 13.300179083051395, 52.50310152963231 ], [ 13.300218411425007, 52.503092578394885 ], [ 13.300232048950374, 52.503092774331911 ], [ 13.300259230792907, 52.503095543936155 ], [ 13.30026475289937, 52.503103950032425 ], [ 13.300285311892228, 52.503126844809913 ], [ 13.300284990820517, 52.503135166956156 ], [ 13.300284394613405, 52.503150620573351 ], [ 13.300283752503598, 52.503167263967114 ], [ 13.300277219859513, 52.503185012268524 ], [ 13.300280474191734, 52.503201711642468 ], [ 13.300268748790081, 52.503214126380456 ], [ 13.300276801218585, 52.503215874873916 ], [ 13.300280398871129, 52.503216648555579 ], [ 13.300339077537721, 52.503100033116141 ], [ 13.30033715362787, 52.503096663443678 ], [ 13.300306535448623, 52.503081950017233 ], [ 13.300299201213145, 52.503069950176389 ], [ 13.300332640456993, 52.503062104728905 ], [ 13.300346826853746, 52.503048034993071 ], [ 13.300362871233821, 52.503036370122892 ], [ 13.30036527659278, 52.503024510208043 ], [ 13.30036550588332, 52.503018566716079 ], [ 13.300378620013797, 52.503021444387876 ], [ 13.300378701424503, 52.503021281917427 ], [ 13.300394959839803, 52.50301426587577 ], [ 13.300007723172229, 52.502929202793943 ], [ 13.299721672529332, 52.50286636149842 ], [ 13.299353627343386, 52.502785507525125 ], [ 13.298995256896209, 52.502706773163759 ], [ 13.298636050152107, 52.502627865637535 ], [ 13.298281359511597, 52.502549939075223 ], [ 13.297917229390796, 52.502469936229744 ], [ 13.297556234233978, 52.502390624734332 ], [ 13.297198311381784, 52.502311985733733 ], [ 13.29726565624031, 52.502197306427327 ], [ 13.297361150311481, 52.502217791626904 ], [ 13.297365297588037, 52.502212536606969 ], [ 13.297406112584852, 52.502221232278146 ], [ 13.297409050398517, 52.502216315902892 ], [ 13.297452427392662, 52.502225054722608 ], [ 13.29744947160925, 52.502230474348302 ], [ 13.297491050530574, 52.502239342825483 ], [ 13.29749700132929, 52.502247124041808 ], [ 13.297522071869377, 52.502252162949915 ], [ 13.297543847949536, 52.50224667878112 ], [ 13.297586017619645, 52.502178336482629 ], [ 13.297588541630287, 52.502110575452292 ], [ 13.297574745438462, 52.502098441088485 ], [ 13.297544780729794, 52.502097971229006 ], [ 13.297536502057918, 52.50210437342384 ], [ 13.297488206643054, 52.502103386210848 ], [ 13.297488437512495, 52.502109955817005 ], [ 13.297445561759574, 52.502109180548665 ], [ 13.297445080209915, 52.502102502137618 ], [ 13.297399377388366, 52.502101566584599 ], [ 13.297399797387142, 52.502094701542944 ], [ 13.297299400581686, 52.502093955254715 ], [ 13.297297556271626, 52.502135120161604 ], [ 13.297310054005161, 52.502130908723984 ], [ 13.29733542324743, 52.502130084304738 ], [ 13.297356623420709, 52.502136337105405 ], [ 13.297378143736704, 52.502134267745994 ], [ 13.297383481432673, 52.502147428579512 ], [ 13.297378851486792, 52.502166393650157 ], [ 13.297376443904822, 52.502178253478384 ], [ 13.297370048082296, 52.502192434984096 ], [ 13.297352332198168, 52.502196938170542 ], [ 13.297321254756232, 52.502194111827414 ], [ 13.297307710894422, 52.502191537825688 ], [ 13.297294257454693, 52.502186586048467 ], [ 13.297271018635486, 52.502182683869833 ], [ 13.297271615913159, 52.502167229375644 ], [ 13.297276017677797, 52.502154207814023 ], [ 13.297286354309653, 52.502138894392708 ], [ 13.297292247885519, 52.502136908539029 ], [ 13.297130109722676, 52.502135325632523 ], [ 13.297130540579346, 52.502111026782714 ], [ 13.2970583252705, 52.502110799214691 ], [ 13.29705964697945, 52.502085828956687 ], [ 13.297020521011607, 52.502085585842558 ], [ 13.297021713456596, 52.502069754193023 ], [ 13.297022122726352, 52.502064273645054 ], [ 13.296920850309574, 52.502062473248102 ], [ 13.296920435570081, 52.502066722819748 ], [ 13.296875115688696, 52.502065868102655 ], [ 13.296875530168196, 52.502061663483488 ], [ 13.296764317734166, 52.502059691983135 ], [ 13.296764625581462, 52.502063772132992 ], [ 13.296725871979923, 52.502063044260993 ], [ 13.29672569681709, 52.50205900018787 ], [ 13.296645568568685, 52.502057581295041 ], [ 13.296636626085288, 52.502073794974706 ], [ 13.296655310029513, 52.50207817027232 ], [ 13.296642672724557, 52.502100052764298 ], [ 13.296646289015678, 52.50210083581716 ], [ 13.296630853793987, 52.50212671957501 ], [ 13.296627590109047, 52.502126152892124 ], [ 13.296596601692183, 52.502179788875125 ], [ 13.296450508254486, 52.502147685197535 ], [ 13.296548084496953, 52.501982874106361 ], [ 13.297027663568374, 52.501990299060303 ], [ 13.297303850998823, 52.50199458186831 ], [ 13.297687707321044, 52.502000532022635 ], [ 13.298071771403178, 52.502006483919175 ], [ 13.298454087749036, 52.502012408531783 ], [ 13.298833060263393, 52.502018279329903 ], [ 13.299219197970963, 52.502024260013208 ], [ 13.299601174587623, 52.502030175132532 ], [ 13.299921958137718, 52.502035141343576 ], [ 13.300360432799872, 52.502041920730491 ], [ 13.30035928141019, 52.502025821610133 ], [ 13.300358886746581, 52.50202608387827 ], [ 13.30033931478216, 52.502028181770292 ], [ 13.300319834545235, 52.502027901902551 ], [ 13.300280874072286, 52.502027342157412 ], [ 13.300267603769877, 52.502017636101414 ], [ 13.300252845439804, 52.501996013292519 ], [ 13.300241477455238, 52.501987524102042 ], [ 13.300233181750293, 52.502000488923585 ], [ 13.300217825729995, 52.501994320607693 ], [ 13.300194816079488, 52.50198447461085 ], [ 13.300197589834895, 52.501963103692646 ], [ 13.300223281448226, 52.501953957425087 ], [ 13.300215672247225, 52.501949089949434 ], [ 13.300201715474644, 52.501957216182198 ], [ 13.30019211224012, 52.501953509592312 ], [ 13.300184825557508, 52.501940320886966 ], [ 13.300181708948406, 52.501920054873402 ], [ 13.300159913679398, 52.501929257115449 ], [ 13.300144603528683, 52.501921900810721 ], [ 13.300135185256917, 52.501913438724657 ], [ 13.30012214433477, 52.501897789160388 ], [ 13.300120792442199, 52.50188230665033 ], [ 13.300134979990105, 52.501868236955737 ], [ 13.300165965697593, 52.501873439417281 ], [ 13.300183222492386, 52.50188082458795 ], [ 13.300180723945084, 52.501895062236748 ], [ 13.300192044553944, 52.501904740289923 ], [ 13.300217185762557, 52.501909859663478 ], [ 13.300215881176046, 52.501893188297153 ], [ 13.300220005368727, 52.501887299866127 ], [ 13.30024936393, 52.501884153964859 ], [ 13.300260777755881, 52.501891454276262 ], [ 13.300289997283796, 52.501891874079952 ], [ 13.300274688596344, 52.501884517813068 ], [ 13.300284704611116, 52.50187752449164 ], [ 13.300306087080786, 52.501879021232178 ], [ 13.300310258597285, 52.501871943940735 ], [ 13.300319676894309, 52.501880406013115 ], [ 13.300346720440219, 52.501886741327802 ], [ 13.300349385745676, 52.501887695823669 ], [ 13.30034618559675, 52.501843049844503 ], [ 13.298300435722354, 52.501822824320577 ], [ 13.298304702572262, 52.501824082425173 ], [ 13.298305961987545, 52.501841942704885 ], [ 13.298317282167101, 52.501851620933977 ], [ 13.298330506067664, 52.501862516082035 ], [ 13.2983165015893, 52.501871830945682 ], [ 13.298302820043775, 52.501872822790673 ], [ 13.298290811110379, 52.501880976817539 ], [ 13.298277036215257, 52.501884347291082 ], [ 13.298242293678461, 52.501875520781752 ], [ 13.298227029792844, 52.501866975354623 ], [ 13.298229437127349, 52.501855115506416 ], [ 13.298235832622826, 52.501840933950739 ], [ 13.298246260722161, 52.501823241788593 ], [ 13.29825068351229, 52.501822331659241 ], [ 13.29743704397443, 52.501814276504007 ], [ 13.297438465929279, 52.501815187098003 ], [ 13.297441627210452, 52.501834264296839 ], [ 13.297452671546331, 52.501851075866341 ], [ 13.297465298027753, 52.501877425605784 ], [ 13.297464838648498, 52.50188931347266 ], [ 13.297470223721561, 52.501901286345998 ], [ 13.297483308129738, 52.501915748195472 ], [ 13.297476682710419, 52.501935873192295 ], [ 13.297459104765515, 52.501936809766306 ], [ 13.297441343051405, 52.501942501843779 ], [ 13.297431234725661, 52.501951871774878 ], [ 13.297411754551828, 52.501951591428686 ], [ 13.2973902343267, 52.501953660794996 ], [ 13.29735131992318, 52.501951911209474 ], [ 13.297344032622705, 52.50193872231516 ], [ 13.297328768892342, 52.501930176773548 ], [ 13.297315179165347, 52.501928791649689 ], [ 13.29730761623993, 52.501922735113325 ], [ 13.297310023824863, 52.501910875286072 ], [ 13.297316189931204, 52.501902637266433 ], [ 13.297334456969747, 52.501883869363787 ], [ 13.297371424623281, 52.501885590938095 ], [ 13.297358292844068, 52.501872317931841 ], [ 13.297340806811899, 52.501870876735502 ], [ 13.297330928206764, 52.501874302275731 ], [ 13.297315344390455, 52.50187407799028 ], [ 13.297306018533847, 52.501863238829309 ], [ 13.297296874992764, 52.501847644140661 ], [ 13.297297472254149, 52.501832189645391 ], [ 13.297325020646893, 52.501825449803107 ], [ 13.297346494867586, 52.501824569324597 ], [ 13.297357998606712, 52.501829492137723 ], [ 13.297366342536304, 52.501815338669033 ], [ 13.297369737639228, 52.50181360996762 ], [ 13.296853966483106, 52.501808501196777 ], [ 13.296865421073189, 52.50181526565067 ], [ 13.296867001606602, 52.501824803807402 ], [ 13.296866450151898, 52.501839069423049 ], [ 13.296848595014461, 52.501847139142519 ], [ 13.296828701301019, 52.50185755768765 ], [ 13.296805232936981, 52.501859598901277 ], [ 13.296785660890892, 52.501861696204664 ], [ 13.296754170114626, 52.501869568701196 ], [ 13.29674688447929, 52.501856379792791 ], [ 13.296729534886559, 52.501851371856795 ], [ 13.296720393025458, 52.501835777146511 ], [ 13.296705129453141, 52.501827231525581 ], [ 13.296707537194175, 52.501815371711743 ], [ 13.296723719919243, 52.501800141607475 ], [ 13.296735821003768, 52.501789610888267 ], [ 13.296765409564136, 52.501780520573874 ], [ 13.296788500233259, 52.501784399141805 ], [ 13.29670838482547, 52.501708954895442 ], [ 13.296528153917547, 52.501982543971565 ], [ 13.296426686459958, 52.502160196013769 ], [ 13.296370418791428, 52.502280410217644 ], [ 13.296371716986899, 52.502280748999169 ], [ 13.296382992349171, 52.502291616307012 ], [ 13.296396949888431, 52.502283491430717 ], [ 13.296412671753464, 52.502280149210819 ], [ 13.29641189032492, 52.50230035830247 ], [ 13.296413240922607, 52.50231584084289 ], [ 13.296399053521485, 52.50232991010003 ], [ 13.296393071067362, 52.502333392566115 ], [ 13.296373268934198, 52.502341434178135 ], [ 13.296357455135016, 52.502347153245452 ], [ 13.296350030154077, 52.502337530920038 ], [ 13.296345918565404, 52.502332753121813 ], [ 13.296330914055686, 52.502364828100518 ], [ 13.296246096747051, 52.502468990892758 ], [ 13.29627726769368, 52.502469440687726 ], [ 13.296281945594428, 52.502449286810908 ], [ 13.296286163749599, 52.502441021690871 ], [ 13.296286899300439, 52.502422000578129 ], [ 13.296296960531159, 52.502413819603071 ], [ 13.296322837126963, 52.502399917790775 ], [ 13.296325612754558, 52.502378547879644 ], [ 13.296362672720043, 52.502377892020668 ], [ 13.296390024235373, 52.502377589966251 ], [ 13.296390089097013, 52.502377589102025 ], [ 13.296448577182723, 52.502390208011022 ], [ 13.296762254293377, 52.502457863404167 ], [ 13.296752854843126, 52.502455140409594 ], [ 13.296747286020024, 52.502447923908349 ], [ 13.296724093111415, 52.502442831847077 ], [ 13.296716807394267, 52.502429642937336 ], [ 13.296705485951637, 52.502419964536507 ], [ 13.296721621469368, 52.502405923290695 ], [ 13.29672987382636, 52.502394146724271 ], [ 13.296738264029637, 52.502378804427778 ], [ 13.296744568159877, 52.502367000710677 ], [ 13.296767852953256, 52.502369715015583 ], [ 13.296777592393003, 52.502369855232295 ], [ 13.2967857987329, 52.502359268436301 ], [ 13.296792332649147, 52.502341520336259 ], [ 13.296821506463319, 52.502343129874937 ], [ 13.296856342497064, 52.502349578171987 ], [ 13.296871696686933, 52.502355746899681 ], [ 13.296883155989237, 52.502361859555229 ], [ 13.296908343048923, 52.502365789855801 ], [ 13.296903711401274, 52.502384754884076 ], [ 13.296903068032483, 52.502401398250825 ], [ 13.29690251657798, 52.502415663865371 ], [ 13.296902286790662, 52.502421608245832 ], [ 13.296909298325783, 52.502441929523776 ], [ 13.296916492188481, 52.502457496174351 ], [ 13.296894879778979, 52.502461943200309 ], [ 13.296879203842076, 52.502464096607852 ], [ 13.296855827074006, 52.502463760076473 ], [ 13.296834260614959, 52.502467018215249 ], [ 13.296827003258372, 52.502471846316567 ], [ 13.297103425457369, 52.502531466684623 ], [ 13.297065618216461, 52.502598871784777 ], [ 13.297024663192014, 52.50259947089809 ], [ 13.297017427805418, 52.502595459165505 ], [ 13.297020179261439, 52.502613357121326 ], [ 13.29703349497084, 52.502621874660001 ], [ 13.297038878573398, 52.50263384663149 ], [ 13.297054280313837, 52.502638826481359 ], [ 13.297070094164976, 52.502633106422685 ], [ 13.297091706607153, 52.502628660264008 ], [ 13.297109055108514, 52.502633667229382 ], [ 13.297100758360768, 52.50264663182103 ], [ 13.297096494349875, 52.502656086745723 ], [ 13.297101237663517, 52.502667204323807 ], [ 13.297108378641774, 52.502662528280389 ], [ 13.297116998492616, 52.502641242474802 ], [ 13.297115601687999, 52.502626948817223 ], [ 13.29710042967212, 52.502616025493069 ], [ 13.297087115458654, 52.50260750708442 ], [ 13.29713047361164, 52.502537300192003 ], [ 13.297452877950789, 52.502606828147584 ], [ 13.29749072899123, 52.502614987514761 ], [ 13.297534396914777, 52.502624405728263 ], [ 13.297540663963588, 52.502625758279294 ], [ 13.297530466273709, 52.502609069496849 ], [ 13.297533379188515, 52.502584132025262 ], [ 13.29754357804921, 52.502572384313353 ], [ 13.297547979742147, 52.502559363640749 ], [ 13.297562166855061, 52.502545294243902 ], [ 13.297576217612994, 52.502534791495862 ], [ 13.297580619292305, 52.502521770821836 ], [ 13.297575371900814, 52.50250623222297 ], [ 13.297540305966423, 52.502505727619592 ], [ 13.297530244942802, 52.502513908702042 ], [ 13.29750909197748, 52.502506467075925 ], [ 13.297507465342498, 52.502498117803839 ], [ 13.297494057728619, 52.502491977172191 ], [ 13.297482324127744, 52.502492997854759 ], [ 13.297462797771733, 52.502493906391422 ], [ 13.297449160451311, 52.502493710136825 ], [ 13.297429771924511, 52.502491052038778 ], [ 13.297428283135236, 52.502479136136536 ], [ 13.297431150119603, 52.502455388442414 ], [ 13.297453038095219, 52.502443808958034 ], [ 13.297459250194317, 52.50243438205564 ], [ 13.297434108986876, 52.502429262995221 ], [ 13.297430809842519, 52.502413752426932 ], [ 13.297442728667397, 52.502407976264749 ], [ 13.297472315996885, 52.502398886654142 ], [ 13.297477701165809, 52.502410858628103 ], [ 13.297469403096848, 52.502423823226167 ], [ 13.297500526652248, 52.502425460655338 ], [ 13.297502796392118, 52.50241716745429 ], [ 13.297529977667631, 52.502419936782296 ], [ 13.297529518262108, 52.502431825547099 ], [ 13.297541435606648, 52.502426049353737 ], [ 13.297555486330758, 52.502415546607665 ], [ 13.297574874832488, 52.502418204684929 ], [ 13.297594217432541, 52.502422050736939 ], [ 13.297611383596299, 52.502431814054468 ], [ 13.297614956962708, 52.502440191337875 ], [ 13.297620709645754, 52.502442653192034 ], [ 13.297641954475084, 52.502447717045122 ], [ 13.297657126569801, 52.502458640300787 ], [ 13.297646696606288, 52.502476332384653 ], [ 13.297621233854642, 52.502479533702164 ], [ 13.297611171344693, 52.50248771566914 ], [ 13.297608719339649, 52.502500764399571 ], [ 13.297609885136051, 52.502521002414291 ], [ 13.297629550788217, 52.502516527245085 ], [ 13.297662713007501, 52.502515814891382 ], [ 13.297668236052916, 52.502524220227365 ], [ 13.29766773074595, 52.502537297869345 ], [ 13.297678914621445, 52.502550542809573 ], [ 13.297690097031062, 52.502563787727567 ], [ 13.297691539957128, 52.502576892503527 ], [ 13.297668117182326, 52.502577745008672 ], [ 13.297665985275966, 52.50258247158326 ], [ 13.297675220934007, 52.502595689389487 ], [ 13.297688259674455, 52.502611340093523 ], [ 13.29767425632765, 52.502620653999401 ], [ 13.297668136156132, 52.502627702261286 ], [ 13.297652919536443, 52.502617967904563 ], [ 13.297635339849634, 52.502618904481174 ], [ 13.297628945515497, 52.502633086021213 ], [ 13.297624681653623, 52.502642540067299 ], [ 13.297624878654307, 52.502643923952427 ], [ 13.297627116871205, 52.502644415610355 ], [ 13.297789327581443, 52.502679405720343 ], [ 13.297760957743066, 52.50272306705935 ], [ 13.297727261738949, 52.502788002289805 ], [ 13.297699391244198, 52.502803064355696 ], [ 13.297664004981042, 52.502810881943645 ], [ 13.297686446190351, 52.502764815587639 ], [ 13.297435262157903, 52.502707675438984 ], [ 13.297416121908769, 52.502749031104102 ], [ 13.297381383808954, 52.502739428468139 ], [ 13.297379277940205, 52.50275293533236 ], [ 13.297357206041729, 52.502769269407644 ], [ 13.297346959631616, 52.502782206855997 ], [ 13.297319226853169, 52.502793702202382 ], [ 13.297317632137176, 52.502794630521407 ], [ 13.297317273075342, 52.502795190901104 ], [ 13.297506779447504, 52.50284430291876 ], [ 13.297573156820615, 52.502862683075833 ], [ 13.297581823333013, 52.502858144043977 ], [ 13.29758966209217, 52.502857067305015 ], [ 13.297606826984353, 52.502866829704168 ], [ 13.297624085199516, 52.502874215267802 ], [ 13.297626606606833, 52.502877482991551 ], [ 13.29774122380152, 52.502909220414637 ], [ 13.297753298754193, 52.502899863469182 ], [ 13.297772595611489, 52.502904899268792 ], [ 13.297784099678516, 52.502909822042447 ], [ 13.297799960907115, 52.502902913929717 ], [ 13.297801449808738, 52.502914829827432 ], [ 13.297820654811188, 52.502922243372403 ], [ 13.297835917505157, 52.502930788831748 ], [ 13.297848740251519, 52.50293899168458 ], [ 13.297973486531472, 52.502973533314787 ], [ 13.29813001468858, 52.503011185312445 ], [ 13.298166510853891, 52.502945457665874 ], [ 13.297906428081555, 52.502888300214003 ], [ 13.297978823667604, 52.502765702692116 ], [ 13.297902582082855, 52.502891630072611 ], [ 13.297889128362755, 52.502886678361236 ], [ 13.297863803151897, 52.502886313997699 ], [ 13.297840609879618, 52.502881222152617 ], [ 13.297817600312227, 52.502871375695442 ], [ 13.29781638700865, 52.502852326538395 ], [ 13.297820698256846, 52.50284168363013 ], [ 13.297884525303438, 52.502854496422941 ], [ 13.297941898875646, 52.502731617159448 ], [ 13.297883686928461, 52.502724832870193 ], [ 13.297897934417945, 52.502702830456123 ], [ 13.29800261507798, 52.502725409179668 ], [ 13.298003145486831, 52.502725523805736 ], [ 13.298536596754278, 52.502840570064784 ], [ 13.298541566464644, 52.502841638663519 ], [ 13.298536713731806, 52.502838838241473 ], [ 13.298517554522157, 52.502830236833546 ], [ 13.29850641627316, 52.502815802194867 ], [ 13.298494958063317, 52.502809690613923 ], [ 13.298487808028758, 52.502792935156812 ], [ 13.298500002276301, 52.502780026524796 ], [ 13.29850621269442, 52.502770600443867 ], [ 13.298525924285167, 52.50276493624898 ], [ 13.29853027832249, 52.50275310439379 ], [ 13.29854632303401, 52.502741440671194 ], [ 13.29855438984479, 52.502734419461518 ], [ 13.298555170337792, 52.502714209450275 ], [ 13.298549694485303, 52.502704615298491 ], [ 13.29856369767648, 52.502695301287744 ], [ 13.298560489942259, 52.502677412993961 ], [ 13.298565029085797, 52.50266082565004 ], [ 13.29860041651194, 52.502653008709807 ], [ 13.298608529209483, 52.502644798619038 ], [ 13.298616092437362, 52.502650855074101 ], [ 13.298653059320422, 52.502652576232393 ], [ 13.298672357683481, 52.502657611007898 ], [ 13.298691562724558, 52.50266502441211 ], [ 13.298712853697046, 52.502668899197516 ], [ 13.298716520582341, 52.502674898716116 ], [ 13.298739576126678, 52.502683557021086 ], [ 13.298768659941288, 52.502687542958917 ], [ 13.298766160885835, 52.502701780571677 ], [ 13.298777160032488, 52.502719780898438 ], [ 13.298768863756171, 52.502732745610956 ], [ 13.298756990921284, 52.502737333029977 ], [ 13.298756531876212, 52.502749220903091 ], [ 13.298757929216638, 52.502763514545549 ], [ 13.298736500468779, 52.502763206399365 ], [ 13.298697446086004, 52.502765023860618 ], [ 13.298695132113977, 52.502774505984128 ], [ 13.29870264799367, 52.502781751289774 ], [ 13.298718463160109, 52.502776031030699 ], [ 13.298735765966162, 52.502782227535192 ], [ 13.298741335158155, 52.502789443945581 ], [ 13.298719309614688, 52.502804590300485 ], [ 13.298693525342214, 52.502816114886208 ], [ 13.298675440616309, 52.502830128366512 ], [ 13.298669184314983, 52.502840743333543 ], [ 13.298657036010253, 52.502852463106059 ], [ 13.298619885312034, 52.502855497455961 ], [ 13.298602312060508, 52.502854739425842 ], [ 13.298620965754722, 52.502858766913484 ], [ 13.298954472906155, 52.502932094552094 ], [ 13.298953278307765, 52.502934337766369 ], [ 13.299002678304745, 52.502945168549985 ], [ 13.298991494257868, 52.502964008873661 ], [ 13.298942092735471, 52.502953178962741 ], [ 13.298869460791005, 52.503076273569462 ], [ 13.29891915505412, 52.503087194933741 ], [ 13.298907970899567, 52.503106036147095 ], [ 13.298858276618182, 52.503095114778006 ], [ 13.298831580669235, 52.503140243524669 ], [ 13.298219224799769, 52.503005634365771 ], [ 13.298205318352515, 52.503029298803341 ], [ 13.298467881686213, 52.503092455136489 ], [ 13.298555194399452, 52.503114329513018 ], [ 13.298555898179233, 52.50311361764021 ], [ 13.298585119964198, 52.503114037892821 ], [ 13.298593280102297, 52.503104639847251 ], [ 13.298600750142084, 52.503113073137683 ], [ 13.298618008622697, 52.50312045855825 ], [ 13.298642873423383, 52.503132710611993 ], [ 13.298654700466047, 52.50312931208272 ], [ 13.298662952414579, 52.503117536278204 ], [ 13.298682387205814, 52.503119005299766 ], [ 13.298699690140277, 52.503125201810342 ], [ 13.298712639087279, 52.503143229281221 ], [ 13.298707567524724, 52.503152504513039 ], [ 13.298800314841808, 52.503175739904002 ], [ 13.298995012436151, 52.503221108291932 ], [ 13.299016515337867, 52.503218967351096 ], [ 13.29903817381628, 52.503213331062177 ], [ 13.299071108517758, 52.503218562725465 ], [ 13.299101957341021, 52.503227332103421 ], [ 13.299103307433196, 52.503242814597883 ], [ 13.299102826353641, 52.503246230635348 ], [ 13.299499353695619, 52.50333862767426 ], [ 13.299501176513742, 52.503337743964238 ], [ 13.29952686907636, 52.503328597857958 ], [ 13.299548527545854, 52.503322961475597 ], [ 13.299573898916673, 52.503322136603131 ], [ 13.299595557377151, 52.503316500212094 ], [ 13.299636283662359, 52.503321843703588 ], [ 13.299657437383985, 52.503329284954788 ], [ 13.29966481736979, 52.503340095956148 ], [ 13.29967387028247, 52.503358068222965 ], [ 13.299677260576896, 52.503371200957218 ], [ 13.299676920902051, 52.503380002066315 ], [ 13.299859355484537, 52.503422511594799 ], [ 13.299877937928366, 52.503424041898079 ], [ 13.299901315242494, 52.503424377836737 ], [ 13.299930399621582, 52.503428364392079 ], [ 13.299957168794208, 52.503441833068436 ], [ 13.299956367295161, 52.503445115930262 ], [ 13.299973275832574, 52.503449055186131 ], [ 13.299990377528767, 52.503439932088803 ], [ 13.300000439822934, 52.503431749918811 ], [ 13.30000410691094, 52.503437750297408 ], [ 13.300032732596231, 52.503453624707213 ], [ 13.300061540325522, 52.50346474357773 ], [ 13.300063305064013, 52.503469527082878 ], [ 13.300098234226903, 52.503473596680003 ], [ 13.300105843674238, 52.503478464164118 ], [ 13.300107235655732, 52.503480268919759 ], [ 13.300280085848797, 52.503520543330744 ], [ 13.30031063797842, 52.503486488394401 ], [ 13.300322648459646, 52.503478334186376 ] ], [ [ 13.300156715960265, 52.503434319084967 ], [ 13.300179796292106, 52.50339183006767 ], [ 13.299111531443387, 52.503142151251218 ], [ 13.29909461467466, 52.503176402819733 ], [ 13.299083156289239, 52.50317029129463 ], [ 13.299073783861967, 52.503160640247962 ], [ 13.299074426428586, 52.50314399686458 ], [ 13.299090974530799, 52.50311925629611 ], [ 13.299105438172401, 52.503098054368735 ], [ 13.299117263698482, 52.503094655771626 ], [ 13.299130945642576, 52.503093662937069 ], [ 13.299142589045539, 52.503095019867921 ], [ 13.299121869153087, 52.503126837689699 ], [ 13.300186006476713, 52.503382402998561 ], [ 13.300212753861276, 52.50334591434715 ], [ 13.300231821891762, 52.503356893240415 ], [ 13.300231179757319, 52.503373536633177 ], [ 13.300226871979623, 52.503384179675159 ], [ 13.300208420539608, 52.503407704414208 ], [ 13.300201933697501, 52.503424263832258 ], [ 13.300180093283187, 52.503434654968579 ], [ 13.300156715960265, 52.503434319084967 ] ], [ [ 13.29951180906164, 52.503124116381855 ], [ 13.299519820819727, 52.503108899726733 ], [ 13.299504141945443, 52.503109408947999 ], [ 13.299502245116942, 52.503102819898395 ], [ 13.299497110426005, 52.503095297775516 ], [ 13.299484208565829, 52.503076080632759 ], [ 13.299479487396781, 52.503059677540435 ], [ 13.299142777300958, 52.502989160056572 ], [ 13.29912178210331, 52.503028110244763 ], [ 13.299065699911921, 52.503016599011282 ], [ 13.299045326682823, 52.502988948539205 ], [ 13.29907367540309, 52.502956415018822 ], [ 13.299493752797648, 52.503047003577677 ], [ 13.299506612074726, 52.503049764393992 ], [ 13.299512583369259, 52.503047941388687 ], [ 13.299513042215331, 52.503036053511522 ], [ 13.299525601862806, 52.503013633730447 ], [ 13.299545357815676, 52.503006781365578 ], [ 13.299587666441802, 52.503021663017236 ], [ 13.29960655063358, 52.503037397519861 ], [ 13.299629560694587, 52.503047243633013 ], [ 13.299634854757624, 52.50306159326842 ], [ 13.299634304174287, 52.503075858901568 ], [ 13.299632691299175, 52.503076953327984 ], [ 13.299630412629483, 52.503078501232537 ], [ 13.299627593700899, 52.503085037787713 ], [ 13.299976412266465, 52.503162578278406 ], [ 13.299982876392415, 52.503160545643048 ], [ 13.299983881729995, 52.503159387635506 ], [ 13.299985584455635, 52.50315672822672 ], [ 13.299987374289158, 52.503153453272652 ], [ 13.299987646316145, 52.503153505734069 ], [ 13.299992179241157, 52.503146421958903 ], [ 13.299990643864623, 52.503135694961983 ], [ 13.299975425079468, 52.50312596087776 ], [ 13.299971163141629, 52.50313541503273 ], [ 13.299949732726891, 52.503135107083565 ], [ 13.29995789258003, 52.503125708941468 ], [ 13.299960207773591, 52.503116226812779 ], [ 13.299946571715479, 52.503116030865527 ], [ 13.299927273037127, 52.503110995396646 ], [ 13.299892345685143, 52.503106924873926 ], [ 13.299891085601857, 52.50308906460905 ], [ 13.299893584319117, 52.503074826970497 ], [ 13.299915196705781, 52.503070380295739 ], [ 13.299917557817199, 52.503059708391447 ], [ 13.299914395351815, 52.503040632151354 ], [ 13.299901080460591, 52.50303211405425 ], [ 13.299862163514391, 52.503030365264848 ], [ 13.299844631054045, 52.503030113312121 ], [ 13.299831453783279, 52.503018029472599 ], [ 13.299816556232546, 52.502999973223965 ], [ 13.299803195457761, 52.502992644892508 ], [ 13.299785569779104, 52.50299477066546 ], [ 13.299776472483673, 52.502977987305322 ], [ 13.299787175530154, 52.502953161741111 ], [ 13.299795610630143, 52.502936631241944 ], [ 13.299809431623823, 52.50293207171616 ], [ 13.299838789472155, 52.502928925003665 ], [ 13.29985863856886, 52.502919694851194 ], [ 13.299876943091334, 52.502911965610238 ], [ 13.299880434428911, 52.502910491772205 ], [ 13.299897966841987, 52.502910743719255 ], [ 13.299919395674497, 52.502911051655715 ], [ 13.29994630212685, 52.502920954597954 ], [ 13.299963559325091, 52.502928338903956 ], [ 13.299970862773989, 52.50293242785748 ], [ 13.299978823880972, 52.502936885010158 ], [ 13.299988058871033, 52.502950101721758 ], [ 13.30000531608772, 52.502957486021771 ], [ 13.300007126675625, 52.502961080650053 ], [ 13.300004673876989, 52.50297412941373 ], [ 13.29999447557233, 52.502985877341779 ], [ 13.300003756417139, 52.50299790607292 ], [ 13.300005291792827, 52.503008633069925 ], [ 13.30000659779561, 52.503025304456301 ], [ 13.299988790119356, 52.503032184893591 ], [ 13.29995956836739, 52.503031764988037 ], [ 13.29994203590557, 52.503031513049699 ], [ 13.299941714770139, 52.503039835194592 ], [ 13.299966810752096, 52.503046142604887 ], [ 13.299989958490738, 52.503052422913669 ], [ 13.3000247940954, 52.503058870264475 ], [ 13.300034076436019, 52.503070899014489 ], [ 13.300057224232184, 52.50307717841163 ], [ 13.300064787734168, 52.503083234775993 ], [ 13.300045169412302, 52.503086521492833 ], [ 13.30005241036107, 52.503100899083471 ], [ 13.300065635063111, 52.503111794042162 ], [ 13.300082800610122, 52.503121556087144 ], [ 13.300090180632571, 52.50313236796157 ], [ 13.300109661355418, 52.503132647871226 ], [ 13.300109202668688, 52.503144535751865 ], [ 13.300079843256224, 52.503147681610514 ], [ 13.300071866882824, 52.503152325148214 ], [ 13.300061806139315, 52.50316050734645 ], [ 13.3000545753459, 52.503167937182532 ], [ 13.300045856405251, 52.503176894820477 ], [ 13.300045231297029, 52.503180226971807 ], [ 13.30003642296581, 52.503191348407874 ], [ 13.300035196334608, 52.503193430229757 ], [ 13.300034543982052, 52.503193420856043 ], [ 13.300021028402577, 52.503201289965531 ], [ 13.300007620220097, 52.503195149614669 ], [ 13.29998832297265, 52.503190114176618 ], [ 13.299986874620533, 52.503189847005387 ], [ 13.299974123022666, 52.503211213003077 ], [ 13.29965847415373, 52.503141051789363 ], [ 13.299669797251454, 52.503160558217076 ], [ 13.299670965478288, 52.503180796238652 ], [ 13.299651255350412, 52.503186459746146 ], [ 13.299629596961168, 52.50319209614814 ], [ 13.299603766841997, 52.503204808910588 ], [ 13.299586463746348, 52.503198612531037 ], [ 13.299566981527066, 52.50319833251384 ], [ 13.299553161897341, 52.503202892031361 ], [ 13.299541105464129, 52.503212235038596 ], [ 13.299517865931598, 52.503208332397101 ], [ 13.299518233037215, 52.503198821376706 ], [ 13.299505422880801, 52.503177227379787 ], [ 13.299498318292734, 52.503159283103471 ], [ 13.299502948914778, 52.503140317967201 ], [ 13.299516787852165, 52.503124378558105 ], [ 13.29951180906164, 52.503124116381855 ] ], [ [ 13.300052663936688, 52.503043808544668 ], [ 13.300035681956849, 52.503029290085308 ], [ 13.300034284195048, 52.503014996454972 ], [ 13.300036966322143, 52.50299600419978 ], [ 13.300056905682681, 52.502984396237082 ], [ 13.300072812496468, 52.502976298040394 ], [ 13.300084958990217, 52.502964578098634 ], [ 13.30011789363734, 52.50296980947023 ], [ 13.300158573834583, 52.502976340759389 ], [ 13.300176367183729, 52.502977200623455 ], [ 13.300193594321467, 52.502978033468104 ], [ 13.300199113699573, 52.502982156116161 ], [ 13.300204961040695, 52.502986523541374 ], [ 13.300210392892453, 52.502997306518672 ], [ 13.300233540676105, 52.503003585881267 ], [ 13.300250568580179, 52.503016915434721 ], [ 13.300248253454688, 52.503026397569819 ], [ 13.300234250508318, 52.503035711781585 ], [ 13.300225815517718, 52.503052243211627 ], [ 13.300229253296955, 52.50306418707504 ], [ 13.300224989912431, 52.503073642117229 ], [ 13.300201245858641, 52.503082816369421 ], [ 13.300181535806409, 52.503088480864932 ], [ 13.300140626181049, 52.503087893074024 ], [ 13.30011548431251, 52.503082773679566 ], [ 13.300096460828359, 52.50307060586924 ], [ 13.300069509850308, 52.50306189185936 ], [ 13.300052663936688, 