# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** deploy.py Script to build the HUB-TimeSeriesViewer from Repository code --------------------- Date : September 2017 Copyright : (C) 2017 by Benjamin Jakimow Email : benjamin.jakimow@geo.hu-berlin.de *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ import os, sys, re, shutil, zipfile, datetime, requests, http, mimetypes from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from http.client import responses import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from xml.dom import minidom import qgis.utils from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import * import numpy as np from pb_tool import pb_tool import git from timeseriesviewer import DIR_REPO from timeseriesviewer.utils import file_search, jp, initQgisApplication, zipdir import timeseriesviewer app = initQgisApplication() DIR_BUILD = jp(DIR_REPO, 'build') DIR_DEPLOY = jp(DIR_REPO, 'deploy') QGIS_MIN = '3.4' QGIS_MAX = '3.99' REPO = git.Repo(DIR_REPO) currentBranch = REPO.active_branch.name timestamp = ''.join(np.datetime64(datetime.datetime.now()).astype(str).split(':')[0:-1]).replace('-','') buildID = '{}.{}.{}'.format(re.search(r'(\.?[^.]*){2}', timeseriesviewer.__version__).group() , timestamp, re.sub(r'[\\/]','_', currentBranch)) DIR_DEPLOY = jp(DIR_REPO, 'deploy') PLUGIN_REPO_XML_REMOTE = os.path.join(DIR_DEPLOY, 'qgis_plugin_develop.xml') PLUGIN_REPO_XML_LOCAL = os.path.join(DIR_DEPLOY, 'qgis_plugin_develop_local.xml') URL_DOWNLOADS = r'https://bitbucket.org/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer' urlDownloads = 'https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/jakimowb/eo-time-series-viewer/downloads' #list of deploy options: # ZIP - add zipped plugin to DIR_DEPLOY # UNZIPPED - add the non-zipped plugin to DIR_DEPLOY DEPLOY_OPTIONS = ['ZIP', 'UNZIPPED'] ADD_TESTDATA = True PLAIN_COPY_SUBDIRS = ['site-packages'] ########## End of config section ########## End of config section REPO = git.Repo(DIR_REPO) currentBranch = REPO.active_branch.name timestamp = ''.join(np.datetime64(datetime.datetime.now()).astype(str).split(':')[0:-1]).replace('-','') buildID = '{}.{}.{}'.format(re.search(r'(\.?[^.]*){2}', timeseriesviewer.__version__).group() , timestamp, re.sub(r'[\\/]','_', currentBranch)) timestamp = ''.join(np.datetime64(datetime.datetime.now()).astype(str).split(':')[0:-1]) timestamp = re.sub('[-T]','', timestamp) timeseriesviewer.__version__ = buildID dirBuildPlugin = jp(DIR_BUILD, 'timeseriesviewerplugin') def rm(p): """ Remove files or directory 'p' :param p: path of file or directory to be removed. """ if os.path.isfile(p): os.remove(p) elif os.path.isdir(p): shutil.rmtree(p) def cleanDir(d): """ Remove content from directory 'd' :param d: directory to be cleaned. """ assert os.path.isdir(d) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(d): for p in dirs + files: rm(jp(root,p)) break def mkDir(d, delete=False): """ Make directory. :param d: path of directory to be created :param delete: set on True to delete the directory contents, in case the directory already existed. """ if delete and os.path.isdir(d): cleanDir(d) if not os.path.isdir(d): os.makedirs(d) def build(): # local pb_tool configuration file. pathCfg = jp(DIR_REPO, 'pb_tool.cfg') cfg = pb_tool.get_config(pathCfg) cdir = os.path.dirname(pathCfg) pluginname = cfg.get('plugin', 'name') dirPlugin = jp(DIR_DEPLOY, pluginname) os.chdir(cdir) mkDir(DIR_DEPLOY) if os.path.isdir(dirPlugin): print('Remove old build folder...') shutil.rmtree(dirPlugin, ignore_errors=True) # required to choose andy DIR_DEPLOY of choice # issue tracker: https://github.com/g-sherman/plugin_build_tool/issues/4 if True: # 1. clean an existing directory = plugin folder