# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ /*************************************************************************** EnMAPBox A QGIS plugin EnMAP-Box V3 ------------------- begin : 2015-08-20 git sha : $Format:%H$ copyright : (C) 2015 by HU-Berlin email : bj@geo.hu-berlin.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ # Import the code for the dialog import os, sys, re, fnmatch, collections, copy, traceback, six from qgis.core import * #os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + r'C:\OSGeo4W64\bin' from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr, gdal_array DEBUG = True import qgis.analysis try: from qgis.gui import * import qgis import qgis_add_ins qgis_available = True #import console.console_output #console.show_console() #sys.stdout = console.console_output.writeOut() #sys.stderr = console.console_output.writeOut() except: print('Can not find QGIS instance') qgis_available = False import numpy as np import multiprocessing, site from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.uic.Compiler.qtproxies import QtGui, QtCore import sys import code import codecs #abbreviations from timeseriesviewer import jp, mkdir, DIR_SITE_PACKAGES, file_search site.addsitedir(DIR_SITE_PACKAGES) from timeseriesviewer.ui import widgets from timeseriesviewer.timeseries import TimeSeries, TimeSeriesDatum, SensorInstrument #I don't know why, but this is required to run this in QGIS #todo: still required? path = os.path.abspath(jp(sys.exec_prefix, '../../bin/pythonw.exe')) if os.path.exists(path): multiprocessing.set_executable(path) sys.argv = [ None ] #ensure that required non-standard modules are available import pyqtgraph as pg class TimeSeriesTableModel(QAbstractTableModel): columnames = ['date','sensor','ns','nl','nb','image','mask'] def __init__(self, TS, parent=None, *args): super(QAbstractTableModel, self).__init__() assert isinstance(TS, TimeSeries) self.TS = TS def rowCount(self, parent = QModelIndex()): return len(self.TS) def columnCount(self, parent = QModelIndex()): return len(self.columnames) def removeRows(self, row, count , parent=QModelIndex()): self.beginRemoveRows(parent, row, row+count-1) toRemove = self._data[row:row+count] for i in toRemove: self._data.remove(i) self.endRemoveRows() def getDateFromIndex(self, index): if index.isValid(): i = index.row() if i >= 0 and i < len(self.TS): return self.TS.getTSDs()[i] return None def getTimeSeriesDatumFromIndex(self, index): if index.isValid(): i = index.row() if i >= 0 and i < len(self.TS): return self.TS.data[i] return None def data(self, index, role = Qt.DisplayRole): if role is None or not index.isValid(): return None value = None ic_name = self.columnames[index.column()] TSD = self.getTimeSeriesDatumFromIndex(index) keys = list(TSD.__dict__.keys()) if role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.ToolTipRole: if ic_name == 'name': value = os.path.basename(TSD.pathImg) elif ic_name == 'sensor': if role == Qt.ToolTipRole: value = TSD.sensor.getDescription() else: value = str(TSD.sensor) elif ic_name == 'date': value = '{}'.format(TSD.date) elif ic_name == 'image': value = TSD.pathImg elif ic_name == 'mask': value = TSD.pathMsk elif ic_name in keys: value = TSD.__dict__[ic_name] else: s = "" elif role == Qt.BackgroundColorRole: value = None elif role == Qt.UserRole: value = TSD return value #def flags(self, index): # return Qt.ItemIsEnabled def flags(self, index): if index.isValid(): item = self.getTimeSeriesDatumFromIndex(index) cname = self.columnames[index.column()] if cname.startswith('d'): #relative values can be edited flags = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable else: flags = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable return flags #return item.qt_flags(index.column()) return None def headerData(self, col, orientation, role): if Qt is None: return None if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole: return self.columnames[col] elif orientation == Qt.Vertical and role == Qt.DisplayRole: return col return None class TimeSeriesItemModel(QAbstractItemModel): def __init__(self, TS): QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self) #self.rootItem = TreeItem[] assert type(TS) is TimeSeries self.TS = TS def index(self, row, column, parent = QModelIndex()): if not parent.isValid(): parentItem = self.rootItem else: parentItem = parent.internalPointer() childItem = parentItem.child(row) if childItem: return self.createIndex(row, column, childItem) else: return QModelIndex() def setData(self, index, value, role = Qt.EditRole): if role == Qt.EditRole: row = index.row() return False return False def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): data = None if role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.EditRole: data = 'sampletext' return data def flags(self, QModelIndex): return Qt.ItemIsSelectable def rowCount(self, index=QModelIndex()): return len(self.TS) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def columnCount(self, index=QModelIndex()): return 1 class BandView(QObject): removeView = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, TS, recommended_bands=None): assert type(TS) is TimeSeries self.representation = collections.OrderedDict() self.TS = TS self.TS.sensorAdded.connect(self.checkSensors) self.TS.changed.connect(self.checkSensors) self.Sensors = self.TS.Sensors import copy for sensor in self.Sensors: self.initSensor(copy.deepcopy(sensor)) def checkSensors(self): represented_sensors = set(self.representation.keys()) ts_sensors = set(self.TS.Sensors.keys()) to_add = ts_sensors - represented_sensors to_remove = represented_sensors - ts_sensors for S in to_remove: self.representation[S].close() self.representation.pop(S) for S in to_add: self.initSensor(S) def initSensor(self, sensor, recommended_bands=None): """ :param sensor: :param recommended_bands: :return: """ assert type(sensor) is SensorInstrument if sensor not in self.representation.keys(): x = widgets.ImageChipViewSettings(sensor) x.create() self.representation[sensor] = x def getSensorStats(self, sensor, bands): """ :param sensor: :param bands: :return: """ assert type(sensor) is SensorInstrument dsRef = gdal.Open(self.Sensors[sensor][0]) return [dsRef.GetRasterBand(b).ComputeRasterMinMax() for b in bands] def getRanges(self, sensor): return self.getWidget(sensor).getRGBSettings()[1] def getBands(self, sensor): return self.getWidget(sensor).getRGBSettings()[0] def getRGBSettings(self, sensor): return self.getWidget(sensor).getRGBSettings() def getWidget(self, sensor): assert type(sensor) is SensorInstrument return self.representation[sensor] def useMaskValues(self): #todo: return False class ImageChipLabel(QLabel): clicked = pyqtSignal(object, object) def __init__(self, time_series_viewer=None, iface=None, TSD=None, bands=None): super(ImageChipLabel, self).__init__(time_series_viewer) self.TSV = time_series_viewer self.TSD = TSD self.bn = os.path.basename(self.TSD.pathImg) self.iface=iface self.bands=bands self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.DefaultContextMenu) self.setFrameShape(QFrame.StyledPanel) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) tt = ['Date: {}'.format(TSD.date) \ ,'Name: {}'.format(self.bn) \ ,'RGB: {}'.format(','.join([str(b) for b in bands]))] self.setToolTip(list2str(tt)) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): self.clicked.emit(self, event) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): menu = QMenu() #add general options action = menu.addAction('Copy to clipboard') action.triggered.connect(lambda : QApplication.clipboard().setPixmap(self.pixmap())) #add QGIS specific options if self.iface: action = menu.addAction('Add {} to QGIS layers'.format(self.bn)) action.triggered.connect(lambda : qgis_add_ins.add_QgsRasterLayer(self.iface, self.TSD.pathImg, self.bands)) menu.exec_(event.globalPos()) def getBoundingBoxPolygon(points, srs=None): ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for point in points: ring.AddPoint(point[0], point[1]) bb = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) bb.AddGeometry(ring) if isinstance(srs, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem): _crs = osr.SpatialReference() _crs.ImportFromWkt(srs.toWkt()) bb.AssignSpatialReference(_crs) return bb def getDS(ds): if type(ds) is