52.503043808544668 ] ], [ [ 13.299719267813908, 52.502945049481511 ], [ 13.299712919980811, 52.502958042260985 ], [ 13.299693437866603, 52.502957762265503 ], [ 13.299679710092541, 52.502959944043326 ], [ 13.299669418465179, 52.502974069676917 ], [ 13.299640611155093, 52.502962950713588 ], [ 13.299621358464519, 52.502956726317841 ], [ 13.299596400241334, 52.502946852202122 ], [ 13.299589297123688, 52.502928907951748 ], [ 13.299585905413995, 52.502915775193344 ], [ 13.299579167886478, 52.502888320798611 ], [ 13.299595258293859, 52.502875467155832 ], [ 13.29962053616379, 52.502877020005322 ], [ 13.299657275335838, 52.502884685261265 ], [ 13.299705977595167, 52.502885385215833 ], [ 13.299739003899345, 52.502888238936571 ], [ 13.299740491852997, 52.502900154793195 ], [ 13.299739895425326, 52.502915609305248 ], [ 13.299745005983057, 52.502934714447207 ], [ 13.299719267813908, 52.502945049481511 ] ], [ [ 13.299049861597364, 52.502875953754227 ], [ 13.299037667482422, 52.502888862443882 ], [ 13.299027927916546, 52.502888722412258 ], [ 13.299006359927798, 52.502891980925163 ], [ 13.298990224949579, 52.502906022486172 ], [ 13.298968612519747, 52.502910469890537 ], [ 13.298953349644387, 52.502901923676902 ], [ 13.298930202136694, 52.502895643167051 ], [ 13.29892681062627, 52.50288251039138 ], [ 13.298925275517163, 52.502871783382425 ], [ 13.298933665054188, 52.50285644092574 ], [ 13.29895332925482, 52.502851965515667 ], [ 13.298984589375092, 52.502850036802947 ], [ 13.299007782803056, 52.502855127526132 ], [ 13.299034413642454, 52.502872163039051 ], [ 13.299049861597364, 52.502875953754227 ] ], [ [ 13.299169475091261, 52.502857452198192 ], [ 13.299146327540324, 52.502851172629128 ], [ 13.299132919587462, 52.502845032180709 ], [ 13.299117886159372, 52.502830542499815 ], [ 13.299100307886439, 52.502831479314835 ], [ 13.29908708350812, 52.502820584250422 ], [ 13.299101363489877, 52.502804136932589 ], [ 13.299098017833563, 52.502789815283869 ], [ 13.299088965268298, 52.502771842974326 ], [ 13.299102694483809, 52.502769661285917 ], [ 13.299108996569188, 52.502757857417471 ], [ 13.299136453515647, 52.50275349401312 ], [ 13.299154741953638, 52.502754617398828 ], [ 13.299161732769834, 52.502755046981086 ], [ 13.299162747269374, 52.502756361695241 ], [ 13.299171014845861, 52.502767074898252 ], [ 13.299188501299097, 52.502768515827348 ], [ 13.299207935956117, 52.502769984761528 ], [ 13.299229135236109, 52.502776237209652 ], [ 13.299232572724639, 52.502788181100115 ], [ 13.299263191809526, 52.502802894821606 ], [ 13.299256750602149, 52.502818265309735 ], [ 13.299254297590524, 52.502831314056351 ], [ 13.29924015681434, 52.502844194781837 ], [ 13.299214556235331, 52.502850963972236 ], [ 13.299198650819426, 52.502859061175279 ], [ 13.299182881580505, 52.502863592621352 ], [ 13.299169475091261, 52.502857452198192 ] ], [ [ 13.298980949426086, 52.502792889375698 ], [ 13.298966898880828, 52.502803393190895 ], [ 13.298955211130368, 52.502803225141818 ], [ 13.298918242634498, 52.502801504055689 ], [ 13.298893284694156, 52.502791628894805 ], [ 13.298875752337569, 52.502791376799301 ], [ 13.298862483594556, 52.502781670608726 ], [ 13.298859183922842, 52.502766160076675 ], [ 13.298845867812849, 52.502757642740363 ], [ 13.298846372739526, 52.502744565989509 ], [ 13.298856389176906, 52.502737572793571 ], [ 13.298876191011281, 52.502729531662752 ], [ 13.298890195649594, 52.502720216735433 ], [ 13.298919553382172, 52.502717071148943 ], [ 13.298941073915556, 52.502715001507212 ], [ 13.298966307237571, 52.502717743393987 ], [ 13.298979669261241, 52.502725071839563 ], [ 13.299000684915589, 52.502736078938888 ], [ 13.299013678269585, 52.502752918378135 ], [ 13.298997726916978, 52.502762205330257 ], [ 13.298980148669163, 52.502763142127648 ], [ 13.298993096156037, 52.502781169547738 ], [ 13.298980949426086, 52.502792889375698 ] ], [ [ 13.298870432945471, 52.502828174169906 ], [ 13.29887604803552, 52.502834202595515 ], [ 13.298893580409114, 52.502834454691111 ], [ 13.298899103729237, 52.502842859971544 ], [ 13.29889655880153, 52.50285828646421 ], [ 13.298896053887674, 52.502871363215164 ], [ 13.298876389672767, 52.502875838615566 ], [ 13.298856817264907, 52.502877936258265 ], [ 13.298825739238067, 52.50287511030573 ], [ 13.298810522309665, 52.502865375196777 ], [ 13.298799246199735, 52.502854508114972 ], [ 13.298797894750708, 52.502839025595897 ], [ 13.29882553536749, 52.502829907654352 ], [ 13.298845245472522, 52.502824243385007 ], [ 13.298866582440935, 52.502826929266192 ], [ 13.298870432945471, 52.502828174169906 ] ], [ [ 13.299056551419921, 52.50290459703249 ], [ 13.299075003219404, 52.502881073373231 ], [ 13.299094667417265, 52.502876597939697 ], [ 13.299121894947627, 52.502878178926231 ], [ 13.299148847129009, 52.502886892272194 ], [ 13.299158035961048, 52.502901297923941 ], [ 13.299153680568999, 52.502913130680724 ], [ 13.29915526163246, 52.502922668809695 ], [ 13.299141166695584, 52.502934360645305 ], [ 13.299115657846386, 52.50293875205891 ], [ 13.299100073639234, 52.502938528005338 ], [ 13.299076880191203, 52.502933436401236 ], [ 13.299065328632901, 52.502929701709611 ], [ 13.299054052443458, 52.50291883465156 ], [ 13.299056551419921, 52.50290459703249 ] ], [ [ 13.299184437403193, 52.502924277790669 ], [ 13.299196815071014, 52.502906613576044 ], [ 13.299210129821578, 52.502915130852429 ], [ 13.29922761633488, 52.502916571776225 ], [ 13.299228121151176, 52.502903495023133 ], [ 13.299241988052058, 52.502897747585216 ], [ 13.299259291015593, 52.502903943115442 ], [ 13.299268435465493, 52.502919537657483 ], [ 13.299272055045272, 52.502926726914389 ], [ 13.299271458452752, 52.502942181422618 ], [ 13.299255415329212, 52.502953845265317 ], [ 13.299251105887386, 52.502964488249724 ], [ 13.299229355767178, 52.502972502333954 ], [ 13.299228004164208, 52.502957019818787 ], [ 13.299214368160538, 52.502956823787535 ], [ 13.299187370061349, 52.502949298434892 ], [ 13.299197386457887, 52.502942306108856 ], [ 13.299184437403193, 52.502924277790669 ] ], [ [ 13.299461569568436, 52.502955619162442 ], [ 13.299477750305265, 52.502940388658601 ], [ 13.299496909753373, 52.502948989912838 ], [ 13.299515841242265, 52.502963535573194 ], [ 13.299518957607523, 52.502983801598894 ], [ 13.299518085773174, 52.503006389374463 ], [ 13.299507748229658, 52.503021702972347 ], [ 13.299486089904134, 52.503027339348705 ], [ 13.299464752798588, 52.503024653578208 ], [ 13.299437525163722, 52.503023072669706 ], [ 13.299424392425534, 52.50300979988711 ], [ 13.29944034521821, 52.503000513797666 ], [ 13.29942544783469, 52.502982457501119 ], [ 13.299435923101921, 52.502963576379294 ], [ 13.299461569568436, 52.502955619162442 ] ], [ [ 13.299664558548953, 52.502998978310721 ], [ 13.299684407713391, 52.502989748188213 ], [ 13.299699579031504, 52.503000671165658 ], [ 13.299707509533036, 52.502997216530773 ], [ 13.299705974230243, 52.502986489530521 ], [ 13.299706111878548, 52.502982922897388 ], [ 13.299729351310177, 52.502986825501203 ], [ 13.299762192694306, 52.502994434705855 ], [ 13.29976971029496, 52.503001679067822 ], [ 13.299769343280909, 52.503011189191142 ], [ 13.299790588638697, 52.503016252662334 ], [ 13.299798197973749, 52.503021120165627 ], [ 13.299807663799474, 52.503028392523191 ], [ 13.299795882750821, 52.503030602291027 ], [ 13.29979143578954, 52.503044811929264 ], [ 13.299789212290431, 52.503051917197588 ], [ 13.299798632240764, 52.503060378433673 ], [ 13.299778968029331, 52.503064853984029 ], [ 13.299765146990577, 52.503069413505784 ], [ 13.299733931153472, 52.503070153524817 ], [ 13.299723686837202, 52.503083091204893 ], [ 13.299706246122959, 52.503080461476053 ], [ 13.299677253761764, 52.503074097112084 ], [ 13.299672097334886, 52.503056180845455 ], [ 13.299657017773278, 52.503042880109142 ], [ 13.299645649639281, 52.503034390861529 ], [ 13.299655620134105, 52.503028586475374 ], [ 13.299658118923475, 52.503014348842306 ], [ 13.299664558548953, 52.502998978310721 ] ], [ [ 13.298492031981219, 52.502683564762407 ], [ 13.298478350151978, 52.502684557524098 ], [ 13.298455340540912, 52.502674711190259 ], [ 13.298453254595145, 52.502678249801271 ], [ 13.29845238225889, 52.502700836666961 ], [ 13.298457490761644, 52.50271994183904 ], [ 13.298456893887924, 52.502735396341322 ], [ 13.298462049784797, 52.502753312657298 ], [ 13.298449857006371, 52.502766221306658 ], [ 13.298441696902231, 52.502775619343097 ], [ 13.298435301330192, 52.502789800907202 ], [ 13.298407706542852, 52.50279773077883 ], [ 13.298382473212584, 52.502794988772841 ], [ 13.298368975020599, 52.502791226013869 ], [ 13.298359325844688, 52.502788708152373 ], [ 13.298326301185668, 52.502785854068961 ], [ 13.298310991052105, 52.502778497527999 ], [ 13.298309411683405, 52.502768958511645 ], [ 13.298295820157588, 52.502767574375653 ], [ 13.2982863102258, 52.502761489898809 ], [ 13.298282735234023, 52.502753112613654 ], [ 13.298271275633946, 52.502747000091574 ], [ 13.298271918494045, 52.502730356713933 ], [ 13.298274371789873, 52.502717307989911 ], [ 13.298297978311169, 52.502711699857727 ], [ 13.298296672961984, 52.502695028457183 ], [ 13.298281548020027, 52.502682916426245 ], [ 13.298287759943038, 52.502673490378115 ], [ 13.298311228679504, 52.502671448873713 ], [ 13.298320922274122, 52.502672777840814 ], [ 13.298338454578481, 52.502673030018116 ], [ 13.298338638255034, 52.502668274510434 ], [ 13.298356217948964, 52.502667337829337 ], [ 13.298342947885903, 52.502657631560382 ], [ 13.298339602486694, 52.502643309892107 ], [ 13.298342285351888, 52.502624316781564 ], [ 13.298350445448319, 52.502614918751661 ], [ 13.298358605541239, 52.502605520721183 ], [ 13.298374556969124, 52.502596233855684 ], [ 13.29838448157599, 52.502591619352465 ], [ 13.298407858430439, 52.50259195558241 ], [ 13.298411295682529, 52.502603899495092 ], [ 13.29841899515414, 52.50260638931038 ], [ 13.298430638405138, 52.502607746310126 ], [ 13.2984385215439, 52.502605480616147 ], [ 13.298447987054994, 52.502612753080392 ], [ 13.298453556144011, 52.502619970402556 ], [ 13.298465381589759, 52.502616571869702 ], [ 13.298475443937958, 52.502608390727744 ], [ 13.298490477078749, 52.502622880488403 ], [ 13.298519882193995, 52.502618545246236 ], [ 13.298519560829495, 52.502626866486942 ], [ 13.29852879678889, 52.50264008333005 ], [ 13.298516510760733, 52.502655369719825 ], [ 13.298500283886767, 52.502671788968044 ], [ 13.298492031981219, 52.502683564762407 ] ], [ [ 13.298238625072498, 52.502633531577445 ], [ 13.298213024502438, 52.502640299652413 ], [ 13.29819368178538, 52.502636452801852 ], [ 13.29817619394781, 52.502635011705188 ], [ 13.298175642900773, 52.502649277328601 ], [ 13.298188775119879, 52.502662551145086 ], [ 13.298194296811372, 52.50267095643612 ], [ 13.298194067196174, 52.502676900820376 ], [ 13.298172362989643, 52.502683724934748 ], [ 13.298162210192903, 52.502694283825008 ], [ 13.298159802754654, 52.5027061445683 ], [ 13.298153361178599, 52.502721514993425 ], [ 13.298147149220021, 52.502730941034159 ], [ 13.298125399054568, 52.502738954016358 ], [ 13.298107683023996, 52.502743457314367 ], [ 13.298080639323356, 52.502737120588336 ], [ 13.298057400141689, 52.502733218561488 ], [ 13.298032442436748, 52.502723343220886 ], [ 13.298021489488129, 52.502704154849347 ], [ 13.29801443150636, 52.502685021611576 ], [ 13.298017022658907, 52.502668406263204 ], [ 13.298035060124555, 52.502655581739965 ], [ 13.298043220291984, 52.50264618373194 ], [ 13.298047621880295, 52.502633162141073 ], [ 13.298057728763219, 52.502623792137442 ], [ 13.298069280154211, 52.502627526926226 ], [ 13.298094375625517, 52.502633834729842 ], [ 13.298117844314154, 52.502631794162369 ], [ 13.298124008901832, 52.502623556079946 ], [ 13.298126186686108, 52.50261764061996 ], [ 13.298114728615445, 52.502611528104232 ], [ 13.298101229030335, 52.502607765294094 ], [ 13.298082391488245, 52.502590841679371 ], [ 13.29806912298144, 52.502581135401527 ], [ 13.298081223966278, 52.50257060454512 ], [ 13.298095182793755, 52.502562478589482 ], [ 13.298095733865109, 52.502548212966481 ], [ 13.298109828950752, 52.50253652125604 ], [ 13.298132838411563, 52.502546367656038 ], [ 13.298140401556761, 52.502552424140909 ], [ 13.298148607606297, 52.502541837248238 ], [ 13.29818353437334, 52.502545907382384 ], [ 13.298218324818336, 52.50255354505672 ], [ 13.29823934019854, 52.502564552289243 ], [ 13.298244771482755, 52.502575336251617 ], [ 13.29825609183351, 52.502585014486904 ], [ 13.298273302691753, 52.502593587913218 ], [ 13.298261109903704, 52.502606496543379 ], [ 13.29825693798743, 52.50261357375831 ], [ 13.29825629512438, 52.502630217136137 ], [ 13.298238625072498, 52.502633531577445 ] ], [ [ 13.297838839746154, 52.502548085730083 ], [ 13.297832949239323, 52.502549190516312 ], [ 13.297809664280978, 52.502546476419695 ], [ 13.297784293332745, 52.502547300917421 ], [ 13.297773156832843, 52.502532867131464 ], [ 13.297763645551553, 52.502526782592241 ], [ 13.297746572624582, 52.502514642462927 ], [ 13.297750790512707, 52.502506377288505 ], [ 13.29775528400673, 52.502490978854262 ], [ 13.297767522843284, 52.502476881400398 ], [ 13.297785468468257, 52.502466433769392 ], [ 13.297799243547976, 52.502463064253881 ], [ 13.297822574394385, 52.502464589475537 ], [ 13.297830044179795, 52.502473022813348 ], [ 13.297833159739037, 52.502493288878206 ], [ 13.297860432912675, 52.502493681276135 ], [ 13.297869668646145, 52.502506898169074 ], [ 13.297861416604929, 52.502518673918615 ], [ 13.297835953808571, 52.502521876180879 ], [ 13.297843562875373, 52.502526742909119 ], [ 13.297846999934668, 52.50253868773558 ], [ 13.297838839746154, 52.502548085730083 ] ], [ [ 13.29820522492278, 52.502741291845787 ], [ 13.298188059944266, 52.502731529532568 ], [ 13.298164591170616, 52.502733571012158 ], [ 13.298155125716029, 52.502726297626992 ], [ 13.298165509613982, 52.502709794374567 ], [ 13.298194775575803, 52.5027090258233 ], [ 13.298193378419533, 52.502694732175641 ], [ 13.298203303067487, 52.50269011768804 ], [ 13.298218933101975, 52.502689152982107 ], [ 13.298246436010587, 52.502683600907794 ], [ 13.298258354769468, 52.502677825562046 ], [ 13.298270042482443, 52.502677993679669 ], [ 13.29827733017868, 52.502691182518689 ], [ 13.298269261894413, 52.502698202789418 ], [ 13.298268527191855, 52.502717223920826 ], [ 13.298267792488472, 52.502736245052198 ], [ 13.298242008175212, 52.502747768640354 ], [ 13.298226607731799, 52.50274278896493 ], [ 13.29820522492278, 52.502741291845787 ] ], [ [ 13.297397554371791, 52.502416841549241 ], [ 13.29738336724906, 52.502430910926549 ], [ 13.297379838399621, 52.502421344738906 ], [ 13.297366248519729, 52.502419959619772 ], [ 13.297367691345606, 52.502433064399135 ], [ 13.297373258761944, 52.502440281749479 ], [ 13.297352013968132, 52.502435217848415 ], [ 13.297336567790603, 52.502431426935026 ], [ 13.297324786783966, 52.502433636457276 ], [ 13.297310599632665, 52.502447705825581 ], [ 13.297295015613726, 52.502447481535775 ], [ 13.297275717504688, 52.502442446537515 ], [ 13.297273403245821, 52.502451928631274 ], [ 13.297286763431346, 52.502459257244126 ], [ 13.297291964768487, 52.502475984731362 ], [ 13.297272484364425, 52.502475704360279 ], [ 13.29725712856853, 52.502469536561279 ], [ 13.297249060164679, 52.50247655676165 ], [ 13.297258433519339, 52.502486207970513 ], [ 13.297264002431444, 52.502493424448403 ], [ 13.297277362593077, 52.502500753961023 ], [ 13.297272914878979, 52.50251496349933 ], [ 13.297251394372077, 52.502517032837844 ], [ 13.297241333292734, 52.502525213895254 ], [ 13.297219720881325, 52.502529660980514 ], [ 13.297211928121422, 52.502529548819162 ], [ 13.297202738531375, 52.502515143000302 ], [ 13.29718747613901, 52.502506596562291 ], [ 13.297185849565073, 52.502498247286368 ], [ 13.297178516277567, 52.502486247258936 ], [ 13.29720026799273, 52.502478233573484 ], [ 13.297216173630719, 52.502470136640547 ], [ 13.297218489410222, 52.502460653670603 ], [ 13.297218811018459, 52.502452332435283 ], [ 13.297219178575498, 52.502442822323616 ], [ 13.297209621441683, 52.502437926616849 ], [ 13.297223580384983, 52.502429800764887 ], [ 13.29721796553839, 52.502423773161397 ], [ 13.297202840987568, 52.502411660995321 ], [ 13.297195921254881, 52.502388961082374 ], [ 13.297202271213912, 52.502375968463561 ], [ 13.297214326397503, 52.502366626573057 ], [ 13.297243823355805, 52.502359913894907 ], [ 13.297261217682829, 52.502363732859727 ], [ 13.297286404744449, 52.502367663978703 ], [ 13.297303890971428, 52.502369105184577 ], [ 13.297305563510077, 52.502376265582896 ], [ 13.297322775537406, 52.502384840065368 ], [ 13.297336641079138, 52.502379091931211 ], [ 13.297366092083006, 52.502373568098847 ], [ 13.29738112477739, 52.502388057997202 ], [ 13.297398289407582, 52.502397821324031 ], [ 13.297397554371791, 52.502416841549241 ] ], [ [ 13.29702373446213, 52.502370665292268 ], [ 13.297017158181044, 52.502374493495566 ], [ 13.296989885093074, 52.502374100903907 ], [ 13.296989106316445, 52.502366118082698 ], [ 13.296983376619639, 52.502362910257617 ], [ 13.296969877209799, 52.502359147319709 ], [ 13.296932864693867, 52.502358614514172 ], [ 13.296930353261697, 52.502353032579819 ], [ 13.296920582118799, 52.502351692491288 ], [ 13.29692090378202, 52.502343371257055 ], [ 13.296921205069781, 52.502342628424358 ], [ 13.29691416554553, 52.502338124987702 ], [ 13.296904838254889, 52.502327284876152 ], [ 13.296889300239483, 52.502325871657149 ], [ 13.296880082457061, 52.502326758563107 ], [ 13.296872615780574, 52.502331971175153 ], [ 13.296871517729235, 52.502332286244375 ], [ 13.296877105617781, 52.50233878101978 ], [ 13.296855677097369, 52.502338472534767 ], [ 13.296846211944663, 52.502331199046964 ], [ 13.296846519309497, 52.502323248045037 ], [ 13.296829542677829, 52.502320021259372 ], [ 13.296830765848464, 52.50232740806814 ], [ 13.296803538752252, 52.50232582655773 ], [ 13.296790178688344, 52.50231849789116 ], [ 13.296789781685574, 52.502314437137755 ], [ 13.296774045748039, 52.502310330882679 ], [ 13.296770472552049, 52.502301953575156 ], [ 13.29675312278224, 52.502296945641469 ], [ 13.296739624885278, 52.502293182698772 ], [ 13.296733044047656, 52.502288972674684 ], [ 13.296722661794847, 52.50229071135464 ], [ 13.296720144567574, 52.502292902237471 ], [ 13.296720138557404, 52.502293057698935 ], [ 13.296728253491516, 52.502306901419153 ], [ 13.296699033742472, 52.502306480733722 ], [ 13.296669858485105, 52.502304871143906 ], [ 13.296648843660524, 52.502293862737879 ], [ 13.296631539837893, 52.502287666809146 ], [ 13.296624254173185, 52.502274477893828 ], [ 13.296640251804163, 52.502264002387811 ], [ 13.296638717270627, 52.502253275353063 ], [ 13.296620566680181, 52.502246268810964 ], [ 13.296618664152252, 52.502246241418199 ], [ 13.296593728279506, 52.502257385746788 ], [ 13.296585567879056, 52.502266783653411 ], [ 13.296530977354649, 52.50226718716312 ], [ 13.296511725416769, 52.502260962266924 ], [ 13.296498595261953, 52.502247689188557 ], [ 13.296486717045074, 52.502238999874677 ], [ 13.296464792380318, 52.502242836317635 ], [ 13.296460896027281, 52.502242780212377 ], [ 13.29646082436104, 52.502242271176783 ], [ 13.296453928014927, 52.502243478296599 ], [ 13.296446411125562, 52.502236232830164 ], [ 13.296462638594463, 52.502219813867697 ], [ 13.296476689505969, 52.502209311251022 ], [ 13.296488744795319, 52.502199969435154 ], [ 13.296517837536932, 52.502196852099225 ], [ 13.296523217047437, 52.502193720593773 ], [ 13.29652469540609, 52.502193629490314 ], [ 13.296530022728591, 52.502191047495515 ], [ 13.296537681111355, 52.50218438288654 ], [ 13.296538089720084, 52.502184027323189 ], [ 13.2965556232863, 52.502184279784188 ], [ 13.296590687474431, 52.502184784655995 ], [ 13.296617684685742, 52.502192309695829 ], [ 13.296643009481434, 52.502192674322693 ], [ 13.296656737157898, 52.502190492896219 ], [ 13.296677845334646, 52.502199123569852 ], [ 13.29670122196015, 52.502199460135202 ], [ 13.296712958276327, 52.502203588838363 ], [ 13.296713850637717, 52.50220360168597 ], [ 13.296714895920221, 52.502204270396589 ], [ 13.296722374674236, 52.502206901005152 ], [ 13.296749417848702, 52.502213238037776 ], [ 13.296768714288561, 52.502218273998174 ], [ 13.29678801076763, 52.502223309056824 ], [ 13.296799422591622, 52.502230610575054 ], [ 13.296799269600273, 52.50223456810356 ], [ 13.296810104583514, 52.50223472408981 ], [ 13.296824212375206, 52.502234067631527 ], [ 13.296834488293616, 52.502231115396143 ], [ 13.296851790650875, 52.502237311274072 ], [ 13.296871226459858, 52.502238780610803 ], [ 13.296884632436539, 52.502244921290703 ], [ 13.296917336398103, 52.502256097028123 ], [ 13.296920817705143, 52.502266852083757 ], [ 13.29693436303892, 52.502269426150939 ], [ 13.296963752109788, 52.502269849215772 ], [ 13.296966657330074, 52.502269093516212 ], [ 13.296988177727759, 52.502267024228495 ], [ 13.297025098260026, 52.502269934768485 ], [ 13.297040406492984, 52.502277292350527 ], [ 13.297043154596798, 52.502278924252316 ], [ 13.297058579556618, 52.502283109613472 ], [ 13.297071847749937, 52.502292816002495 ], [ 13.29708511742165, 52.502302522411298 ], [ 13.297086376680065, 52.502303944964972 ], [ 13.297092587003331, 52.502310956693087 ], [ 13.297092295382486, 52.502318501519113 ], [ 13.297093344332088, 52.502319685475683 ], [ 13.297092198615463, 52.502321005078613 ], [ 13.297092081564166, 52.502324033432998 ], [ 13.297089581990994, 52.502338271006813 ], [ 13.297073538520102, 52.502349934551738 ], [ 13.297053506769371, 52.502363919760953 ], [ 13.297041633860033, 52.502368507007432 ], [ 13.29702373446213, 52.502370665292268 ] ], [ [ 13.296668288314232, 52.502194227820112 ], [ 13.296657104832757, 52.502180982786918 ], [ 13.296644112549105, 52.502164143096373 ], [ 13.296660156063577, 52.502152479609713 ], [ 13.296670402488605, 52.502139543118567 ], [ 13.296688348196017, 52.502129096553119 ], [ 13.296676752564348, 52.50212655052848 ], [ 13.296673132000134, 52.502119361174216 ], [ 13.296677763681558, 52.502100397053354 ], [ 13.296685646816425, 52.502098131476004 ], [ 13.296699421896284, 52.50209476118949 ], [ 13.296715005785675, 52.502094985556681 ], [ 13.296742278696991, 52.502095378210221 ], [ 13.296781560879815, 52.502087616988277 ], [ 13.296791623414414, 52.502079435990439 ], [ 13.296824648908279, 52.502082290518445 ], [ 13.296843991258493, 52.502086137590162 ], [ 13.296870896538771, 52.50209604032441 ], [ 13.296874333337533, 52.502107984278858 ], [ 13.296887693317915, 52.502115313834359 ], [ 13.296900915466439, 52.502126209118238 ], [ 13.296902679810339, 52.502130992668214 ], [ 13.296910288706151, 52.502135859455329 ], [ 13.296907972879112, 52.502145342419325 ], [ 13.296892159218679, 52.502151061559438 ], [ 13.296874397346251, 52.502156753550267 ], [ 13.296864105018484, 52.502170878935623 ], [ 13.296850329926887, 52.502174249241179 ], [ 13.296842676579855, 52.502170570448932 ], [ 13.296817351794271, 52.502170205864907 ], [ 13.296801398761433, 52.502179491599783 ], [ 13.296795142072089, 52.502190107364427 ], [ 13.296771581642652, 52.502194525423285 ], [ 13.296749831465084, 52.502202539052043 ], [ 13.296724644548046, 52.502198607819906 ], [ 13.29670530068702, 52.502194760707241 ], [ 13.296668288314232, 52.502194227820112 ] ], [ [ 13.296484198341407, 52.502295452715288 ], [ 13.296497697689107, 52.502299215708177 ], [ 13.296517315910311, 52.502295929578473 ], [ 13.296536658325913, 52.502299776700845 ], [ 13.296547749866546, 52.502315399496908 ], [ 13.296549284379724, 52.502326126532573 ], [ 13.296546738664336, 52.502341552969284 ], [ 13.296546279029613, 52.502353440829552 ], [ 13.296543871212537, 52.502365300638431 ], [ 13.29651655216921, 52.502366096813631 ], [ 13.296506857227127, 52.502364767678408 ], [ 13.29649345123325, 52.502358627854562 ], [ 13.296481900049308, 52.502354892913438 ], [ 13.296466178162516, 52.502358235142303 ], [ 13.296444657732573, 52.502360303435808 ], [ 13.296450824029769, 52.502352066362427 ], [ 13.296431757384662, 52.50234108686962 ], [ 13.2964303148398, 52.502327982081049 ], [ 13.296442645990115, 52.502311507015463 ], [ 13.29645057661677, 52.502308052599638 ], [ 13.29646625251763, 52.502305899248533 ], [ 13.296484198341407, 52.502295452715288 ] ], [ [ 13.296630780347382, 52.502335625804328 ], [ 13.296644969149547, 52.502321556540011 ], [ 13.296685832026172, 52.502323334409361 ], [ 13.296706709020999, 52.502337908538294 ], [ 13.296720024552176, 52.50234642701006 ], [ 13.296717524857515, 52.502360664574859 ], [ 13.29671488730852, 52.502378467868937 ], [ 13.296706818801374, 52.502385488930472 ], [ 13.296693091066276, 52.502387670362168 ], [ 13.296692539544077, 52.502401935975186 ], [ 13.296696020806802, 52.502412691036788 ], [ 13.29666870320855, 52.502413487268122 ], [ 13.296653439448813, 52.502404941639696 ], [ 13.296642073569288, 52.502396451231483 ], [ 13.296634326799937, 52.502395150156339 ], [ 13.296620461163347, 52.502400898207362 ], [ 13.296608955922698, 52.502395974402575 ], [ 13.29659949223686, 52.502388701815136 ], [ 13.296609599402437, 52.502379331038327 ], [ 13.29661409328037, 52.502363932650397 ], [ 13.296608708352437, 52.502351960639061 ], [ 13.29662285120213, 52.502339080253485 ], [ 13.296630780347382, 52.502335625804328 ] ], [ [ 13.29712523041583, 52.502503321551586 ], [ 13.297111271431081, 52.502511447391512 ], [ 13.297101531958322, 52.502511307202042 ], [ 13.297084044209742, 52.502509865944639 ], [ 13.297078614656403, 52.502499082851159 ], [ 13.297078982279052, 52.502489571841643 ], [ 13.297085468672897, 52.502473012579976 ], [ 13.297078228795064, 52.502458634815369 ], [ 13.297088243936388, 52.502451642648069 ], [ 13.297109580610556, 52.502454328843868 ], [ 13.297121040006422, 52.502460440578112 ], [ 13.297130503759714, 52.502467714023226 ], [ 13.297130090231789, 52.5024784130106 ], [ 13.297129446946316, 52.502495056379061 ], [ 13.29712523041583, 52.502503321551586 ] ], [ [ 13.297320680737133, 52.50248948203361 ], [ 13.297335051647813, 52.502470658057455 ], [ 13.297364456768303, 52.502466323102489 ], [ 13.297384304690743, 52.50245709334596 ], [ 13.297393724050281, 52.502465554769323 ], [ 13.297404906352554, 52.502478799713565 ], [ 13.297408159548175, 52.50249549915879 ], [ 13.297429404377551, 52.502500563049978 ], [ 13.297440771944228, 52.502509052506539 ], [ 13.297432565697243, 52.502519640247357 ], [ 13.297426169840648, 52.502533821755058 ], [ 13.297423762249062, 52.502545681583449 ], [ 13.297411844891373, 52.502551456865824 ], [ 13.297403546775744, 52.502564421458587 ], [ 13.29740113914149, 52.502576282185032 ], [ 13.297389221772516, 52.502582057465006 ], [ 13.297371642095342, 52.502582994002537 ], [ 13.297348540897717, 52.50257552520852 ], [ 13.297342971996331, 52.502568307835858 ], [ 13.297329290180079, 52.502569300464756 ], [ 13.297305913350771, 52.502568964021819 ], [ 13.297292553129157, 52.502561635410942 ], [ 13.297275570742917, 52.502547117440962 ], [ 13.297275984271277, 52.502536417554239 ], [ 13.297284374313477, 52.502521075218048 ], [ 13.297300371845646, 52.502510600521212 ], [ 13.297310342524842, 52.502504796333881 ], [ 13.297320680737133, 52.50248948203361 ] ], [ [ 13.300022057336459, 52.502016486187635 ], [ 13.299989354216819, 52.502005311324083 ], [ 13.29998990466396, 52.50199104568572 ], [ 13.299996206396584, 52.501979241765547 ], [ 13.299992770231205, 52.501967297915634 ], [ 13.299989561962132, 52.501949409654017 ], [ 13.300003656355129, 52.501937717710902 ], [ 13.300025405822614, 52.501929703477423 ], [ 13.300046880051317, 52.501928822508695 ], [ 13.30006636171424, 52.501929102442169 ], [ 13.300074428098773, 52.501922082023235 ], [ 13.30009567300519, 52.501927144537774 ], [ 13.300102915226448, 52.50194152304632 ], [ 13.300084970394327, 52.501951970137618 ], [ 13.300084557591344, 52.501962669142316 ], [ 13.300092075038636, 52.501969914382585 ], [ 13.300077703993988, 52.501988738685348 ], [ 13.300077520509589, 52.501993494197905 ], [ 13.300071171452677, 52.502006486979511 ], [ 13.300065053187238, 52.50201353628988 ], [ 13.300049376117906, 52.502015689200526 ], [ 13.3000277642294, 52.502020136803658 ], [ 13.300022057336459, 52.502016486187635 ] ], [ [ 13.299941915778302, 52.501921367426519 ], [ 13.299924337883267, 52.501922304367376 ], [ 13.299909165436194, 52.501911380499699 ], [ 13.299897294413253, 52.501915968057837 ], [ 13.299892847605252, 52.50193017770367 ], [ 13.299876941141015, 52.501938275880491 ], [ 13.299861311439292, 52.501939239909518 ], [ 13.299857782087045, 52.501929673790826 ], [ 13.299854527998271, 52.50191297440395 ], [ 13.299853223549016, 52.501896303034798 ], [ 13.299857531263008, 52.50188566000336 ], [ 13.299861932200798, 52.501872639236822 ], [ 13.299881595869262, 52.501868163667226 ], [ 13.299905293452241, 52.501860178350476 ], [ 13.299936233250882, 52.50186656975 ], [ 13.29994950340002, 52.501876276741022 ], [ 13.299948907067675, 52.501891731257473 ], [ 13.299954383129339, 52.501901325347475 ], [ 13.299942145151483, 52.501915423036209 ], [ 13.299941915778302, 52.501921367426519 ] ], [ [ 13.299554896756224, 52.501899152687734 ], [ 13.29954433006716, 52.501920410682963 ], [ 13.299530648496251, 52.501921403568701 ], [ 13.29951320825251, 52.501918773814943 ], [ 13.299474338159628, 52.501915836926955 ], [ 13.29944901348583, 52.501915472907321 ], [ 13.299437325967924, 52.501915304907818 ], [ 13.299423872366971, 52.501910353371258 ], [ 13.299429946303666, 52.501904492993603 ], [ 13.299430405153098, 52.501892605114634 ], [ 13.299408976821262, 52.501892297093761 ], [ 13.299407349845625, 52.501883947844156 ], [ 13.299423346679529, 52.501873471954312 ], [ 13.299431322850999, 52.501868829356653 ], [ 13.29944138488244, 52.501860647229933 ], [ 13.299449405465026, 52.501854815732074 ], [ 13.29948048281736, 52.501857641515471 ], [ 13.299501865246764, 52.501859138401059 ], [ 13.299523385335178, 52.501857068649272 ], [ 13.299552698071713, 52.501855110900372 ], [ 13.29956800662638, 52.501862467259564 ], [ 13.299563377651662, 52.501881432424859 ], [ 13.299554896756224, 52.501899152687734 ] ], [ [ 13.299248849793878, 52.501849553655511 ], [ 13.299266152315395, 52.501855750080949 ], [ 13.299271492017967, 52.501868910855514 ], [ 13.299261200523388, 52.501883036457116 ], [ 13.299258977036578, 52.501890140817984 ], [ 13.299237135700027, 52.501900531766239 ], [ 13.299246647054282, 52.501906616188208 ], [ 13.299252260609082, 52.501912644575164 ], [ 13.29924414820311, 52.501920853814568 ], [ 13.299238028345972, 52.501927903060071 ], [ 13.299225972236448, 52.501937245140923 ], [ 13.299200555764267, 52.501939258823285 ], [ 13.299183436765469, 52.501928307776382 ], [ 13.299183987506643, 52.501914041245158 ], [ 13.299176379866642, 52.501909174623442 ], [ 13.29915912176042, 52.501901789286116 ], [ 13.299143905054001, 52.501892055119306 ], [ 13.299134623164338, 52.501880027199981 ], [ 13.299141293750282, 52.501858712327419 ], [ 13.299162997401433, 52.501851888029606 ], [ 13.299186511557664, 