# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # noinspection PyPep8Naming """ /*************************************************************************** Virtual Raster Builder ---------------------- begin : 2015-08-20 git sha : $Format:%H$ copyright : (C) 2017 by HU-Berlin email : benjamin.jakimow@geo.hu-berlin.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ import os, sys, re, pickle, tempfile, uuid from xml.etree import ElementTree from collections import OrderedDict import tempfile from osgeo import gdal, osr, ogr, gdalconst as gc from qgis.core import * from qgis.gui import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from eotimeseriesviewer import Option, OptionListModel #lookup GDAL Data Type and its size in bytes LUT_GDT_SIZE = {gdal.GDT_Byte:1, gdal.GDT_UInt16:2, gdal.GDT_Int16:2, gdal.GDT_UInt32:4, gdal.GDT_Int32:4, gdal.GDT_Float32:4, gdal.GDT_Float64:8, gdal.GDT_CInt16:2, gdal.GDT_CInt32:4, gdal.GDT_CFloat32:4, gdal.GDT_CFloat64:8} LUT_GDT_NAME = {gdal.GDT_Byte:'Byte', gdal.GDT_UInt16:'UInt16', gdal.GDT_Int16:'Int16', gdal.GDT_UInt32:'UInt32', gdal.GDT_Int32:'Int32', gdal.GDT_Float32:'Float32', gdal.GDT_Float64:'Float64', gdal.GDT_CInt16:'Int16', gdal.GDT_CInt32:'Int32', gdal.GDT_CFloat32:'Float32', gdal.GDT_CFloat64:'Float64'} GRA_tooltips = {'NearestNeighbour':'nearest neighbour resampling (default, fastest algorithm, worst interpolation quality).', 'Bilinear':'bilinear resampling.', 'Lanczos':'lanczos windowed sinc resampling.', 'Average':'average resampling, computes the average of all non-NODATA contributing pixels.', 'Cubic':'cubic resampling.', 'CubicSpline':'cubic spline resampling.', 'Mode':'mode resampling, selects the value which appears most often of all the sampled points', 'Max':'maximum resampling, selects the maximum value from all non-NODATA contributing pixels', 'Min':'minimum resampling, selects the minimum value from all non-NODATA contributing pixels.', 'Med':'median resampling, selects the median value of all non-NODATA contributing pixels.', 'Q1':'first quartile resampling, selects the first quartile value of all non-NODATA contributing pixels. ', 'Q3':'third quartile resampling, selects the third quartile value of all non-NODATA contributing pixels' } RESAMPLE_ALGS = OptionListModel() for GRAkey in [k for k in list(gdal.__dict__.keys()) if k.startswith('GRA_')]: GRA = gdal.__dict__[GRAkey] GRA_Name = GRAkey[4:] option = Option(GRA, GRA_Name, toolTip=GRA_tooltips.get(GRA_Name)) RESAMPLE_ALGS.addOption(option) # thanks to https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/75533/how-to-apply-band-settings-using-gdal-python-bindings def read_vsimem(fn): """ Reads VSIMEM path as string :param fn: vsimem path (str) :return: result of gdal.VSIFReadL(1, vsileng, vsifile) """ vsifile = gdal.VSIFOpenL(fn,'r') gdal.VSIFSeekL(vsifile, 0, 2) vsileng = gdal.VSIFTellL(vsifile) gdal.VSIFSeekL(vsifile, 0, 0) return gdal.VSIFReadL(1, vsileng, vsifile) def write_vsimem(fn:str,data:str): """ Writes data to vsimem path :param fn: vsimem path (str) :param data: string to write :return: result of gdal.VSIFCloseL(vsifile) """ '''Write GDAL vsimem files''' vsifile = gdal.VSIFOpenL(fn,'w') size = len(data) gdal.VSIFWriteL(data, 1, size, vsifile) return gdal.VSIFCloseL(vsifile) def px2geo(px, gt): #see http://www.gdal.org/gdal_datamodel.html gx = gt[0] + px.x()*gt[1]+px.y()*gt[2] gy = gt[3] + px.x()*gt[4]+px.y()*gt[5] return QgsPoint(gx,gy) def describeRawFile(pathRaw, pathVrt, xsize, ysize, bands=1, eType = gdal.GDT_Byte, interleave='bsq', byteOrder='LSB', headerOffset=0): """ Creates a VRT to describe a raw binary file :param pathRaw: path of raw image :param pathVrt: path of destination VRT :param xsize: number of image samples / columns :param ysize: number of image lines :param bands: number of image bands :param eType: the GDAL data type :param interleave: