============== Changelog ============== 2019-08-06 (version 1.7): * increased contrast for default map view text * improved detect of wavelength information, e.g. from Pleiades, Sentinel-2 and RapidEye data 2019-07-16 (version 1.6): * re-design of map visualization: faster and more compact, the number of maps is fixed to n dates x m map views * date, sensor or map view information can be plotted within each map and become available in screenshots * releases map layers that are not required any more * slider + buttons to navigate over time series * fixed preview in crosshair dialog 2019-07-07 (version 1.5): * closing the EO Time Series Viewer instance will release all of its resources * added "Lock Map Panel" to avoid unwanted resizing of central widget * fixed missing updates of time series tree view when adding / removing source images * map canvas context menu lists layers with spatial extent intersecting the cursor position only * fixes feature selection error * added quick label source image to label the path of raster layer 2019-07-02 (version 1.4): * adding vector layers with sublayers will add all sublayers * map canvas context menu "Focus on Spatial Extent" will hide maps without time series data for the current spatial extent * labeling dock allows to iterate over vector features. the spatial map extent will be centered to each feature (`#26 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/26>`_) * added several convenience function to TimeSeriesViewer object * fixed a bug that did not allow to create new polygon features * temporal profile visualization: fixed icons to preview selected plot style, coordinate described by "<fid> <name>", e.g. "42 Deforested", fixed plot style preview * updated SpectralLibraryViewer * fixed spelling error in stacked band input dialog * MapViews can add raster layers that have been opened in QGIS, e.g. XYZ Tile with OpenStreetMap data 2019-06-12 (version 1.3): * fixed `#99 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/99>`_: opening example closes QGIS on linux * fixed `#96 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/96>`_ and `#99 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/99>`_ : docutils not installed error when showing rst/md content * fixed `#97 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/97>`_: TSV does not start (Linux) 2019-05-31 (version 1.2): * added SaveAllMapsDialog and menu option to export all maps as image files. * fixed `#91 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/91>`_: select Temporal Profile / Spectral Profile button activates the required map tools. * fixed `#92 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/92>`_: map canvas context menu "copy to clipboard" options. 2019-05-24 (version 1.1): * dates and data sources of the TimeSeries are now shown in a TreeView instead TableView * observation dates of current visible map canvases are highlighted in the time series tree view * sensor raster layer properties can be opened from MapView layer tree `#87 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/87>`_. Stats will be related to center mapcanvas. * fixed: StackedInputDialog, MapCanvas context menu, "Save Changes?" labeling dialog (`#85 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/85>`_), remove temporal profile (`#86 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/86>`_), draw new feature error (`#84 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/84>`_), Crosshair button status (`#90 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/90>`_), and some more 2019-05-15 (version 1.0, major update): * labeling tools to modify vector layers. * quick labeling for time-labels information * synchronization with QGIS Map canvas center * SpectralLibrary can import SpectralProfiles from a raster image based on vector positions * simplified MapView control dock, each MapView has it's own layer tree. * improved MapTool organization * removed PyQtGraph from list of required external python packages 2019-03-29: * renamed plugin folder from "timeseriesviewerplugin" to "EOTimeSeriesViewer". * improved SpectraLibrary tool * CI tests with bitbucket pipelines * several bug fixes 2019-03-01 (version 0.8): * added labeling panel * scheduled map canvas refreshes * multiple images per observationdata & sensor * fixed several bugs 2018-11-13: * fixed bugs which where caused by CRS changes * fixed macOS QGIS (3.4.1.) crashes caused by QgsMapCanvas constructor 2018-11-09: * uses QgsTaskManager for background loading * own QgsMapLayerStore to not mix-up with (main) QGIS layers * fixed bugs related to changes in QGIS API 2018-06-20 (version 0.7): * Visualization of images with stacked temporal information (each band = one observation date) * some bugfixes 2018-06-12: * Speclib I/O as CSV or ENVI-Spectral Library + CSV table for attributes * temporary VRTs now created in-memory (gdal VSI mechanism) instead in a disk temp path * Spectral Library: profile coordinate now in center of map pixel (issue `#66 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/66>`_) * Save map canvas to clipboard * Width of plot lines now scale-independent (issue `#64 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/64>`_, QPen.setCosmetic(True)) * adding fields to spectral library (issue `#61 <https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/issues/61>`_) 2018-06-04 (version 0.6): SpectralLibrary Module * now based on in-memory QgsVectorLayer * Locations and values of spectral profile can be exported as vector data set * Locations of spectral profiles can be rendered on MapCanvases Temporal Profile Module * now based on in-memory QgsVectorLayer * Locations of temporal profiles can be exported as vector data set * Band values of temporal profiles can be exported as CSV file * Locations of temporal profiles can be rendered on MapCanvases 2018-04-17 (version 0.5): * ported to QGIS 3, Qt5 and Python 3.6 * improvements in temporal profile visualization * removed several bug * visibility of vector and raster layers can be toggled per map view * improved interaction between QGIS and EOTSV (Buttons to import/export spatial extent of map canvas or center) 2018-03-29: * improved definition of individual 2D / 3D charts per sensor & pixel-location * added based OpenGL based 3D plot features (axis, grids, labels) * changed name to "EO Time Series Viewer" (EOTSV) 2018-02-11: * merged updates to temporal profile visualization, e.g. save temporal profiles, compare 2D profiles between different location, experimental 3D visualization 2018-01-31: * added file filters for OpenFileDialog 2018-01-19: * initialized Sphinx-based documentation * improved map visualization + map settings 2017-05-21: * many changes, done in development branch "develop", * e.g: QGIS MapCanvases for interactive maps, temporal profiles, ... 2017-02-14: * first setup for test users in the recent development branch