52.501848657469687 ], [ 13.299195885244476, 52.501858307629853 ], [ 13.299218848673345, 52.501869343595004 ], [ 13.299225060312919, 52.501859916595087 ], [ 13.299248849793878, 52.501849553655511 ] ], [ [ 13.29897423185882, 52.501849174063871 ], [ 13.298987410022535, 52.501861258017406 ], [ 13.298994742232596, 52.501873257916017 ], [ 13.298996185529157, 52.501886362680622 ], [ 13.298986124882433, 52.501894544789835 ], [ 13.298981861385734, 52.501903998889105 ], [ 13.298967765262814, 52.50191569068717 ], [ 13.298953624703586, 52.501928571382102 ], [ 13.298938362132311, 52.501920026066685 ], [ 13.298940815180478, 52.501906977325035 ], [ 13.298927591148999, 52.501896081345272 ], [ 13.298900547808843, 52.501889745707842 ], [ 13.298912603973422, 52.50188040366055 ], [ 13.298909212574186, 52.501867269984295 ], [ 13.29893132934612, 52.501849746730947 ], [ 13.298945333689025, 52.501840431793298 ], [ 13.298962911568863, 52.501839494997832 ], [ 13.298974461361928, 52.501843229676467 ], [ 13.29897423185882, 52.501849174063871 ] ], [ [ 13.298709869131303, 52.501881056124844 ], [ 13.29868992992699, 52.501892663863828 ], [ 13.298676294256449, 52.501892467773374 ], [ 13.298653422737935, 52.501879054848068 ], [ 13.298642192823619, 52.501866998874753 ], [ 13.298642927342366, 52.501847977736901 ], [ 13.298658648852939, 52.501844636114157 ], [ 13.298681841715108, 52.501849726897255 ], [ 13.298705126363856, 52.501852440819825 ], [ 13.298706844986157, 52.501858413221996 ], [ 13.298714316314486, 52.501866846526561 ], [ 13.298713994960716, 52.501875168667802 ], [ 13.298709869131303, 52.501881056124844 ] ], [ [ 13.298185616236259, 52.501879463645899 ], [ 13.298177502166938, 52.501887672789415 ], [ 13.298165906509112, 52.501885126910445 ], [ 13.298158710784818, 52.501869561208892 ], [ 13.298145212894259, 52.501865798426394 ], [ 13.298144937390786, 52.501872930789617 ], [ 13.298129122478487, 52.501878650974966 ], [ 13.298115578663928, 52.501876077066051 ], [ 13.298106388908243, 52.501861671314465 ], [ 13.298090988787996, 52.501856691623424 ], [ 13.298101187328278, 52.50184494385941 ], [ 13.298109393251526, 52.501834356967215 ], [ 13.298138797874058, 52.50183002181506 ], [ 13.298168248378614, 52.501824498677166 ], [ 13.298167835112215, 52.501835197671511 ], [ 13.298188758297401, 52.501848582665261 ], [ 13.298186259108586, 52.501862820266574 ], [ 13.298185616236259, 52.501879463645899 ] ], [ [ 13.29792263056447, 52.501875680329022 ], [ 13.297912660143782, 52.501881483671838 ], [ 13.297920039429773, 52.501892295677514 ], [ 13.297931267678686, 52.501904351696545 ], [ 13.297931681003549, 52.501893652703657 ], [ 13.297972545018277, 52.501895430146909 ], [ 13.297985905155251, 52.501902758681055 ], [ 13.29799239259048, 52.501886199385623 ], [ 13.298031169187839, 52.501891515390739 ], [ 13.298081772546443, 52.501893432908076 ], [ 13.298081221483587, 52.501907698532577 ], [ 13.298090549014018, 52.501918537655214 ], [ 13.298080394905794, 52.501929096519916 ], [ 13.298066254050438, 52.501941978005142 ], [ 13.298063846666837, 52.501953837849442 ], [ 13.298049796212265, 52.501964340658944 ], [ 13.298047480674594, 52.501973822749036 ], [ 13.298031896817264, 52.501973598557676 ], [ 13.298012508481307, 52.501970940556546 ], [ 13.297995068278993, 52.501968311478201 ], [ 13.297983700776189, 52.501959821175866 ], [ 13.297974191025183, 52.501953737573558 ], [ 13.297954893085709, 52.501948701788251 ], [ 13.297941073688365, 52.501953261120242 ], [ 13.297934769938937, 52.501965064905178 ], [ 13.297911393422755, 52.501964728584547 ], [ 13.297880178314081, 52.501965469019538 ], [ 13.297862967810984, 52.501956894639278 ], [ 13.297849378057574, 52.501955509576611 ], [ 13.297823869654941, 52.501959900716081 ], [ 13.297813991031642, 52.501963327195341 ], [ 13.297796688677302, 52.501957130559028 ], [ 13.297806979183864, 52.501943005067893 ], [ 13.297799463557993, 52.501935760605427 ], [ 13.297785458979865, 52.501945074506345 ], [ 13.297762358042245, 52.501937605794602 ], [ 13.297753261730232, 52.501920822284369 ], [ 13.297761925612873, 52.50189834662882 ], [ 13.297781131641836, 52.501905760198788 ], [ 13.297794583614685, 52.501910711000768 ], [ 13.297796991068026, 52.501898851162487 ], [ 13.297789657709242, 52.501886851171214 ], [ 13.297782188028448, 52.501878417830959 ], [ 13.297802127496622, 52.5018668093483 ], [ 13.297796880099497, 52.501851270757584 ], [ 13.297807126120954, 52.501838334163949 ], [ 13.297805820975979, 52.50182166275745 ], [ 13.297827341083977, 52.501819594213352 ], [ 13.297868249482956, 52.501820182794063 ], [ 13.297879616962559, 52.501828672208624 ], [ 13.297898913368373, 52.501833707984602 ], [ 13.297923732791116, 52.501847149082209 ], [ 13.297929026161501, 52.501861498790824 ], [ 13.29792263056447, 52.501875680329022 ] ], [ [ 13.297618550865932, 52.501896283596118 ], [ 13.297631910908644, 52.501903613068336 ], [ 13.297639427973909, 52.501910857562379 ], [ 13.297670457830343, 52.50191487267606 ], [ 13.297654276859074, 52.501930102933159 ], [ 13.297655857567063, 52.501939641080675 ], [ 13.297655214492652, 52.50195628445519 ], [ 13.297635412756124, 52.501964326282348 ], [ 13.297615932574718, 52.501964045969714 ], [ 13.297602662919704, 52.501954338721205 ], [ 13.297585406502828, 52.501946954076246 ], [ 13.297595834888115, 52.501929261974183 ], [ 13.297596477984326, 52.501912618600073 ], [ 13.297618550865932, 52.501896283596118 ] ], [ [ 13.297094452627164, 52.501941077780998 ], [ 13.297086246441166, 52.501951664600405 ], [ 13.297070662599449, 52.501951440282525 ], [ 13.297053406309372, 52.501944054662097 ], [ 13.297033926142847, 52.501943774253753 ], [ 13.297032529382161, 52.501929480594008 ], [ 13.297025288134405, 52.501915102804624 ], [ 13.297014335819483, 52.501895914342747 ], [ 13.297024580642043, 52.501882976899218 ], [ 13.297057514100711, 52.501888209113766 ], [ 13.297069339453236, 52.501884810719304 ], [ 13.29710050856225, 52.501885259374163 ], [ 13.297117810788356, 52.501891456111316 ], [ 13.297141095355704, 52.501894170341082 ], [ 13.297130942500116, 52.501904729143646 ], [ 13.297124592591222, 52.50191772176003 ], [ 13.297123995267372, 52.501933176253679 ], [ 13.29711996108797, 52.501936686799361 ], [ 13.297102429087634, 52.501936434443998 ], [ 13.297094452627164, 52.501941077780998 ] ], [ [ 13.296842834044, 52.501945781548741 ], [ 13.296807722609651, 52.501946465608164 ], [ 13.296760969624875, 52.501945792517169 ], [ 13.296737776977642, 52.501940700460402 ], [ 13.296728541700608, 52.501927483481751 ], [ 13.296729185124304, 52.501910840115194 ], [ 13.296735443226074, 52.501900225273154 ], [ 13.296747362000032, 52.501894449180149 ], [ 13.296755612743976, 52.501882673487458 ], [ 13.296787241408481, 52.501871234362277 ], [ 13.296788775967006, 52.501881961395966 ], [ 13.296806261983646, 52.501883402673748 ], [ 13.296814146545566, 52.501881137108562 ], [ 13.296837660844275, 52.501877907915741 ], [ 13.2968449020247, 52.501892285716117 ], [ 13.296838827783635, 52.501898145059528 ], [ 13.296836374114447, 52.501911193752292 ], [ 13.296839948730794, 52.501919571978021 ], [ 13.296845240282687, 52.501933921710844 ], [ 13.296842834044, 52.501945781548741 ] ], [ [ 13.298254965088338, 52.501900681542686 ], [ 13.298264981388835, 52.501893689293645 ], [ 13.298280106060181, 52.501905801325961 ], [ 13.298307332957902, 52.501907382494878 ], [ 13.29832472720287, 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], [ 13.298281359511591, 52.502549939075223 ], [ 13.298636050152101, 52.502627865637535 ], [ 13.298995256896204, 52.502706773163744 ], [ 13.299353627343379, 52.502785507525125 ], [ 13.29972167252933, 52.50286636149842 ], [ 13.300007723172223, 52.50292920279395 ], [ 13.300394959839801, 52.503014265875777 ], [ 13.300502805748911, 52.502967713976041 ] ], [ [ 13.300210714110994, 52.502838899503075 ], [ 13.300210710649715, 52.502838034498943 ], [ 13.300210640818882, 52.502837171238596 ], [ 13.300210439548204, 52.502836315980097 ], [ 13.300210171769315, 52.502835466059892 ], [ 13.300209773572416, 52.502834635844799 ], [ 13.300209313007667, 52.502833818220417 ], [ 13.300208730478939, 52.502833030312921 ], [ 13.300208086881561, 52.502832259510456 ], [ 13.300207326759825, 52.502831530191592 ], [ 13.300206514266158, 52.502830821699156 ], [ 13.300205595209343, 52.502830163824676 ], [ 13.30020462651774, 52.502829532210718 ], [ 13.300203565676645, 52.502828959513813 ], [ 13.300202460952333, 52.502828416756579 ], [ 13.300201279999435, 52.502827940338115 ], [ 13.300200062352777, 52.502827498458196 ], [ 13.300198781591908, 52.50282712670198 ], [ 13.300197475813851, 52.502826792349417 ], [ 13.300196122877118, 52.50282653464366 ], [ 13.300194750744074, 52.502826316223427 ], [ 13.300193353471533, 52.502826176564611 ], [ 13.30019194583809, 52.502826076318243 ], [ 13.300190529124656, 52.502826058660524 ], [ 13.300189112392955, 52.502826079664757 ], [ 13.30018770575928, 52.502826182634017 ], [ 13.300186309380667, 52.502826325311965 ], [ 13.300184939436981, 52.502826546593205 ], [ 13.300183588583705, 52.5028268077101 ], [ 13.30018228197488, 52.502827144089693 ], [ 13.300181004833767, 52.502827518655764 ], [ 13.300179789815909, 52.502827963346682 ], [ 13.300178610294703, 52.502828442714204 ], [ 13.30017751077558, 52.502828987068767 ], [ 13.300176451309474, 52.502829562568934 ], [ 13.300175486883175, 52.502830195180103 ], [ 13.300174571449329, 52.50283085636795 ], [ 13.300173763182524, 52.502831565849867 ], [ 13.300173007096001, 52.502832297660383 ], [ 13.300172368831207, 52.502833068926819 ], [ 13.300171790282912, 52.502833858134593 ], [ 13.300171334355403, 52.502834676976924 ], [ 13.300170942770105, 52.50283550843227 ], [ 13.300170680146671, 52.502836357924721 ], [ 13.300170482073474, 52.502837214638497 ], [ 13.300170417830527, 52.502838077770733 ], [ 13.300074383756723, 52.502816704161191 ], [ 13.299987392525734, 52.502799056898994 ], [ 13.299990419914502, 52.502796089244839 ], [ 13.299993070762806, 52.502792990302943 ], [ 13.299995526471422, 52.502789831912303 ], [ 13.299997583948892, 52.502786569795099 ], [ 13.29999833714475, 52.502785225642711 ], [ 13.299994135087083, 52.502784461249625 ], [ 13.299984579004491, 52.502779566683813 ], [ 13.299984762504122, 52.502774811172159 ], [ 13.299998844644747, 52.502766613037778 ], [ 13.299998273164201, 52.502766149870688 ], [ 13.299997291780922, 52.502765427261373 ], [ 13.299996205029613, 52.502764762479956 ], [ 13.29999507138055, 52.502764129392972 ], [ 13.299993845339133, 52.502763561513312 ], [ 13.299992578082156, 52.502763030804473 ], [ 13.299991235860901, 52.502762571847235 ], [ 13.299989859717558, 52.50276215196385 ], [ 13.299988427475858, 52.502761811296139 ], [ 13.299986968605522, 52.502761511605286 ], [ 13.299985472641451, 52.502761294999694 ], [ 13.299983961759946, 52.502761121337521 ], [ 13.299982428441002, 52.502761032769399 ], [ 13.29998089342296, 52.502760988233788 ], [ 13.299979356583375, 52.502761029088475 ], [ 13.299977825407542, 52.502761114081466 ], [ 13.299976312991355, 52.502761285659631 ], [ 13.299974813705731, 52.502761498786008 ], [ 13.299973353934387, 52.502761795199305 ], [ 13.299971350865439, 52.5027623490463 ], [ 13.299969440720641, 52.502763014820403 ], [ 13.299967584452759, 52.502763735315952 ], [ 13.299965846489348, 52.502764559112173 ], [ 13.29996417295353, 52.502765431487575 ], [ 13.299962641768696, 52.502766394921494 ], [ 13.299961185527408, 52.502767401690996 ], [ 13.299959892703798, 52.502768488133171 ], [ 13.299958683971216, 52.502769609950285 ], [ 13.299957652498904, 52.502770796353964 ], [ 13.299956714230408, 52.502772011070533 ], [ 13.299955967134149, 52.502773273490327 ], [ 13.299955317971474, 52.502774556198908 ], [ 13.299954869440572, 52.502775870562402 ], [ 13.299954520627969, 52.502777197148276 ], [ 13.299954379065598, 52.502778536602627 ], [ 13.299954340513446, 52.502779879335449 ], [ 13.299954508397843, 52.502781217841765 ], [ 13.299892746476276, 52.502767261593405 ], [ 13.299878609300066, 52.502747371281956 ], [ 13.299925902765354, 52.502662812428149 ], [ 13.29991953597345, 52.502659613574295 ], [ 13.299925986861275, 52.502645665599836 ], [ 13.299954872948383, 52.502640650000593 ], [ 13.299982951506463, 52.502647054215501 ], [ 13.2999821723037, 52.502650943405811 ], [ 13.300133302199924, 52.50268447992439 ], [ 13.300151933121141, 52.502685624261012 ], [ 13.300152045035865, 52.502685625869027 ], [ 13.300153509085852, 52.502683156339515 ], [ 13.300182492944032, 52.502688934239131 ], [ 13.300297193870735, 52.502683247166615 ], [ 13.300306436555857, 52.502753628279166 ], [ 13.300296242168926, 52.502754050061952 ], [ 13.300300800541381, 52.502782891020054 ], [ 13.300310242501716, 52.502782648141377 ], [ 13.300319902220499, 52.502856274775873 ], [ 13.300297356020179, 52.502866331210448 ], [ 13.300206275600202, 52.502846058370984 ], [ 13.300207136047101, 52.502845371217482 ], [ 13.300207890660712, 52.502844639385572 ], [ 13.30020858425855, 52.502843885098116 ], [ 13.300209161368453, 52.50284309497038 ], [ 13.300209675712656, 52.50284228955492 ], [ 13.300210067262594, 52.502841458998049 ], [ 13.300210391455821, 52.502840617583104 ], [ 13.300210585110552, 52.502839760805792 ], [ 13.300210714110994, 52.502838899503075 ] ], [ [ 13.299753057331539, 52.502717955865698 ], [ 13.299735340032397, 52.502722458489174 ], [ 13.299717913720251, 52.502722208042421 ], [ 13.299713799654169, 52.50273199159404 ], [ 13.29972097002144, 52.502741283662708 ], [ 13.29970895966896, 52.502749436912765 ], [ 13.299697317776248, 52.502748080957971 ], [ 13.299684047425087, 52.502738373938278 ], [ 13.299662893945612, 52.502730933592119 ], [ 13.299649303892695, 52.502729548733882 ], [ 13.299643734593028, 52.502722331466373 ], [ 13.299628288111426, 52.502718540849841 ], [ 13.2995992041938, 52.502714555122552 ], [ 13.299583803604495, 52.502709575622561 ], [ 13.299576194346471, 52.502704708105888 ], [ 13.299552725645162, 52.502706749861538 ], [ 13.299535193316377, 52.502706497864025 ], [ 13.299507919987295, 52.502706105850947 ], [ 13.299507247772681, 52.502700007340707 ], [ 13.299496648323824, 52.502690348580416 ], [ 13.2995071618497, 52.502686468039293 ], [ 13.299516606600452, 52.502671837528297 ], [ 13.29952447445366, 52.502673440460626 ], [ 13.299563826997153, 52.502603274028033 ], [ 13.299575821864071, 52.502602354898457 ], [ 13.299615098852222, 52.502538532460598 ], [ 13.299602023360496, 52.5025383616127 ], [ 13.29951349157348, 52.502518122166492 ], [ 13.29952115585756, 52.502505301169478 ], [ 13.299473756229899, 52.502494835624049 ], [ 13.299476858323724, 52.502489551122316 ], [ 13.29946842787535, 52.502487752183534 ], [ 13.299467615037614, 52.502487854688212 ], [ 13.299450127212927, 52.502486413780005 ], [ 13.299432824419256, 52.502480217379812 ], [ 13.299430427191716, 52.50247964614605 ], [ 13.299216263820995, 52.502433959051103 ], [ 13.29921383761817, 52.502437420853965 ], [ 13.299160306749442, 52.502425599277338 ], [ 13.299192165094489, 52.502371335873271 ], [ 13.299196233848011, 52.502319180601326 ], [ 13.299254333117412, 52.502320554413132 ], [ 13.299254711630979, 52.502325138179629 ], [ 13.299525210179052, 52.502331889305964 ], [ 13.299525998031694, 52.502326975244522 ], [ 13.299580108033128, 52.502328257389699 ], [ 13.299579119849284, 52.502342255989483 ], [ 13.299573923651073, 52.502415770772672 ], [ 13.299583218008962, 52.502421717179089 ], [ 13.299570979764864, 52.502435814825951 ], [ 13.299556837737416, 52.50244869557082 ], [ 13.29955058023112, 52.502459310566216 ], [ 13.299548212438173, 52.502460038088827 ], [ 13.299526032178603, 52.502497146099266 ], [ 13.299607769232981, 52.502516189151301 ], [ 13.299622745847337, 52.502516194910896 ], [ 13.299626732438451, 52.502472989198104 ], [ 13.299638023474417, 52.502463620795695 ], [ 13.299638445578001, 52.502454249029142 ], [ 13.29971189943145, 52.502454505406163 ], [ 13.299722817416555, 52.502443769465813 ], [ 13.299793625156662, 52.502445169207796 ], [ 13.299801833893415, 52.502452255365689 ], [ 13.299898967908346, 52.502452316958475 ], [ 13.299896602657814, 52.502495131483393 ], [ 13.29989971990114, 52.502503580363999 ], [ 13.299899307010291, 52.502514280265309 ], [ 13.299895253850812, 52.502519508851954 ], [ 13.299894001453383, 52.502542151403063 ], [ 13.299884591292468, 52.502542029662017 ], [ 13.299884339331822, 52.502548559054972 ], [ 13.29985887665528, 52.502551761753722 ], [ 13.299833597489577, 52.502550208935446 ], [ 13.299804377532121, 52.502549789015426 ], [ 13.29978976735786, 52.502542769106761 ], [ 13.29978998170345, 52.502567223785107 ], [ 13.29975368017549, 52.502628933848193 ], [ 13.299761922549093, 52.502631445763818 ], [ 13.299753956186873, 52.502645490633952 ], [ 13.299757573252403, 52.502651410280833 ], [ 13.299757114478659, 52.502663298160293 ], [ 13.299764402619862, 52.502676486911483 ], [ 13.299759772163432, 52.502695452060784 ], [ 13.299759221627806, 52.502709717695737 ], [ 13.299753057331539, 52.502717955865698 ] ], [ [ 13.300133422851482, 52.502575574723529 ], [ 13.300036642234746, 52.502553822611887 ], [ 13.300032493589326, 52.502559311475281 ], [ 13.299983093635396, 52.502544436874246 ], [ 13.299977247621873, 52.502492765797825 ], [ 13.299971261604636, 52.502439988588087 ], [ 13.299985185377038, 52.502429018886929 ], [ 13.30001816881585, 52.502427438349891 ], [ 13.300019639913392, 52.50243360677937 ], [ 13.30005372973206, 52.502431876692 ], [ 13.300054475823426, 52.502436597008789 ], [ 13.300200280496968, 52.502428425825642 ], [ 13.300201062624927, 52.502424383825378 ], [ 13.300238157016194, 52.502422490955247 ], [ 13.300255947159572, 52.502430340529685 ], [ 13.300262225636219, 52.502469511929718 ], [ 13.300257720477346, 52.502469730425958 ], [ 13.300257502201543, 52.502475388156 ], [ 13.30025810328144, 52.502479170402914 ], [ 13.300260780010744, 52.50250553152776 ], [ 13.300268451140649, 52.502510438551404 ], [ 13.300271069039225, 52.502510254979498 ], [ 13.300271283779496, 52.502512250516922 ], [ 13.300275468033238, 52.502514927074976 ], [ 13.300280762247294, 52.50252927668398 ], [ 13.300278309556523, 52.502542325455124 ], [ 13.300275948597607, 52.502552996469902 ], [ 13.300287270831239, 52.502562675434355 ], [ 13.300288852129656, 52.502572213550735 ], [ 13.300294236614445, 52.502584185381636 ], [ 13.30028678784066, 52.50258558259452 ], [ 13.300286811186766, 52.502585894025799 ], [ 13.300277048970507, 52.502589550759346 ], [ 13.300257773061404, 52.50259030780763 ], [ 13.300252960516005, 52.502593108658623 ], [ 13.300217804234356, 52.502594981726794 ], [ 13.300182738181281, 52.502594477905816 ], [ 13.300169686407987, 52.502583724806996 ], [ 13.300167289354667, 52.502583186858274 ], [ 13.300140477099179, 52.502578407610855 ], [ 13.300133422851482, 52.502575574723529 ] ], [ [ 13.300273280023884, 52.502366520886596 ], [ 13.300320145579047, 52.502363791929291 ], [ 13.300324930541549, 52.502389776039678 ], [ 13.300276519729575, 52.502392572710193 ], [ 13.300273280023884, 52.502366520886596 ] ], [ [ 13.299669019456648, 52.502344759203709 ], [ 13.299674069470125, 52.502241661229959 ], [ 13.299681963340053, 52.502237548813135 ], [ 13.299688776350777, 52.502158899003398 ], [ 13.299683541559805, 52.502155919606714 ], [ 13.299703842878632, 52.50214267511064 ], [ 13.29971471469065, 52.502142219957754 ], [ 13.299721054828973, 52.502149085056438 ], [ 13.299757395969122, 52.502149563284554 ], [ 13.299761211385311, 52.50215106750133 ], [ 13.299765224805409, 52.502152365967447 ], [ 13.299769324780279, 52.502153559581132 ], [ 13.299773576088391, 52.502154535084799 ], [ 13.299777893578337, 52.502155399149345 ], [ 13.299782315661462, 52.502156034541848 ], [ 13.299786777593932, 52.502156553621113 ], [ 13.299791297136794, 52.50215683975663 ], [ 13.29979583159971, 52.502157006523333 ], [ 13.299800372237867, 52.502156936909707 ], [ 13.299804904200546, 52.502156748487231 ], [ 13.299809393675039, 52.502156324783421 ], [ 13.299813849336722, 52.502155784606828 ], [ 13.299818213708049, 52.50215501384227 ], [ 13.299822519094532, 52.502154129839738 ], [ 13.299826685652979, 52.50215302535549 ], [ 13.299844239873575, 52.502162860458775 ], [ 13.299843970717109, 52.502211108825385 ], [ 13.299852193856657, 52.502216369971336 ], [ 13.29985173834881, 52.502230083114576 ], [ 13.299864442777281, 52.502236660235695 ], [ 13.299841584583866, 52.502236938652942 ], [ 13.299841392404771, 52.502268721621071 ], [ 13.2998486415646, 52.502261385570193 ], [ 13.299874058196531, 52.502259371750043 ], [ 13.299889506012478, 52.502263162354723 ], [ 13.299894982105473, 52.502272756447219 ], [ 13.299908847619843, 52.502272955699347 ], [ 13.299909857398706, 52.502254614652614 ], [ 13.299962670453301, 52.50225559925822 ], [ 13.29997771872215, 52.502250156430023 ], [ 13.299999479979922, 52.502247988455608 ], [ 13.300001501690295, 52.502180548357778 ], [ 13.299996629285193, 52.502180319199148 ], [ 13.299998273003006, 52.502155170124766 ], [ 13.300052972197218, 52.502156336442511 ], [ 13.300052203305549, 52.502160684333383 ], [ 13.300110644615698, 52.50216162746581 ], [ 13.300111058124683, 52.502153621339204 ], [ 13.300228708633117, 52.502155042015609 ], [ 13.30023580869239, 52.502158709940367 ], [ 13.30023978182448, 52.502184997982951 ], [ 13.300233758764458, 52.502187975651175 ], [ 13.300237201455461, 52.502193222034009 ], [ 13.300242358054364, 52.502211137380996 ], [ 13.300245704009077, 52.502225459900068 ], [ 13.300231175040746, 52.502238104090971 ], [ 13.300235246092118, 52.502260670279838 ], [ 13.300222523745525, 52.502260437139803 ], [ 13.300230724572348, 52.502306453298381 ], [ 13.300239496382922, 52.502307080137932 ], [ 13.300241643582035, 52.502327422132595 ], [ 13.300203029069831, 52.502329688775902 ], [ 13.300200825791284, 52.502323059369211 ], [ 13.300063423107943, 52.502329575515198 ], [ 13.300062307739934, 52.502331065516323 ], [ 13.300049103779555, 52.502330254495583 ], [ 13.300033151926749, 52.50233101071769 ], [ 13.300031093867368, 52.502331806538109 ], [ 13.300021169454272, 52.502336422080262 ], [ 13.300019742933406, 52.502338262762763 ], [ 13.300019755104993, 52.50233852008629 ], [ 13.300019535140207, 52.502338531311501 ], [ 13.300012963891154, 52.502347009107289 ], [ 13.299999419818269, 52.502344435412098 ], [ 13.299979939444952, 52.502344155487208 ], [ 13.29997029027129, 52.502341637756977 ], [ 13.29995284979937, 52.50233900896518 ], [ 13.299937219956719, 52.502339973003004 ], [ 13.299913749992655, 52.50234201481102 ], [ 13.299896217805662, 52.502341762868198 ], [ 13.299870892881568, 52.5023413989368 ], [ 13.299835920265494, 52.502338517280037 ], [ 13.299831682628559, 52.502336347043233 ], [ 13.299799824712437, 52.502335908991967 ], [ 13.299798326107055, 52.502335875766647 ], [ 13.299796828590235, 52.502335928872569 ], [ 13.299795338244186, 52.502336025239345 ], [ 13.29979386812979, 52.502336208212469 ], [ 13.29979241549397, 52.502336434594589 ], [ 13.299791003878926, 52.502336743386223 ], [ 13.299789617209248, 52.502337092996797 ], [ 13.299788292384124, 52.502337519921426 ], [ 13.299787001374282, 52.502337986893345 ], [ 13.299785790122357, 52.502338525142925 ], [ 13.299784623166998, 52.502339099094819 ], [ 13.299783548027314, 52.502339737304681 ], [ 13.299782526192923, 52.502340406850756 ], [ 13.299781612684397, 52.502341132799963 ], [ 13.299780755668976, 52.502341883837296 ], [ 13.299780020613856, 52.502342681583457 ], [ 13.299779349622659, 52.502343499131825 ], [ 13.299778806898113, 52.502344352690166 ], [ 13.299728231334306, 52.502343188866405 ], [ 13.299727455257578, 52.502346385776953 ], [ 13.299669019456648, 52.502344759203709 ] ], [ [ 13.299513053479425, 52.50222580439226 ], [ 13.299500647133859, 52.502232653598391 ], [ 13.299447818308458, 52.502231582243944 ], [ 13.299447476803385, 52.50222600098558 ], [ 13.299345955264418, 52.502223887092143 ], [ 13.299344764699699, 52.502229500274588 ], [ 13.299292348057689, 52.502228438372271 ], [ 13.299279664997171, 52.502219058036452 ], [ 13.299284591676987, 52.502142460795717 ], [ 13.299299627923356, 52.50213446797288 ], [ 13.299502299851607, 52.502138910704431 ], [ 13.299517241518815, 52.502147605981968 ], [ 13.299513053479425, 52.50222580439226 ] ], [ [ 13.299118033529023, 52.502178962293129 ], [ 13.299111545207674, 52.502265395041405 ], [ 13.299102545985338, 52.502265621711054 ], [ 13.299098848097325, 52.502323242675814 ], [ 13.299089335667571, 52.502358973657024 ], [ 13.299096470553517, 52.502359829700026 ], [ 13.299041894469985, 52.502457210192688 ], [ 13.29904637517742, 52.502458579239217 ], [ 13.298997194850291, 52.502541101986743 ], [ 13.29900239595095, 52.50254865565779 ], [ 13.29899255198959, 52.502567401960484 ], [ 13.298993636940224, 52.50257402789881 ], [ 13.298967389061653, 52.502576767757624 ], [ 13.298967407993507, 52.502572194200361 ], [ 13.298852896467942, 52.502546534845401 ], [ 13.298845006747902, 52.502549963935039 ], [ 13.298821811490361, 52.502544238372764 ], [ 13.298816551698973, 52.502546523832095 ], [ 13.298804204845419, 52.502543318049895 ], [ 13.298796309215275, 52.502547663255825 ], [ 13.298782129168366, 52.502535537003624 ], [ 13.298788520285919, 52.502531654790531 ], [ 13.298796859059946, 52.50251724490068 ], [ 13.298802475152089, 52.50251656859794 ], [ 13.298853142720883, 52.502436099328342 ], [ 13.298858010865439, 52.502437011804808 ], [ 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52.502187930977172 ], [ 13.298720004326686, 52.502293365362007 ], [ 13.298729557992605, 52.502293813842478 ], [ 13.29872701093511, 52.502315437945114 ], [ 13.298692185648738, 52.502311261535347 ], [ 13.298684327033888, 52.502340212618229 ], [ 13.29867614495584, 52.502353426225319 ], [ 13.29868133370478, 52.502356413995848 ], [ 13.298681058248496, 52.502363547259058 ], [ 13.298669003373369, 52.502372889301668 ], [ 13.298664785670114, 52.502381154510587 ], [ 13.298668131157305, 52.502395476171024 ], [ 13.298667304815231, 52.502416875061741 ], [ 13.298666845751274, 52.50242876293494 ], [ 13.298656462108756, 52.502445266234254 ], [ 13.298648074029776, 52.502460608693312 ], [ 13.298647431317992, 52.502477252074947 ], [ 13.298635374931616, 52.502486594092453 ], [ 13.298627124570316, 52.502498369918357 ], [ 13.298617337708947, 52.502499418709654 ], [ 13.298590018608939, 52.502500215363227 ], [ 13.298588884141399, 52.502500100144651 ], [ 13.29858784134111, 52.50250047266897 ], [ 13.298587582392546, 52.502499967235288 ], [ 13.298576428663591, 52.502498830382585 ], [ 13.298553281387091, 52.502492550699486 ], [ 13.298529615325601, 52.502478492445711 ], [ 13.298520778152371, 52.502476620155555 ], [ 13.298512967725927, 52.502476507825804 ], [ 13.298511544937062, 52.502474663945272 ], [ 13.298484228190009, 52.502468876343258 ], [ 13.298481268678982, 52.502474700544823 ], [ 13.298414955148909, 52.502461081761361 ], [ 13.298427466299069, 52.502436151048464 ], [ 13.298444354942093, 52.50243250435441 ], [ 13.298450012583199, 52.502422435546137 ], [ 13.298451023475494, 52.502414954111373 ], [ 13.298461636763951, 52.502392506445297 ], [ 13.298471790660388, 52.502383670261835 ], [ 13.298480321508821, 52.502368485416149 ], [ 13.29850733060638, 52.502362322869736 ], [ 13.29854626166828, 52.502293719669282 ], [ 13.298534078908784, 52.502292256916959 ], [ 13.298537067067226, 52.502274740952956 ], [ 13.298550184033454, 52.502275209225587 ], [ 13.29855402920138, 52.502193801440541 ], [ 13.298541295294411, 52.50219333418169 ], [ 13.298542522028781, 52.502174807447837 ], [ 13.298530165100352, 52.502173201027979 ], [ 13.298531759916051, 52.502156741273012 ], [ 13.29853198513476, 52.50215636508289 ], [ 13.298532150430287, 52.502155976342429 ], [ 13.298532286448509, 52.502155582685262 ], [ 13.298532362231217, 52.502155184565297 ], [ 13.298532407194692, 52.502154783304746 ], [ 13.298532390241879, 52.502154382951929 ], [ 13.29853234092786, 52.502153981234635 ], [ 13.298532232434454, 52.502153585859162 ], [ 13.29853209435138, 52.502153193654614 ], [ 13.298531894005084, 52.502152811344054 ], [ 13.298531666944761, 52.502152434044014 ], [ 13.298531380323356, 52.502152072970695 ], [ 13.298531068391066, 52.502151718726338 ], [ 13.298530702614336, 52.502151385286474 ], [ 13.298530311387948, 52.502151062270052 ], [ 13.298529873575738, 52.502150762859912 ], [ 13.298529413154805, 52.502150476611448 ], [ 13.298528910426901, 52.502150217627261 ], [ 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diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/ui/subdatasetselectiondialog.ui b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/ui/subdatasetselectiondialog.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a2b31edba90b264938cbca6aef318e8030158cc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/ui/subdatasetselectiondialog.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ui version="4.0">
+ <class>Dialog</class>
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+   <string>Dialog</string>
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+      <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
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+     <widget class="QTableView" name="tableView_2"/>
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+      <set>QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok</set>
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+ </connections>
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/utils.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/utils.py
index 4aa5f198f17eabd09611e456b4e8b31f9a640581..aa0b24c0d76219e72c4fd55e8de2cf1a29f97c4c 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/utils.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/externals/qps/utils.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os, sys, importlib, re, fnmatch, io, zipfile, pathlib, warnings, collections, copy, shutil
+import os, sys, importlib, re, fnmatch, io, zipfile, pathlib, warnings, collections, copy, shutil, typing
 from qgis.core import *
 from qgis.core import QgsFeature, QgsPointXY, QgsRectangle
@@ -17,12 +17,17 @@ from qgis.PyQt import uic
 from osgeo import gdal, ogr
 import numpy as np
+from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QAction
+REMOVE_setShortcutVisibleInContextMenu = hasattr(QAction, 'setShortcutVisibleInContextMenu')
 from . import resourcemockup
-    import qps
     from .. import qps
+    import qps
 jp = os.path.join
 dn = os.path.dirname
@@ -63,7 +68,12 @@ def mkDir(d, delete=False):
 # for python development only. try to find a qgisresources directory
-MAP_LAYER_STORES = [QgsProject.instance()]
+# a QPS internal map layer store
+QPS_MAPLAYER_STORE = QgsMapLayerStore()
+# a list of all known maplayer stores.
 def findUpwardPath(basepath, name, isDirectory=True):
@@ -281,6 +291,29 @@ def findMapLayer(layer)->QgsMapLayer:
     return None
+def gdalFileSize(path) -> int:
+    """
+    Returns the size of a local gdal readible file (including metadata files etc.)