not gdal.Dataset: ds = gdal.Open(ds) return ds def getBandNames(lyr): assert isinstance(lyr, QgsRasterLayer) dp = lyr.dataProvider() assert isinstance(dp, QgsRasterDataProvider) if str(dp.name()) == 'gdal': s = "" else: return lyr def getImageDate(ds): if type(ds) is str: ds = gdal.Open(ds) path = ds.GetFileList()[0] to_check = [os.path.basename(path), os.path.dirname(path)] regAcqDate = re.compile(r'acquisition (time|date|day)', re.I) for key, value in ds.GetMetadata_Dict().items(): if regAcqDate.search(key): to_check.insert(0, value) for text in to_check: date = parseAcquisitionDate(text) if date: return date raise Exception('Can not identify acquisition date of {}'.format(path)) def getChip3d(chips, rgb_idx, ranges): assert len(rgb_idx) == 3 and len(rgb_idx) == len(ranges) for i in rgb_idx: assert i in chips.keys() nl, ns = chips[rgb_idx[0]].shape a3d = np.ndarray((3,nl,ns), dtype='float') for i, rgb_i in enumerate(rgb_idx): range = ranges[i] data = chips[rgb_i].astype('float') data -= range[0] data *= 255./range[1] a3d[i,:] = data np.clip(a3d, 0, 255, out=a3d) return a3d.astype('uint8') def Array2Image(d3d): nb, nl, ns = d3d.shape byteperline = nb d3d = d3d.transpose([1,2,0]).copy() return QImage(d3d.data, ns, nl, QImage.Format_RGB888) class LayerLoader(QRunnable): def __init__(self, paths): super(LayerLoader, self).__init__() self.signals = LoaderSignals() self.paths = paths def run(self): lyrs = [] for path in self.paths: lyr = QgsRasterLayer(path) if lyr: lyrs.append(lyr) self.signals.sigRasterLayerLoaded.emit(lyr) print('{} loaded'.format(path)) else: print('Failed to load {}'.format(path)) self.signals.sigFinished.emit() class VerticalLabel(QLabel): def __init__(self, text): super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self.text = text def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) painter.setPen(Qt.black) painter.translate(20, 100) painter.rotate(-90) if self.text: painter.drawText(0, 0, self.text) painter.end() def minimumSizeHint(self): size = QLabel.minimumSizeHint(self) return QSize(size.height(), size.width()) def sizeHint(self): size = QLabel.sizeHint(self) return QSize(size.height(), size.width()) class ImageChipBuffer(object): def __init__(self): self.data = dict() self.BBox = None self.SRS = None pass def hasDataCube(self, TSD): return TSD in self.data.keys() def getMissingBands(self, TSD, bands): missing = set(bands) if TSD in self.data.keys(): missing = missing - set(self.data[TSD].keys()) return missing def addDataCube(self, TSD, chipData): assert self.BBox is not None, 'Please initialize the bounding box first.' assert isinstance(chipData, dict) if TSD not in self.data.keys(): self.data[TSD] = dict() self.data[TSD].update(chipData) def getDataCube(self, TSD): return self.data.get(TSD) def getChipArray(self, TSD, band_view, mode='rgb'): assert mode in ['rgb', 'bgr'] bands = band_view.getBands(TSD.sensor) band_ranges = band_view.getRanges(TSD.sensor) nb = len(bands) assert nb == 3 and nb == len(band_ranges) assert TSD in self.data.keys(), 'Time Series Datum {} is not in buffer'.format(TSD.getDate()) chipData = self.data[TSD] for b in bands: assert b in chipData.keys() nl, ns = chipData[bands[0]].shape dtype= 'uint8' array_data = np.ndarray((nl,ns, nb), dtype=dtype) if mode == 'rgb': ch_dst = [0,1,2] elif mode == 'bgr': # r -> dst channel 2 # g -> dst channel 1 # b -> dst channel 0 ch_dst = [2,1,0] for i, i_dst in enumerate(ch_dst): offset = band_ranges[i][0] scale = 255./band_ranges[i][1] res = pg.rescaleData(chipData[bands[i]], scale, offset, dtype='float') np.clip(res, 0, 255, out=res) array_data[:,:,i_dst] = res return array_data def getChipRGB(self, TSD, band_view): bands = band_view.getBands(TSD.sensor) band_ranges = band_view.getRanges(TSD.sensor) assert len(bands) == 3 and len(bands) == len(band_ranges) assert TSD in self.data.keys(), 'Time Series Datum {} is not in buffer'.format(TSD.getDate()) chipData = self.data[TSD] for b in bands: assert b in chipData.keys() nl, ns = chipData[bands[0]].shape rgb_data = np.ndarray((3,nl,ns), dtype='float') for i, b in enumerate(bands): range = band_ranges[i] data = chipData[b].astype('float') data -= range[0] data *= 255./range[1] rgb_data[i,:] = data np.clip(rgb_data, 0, 255, out=rgb_data) rgb_data = rgb_data.astype('uint8') if band_view.useMaskValues(): rgb = band_view.getMaskColor() is_masked = np.where(np.logical_not(chipData['mask'])) for i, c in enumerate(rgb): rgb_data[i, is_masked[0], is_masked[1]] = c return rgb_data def getChipImage(self, date, view): rgb = self.getChipRGB(date, view) nb, nl, ns = rgb.shape rgb = rgb.transpose([1,2,0]).copy('C') return QImage(rgb.data, ns, nl, QImage.Format_RGB888) def clear(self): self.data.clear() def setBoundingBox(self, BBox): assert type(BBox) is ogr.Geometry SRS = BBox.GetSpatialReference() assert SRS is not None if self.BBox is None or not self.BBox.Equals(BBox) or not self.SRS.IsSame(SRS): self.clear() self.BBox = BBox self.SRS = SRS def __repr__(self): info = ['Chipbuffer'] info.append('Bounding Box: {}'.format(self.bbBoxWkt)) info.append('Chips: {}'.format(len(self.data))) return '\n'.join(info) list2str = lambda ll : '\n'.join([str(l) for l in ll]) class TimeSeriesViewer: """QGIS Plugin Implementation.""" def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface if isinstance(self.iface, qgis.gui.QgisInterface): import console console.show_console() # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference from timeseriesviewer.ui.widgets import TimeSeriesViewerUI self.dlg = TimeSeriesViewerUI() D = self.dlg #init on empty time series self.TS = None self.init_TimeSeries() self.BAND_VIEWS = list() self.ImageChipBuffer = ImageChipBuffer() self.CHIPWIDGETS = collections.OrderedDict() self.ValidatorPxX = QIntValidator(0,99999) self.ValidatorPxY = QIntValidator(0,99999) D.btn_showPxCoordinate.clicked.connect(lambda: self.ua_showPxCoordinate_start()) D.btn_selectByCoordinate.clicked.connect(self.ua_selectByCoordinate) D.btn_selectByRectangle.clicked.connect(self.ua_selectByRectangle) D.btn_addBandView.clicked.connect(lambda :self.ua_addBandView()) D.btn_addTSImages.clicked.connect(lambda :self.ua_addTSImages()) D.btn_addTSMasks.clicked.connect(lambda :self.ua_addTSMasks()) D.btn_loadTSFile.clicked.connect(self.ua_loadTSFile) D.btn_saveTSFile.clicked.connect(self.ua_saveTSFile) D.btn_addTSExample.clicked.connect(self.ua_loadExampleTS) D.btn_labeling_clear.clicked.connect(D.tb_labeling_text.clear) D.actionAdd_Images.triggered.connect(lambda :self.ua_addTSImages()) D.actionAdd_Masks.triggered.connect(lambda :self.ua_addTSMasks()) D.actionLoad_Time_Series.triggered.connect(self.ua_loadTSFile) D.actionSave_Time_Series.triggered.connect(self.ua_saveTSFile) D.actionLoad_Example_Time_Series.triggered.connect(self.ua_loadExampleTS) D.actionAbout.triggered.connect( \ lambda: QMessageBox.about(self.dlg, 'SenseCarbon TimeSeriesViewer', 'A viewer to visualize raster time series data')) D.btn_removeTSD.clicked.connect(lambda : self.ua_removeTSD(None)) D.btn_removeTS.clicked.connect(self.ua_clear_TS) D.sliderDOI.sliderMoved.connect(self.setDOILabel) D.spinBox_ncpu.setRange(0, multiprocessing.cpu_count()) self.RectangleMapTool = None self.PointMapTool = None self.canvas_srs = osr.SpatialReference() if self.iface: self.canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() self.RectangleMapTool = qgis_add_ins.RectangleMapTool(self.canvas) self.RectangleMapTool.rectangleDrawed.connect(self.ua_selectBy_Response) self.PointMapTool = qgis_add_ins.PointMapTool(self.canvas) self.PointMapTool.coordinateSelected.connect(self.ua_selectBy_Response) #self.RectangleMapTool.connect(self.ua_selectByRectangle_Done) self.ICP = self.dlg.scrollArea_imageChip_content.layout() self.dlg.scrollArea_bandViews_content.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) self.BVP = self.dlg.scrollArea_bandViews_content.layout() self.check_enabled() s = "" def setDOILabel(self, i): TSD = self.TS.data[i-1] self.dlg.labelDOI.setText(str(TSD.date)) s = "" @staticmethod def icon(): return QIcon(':/plugins/SenseCarbon/icon.png') def icon(self): return TimeSeriesViewer.icon() def init_TimeSeries(self, TS=None): if TS is None: TS = TimeSeries() assert type(TS) is TimeSeries if self.TS is not None: disconnect_signal(self.TS.datumAdded) disconnect_signal(self.TS.progress) disconnect_signal(self.TS.chipLoaded) disconnect_signal(self.TS.changed) self.TS = TS self.TS.datumAdded.connect(self.ua_datumAdded) self.TS.changed.connect(self.timeseriesChanged) self.TS.progress.connect(self.ua_TSprogress) self.TS.chipLoaded.connect(self.ua_showPxCoordinate_addChips) TSM = TimeSeriesTableModel(self.TS) D = self.dlg D.tableView_TimeSeries.setModel(TSM) D.tableView_TimeSeries.