pb_tool.clean_deployment(ask_first=False) # 2. Compile. Basically call pyrcc to create the resources.rc file # I don't know how to call this from pure python try: pb_tool.compile_files(cfg) except Exception as ex: print('Failed to compile resources') print(ex) # 3. Deploy = write the data to the new plugin folder pb_tool.deploy_files(pathCfg, DIR_DEPLOY, quick=True, confirm=False) # 4. As long as we can not specify in the pb_tool.cfg which file types are not to deploy, # we need to remove them afterwards. # issue: https://github.com/g-sherman/plugin_build_tool/issues/5 print('Remove files...') if True: # delete help folder shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(dirPlugin, *['help']), ignore_errors=True) for f in file_search(DIR_DEPLOY, re.compile('(svg|pyc)$'), recursive=True): os.remove(f) #update metadata version if True: pathMetadata = jp(dirPlugin, 'metadata.txt') # update version number in metadata f = open(pathMetadata) lines = f.readlines() f.close() lines = re.sub('version=.*\n', 'version={}\n'.format(buildID), ''.join(lines)) lines = re.sub('qgisMinimumVersion=.*\n', 'qgisMinimumVersion={}\n'.format(QGIS_MIN), ''.join(lines)) lines = re.sub('qgisMaximumVersion=.*\n', 'qgisMaximumVersion={}\n'.format(QGIS_MAX), ''.join(lines)) f = open(pathMetadata, 'w') f.write(lines) f.flush() f.close() pathPackageInit = jp(dirPlugin, *['timeseriesviewer', '__init__.py']) f = open(pathPackageInit) lines = f.read() f.close() lines = re.sub(r'(__version__\W*=\W*)([^\n]+)', r'__version__ = "{}"\n'.format(buildID), lines) f = open(pathPackageInit, 'w') f.write(lines) f.flush() f.close() # 5. create a zip print('Create zipfile...') pluginname = cfg.get('plugin', 'name') pathZip = jp(DIR_DEPLOY, '{}.{}.zip'.format(pluginname, buildID)) dirPlugin = jp(DIR_DEPLOY, pluginname) zipdir(dirPlugin, pathZip) # os.chdir(dirPlugin) # shutil.make_archive(pathZip, 'zip', '..', dirPlugin) # 6. install the zip file into the local QGIS instance. You will need to restart QGIS! if True: print('\n### To update/install the EO Time Series Viewer run this command on your QGIS Python shell:\n') print('from pyplugin_installer.installer import pluginInstaller') print('pluginInstaller.installFromZipFile(r"{}")'.format(pathZip)) print('#### Close (and restart manually)\n') #print('iface.mainWindow().close()\n') print('QProcess.startDetached(QgsApplication.arguments()[0], [])') print('QgsApplication.quit()\n') print('## press ENTER\n') print('Finished') def updateRepositoryXML(path:str=None): """ Creates the XML files: deploy/qgis_plugin_develop.xml - to be uploaded to the bitbucket repository deploy/qgis_plugin_develop_local.xml - can be used as local QGIS Repository source :param path: str, optional, path of local *.zip which has been build with build() :return: """ if not isinstance(path, str): zipFiles = list(file_search(DIR_DEPLOY, '*timeseriesviewerplugin*.zip')) zipFiles.sort(key=lambda f:os.path.getctime(f)) path = zipFiles[-1] assert isinstance(path, str) assert os.path.isfile(path) assert os.path.splitext(path)[1] == '.zip' os.makedirs(DIR_DEPLOY, exist_ok=True) bn = os.path.basename(path) version = re.search(r'^timeseriesviewerplugin\.(.*)\.zip$', bn).group(1) s = "" """ <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="plugins.xsl" ?