+    :param path: str
+    :return: int
+    """
+    ds = gdal.Open(path)
+    if not isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset):
+        return 0
+    else:
+        size = 0
+        for file in ds.GetFileList():
+            size += os.stat(file).st_size
+            # recursively inspect VRT sources
+            if file.endswith('.vrt') and file != path:
+                size += gdalFileSize(file)
+        return size
+        s = ""
 def qgisLayerTreeLayers() -> list:
@@ -316,6 +349,8 @@ def createQgsField(name : str, exampleValue, comment:str=None):
         return QgsField(name, QVariant.Double, 'double', comment=comment)
     elif isinstance(exampleValue, np.ndarray):
         return QgsField(name, QVariant.String, 'varchar', comment=comment)
+    elif isinstance(exampleValue, np.datetime64):
+        return QgsField(name, QVariant.String, 'varchar', comment=comment)
     elif isinstance(exampleValue, list):
         assert len(exampleValue) > 0, 'need at least one value in provided list'
         v = exampleValue[0]
@@ -419,15 +454,16 @@ def showMessage(message:str, title:str, level):
-def gdalDataset(pathOrDataset, eAccess=gdal.GA_ReadOnly)->gdal.Dataset:
+def gdalDataset(pathOrDataset:typing.Union[str, QgsRasterLayer, QgsRasterDataProvider, gdal.Dataset], eAccess=gdal.GA_ReadOnly)->gdal.Dataset:
     Returns a gdal.Dataset object instance
-    :param pathOrDataset: path | gdal.Dataset | QgsRasterLayer
+    :param pathOrDataset: path | gdal.Dataset | QgsRasterLayer | QgsRasterDataProvider
     :return: gdal.Dataset
     if isinstance(pathOrDataset, QgsRasterLayer):
         return gdalDataset(pathOrDataset.source())
+    elif isinstance(pathOrDataset, QgsRasterDataProvider):
+        return gdalDataset(pathOrDataset.dataSourceUri())
     if not isinstance(pathOrDataset, gdal.Dataset):
         pathOrDataset = gdal.Open(pathOrDataset, eAccess)
@@ -453,6 +489,37 @@ def ogrDataSource(pathOrDataSource)->ogr.DataSource:
     return pathOrDataSource
+def qgsVectorLayer(source)->QgsVectorLayer:
+    """
+    Returns a QgsVectorLayer from different source types
+    :param source: QgsVectorLayer | ogr.DataSource | file path
+    :return: QgsVectorLayer
+    :rtype: QgsVectorLayer
+    """
+    if isinstance(source, QgsVectorLayer):
+        return source
+    if isinstance(source, str):
+        return QgsVectorLayer(source)
+    if isinstance(source, ogr.DataSource):
+        return QgsVectorLayer(source.GetDescription())
+    raise Exception('Unable to transform {} into QgsVectorLayer'.format(source))
+def qgsRasterLayer(source)->QgsRasterLayer:
+    """
+    Returns a QgsVectorLayer from different source types
+    :param source: QgsVectorLayer | ogr.DataSource | file path
+    :return: QgsVectorLayer
+    :rtype: QgsVectorLayer
+    """
+    if isinstance(source, QgsRasterLayer):
+        return source
+    if isinstance(source, str):
+        return QgsRasterLayer(source)
+    if isinstance(source, gdal.Dataset):
+        return QgsRasterLayer(source.GetDescription())
+    raise Exception('Unable to transform {} into QgsRasterLayer'.format(source))
 def loadUI(basename: str):
@@ -548,6 +615,20 @@ def loadUIFormClass(pathUi:str, from_imports=False, resourceSuffix:str='', fixQG
         doc = QDomDocument()
+        if REMOVE_setShortcutVisibleInContextMenu and 'shortcutVisibleInContextMenu' in txt:
+            toRemove = []
+            actions = doc.elementsByTagName('action')
+            for iAction in range(actions.count()):
+                properties = actions.item(iAction).toElement().elementsByTagName('property')
+                for iProperty in range(properties.count()):
+                    prop = properties.item(iProperty).toElement()
+                    if prop.attribute('name') == 'shortcutVisibleInContextMenu':
+                        toRemove.append(prop)
+            for prop in toRemove:
+                prop.parentNode().removeChild(prop)
+            del toRemove
         elem = doc.elementsByTagName('customwidget')
         for child in [elem.item(i) for i in range(elem.count())]:
             child = child.toElement()
@@ -855,7 +936,7 @@ def displayBandNames(rasterSource, bands=None, leadingBandNumber=True):
     return None
-def defaultBands(dataset):
+def defaultBands(dataset)->list:
     Returns a list of 3 default bands
     :param dataset:
@@ -902,13 +983,13 @@ def defaultBands(dataset):
         raise Exception()
-def bandClosestToWavelength(dataset, wl, wl_unit='nm'):
+def bandClosestToWavelength(dataset, wl, wl_unit='nm')->int:
     Returns the band index of an image dataset closest to wavelength `wl`.
     :param dataset: str | gdal.Dataset
     :param wl: wavelength to search the closed band for
     :param wl_unit: unit of wavelength. Default = nm
-    :return: band index | 0 of wavelength information is not provided
+    :return: band index | 0 if wavelength information is not provided
     if isinstance(wl, str):
         assert wl.upper() in LUT_WAVELENGTH.keys(), wl
@@ -929,6 +1010,38 @@ def bandClosestToWavelength(dataset, wl, wl_unit='nm'):
     return 0
+def parseBadBandList(dataset)->typing.List[int]:
+    """
+    Returns the bad-band-list if it is specified explicitly
+    :param dataset:
+    :type dataset:
+    :return: list of booleans. True = valid band, False = excluded / bad band
+    :rtype:
+    """
+    bbl = None
+    try:
+        dataset = gdalDataset(dataset)
+    except:
+        pass
+    if not isinstance(dataset, gdal.Dataset):
+        return None
+    # 1. search for ENVI style definition of band band list
+    bblStr1 = dataset.GetMetadataItem('bbl')
+    bblStr2 = dataset.GetMetadataItem('bbl', 'ENVI')
+    for bblStr in  [bblStr1, bblStr2]:
+        if isinstance(bblStr, str) and len(bblStr) > 0:
+            parts = bblStr.split(',')
+            if len(parts) == dataset.RasterCount:
+                bbl = [int(p) for p in parts]
+    return bbl
 def parseWavelength(dataset):
@@ -939,18 +1052,12 @@ def parseWavelength(dataset):
     wl = None
     wlu = None
+    try:
+        dataset = gdalDataset(dataset)
+    except:
+        pass
-    if isinstance(dataset, str):
-        return parseWavelength(gdal.Open(dataset))
-    elif isinstance(dataset, QgsRasterDataProvider):
-        return parseWavelength(dataset.dataSourceUri())
-    elif isinstance(dataset, QgsRasterLayer):
-        if dataset.dataProvider().name() == 'gdal':
-            return parseWavelength(gdal.Open(dataset.source()))
-        else:
-            return None, None
-    elif isinstance(dataset, gdal.Dataset):
+    if isinstance(dataset, gdal.Dataset):
         for domain in dataset.GetMetadataDomainList():
             # see http://www.harrisgeospatial.com/docs/ENVIHeaderFiles.html for supported wavelength units
@@ -969,7 +1076,7 @@ def parseWavelength(dataset):
                               .format(key, len(tmp), dataset.RasterCount), file=sys.stderr)
                 if re.search(r'wavelength.units?', key):
-                    if re.search(r'(Micrometers?|um)', values, re.I):
+                    if re.search(r'(Micrometers?|um|μm)', values, re.I):
                         wlu = 'um'  # fix with python 3 UTF
                     elif re.search(r'(Nanometers?|nm)', values, re.I):
                         wlu = 'nm'
@@ -1022,7 +1129,7 @@ def qgisAppQgisInterface()->QgisInterface:
         return None
-def getDOMAttributes(elem):
+def getDOMAttributes(elem)->dict:
     assert isinstance(elem, QDomElement)
     values = dict()
     attributes = elem.attributes()
@@ -1032,7 +1139,7 @@ def getDOMAttributes(elem):
     return values
-def fileSizeString(num, suffix='B', div=1000):
+def fileSizeString(num, suffix='B', div=1000)->str:
     Returns a human-readable file size string.
     thanks to Fred Cirera
@@ -1049,7 +1156,7 @@ def fileSizeString(num, suffix='B', div=1000):
     return "{:.1f} {}{}".format(num, unit, suffix)
-def geo2pxF(geo, gt):
+def geo2pxF(geo, gt)->QPointF:
     Returns the pixel position related to a Geo-Coordinate in floating point precision.
     :param geo: Geo-Coordinate as QgsPoint
@@ -1062,7 +1169,7 @@ def geo2pxF(geo, gt):
     py = (geo.y() - gt[3]) / gt[5]  # y pixel
     return QPointF(px, py)
-def geo2px(geo, gt):
+def geo2px(geo, gt)->QPoint:
     Returns the pixel position related to a Geo-Coordinate as integer number.
     Floating-point coordinate are casted to integer coordinate, e.g. the pixel coordinate (0.815, 23.42) is returned as (0,23)
@@ -1115,7 +1222,7 @@ def check_vsimem()->bool:
         return False
     return result
-def layerGeoTransform(rasterLayer:QgsRasterLayer)->tuple:
+def layerGeoTransform(rasterLayer:QgsRasterLayer)->typing.Tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]:
     Returns the geo-transform vector from a QgsRasterLayer.
     See https://www.gdal.org/gdal_datamodel.html
@@ -1131,7 +1238,7 @@ def layerGeoTransform(rasterLayer:QgsRasterLayer)->tuple:
                 0, -1 * rasterLayer.rasterUnitsPerPixelY())
     return gt
-def px2geo(px, gt, pxCenter=True):
+def px2geo(px:QPoint, gt, pxCenter=True)->QgsPointXY:
     Converts a pixel coordinate into a geo-coordinate
     :param px: QPoint() with pixel coordinates
@@ -1652,3 +1759,9 @@ class SelectMapLayersDialog(QgsDialog):
+class QgsTaskMock(QgsTask):
+    """
+    A mocked QgsTask
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(QgsTaskMock, self).__init__()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/main.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/main.py
index 9dcde82d130cb6591348af70d933dd5526683026..5d3609ca74edfda8ee45b90f0fd3a10111159c99 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/main.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/main.py
@@ -44,8 +44,11 @@ from qgis.gui import *
 import qgis.utils
 from eotimeseriesviewer.utils import *
 from eotimeseriesviewer.timeseries import *
+from eotimeseriesviewer.mapcanvas import MapCanvas
 from eotimeseriesviewer.profilevisualization import SpectralTemporalVisualization
+from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles import TemporalProfileLayer
 from eotimeseriesviewer.mapvisualization import MapView, MapWidget
+import eotimeseriesviewer.settings as eotsvSettings
 from eotimeseriesviewer import SpectralProfile, SpectralLibrary, SpectralLibraryPanel
 from eotimeseriesviewer.externals.qps.maptools import MapTools, CursorLocationMapTool, QgsMapToolSelect, QgsMapToolSelectionHandler
 from eotimeseriesviewer.externals.qps.cursorlocationvalue import CursorLocationInfoModel, CursorLocationInfoDock
@@ -339,9 +342,7 @@ class TimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
-        self.mMapLayerStore = QgsMapLayerStore()
-        import eotimeseriesviewer.utils
-        eotimeseriesviewer.utils.MAP_LAYER_STORES.insert(0, self.mapLayerStore())
         TimeSeriesViewer._instance = self
         self.ui = TimeSeriesViewerUI()
@@ -349,6 +350,12 @@ class TimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
         mvd = self.ui.dockMapViews
         dts = self.ui.dockTimeSeries
         mw = self.ui.mMapWidget
+        self.mMapLayerStore = self.mapWidget().mMapLayerStore
+        import eotimeseriesviewer.utils
+        eotimeseriesviewer.utils.MAP_LAYER_STORES.insert(0, self.mapLayerStore())
         from eotimeseriesviewer.timeseries import TimeSeriesDock
         from eotimeseriesviewer.mapvisualization import MapViewDock, MapWidget
         assert isinstance(mvd, MapViewDock)
@@ -359,6 +366,8 @@ class TimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
             TimeSeriesViewer._instance = None
+        QgsApplication.instance().messageLog().messageReceived.connect(self.logMessage)
         # Save reference to the QGIS interface
         import qgis.utils
@@ -369,6 +378,8 @@ class TimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
         self.mSpatialMapExtentInitialized = False
+        self.mTimeSeries.sigTimeSeriesDatesRemoved.connect(self.onTimeSeriesChanged)
+        self.mTimeSeries.sigSensorAdded.connect(self.onSensorAdded)
@@ -378,9 +389,8 @@ class TimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
         self.spectralTemporalVis = SpectralTemporalVisualization(self.mTimeSeries, self.ui.dockProfiles)
-        self.spectralTemporalVis.pixelLoader.sigLoadingFinished.connect(
-            lambda dt: self.ui.dockSystemInfo.addTimeDelta('Pixel Profile', dt))
         assert isinstance(self, TimeSeriesViewer)
+        self.spectralTemporalVis.sigMoveToDate.connect(self.setCurrentDate)
@@ -547,7 +557,7 @@ class TimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
             w.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred))
             w.setMinimumSize(0, 0)
-    def sensors(self)->list:
+    def sensors(self)->typing.List[SensorInstrument]:
         Returns the list of Sensors
         :return: [list-of-Sensors]
@@ -654,7 +664,7 @@ class TimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
-    def temporalProfileLayer(self)->QgsVectorLayer:
+    def temporalProfileLayer(self)->TemporalProfileLayer:
         Returns the TemporalProfileLayer
@@ -689,15 +699,17 @@ class TimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
         return self.ui.actionZoomOut
-    def setCurrentDate(self, tsd:TimeSeriesDate):
+    def setCurrentDate(self, tsd):
         Moves the viewport of the scroll window to a specific TimeSeriesDate
-        :param tsd:  TimeSeriesDate
+        :param tsd:  TimeSeriesDate or numpy.datetime64
-        self.ui.mMapWidget.setCurrentDate(tsd)
+        tsd = self.timeSeries().findDate(tsd)
+        if isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate):
+            self.ui.mMapWidget.setCurrentDate(tsd)
-    def mapCanvases(self)->list:
+    def mapCanvases(self)->typing.List[MapCanvas]:
         Returns all MapCanvases of the spatial visualization
         :return: [list-of-MapCanvases]
@@ -959,12 +971,13 @@ class TimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
         assert isinstance(spatialPoint, SpatialPoint)
         assert isinstance(mapCanvas, QgsMapCanvas)
         from eotimeseriesviewer.mapcanvas import MapTools
-        assert mapToolKey in MapTools.mapToolKeys()
+        assert mapToolKey in MapTools.mapToolValues()
         if mapToolKey == MapTools.TemporalProfile:
-        elif mapToolKey == MapTools.SpectralProfile:
+        elif mapToolKey == MapTools.SpectralProfile:
             tsd = None
             from .mapcanvas import MapCanvas
             if isinstance(mapCanvas, MapCanvas):
@@ -1007,7 +1020,7 @@ class TimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
         return self.ui.mMapWidget.messageBar()
-    def loadTimeSeriesDefinition(self, path:str=None, n_max:int=None):
+    def loadTimeSeriesDefinition(self, path:str=None, n_max:int=None, runAsync=True):
         Loads a time series definition file
         :param path:
@@ -1031,17 +1044,17 @@ class TimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
             s.setValue('file_ts_definition', path)
             progressDialog = self._createProgressDialog()
-            self.mTimeSeries.loadFromFile(path, n_max=n_max, progressDialog=progressDialog)
+            self.mTimeSeries.loadFromFile(path, n_max=n_max, progressDialog=progressDialog, runAsync=runAsync)
-    def createMapView(self, name:str=None):
+    def createMapView(self, name:str=None)->MapView:
         Creates a new MapView.
         :return: MapView
         return self.ui.dockMapViews.createMapView(name=name)
-    def mapViews(self)->list:
+    def mapViews(self)->typing.List[MapView]:
         Returns all MapViews
         :return: [list-of-MapViews]
@@ -1064,34 +1077,49 @@ class TimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
         return self.spectralTemporalVis.temporalProfileLayer()[:]
-    def logMessage(self, message, tag, level):
-        m = message.split('\n')
-        if '' in message.split('\n'):
-            m = m[0:m.index('')]
-        m = '\n'.join(m)
-        if DEBUG: print(message)
-        if not re.search('timeseriesviewer', m):
-            return
+    def logMessage(self, message:str, tag:str, level):
+        """
-        if level in [Qgis.Critical, Qgis.Warning]:
+        """
+        if tag == LOG_MESSAGE_TAG and level in [Qgis.Critical, Qgis.Warning]:
+            self.messageBar().pushMessage(tag, message, level)
-            self.ui.messageBar.pushMessage(tag, message, level=level)
-            print(r'{}({}): {}'.format(tag, level, message))
+    def onSensorAdded(self, sensor:SensorInstrument):
+        knownName = eotsvSettings.sensorName(sensor.id())
+        if isinstance(knownName, str) and len(knownName) > 0:
+            sensor.setName(knownName)
-    def onTimeSeriesChanged(self, *args):
+        sensor.sigNameChanged.connect(lambda *args, s=sensor: self.onSensorNameChanged(sensor))
+    def onSensorNameChanged(self, sensor:SensorInstrument):
+        # save changed names to settings
+        from eotimeseriesviewer.settings import saveSensorName
+        if sensor in self.sensors():
+            saveSensorName(sensor)
+    def onTimeSeriesChanged(self, *args):
         if not self.mSpatialMapExtentInitialized:
             if len(self.mTimeSeries) > 0:
                 if len(self.ui.dockMapViews) == 0:
-                extent = self.mTimeSeries.maxSpatialExtent()
+                extent = self.timeSeries().maxSpatialExtent()
+                if isinstance(extent, SpatialExtent):
+                    self.ui.dockMapViews.setCrs(extent.crs())
+                    self.ui.mMapWidget.setSpatialExtent(extent)
+                    self.mSpatialMapExtentInitialized = True
+                else:
+                    self.mSpatialMapExtentInitialized = False
+                    print('Failed to calculate max. spatial extent of TimeSeries with length {}'.format(len(self.timeSeries())))
+                lastDate = self.ui.mMapWidget.currentDate()
+                if lastDate:
+                    tsd = self.timeSeries().findDate(lastDate)
+                else:
+                    tsd = self.timeSeries()[0]
+                self.setCurrentDate(tsd)
-                self.ui.mMapWidget.setCrs(extent.crs())
-                self.ui.mMapWidget.setSpatialExtent(extent)
-                self.mSpatialMapExtentInitialized = True
@@ -1263,15 +1291,8 @@ class TimeSeriesViewer(QgisInterface, QObject):
             progressDialog.setRange(0, len(files))
             progressDialog.setLabelText('Start loading {} images....'.format(len(files)))
-            if loadAsync:
-                self.mTimeSeries.addSourcesAsync(files, progressDialog=progressDialog)
-            else:
-                self.mTimeSeries.addSources(files, progressDialog=progressDialog)
+            self.mTimeSeries.addSources(files, progressDialog=progressDialog, runAsync=loadAsync)
-            #QCoreApplication.processEvents()
-            #self.mTimeSeries.addSources(files)
     def clearTimeSeries(self):
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/mapcanvas.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/mapcanvas.py
index bc856e34775886d9f64f1a56fa1c0ae424e921be..ecdf440d641c891ac1904400b65d445faee61698 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/mapcanvas.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/mapcanvas.py
@@ -529,16 +529,38 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
         Updates map-canvas TSD variables
-        scope = self.expressionContextScope()
+        from .mapvisualization import MapView
+        from .main import TimeSeriesViewer
+        varMVNumber = None
+        varMVName = None
+        varDate = None
+        varDOY = None
+        varSensor = None
         tsd = self.tsd()
         if isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate):
-            scope.setVariable('map_date', str(tsd.date()), isStatic=False)
-            scope.setVariable('map_doy', tsd.doy(), isStatic=False)
-            scope.setVariable('map_sensor', tsd.sensor().name(), isStatic=False)
-        else:
-            scope.setVariable('map_date', None, isStatic=False)
-            scope.setVariable('map_doy', None, isStatic=False)
-            scope.setVariable('map_sensor', None, isStatic=False)
+            varDate = str(tsd.date())
+            varDOY = tsd.doy()
+            varSensor = tsd.sensor().name()
+        mv = self.mapView()
+        if isinstance(mv, MapView):
+            varMVName = mv.name()
+            if isinstance(TimeSeriesViewer.instance(), TimeSeriesViewer):
+                mapViews = TimeSeriesViewer.instance().mapViews()
+                if mv in mapViews:
+                    varMVNumber = mapViews.index(mv) + 1
+        scope = self.expressionContextScope()
+        scope.setVariable('map_view_num', varMVNumber, isStatic=False)
+        scope.setVariable('map_view', varMVName, isStatic=False)
+        scope.setVariable('map_date', varDate, isStatic=False)
+        scope.setVariable('map_doy', varDOY, isStatic=False)
+        scope.setVariable('map_sensor', varSensor, isStatic=False)
     def tsd(self)->TimeSeriesDate:
@@ -642,7 +664,7 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
-                raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported argument: {}'.format(str(a)))
+                print('Unsupported argument: {} {}'.format(type(a), str(a)), file=sys.stderr)
     def timedRefresh(self):
@@ -671,7 +693,8 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
                         if source in existingSources:
                             sourceLayer = existing[existingSources.index(source)]
-                            sourceLayer = SensorProxyLayer(source, sensor=self.tsd().sensor())
+                            loptions = QgsRasterLayer.LayerOptions(loadDefaultStyle=False)
+                            sourceLayer = SensorProxyLayer(source, sensor=self.tsd().sensor(), options=loptions)
                             sourceLayer.setCustomProperty('eotsv/sensorid', self.tsd().sensor().id())
@@ -822,7 +845,7 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
     def contextMenu(self, pos:QPoint)->QMenu:
-        Create the MapCanvas context menu with options relevant for pixel position ``pos``.
+        Creates the MapCanvas context menu with options relevant for pixel position ``pos``.
         :param pos: QPoint
         :return: QMenu
@@ -864,34 +887,37 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
             lyrWithSelectedFeatures = [l for l in quickLabelLayers() if l.isEditable() and l.selectedFeatureCount() > 0]
             layerNames = ', '.join([l.name() for l in lyrWithSelectedFeatures])
-            m = menu.addMenu('Quick Labels'.format(self.tsd().date()))
+            m = menu.addMenu('Quick Labels')
             nQuickLabelLayers = len(lyrWithSelectedFeatures)
             m.setEnabled(nQuickLabelLayers > 0)
             a = m.addAction('Set Date/Sensor attributes')
-            a.setToolTip('Writes the date ate and sensor quick labels of selected features in {}.'.format(layerNames))
+            a.setToolTip('Writes the dates and sensor quick labels of selected features in {}.'.format(layerNames))
             a.triggered.connect(lambda *args, tsd = self.tsd(), tss=tss: setQuickTSDLabelsForRegisteredLayers(tsd, tss))
-            from .labeling import EDITOR_WIDGET_REGISTRY_KEY as QUICK_LABEL_KEY
             from .labeling import CONFKEY_CLASSIFICATIONSCHEME, layerClassSchemes, setQuickClassInfo
+            if len(lyrWithSelectedFeatures) == 0:
+                a = m.addAction('No features selected.')
+                a.setToolTip('Select feature in the labeling panel to apply Quick label value on.')
+                a.setEnabled(False)
+            else:
+                for layer in lyrWithSelectedFeatures:
+                    assert isinstance(layer, QgsVectorLayer)
-            for layer in lyrWithSelectedFeatures:
-                assert isinstance(layer, QgsVectorLayer)
-                csf = layerClassSchemes(layer)
-                if len(csf) > 0:
-                    m.addSection(layer.name())
-                    for (cs, field) in csf:
-                        assert isinstance(cs, ClassificationScheme)
-                        assert isinstance(field, QgsField)
+                    csf = layerClassSchemes(layer)
+                    if len(csf) > 0:
+                        m.addSection(layer.name())
+                        for (cs, field) in csf:
+                            assert isinstance(cs, ClassificationScheme)
+                            assert isinstance(field, QgsField)
-                        classMenu = m.addMenu('"{}" ({})'.format(field.name(), field.typeName()))
-                        for classInfo in cs:
-                            assert isinstance(classInfo, ClassInfo)
-                            a = classMenu.addAction('{} "{}"'.format(classInfo.label(), classInfo.name()))
-                            a.setIcon(classInfo.icon())
-                            a.triggered.connect(lambda _, vl=layer, f=field, c=classInfo: setQuickClassInfo(vl, f, c))
+                            classMenu = m.addMenu('"{}" ({})'.format(field.name(), field.typeName()))
+                            for classInfo in cs:
+                                assert isinstance(classInfo, ClassInfo)
+                                a = classMenu.addAction('{} "{}"'.format(classInfo.label(), classInfo.name()))
+                                a.setIcon(classInfo.icon())
+                                a.triggered.connect(lambda _, vl=layer, f=field, c=classInfo: setQuickClassInfo(vl, f, c))
         if isinstance(refSensorLayer, SensorProxyLayer):
@@ -906,6 +932,7 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
             action.triggered.connect(lambda *args, lyr=refSensorLayer: self.stretchToExtent(self.spatialExtent(), 'gaussian', layer=lyr, n=3))
         from .externals.qps.layerproperties import pasteStyleFromClipboard, pasteStyleToClipboard
@@ -929,7 +956,11 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
         for mapLayer in visibleLayers:
             #sub = m.addMenu(mapLayer.name())
-            sub = m.addMenu(os.path.basename(mapLayer.source()))
+            if isinstance(mapLayer, SensorProxyLayer):
+                name = os.path.basename(mapLayer.source())
+            else:
+                name = mapLayer.name()
+            sub = m.addMenu(name)
             if isinstance(mapLayer, SensorProxyLayer):
@@ -945,11 +976,8 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
             a = sub.addAction('Properties...')
-            a.triggered.connect(lambda *args,
-                                       lyr = mapLayer,
-                                       c = self,
-                                       b = isinstance(mapLayer, SensorProxyLayer) == False:
-                                showLayerPropertiesDialog(lyr, c, useQGISDialog=b))
+            a.triggered.connect(lambda *args, lyr = mapLayer: self.onSetLayerProperties(lyr))
             a = sub.addAction('Zoom to Layer')
@@ -981,12 +1009,12 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
-        action = m.addAction('Style')
+        action = m.addAction('Set Style')
         def onCrosshairChange(*args):
             style = CrosshairDialog.getCrosshairStyle(parent=self,
-                                                      crosshairStyle=self.mCrosshairItem.crosshairStyle)
+                                                      crosshair=self.mCrosshairItem.crosshairStyle)
             if isinstance(style, CrosshairStyle):
@@ -999,15 +1027,22 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
             action = m.addAction('Date')
             action.triggered.connect(lambda: QApplication.clipboard().setText(str(tsd.date())))
             action.setToolTip('Sends "{}" to the clipboard.'.format(str(tsd.date())))
             action = m.addAction('Sensor')
             action.triggered.connect(lambda: QApplication.clipboard().setText(tsd.sensor().name()))
             action.setToolTip('Sends "{}" to the clipboard.'.format(tsd.sensor().name()))
-            action = m.addAction('Path')
+            action = m.addAction('Path')
             paths = [QDir.toNativeSeparators(p) for p in tsd.sourceUris()]
             action.triggered.connect(lambda _, paths=paths: QApplication.clipboard().setText('\n'.join(paths)))
             action.setToolTip('Sends {} source URI(s) to the clipboard.'.format(len(tsd)))
+            extent = self.extent()
+            assert isinstance(extent, QgsRectangle)
+            action = m.addAction('Extent')
+            action.triggered.connect(lambda _, extent=extent: QApplication.clipboard().setText(extent.toString()))
+            action.setToolTip('Sends the map extent to the clipboard.')
             action = m.addAction('Map')
             action.triggered.connect(lambda: QApplication.clipboard().setPixmap(self.pixmap()))
             action.setToolTip('Copies this map into the clipboard.')
@@ -1100,12 +1135,27 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
         return menu
+    def onSetLayerProperties(self, lyr:QgsRasterLayer):
+        # b = isinstance(mapLayer, SensorProxyLayer) == False:
+        result = showLayerPropertiesDialog(lyr, self, useQGISDialog=True)
+        if result == QDialog.Accepted and isinstance(lyr, SensorProxyLayer):
+            r = lyr.renderer().clone()
+            proxyLayer = self.mMapView.sensorProxyLayer(lyr.sensor())
+            r.setInput(proxyLayer.dataProvider())
+            proxyLayer.setRenderer(r)
     def onPasteStyleFromClipboard(self, lyr):
         from .externals.qps.layerproperties import pasteStyleFromClipboard
         if isinstance(lyr, SensorProxyLayer):
-            self.mMapView.sensorProxyLayer(lyr.sensor()).setRenderer(lyr.renderer().clone())
+            r = lyr.renderer().clone()
+            proxyLayer = self.mMapView.sensorProxyLayer(lyr.sensor())
+            r.setInput(proxyLayer.dataProvider())
+            proxyLayer.setRenderer(r)
     def contextMenuEvent(self, event:QContextMenuEvent):
@@ -1132,9 +1182,11 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
     def stretchToCurrentExtent(self):
+        """
+        Stretches the top-raster layer band to the current spatial extent
+        """
         se = self.spatialExtent()
-        self.stretchToExtent(se)
+        self.stretchToExtent(se, stretchType='linear_minmax', p=0.05)
     def stretchToExtent(self, spatialExtent:SpatialExtent, stretchType='linear_minmax', layer:QgsRasterLayer=None, **stretchArgs):
@@ -1157,6 +1209,9 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
         if not isinstance(layer, QgsRasterLayer):
+        if not isinstance(spatialExtent, SpatialExtent):
+            spatialExtent = SpatialExtent.fromLayer(layer)
         r = layer.renderer()
         dp = layer.dataProvider()
         newRenderer = None
@@ -1224,7 +1279,7 @@ class MapCanvas(QgsMapCanvas):
             if isinstance(layer, SensorProxyLayer):
             elif isinstance(layer, QgsRasterLayer):
-                layer.setRenderer(layer)
+                layer.setRenderer(newRenderer)
     def saveMapImageDialog(self, fileType):
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/mapvisualization.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/mapvisualization.py
index dba3a04d9f27b5bd734cf9ae6a429b5592a0c048..9683f186ba73314433a23936d51a984d4c91d2f4 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/mapvisualization.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/mapvisualization.py
@@ -108,7 +108,8 @@ class MapViewLayerTreeViewMenuProvider(QgsLayerTreeViewMenuProvider):
         menu = QMenu(view)
         isSensorGroup = isinstance(g, QgsLayerTreeGroup) and g.customProperty(KEY_SENSOR_GROUP) in [True, 'true']
-        isSensorLayer = isinstance(l, QgsRasterLayer) and l.customProperty(KEY_SENSOR_LAYER) in [True, 'true']
+        if isinstance(self.mapView(), MapView):isSensorLayer = isinstance(l, QgsRasterLayer) and l.customProperty(KEY_SENSOR_LAYER) in [True, 'true']
         self.actionRemove.setEnabled(not (isSensorGroup or isSensorLayer))
         self.actionAddGroup.setEnabled(not (isSensorGroup or isSensorLayer))
@@ -127,26 +128,22 @@ class MapViewLayerTreeViewMenuProvider(QgsLayerTreeViewMenuProvider):
         centerCanvas = None
-        if isinstance(self.mapView(), MapView):
-            visibleCanvases = self.mapView().visibleMapCanvases()
-            if len(visibleCanvases) > 0:
-                i = int(len(visibleCanvases) / 2)
-                centerCanvas = visibleCanvases[i]
+        visibleCanvases = self.mapView().visibleMapCanvases()
+        if len(visibleCanvases) > 0:
+            i = int(len(visibleCanvases) / 2)
+            centerCanvas = visibleCanvases[i]
         a = menu.addAction('Set Properties')
-        a.triggered.connect(lambda *args,
-                                   canvas = centerCanvas,
-                                   lyr = l,
-                                   b = not isinstance(l, SensorProxyLayer):
-                            showLayerPropertiesDialog(lyr, canvas, useQGISDialog=b))
+        a.triggered.connect(lambda *args, canvas = centerCanvas, lyr = l: self.onSetLayerProperties(lyr, canvas))
-        a.setEnabled(isinstance(centerCanvas, QgsMapCanvas))
+        a.setEnabled(isinstance(centerCanvas, MapCanvas))
         from .externals.qps.layerproperties import pasteStyleFromClipboard, pasteStyleToClipboard
         a = menu.addAction('Copy Style')
         a.setToolTip('Copy the current layer style to clipboard')
-        a.triggered.connect(lambda *args, lyr=l: pasteStyleToClipboard(lyr))
+        a.triggered.connect(lambda *args, c=centerCanvas, lyr=l: pasteStyleToClipboard(lyr))
         a = menu.addAction('Paste Style')
         a.setEnabled('application/qgis.style' in QApplication.clipboard().mimeData().formats())
@@ -158,6 +155,10 @@ class MapViewLayerTreeViewMenuProvider(QgsLayerTreeViewMenuProvider):
         return menu
+    def onSetLayerProperties(self, lyr:QgsRasterLayer, canvas:QgsMapCanvas):
+        if isinstance(canvas, MapCanvas):
+            canvas.onSetLayerProperties(lyr)
 class MapViewLayerTreeModel(QgsLayerTreeModel):
     Layer Tree as shown in a MapView
@@ -469,7 +470,7 @@ class MapView(QFrame, loadUIFormClass(jp(DIR_UI, 'mapview.ui'))):
         return not self.actionToggleMapViewHidden.isChecked()
-    def mapCanvases(self)->list:
+    def mapCanvases(self)->typing.List[MapCanvas]:
         Returns the MapCanvases related to this map view. Requires that this mapview was added to a MapWidget
         :return: [list-of-MapCanvases]
@@ -595,7 +596,7 @@ class MapView(QFrame, loadUIFormClass(jp(DIR_UI, 'mapview.ui'))):
-    def sensorProxyLayers(self)->list:
+    def sensorProxyLayers(self)->typing.List[SensorProxyLayer]:
         layers = [n.layer() for n in self.mLayerTreeSensorNode.findLayers()]
         return [l for l in layers if isinstance(l, SensorProxyLayer)]
@@ -676,14 +677,14 @@ class MapView(QFrame, loadUIFormClass(jp(DIR_UI, 'mapview.ui'))):
         :param sensor:
-        pair = None
-        for i, t in enumerate(self.mSensorLayerList):
+        toRemove = []
+        for t in self.mSensorLayerList:
             if t[0] == sensor:
-                pair = t
-                break
-        assert pair is not None, 'Sensor "{}" not found'.format(sensor.name())
-        self.mLayerTreeSensorNode.removeLayer(pair[1])
-        self.mSensorLayerList.remove(pair)
+                toRemove.append(t)
+        for t in toRemove:
+            self.mLayerTreeSensorNode.removeLayer(t[1])
+            self.mSensorLayerList.remove(t)
     def hasSensor(self, sensor)->bool:
@@ -850,10 +851,8 @@ class MapWidget(QFrame, loadUIFormClass(jp(DIR_UI, 'mapwidget.ui'))):
         self.mCanvasSignals = dict()
         self.mTimeSeries = None
         self.mMapToolKey = MapTools.Pan
         self.mViewMode = MapWidget.ViewMode.MapViewByRows
         self.mMpMV = 3
@@ -870,9 +869,6 @@ class MapWidget(QFrame, loadUIFormClass(jp(DIR_UI, 'mapwidget.ui'))):
-        #self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed))
@@ -957,7 +953,7 @@ class MapWidget(QFrame, loadUIFormClass(jp(DIR_UI, 'mapwidget.ui'))):
         :param extent: SpatialExtent
         :return: SpatialExtent the current SpatialExtent
+        assert isinstance(extent, SpatialExtent)
         if self.mSpatialExtent != extent:
             self.mSpatialExtent = extent
@@ -1052,20 +1048,26 @@ class MapWidget(QFrame, loadUIFormClass(jp(DIR_UI, 'mapwidget.ui'))):
     def _updateSliderRange(self):
+        slider = self.timeSlider()
+        assert isinstance(slider, QSlider)
         n = len(self.timeSeries())
-        self.mTimeSlider.setRange(0, n)
-        self.mTimeSlider.setEnabled(n > 0)
+        slider.setRange(0, n)
+        slider.setEnabled(n > 0)
         if n > 10:
             pageStep = int(n/100)*10
+            slider.setTickInterval(pageStep)
             pageStep = 5
-        self.timeSlider().setPageStep(pageStep)
+            slider.setTickInterval(0)
+        slider.setPageStep(pageStep)
         if n > 0:
             tsd = self.currentDate()
             if isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate) and tsd in self.timeSeries():
                 i = self.timeSeries()[:].index(tsd)
-                self.mTimeSlider.setValue(i+1)
+                slider.setValue(i+1)
     def onSliderReleased(self):
@@ -1087,7 +1089,12 @@ class MapWidget(QFrame, loadUIFormClass(jp(DIR_UI, 'mapwidget.ui'))):
-    def setMapsPerMapView(self, n:int):
+    def setMapsPerMapView(self, n:int)->int:
+        """
+        Sets the number of maps per map viewe
+        :param n: int
+        :return: int, number of maps per map view
+        """
         assert n >= 0
         if n != self.mMpMV:
@@ -1095,6 +1102,15 @@ class MapWidget(QFrame, loadUIFormClass(jp(DIR_UI, 'mapwidget.ui'))):
             self.timeSlider().setPageStep(max(1, n))
+        return self.mapsPerMapView()
+    def mapsPerMapView(self)->int:
+        """
+        Returns the number of maps per map view
+        :return: int
+        """
+        return self.mMpMV
     def setMapSize(self, size:QSize)->QSize:
@@ -1120,14 +1136,14 @@ class MapWidget(QFrame, loadUIFormClass(jp(DIR_UI, 'mapwidget.ui'))):
         return self.mMapSize
-    def mapCanvases(self)->list:
+    def mapCanvases(self)->typing.List[MapCanvas]:
         Returns all MapCanvases
         :return: [list-of-MapCanvases]
         return self.findChildren(MapCanvas)
-    def mapViewCanvases(self, mapView:MapView)->list:
+    def mapViewCanvases(self, mapView:MapView)->typing.List[MapCanvas]:
         Returns the MapCanvases related to a MapView
         :param mapView: MapView
@@ -1188,7 +1204,7 @@ class MapWidget(QFrame, loadUIFormClass(jp(DIR_UI, 'mapwidget.ui'))):
         assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
-        b = tsd != self.mCurrentDate
+        b = tsd != self.mCurrentDate or (len(self.mapCanvases()) > 0 and self.mapCanvases()[0].tsd() is None)
         self.mCurrentDate = tsd
         if b:
@@ -1324,10 +1340,6 @@ class MapWidget(QFrame, loadUIFormClass(jp(DIR_UI, 'mapwidget.ui'))):
         mapTools = mapCanvas.mapTools()
-        mt = mapCanvas.mapTool()
-        if isinstance(mt, QgsMapToolSelect):
-            mt.setSelectionMode(self.mMapToolMode)
         # connect signals
         return mapCanvas
@@ -1655,6 +1667,13 @@ class MapViewDock(QgsDockWidget, loadUI('mapviewdock.ui')):
+        self.btnCrs.setOptionVisible(QgsProjectionSelectionWidget.LayerCrs, True)
+        self.btnCrs.setOptionVisible(QgsProjectionSelectionWidget.ProjectCrs, True)
+        self.btnCrs.setOptionVisible(QgsProjectionSelectionWidget.CurrentCrs, True)
+        self.btnCrs.setOptionVisible(QgsProjectionSelectionWidget.DefaultCrs, True)
+        self.btnCrs.setOptionVisible(QgsProjectionSelectionWidget.RecentCrs, True)
+        #self.btnCrs.setOptionVisible(QgsProjectionSelectionWidget.CrsNotSet, True)
         self.btnTextFormat.changed.connect(lambda *args: self.sigMapTextFormatChanged.emit(self.mapTextFormat()))
@@ -1710,7 +1729,7 @@ class MapViewDock(QgsDockWidget, loadUI('mapviewdock.ui')):
         return self.mMapWidget
-    def mapWidget(self):
+    def mapWidget(self)->MapWidget:
         Returns the connected MapWidget
         :return: MapWidget
@@ -2033,7 +2052,8 @@ class MapViewDock(QgsDockWidget, loadUI('mapviewdock.ui')):
         Removes a Sensor
         :param sensor: SensorInstrument
-        for mapView in self.mMapViews:
+        for mapView in self.mapViews():
+            assert isinstance(mapView, MapView)
     def applyStyles(self):
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/pixelloader.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/pixelloader.py
index 48fea99e181a70ac1dc7335d17c56ae82613c44c..c16434939ae871e0677aa478e63c78f419314bdc 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/pixelloader.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/pixelloader.py
@@ -38,10 +38,6 @@ if DEBUG:
     logger = multiprocessing.log_to_stderr()
-class TaskMock(QgsTask):
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(TaskMock, self).__init__()
 def dprint(msg):
     if DEBUG:
         print('PixelLoader: {}'.format(msg))
@@ -60,29 +56,31 @@ def isOutOfImage(ds, px):
     return False
 class PixelLoaderTask(object):
-    An object to store the results of an loading from a single raster source.