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) #D.cb_doi.setModel(TSM) #D.cb_doi.setModelColumn(0) #D.cb_doi.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.scrollToDate) def timeseriesChanged(self): D = self.dlg D.sliderDOI.setMinimum(1) D.sliderDOI.setMaximum(len(self.TS.data)) s = "" def ua_loadTSFile(self, path=None): if path is None or path is False: path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.dlg, 'Open Time Series file', '') if os.path.exists(path): M = self.dlg.tableView_TimeSeries.model() M.beginResetModel() self.ua_clear_TS() self.TS.loadFromFile(path) M.endResetModel() self.refreshBandViews() self.check_enabled() def ua_saveTSFile(self): path = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self.dlg, caption='Save Time Series file') if path is not None: self.TS.saveToFile(path) def ua_loadExampleTS(self): from timeseriesviewer import PATH_EXAMPLE_TIMESERIES if not os.path.exists(PATH_EXAMPLE_TIMESERIES): QMessageBox.information(self.dlg, 'File not found', '{} - this file describes an exemplary time series.'.format(path_example)) else: self.ua_loadTSFile(path=PATH_EXAMPLE_TIMESERIES) def ua_selectByRectangle(self): if self.RectangleMapTool is not None: self.canvas.setMapTool(self.RectangleMapTool) def ua_selectByCoordinate(self): if self.PointMapTool is not None: self.canvas.setMapTool(self.PointMapTool) def setCanvasSRS(self,srs): assert isinstance(srs, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem) self.canvas_srs = srs self.dlg.tb_bb_srs.setPlainText(self.canvas_srs.toWkt()) def ua_selectBy_Response(self, geometry, srs_wkt): D = self.dlg x = D.spinBox_coordinate_x.value() y = D.spinBox_coordinate_x.value() dx = D.doubleSpinBox_subset_size_x.value() dy = D.doubleSpinBox_subset_size_y.value() self.setCanvasSRS(osr.GetUserInputAsWKT(str(srs_wkt))) if type(geometry) is QgsRectangle: center = geometry.center() x = center.x() y = center.y() dx = geometry.xMaximum() - geometry.xMinimum() dy = geometry.yMaximum() - geometry.yMinimum() if type(geometry) is QgsPoint: x = geometry.x() y = geometry.y() """ ref_srs = self.TS.getSRS() if ref_srs is not None and not ref_srs.IsSame(canvas_srs): print('Convert canvas coordinates to time series SRS') g = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) g.AddPoint(x,y) g.AssignSpatialReference(canvas_srs) g.TransformTo(ref_srs) x = g.GetX() y = g.GetY() """ D.doubleSpinBox_subset_size_x.setValue(dx) D.doubleSpinBox_subset_size_y.setValue(dy) D.spinBox_coordinate_x.setValue(x) D.spinBox_coordinate_y.setValue(y) if D.cb_loadSubsetDirectly.isChecked(): self.ua_showPxCoordinate_start() def qgs_handleMouseDown(self, pt, btn): pass def ua_TSprogress(self, v_min, v, v_max): assert v_min <= v and v <= v_max if v_min < v_max: P = self.dlg.progressBar if P.minimum() != v_min or P.maximum() != v_max: P.setRange(v_min, v_max) else: s = "" P.setValue(v) def ua_datumAdded(self): if len(self.TS) > 0: self.setCanvasSRS(self.TS.getSRS()) if self.dlg.spinBox_coordinate_x.value() == 0.0 and \ self.dlg.spinBox_coordinate_y.value() == 0.0: bbox = self.TS.getMaxExtent(srs=self.canvas_srs) self.dlg.spinBox_coordinate_x.setRange(bbox.xMinimum(), bbox.xMaximum()) self.dlg.spinBox_coordinate_y.setRange(bbox.yMinimum(), bbox.yMaximum()) #x, y = self.TS.getSceneCenter() c = bbox.center() self.dlg.spinBox_coordinate_x.setValue(c.x()) self.dlg.spinBox_coordinate_y.setValue(c.y()) s = "" #self.dlg.sliderDOI self.dlg.tableView_TimeSeries.resizeColumnsToContents() def check_enabled(self): D = self.dlg hasTS = len(self.TS) > 0 or DEBUG hasTSV = len(self.BAND_VIEWS) > 0 hasQGIS = qgis_available #D.tabWidget_viewsettings.setEnabled(hasTS) D.btn_showPxCoordinate.setEnabled(hasTS and