can be 'bsq' (default),'bil' or 'bip' :param byteOrder: 'LSB' (default) or 'MSB' :param headerOffset: header offset in bytes, default = 0 :return: gdal.Dataset of created VRT """ assert xsize > 0 assert ysize > 0 assert bands > 0 assert eType > 0 assert eType in LUT_GDT_SIZE.keys(), 'dataType "{}" is not a valid gdal datatype'.format(eType) interleave = interleave.lower() assert interleave in ['bsq','bil','bip'] assert byteOrder in ['LSB', 'MSB'] drvVRT = gdal.GetDriverByName('VRT') assert isinstance(drvVRT, gdal.Driver) dsVRT = drvVRT.Create(pathVrt, xsize, ysize, bands=0, eType=eType) assert isinstance(dsVRT, gdal.Dataset) #vrt = ['<VRTDataset rasterXSize="{xsize}" rasterYSize="{ysize}">'.format(xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize)] vrtDir = os.path.dirname(pathVrt) if pathRaw.startswith(vrtDir): relativeToVRT = 1 srcFilename = os.path.relpath(pathRaw, vrtDir) else: relativeToVRT = 0 srcFilename = pathRaw for b in range(bands): if interleave == 'bsq': imageOffset = headerOffset pixelOffset = LUT_GDT_SIZE[eType] lineOffset = pixelOffset * xsize elif interleave == 'bip': imageOffset = headerOffset + b * LUT_GDT_SIZE[eType] pixelOffset = bands * LUT_GDT_SIZE[eType] lineOffset = xsize * bands else: raise Exception('Interleave {} is not supported'.format(interleave)) options = ['subClass=VRTRawRasterBand'] options.append('SourceFilename={}'.format(srcFilename)) options.append('dataType={}'.format(LUT_GDT_NAME[eType])) options.append('ImageOffset={}'.format(imageOffset)) options.append('PixelOffset={}'.format(pixelOffset)) options.append('LineOffset={}'.format(lineOffset)) options.append('ByteOrder={}'.format(byteOrder)) xml = """<SourceFilename relativetoVRT="{relativeToVRT}">{srcFilename}</SourceFilename> <ImageOffset>{imageOffset}</ImageOffset> <PixelOffset>{pixelOffset}</PixelOffset> <LineOffset>{lineOffset}</LineOffset> <ByteOrder>{byteOrder}</ByteOrder>""".format(relativeToVRT=relativeToVRT, srcFilename=srcFilename, imageOffset=imageOffset, pixelOffset=pixelOffset, lineOffset=lineOffset, byteOrder=byteOrder) #md = {} #md['source_0'] = xml #vrtBand = dsVRT.GetRasterBand(b + 1) assert dsVRT.AddBand(eType, options=options) == 0 vrtBand = dsVRT.GetRasterBand(b+1) assert isinstance(vrtBand, gdal.Band) #vrtBand.SetMetadata(md, 'vrt_sources') #vrt.append(' <VRTRasterBand dataType="{dataType}" band="{band}" subClass="VRTRawRasterBand">'.format(dataType=LUT_GDT_NAME[eType], band=b+1)) dsVRT.FlushCache() return dsVRT class VRTRasterInputSourceBand(object): @staticmethod def fromGDALDataSet(pathOrDataSet): """ Returns the VRTRasterInputSourceBands from a raster data source :param pathOrDataSet: str | gdal.Dataset :return: [list-of-VRTRasterInputSourceBand] """ srcBands = [] if isinstance(pathOrDataSet, str): pathOrDataSet = gdal.Open(pathOrDataSet) if isinstance(pathOrDataSet, gdal.Dataset): path = pathOrDataSet.GetFileList()[0] for b in range(pathOrDataSet.RasterCount): srcBands.append(VRTRasterInputSourceBand(path, b)) return srcBands def __init__(self, path:str, bandIndex:int, bandName:str=''): self.mPath = path self.mBandIndex = bandIndex self.mBandName = bandName self.mNoData = None self.mVirtualBand = None def isEqual(self, other): if isinstance(other, VRTRasterInputSourceBand): return self.mPath == other.mPath and self.mBandIndex == other.mBandIndex else: return False def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol): return self.__class__, (self.mPath, self.mBandIndex, self.mBandName), self.__getstate__() def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state.pop('mVirtualBand') return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) def virtualBand(self): return self.mVirtualBand class VRTRasterBand(QObject): sigNameChanged = pyqtSignal(str) sigSourceInserted = pyqtSignal(int, VRTRasterInputSourceBand) sigSourceRemoved = pyqtSignal(int, VRTRasterInputSourceBand) def __init__(self, name='', parent=None): super(VRTRasterBand, self).