+    An object to store the loading results from a *single* raster source.
-    @staticmethod
-    def fromDump(byte_object):
-        return pickle.loads(byte_object)
+    def __init__(self, source:str, temporalProfiles:list, bandIndices=None):
-    def __init__(self, source:str, geometries, bandIndices=None, **kwargs):
+        assert isinstance(temporalProfiles, list)
-        if not isinstance(geometries, list):
-            geometries = [geometries]
-        assert isinstance(geometries, list)
         geometries = [g for g in geometries if isinstance(g, (SpatialExtent, SpatialPoint))]
         self.mId = ''
         # assert isinstance(source, str) or isinstance(source, unicode)
-        self.sourcePath = source
-        self.geometries = geometries
-        self.bandIndices = bandIndices
+        self.mSourcePath = source
+        self.mGeometries = []
+        self.mTemporalProfileIDs = []
+        from .temporalprofiles import TemporalProfile
+        for tp in temporalProfiles:
+            assert isinstance(tp, TemporalProfile)
+            self.mTemporalProfileIDs.append(tp.id())
+            self.mGeometries.append(tp.geometry())
+        self.mBandIndices = bandIndices
         # for internal use only
         self.mIsDone = False
@@ -92,16 +90,10 @@ class PixelLoaderTask(object):
         self.resGeoTransformation = None
         self.resProfiles = None
         self.resNoDataValues = None
+        self.resPixelCoordinates = None
         self.exception = None
         self.info = None
-        # other, free keywords
-        for k in kwargs.keys():
-            assert isinstance(k, str)
-            assert not k.startswith('_')
-            if not k in self.__dict__.keys():
-                self.__dict__[k] = kwargs[k]
     def setId(self, idStr:str):
         self.mId = idStr
@@ -154,15 +146,17 @@ class PixelLoaderTask(object):
     def __repr__(self):
         info = ['PixelLoaderTask:']
+        info.append('\t' + self.mSourcePath)
+        info.append('\t' + ','.join(str(g) for g in self.mGeometries))
         if not self.mIsDone:
             info.append('not started...')
-            if self.bandIndices:
-                info.append('\tBandIndices {}:{}'.format(len(self.bandIndices), self.bandIndices))
+            if self.mBandIndices:
+                info.append('\tBandIndices {}:{}'.format(len(self.mBandIndices), self.mBandIndices))
             if self.resProfiles:
                 info.append('\tProfileData: {}'.format(len(self.resProfiles)))
                 for i, p in enumerate(self.resProfiles):
-                    g = self.geometries[i]
+                    g = self.mGeometries[i]
                     d = self.resProfiles[i]
                     if d in [INFO_OUT_OF_IMAGE, INFO_NO_DATA]:
                         info.append('\t{}: {}:{}'.format(i + 1, g, d))
@@ -187,24 +181,27 @@ def transformPoint2Px(trans, pt, gt):
     return geo2px(QgsPointXY(x, y), gt)
-def doLoaderTask(taskWrapper:QgsTask, dump):
+def doLoaderTask(qgsTask:QgsTask, dump):
-    assert isinstance(taskWrapper, QgsTask)
+    assert isinstance(qgsTask, QgsTask)
     tasks = pickle.loads(dump)
     results = []
-    for task in tasks:
+    nTasks = len(tasks)
+    qgsTask.setProgress(0)
+    for iTask, task in enumerate(tasks):
         assert isinstance(task, PixelLoaderTask)
         result = task
-        ds = gdal.Open(task.sourcePath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
+        ds = gdal.Open(task.mSourcePath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
         nb, ns, nl = ds.RasterCount, ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize
-        bandIndices = list(range(nb)) if task.bandIndices is None else list(task.bandIndices)
+        bandIndices = list(range(nb)) if task.mBandIndices is None else list(task.mBandIndices)
         # ensure to load valid indices only
         bandIndices = [i for i in bandIndices if i >= 0 and i < nb]
-        task.bandIndices = bandIndices
+        task.mBandIndices = bandIndices
         gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
         result.resGeoTransformation = gt
@@ -216,7 +213,7 @@ def doLoaderTask(taskWrapper:QgsTask, dump):
         # convert Geometries into pixel indices to be extracted
         PX_SUBSETS = []
-        for geom in task.geometries:
+        for geom in task.mGeometries:
             crsRequest = osr.SpatialReference()
             if geom.crs().isValid():
@@ -225,6 +222,12 @@ def doLoaderTask(taskWrapper:QgsTask, dump):
             trans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(crsRequest, crsSrc)
+            trans2 = QgsCoordinateTransform()
+            trans2.setSourceCrs(QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(crsRequest.ExportToWkt()))
+            trans2.setDestinationCrs(QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(crsSrc.ExportToWkt()))
+            lyr = QgsRasterLayer(task.mSourcePath)
+            geom2 = trans2.transform(geom)
             if isinstance(geom, QgsPointXY):
                 ptUL = ptLR = QgsPointXY(geom)
             elif isinstance(geom, QgsRectangle):
@@ -241,6 +244,7 @@ def doLoaderTask(taskWrapper:QgsTask, dump):
             bLR = isOutOfImage(ds, pxLR)
             if all([bUL, bLR]):
@@ -266,8 +270,10 @@ def doLoaderTask(taskWrapper:QgsTask, dump):
                 size_x = abs(pxUL.x() - pxLR.x())
                 size_y = abs(pxUL.y() - pxLR.y())
-            if size_x < 1: size_x = 1
-            if size_y < 1: size_y = 1
+            if size_x < 1:
+                size_x = 1
+            if size_y < 1:
+                size_y = 1
             PX_SUBSETS.append((pxUL, pxUL, size_x, size_y))
@@ -328,8 +334,6 @@ def doLoaderTask(taskWrapper:QgsTask, dump):
                         #PROFILE_DATA[i] = np.dstack(pd).transpose(2,0,1)
                         PROFILE_DATA[i] = np.vstack(pd)
         # finally, ensure that there is on 2D array only
         for i in range(len(PROFILE_DATA)):
             d = PROFILE_DATA[i]
@@ -353,44 +357,13 @@ def doLoaderTask(taskWrapper:QgsTask, dump):
                 s = ""
         task.resProfiles = PROFILE_DATA
+        task.resPixelCoordinates = PX_SUBSETS
         task.mIsDone = True
+        qgsTask.setProgress(100 * (iTask + 1) / nTasks)
     return pickle.dumps(results)
-class LoadingProgress(object):
-    def __init__(self, id, nFiles):
-        assert isinstance(nFiles, int)
-        assert isinstance(id, int)
-        self.mID = id
-        self.mSuccess = 0
-        self.mTotal = nFiles
-        self.mFailed = 0
-    def addResult(self, success=True):
-        assert self.done() <= self.mTotal
-        if success:
-            self.mSuccess += 1
-        else:
-            self.mFailed += 1
-    def id(self):
-        return self.mID
-    def failed(self):
-        return self.mFailed
-    def done(self):
-        return self.mSuccess + self.mFailed
-    def total(self):
-        return self.mTotal
 class PixelLoader(QObject):
     Loads pixel from raster images
@@ -399,7 +372,7 @@ class PixelLoader(QObject):
     sigPixelLoaded = pyqtSignal(PixelLoaderTask)
     sigLoadingStarted = pyqtSignal()
     sigLoadingFinished = pyqtSignal()
+    sigProgressChanged = pyqtSignal(float)
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
         super(PixelLoader, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
@@ -423,26 +396,24 @@ class PixelLoader(QObject):
         dump = pickle.dumps(tasks)
+        self.sigLoadingStarted.emit()
+        qgsTask = QgsTask.fromFunction('Load band values', doLoaderTask, dump, on_finished=self.onLoadingFinished)
+        assert isinstance(qgsTask, QgsTask)
-        if False:
-            qgsTask = TaskMock()
-            resultDump = doLoaderTask(qgsTask, dump)
-            self.onLoadingFinished(TaskMock(), resultDump)
+        tid = id(qgsTask)
-        else:
-            qgsTask = QgsTask.fromFunction('Load band values', doLoaderTask, dump, on_finished=self.onLoadingFinished)
-            tid = id(qgsTask)
-            qgsTask.taskCompleted.connect(lambda *args, tid=tid: self.onRemoveTask(tid))
-            qgsTask.taskTerminated.connect(lambda *args, tid=tid: self.onRemoveTask(tid))
-            # todo: progress changed?
-            self.mTasks[tid] = qgsTask
-            tm = self.taskManager()
-            tm.addTask(qgsTask)
+        qgsTask.taskCompleted.connect(lambda *args, tid=tid: self.onRemoveTask(tid))
+        qgsTask.taskTerminated.connect(lambda *args, tid=tid: self.onRemoveTask(tid))
+        qgsTask.progressChanged.connect(self.sigProgressChanged.emit)
+        self.mTasks[tid] = qgsTask
+        tm = self.taskManager()
+        tm.addTask(qgsTask)
     def onRemoveTask(self, tid):
         if tid in self.mTasks.keys():
-            del self.mTasks[tid]
+            pass
+            #del self.mTasks[tid]
     def onLoadingFinished(self, *args, **kwds):
@@ -454,6 +425,7 @@ class PixelLoader(QObject):
                 assert isinstance(plt, PixelLoaderTask)
+        self.sigLoadingFinished.emit()
     def status(self)->tuple:
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/profilevisualization.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/profilevisualization.py
index 82467bcf5f97b42f40385f8c55170e91f13878c7..38ebedbf9246040a61e2a654a1899f332e9473d7 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/profilevisualization.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/profilevisualization.py
@@ -32,11 +32,13 @@ from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *
 from .timeseries import *
 from .utils import SpatialExtent, SpatialPoint, px2geo, loadUI, nextColor
 from .externals.qps.plotstyling.plotstyling import PlotStyle, PlotStyleButton, PlotStyleDialog
+from .externals.pyqtgraph import ScatterPlotItem, SpotItem, GraphicsScene
+from .externals.qps.externals.pyqtgraph.GraphicsScene.mouseEvents import MouseClickEvent, MouseDragEvent
 from .externals import pyqtgraph as pg
 from .sensorvisualization import SensorListModel
-from .temporalprofiles2d import *
+from .temporalprofiles import *
 from .temporalprofiles3d import *
+from .pixelloader import PixelLoaderTask, doLoaderTask
 import numpy as np
@@ -519,7 +521,7 @@ class PlotSettingsModel2D(QAbstractTableModel):
-    def requiredBandsIndices(self, sensor):
+    def requiredBandsIndices(self, sensor)->list:
         Returns the band indices required to calculate the values for
         the different PlotStyle expressions making use of sensor
@@ -1330,10 +1332,10 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
         assert isinstance(profileDock, ProfileViewDockUI)
         self.ui = profileDock
-        import eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader
-        if DEBUG:
-            eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader.DEBUG = True
+        self.mTasks = dict()
+        #import eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader
+        #if DEBUG:
+        #    eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader.DEBUG = True
         #the timeseries. will be set later
         assert isinstance(timeSeries, TimeSeries)
@@ -1341,13 +1343,15 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
         self.plot_initialized = False
         self.plot2D = self.ui.plotWidget2D
+        assert isinstance(self.plot2D, DateTimePlotWidget)
+        self.plot2D.getViewBox().scene().sigMouseClicked.connect(self.onPointsClicked2D)
         self.plot3D = self.ui.plotWidget3D
+        self.mLast2DMouseClickPosition = None
         # temporal profile collection to store loaded values
         self.mTemporalProfileLayer = TemporalProfileLayer(self.TS)
-        #self.mTemporalProfileLayer.startEditing()
         # fix to not loose C++ reference on temporal profile layer in case it is removed from QGIS mapcanvas
@@ -1374,11 +1378,11 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
         self.mTemporalProfilesTableConfig = config
-        self.pixelLoader = PixelLoader()
-        self.pixelLoader.sigPixelLoaded.connect(self.onPixelLoaded)
-        self.pixelLoader.sigLoadingStarted.connect(lambda: self.ui.progressInfo.setText('Start loading...'))
-        # self.pixelLoader.sigLoadingStarted.connect(self.tpCollection.prune)
-        self.pixelLoader.sigLoadingFinished.connect(lambda: self.plot2D.enableAutoRange('x', False))
+        #self.pixelLoader = PixelLoader()
+        #self.pixelLoader.sigPixelLoaded.connect(self.onPixelLoaded)
+        #self.pixelLoader.sigLoadingStarted.connect(self.onLoadingStarted)
+        #self.pixelLoader.sigLoadingFinished.connect(self.onLoadingFinished)
+        #self.pixelLoader.sigProgressChanged.connect(self.onLoadingProgressChanged)
         # set the plot models for 2D
         self.plotSettingsModel2D = PlotSettingsModel2D()
@@ -1409,7 +1413,6 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
         def onTemporalProfilesRemoved(removedProfiles):
             #set to valid temporal profile
@@ -1462,6 +1465,23 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
+    def onLoadingStarted(self):
+        self.ui.progressInfo.setText('Start loading...')
+        self.ui.progressBar.setRange(0, 0)
+        self.ui.progressBar.setValue(0)
+    def onLoadingProgressChanged(self, progress):
+        if self.ui.progressBar.maximum() == 0:
+            self.ui.progressBar.setRange(0, 100)
+        value = int(progress)
+        self.ui.progressBar.setValue(value)
+        if value == 100:
+            self.plot2D.enableAutoRange('x', False)
+            self.ui.progressInfo.setText('')
+            self.ui.progressBar.setValue(0)
     def plotStyles(self):
         return self.plotSettingsModel2D[:]
@@ -1473,43 +1493,6 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
         return self.mTemporalProfileLayer
-    def onTemporalProfilesContextMenu(self, event):
-        assert isinstance(event, QContextMenuEvent)
-        tableView = self.ui.tableViewTemporalProfiles
-        selectionModel = self.ui.tableViewTemporalProfiles.selectionModel()
-        assert isinstance(selectionModel, QItemSelectionModel)
-        model = self.ui.tableViewTemporalProfiles.model()
-        assert isinstance(model, TemporalProfileLayer)
-        temporalProfiles = []
-        if len(selectionModel.selectedIndexes()) > 0:
-            for idx in selectionModel.selectedIndexes():
-                tp = model.idx2tp(idx)
-                if isinstance(tp, TemporalProfile) and not tp in temporalProfiles:
-                    temporalProfiles.append(tp)
-        else:
-            temporalProfiles = model[:]
-        spatialPoints = [tp.coordinate() for tp in temporalProfiles]
-        menu = QMenu()
-        a = menu.addAction('Load missing')
-        a.setToolTip('Loads missing band-pixels.')
-        a.triggered.connect(lambda : self.loadCoordinate(spatialPoints=spatialPoints, mode='all'))
-        s = ""
-        a = menu.addAction('Reload')
-        a.setToolTip('Reloads all band-pixels.')
-        a.triggered.connect(lambda: self.loadCoordinate(spatialPoints=spatialPoints, mode='reload'))
-        menu.popup(tableView.viewport().mapToGlobal(event.pos()))
-        self.menu = menu
     def selected2DPlotStyles(self):
         result = []
@@ -1518,8 +1501,6 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
             result.append(m.data(idx, Qt.UserRole))
         return result
     def removePlotStyles2D(self, plotStyles):
         m = self.ui.tableView2DProfiles.model()
         if isinstance(m.sourceModel(), PlotSettingsModel2D):
@@ -1557,8 +1538,8 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
         pdi = plotStyle.createPlotItem(self.plot2D)
         assert isinstance(pdi, TemporalProfilePlotDataItem)
-        pdi.sigClicked.connect(self.onProfileClicked2D)
-        pdi.sigPointsClicked.connect(self.onPointsClicked2D)
+        #pdi.sigClicked.connect(self.onProfileClicked2D)
+        #pdi.sigPointsClicked.connect(self.onPointsClicked2D)
         #self.plot2D.getPlotItem().addItem(pg.PlotDataItem(x=[1, 2, 3], y=[1, 2, 3]))
@@ -1592,38 +1573,40 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
-    def onProfileClicked2D(self, pdi):
-        if isinstance(pdi, TemporalProfilePlotDataItem):
-            sensor = pdi.mPlotStyle.sensor()
-            tp = pdi.mPlotStyle.temporalProfile()
-            if isinstance(tp, TemporalProfile) and isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument):
-                c = tp.coordinate()
-                info = ['Sensor:{}'.format(sensor.name()),
-                        'Coordinate:{}, {}'.format(c.x(), c.y())]
-                self.ui.tbInfo2D.setPlainText('\n'.join(info))
-    def onPointsClicked2D(self, pdi, spottedItems):
+    def onPointsClicked2D(self, event: MouseClickEvent):
         info = []
-        if isinstance(pdi, TemporalProfilePlotDataItem) and isinstance(spottedItems, list):
-            sensor = pdi.mPlotStyle.sensor()
-            tp = pdi.mPlotStyle.temporalProfile()
-            if isinstance(tp, TemporalProfile) and isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument):
+        assert isinstance(event, MouseClickEvent)
+        for item in self.plot2D.scene().itemsNearEvent(event):
+            if isinstance(item, ScatterPlotItem) and isinstance(item.parentItem(), TemporalProfilePlotDataItem):
+                pdi = item.parentItem()
+                assert isinstance(pdi, TemporalProfilePlotDataItem)
+                tp = pdi.mPlotStyle.temporalProfile()
+                assert isinstance(tp, TemporalProfile)
                 c = tp.coordinate()
-                info.append('Sensor: {}'.format(sensor.name()))
-                info.append('Coordinate: {}, {}'.format(c.x(), c.y()))
-                for item in spottedItems:
-                    pos = item.pos()
-                    x = pos.x()
-                    y = pos.y()
-                    date = num2date(x)
-                    info.append('Date: {}\nValue: {}'.format(date, y))
+                spottedItems = item.pointsAt(event.pos())
+                if len(spottedItems) > 0:
+                    info.append('Sensor: {}'.format(pdi.mPlotStyle.sensor().name()))
+                    info.append('Coordinate: {}, {}'.format(c.x(), c.y()))
+                    for item in spottedItems:
+                        if isinstance(item, SpotItem):
+                            brush1 = item.brush()
+                            brush2 = item.brush()
+                            brush2.setColor(QColor('yellow'))
+                            item.setBrush(brush2)
+                            QTimer.singleShot(500, lambda *args, spotItem=item, brush=brush1: spotItem.setBrush(brush))
+                            pos = item.pos()
+                            self.mLast2DMouseClickPosition = pos
+                            x = pos.x()
+                            y = pos.y()
+                            date = num2date(x)
+                            info.append('{};{}'.format(date, y))
+        self.ui.tbInfo2D.setPlainText('\n'.join(info))
-        else:
-            self.ui.tbInfo2D.setPlainText('\n'.join(info))
     def onTemporalProfilesAdded(self, profiles):
         # self.mTemporalProfileLayer.prune()
@@ -1669,7 +1652,7 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
         self.ui.actionLoadMissingValues.triggered.connect(lambda: self.loadMissingData())
-        self.ui.actionSaveTemporalProfiles.triggered.connect(lambda *args : self.mTemporalProfileLayer.saveTemporalProfiles)
+        self.ui.actionSaveTemporalProfiles.triggered.connect(lambda *args : self.mTemporalProfileLayer.saveTemporalProfiles(None))
         #set actions to be shown in the TemporalProfileTableView context menu
         ma = [self.ui.actionSaveTemporalProfiles, self.ui.actionLoadMissingValues]
@@ -1732,23 +1715,39 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
-    def onPixelLoaded(self, d):
+    def onPixelLoaded(self, qgsTask ,dump)->typing.List[TemporalProfile]:
+        """
+        Updates TemporalProfiles
+        :param qgsTask:
+        :param dump:
+        :return: [updated TemporalProfiles]
+        """
+        tasks = pickle.loads(dump)
+        assert isinstance(tasks, list)
+        s = ""
+        t0 = time.time()
+        updatedTemporalProfiles = []
+        for task in tasks:
+            assert isinstance(task, TemporalProfileLoaderTask)
+            if len(task.mRESULTS) > 0:
+                for tpId, data in task.mRESULTS.items():
+                    tp = self.mTemporalProfileLayer.mProfiles.get(tpId)
-        if isinstance(d, PixelLoaderTask):
+                    if isinstance(tp, TemporalProfile):
+                        tsd = tp.timeSeries().getTSD(task.mSourcePath)
+                        if isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate):
+                            tp.updateData(tsd, data)
+                        if tp not in updatedTemporalProfiles:
+                            updatedTemporalProfiles.append(tp)
-            bn = os.path.basename(d.sourcePath)
-            if d.success():
+            if len(task.mERRORS) > 0:
-                t = 'Loaded {} pixel from {}.'.format(len(d.resProfiles), bn)
-                self.mTemporalProfileLayer.addPixelLoaderResult(d)
-                self.updateRequested = True
-            else:
-                t = 'Failed loading from {}.'.format(bn)
-                if d.info and d.info != '':
-                    t += '({})'.format(d.info)
-            # QgsApplication.processEvents()
-            self.ui.progressInfo.setText(t)
+                s = ""
+        return updatedTemporalProfiles
+        if False:
+            print('WRESULTS {}'.format(time.time() - t0))
     def requestUpdate(self, *args):
         self.updateRequested = True
@@ -1778,13 +1777,7 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
                 start += 1
-    def onObservationClicked(self, plotDataItem, points):
-        for p in points:
-            tsd = p.data()
-            #print(tsd)
-    def loadMissingData(self, backgroundProcess=False):
+    def loadMissingData(self, backgroundProcess=True):
         Loads all band values of collected locations that have not been loaded until now
@@ -1810,9 +1803,6 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
         :param spatialPoints: SpatialPoint | [list-of-SpatialPoints]
         assert mode in SpectralTemporalVisualization.LOADING_MODES
         if isinstance(spatialPoints, SpatialPoint):
             spatialPoints = [spatialPoints]
@@ -1827,10 +1817,8 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
         assert isinstance(self.TS, TimeSeries)
         # Get or create the TimeSeriesProfiles which will store the loaded values
         tasks = []
-        TPs = []
-        theGeometries = []
+        TemporalProfiles = []
         # Define which (new) bands need to be loaded for each sensor
         if LUT_bandIndices is None:
@@ -1847,14 +1835,11 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
         # update new / existing points
         for spatialPoint in spatialPoints:
             assert isinstance(spatialPoint, SpatialPoint)
             TP = self.mTemporalProfileLayer.fromSpatialPoint(spatialPoint)
-            # if no TemporaProfile existed before, create an empty one
+            # if no TemporalProfile existed before, create an empty one
             if not isinstance(TP, TemporalProfile):
                 TP = self.mTemporalProfileLayer.createTemporalProfiles(spatialPoint)[0]
@@ -1876,20 +1861,8 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
                     if len(self.plotSettingsModel3D) == 0:
+            TemporalProfiles.append(TP)
-            TPs.append(TP)
-            theGeometries.append(TP.coordinate())
-        if len(theGeometries) == 0:
-            return
-        bbox = QgsRectangle()
-        for i, g in enumerate(theGeometries):
-            bbox.include(g)
-        TP_ids = [TP.id() for TP in TPs]
         # each TSD is a Task
         s = ""
         # a Task defines which bands are to be loaded
@@ -1908,7 +1881,7 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
             if mode == 'missing':
                 missingIndices = set()
-                for TP in TPs:
+                for TP in TemporalProfiles:
                     assert isinstance(TP, TemporalProfile)
                     need2load = TP.missingBandIndices(tsd, requiredIndices=requiredIndices)
                     missingIndices = missingIndices.union(need2load)
@@ -1920,34 +1893,58 @@ class SpectralTemporalVisualization(QObject):
             if len(missingIndices) > 0:
                 for tss in tsd.sources():
                     assert isinstance(tss, TimeSeriesSource)
-                    if bbox.intersects(tss.spatialExtent().toCrs(TPs[0].coordinate().crs())):
-                        task = PixelLoaderTask(tss.uri(), theGeometries,
-                                           # bandIndices=missingIndices, load all indices!
-                                           temporalProfileIDs=TP_ids)
+                    intersectingTPs = []
+                    tssExtent = tss.spatialExtent()
+                    for TP in TemporalProfiles:
+                        assert isinstance(TP, TemporalProfile)
+                        if tssExtent.contains(TP.coordinate().toCrs(tssExtent.crs())):
+                            intersectingTPs.append(TP)
+                    if len(intersectingTPs) > 0:
+                        task = TemporalProfileLoaderTask(tss, intersectingTPs)
-                        break
+                    # pickle.loads(doLoaderTask(mock, pickle.dumps([t])))[0]
         if len(tasks) > 0:
-            if DEBUG:
-                print('Start loading for {} geometries from {} sources...'.format(
-                    len(theGeometries), len(tasks)
-                ))
-            if backgroundProcess:
-                self.pixelLoader.startLoading(tasks)
-            else:
-                import eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader
-                tasks = [PixelLoaderTask.fromDump(eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader.doLoaderTask(None, task.toDump())) for task in tasks]
-                l = len(tasks)
-                for i, task in enumerate(tasks):
-                    self.pixelLoader.sigPixelLoaded.emit(task)
+            self.loadTemporalProfileTasks(tasks, runAsync=backgroundProcess)
             if DEBUG:
                 print('Data for geometries already loaded')
+    def loadTemporalProfileTasks(self, tasks:typing.Iterable[TemporalProfileLoaderTask], runAsync=True)->typing.List[TemporalProfile]:
+        """
+        Loads data into TemporalProfiles
+        :param tasks:
+        :param runAsync:
+        :return: [list-of-updated TemporalProfiles], empty if runAsyn
+        """
+        dump = pickle.dumps(tasks)
+        if runAsync:
+            qgsTask = QgsTask.fromFunction('Load Profiles', doLoadTemporalProfileTasks, dump,
+                                           on_finished=self.onPixelLoaded)
+        else:
+            qgsTask = TaskMock()
+        tid = id(qgsTask)
+        qgsTask.progressChanged.connect(self.onLoadingProgressChanged)
+        qgsTask.taskCompleted.connect(lambda *args, tid=tid: self.onRemoveTask(tid))
+        qgsTask.taskTerminated.connect(lambda *args, tid=tid: self.onRemoveTask(tid))
+        self.mTasks[tid] = qgsTask
+        if runAsync:
+            tm = QgsApplication.taskManager()
+            assert isinstance(tm, QgsTaskManager)
+            tm.addTask(qgsTask, 1000)
+            return []
+        else:
+            return self.onPixelLoaded(qgsTask, doLoadTemporalProfileTasks(qgsTask, dump))
+    def onRemoveTask(self, tid):
+        if tid in self.mTasks.keys():
+            del self.mTasks[tid]
     def onDataUpdate(self):
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/sensorvisualization.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/sensorvisualization.py
index 5994a3b3af891a78688a8e3b962735bdee2738ef..7bda62c15e72f968cfff748aa2c8830a98bd646e 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/sensorvisualization.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/sensorvisualization.py
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ class SensorTableModel(QAbstractTableModel):
         if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
             return self.mColumNames[col]
         elif orientation == Qt.Vertical and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
-            return col
+            return col + 1
         return None
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/settings.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/settings.py
index 81b5bf9e17fe4b89d785d0713e3f9565a7f9855e..87078fe700ec2bdbd8ff67519052c6f8cb1b2e3e 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/settings.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/settings.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-import os, enum, pathlib, re
+import os, enum, pathlib, re, json
+from collections import namedtuple
 from qgis.core import *
 from qgis.gui import *
 from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
@@ -8,6 +9,9 @@ from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *
 from eotimeseriesviewer import *
 from eotimeseriesviewer.utils import loadUI
+from eotimeseriesviewer.timeseries import SensorMatching, SensorInstrument
 class Keys(enum.Enum):
@@ -19,13 +23,15 @@ class Keys(enum.Enum):
     MapUpdateInterval = 'map_update_interval'
     MapBackgroundColor = 'map_background_color'
     MapTextFormat = 'map_text_format'
-    SensorNames = 'sensor_names'
+    SensorSpecs = 'sensor_specs'
+    SensorMatching = 'sensor_matching'
     ScreenShotDirectory = 'screen_shot_directory'
     RasterSourceDirectory = 'raster_source_directory'
     VectorSourceDirectory = 'vector_source_directory'
     MapImageExportDirectory = 'map_image_export_directory'
 def defaultValues() -> dict:
     Returns the official hard-coded dictionary of default values.