hasTSV) D.btn_selectByCoordinate.setEnabled(hasQGIS) D.btn_selectByRectangle.setEnabled(hasQGIS) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def tr(self, message): """Get the translation for a string using Qt translation API. We implement this ourselves since we do not inherit QObject. :param message: String for translation. :type message: str, QString :returns: Translated version of message. :rtype: QString """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass return QCoreApplication.translate('EnMAPBox', message) def ua_addTSD_to_QGIS(self, TSD, bands): s = "" pass def unload(self): """Removes the plugin menu item and icon """ self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(self.action) def run(self): self.dlg.show() def scrollToDate(self, date_of_interest): QApplication.processEvents() HBar = self.dlg.scrollArea_imageChips.horizontalScrollBar() TSDs = list(self.CHIPWIDGETS.keys()) if len(TSDs) == 0: return #get date INDEX that is closest to requested date if type(date_of_interest) is str: date_of_interest = np.datetime64(date_of_interest) if type(date_of_interest) is np.datetime64: i_doi = TSDs.index(sorted(TSDs, key=lambda TSD: abs(date_of_interest - TSD.getDate()))[0]) else: i_doi = date_of_interest step = int(float(HBar.maximum()) / (len(TSDs)+1)) HBar.setSingleStep(step) HBar.setPageStep(step*5) HBar.setValue(i_doi * step) def ua_showPxCoordinate_start(self): if len(self.TS) == 0: return D = self.dlg dx = D.doubleSpinBox_subset_size_x.value() * 0.5 dy = D.doubleSpinBox_subset_size_y.value() * 0.5 cx = D.spinBox_coordinate_x.value() cy = D.spinBox_coordinate_y.value() pts = [(cx - dx, cy + dy), \ (cx + dx, cy + dy), \ (cx + dx, cy - dy), \ (cx - dx, cy - dy)] bb = getBoundingBoxPolygon(pts, srs=self.canvas_srs) bbWkt = bb.ExportToWkt() srsWkt = bb.GetSpatialReference().ExportToWkt() self.ImageChipBuffer.setBoundingBox(bb) D = self.dlg ratio = dx / dy size_px = D.spinBox_chipsize_max.value() if ratio > 1: #x is largest side size_x = size_px size_y = int(size_px / ratio) else: #y is largest size_y = size_px size_x = int(size_px * ratio) #get the dates of interes dates_of_interest = list() doiTSD = self.TS.data[int(D.sliderDOI.value())-1] centerDate = doiTSD.getDate() allDates = self.TS.getObservationDates() i_doi = allDates.index(centerDate) if D.rb_showEntireTS.isChecked(): dates_of_interest = allDates elif D.rb_showTimeWindow.isChecked(): i0 = max([0, i_doi-D.sb_ndates_before.value()]) ie = min([i_doi + D.sb_ndates_after.value(), len(allDates)-1]) dates_of_interest = allDates[i0:ie+1] diff = set(dates_of_interest) diff = diff.symmetric_difference(self.CHIPWIDGETS.keys()) self.clearLayoutWidgets(self.ICP) self.CHIPWIDGETS.clear() #initialize image labels cnt_chips = 0 TSDs_of_interest = list() for date in dates_of_interest: #LV = QVBoxLayout() #LV.setSizeConstraint(QLayout.SetNoConstraint) for TSD in self.TS.getTSDs(date_of_interest=date): TSDs_of_interest.append(TSD) info_label_text = '{}\n{}'.format(TSD.date, TSD.sensor.sensor_name) textLabel = QLabel(info_label_text) tt = [TSD.date,TSD.pathImg, TSD.pathMsk] textLabel.setToolTip(list2str(tt)) self.ICP.addWidget(textLabel, 0, cnt_chips) viewList = list() j = 1 for view in self.BAND_VIEWS: bands = view.getBands(TSD.sensor) #imageLabel = QLabel() #imv = pg.GraphicsView() #imv = QGraphicsView(self.dlg.scrollArea_imageChip_content) #imv = MyGraphicsView(self.dlg.scrollArea_imageChip_content, iface=self.iface, path=TSD.pathImg, bands=bands) #imv = pg.ImageView(view=None) imgLabel = ImageChipLabel(time_series_viewer=self.dlg, iface=self.iface, TSD=TSD, bands=bands) imgLabel.setMinimumSize(size_x, size_y) imgLabel.setMaximumSize(size_x, size_y) imgLabel.clicked.connect(self.ua_collect_date) viewList.append(imgLabel) self.ICP.addWidget(imgLabel, j, cnt_chips) j += 1 textLabel = QLabel(info_label_text) textLabel.setToolTip(str(TSD)) self.ICP.addWidget(textLabel, j, cnt_chips) self.CHIPWIDGETS[TSD] = viewList cnt_chips += 1 self.dlg.scrollArea_imageChip_content.update() self.scrollToDate(centerDate) s = "" #ScrollArea.show() #ScrollArea.horizontalScrollBar().setValue() #fill image labels required_bands = dict() for j, view in enumerate(self.BAND_VIEWS): for