__init__(parent) self.mSources = [] self.mName = '' self.setName(name) self.mVRT = None def __len__(self): return len(self.mSources) def setName(self, name): assert isinstance(name, str) oldName = self.mName self.mName = name if oldName != self.mName: self.sigNameChanged.emit(name) def name(self): return self.mName def addSource(self, virtualBandInputSource): assert isinstance(virtualBandInputSource, VRTRasterInputSourceBand) self.insertSource(len(self.mSources), virtualBandInputSource) def insertSource(self, index, virtualBandInputSource): assert isinstance(virtualBandInputSource, VRTRasterInputSourceBand) virtualBandInputSource.mVirtualBand = self if index <= len(self.mSources): self.mSources.insert(index, virtualBandInputSource) self.sigSourceInserted.emit(index, virtualBandInputSource) else: pass #print('DEBUG: index <= len(self.sources)') def bandIndex(self): if isinstance(self.mVRT, VRTRaster): return self.mVRT.mBands.index(self) else: return None def removeSource(self, vrtRasterInputSourceBand): """ Removes a VRTRasterInputSourceBand :param vrtRasterInputSourceBand: band index| VRTRasterInputSourceBand :return: The VRTRasterInputSourceBand that was removed """ if not isinstance(vrtRasterInputSourceBand, VRTRasterInputSourceBand): vrtRasterInputSourceBand = self.mSources[vrtRasterInputSourceBand] if vrtRasterInputSourceBand in self.mSources: i = self.mSources.index(vrtRasterInputSourceBand) self.mSources.remove(vrtRasterInputSourceBand) self.sigSourceRemoved.emit(i, vrtRasterInputSourceBand) def sourceFiles(self): """ :return: list of file-paths to all source files """ files = set([inputSource.mPath for inputSource in self.mSources]) return sorted(list(files)) def __repr__(self): infos = ['VirtualBand name="{}"'.format(self.mName)] for i, info in enumerate(self.mSources): assert isinstance(info, VRTRasterInputSourceBand) infos.append('\t{} SourceFileName {} SourceBand {}'.format(i + 1, info.mPath, info.mBandIndex)) return '\n'.join(infos) class VRTRaster(QObject): sigSourceBandInserted = pyqtSignal(VRTRasterBand, VRTRasterInputSourceBand) sigSourceBandRemoved = pyqtSignal(VRTRasterBand, VRTRasterInputSourceBand) sigSourceRasterAdded = pyqtSignal(list) sigSourceRasterRemoved = pyqtSignal(list) sigBandInserted = pyqtSignal(int, VRTRasterBand) sigBandRemoved = pyqtSignal(int, VRTRasterBand) sigCrsChanged = pyqtSignal(QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem) sigResolutionChanged = pyqtSignal() sigResamplingAlgChanged = pyqtSignal([str],[int]) sigExtentChanged = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super(VRTRaster, self).__init__(parent) self.mBands = [] self.mCrs = None self.mResamplingAlg = gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour self.mMetadata = dict() self.mSourceRasterBounds = dict() self.mExtent = None self.mResolution = None self.sigSourceBandRemoved.connect(self.updateSourceRasterBounds) self.sigSourceBandInserted.connect(self.updateSourceRasterBounds) self.sigBandRemoved.connect(self.updateSourceRasterBounds) self.sigBandInserted.connect(self.updateSourceRasterBounds) def setResamplingAlg(self, value): """ Sets the resampling algorithm :param value: - Any gdal.GRA_* constant, like gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbor - nearest,bilinear,cubic,cubicspline,lanczos,average,mode - None (will set the default value to 'nearest' """ last = self.mResamplingAlg possibleNames = RESAMPLE_ALGS.optionNames() possibleValues = RESAMPLE_ALGS.optionValues() if value is None: self.mResamplingAlg = gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour elif value in possibleNames: self.mResamplingAlg = possibleValues[possibleNames.index(value)] elif value in possibleValues: self.mResamplingAlg = value else: raise Exception('Unknown value "{}"'.format(value)) if last != self.mResamplingAlg: self.sigResamplingAlgChanged[str].emit(self.resamplingAlg(asString=True)) self.sigResamplingAlgChanged[int].emit(self.resamplingAlg()) def resamplingAlg(self, asString=False): """ "Returns the resampling algorithms. :param asString: Set True to return the resampling algorithm as string. :return: gdal.GRA* constant or descriptive string. """ if asString: i = RESAMPLE_ALGS.optionValues().index(self.mResamplingAlg) return RESAMPLE_ALGS.optionNames()[i] else: return self.mResamplingAlg def setExtent(self, rectangle, crs=None): last = self.mExtent if rectangle is None: #use implicit/automatic values self.mExtent = None else: if isinstance(crs, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem) and isinstance(self.mCrs, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem): trans = QgsCoordinateTransform() trans.setSourceCrs(crs) trans.setDestinationCrs(self.mCrs) rectangle = trans.transform(rectangle) assert isinstance(rectangle, QgsRectangle) assert rectangle.width() > 0 assert rectangle.height() > 0 self.mExtent = rectangle if last != self.mExtent: self.sigExtentChanged.emit() pass def extent(self): return self.mExtent def setResolution(self, xy): """ Set the VRT resolution. :param xy: explicit value given as QSizeF(x,y) object or implicit as 'highest','lowest','average' """ last = self.mResolution if xy is None: self.mResolution = 'average' else: if isinstance(xy, QSizeF): assert xy.width() > 0 assert xy.height() > 0 self.mResolution = QSizeF(xy) elif isinstance(xy, str): assert xy in ['average','highest','lowest'] self.mResolution = xy if last != self.mResolution: self.sigResolutionChanged.emit() def resolution(self): """ Returns the internal resolution descriptor, which can be an explicit QSizeF(x,y) or one of following strings: 'average','highest','lowest' """ return self.mResolution def setCrs(self, crs): """ Sets the output Coordinate Reference System (CRS) :param crs: osr.SpatialReference or QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem :return: """ if isinstance(crs, osr.SpatialReference): auth = '{}:{}'.format(crs.GetAttrValue('AUTHORITY',0), crs.GetAttrValue('AUTHORITY',1)) crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(auth) if isinstance(crs, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem): if crs != self.mCrs: extent = self.extent() if isinstance(extent, QgsRectangle): trans = QgsCoordinateTransform() trans.setDestinationCrs(self.mCrs, crs) extent = trans.transform(extent) self.setExtent(extent) self.mCrs = crs self.sigCrsChanged.emit(self.mCrs) def crs(self): return self.mCrs def addVirtualBand(self, virtualBand): """ Adds a virtual band :param virtualBand: the VirtualBand to be added :return: VirtualBand """ assert isinstance(virtualBand, VRTRasterBand) return self.insertVirtualBand(len(self), virtualBand) def insertSourceBand(self, virtualBandIndex, pathSource, sourceBandIndex): """ Inserts a source band into the VRT stack :param virtualBandIndex: target virtual band index :param pathSource: path of source file :param sourceBandIndex: source file band index """ while virtualBandIndex > len(self.mBands)-1: self.insertVirtualBand(len(self.mBands), VRTRasterBand()) vBand = self.mBands[virtualBandIndex] vBand.addSourceBand(pathSource, sourceBandIndex) def insertVirtualBand(self, index, virtualBand): """ Inserts a VirtualBand :param index: the insert position :param virtualBand: the VirtualBand to be inserted :return: the VirtualBand """ assert isinstance(virtualBand, VRTRasterBand) assert index <= len(self.mBands) if len(virtualBand.name()) == 0: virtualBand.setName('Band {}'.format(index+1)) virtualBand.mVRT = self virtualBand.sigSourceInserted.connect( lambda _, sourceBand: self.sigSourceBandInserted.emit(virtualBand, sourceBand)) virtualBand.sigSourceRemoved.connect( lambda _, sourceBand: self.sigSourceBandInserted.emit(virtualBand, sourceBand)) self.mBands.insert(index, virtualBand) self.sigBandInserted.emit(index, virtualBand) return self[index] def removeVirtualBands(self, bandsOrIndices): assert isinstance(bandsOrIndices, list) to_remove = [] for virtualBand in bandsOrIndices: if not isinstance(virtualBand, VRTRasterBand): virtualBand = self.mBands[virtualBand] to_remove.append((self.mBands.index(virtualBand), virtualBand)) to_remove = sorted(to_remove, key=lambda t: t[0], reverse=True) for index, virtualBand in to_remove: self.mBands.remove(virtualBand) self.sigBandRemoved.emit(index, virtualBand) def removeInputSource(self, path): assert path in self.sourceRaster() for vBand in self.mBands: assert isinstance(vBand, VRTRasterBand) if path in vBand.mSources(): vBand.removeSource(path) def removeVirtualBand(self, bandOrIndex): self.removeVirtualBands([bandOrIndex]) def addFilesAsMosaic(self, files): """ Shortcut to mosaic all input files. All bands will maintain their band position in the virtual file. :param files: [list-of-file-paths] """ for file in files: ds = gdal.Open(file) assert isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset) nb = ds.RasterCount for b in range(nb): if b+1 < len(self): #add new virtual band self.addVirtualBand(VRTRasterBand()) vBand = self[b] assert isinstance(vBand, VRTRasterBand) vBand.addSourceBand(file, b) return self def addFilesAsStack(self, files): """ Shortcut to stack all input files, i.e. each band of an input file will be a new virtual band. Bands in the virtual file will be ordered as file1-band1, file1-band n, file2-band1, file2-band,... :param files: [list-of-file-paths] :return: self """ for file in files: ds = gdal.Open(file) assert isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset), 'Can not open {}'.format(file) nb = ds.RasterCount ds = None for b in range(nb): #each new band is a new virtual band vBand = self.addVirtualBand(VRTRasterBand()) assert isinstance(vBand, VRTRasterBand) vBand.addSource(VRTRasterInputSourceBand(file, b)) return self def sourceRaster(self): files = set() for vBand in self.mBands: assert isinstance(vBand, VRTRasterBand) files.update(set(vBand.sourceFiles())) return sorted(list(files)) def sourceRasterBounds(self): return self.mSourceRasterBounds def updateSourceRasterBounds(self): srcFiles = self.sourceRaster() toRemove = [f for f in self.mSourceRasterBounds.keys() if f not in srcFiles] toAdd = [f for f in srcFiles if f not in self.mSourceRasterBounds.keys()] for f in toRemove: del self.mSourceRasterBounds[f] for f in toAdd: self.mSourceRasterBounds[f] = RasterBounds(f) if len(srcFiles) > 0 and self.crs() == None: self.setCrs(self.mSourceRasterBounds[srcFiles[0]].crs) elif len(srcFiles) == 0: self.setCrs(None) if len(toRemove) > 0: self.sigSourceRasterRemoved.emit(toRemove) if len(toAdd) > 0: self.sigSourceRasterAdded.emit(toAdd) def loadVRT(self, pathVRT, bandIndex = None): """ Load the VRT definition in pathVRT and appends it to this VRT :param pathVRT: """ if pathVRT in [None,'']: return if bandIndex is None: bandIndex = len(self.mBands) ds = gdal.Open(pathVRT) assert isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset) assert ds.GetDriver().GetDescription() == 'VRT' for b in range(ds.RasterCount): srcBand = ds.GetRasterBand(b+1) vrtBand = VRTRasterBand(name=srcBand.GetDescription().decode('utf-8')) for key, xml in srcBand.GetMetadata(str('vrt_sources')).items(): tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml) srcPath = tree.find('SourceFilename').text srcBandIndex = int(tree.find('SourceBand').text) vrtBand.addSource(VRTRasterInputSourceBand(srcPath, srcBandIndex)) self.insertVirtualBand(bandIndex, vrtBand) bandIndex += 1 def saveVRT(self, pathVRT, warpedImageFolder = '.warpedimage'): """ Save the VRT to path. If source images need to be warped to the final CRS warped VRT image will be created in a folder <directory>/<basename>+<warpedImageFolder>/ :param pathVRT: str, path of final VRT. :param warpedImageFolder: basename of folder that is created :return: """ """ :param pathVRT: :return: """ assert len(self) >= 1, 'VRT needs to define at least 1 band' assert os.path.splitext(pathVRT)[-1].lower() == '.vrt' srcLookup = dict() srcNodata = None inMemory = pathVRT.startswith('/vsimem/') if inMemory: dirWarped = '/vsimem/' else: dirWarped = os.path.join(os.path.splitext(pathVRT)[0] + '.WarpedImages') drvVRT = gdal.GetDriverByName('VRT') for i, pathSrc in enumerate(self.sourceRaster()): dsSrc = gdal.Open(pathSrc) assert isinstance(dsSrc, gdal.Dataset) band = dsSrc.GetRasterBand(1) noData = band.GetNoDataValue() if noData and srcNodata is None: srcNodata = noData crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(dsSrc.GetProjection()) if crs == self.mCrs: srcLookup[pathSrc] = pathSrc else: #do a CRS transformation using VRTs warpedFileName = 'warped.{}.vrt'.format(os.path.basename(pathSrc)) if inMemory: warpedFileName = dirWarped + warpedFileName else: os.makedirs(dirWarped, exist_ok=True) warpedFileName = os.path.join(dirWarped, warpedFileName) wops = gdal.WarpOptions(format='VRT', dstSRS=self.mCrs.toWkt()) tmp = gdal.Warp(warpedFileName, dsSrc, options=wops) assert isinstance(tmp, gdal.Dataset) vrtXML = read_vsimem(warpedFileName) xml = ElementTree.fromstring(vrtXML) #print(vrtXML.decode('utf-8')) if False: dsTmp = gdal.Open(warpedFileName) assert isinstance(dsTmp, gdal.Dataset) drvVRT.Delete(warpedFileName) dsTmp = gdal.Open(warpedFileName) assert not isinstance(dsTmp, gdal.Dataset) srcLookup[pathSrc] = warpedFileName srcFiles = [srcLookup[src] for src in self.sourceRaster()] #these need to be set ns = nl = gt = crs = eType = None res = self.resolution() extent = self.extent() srs = None if isinstance(self.crs(), QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem): srs = self.crs().toWkt() if len(srcFiles) > 0: # 1. build a temporary VRT that describes the spatial shifts of all input sources kwds = {} if res is None: res = 'average' if isinstance(res, QSizeF): kwds['resolution'] = 'user' kwds['xRes'] = res.width() kwds['yRes'] = res.height() else: assert res in ['highest','lowest','average'] kwds['resolution'] = res if isinstance(extent, QgsRectangle): kwds['outputBounds'] = (extent.xMinimum(), extent.yMinimum(), extent.xMaximum(), extent.yMaximum()) if srs is not None: kwds['outputSRS'] = srs pathInMEMVRT = '/vsimem/{}.vrt'.format(uuid.uuid4()) vro = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(separate=True, **kwds) dsVRTDst = gdal.BuildVRT(pathInMEMVRT, srcFiles, options=vro) assert isinstance(dsVRTDst, gdal.Dataset) ns, nl = dsVRTDst.RasterXSize, dsVRTDst.RasterYSize gt = dsVRTDst.GetGeoTransform() crs = dsVRTDst.GetProjectionRef() eType = dsVRTDst.GetRasterBand(1).DataType SOURCE_TEMPLATES = dict() for i, srcFile in enumerate(srcFiles): vrt_sources = dsVRTDst.GetRasterBand(i+1).GetMetadata(str('vrt_sources')) assert len(vrt_sources) == 1 srcXML = vrt_sources['source_0'] assert os.path.basename(srcFile)+'</SourceFilename>' in srcXML assert '<SourceBand>1</SourceBand>' in srcXML SOURCE_TEMPLATES[srcFile] = srcXML drvVRT.Delete(pathInMEMVRT) else: # special case: no source files defined ns = nl = 1 #this is the minimum size if isinstance(extent, QgsRectangle): x0 = extent.xMinimum() y1 = extent.yMaximum() else: x0 = 0 y1 = 0 if isinstance(res, QSizeF): resx = res.width() resy = res.height() else: resx = 1 resy = 1 gt = (x0, resx, 0, y1, 0, -resy) eType = gdal.GDT_Float32 #2. build final VRT from scratch drvVRT = gdal.GetDriverByName('VRT') assert isinstance(drvVRT, gdal.Driver) dsVRTDst = drvVRT.Create(pathVRT, ns, nl,0, eType=eType) #2.1. set general properties assert isinstance(dsVRTDst, gdal.Dataset) if srs is not None: dsVRTDst.SetProjection(srs) dsVRTDst.SetGeoTransform(gt) #2.2. add virtual