@@ -40,7 +46,8 @@ def defaultValues() -> dict:
     d[Keys.RasterSourceDirectory] = str(home)
     d[Keys.VectorSourceDirectory] = str(home)
     d[Keys.DateTimePrecision] = DateTimePrecision.Day
-    d[Keys.SensorNames] = dict()
+    d[Keys.SensorSpecs] = dict()
+    d[Keys.SensorMatching] = SensorMatching.DIMS_WL_Name
     # map visualization
     d[Keys.MapUpdateInterval] = 500  # milliseconds
@@ -100,6 +107,14 @@ def value(key:Keys, default=None):
         if value and key == Keys.MapTextFormat:
            s = ""
+        if isinstance(value, str) and key == Keys.SensorSpecs:
+            value = json.loads(value)
+            assert isinstance(value, dict)
+            for k in value.keys():
+                if not isinstance(value[k], dict):
+                    value[k] = {'name': None}
     except TypeError as error:
         value = None
         settings().setValue(key.value, None)
@@ -107,6 +122,41 @@ def value(key:Keys, default=None):
     return value
+def saveSensorName(sensor:SensorInstrument):
+    """
+    Saves the sensor name
+    :param sensor: SensorInstrument
+    :return:
+    """
+    assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
+    sensorSpecs = value(Keys.SensorSpecs, default=dict())
+    assert isinstance(sensorSpecs, dict)
+    sSpecs = sensorSpecs.get(sensor.id(), dict())
+    sSpecs['name'] = sensor.name()
+    sensorSpecs[sensor.id()] = sSpecs
+    setValue(Keys.SensorSpecs, sensorSpecs)
+def sensorName(id:str)->str:
+    """
+    Retuns the sensor name stored for a certain sensor id
+    :param id: str
+    :return: str
+    """
+    if isinstance(id, SensorInstrument):
+        id = id.id()
+    sensorSpecs = value(Keys.SensorSpecs, default=dict())
+    assert isinstance(sensorSpecs, dict)
+    sSpecs = sensorSpecs.get(id, dict())
+    return sSpecs.get('name', None)
 def setValue(key:Keys, value):
     Shortcut to save a value into the EOTSV settings
@@ -118,6 +168,9 @@ def setValue(key:Keys, value):
     if isinstance(value, QgsTextFormat):
         value = value.toMimeData()
+    if isinstance(value, dict) and key == Keys.SensorSpecs:
+        settings().setValue(key.value, json.dumps(value))
     settings().setValue(key.value, value)
@@ -132,6 +185,148 @@ def setValues(values: dict):
     for key, val in values.items():
         setValue(key, val)
+class SensorSettingsTableModel(QAbstractTableModel):
+    """
+    A table to visualize sensor-specific settings
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(SensorSettingsTableModel, self).__init__()
+        self.mSensors = []
+        self.mCNKey = 'Key'
+        self.mCNName = 'Name'
+        self.loadSettings()
+    def clear(self):
+        """Removes all entries"""
+        self.removeRows(0, self.rowCount())
+        assert len(self.mSensors) == 0
+    def reload(self):
+        """
+        Reloads the entire table
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.clear()
+        self.loadSettings()
+    def removeRows(self, row: int, count: int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool:
+        if count > 0:
+            self.beginRemoveRows(parent, row, row+count-1)
+            for i in reversed(range(row, row+count)):
+                del self.mSensors[i]
+            self.endRemoveRows()
+    def loadSettings(self):
+        sensorSpecs = value(Keys.SensorSpecs, default={})
+        sensors = []
+        for id, specs in sensorSpecs.items():
+            sensor = SensorInstrument(id)
+            sensor.setName(specs['name'])
+            sensors.append(sensor)
+        self.addSensors(sensors)
+    def removeSensors(self, sensors:typing.List[SensorInstrument]):
+        assert isinstance(sensors, list)
+        n = len(sensors)
+        if n > 0:
+            self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), self.rowCount() - 1, self.rowCount() - 1 + n)
+            self.mSensors.extend(sensors)
+            self.endInsertRows()
+    def addSensors(self, sensors:typing.List[SensorInstrument]):
+        assert isinstance(sensors, list)
+        n = len(sensors)
+        if n > 0:
+            self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), self.rowCount()-1, self.rowCount() -1 + n)
+            self.mSensors.extend(sensors)
+            self.endInsertRows()
+    def saveSettings(self):
+        specs = dict()
+        for sensor in self.mSensors:
+            assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
+            specs[sensor.id()] = sensor.name()
+        setValue(Keys.SensorSpecs, specs)
+    def rowCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex())->int:
+        return len(self.mSensors)
+    def columnNames(self)->typing.List[str]:
+        return [self.mCNKey, self.mCNName]
+    def columnCount(self, parent: QModelIndex):
+        return len(self.columnNames())
+    def flags(self, index: QModelIndex):
+        flags = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable
+        cn = self.columnNames()[index.column()]
+        if cn == self.mCNName:
+            flags = flags | Qt.ItemIsEditable
+        return flags
+    def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
+        assert isinstance(section, int)
+        if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
+            return self.columnNames()[section]
+        elif orientation == Qt.Vertical and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
+            return section + 1
+        else:
+            return None
+    def sensor(self, index)->SensorInstrument:
+        if isinstance(index, int):
+            return self.mSensors[index]
+        else:
+            return self.mSensors[index.row()]
+    def data(self, index: QModelIndex, role: int):
+        if not index.isValid():
+            return None
+        sensor = self.sensor(index)
+        cn = self.columnNames()[index.column()]
+        if role in [Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.EditRole]:
+            if cn == self.mCNName:
+                return sensor.name()
+            if cn == self.mCNKey:
+                return sensor.id()
+        if role == Qt.BackgroundColorRole and not (self.flags(index) & Qt.ItemIsEditable):
+            return QColor('gray')
+        return None
+    def setData(self, index: QModelIndex, value: typing.Any, role: int = ...) -> bool:
+        if not index.isValid():
+            return False
+        changed = False
+        sensor = self.sensor(index)
+        cn = self.columnNames()[index.column()]
+        if cn == self.mCNName and isinstance(value, str):
+            sensor.setName(value)
+            changed = True
+        if changed:
+            self.dataChanged.emit(index, index, [role])
+        return changed
 class SettingsDialog(QDialog, loadUI('settingsdialog.ui')):
@@ -148,11 +343,16 @@ class SettingsDialog(QDialog, loadUI('settingsdialog.ui')):
             assert isinstance(e, enum.Enum)
             self.cbDateTimePrecission.addItem(e.name, e)
+        for e in SensorMatching:
+            assert isinstance(e, enum.Enum)
+            self.cbSensorMatching.addItem(e.value, e)
+        self.cbSensorMatching.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.validate)
@@ -166,18 +366,49 @@ class SettingsDialog(QDialog, loadUI('settingsdialog.ui')):
         self.mLastValues = dict()
+        self.mSensorSpecsModel = SensorSettingsTableModel()
+        self.mSensorSpecsProxyModel = QSortFilterProxyModel()
+        self.mSensorSpecsProxyModel.setSourceModel(self.mSensorSpecsModel)
+        self.tableViewSensorSettings.setModel(self.mSensorSpecsProxyModel)
+        sm = self.tableViewSensorSettings.selectionModel()
+        assert isinstance(sm, QItemSelectionModel)
+        sm.selectionChanged.connect(self.onSensorSettingsSelectionChanged)
+        self.btnDeleteSelectedSensors.setDefaultAction(self.actionDeleteSelectedSensors)
+        self.btnReloadSensorSettings.setDefaultAction(self.actionRefreshSensorList)
+        self.actionRefreshSensorList.triggered.connect(self.mSensorSpecsModel.reload)
+        self.actionDeleteSelectedSensors.triggered.connect(self.onRemoveSelectedSensors)
+        self.actionDeleteSelectedSensors.setEnabled(len(sm.selectedRows()) > 0)
+        self.mSensorSpecsModel.clear()
+    def onRemoveSelectedSensors(self):
+        sm = self.tableViewSensorSettings.selectionModel()
+        assert isinstance(sm, QItemSelectionModel)
+        for r in sm.selectedRows():
+            s = ""
+    def onSensorSettingsSelectionChanged(self, selected:QItemSelection, deselected:QItemSelection):
+        self.actionDeleteSelectedSensors.setEnabled(len(selected) > 0)
     def validate(self, *args):
         values = self.values()
     def onAccept(self):
-        pass
         values = self.values()
+        self.mSensorSpecsModel.saveSettings()
         if values != self.mLastValues:
@@ -194,6 +425,7 @@ class SettingsDialog(QDialog, loadUI('settingsdialog.ui')):
         d[Keys.VectorSourceDirectory] = self.mFileWidgetVectorSources.filePath()
         d[Keys.DateTimePrecision] = self.cbDateTimePrecission.currentData()
+        d[Keys.SensorMatching] = self.cbSensorMatching.currentData()
         d[Keys.MapSize] = QSize(self.sbMapSizeX.value(), self.sbMapSizeY.value())
         d[Keys.MapUpdateInterval] = self.sbMapRefreshIntervall.value()
         d[Keys.MapBackgroundColor] = self.mCanvasColorButton.color()
@@ -210,7 +442,10 @@ class SettingsDialog(QDialog, loadUI('settingsdialog.ui')):
         if isinstance(values, QSettings):
             d = dict()
             for k in values.allKeys():
-                d[k] = values.value(k)
+                try:
+                    d[k] = values.value(k)
+                except Exception as ex:
+                    s = "" #TypeError: unable to convert a QVariant back to a Python object
             values = d
         assert isinstance(values, dict)
@@ -232,6 +467,11 @@ class SettingsDialog(QDialog, loadUI('settingsdialog.ui')):
                 if i > -1:
+            if checkKey(key, Keys.SensorMatching):
+                i = self.cbSensorMatching.findData(value)
+                if i > -1:
+                    self.cbSensorMatching.setCurrentIndex(i)
             if checkKey(key, Keys.MapSize) and isinstance(value, QSize):
@@ -247,5 +487,3 @@ class SettingsDialog(QDialog, loadUI('settingsdialog.ui')):
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/stackedbandinput.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/stackedbandinput.py
index c6ff847a920f196f2ea1b2e4b7915399f3fb3461..347a698c0bc6aa29ba5e897444834980b5e197be 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/stackedbandinput.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/stackedbandinput.py
@@ -38,10 +38,17 @@ def datesFromDataset(dataset:gdal.Dataset)->list:
                 return False
         return True
-    searchedKeys = []
-    searchedKeys.append(re.compile('acquisition[ ]*dates$', re.I))
-    searchedKeys.append(re.compile('observation[ ]*dates$', re.I))
-    searchedKeys.append(re.compile('wavelength$', re.I))
+    searchedKeysDataSet = []
+    searchedKeysDataSet.append(re.compile('acquisition[ ]*dates$', re.I))
+    searchedKeysDataSet.append(re.compile('observation[ ]*dates$', re.I))
+    searchedKeysDataSet.append(re.compile('dates$', re.I))
+    searchedKeysDataSet.append(re.compile('wavelength$', re.I))
+    searchedKeysBand = []
+    searchedKeysBand.append(re.compile('acquisition[ ]*date$', re.I))
+    searchedKeysBand.append(re.compile('observation[ ]*date$', re.I))
+    searchedKeysBand.append(re.compile('date$', re.I))
+    searchedKeysBand.append(re.compile('wavelength$', re.I))
     #1. Check Metadata
     for domain in dataset.GetMetadataDomainList():
@@ -49,7 +56,7 @@ def datesFromDataset(dataset:gdal.Dataset)->list:
         assert isinstance(domainData, dict)
         for key, values in domainData.items():
-            for regex in searchedKeys:
+            for regex in searchedKeysDataSet:
                 if regex.search(key.strip()):
                     values = re.sub('[{}]', '', values)
                     values = values.split(',')
@@ -58,12 +65,46 @@ def datesFromDataset(dataset:gdal.Dataset)->list:
                         return dateValues
-    #2. Check Band Names
+    # 2. Search in band metadata
+    # 2.1. via GetDescription
     bandDates = [extractDateTimeGroup(dataset.GetRasterBand(b+1).GetDescription()) for b in range(nb)]
     bandDates = [b for b in bandDates if isinstance(b, np.datetime64)]
     if checkDates(bandDates):
         return bandDates
+    # 2.2 via Band Metadata
+    bandDates = []
+    for b in range(nb):
+        band = dataset.GetRasterBand(b+1)
+        assert isinstance(band, gdal.Band)
+        bandDate = None
+        for domain in band.GetMetadataDomainList():
+            md = band.GetMetadata_Dict(domain)
+            candidates = []
+            for k in md.keys():
+                for rx in searchedKeysBand:
+                    if rx.search(k):
+                        candidates.append(k)
+            for key in candidates:
+                assert isinstance(key, str)
+                DTG = extractDateTimeGroup(md[key])
+                if isinstance(DTG, np.datetime64):
+                    bandDate = DTG
+                    break
+            if isinstance(bandDate, np.datetime64):
+                break
+        if isinstance(bandDate, np.datetime64):
+            bandDates.append(bandDate)
+    if checkDates(bandDates):
+        return bandDates
     return []
 class InputStackInfo(object):
@@ -109,6 +150,7 @@ class InputStackInfo(object):
         self.bandnames = []
         self.nodatavalues = []
         for b in range(self.nb):
             band = dataset.GetRasterBand(b+1)
             assert isinstance(band, gdal.Band)
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles2d.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles.py
similarity index 84%
rename from eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles2d.py
rename to eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles.py
index eef24c79c9fc54bd111e5831d0d9cba31d4c8a59..0bdbf343c9f305c1c5748e353e040cbea2a0cc95 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles2d.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles.py
@@ -31,14 +31,15 @@ from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import *
 import numpy as np
 from osgeo import ogr, osr, gdal
 from .externals import pyqtgraph as pg
-from .externals.pyqtgraph import functions as fn, AxisItem
+from .externals.pyqtgraph import functions as fn, AxisItem, ScatterPlotItem, SpotItem, GraphicsScene
 from .externals.qps.plotstyling.plotstyling import PlotStyle
-from .timeseries import TimeSeries, TimeSeriesDate, SensorInstrument
+from .timeseries import TimeSeries, TimeSeriesDate, SensorInstrument, TimeSeriesSource
 from .pixelloader import PixelLoader, PixelLoaderTask
 from .utils import *
 from .externals.qps.speclib.spectrallibraries import createQgsField
 LABEL_TIME = 'Date'
 DEBUG = False
@@ -50,15 +51,25 @@ FN_ID = 'fid'
 FN_X = 'x'
 FN_Y = 'y'
 FN_NAME = 'name'
+FN_IS_NODATA ='is_nodata'
+FN_GEO_X = 'geo_x'
+FN_GEO_Y = 'geo_y'
+FN_PX_X = 'px_x'
+FN_PX_Y = 'px_y'
 #FN_N_TOTAL = 'n'
 #FN_N_NODATA = 'no_data'
 #FN_N_LOADED = 'loaded'
 #FN_N_LOADED_PERCENT = 'percent'
 regBandKey = re.compile(r"(?<!\w)b\d+(?!\w)", re.IGNORECASE)
 regBandKeyExact = re.compile(r'^' + regBandKey.pattern + '$', re.IGNORECASE)
     import OpenGL
@@ -69,36 +80,58 @@ except:
-def sensorExampleQgsFeature(sensor, singleBandOnly=False):
-    # populate with exemplary band values (generally stored as floats)
+def temporalProfileFeatureFields(sensor: SensorInstrument, singleBandOnly=False) -> QgsFields:
+    """
+    Returns the fields of a single temporal profile
+    :return:
+    """
+    assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
+    fields = QgsFields()
+    fields.append(createQgsField(FN_DTG, '2011-09-12', comment='Date-time-group'))
+    fields.append(createQgsField(FN_DOY, 42, comment='Day-of-year'))
+    fields.append(createQgsField(FN_GEO_X, 12.1233, comment='geo-coordinate x/east value'))
+    fields.append(createQgsField(FN_GEO_Y, 12.1233, comment='geo-coordinate y/north value'))
+    fields.append(createQgsField(FN_PX_X, 42, comment='pixel-coordinate x index'))
+    fields.append(createQgsField(FN_PX_Y, 24, comment='pixel-coordinate y index'))
-    if sensor is None:
-        singleBandOnly = True
-    fieldValues = collections.OrderedDict()
-    if singleBandOnly:
-        fieldValues['b'] = 1.0
-    else:
-        assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
-        for b in range(sensor.nb):
-            fn = bandIndex2bandKey(b)
-            fieldValues[fn] = 1.0
+    for b in range(sensor.nb):
+        bandKey = bandIndex2bandKey(b)
+        fields.append(createQgsField(bandKey, 1.0, comment='value band {}'.format(b+1)))
-    date = datetime.date.today()
-    doy = dateDOY(date)
-    fieldValues['doy'] = doy
-    fieldValues['date'] = str(date)
+    return fields
+def sensorExampleQgsFeature(sensor:SensorInstrument, singleBandOnly=False)->QgsFeature:
+    """
+    Returns an exemplary QgsFeature with value for a specific sensor
+    :param sensor: SensorInstrument
+    :param singleBandOnly:
+    :return:
+    """
+    # populate with exemplary band values (generally stored as floats)
-    fields = QgsFields()
-    for k, v in fieldValues.items():
-        fields.append(createQgsField(k,v))
+    fields = temporalProfileFeatureFields(sensor)
     f = QgsFeature(fields)
-    for k, v in fieldValues.items():
-        f.setAttribute(k, v)
+    pt = QgsPointXY(12.34567, 12.34567)
+    f.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(pt))
+    f.setAttribute(FN_GEO_X, pt.x())
+    f.setAttribute(FN_GEO_Y, pt.y())
+    f.setAttribute(FN_PX_X, 1)
+    f.setAttribute(FN_PX_Y, 1)
+    dtg = datetime.date.today()
+    doy = dateDOY(dtg)
+    f.setAttribute(FN_DTG, str(dtg))
+    f.setAttribute(FN_DOY, doy)
+    for b in range(sensor.nb):
+        bandKey = bandIndex2bandKey(b)
+        f.setAttribute(bandKey, 1.0)
     return f
 def dateDOY(date):
     if isinstance(date, np.datetime64):
         date = date.astype(datetime.date)
@@ -179,6 +212,7 @@ class DateTimePlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
     Subclass of PlotWidget
     def __init__(self, parent=None):
         Constructor of the widget
@@ -208,12 +242,14 @@ class DateTimePlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
         pi.addItem(self.mCrosshairLineV, ignoreBounds=True)
         pi.addItem(self.mCrosshairLineH, ignoreBounds=True)
+        assert isinstance(self.scene(), pg.GraphicsScene)
         self.proxy2D = pg.SignalProxy(self.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=60, slot=self.onMouseMoved2D)
     def resetViewBox(self):
     def onMouseMoved2D(self, evt):
         pos = evt[0]  ## using signal proxy turns original arguments into a tuple
@@ -328,6 +364,7 @@ class DateTimeViewBox(pg.ViewBox):
     Subclass of ViewBox
     sigMoveToDate = pyqtSignal(np.datetime64)
+    sigMoveToLocation = pyqtSignal(SpatialPoint)
     def __init__(self, parent=None):
         Constructor of the CustomViewBox
@@ -337,6 +374,7 @@ class DateTimeViewBox(pg.ViewBox):
         #self.menu = self.getMenu() # Create the menu
         #self.menu = None
         self.mCurrentDate = np.datetime64('today')
         self.mXAxisUnit = 'date'
         xAction = [a for a in self.menu.actions() if a.text() == 'X Axis'][0]
         yAction = [a for a in self.menu.actions() if a.text() == 'Y Axis'][0]
@@ -382,7 +420,11 @@ class DateTimeViewBox(pg.ViewBox):
         self.mActionMoveToDate = self.menu.addAction('Move to {}'.format(self.mCurrentDate))
-        self.mActionMoveToDate.triggered.connect(lambda : self.sigMoveToDate.emit(self.mCurrentDate))
+        self.mActionMoveToDate.triggered.connect(lambda *args : self.sigMoveToDate.emit(self.mCurrentDate))
+        #self.mActionMoveToProfile = self.menu.addAction('Move to profile location')
+        #self.mActionMoveToProfile.triggered.connect(lambda *args: self.sigM.emit(self.mCurrentDate))
         self.mActionShowCrosshair = self.menu.addAction('Show Crosshair')
@@ -429,6 +471,9 @@ class DateTimeViewBox(pg.ViewBox):
         pt = self.mapDeviceToView(ev.pos())
         self.updateCurrentDate(num2date(pt.x(), dt64=True))
+        plotDataItems = [item for item in self.scene().itemsNearEvent(ev) if isinstance(item, ScatterPlotItem) and isinstance(item.parentItem(), TemporalProfilePlotDataItem)]
         xRange, yRange = self.viewRange()
         t0 = num2date(xRange[0], qDate=True)
         t1 = num2date(xRange[1], qDate=True)
@@ -436,158 +481,28 @@ class DateTimeViewBox(pg.ViewBox):
         menu = self.getMenu(ev)
-        self.scene().addParentContextMenus(self, menu, ev)
-        menu.exec_(ev.screenPos().toPoint())
-class TemporalProfilePlotStyleBase(PlotStyle):
-    sigStyleUpdated = pyqtSignal()
-    sigDataUpdated = pyqtSignal()
-    sigExpressionUpdated = pyqtSignal()
-    sigSensorChanged = pyqtSignal(SensorInstrument)
-    def __init__(self, parent=None, temporalProfile=None):
-        super(TemporalProfilePlotStyleBase, self).__init__()
-        self.mSensor = None
-        self.mTP = None
-        self.mExpression = 'b1'
-        self.mPlotItems = []
-        self.mIsVisible = True
-        self.mShowLastLocation = True
-        if isinstance(temporalProfile, TemporalProfile):
-            self.setTemporalProfile(temporalProfile)
-    def showLastLocation(self)->bool:
-        """
-        """
-        return self.mShowLastLocation
-    def isPlotable(self):
-        return self.isVisible() and isinstance(self.temporalProfile(), TemporalProfile) and isinstance(self.sensor(), SensorInstrument)
-    def createPlotItem(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def temporalProfile(self):
-        return self.mTP
-    def setTemporalProfile(self, temporalPofile):
-        b = temporalPofile != self.mTP
-        self.mTP = temporalPofile
-        if temporalPofile in [None, QVariant()]:
-            s  =""
-        else:
-            assert isinstance(temporalPofile, TemporalProfile)
-        if b:
-            self.updateDataProperties()
-    def setSensor(self, sensor):
-        assert sensor is None or isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
-        b = sensor != self.mSensor
-        self.mSensor = sensor
-        if b:
-            self.update()
-            self.sigSensorChanged.emit(sensor)
-    def sensor(self):
-        return self.mSensor
-    def updateStyleProperties(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def updateDataProperties(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def update(self):
-        self.updateDataProperties()
-    def setExpression(self, exp):
-        assert isinstance(exp, str)
-        b = self.mExpression != exp
-        self.mExpression = exp
-        self.updateDataProperties()
-        if b:
-            self
-            self.sigExpressionUpdated.emit()
-    def expression(self):
-        return self.mExpression
-    def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol):
-        return self.__class__, (), self.__getstate__()
-    def __getstate__(self):
-        result = super(TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle, self).__getstate__()
-        #remove
-        del result['mTP']
-        del result['mSensor']
-        return result
-    def isVisible(self):
-        return self.mIsVisible
-    def setVisibility(self, b):
-        assert isinstance(b, bool)
-        old = self.isVisible()
-        self.mIsVisible = b
-        if b != old:
-            self.updateStyleProperties()
-            #self.update()
-    def copyFrom(self, plotStyle):
-        if isinstance(plotStyle, PlotStyle):
-            super(TemporalProfilePlotStyleBase, self).copyFrom(plotStyle)
-            self.updateStyleProperties()
-        if isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfilePlotStyleBase):
-            self.setExpression(plotStyle.expression())
-            self.setSensor(plotStyle.sensor())
-            self.setTemporalProfile(plotStyle.temporalProfile())
-            self.updateDataProperties()
-class TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle(TemporalProfilePlotStyleBase):
+        if len(plotDataItems) > 0:
+            s = ""
-    def __init__(self, temporalProfile=None):
-        super(TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle, self).__init__(temporalProfile=temporalProfile)
-        #PlotStyle.__init__(self)
-       #TemporalProfilePlotStyleBase.__init__(self, temporalProfile=temporalProfile)
+        self.scene().addParentContextMenus(self, menu, ev)
+        menu.exec_(ev.screenPos().toPoint())
-    def createPlotItem(self, plotWidget):
-        pdi = TemporalProfilePlotDataItem(self)
-        self.mPlotItems.append(pdi)
-        return pdi
-    def updateStyleProperties(self):
-        for pdi in self.mPlotItems:
-            assert isinstance(pdi, TemporalProfilePlotDataItem)
-            pdi.updateStyle()
-    def updateDataProperties(self):
-        for pdi in self.mPlotItems:
-            assert isinstance(pdi, TemporalProfilePlotDataItem)
-            pdi.updateDataAndStyle()
 class TemporalProfile(QObject):
     sigNameChanged = pyqtSignal(str)
-    sigDataChanged = pyqtSignal()
+    #sigDataChanged = pyqtSignal()
-    def __init__(self, layer, fid):
+    def __init__(self, layer, fid:int, geometry:QgsGeometry):
         super(TemporalProfile, self).__init__()
+        assert isinstance(geometry, QgsGeometry)
         assert isinstance(layer, TemporalProfileLayer)
         assert fid >= 0
         self.mID = fid
         self.mLayer = layer
         self.mTimeSeries = layer.timeSeries()
@@ -598,15 +513,26 @@ class TemporalProfile(QObject):
         for tsd in self.mTimeSeries:
             assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
-            meta = {'doy': tsd.mDOY,
-                    'date': str(tsd.mDate),
-                    'nodata': False}
+            meta = {FN_DOY: tsd.mDOY,
+                    FN_DTG: str(tsd.mDate),
+                    FN_IS_NODATA: False}
             self.updateData(tsd, meta, skipStatusUpdate=True)
-        #self.updateLoadingStatus()
-        s = ""
+        self.mGEOM_CACHE = dict()
+    def printData(self, sensor:SensorInstrument=None):
+        """
+        Prints the entire temporal profile. For debug purposes.
+        """
+        for tsd in sorted(self.mData.keys()):
+            assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
+            data = self.mData[tsd]
+            if isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument) and tsd.sensor() != sensor:
+                continue
+            assert isinstance(data, dict)
+            info = '{}:{}={}'.format(tsd.date(), tsd.sensor().name(), str(data))
+            print(info)
     def __hash__(self):
         return hash('{}{}'.format(self.mID, self.mLayer.layerId()))
@@ -623,8 +549,24 @@ class TemporalProfile(QObject):
         return other.mID == self.mID and self.mLayer == other.mLayer
-    def geometry(self):
-        return self.mLayer.getFeature(self.mID).geometry()
+    def geometry(self, crs:QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem=None)->QgsGeometry:
+        """
+        Returns the geometry
+        :param crs:
+        :return: QgsGeometry. usually a  QgsPoint
+        """
+        g = self.mLayer.getFeature(self.mID).geometry()
+        if not isinstance(g, QgsGeometry):
+            return None
+        if isinstance(crs, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem) and crs != self.mLayer.crs():
+            trans = QgsCoordinateTransform()
+            trans.setSourceCrs(self.mLayer.crs())
+            trans.setDestinationCrs(crs)
+            g.transform(trans)
+        return g
     def coordinate(self)->SpatialPoint:
@@ -662,58 +604,32 @@ class TemporalProfile(QObject):
     def timeSeries(self):
         return self.mTimeSeries
-    def pullDataUpdate(self, d):
-        assert isinstance(d, PixelLoaderTask)
-        if d.success() and self.mID in d.temporalProfileIDs:
-            i = d.temporalProfileIDs.index(self.mID)
-            tsd = self.mTimeSeries.getTSD(d.sourcePath)
-            assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
-            values = {}
-            if d.validPixelValues(i):
-                profileData = d.resProfiles[i]
-                vMean, vStd = profileData
-                validValues = not isinstance(vMean, str)
-                # 1. add the pixel values per returned band
-                for iBand, bandIndex in enumerate(d.bandIndices):
-                    key = 'b{}'.format(bandIndex + 1)
-                    values[key] = vMean[iBand] if validValues else None
-                    key = 'std{}'.format(bandIndex + 1)
-                    values[key] = vStd[iBand] if validValues else None
-            else:
-                values['nodata'] = True
-            self.updateData(tsd, values)
-    def loadMissingData(self, showGUI=False):
+    def loadMissingData(self):
-        Loads the missing data for this profile.
-        :return:
+        Loads the missing data for this profile (synchronous eexecution, may take some time).
-        from eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader import PixelLoaderTask, doLoaderTask
         tasks = []
         for tsd in self.mTimeSeries:
             assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
             missingIndices = self.missingBandIndices(tsd)
             if len(missingIndices) > 0:
-                for pathImg in tsd.sourceUris():
-                    task = PixelLoaderTask(pathImg, [self.coordinate()],
-                                           bandIndices=missingIndices,
-                                           temporalProfileIDs=[self.mID])
-                    tasks.append(task)
-        for task in tasks:
-            result = PixelLoaderTask.fromDump(doLoaderTask(None, task))
-            assert isinstance(result, PixelLoaderTask)
-            self.pullDataUpdate(result)
+                for tss in tsd:
+                    assert isinstance(tss, TimeSeriesSource)
+                    if tss.spatialExtent().contains(self.coordinate().toCrs(tss.crs())):
+                        task = TemporalProfileLoaderTask(tss, [self], bandIndices=missingIndices)
+                        tasks.append(task)
+        results = doLoadTemporalProfileTasks(TaskMock(), pickle.dumps(tasks))
+        ts = self.timeSeries()
+        for result in pickle.loads(results):
+            assert isinstance(result, TemporalProfileLoaderTask)
+            tsd = ts.getTSD(result.mSourcePath)
+            assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
+            for tpId, data in result.mRESULTS.items():
+                if tpId == self.id():
+                    self.updateData(tsd, data)
     def missingBandIndices(self, tsd, requiredIndices=None):
@@ -726,7 +642,12 @@ class TemporalProfile(QObject):
         if requiredIndices is None:
             requiredIndices = list(range(tsd.mSensor.nb))
         requiredIndices = [i for i in requiredIndices if i >= 0 and i < tsd.mSensor.nb]
         existingBandIndices = [bandKey2bandIndex(k) for k in self.data(tsd).keys() if regBandKeyExact.search(k)]
+        if FN_PX_X not in self.data(tsd).keys() and len(requiredIndices) == 0:
+            requiredIndices.append(0)
         return [i for i in requiredIndices if i not in existingBandIndices]
@@ -751,13 +672,22 @@ class TemporalProfile(QObject):
         assert isinstance(values, dict)
         if tsd not in self.mData.keys():
-            self.mData[tsd] = {}
+            self.mData[tsd] = dict()
+        values2 = self.mData.get(tsd)
+        assert isinstance(values2, dict)
+        for k, v in values.items():
+            if v in [None, np.NaN] and k not in values2.keys():
+                    values2[k] = v
+            else:
+                values2[k] = v
+        #self.mData[tsd].update(values)
-        self.mData[tsd].update(values)
         if not skipStatusUpdate:
             self.mUpdated = True
-            self.sigDataChanged.emit()
+            #self.sigDataChanged.emit()
     def resetUpdatedFlag(self):
         self.mUpdated = False
@@ -765,7 +695,7 @@ class TemporalProfile(QObject):
     def updated(self):
         return self.mUpdated
-    def dataFromExpression(self, sensor, expression:str, dateType='date'):
+    def dataFromExpression(self, sensor:SensorInstrument, expression:str, dateType='date'):
         assert dateType in ['date', 'doy']
         x = []
         y = []
@@ -776,39 +706,52 @@ class TemporalProfile(QObject):
         assert isinstance(expression, QgsExpression)
         expression = QgsExpression(expression)
-        # define required QgsFields
-        fields = QgsFields()
         sensorTSDs = sorted([tsd for tsd in self.mData.keys() if tsd.sensor() == sensor])
-        for tsd in sensorTSDs:
-            data = self.mData[tsd]
-            for k, v in data.items():
-                if v is not None and fields.indexFromName(k) == -1:
-                    fields.append(createQgsField(k, v))
+        # define required QgsFields
+        fields = temporalProfileFeatureFields(sensor)
+        geo_x = self.geometry().centroid().get().x()
+        geo_y = self.geometry().centroid().get().y()
         for i, tsd in enumerate(sensorTSDs):
             assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
             data = self.mData[tsd]
+            if dateType == 'date':
+                xValue = date2num(tsd.mDate)
+            elif dateType == 'doy':
+                xValue = tsd.mDOY
             context = QgsExpressionContext()
-             #scope = QgsExpressionContextScope()
             f = QgsFeature(fields)
-            for k, v in data.items():
-                setQgsFieldValue(f, k, v)
+            # set static properties (same for all TSDs)
+            f.setGeometry(QgsGeometry(self.geometry()))
+            f.setAttribute(FN_GEO_X, geo_x)
+            f.setAttribute(FN_GEO_Y, geo_y)
+            # set TSD specific properties
+            f.setAttribute(FN_DOY, tsd.doy())
+            f.setAttribute(FN_DTG, str(tsd.date()))
+            for fn in fields.names():
+                if fn in data.keys():
+                    setQgsFieldValue(f, fn, data[fn])
-            value = expression.evaluate(context)
+            yValue = expression.evaluate(context)
+            if yValue in [None, QVariant()]:
+                yValue = np.NaN
-            if value in [None, QVariant()]:
-                s = ""
-            else:
-                if dateType == 'date':
-                    x.append(date2num(tsd.mDate))
-                elif dateType == 'doy':
-                    x.append(tsd.mDOY)
-                y.append(value)
+            y.append(yValue)
+            x.append(xValue)
         #return np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y)
         assert len(x) == len(y)
@@ -868,7 +811,7 @@ class TemporalProfile(QObject):
     def isNoData(self, tsd):
         assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
-        return self.mData[tsd]['nodata']
+        return self.mData[tsd][FN_IS_NODATA]
     def hasData(self, tsd):
         assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
@@ -878,6 +821,245 @@ class TemporalProfile(QObject):
         return 'TemporalProfile {} "{}"'.format(self.id(), self.name())
+class TemporalProfilePlotStyleBase(PlotStyle):
+    sigStyleUpdated = pyqtSignal()
+    sigDataUpdated = pyqtSignal()
+    sigExpressionUpdated = pyqtSignal()
+    sigSensorChanged = pyqtSignal(SensorInstrument)
+    def __init__(self, parent=None, temporalProfile=None):
+        super(TemporalProfilePlotStyleBase, self).__init__()
+        self.mSensor = None
+        self.mTP = None
+        self.mExpression = 'b1'
+        self.mPlotItems = []
+        self.mIsVisible = True
+        self.mShowLastLocation = True
+        if isinstance(temporalProfile, TemporalProfile):
+            self.setTemporalProfile(temporalProfile)
+    def showLastLocation(self)->bool:
+        """
+        """
+        return self.mShowLastLocation
+    def isPlotable(self):
+        return self.isVisible() and isinstance(self.temporalProfile(), TemporalProfile) and isinstance(self.sensor(), SensorInstrument)
+    def createPlotItem(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def temporalProfile(self):
+        return self.mTP
+    def setTemporalProfile(self, temporalPofile):
+        b = temporalPofile != self.mTP
+        self.mTP = temporalPofile
+        if temporalPofile in [None, QVariant()]:
+            s  =""
+        else:
+            assert isinstance(temporalPofile, TemporalProfile)
+        if b:
+            self.updateDataProperties()
+    def setSensor(self, sensor):
+        assert sensor is None or isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
+        b = sensor != self.mSensor
+        self.mSensor = sensor
+        if b:
+            self.update()
+            self.sigSensorChanged.emit(sensor)
+    def sensor(self):
+        return self.mSensor
+    def updateStyleProperties(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def updateDataProperties(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update(self):
+        self.updateDataProperties()
+    def setExpression(self, exp):
+        assert isinstance(exp, str)
+        b = self.mExpression != exp
+        self.mExpression = exp
+        self.updateDataProperties()
+        if b:
+            self
+            self.sigExpressionUpdated.emit()
+    def expression(self):
+        return self.mExpression
+    def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol):
+        return self.__class__, (), self.__getstate__()
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        result = super(TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle, self).__getstate__()
+        #remove
+        del result['mTP']
+        del result['mSensor']
+        return result
+    def isVisible(self):
+        return self.mIsVisible
+    def setVisibility(self, b):
+        assert isinstance(b, bool)
+        old = self.isVisible()
+        self.mIsVisible = b
+        if b != old:
+            self.updateStyleProperties()
+            #self.update()
+    def copyFrom(self, plotStyle):
+        if isinstance(plotStyle, PlotStyle):
+            super(TemporalProfilePlotStyleBase, self).copyFrom(plotStyle)
+            self.updateStyleProperties()
+        if isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfilePlotStyleBase):
+            self.setExpression(plotStyle.expression())
+            self.setSensor(plotStyle.sensor())
+            self.setTemporalProfile(plotStyle.temporalProfile())
+            self.updateDataProperties()
+class TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle(TemporalProfilePlotStyleBase):
+    def __init__(self, temporalProfile=None):
+        super(TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle, self).__init__(temporalProfile=temporalProfile)
+        #PlotStyle.__init__(self)
+       #TemporalProfilePlotStyleBase.__init__(self, temporalProfile=temporalProfile)
+    def createPlotItem(self, plotWidget):
+        pdi = TemporalProfilePlotDataItem(self)
+        self.mPlotItems.append(pdi)
+        return pdi
+    def updateStyleProperties(self):
+        for pdi in self.mPlotItems:
+            assert isinstance(pdi, TemporalProfilePlotDataItem)
+            pdi.updateStyle()
+    def updateDataProperties(self):
+        for pdi in self.mPlotItems:
+            assert isinstance(pdi, TemporalProfilePlotDataItem)
+            pdi.updateDataAndStyle()
+class TemporalProfileLoaderTask(object):
+    """
+    An object to loading temporal profile values from a *single* raster source.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, tss:TimeSeriesSource, temporalProfiles: list, bandIndices=None):
+        assert isinstance(temporalProfiles, list)
+        self.mId = ''
+        self.mTSS = tss
+        # assert isinstance(source, str) or isinstance(source, unicode)
+        self.mSourcePath = tss.uri()
+        self.mGeometries = {}
+        self.mRESULTS = {}
+        self.mERRORS = []
+        for tp in temporalProfiles:
+            assert isinstance(tp, TemporalProfile)
+            # save geometry as WKT to be pickable
+            self.mGeometries[tp.id()] = tp.geometry(tss.crs()).asWkt()
+        if bandIndices is None:
+            bandIndices = list(range(tss.nb))
+        self.mBandIndices = bandIndices
+def doLoadTemporalProfileTasks(qgsTask:QgsTask, dump):
+    assert isinstance(qgsTask, QgsTask)
+    tasks = pickle.loads(dump)
+    assert isinstance(tasks, list)
+    n = len(tasks)
+    qgsTask.setProgress(0)
+    results = []
+    for i, task in enumerate(tasks):
+        assert isinstance(task, TemporalProfileLoaderTask)
+        try:
+            ds = gdal.Open(task.mSourcePath)
+            assert isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset)
+            nb, ns, nl = ds.RasterCount, ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize
+            gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
+            pxIndices = {}
+            # calculate pixel indices to load
+            for tpId, wkt in task.mGeometries.items():
+                geom = QgsGeometry.fromWkt(wkt)
+                assert isinstance(geom, QgsGeometry)
+                pt = geom.centroid().asPoint()
+                px = geo2px(pt, gt)
+                if px.x() < 0 or px.x() > ns or px.y() < 0  or px.y() > nl:
+                    task.mERRORS.append('TemporalProfile {} is out of image bounds: {} = pixel {}'.format(tpId, geom, px))
+                    continue
+                task.mRESULTS[tpId] = {'px_x':px.x(),
+                                       'px_y':px.y(),
+                                       'geo_x':pt.x(),
+                                       'geo_y':px.y(),
+                                       'gt':gt}
+                pxIndices[tpId] = px
+            # todo: implement load balancing
+            for j, bandIndex in enumerate([b for b in task.mBandIndices if b >= 0 and b < nb]):
+                band = ds.GetRasterBand(bandIndex + 1)
+                assert isinstance(band, gdal.Band)
+                no_data = band.GetNoDataValue()
+                bandName = 'b{}'.format(bandIndex + 1)
+                for tpId, px in pxIndices.items():
+                    assert isinstance(px, QPoint)
+                    value = band.ReadAsArray(px.x(), px.y(), 1, 1).flatten()[0]
+                    if no_data and value == no_data:
+                        value = np.NaN
+                    task.mRESULTS[tpId][bandName] = value
+        except Exception as ex:
+            task.mERRORS.append('Error source image {}:\n{}'.format(task.mSourcePath, ex))
+        results.append(task)
+        qgsTask.setProgress(100 * (i + 1) / n)
+    return pickle.dumps(results)
 class TemporalProfilePlotDataItem(pg.PlotDataItem):
     def __init__(self, plotStyle, parent=None):
@@ -946,10 +1128,9 @@ class TemporalProfilePlotDataItem(pg.PlotDataItem):
         if isinstance(TP, TemporalProfile) and isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument):
             x, y = TP.dataFromExpression(self.mPlotStyle.sensor(), self.mPlotStyle.expression(), dateType='date')
-            if len(y) > 0:
-                #x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float)
-                #y = np.asarray(y, dtype=np.float)
-                self.setData(x=x, y=y)
+            if np.any(np.isfinite(y)):
+                self.setData(x=x, y=y, connect='finite')
                 self.setData(x=[], y=[]) # dummy
@@ -1100,69 +1281,7 @@ class TemporalProfileLayer(QgsVectorLayer):
     def __getitem__(self, slice):
         return list(self.mProfiles.values())[slice]
-    def loadMissingData(self, backgroundProcess=False):
-        assert isinstance(self.mTimeSeries, TimeSeries)
-        # Get or create the TimeSeriesProfiles which will store the loaded values
-        tasks = []
-        theGeometries = []
-        # Define which (new) bands need to be loaded for each sensor
-        LUT_bandIndices = dict()
-        for sensor in self.mTimeSeries.sensors():
-                LUT_bandIndices[sensor] = list(range(sensor.nb))
-        PL = PixelLoader()
-        PL.sigPixelLoaded.connect(self.addPixelLoaderResult)
-        # update new / existing points
-        for tsd in self.mTimeSeries:
-            assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
-            requiredIndices = LUT_bandIndices[tsd.mSensor]
-            requiredIndexKeys = [bandIndex2bandKey(b) for b in requiredIndices]
-            TPs = []
-            missingIndices = set()
-            for TP in self.mProfiles.values():
-                assert isinstance(TP, TemporalProfile)
-                dataValues = TP.mData[tsd]
-                existingKeys = list(dataValues.keys())
-                missingIdx = [bandKey2bandIndex(k) for k in requiredIndexKeys if k not in existingKeys]
-                if len(missingIdx) > 0:
-                    TPs.append(TP)
-                    missingIndices.union(set(missingIdx))
-            if len(TPs) > 0:
-                theGeometries = [tp.coordinate() for tp in TPs]
-                theIDs = [tp.id() for tp in TPs]
-                for pathImg in tsd.sourceUris():
-                    task = PixelLoaderTask(pathImg, theGeometries,
-                                           bandIndices=requiredIndices,
-                                           temporalProfileIDs=theIDs)
-                    tasks.append(task)
-        if len(tasks) > 0:
-            if backgroundProcess:
-                PL.startLoading(tasks)
-            else:
-                import eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader
-                tasks = [PixelLoaderTask.fromDump(eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader.doLoaderTask(None, task.toDump())) for task in tasks]
-                l = len(tasks)
-                for i, task in enumerate(tasks):
-                    PL.sigPixelLoaded.emit(task)
-        else:
-            if DEBUG:
-                print('Data for geometries already loaded')
-        s = ""
-    def saveTemporalProfiles(self, pathVector, loadMissingValues=False, sep='\t'):
+    def saveTemporalProfiles(self, pathVector, sep='\t'):
         if pathVector is None or len(pathVector) == 0:
             global DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH
             if DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH == None:
@@ -1177,11 +1296,6 @@ class TemporalProfileLayer(QgsVectorLayer):
                 DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH = pathVector
-        if loadMissingValues:
-            self.loadMissingData(backgroundProcess=False)
-            for p in self.mProfiles.values():
-                assert isinstance(p, TemporalProfile)
-                p.loadMissingData()
         drvName = QgsVectorFileWriter.driverForExtension(os.path.splitext(pathVector)[-1])
         QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(self, pathVector, 'utf-8', destCRS=self.crs(), driverName=drvName)
@@ -1190,7 +1304,7 @@ class TemporalProfileLayer(QgsVectorLayer):
         # write a flat list of profiles
         csvLines = ['Temporal Profiles']
         nBands = max([s.nb for s in self.mTimeSeries.sensors()])
-        csvLines.append(sep.join(['id', 'name', 'sensor', 'date', 'doy', 'sensor'] + ['b{}'.format(b+1) for b in range(nBands)]))
+        csvLines.append(sep.join(['id', 'name', 'sensor', 'date', 'doy'] + ['b{}'.format(b+1) for b in range(nBands)]))
         for p in list(self.getFeatures()):
@@ -1244,7 +1358,7 @@ class TemporalProfileLayer(QgsVectorLayer):
                 fid = feature.id()
                 if fid < 0:
-                tp = TemporalProfile(self, fid)
+                tp = TemporalProfile(self, fid, feature.geometry())
                 self.mProfiles[fid] = tp
@@ -1360,7 +1474,7 @@ class TemporalProfileLayer(QgsVectorLayer):
         self.beginEditCommand('Add {} profile locations'.format(len(features)))
-        success = self.addFeatures(features)
+        self.addFeatures(features)
@@ -1369,7 +1483,6 @@ class TemporalProfileLayer(QgsVectorLayer):
         profiles = [self.mProfiles[f.id()] for f in newFeatures]
         return profiles
     def saveEdits(self, leaveEditable=False, triggerRepaint=True):
         function to save layer changes-
@@ -1402,7 +1515,6 @@ class TemporalProfileLayer(QgsVectorLayer):
     def __len__(self):
         return self.dataProvider().featureCount()
@@ -1414,7 +1526,6 @@ class TemporalProfileLayer(QgsVectorLayer):
     def __contains__(self, item):
         return item in self.mProfiles.values()
     def temporalProfileToLocationFeature(self, tp:TemporalProfile):
@@ -1424,29 +1535,12 @@ class TemporalProfileLayer(QgsVectorLayer):
         return None
     def fromSpatialPoint(self, spatialPoint):
         """ Tests if a Temporal Profile already exists for the given spatialPoint"""
         for p in list(self.mProfiles.values()):
             assert isinstance(p, TemporalProfile)
             if p.coordinate() == spatialPoint:
                 return p
-        """
-        spatialPoint = spatialPoint.toCrs(self.crs())
-        unit = QgsUnitTypes.toAbbreviatedString(self.crs().mapUnits()).lower()
-        x = spatialPoint.x() + 0.00001
-        y = spatialPoint.y() + 0.