S in view.Sensors.keys(): bands = set() bands.update(view.getBands(S)) if len(bands) != 3: s = "" assert len(bands) == 3 if S not in required_bands.keys(): required_bands[S] = set() required_bands[S] = required_bands[S].union(bands) missing = set() for TSD in TSDs_of_interest: missing_bands = self.ImageChipBuffer.getMissingBands(TSD, required_bands[TSD.sensor]) if len(missing_bands) == 0: self.ua_showPxCoordinate_addChips(None, TSD=TSD) else: missing.add((TSD, tuple(missing_bands))) missing =list(missing) if len(missing) > 0: missing = sorted(missing, key=lambda d: abs(centerDate - d[0].getDate())) self.TS.getSpatialChips_parallel(bbWkt, srsWkt, TSD_band_list=missing) def ua_collect_date(self, ICL, event): if self.dlg.rb_labeling_activate.isChecked(): txt = self.dlg.tb_labeling_text.toPlainText() reg = re.compile('\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}', re.I | re.MULTILINE) dates = set([np.datetime64(m) for m in reg.findall(txt)]) doi = ICL.TSD.getDate() if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: dates.add(doi) elif event.button() == Qt.MiddleButton and doi in dates: dates.remove(doi) dates = sorted(list(dates)) txt = ' '.join([d.astype(str) for d in dates]) self.dlg.tb_labeling_text.setText(txt) def ua_showPxCoordinate_addChips(self, results, TSD=None): if results is not None: TSD, chipData = results self.ImageChipBuffer.addDataCube(TSD, chipData) if TSD not in self.CHIPWIDGETS.keys(): six.print_('TSD {} does not exist in CHIPBUFFER'.format(TSD), file=sys.stderr) else: for imgChipLabel, bandView in zip(self.CHIPWIDGETS[TSD], self.BAND_VIEWS): #imgView.clear() #imageLabel.setScaledContents(True) #rgb = self.ImageChipBuffer.getChipRGB(TSD, bandView) array = self.ImageChipBuffer.getChipArray(TSD, bandView, mode = 'bgr') qimg = pg.makeQImage(array, copy=True, transpose=False) #rgb2 = rgb.transpose([1,2,0]).copy('C') #qImg = qimage2ndarray.array2qimage(rgb2) #img = QImage(rgb2.data, nl, ns, QImage.Format_RGB888) pxMap = QPixmap.fromImage(qimg).scaled(imgChipLabel.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio) imgChipLabel.setPixmap(pxMap) imgChipLabel.update() #imgView.setPixmap(pxMap) #imageLabel.update() #imgView.adjustSize() #pxmap = QPixmap.fromImage(qimg) # """ pxmapitem = QGraphicsPixmapItem(pxmap) if imgChipLabel.scene() is None: imgChipLabel.setScene(QGraphicsScene()) else: imgChipLabel.scene().clear() scene = imgChipLabel.scene() scene.addItem(pxmapitem) imgChipLabel.fitInView(scene.sceneRect(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio) """ pass self.ICP.layout().update() self.dlg.scrollArea_imageChip_content.update() s = "" pass def clearLayoutWidgets(self, L): if L is not None: while L.count(): w = L.takeAt(0) w.widget().deleteLater() #if w is not None: # w.widget().deleteLater() QApplication.processEvents() def ua_addTSImages(self, files=None): if files is None: files = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames() if files: M = self.dlg.tableView_TimeSeries.model() M.beginResetModel() self.TS.addFiles(files) M.endResetModel() self.refreshBandViews() self.check_enabled() def ua_addTSMasks(self, files=None): if files is None: files = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames() l = len(files) if l > 0: M = self.dlg.tableView_TimeSeries.model() M.beginResetModel() self.TS.addMasks(files, raise_errors=False) M.endResetModel() self.check_enabled() def ua_addBandView(self, band_recommendation = [3, 2, 1]): bandView = BandView(self.TS, recommended_bands=band_recommendation) #bandView.removeView.connect(self.ua_removeBandView) self.BAND_VIEWS.append(bandView) self.refreshBandViews() def refreshBandViews(self): if len(self.BAND_VIEWS) == 0 and len(self.TS) > 0: self.ua_addBandView(band_recommendation=[3, 2, 1]) self.ua_addBandView(band_recommendation=[4, 5, 3]) self.clearLayoutWidgets(self.BVP) for i, BV in enumerate(self.BAND_VIEWS): W = QWidget() hl = QHBoxLayout() textLabel = VerticalLabel('View {}'.format(i+1)) textLabel = QLabel('View {}'.format(i+1)) textLabel.setToolTip('') textLabel.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed,QSizePolicy.Fixed) hl.addWidget(textLabel) for S in self.TS.Sensors.keys(): w = BV.getWidget(S) w.setMaximumSize(w.size()) #w.setMinimumSize(w.size()) w.