bands for i, vBand in enumerate(self.mBands): assert isinstance(vBand, VRTRasterBand) assert dsVRTDst.AddBand(eType, options=['subClass=VRTSourcedRasterBand']) == 0 vrtBandDst = dsVRTDst.GetRasterBand(i+1) assert isinstance(vrtBandDst, gdal.Band) vrtBandDst.SetDescription(vBand.name()) md = {} #add all input sources for this virtual band for iSrc, sourceInfo in enumerate(vBand.mSources): assert isinstance(sourceInfo, VRTRasterInputSourceBand) bandIndex = sourceInfo.mBandIndex xml = SOURCE_TEMPLATES[srcLookup[sourceInfo.mPath]] xml = re.sub('<SourceBand>1</SourceBand>', '<SourceBand>{}</SourceBand>'.format(bandIndex+1), xml) md['source_{}'.format(iSrc)] = xml vrtBandDst.SetMetadata(md,'vrt_sources') dsVRTDst = None #check if we get what we like to get dsCheck = gdal.Open(pathVRT) assert isinstance(dsCheck, gdal.Dataset) return dsCheck def __repr__(self): info = ['VirtualRasterBuilder: {} bands, {} source files'.format( len(self.mBands), len(self.sourceRaster()))] for vBand in self.mBands: info.append(str(vBand)) return '\n'.join(info) def __len__(self): return len(self.mBands) def __getitem__(self, slice): return self.mBands[slice] def __delitem__(self, slice): self.removeVirtualBands(self[slice]) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.mBands def __iter__(self): return iter(self.mClasses) def createVirtualBandMosaic(bandFiles, pathVRT): drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('VRT') refPath = bandFiles[0] refDS = gdal.Open(refPath) ns, nl, nb = refDS.RasterXSize, refDS.RasterYSize, refDS.RasterCount noData = refDS.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() vrtOptions = gdal.BuildVRTOptions( # here we can use the options known from http://www.gdal.org/gdalbuildvrt.html separate=False ) if len(bandFiles) > 1: s ="" vrtDS = gdal.BuildVRT(pathVRT, bandFiles, options=vrtOptions) vrtDS.FlushCache() assert vrtDS.RasterCount == nb return vrtDS def createVirtualBandStack(bandFiles, pathVRT): nb = len(bandFiles) drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('VRT') refPath = bandFiles[0] refDS = gdal.Open(refPath) ns, nl = refDS.RasterXSize, refDS.RasterYSize noData = refDS.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() vrtOptions = gdal.BuildVRTOptions( # here we can use the options known from http://www.gdal.org/gdalbuildvrt.html separate=True, ) vrtDS = gdal.BuildVRT(pathVRT, bandFiles, options=vrtOptions) vrtDS.FlushCache() assert vrtDS.RasterCount == nb #copy band metadata from for i in range(nb): band = vrtDS.GetRasterBand(i+1) band.SetDescription(bandFiles[i]) band.ComputeBandStats() if noData: band.SetNoDataValue(noData) return vrtDS class RasterBounds(object): def __init__(self, path): self.path = None self.polygon = None self.curve = None self.crs = None if path is not None: self.fromImage(path) def fromImage(self, path): self.path = path ds = gdal.Open(path) assert isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset) gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() bounds = [px2geo(QPoint(0, 0), gt), px2geo(QPoint(ds.RasterXSize, 0), gt), px2geo(QPoint(ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize), gt), px2geo(QPoint(0, ds.RasterYSize), gt)] crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(ds.GetProjection()) ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for p in bounds: assert isinstance(p, QgsPoint) ring.AddPoint(p.x(), p.y()) curve = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) curve.AddGeometry(ring) self.curve = QgsCircularString() self.curve.fromWkt(curve.ExportToWkt()) polygon = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) polygon.AddGeometry(ring) self.polygon = QgsPolygon() self.polygon.fromWkt(polygon.ExportToWkt()) self.polygon.exteriorRing().close() assert self.polygon.exteriorRing().isClosed() self.crs = crs return self def __repr__(self): return self.polygon.asWkt()