-        if 'degree' in unit:
-            dx = dy = 0.000001
-        else:
-            dx = dy = 0.1
-        rect = QgsRectangle(x-dx,y-dy, x+dy,y+dy)
-        for f  in self.getFeatures(rect):
-            return self.mProfiles[f.id()]
-        """
         return None
     def removeTemporalProfiles(self, temporalProfiles):
@@ -1527,8 +1621,21 @@ class TemporalProfileLayer(QgsVectorLayer):
                     s = ""
+        else:
+            s = ""
     def clear(self):
+        """
+        Removes all temporal profiles
+        """
+        b = self.isEditable()
+        self.startEditing()
+        fids = self.allFeatureIds()
+        self.deleteFeatures(fids)
+        self.commitChanges()
+        if b:
+            self.startEditing()
         #todo: remove TS Profiles
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles3d.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles3d.py
index 0fb19a7034f4a9312be2c34dfc8714a6fd68e579..fba43b5453b69c8ad4650f9bfe61e3c52adebf0d 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles3d.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles3d.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from PyQt5.QtGui import *
 from eotimeseriesviewer.externals.qps.models import Option, OptionListModel
-from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles2d import *
+from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles import *
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles3dGL.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles3dGL.py
index 0bc439016068e2f0ef3012172346954773e1ca96..53537e7855962a86999445b0d58b745d1e52ba3e 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles3dGL.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/temporalprofiles3dGL.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ from pyqtgraph.opengl import *
 from pyqtgraph.opengl.GLGraphicsItem import GLGraphicsItem
 from pyqtgraph.Vector import Vector
-from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles2d import *
+from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles import *
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/tests.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/tests.py
index febf4ab9c1b8e9eafa4068e0a12b73dbe443030b..732c3becc7615ce23f5950771b67a5507aafc80b 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/tests.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/tests.py
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class TestObjects(eotimeseriesviewer.externals.qps.testing.TestObjects):
         TS = TimeSeries()
         files = file_search(DIR_EXAMPLES, '*.tif', recursive=True)
-        TS.addSources(list(files))
+        TS.addSources(list(files), runAsync=False)
         assert len(TS) > 0
         return TS
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class TestObjects(eotimeseriesviewer.externals.qps.testing.TestObjects):
     def createTimeSeriesStacks():
         vsiDir = '/vsimem/tmp'
-        from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles2d import date2num
+        from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles import date2num
         ns = 50
         nl = 100
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/timeseries.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/timeseries.py
index f318a53b706c7562d7cf58e405ed0aaf597b8f5a..87ba3d75ae412b8d1a7233edabd341ec52847864 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/timeseries.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/timeseries.py
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *
 from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import *
 from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *
+DEFAULT_WKT = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:4326').toWkt()
 for siUnit in [r'nm', r'μm', r'mm', r'cm', r'dm']:
@@ -46,8 +47,9 @@ LUT_WAVELENGTH_UNITS[r'decimeters'] = r'dm'
 from osgeo import gdal
+from eotimeseriesviewer import LOG_MESSAGE_TAG
 from eotimeseriesviewer.dateparser import DOYfromDatetime64
-from eotimeseriesviewer.utils import SpatialExtent, loadUI, px2geo
+from eotimeseriesviewer.utils import SpatialExtent, loadUI, px2geo, geo2px, SpatialPoint
 gdal.SetConfigOption('VRT_SHARED_SOURCE', '0') #!important. really. do not change this.
@@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ def getDS(pathOrDataset)->gdal.Dataset:
-def sensorID(nb:int, px_size_x:float, px_size_y:float, dt:int, wl:list, wlu:str)->str:
+def sensorID(nb:int, px_size_x:float, px_size_y:float, dt:int, wl:list, wlu:str, name:str)->str:
     Create a sensor ID
     :param nb: number of bands
@@ -136,7 +138,10 @@ def sensorID(nb:int, px_size_x:float, px_size_y:float, dt:int, wl:list, wlu:str)
     if wlu != None:
         assert isinstance(wlu, str)
-    return json.dumps((nb, px_size_x, px_size_y, dt, wl, wlu))
+    if name != None:
+        assert isinstance(name, str)
+    return json.dumps((nb, px_size_x, px_size_y, dt, wl, wlu, name))
 def sensorIDtoProperties(idString:str)->tuple:
@@ -144,17 +149,24 @@ def sensorIDtoProperties(idString:str)->tuple:
     :param idString: str
     :return: (ns, px_size_x, px_size_y, [wl], wlu)
-    nb, px_size_x, px_size_y, dt, wl, wlu = json.loads(idString)
+    try:
+        nb, px_size_x, px_size_y, dt, wl, wlu, name = json.loads(idString)
+    except ValueError as ex:
+        if ex.args[0] == 'not enough values to unpack (expected 7, got 6)':
+            nb, px_size_x, px_size_y, dt, wl, wlu = json.loads(idString)
+            name = None
     assert isinstance(dt, int) and dt >= 0
     assert isinstance(nb, int)
-    assert isinstance(px_size_x, (int,float)) and px_size_x > 0
+    assert isinstance(px_size_x, (int, float)) and px_size_x > 0
     assert isinstance(px_size_y, (int, float)) and px_size_y > 0
     if wl != None:
         assert isinstance(wl, list)
     if wlu != None:
         assert isinstance(wlu, str)
-    return nb, px_size_x, px_size_y, dt, wl, wlu
+    if name != None:
+        assert isinstance(name, str)
+    return nb, px_size_x, px_size_y, dt, wl, wlu, name
 class SensorInstrument(QObject):
@@ -173,12 +185,18 @@ class SensorInstrument(QObject):
                             'swIR2': 2150
-    def __init__(self, sid:str, sensor_name:str=None, band_names:list = None):
+    def __init__(self, sid:str, band_names:list = None):
         super(SensorInstrument, self).__init__()
         self.mId = sid
-        self.nb, self.px_size_x, self.px_size_y, self.dataType, self.wl, self.wlu = sensorIDtoProperties(self.mId)
+        self.nb:int
+        self.px_size_x:float
+        self.px_size_y:float
+        self.dataType:int
+        self.wl:list
+        self.wlu:str
+        self.nb, self.px_size_x, self.px_size_y, self.dataType, self.wl, self.wlu,  self.mNameOriginal = sensorIDtoProperties(self.mId)
+        self.mName = ''
         if not isinstance(band_names, list):
             band_names = ['Band {}'.format(b+1) for b in range(self.nb)]
@@ -191,13 +209,17 @@ class SensorInstrument(QObject):
             self.wl = np.asarray(self.wl)
-        if sensor_name is None:
-            from eotimeseriesviewer.settings import value, Keys
-            sensorNames = value(Keys.SensorNames)
-            sensor_name = sensorNames.get(sid, '{}bands@{}m'.format(self.nb, self.px_size_x))
-        self.mName = ''
-        self.setName(sensor_name)
+        if self.mNameOriginal in [None, '']:
+            from eotimeseriesviewer.settings import sensorName
+            sensor_name = sensorName(sid)
+            if sensor_name is None:
+                sensor_name = '{}bands@{}m'.format(self.nb, self.px_size_x)
+            self.setName(sensor_name)
+        else:
+            self.setName(self.mNameOriginal)
         self.hashvalue = hash(self.mId)
@@ -205,6 +227,14 @@ class SensorInstrument(QObject):
         import uuid
         path = '/vsimem/mockupImage.{}.bsq'.format(uuid.uuid4())
         self.mMockupDS = TestObjects.inMemoryImage(path=path, nb=self.nb, eType=self.dataType, ns=2, nl=2)
+        if self.wl is not None:
+            self.mMockupDS.SetMetadataItem('wavelength', '{{{}}}'.format(','.join(str(wl) for wl in self.wl)))
+        if self.wlu is not None:
+            self.mMockupDS.SetMetadataItem('wavelength units', self.wlu)
+        self.mMockupDS.FlushCache()
+        s = ""
     def bandIndexClosestToWavelength(self, wl, wl_unit='nm')->int:
@@ -251,14 +281,12 @@ class SensorInstrument(QObject):
         Sets the sensor/product name
         :param name: str
         if name != self.mName:
+            assert isinstance(name, str)
             self.mName = name
-            from eotimeseriesviewer.settings import Keys, value, setValue
-            sensorNames = value(Keys.SensorNames)
-            sensorNames[self.id()] = name
-            setValue(Keys.SensorNames, sensorNames)
+            from eotimeseriesviewer.settings import saveSensorName
+            saveSensorName(self)
     def name(self)->str:
@@ -377,6 +405,7 @@ class TimeSeriesSource(object):
             if provider == 'gdal':
                 ds = gdal.Open(lyr.source())
+                s = ""
             elif provider == 'wcs':
                 parts = urllib.parse.parse_qs(lyr.source())
                 url = re.search(r'^[^?]+', parts['url'][0]).group()
@@ -397,11 +426,12 @@ class TimeSeriesSource(object):
         elif isinstance(source, str):
             ds = gdal.Open(source)
+            s = ""
         elif isinstance(source, gdal.Dataset):
             ds = source
-        else:
+        if not isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset):
             raise Exception('Unsupported source: {}'.format(source))
         return TimeSeriesSource(ds)
@@ -410,7 +440,6 @@ class TimeSeriesSource(object):
         self.mUri = None
         self.mDrv = None
-        self.mGT = None
         self.mWKT = None
         self.mCRS = None
         self.mWL = None
@@ -449,17 +478,24 @@ class TimeSeriesSource(object):
             self.mWKT = dataset.GetProjection()
             if self.mWKT == '':
                 # no CRS? try with QGIS API
-                lyr = QgsRasterLayer(self.mUri)
+                loptions = QgsRasterLayer.LayerOptions(loadDefaultStyle=False)
+                lyr = QgsRasterLayer(self.mUri, options=loptions)
                 if lyr.crs().isValid():
                     self.mWKT = lyr.crs().toWkt()
+            if self.mWKT == '':
+                # default to WGS-84 lat lon
+                self.mWKT = str(DEFAULT_WKT)
             self.mCRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(self.mWKT)
             px_x = float(abs(self.mGeoTransform[1]))
             px_y = float(abs(self.mGeoTransform[5]))
             self.mGSD = (px_x, px_y)
             self.mDataType = dataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType
-            self.mSid = sensorID(self.nb, px_x, px_y, self.mDataType, self.mWL, self.mWLU)
+            sName = sensorName(dataset)
+            self.mSidOriginal = self.mSid = sensorID(self.nb, px_x, px_y, self.mDataType, self.mWL, self.mWLU, sName)
             self.mUL = QgsPointXY(*px2geo(QPoint(0, 0), self.mGeoTransform, pxCenter=False))
@@ -504,6 +540,7 @@ class TimeSeriesSource(object):
         self.mUL = QgsPointXY(QgsGeometry.fromWkt(self.mUL).asPoint())
         self.mLR = QgsPointXY(QgsGeometry.fromWkt(self.mLR).asPoint())
         self.mDate = np.datetime64(self.mDate)
+        self.mSpatialExtent = None
     def __getstate__(self):
@@ -546,6 +583,30 @@ class TimeSeriesSource(object):
         uri.layerType = 'raster'
         return uri
+    def asRasterLayer(self)->QgsRasterLayer:
+        return QgsRasterLayer(self.uri(), self.name(), 'gdal')
+    def pixelCoordinate(self, geometry)->QPoint:
+        """
+        :param QgsGeometry | QgsPoint | SpatialPoint:
+        :return: QPoint, if coordinate interects with source raster, None else
+        """
+        if isinstance(geometry, QgsGeometry):
+            geometry = geometry.asPoint()
+        if isinstance(geometry, QgsPoint):
+            geometry = QgsPointXY(geometry.x(), geometry.y())
+        if isinstance(geometry, SpatialPoint):
+            geometry = geometry.toCrs(self.crs())
+        assert isinstance(geometry, QgsPointXY)
+        px = geo2px(geometry, self.mGeoTransform)
+        assert isinstance(px, QPoint)
+        if px.x() < 0 or px.y() < 0 or px.x() >= self.ns or px.y() > self.nl:
+            return None
+        return px
     def sid(self)->str:
         Returns the sensor id
@@ -574,7 +635,9 @@ class TimeSeriesSource(object):
         return self.mCRS
     def spatialExtent(self)->SpatialExtent:
-        return SpatialExtent(self.mCRS, self.mUL, self.mLR)
+        if not isinstance(self.mSpatialExtent, SpatialExtent):
+            self.mSpatialExtent = SpatialExtent(self.mCRS, self.mUL, self.mLR)
+        return self.mSpatialExtent
     def __eq__(self, other):
         if not isinstance(other, TimeSeriesSource):
@@ -584,7 +647,7 @@ class TimeSeriesSource(object):
 class TimeSeriesDate(QAbstractTableModel):
-    A containe to store all image source related to a single observation date and sensor.
+    A container to store all source images related to a single observation date and sensor.
     sigSourcesAdded = pyqtSignal(list)
     sigSourcesRemoved = pyqtSignal(list)
@@ -676,7 +739,7 @@ class TimeSeriesDate(QAbstractTableModel):
         return self.mSensor
-    def sources(self)->list:
+    def sources(self)->typing.List[TimeSeriesSource]:
         Returns the source images
         :return: [list-of-TimeSeriesSource]
@@ -684,7 +747,7 @@ class TimeSeriesDate(QAbstractTableModel):
         return self.mSources
-    def sourceUris(self)->list:
+    def sourceUris(self)->typing.List[str]:
         Returns all source URIs  as list of strings-
         :return: [list-of-str]
@@ -988,23 +1051,39 @@ class DateTimePrecision(enum.Enum):
     Milisecond = 'ms'
     Original = 0
+class SensorMatching(enum.Enum):
+    """
+    Describes when two different sources should be considered to be from the same sensor
+    """
+    DIMS = 'Image Dimensions only'
+    DIMS_WL = 'Image Dimensions + Wavelength'
+    DIMS_Name = 'Image Dimensions + Name'
+    DIMS_WL_Name = 'Image Dimensions + Wavelength + Name'
-def doLoadTimeSeriesSourcesTask(taskWrapper:QgsTask, dump):
+def doLoadTimeSeriesSourcesTask(qgsTask:QgsTask, dump):
     sources = pickle.loads(dump)
-    assert isinstance(taskWrapper, QgsTask)
+    assert isinstance(qgsTask, QgsTask)
     results = []
+    invalidSources = list()
     n = len(sources)
     for i, source in enumerate(sources):
-        if taskWrapper.isCanceled():
+        if qgsTask.isCanceled():
             return pickle.dumps(results)
-        s = TimeSeriesSource.create(source)
-        if isinstance(s, TimeSeriesSource):
-            results.append(s)
-        taskWrapper.setProgress(i+1)
-    return pickle.dumps(results)
-    s = ""
+        try:
+            tss = TimeSeriesSource.create(source)
+            assert isinstance(tss, TimeSeriesSource)
+            results.append(tss)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            invalidSources.append((source, ex))
+        qgsTask.setProgress(i + 1)
+    return pickle.dumps(results), pickle.dumps(invalidSources)
 class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
@@ -1029,10 +1108,12 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
         self.mTSDs = list()
         self.mSensors = []
         self.mShape = None
         self.mDateTimePrecision = DateTimePrecision.Original
+        self.mProductSimilarity = SensorMatching.DIMS
         self.mLoadingProgressDialog = None
+        self.mLUT_Path2TSD = {}
         self.mVisibleDate = []
         self.mCurrentSpatialExtent = None
@@ -1060,8 +1141,13 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
         if isinstance(spatialExtent, SpatialExtent) and self.mCurrentSpatialExtent != spatialExtent:
             self.mCurrentSpatialExtent = spatialExtent
-    def focusVisibilityToExtent(self):
-        ext = self.currentSpatialExtent()
+    def focusVisibilityToExtent(self, ext:SpatialExtent=None):
+        """
+        Changes TSDs visibility according to its intersection with a SpatialExtent
+        :param ext: SpatialExtent
+        """
+        if ext is None:
+            ext = self.currentSpatialExtent()
         if isinstance(ext, SpatialExtent):
             changed = False
             for tsd in self:
@@ -1099,6 +1185,39 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
                 idx2 = self.index(idx.row(), self.columnCount()-1)
                 self.dataChanged.emit(idx, idx2, [Qt.BackgroundColorRole])
+    def findMatchingSensor(self, sensorID:str)->SensorInstrument:
+        if isinstance(sensorID, str):
+            nb, px_size_x, px_size_y, dt, wl, wlu, name = sensorIDtoProperties(sensorID)
+        else:
+            assert isinstance(sensorID, tuple) and len(sensorID) == 7
+            nb, px_size_x, px_size_y, dt, wl, wlu, name = sensorID
+        DIMS = (nb, px_size_y, px_size_x, dt)
+        for sensor in self.sensors():
+            DIMS2 = (sensor.nb, sensor.px_size_y, sensor.px_size_x, sensor.dataType)
+            bName = sensor.mNameOriginal == name
+            bWL = wlu == sensor.wlu and np.array_equal(wl, sensor.wl)
+            if DIMS != DIMS2:
+                # self.mProductSimilarity == SensorMatching.DIMS:
+                continue
+            if self.mProductSimilarity == SensorMatching.DIMS:
+                return sensor
+            elif self.mProductSimilarity == SensorMatching.DIMS_Name and bName:
+                return sensor
+            elif self.mProductSimilarity == SensorMatching.DIMS_WL and bWL:
+                return sensor
+            elif self.mProductSimilarity == SensorMatching.DIMS_WL_Name and bName and bWL:
+                return sensor
+        return None
     def sensor(self, sensorID:str)->SensorInstrument:
         Returns the sensor with sid = sid
@@ -1106,21 +1225,26 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
         :return: SensorInstrument
         assert isinstance(sensorID, str)
-        for sensor in self.mSensors:
-            assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
-            if sensor.id() == sensorID:
+        nb, px_size_x, px_size_y, dt, wl, wlu, name = sensorIDtoProperties(sensorID)
+        for sensor in self.sensors():
+            if (sensor.nb, sensor.px_size_y, sensor.px_size_x, sensor.dataType, sensor.wl, sensor.wlu,
+                sensor.mNameOriginal) == (
+                    nb, px_size_y, px_size_x, dt, wl, wlu, name):
                 return sensor
         return None
-    def sensors(self)->list:
+    def sensors(self)->typing.List[SensorInstrument]:
         Returns the list of sensors derived from the TimeSeries data sources
         :return: [list-of-SensorInstruments]
         return self.mSensors[:]
-    def loadFromFile(self, path, n_max=None, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None):
+    def loadFromFile(self, path, n_max=None, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None, runAsync=True):
         Loads a CSV file with source images of a TimeSeries
         :param path: str, Path of CSV file
@@ -1151,7 +1275,7 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
             progressDialog.setLabelText('Start loading {} images....'.format(len(images)))
-        self.addSourcesAsync(images, progressDialog=progressDialog)
+        self.addSources(images, progressDialog=progressDialog, runAsync=runAsync)
     def saveToFile(self, path):
@@ -1214,10 +1338,14 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
         :param pathOfInterest: str, image source uri
         :return: TimeSeriesDate
-        for tsd in self.mTSDs:
-            assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
-            if pathOfInterest in tsd.sourceUris():
-                return tsd
+        tsd = self.mLUT_Path2TSD.get(pathOfInterest)
+        if isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate):
+            return tsd
+        else:
+            for tsd in self.mTSDs:
+                assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
+                if pathOfInterest in tsd.sourceUris():
+                    return tsd
         return None
     def tsd(self, date: np.datetime64, sensor)->TimeSeriesDate:
@@ -1306,7 +1434,7 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
             if isinstance(t, TimeSeriesSource):
-        for tsd in list(toRemove):
+        for tsd in list(sorted(list(toRemove), reverse=True)):
             assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
@@ -1322,6 +1450,11 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
         if len(removed) > 0:
+            pathsToRemove = [path for path, tsd in self.mLUT_Path2TSD.items() if tsd in removed]
+            for path in pathsToRemove:
+                self.mLUT_Path2TSD.pop(path)
+            self.checkSensorList()
     def tsds(self, date:np.datetime64=None, sensor:SensorInstrument=None)->list:
@@ -1385,7 +1518,14 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
             return sensor
         return None
-    def addSourcesAsync(self, sources:list, nWorkers:int = 1, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None):
+    def addSources(self, sources:list, nWorkers:int = 1, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None, runAsync=True):
+        """
+        Adds source images to the TimeSeries
+        :param sources: list of source images, e.g. a list of file paths
+        :param nWorkers: not used yet
+        :param progressDialog: QProgressDialog
+        :param runAsync: bool
+        """
         tm = QgsApplication.taskManager()
         assert isinstance(tm, QgsTaskManager)
@@ -1394,49 +1534,35 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
         self.mLoadingProgressDialog = progressDialog
-        if True:
-            n = len(sources)
-            taskDescription = 'Load {} images'.format(n)
-            dump = pickle.dumps(sources)
+        n = len(sources)
+        taskDescription = 'Load {} images'.format(n)
+        dump = pickle.dumps(sources)
+        if runAsync:
             qgsTask = QgsTask.fromFunction(taskDescription, doLoadTimeSeriesSourcesTask, dump,
                                 on_finished = self.onAddSourcesAsyncFinished)
-            tid = id(qgsTask)
-            qgsTask.taskCompleted.connect(lambda *args, tid=tid: self.onRemoveTask(tid))
-            qgsTask.taskTerminated.connect(lambda *args, tid=tid: self.onRemoveTask(tid))
-            self.mTasks[tid] = qgsTask
-            if False:  # for debugging only
-                resultDump = doLoadTimeSeriesSourcesTask(qgsTask, dump)
-                self.onAddSourcesAsyncFinished(None, resultDump)
-            else:
-                tm.addTask(qgsTask)
-            # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/312443/how-do-you-split-a-list-into-evenly-sized-chunks
+            from .utils import TaskMock
+            qgsTask = TaskMock()
-            def chunks(l, n):
-                """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l."""
-                for i in range(0, len(l), n):
-                    yield l[i:i + n]
-            n = int(len(sources) / nWorkers)
-            for subset in chunks(sources, 50):
-                dump = pickle.dumps(subset)
+        tid = id(qgsTask)
+        qgsTask.taskCompleted.connect(lambda *args, tid=tid: self.onRemoveTask(tid))
+        qgsTask.taskTerminated.connect(lambda *args, tid=tid: self.onRemoveTask(tid))
+        if isinstance(progressDialog, QProgressDialog):
+            qgsTask.progressChanged.connect(progressDialog.setValue)
+            progressDialog.setLabelText('Read images')
+            progressDialog.setRange(0, n)
+            progressDialog.setValue(0)
-                taskDescription = 'Load {} images'.format(len(subset))
-                qgsTask = QgsTask.fromFunction(taskDescription, doLoadTimeSeriesSourcesTask, dump, on_finished=self.onAddSourcesAsyncFinished)
-                tid = id(qgsTask)
-                self.mTasks[tid] = qgsTask
-                qgsTask.taskCompleted.connect(lambda *args, tid=tid: self.onRemoveTask(tid))
-                qgsTask.taskTerminated.connect(lambda *args, tid=tid: self.onRemoveTask(tid))
+        self.mTasks[tid] = qgsTask
-                if False: # for debugging only
-                    resultDump = doLoadTimeSeriesSourcesTask(qgsTask, dump)
-                    self.onAddSourcesAsyncFinished(None, resultDump)
-                else:
-                    tm.addTask(qgsTask)
-        s  = ""
+        if runAsync:
+            tm.addTask(qgsTask)
+        else:
+            # for debugging only
+            resultDump = doLoadTimeSeriesSourcesTask(qgsTask, dump)
+            self.onAddSourcesAsyncFinished(None, resultDump)
     def onRemoveTask(self, key):
@@ -1444,21 +1570,40 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
     def onAddSourcesAsyncFinished(self, *args):
         # print(':: onAddSourcesAsyncFinished')
         error = args[0]
+        hasProgressDialog = isinstance(self.mLoadingProgressDialog, QProgressDialog)
         if error is None:
-                addedDates = []
-                dump = args[1]
-                sources = pickle.loads(dump)
-                for source in sources:
-                    if isinstance(self.mLoadingProgressDialog, QProgressDialog):
-                        self.increaseProgressBar()
-                    newTSD = self._addSource(source)
-                    if isinstance(newTSD, TimeSeriesDate):
-                        addedDates.append(newTSD)
+                sources, invalidSources = args[1]
+                sources = pickle.loads(sources)
+                invalidSources = pickle.loads(invalidSources)
-                if len(addedDates) > 0:
-                    self.sigTimeSeriesDatesAdded.emit(addedDates)
+                if len(invalidSources) > 0:
+                    info = ['Unable to load {} data source(s):'.format(len(invalidSources))]
+                    for s, ex in invalidSources:
+                        info.append('Path="{}" Error="{}"'.format(str(s), str(ex).replace('\n', ' ')))
+                    info = '\n'.join(info)
+                    messageLog(info, Qgis.Critical)
+                if len(sources) > 0:
+                    addedDates = []
+                    if hasProgressDialog:
+                        self.mLoadingProgressDialog.setLabelText('Add Images')
+                        self.mLoadingProgressDialog.setRange(0, len(sources))
+                        self.mLoadingProgressDialog.setValue(0)
+                    for i, source in enumerate(sources):
+                        newTSD = self._addSource(source)
+                        if isinstance(newTSD, TimeSeriesDate):
+                            addedDates.append(newTSD)
+                        if hasProgressDialog:
+                            self.mLoadingProgressDialog.setValue(i+1)
+                    if len(addedDates) > 0:
+                        self.sigTimeSeriesDatesAdded.emit(addedDates)
             except Exception as ex:
                 import traceback
@@ -1468,57 +1613,8 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
             s = ""
         if isinstance(self.mLoadingProgressDialog, QProgressDialog):
-            if self.mLoadingProgressDialog.wasCanceled() or self.mLoadingProgressDialog.value() == -1:
-                self.mLoadingProgressDialog = None
-    def increaseProgressBar(self):
-        if isinstance(self.mLoadingProgressDialog, QProgressDialog):
-            v = self.mLoadingProgressDialog.value() + 1
-            self.mLoadingProgressDialog.setValue(v)
-            self.mLoadingProgressDialog.setLabelText('{}/{}'.format(v, self.mLoadingProgressDialog.maximum()))
-            if v == 1 or v % 25 == 0:
-                QApplication.processEvents()
-    def addSources(self, sources:list, progressDialog:QProgressDialog=None):
-        """
-        Adds new data sources to the TimeSeries
-        :param sources: [list-of-TimeSeriesSources]
-        """
-        assert isinstance(sources, list)
-        self.mLoadingProgressDialog = progressDialog
-        nMax = len(sources)
-        # 1. read sources
-        # this could be excluded into a parallel process
-        addedDates = []
-        for i, source in enumerate(sources):
-            newTSD = None
-            msg = None
-            if False: #debug
-                newTSD = self._addSource(source)
-            else:
-                try:
-                    newTSD = self._addSource(source)
-                except Exception as ex:
-                    msg = 'Unable to add: {}\n{}'.format(str(source), str(ex))
-                    print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
-            if isinstance(self.mLoadingProgressDialog, QProgressDialog):
-                if self.mLoadingProgressDialog.wasCanceled():
-                    break
-                self.increaseProgressBar()
-            if isinstance(newTSD, TimeSeriesDate):
-                addedDates.append(newTSD)
-        #if len(addedDates) > 0:
-        if isinstance(progressDialog, QProgressDialog):
-            progressDialog.setLabelText('Create map widgets...')
-        if len(addedDates) > 0:
-            self.sigTimeSeriesDatesAdded.emit(addedDates)
-        self.mLoadingProgressDialog = None
+            self.mLoadingProgressDialog.hide()
+            self.mLoadingProgressDialog = None
     def _addSource(self, source:TimeSeriesSource)->TimeSeriesDate:
@@ -1538,20 +1634,31 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
         tsdDate = self.date2date(tss.date())
         tssDate = tss.date()
         sid = tss.sid()
-        sensor = self.sensor(sid)
+        sensor = self.findMatchingSensor(sid)
         # if necessary, add a new sensor instance
         if not isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument):
             sensor = self.addSensor(SensorInstrument(sid))
         assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
         tsd = self.tsd(tsdDate, sensor)
         # if necessary, add a new TimeSeriesDate instance
         if not isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate):
             tsd = self.insertTSD(TimeSeriesDate(self, tsdDate, sensor))
             newTSD = tsd
             # addedDates.append(tsd)
         assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
+        # ensure that the source refers to the sensor ID of the linked sensor (which might be different from its orginal sensor id)
+        tss.mSid = sensor.id()
         # add the source
+        self.mLUT_Path2TSD[tss.uri()] = tsd
         return newTSD
     def setDateTimePrecision(self, mode:DateTimePrecision):
@@ -1564,6 +1671,15 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
         #do we like to update existing sources?
+    def setSensorMatching(self, mode:SensorMatching):
+        """
+        Sets the mode under which two source images can be considered as to be from the same sensor/product
+        :param mode:
+        :return:
+        """
+        assert isinstance(mode, SensorMatching)
+        self.mProductSimilarity = mode
     def date2date(self, date:np.datetime64)->np.datetime64:
@@ -1605,7 +1721,7 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
     def __len__(self):
         return len(self.mTSDs)
-    def __iter__(self):
+    def __iter__(self)->typing.Iterator[TimeSeriesDate]:
         return iter(self.mTSDs)
     def __getitem__(self, slice):
@@ -1867,7 +1983,7 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
     def findDate(self, date)->TimeSeriesDate:
-        Returns a TimeSeriesDate closes to that in date
+        Returns a TimeSeriesDate closest to that in date
         :param date: numpy.datetime64 | str | TimeSeriesDate
         :return: TimeSeriesDate
@@ -1895,6 +2011,43 @@ class TimeSeries(QAbstractItemModel):
             flags = flags | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable
         return flags
+regSensorName = re.compile(r'(SATELLITEID|sensor[ _]?type|product[ _]?type)', re.IGNORECASE)
+#regSensorName = re.compile(r'(SATELLITEID|sensor[ _]?type)', re.IGNORECASE)
+def sensorName(dataset:gdal.Dataset)->str:
+    """
+    Reads the sensor/product name. Returns None if a proper name can not be extracted.