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed,QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) #w.setBands(band_recommendation) hl.addWidget(w) s = "" hl.addItem(QSpacerItem(20,20,QSizePolicy.Expanding,QSizePolicy.Minimum)) W.setLayout(hl) self.BVP.addWidget(W) self.check_enabled() def ua_removeBandView(self, w): self.BAND_VIEWS.remove(w) self.refreshBandViews() def ua_clear_TS(self): #remove views M = self.dlg.tableView_TimeSeries.model() M.beginResetModel() self.TS.clear() M.endResetModel() self.check_enabled() def ua_removeTSD(self, TSDs=None): if TSDs is None: TSDs = self.getSelectedTSDs() assert isinstance(TSDs,list) M = self.dlg.tableView_TimeSeries.model() M.beginResetModel() self.TS.removeDates(TSDs) M.endResetModel() self.check_enabled() def getSelectedTSDs(self): TV = self.dlg.tableView_TimeSeries TVM = TV.model() return [TVM.getTimeSeriesDatumFromIndex(idx) for idx in TV.selectionModel().selectedRows()] def disconnect_signal(signal): while True: try: signal.disconnect() except TypeError: break def showRGBData(data): from scipy.misc import toimage toimage(data).show() def run_tests(): if False: pathImg = r'O:\SenseCarbonProcessing\BJ_NOC\01_RasterData\00_VRTs\02_Cutted\2014-07-26_LC82270652014207LGN00_BOA.vrt' pathMsk = r'O:\SenseCarbonProcessing\BJ_NOC\01_RasterData\00_VRTs\02_Cutted\2014-07-26_LC82270652014207LGN00_Msk.vrt' if False: TSD = TimeSeriesDatum(pathImg) TSD.setMask(pathMsk) print(TSD) c = [670949.883,-786288.771] w_x = w_y = 1000 #1km box srs = TSD.getSpatialReference() ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) import itertools for x,y in itertools.product([1000, -1000], repeat=2): ring.AddPoint(c[0]+x, c[1]+y) ring.AssignSpatialReference(srs) bb = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) bb.AddGeometry(ring) bb.AssignSpatialReference(srs) def getChip3d_OLD(chips, r,g,b, range_r, range_g, range_b): nl, ns = chips[r].shape a3d = np.ndarray((3,nl,ns), dtype='float') rgb_idx = [r,g,b] ranges = [range_r, range_g, range_b] for i, rgb_i in enumerate(rgb_idx): range = ranges[i] data = chips[rgb_i].astype('float') data -= range[0] data *= 255./range[1] a3d[i,:] = data np.clip(a3d, 0, 255, out=a3d) return a3d.astype('uint8') app = QApplication([]) main = PictureTest() main.show() range_r = [0,500] range_g = [0,500] range_b = [0,500] bands = [3,2,1] #chipData = TSD.readSpatialChip(bb,bands=bands ) #main.addNumpy(getChip3d(chipData, bands, (range_r, range_g, range_b))) app.exec_() exit(0) if False: dirSrcLS = r'O:\SenseCarbonProcessing\BJ_NOC\01_RasterData\00_VRTs\02_Cutted' filesImgLS = file_search(dirSrcLS, '2014*_BOA.vrt') filesMsk = file_search(dirSrcLS, '2014*_Msk.vrt') TS = TimeSeries(imageFiles=filesImgLS, maskFiles=filesMsk) print(TS) exit(0) if True: import PyQt4.Qt app=PyQt4.Qt.QApplication([]) S = TimeSeriesViewer(None) S.run() if True: dirSrcLS = r'\\\NAS_Processing\SenseCarbonProcessing\BJ_NOC\01_RasterData\02_CuttedVRT' dirSrcRE = r'\\\SAN_RSDBrazil\RapidEye\3A_VRTs' filesImgLS = file_search(dirSrcLS, '20*_BOA.vrt') filesImgRE = file_search(dirSrcRE, '*.vrt', recursive=True) #filesMsk = file_search(dirSrc, '2014*_Msk.vrt') S.ua_addTSImages(files=filesImgLS[0:2]) S.ua_addTSImages(files=filesImgRE[0:2]) #S.ua_addTSImages(files=filesImgLS) #S.ua_addTSImages(files=filesImgRE) #S.ua_loadExampleTS() #S.ua_addTSMasks(files=filesMsk) #S.ua_addView(bands=[4,5,3]) app.exec_() if False: import qgis.core # supply path to where is your qgis installed #QgsApplication.setPrefixPath("/Applications/QGIS_2.12.app/Contents/MacOS/QGIS", True) # load providers QgsApplication.initQgis() a = QgsApplication([], True) S = TimeSeriesViewer(a) S.run() if True: dirSrcLS = r'O:\SenseCarbonProcessing\BJ_NOC\01_RasterData\00_VRTs\02_Cutted' filesImgLS = file_search(dirSrcLS, '2014*_BOA.vrt') filesMsk = file_search(dirSrcLS, '2014*_Msk.vrt') S.ua_addTSImages(files=filesImgLS) S.ua_addTSMasks(files=filesMsk) #S.ua_addView(bands=[4,5,3]) a.exec_() print('Tests done') exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': run_tests() print('Done')