+    :param dataset: gdal.Dataset
+    :return: str
+    """
+    assert isinstance(dataset, gdal.Dataset)
+    domains = dataset.GetMetadataDomainList()
+    if isinstance(domains, list):
+        for domain in domains:
+            md = dataset.GetMetadata_Dict(domain)
+            if isinstance(md, dict):
+                for key, value in md.items():
+                    if regSensorName.search(key):
+                        return str(value)
+    for b in range(dataset.RasterCount):
+        band = dataset.GetRasterBand(b+1)
+        if isinstance(band, gdal.Band):
+            domains = band.GetMetadataDomainList()
+            if isinstance(domains, list):
+                for domain in domains:
+                    md = band.GetMetadata_Dict(domain)
+                    if isinstance(md, dict):
+                        for key, value in md.items():
+                            if regSensorName.search(key):
+                                return str(value)
+    return None
 def getSpatialPropertiesFromDataset(ds):
     assert isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset)
@@ -1931,14 +2084,27 @@ def extractWavelengthsFromGDALMetaData(ds:gdal.Dataset)->(list, str):
     for b in range(ds.RasterCount):
         band = ds.GetRasterBand(b + 1)
         assert isinstance(band, gdal.Band)
-        md = band.GetMetadata_Dict()
+        domains = band.GetMetadataDomainList()
+        if not isinstance(domains, list):
+            continue
+        for domain in domains:
+            md = band.GetMetadata_Dict(domain)
-        keyWLU = findKey(md, regWLUkey)
-        keyWL = findKey(md, regWLkey)
+            keyWLU = findKey(md, regWLUkey)
+            keyWL = findKey(md, regWLkey)
-        if isinstance(keyWL, str) and isinstance(keyWLU, str):
-            wl.append(float(md[keyWL]))
-            wlu.append(LUT_WAVELENGTH_UNITS[md[keyWLU].lower()])
+            if isinstance(keyWL, str) and isinstance(keyWLU, str):
+                valueWL = float(md[keyWL])
+                valueWLU = str(md[keyWLU]).lower()
+                if valueWL > 0:
+                    wl.append(valueWL)
+                if valueWLU in LUT_WAVELENGTH_UNITS.keys():
+                    wlu.append(LUT_WAVELENGTH_UNITS[valueWLU])
+                break
     if len(wlu) == len(wl) and len(wl) == ds.RasterCount:
         return wl, wlu[0]
@@ -1977,7 +2143,7 @@ def extractWavelengthsFromRapidEyeXML(ds:gdal.Dataset, dom:QDomDocument)->(list,
               0.5 * (520 + 590),
               0.5 * (630 + 685),
               0.5 * (760 + 850),
-              0.5 * (760 - 850)
+              0.5 * (760 + 850)
         return wl, wlu
     return None, None
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/ui/profileviewdock.ui b/eotimeseriesviewer/ui/profileviewdock.ui
index 38697fce7a0ebee279d20054ec538248117f61a1..2c298d7dd3f1ab794a06ec6144d505c909a5eb5c 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/ui/profileviewdock.ui
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/ui/profileviewdock.ui
@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);</string>
-   <header>eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles2d</header>
+   <header>eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles</header>
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/ui/settingsdialog.ui b/eotimeseriesviewer/ui/settingsdialog.ui
index 0ea0ca00981a6d74297133b602dbf31cd54dda4f..c2b8ee40e4378bf3fa6319de3907f1cb2880c4b2 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/ui/settingsdialog.ui
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/ui/settingsdialog.ui
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-    <width>411</width>
+    <width>606</width>
@@ -46,12 +46,17 @@
+       <item>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string>Sensors</string>
+        </property>
+       </item>
       <widget class="QStackedWidget" name="stackedWidget">
        <property name="currentIndex">
-        <number>1</number>
+        <number>2</number>
        <widget class="QWidget" name="pageGeneral">
         <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
@@ -69,8 +74,8 @@
             <item row="0" column="1">
-             <widget class="QgsFileWidget" name="mFileWidgetScreenshots">
-              <property name="fileWidgetButtonVisible">
+             <widget class="QgsFileWidget" name="mFileWidgetScreenshots" native="true">
+              <property name="fileWidgetButtonVisible" stdset="0">
@@ -90,10 +95,10 @@
             <item row="1" column="1">
-             <widget class="QgsFileWidget" name="mFileWidgetRasterSources"/>
+             <widget class="QgsFileWidget" name="mFileWidgetRasterSources" native="true"/>
             <item row="2" column="1">
-             <widget class="QgsFileWidget" name="mFileWidgetVectorSources"/>
+             <widget class="QgsFileWidget" name="mFileWidgetVectorSources" native="true"/>
@@ -113,6 +118,26 @@
             <item row="0" column="1">
              <widget class="QComboBox" name="cbDateTimePrecission">
+              <property name="toolTip">
+               <string>Defines the accuracy with which source images of same sensor but different time stamps are combined into the same image group.</string>
+              </property>
+              <property name="whatsThis">
+               <string>Selects the precission used to extract time stamps from raster meta data.</string>
+              </property>
+             </widget>
+            </item>
+            <item row="1" column="0">
+             <widget class="QLabel" name="label_10">
+              <property name="text">
+               <string>Sensor/Product Matching</string>
+              </property>
+             </widget>
+            </item>
+            <item row="1" column="1">
+             <widget class="QComboBox" name="cbSensorMatching">
+              <property name="toolTip">
+               <string>Specifies when source images should be considered to be from the same sensor/image product.</string>
+              </property>
               <property name="whatsThis">
                <string>Selects the precission used to extract time stamps from raster meta data.</string>
@@ -205,6 +230,19 @@
+           <item>
+            <spacer name="horizontalSpacer">
+             <property name="orientation">
+              <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+             </property>
+             <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+              <size>
+               <width>40</width>
+               <height>20</height>
+              </size>
+             </property>
+            </spacer>
+           </item>
          <item row="1" column="0">
@@ -236,9 +274,6 @@
            <property name="styleSheet">
             <string notr="true">);</string>
-           <property name="mode">
-            <enum>QgsFontButton::ModeTextRenderer</enum>
-           </property>
          <item row="3" column="0">
@@ -256,6 +291,9 @@
+           <property name="toolTip">
+            <string>Intervall to check if updates are available for map canvases, e.g. to render new layers or apply renderer changes.</string>
+           </property>
            <property name="suffix">
@@ -275,6 +313,75 @@
+       <widget class="QWidget" name="pageSensors">
+        <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
+         <item>
+          <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_3">
+           <property name="topMargin">
+            <number>0</number>
+           </property>
+           <item>
+            <widget class="QLabel" name="label_12">
+             <property name="text">
+              <string>Sensor Names </string>
+             </property>
+            </widget>
+           </item>
+           <item>
+            <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
+             <property name="orientation">
+              <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+             </property>
+             <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+              <size>
+               <width>40</width>
+               <height>20</height>
+              </size>
+             </property>
+            </spacer>
+           </item>
+           <item>
+            <widget class="QToolButton" name="btnReloadSensorSettings">
+             <property name="text">
+              <string>Reload</string>
+             </property>
+             <property name="icon">
+              <iconset resource="../../../../QGIS/images/images.qrc">
+               <normaloff>:/images/themes/default/mActionReload.svg</normaloff>:/images/themes/default/mActionReload.svg</iconset>
+             </property>
+             <property name="autoRaise">
+              <bool>true</bool>
+             </property>
+            </widget>
+           </item>
+           <item>
+            <widget class="QToolButton" name="btnDeleteSelectedSensors">
+             <property name="text">
+              <string>Clear</string>
+             </property>
+             <property name="icon">
+              <iconset resource="../../../../QGIS/images/images.qrc">
+               <normaloff>:/images/themes/default/mActionDeleteSelected.svg</normaloff>:/images/themes/default/mActionDeleteSelected.svg</iconset>
+             </property>
+             <property name="autoRaise">
+              <bool>true</bool>
+             </property>
+            </widget>
+           </item>
+          </layout>
+         </item>
+         <item>
+          <widget class="QTableView" name="tableViewSensorSettings">
+           <property name="styleSheet">
+            <string notr="true"/>
+           </property>
+           <property name="sortingEnabled">
+            <bool>true</bool>
+           </property>
+          </widget>
+         </item>
+        </layout>
+       </widget>
@@ -290,26 +397,46 @@
+  <action name="actionRefreshSensorList">
+   <property name="icon">
+    <iconset resource="../../../../QGIS/images/images.qrc">
+     <normaloff>:/images/themes/default/mActionReload.svg</normaloff>:/images/themes/default/mActionReload.svg</iconset>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>RefreshSensorList</string>
+   </property>
+  </action>
+  <action name="actionDeleteSelectedSensors">
+   <property name="icon">
+    <iconset resource="../../../../QGIS/images/images.qrc">
+     <normaloff>:/images/themes/default/mActionDeleteSelected.svg</normaloff>:/images/themes/default/mActionDeleteSelected.svg</iconset>
+   </property>
+   <property name="text">
+    <string>DeleteSelectedSensors</string>
+   </property>
+  </action>
+  <customwidget>
+   <class>QgsFileWidget</class>
+   <extends>QWidget</extends>
+   <header>qgsfilewidget.h</header>
+  </customwidget>
-  <customwidget>
-   <class>QgsFileWidget</class>
-   <extends>QWidget</extends>
-   <header>qgsfilewidget.h</header>
-  </customwidget>
- <resources/>
+ <resources>
+  <include location="../../../../QGIS/images/images.qrc"/>
+ </resources>
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/ui/timeseriesviewer.ui b/eotimeseriesviewer/ui/timeseriesviewer.ui
index 928be2e1c6f1564a799a1a3818bb444994aca838..008cac9bf2ddf2dafcdb5ecf0ff95951773f57f1 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/ui/timeseriesviewer.ui
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/ui/timeseriesviewer.ui
@@ -768,9 +768,6 @@
    <property name="iconVisibleInMenu">
-   <property name="shortcutVisibleInContextMenu">
-    <bool>true</bool>
-   </property>
   <action name="actionExportMapsToImages">
    <property name="icon">
diff --git a/eotimeseriesviewer/utils.py b/eotimeseriesviewer/utils.py
index 609e4a9a369df18778dc54d15683126f5204c009..a1ea2f8a3a9a7b25d4cc4b9280fe64c2dc32449b 100644
--- a/eotimeseriesviewer/utils.py
+++ b/eotimeseriesviewer/utils.py
@@ -73,3 +73,7 @@ def fixMenuButtons(w:QWidget):
         if isinstance(toolButton.defaultAction(), QAction) and isinstance(toolButton.defaultAction().menu(), QMenu)\
                 or isinstance(toolButton.menu(), QMenu):
+class TaskMock(QgsTask):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(TaskMock, self).__init__()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example/exampleEvents.gpkg b/example/exampleEvents.gpkg
index 826a2a726d71dac012e4067fe942bc683cc85960..b0b913914ecf33c7247367cd549be345febc6943 100644
--- a/example/exampleEvents.gpkg
+++ b/example/exampleEvents.gpkg
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:f5cde8206cc45a57b417237aff68909cc06c98717cf510609cf83f3ee1933e21
+oid sha256:6bfd5c8fcc8d30ee3f1c9798d88b197f0fec4d64f3ab9f148fa3423feb05d6ce
 size 385024
diff --git a/make/deploy.py b/make/deploy.py
index 77aff59561337f5d6923e99e64f2bf08de0c6506..b2351241b5d795c86f6edfb651b88662e2f2bd76 100644
--- a/make/deploy.py
+++ b/make/deploy.py
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import eotimeseriesviewer
 DIR_BUILD = jp(DIR_REPO, 'build')
 DIR_DEPLOY = jp(DIR_REPO, 'deploy')
-DIR_DOC_SOURCE = jp(DIR_REPO, *['doc','source'])
+DIR_DOC_SOURCE = jp(DIR_REPO, *['doc', 'source'])
 QGIS_MIN = '3.4'
 QGIS_MAX = '3.99'
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class QGISMetadataFileWriter(object):
         self.mDescription = None
         self.mVersion = None
-        self.mQgisMinimumVersion = '3.4'
+        self.mQgisMinimumVersion = '3.8'
         self.mQgisMaximumVersion = '3.99'
         self.mAuthor = None
         self.mAbout = None
@@ -270,13 +270,16 @@ def build():
     if True:
         # 1. clean an existing directory = plugin folder
-        pb_tool.clean_deployment(ask_first=False)
+        try:
+            pb_tool.clean_deployment(ask_first=False)
+        except:
+            pass
         import make
         # 3. Deploy = write the data to the new plugin folder
-        pb_tool.deploy_files(pathCfg, DIR_DEPLOY, quick=True, confirm=False)
+        pb_tool.deploy_files(pathCfg, DIR_DEPLOY, 'default', quick=True, confirm=False)
         # 4. As long as we can not specify in the pb_tool.cfg which file types are not to deploy,
         # we need to remove them afterwards.
@@ -378,7 +381,7 @@ def updateInfoHTMLs():
     from eotimeseriesviewer import PATH_CHANGELOG
     from docutils.core import publish_string
-    urlIssueTracke = r'https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/'
+    urlIssueTracker = r'https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/'
     def readTextFile(path):
         with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
@@ -402,7 +405,7 @@ def updateInfoHTMLs():
     txt = readTextFile(PATH_CHANGELOG)
-    txt = re.sub(r'(#(\d+))', r'`#\2 <{}\2>`_'.format(urlIssueTracke), txt)
+    txt = re.sub(r'(#(\d+))', r'`#\2 <{}\2>`_'.format(urlIssueTracker), txt)
     txt = publish_string(txt, writer_name='html').decode('utf-8')
diff --git a/tests/test_fileFormatLoading.py b/tests/test_fileFormatLoading.py
index be99a1ff1e2a7112d4bb05d54304619b9caea0da..dc8ab352fa6db9251dc307ec0d7a5cbd617e4b20 100644
--- a/tests/test_fileFormatLoading.py
+++ b/tests/test_fileFormatLoading.py
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ import qgis.testing
 from unittest import TestCase
 from eotimeseriesviewer import *
 from eotimeseriesviewer.utils import *
-from eotimeseriesviewer.timeseries import TimeSeries
+from eotimeseriesviewer.timeseries import *
 DIR_PLEIADES = r'H:\Pleiades'
+DIR_RAPIDEYE = r'Y:\RapidEye\3A'
 DIR_VRT = r'O:\SenseCarbonProcessing\BJ_NOC\01_RasterData\02_CuttedVRT'
@@ -49,8 +49,11 @@ class TestFileFormatLoading(TestCase):
         if not os.path.isdir(searchDir):
             print('data directory undefined. skip test.')
-        files = list(file_search(searchDir, 're_*.bsq', recursive=True))
-        self.TS.addSources(files)
+        files = list(file_search(searchDir, 're_*.tif', recursive=True))
+        for file in files:
+            tss = TimeSeriesSource.create(file)
+            self.assertIsInstance(tss, TimeSeriesSource)
+        self.TS.addSources(files, runAsync=False)
         self.assertEqual(len(files), len(self.TS))
     def test_loadLandsat(self):
@@ -59,11 +62,62 @@ class TestFileFormatLoading(TestCase):
             print('DIR_LANDSAT undefined. skip test.')
         files = list(file_search(searchDir, '*_L*_BOA.bsq'))[0:3]
-        self.TS.addSources(files)
+        self.TS.addSources(files, runAsync=False)
         self.assertEqual(len(files), len(self.TS))
         s = ""
+    def test_loadOSARIS_GRD(self):
+        testDir = r'Q:\Processing_BJ\99_OSARIS_Testdata\Loibl-2019-OSARIS-Ala-Archa\Coherences'
+        if os.path.isdir(testDir):
+            files = file_search(testDir, re.compile(r'.*\.grd$'))
+            for i, path in enumerate(files):
+                tss = TimeSeriesSource.create(path)
+                self.assertIsInstance(tss, TimeSeriesSource)
+                self.assertTrue(tss.crs().isValid())
+                self.TS.addSources([path], runAsync=False)
+                self.assertEqual(len(self.TS), i+1)
+                tss = self.TS[0][0]
+                self.assertIsInstance(tss, TimeSeriesSource)
+                sensor = self.TS[0].sensor()
+                self.assertIsInstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
+    def test_ForceLevel2(self):
+        path = r'J:\diss_bj\level2\s-america\X0050_Y0025\20140601_LEVEL2_LND08_BOA.tif'
+        path = r'J:\diss_bj\level2\s-america\X0049_Y0025\20140531_LEVEL2_LND07_BOA.tif'
+        testData = r'J:\diss_bj\level2\s-america\X0049_Y0025'
+        if os.path.isdir(testData):
+            files = file_search(testData, '*IMP.tif')
+            for path in files:
+                self.TS.addSources([path], runAsync=False)
+                self.assertEqual(len(self.TS), 1)
+                tss = self.TS[0][0]
+                self.assertIsInstance(tss, TimeSeriesSource)
+                sensor = self.TS[0].sensor()
+                self.assertIsInstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
+            s = ""
+    def test_badtimeformat(self):
+        p = r'C:\Users\geo_beja\Desktop\23042014_LEVEL2_LND08_VZN.tif'
+        if os.path.isfile(p):
+            tss = TimeSeriesSource.create(p)
+            s = ""
     def test_nestedVRTs(self):
         # load VRTs pointing to another VRT pointing to Landsat imagery
         searchDir = DIR_VRT
@@ -71,7 +125,7 @@ class TestFileFormatLoading(TestCase):
             print('DIR_VRT undefined. skip test.')
         files = list(file_search(searchDir, '*BOA.vrt', recursive=True))[0:3]
-        self.TS.addSources(files)
+        self.TS.addSources(files, runAsync=False)
         self.assertEqual(len(files), len(self.TS))
     def test_loadRapidEye(self):
@@ -81,9 +135,17 @@ class TestFileFormatLoading(TestCase):
             print('DIR_RAPIDEYE undefined. skip test.')
         files = file_search(searchDir, '*.tif', recursive=True)
-        files = [f for f in files if not re.search('_(udm|browse)\.tif$', f)]
-        self.TS.addSources(files)
-        self.assertEqual(len(files), len(self.TS))
+        files = [f for f in files if not re.search(r'_(udm|browse)\.tif$', f)]
+        self.TS.addSources(files, runAsync=False)
+        self.assertEqual(len(files), len(self.TS.sourceUris()))
+        tsd = self.TS[0]
+        self.assertIsInstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDate)
+        for wl in tsd.sensor().wl:
+            self.assertTrue(wl > 0)
+        tss = tsd[0]
+        self.assertIsInstance(tss, TimeSeriesSource)
@@ -95,7 +157,7 @@ class TestFileFormatLoading(TestCase):
         #files = file_search(searchDir, 'DIM*.xml', recursive=True)
         files = list(file_search(searchDir, '*.jp2', recursive=True))[0:3]
-        self.TS.addSources(files)
+        self.TS.addSources(files, runAsync=False)
         self.assertEqual(len(files), len(self.TS))
     def test_loadSentinel2(self):
@@ -105,7 +167,7 @@ class TestFileFormatLoading(TestCase):
             print('DIR_SENTINEL undefined. skip test.')
         files = list(file_search(searchDir, '*MSIL1C.xml', recursive=True))
-        self.TS.addSources(files)
+        self.TS.addSources(files, runAsync=False)
         #self.assertRegexpMatches(self.stderr.getvalue().strip(), 'Unable to add:')
         self.assertEqual(0, len(self.TS))  # do not add a containers
@@ -113,7 +175,7 @@ class TestFileFormatLoading(TestCase):
         for file in files:
             subs = gdal.Open(file).GetSubDatasets()
             subdatasets.extend(s[0] for s in subs)
-        self.TS.addSources(subdatasets)
+        self.TS.addSources(subdatasets, runAsync=False)
         self.assertEqual(len(subdatasets), len(self.TS))  # add subdatasets
diff --git a/tests/test_main.py b/tests/test_main.py
index fbd9e4d8516bfda7aae9bf446fef7cb6e99258cf..bb00299a37f600144ed0240743061f96af53a931 100644
--- a/tests/test_main.py
+++ b/tests/test_main.py
@@ -105,11 +105,27 @@ class TestInit(TestCase):
         while QgsApplication.taskManager().countActiveTasks() > 0 or len(TSV.timeSeries().mTasks) > 0:
-        tsd = TSV.timeSeries()[-1]
-        TSV.setCurrentDate(tsd)
+        if len(TSV.timeSeries()) > 0:
+            tsd = TSV.timeSeries()[-1]
+            TSV.setCurrentDate(tsd)
         if SHOW_GUI:
+    def test_TimeSeriesViewerInvalidSource(self):
+        from eotimeseriesviewer.main import TimeSeriesViewer
+        TSV = TimeSeriesViewer()
+        imgages = ['not-existing-source']
+        TSV.addTimeSeriesImages(imgages, loadAsync=False)
+        while QgsApplication.taskManager().countActiveTasks() > 0 or len(TSV.timeSeries().mTasks) > 0:
+            QCoreApplication.processEvents()
+        if SHOW_GUI:
+            QGIS_APP.exec_()
     def test_TimeSeriesViewerMultiSource(self):
         from eotimeseriesviewer.main import TimeSeriesViewer
diff --git a/tests/test_mapvisualization.py b/tests/test_mapvisualization.py
index acecb075bb6e238dd68eb1c2c080c469141149d3..9af4c0befb9f34a67a60639d4fbdb46581b63245 100644
--- a/tests/test_mapvisualization.py
+++ b/tests/test_mapvisualization.py
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ QGIS_APP = initQgisApplication(loadProcessingFramework=False)
 from eotimeseriesviewer import initResources
-SHOW_GUI = True and os.environ.get('CI') is None
+SHOW_GUI = False and os.environ.get('CI') is None
 def getChildElements(node):
@@ -390,109 +390,22 @@ class testclassMapVisualization(unittest.TestCase):
             rClone = r1.clone()
             self.assertTrue(type(r1), type(rClone))
-            xmlClone =  rendererToXml(rClone)
+            xmlClone = rendererToXml(rClone)
             self.assertIsInstance(xmlClone, QDomDocument)
             similar = compareXML(xml1.firstChild(), xml2.firstChild())
+            del rClone, xmlClone
         for path in styleFiles:
             with open(path, encoding='utf8') as f:
                 xml = ''.join(f.readlines())
                 renderer = rendererFromXml(xml)
                 self.assertTrue(renderer != None)
+                self.assertIsInstance(renderer, (QgsRasterRenderer, QgsFeatureRenderer))
-        s  =""
-    def test_spatialTemporalVisualization(self):
-        from eotimeseriesviewer.main import TimeSeriesViewer
-        TSV = TimeSeriesViewer()
-        TSV.loadExampleTimeSeries()
-        TSV.show()
-        SV = TSV.spatialTemporalVis
-        self.assertIsInstance(SV, SpatialTemporalVisualization)
-        QApplication.processEvents()
-        # TSV.createMapView()
-        import time
-        time.sleep(5)
-        SV.timedCanvasRefresh()
-        visibleCanvases = []
-        withLayers = []
-        empty = []
-        extent = None
-        for mapCanvas in SV.mapCanvases():
-            self.assertIsInstance(mapCanvas, MapCanvas)
-            self.assertIsInstance(mapCanvas.spatialExtent(), SpatialExtent)
-            if extent is None:
-                extent = mapCanvas.spatialExtent()
-            else:
-                self.assertTrue(mapCanvas.spatialExtent() == extent)
-            if len(mapCanvas.layers()) == 0:
-                empty.append(mapCanvas)
-            else:
-                withLayers.append(mapCanvas)
-        if True:
-            QGIS_APP.exec_()
-        self.assertTrue(len(withLayers) > 0)
-        self.assertTrue(len(empty) > 0)
-        # shift spatial extent
-        extent2 = extent.setCenter(SpatialPoint(extent.crs(), extent.center().x()-100, extent.center().y()))
-        SV.setSpatialExtent(extent2)
-        SV.timedCanvasRefresh()
-        for mapCanvas in SV.mapCanvases():
-            self.assertIsInstance(mapCanvas, MapCanvas)
-            if mapCanvas.isVisibleToViewport():
-                self.assertTrue(mapCanvas.spatialExtent() == extent2)
-        # shift spatial extent of single map canvas
-        extent3 = extent.setCenter(SpatialPoint(extent.crs(), extent.center().x() + 100, extent.center().y()))
-        canvas = SV.mapCanvases()[0]
-        self.assertIsInstance(canvas, MapCanvas)
-        canvas.setSpatialExtent(extent3)
-        SV.timedCanvasRefresh()
-        for mapCanvas in SV.mapCanvases():
-            if mapCanvas.isVisibleToViewport():
-                self.assertTrue(mapCanvas.spatialExtent() == extent3)
-        # test map render changes
-        for canvas in SV.mapCanvases():
-            self.assertIsInstance(canvas, MapCanvas)
-            menu = canvas.contextMenu()
-            self.assertIsInstance(menu, QMenu)
-            if canvas.isVisibleToViewport():
-                for action in menu.findChildren(QAction):
-                    self.assertIsInstance(action, QAction)
-                    text = action.text()
-                    if text in ['', 'Style', 'PNG', 'JPEG']:
-                        # skip menu / blocking dialog options
-                        continue
-                    else:
-                        print('Test QAction "{}"'.format(action.text()))
-                        action.trigger()
-                break
-        s = ""
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    os.environ['CI'] = True
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/test_pixelloader.py b/tests/test_pixelloader.py
index a3fa6583ad3939c3507ae83e7ed0ccaca8e86fe1..6cd7e97675c65af258b17dc92b7586dfe4726a32 100644
--- a/tests/test_pixelloader.py
+++ b/tests/test_pixelloader.py
@@ -148,11 +148,36 @@ class PixelLoaderTest(unittest.TestCase):
         if os.path.isfile(p):
             lyr = QgsRasterLayer(p)
             task = PixelLoaderTask(p, [SpatialPoint.fromMapLayerCenter(lyr)])
+            from eotimeseriesviewer.utils import TaskMock
+            result = doLoaderTask(TaskMock(), task.toDump())
-            result = doLoaderTask(None, task.toDump())
             s = ""
+    def test_pixelLoader_OOImg(self):
+        from eotimeseriesviewer.utils import TaskMock
+        from eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader import PixelLoaderTask, doLoaderTask
+        if os.path.isfile(path):
+            crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:4326')
+            pt = SpatialPoint(crs, -55.41314771195199995, -6.92449242268311593)
+            lyr = QgsRasterLayer(path)
+            ext = lyr.extent()
+            pt2 = pt.toCrs(lyr.crs())
+            task = PixelLoaderTask(path, [p])
+            result = doLoaderTask(TaskMock(), task.toDump())
+            s = ""
+            PixelLoaderTask()
     def test_pixelLoader(self):
         from eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader import doLoaderTask, PixelLoaderTask, INFO_OUT_OF_IMAGE, INFO_NO_DATA
         from eotimeseriesviewer import px2geo
@@ -186,8 +211,8 @@ class PixelLoaderTest(unittest.TestCase):
             self.assertIsInstance(result, PixelLoaderTask)
-            self.assertEqual(result.sourcePath, source)
-            self.assertSequenceEqual(result.bandIndices, [0,1,2,3,4,5])
+            self.assertEqual(result.mSourcePath, source)
+            self.assertSequenceEqual(result.mBandIndices, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
             self.assertIs(result.exception, None)
diff --git a/tests/test_sensorvisualization.py b/tests/test_sensorvisualization.py
index 7b98f3d92a2bc381b2c6c8c69a88e0149e6f83f7..4c75e2f2738af57cb79e8b5839f078f8578e0732 100644
--- a/tests/test_sensorvisualization.py
+++ b/tests/test_sensorvisualization.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class TestInit(unittest.TestCase):
     def createTestDatasets(self):
         vsiDir = '/vsimem/tmp'
-        from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles2d import date2num
+        from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles import date2num
         ns = 50
         nl = 100
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class TestInit(unittest.TestCase):
         model = SensorListModel(TS)
         self.assertTrue(model.rowCount() == 0)
-        TS.addSources(pathes)
+        TS.addSources(pathes, runAsync=False)
         self.assertTrue(len(TS) == len(pathes))
         self.assertTrue(model.rowCount() == 2)
diff --git a/tests/test_settings.py b/tests/test_settings.py
index fb501838cf85d15033558b8ed3fdfeec63b88123..ceb99185c52f12bae7cd6d284e45b55a40fcd968 100644
--- a/tests/test_settings.py
+++ b/tests/test_settings.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from PyQt5.QtCore import *
 import unittest, tempfile
 from eotimeseriesviewer.mapcanvas import *
-from eotimeseriesviewer.crosshair import *
+from eotimeseriesviewer import *
 from eotimeseriesviewer.utils import *
 resourceDir = os.path.join(DIR_REPO, 'qgisresources')
 QGIS_APP = initQgisApplication()
@@ -78,6 +78,15 @@ class testclassSettingsTest(unittest.TestCase):
                 self.assertIsInstance(defaults, dict)
+    def test_SensorModel(self):
+        tb = QTableView()
+        m = SensorSettingsTableModel()
+        tb.setModel(m)
+        tb.show()
+        if SHOW_GUI:
+            QGIS_APP.exec_()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/tests/test_stackedbandinput.py b/tests/test_stackedbandinput.py
index f7c0324106f2ce8bcbb2b1f62f8aaf4eba9a3c2b..1e0da56b362717b4801bb0ed816ae66eccc37bc5 100644
--- a/tests/test_stackedbandinput.py
+++ b/tests/test_stackedbandinput.py
@@ -33,14 +33,12 @@ from example.Images import Img_2014_06_16_LE72270652014167CUB00_BOA, Img_2014_05
 QGIS_APP = initQgisApplication()
-class testclassDialogTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Test rerources work."""
+class testclassStackedInputTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def createTestDatasets(self):
         vsiDir = '/vsimem/tmp'
-        from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles2d import date2num
+        from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles import date2num
         ns = 50
         nl = 100
@@ -105,6 +103,19 @@ class testclassDialogTest(unittest.TestCase):
         return datasets
+    def test_FORCEStacks(self):
+        pathStack = r'T:\4BJ\2018-2018_000-000_LEVEL4_TSA_SEN2L_EVI_C0_S0_TSS.tif'
+        if os.path.isfile(pathStack):
+            d = StackedBandInputDialog()
+            d.show()
+            d.addSources([pathStack])
+            if SHOW_GUI:
+                QGIS_APP.exec_()
+            s  =""
     def test_inputmodel(self):
         testData = self.createTestDatasets()
diff --git a/tests/test_temporalprofiles.py b/tests/test_temporalprofiles.py
index dfde14e72401c858f4d61311850e35918fb5c38c..6071fd0a1ac9133757a681ea5bd6f4c5235630bb 100644
--- a/tests/test_temporalprofiles.py
+++ b/tests/test_temporalprofiles.py
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ from qgis.gui import *
 from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon
 import example.Images
 from eotimeseriesviewer.timeseries import TimeSeries, TimeSeriesDate
-from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles2d import *
+from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles import *
 from eotimeseriesviewer.profilevisualization import *
 from eotimeseriesviewer.utils import *
 from eotimeseriesviewer.tests import initQgisApplication
 from osgeo import ogr, osr
 QGIS_APP = initQgisApplication()
-SHOW_GUI = True and os.environ.get('CI') is None and not os.environ.get('CI')
+SHOW_GUI = False and os.environ.get('CI') is None
 class testclassUtilityTests(unittest.TestCase):
     """Test temporal profiles"""
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ class testclassUtilityTests(unittest.TestCase):
         self.TS = TimeSeries()
         files = list(file_search(os.path.dirname(example.Images.__file__), '*.tif'))
-        self.TS.addSources(files)
+        self.TS.addSources(files, runAsync=False)
+        self.assertTrue(len(self.TS) > 0)
         self.dirTmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='EOTSV_Test')
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -56,6 +57,68 @@ class testclassUtilityTests(unittest.TestCase):
             self.assertIsInstance(p, TemporalProfile)
         return results
+    def test_loadTemporalProfiles(self):
+        center = self.TS.maxSpatialExtent().spatialCenter()
+        lyr = TemporalProfileLayer(self.TS)
+        tp1 = lyr.createTemporalProfiles(center)[0]
+        tp2 = lyr.createTemporalProfiles(center)[0]
+        tProfiles = [tp1, tp2]
+        tss = self.TS[0][0]
+        self.assertIsInstance(tss, TimeSeriesSource)
+        tasks = []
+        for tss in self.TS[0]:
+            tasks.append(TemporalProfileLoaderTask(tss, tProfiles))
+        self.lastProgress = -1
+        def onProgress(p):
+            self.lastProgress = p
+        qgsTask = TaskMock()
+        qgsTask.progressChanged.connect(onProgress)
+        dump = doLoadTemporalProfileTasks(qgsTask, pickle.dumps(tasks))
+        tasks = pickle.loads(dump)
+        self.assertIsInstance(tasks, list)
+        for task in tasks:
+            self.assertIsInstance(task, TemporalProfileLoaderTask)
+            self.assertTrue(len(task.mERRORS) > 0 or len(task.mRESULTS) > 0)
+            self.assertTrue(len(task.mRESULTS) == len(tProfiles))
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.lastProgress, 100)
+        tasks = []
+        bandIndices = [-12, 0, 4, 999]
+        tasks.append(TemporalProfileLoaderTask(tss, tProfiles, bandIndices=bandIndices))
+        dump = doLoadTemporalProfileTasks(qgsTask, pickle.dumps(tasks))
+        tasks = pickle.loads(dump)
+        self.assertIsInstance(tasks, list)
+        for task in tasks:
+            self.assertIsInstance(task, TemporalProfileLoaderTask)
+            self.assertTrue(task.mTSS, TimeSeriesSource)
+            for tpId, data in task.mRESULTS.items():
+                # check returned data
+                self.assertIsInstance(data, dict)
+                self.assertTrue('px_x' in data.keys())
+                self.assertTrue('px_y' in data.keys())
+                for idx in bandIndices:
+                    bandName = 'b{}'.format(idx+1)
+                    if idx < 0 or idx >= task.mTSS.nb - 1:
+                        self.assertTrue(bandName not in data.keys())
+                    else:
+                        self.assertTrue(bandName in data.keys())
+            self.assertTrue(len(task.mRESULTS) == len(tProfiles))
+        # todo: test-nodata values
     def test_createTemporalProfile(self):
         center = self.TS.maxSpatialExtent().spatialCenter()
@@ -63,9 +126,8 @@ class testclassUtilityTests(unittest.TestCase):
         lyr = TemporalProfileLayer(self.TS)
         tp = lyr.createTemporalProfiles(center)[0]
         self.assertIsInstance(tp, TemporalProfile)
-        tp.loadMissingData(False)
+        tp.loadMissingData()
         temporalProfiles = [tp]
         temporalProfiles.extend(lyr.createTemporalProfiles((SpatialPoint(center.crs(), center.x() - 50, center.y() + 50))))
@@ -118,7 +180,7 @@ class testclassUtilityTests(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(tp, tp2)
         p = tempfile.mktemp('.shp', 'testtemporalprofiles')
-        writtenFiles = lyr1.saveTemporalProfiles(p, loadMissingValues=True)
+        writtenFiles = lyr1.saveTemporalProfiles(p)
         self.assertTrue(len(writtenFiles) == 2)
         for f in writtenFiles:
@@ -172,7 +234,7 @@ class testclassUtilityTests(unittest.TestCase):
             for sensor in self.TS.sensors():
                 self.assertIsInstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
                 for expression in expressions:
-                    x , y = tp.dataFromExpression(sensor, expression)
+                    x, y = tp.dataFromExpression(sensor, expression)
                     self.assertIsInstance(x, list)
                     self.assertIsInstance(y, list)
                     self.assertEqual(len(x), len(y))
diff --git a/tests/test_timeseries.py b/tests/test_timeseries.py
index f40590f37cd2bf6ba63ba6877b6709a9d758e436..6c773058a62f1d259c0e5c181095b53f78ceed77 100644
--- a/tests/test_timeseries.py
+++ b/tests/test_timeseries.py
@@ -15,12 +15,19 @@ QAPP = initQgisApplication()
 SHOW_GUI = False and os.environ.get('CI') is None
+import eotimeseriesviewer.settings
+s = eotimeseriesviewer.settings.settings()
+s = ""
 class TestInit(unittest.TestCase):
     def createTestDatasets(self):
         vsiDir = '/vsimem/tmp'
-        from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles2d import date2num
+        from eotimeseriesviewer.temporalprofiles import date2num
         ns = 50
         nl = 100
@@ -158,7 +165,6 @@ class TestInit(unittest.TestCase):
             self.assertIsInstance(tss.spatialExtent(), SpatialExtent)
             self.assertIsInstance(tss, TimeSeriesSource)
             if not isinstance(ref, TimeSeriesSource):
                 ref = tss
@@ -259,7 +265,7 @@ class TestInit(unittest.TestCase):
         TS = TimeSeries()
-        TS.addSourcesAsync(files, nWorkers=1)
+        TS.addSources(files, nWorkers=1)
         while QgsApplication.taskManager().countActiveTasks() > 0 or len(TS.mTasks) > 0:
@@ -352,6 +358,9 @@ class TestInit(unittest.TestCase):
             ds = gdal.Open(p)
             self.assertIsInstance(ds, gdal.Dataset)
             band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
             self.assertIsInstance(band, gdal.Band)