> <plugins> <pyqgis_plugin name="" version=""> <description></description> <about></about> <version></version> <trusted>True</trusted> <qgis_minimum_version>dummy</qgis_minimum_version> <qgis_maximum_version>dummy</qgis_maximum_version> <homepage></homepage> <file_name></file_name> <icon></icon> <author_name></author_name> <download_url></download_url> <uploaded_by></uploaded_by> <experimental>False</experimental> <deprecated>False</deprecated> <tracker></tracker> <repository></repository> <tags></tags> <downloads>0</downloads> <average_vote>0.0</average_vote> <rating_votes>0</rating_votes> <external_dependencies></external_dependencies> <server>True</server> </pyqgis_plugin> </plugins> """ download_url = URL_DOWNLOADS+'/'+bn root = ET.Element('plugins') plugin = ET.SubElement(root, 'pyqgis_plugin') plugin.attrib['name'] = "{} (develop version)".format(timeseriesviewer.TITLE) plugin.attrib['version'] = '{}'.format(version) ET.SubElement(plugin, 'description').text = r'EO Time Series Viewer (Development Version)' ET.SubElement(plugin, 'about').text = 'Preview' ET.SubElement(plugin, 'version').text = version ET.SubElement(plugin, 'qgis_minimum_version').text = QGIS_MIN ET.SubElement(plugin, 'qgis_maximum_version').text = QGIS_MAX ET.SubElement(plugin, 'homepage').text = timeseriesviewer.HOMEPAGE ET.SubElement(plugin, 'file_name').text = bn ET.SubElement(plugin, 'icon').text = 'icon.png' ET.SubElement(plugin, 'author_name').text = 'Benjamin Jakimow' ET.SubElement(plugin, 'download_url').text = download_url ET.SubElement(plugin, 'deprecated').text = 'False' ET.SubElement(plugin, 'tracker').text = timeseriesviewer.ISSUE_TRACKER ET.SubElement(plugin, 'repository').text = timeseriesviewer.REPOSITORY ET.SubElement(plugin, 'tags').text = 'Remote Sensing, Raster, Time Series Viewer' ET.SubElement(plugin, 'experimental').text = 'False' tree = ET.ElementTree(root) xml = ET.tostring(root) dom = minidom.parseString(xml) #<?xml version="1.0"?> #<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="plugins.xsl" ?> #pi1 = dom.createProcessingInstruction('xml', 'version="1.0"') url_xsl = 'https://plugins.qgis.org/static/style/plugins.xsl' pi2 = dom.createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/xsl" href="{}"'.format(url_xsl)) dom.insertBefore(pi2, dom.firstChild) xmlRemote = dom.toprettyxml(encoding='utf-8').decode('utf-8') with open(PLUGIN_REPO_XML_REMOTE, 'w') as f: f.write(xmlRemote) import pathlib uri = pathlib.Path(path).as_uri() xmlLocal = re.sub(r'<download_url>.*</download_url>', r'<download_url>{}</download_url>'.format(uri), xmlRemote) with open(PLUGIN_REPO_XML_LOCAL, 'w') as f: f.write(xmlLocal) # tree.write(pathXML, encoding='utf-8', pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True) #https://bitbucket.org/hu-geomatics/enmap-box/raw/HEAD/qgis_plugin_develop.xml def uploadDeveloperPlugin(): assert os.path.isfile(PLUGIN_REPO_XML_REMOTE) if True: #copy to head bnXML = os.path.basename(PLUGIN_REPO_XML_REMOTE) pathNew = os.path.join(DIR_REPO, bnXML) print('Copy {}\n\tto {}'.format(PLUGIN_REPO_XML_REMOTE, pathNew)) shutil.copy(PLUGIN_REPO_XML_REMOTE, pathNew) import git REPO = git.Repo(DIR_REPO) for diff in REPO.index.diff(None): if diff.a_path == bnXML: REPO.git.execute(['git', 'commit', '-m', "'updated {}'".format(bnXML), bnXML]) REPO.git.push() UPLOADS = {urlDownloads:[]} #urlRepoXML:[PLUGIN_REPO_XML], #urlDownloads:[PLUGIN_REPO_XML]} doc = minidom.parse(PLUGIN_REPO_XML_REMOTE) for tag in doc.getElementsByTagName('file_name'): bn = tag.childNodes[0].nodeValue pathFile = os.path.join(DIR_DEPLOY, bn) assert os.path.isfile(pathFile) UPLOADS[urlDownloads].append(pathFile) for url, paths in UPLOADS.items(): UPLOADS[url] = [p.replace('\\','/') for p in paths] skeyUsr = 'eotsv-repo-username' settings = QSettings('HU Geomatics', 'EO TSV Development') usr = settings.value(skeyUsr, '') pwd = '' auth = HTTPBasicAuth(usr, pwd) auth_success = False while not auth_success: try: if False: #print curl command(s) to be used in shell print('# CURL command(s) to upload the EO Time Series Viewer plugin build') for url, paths in UPLOADS.items(): cmd = ['curl'] if auth.username: tmp = '-u {}'.format(auth.username) if auth.password: tmp += ':{}'.format(auth.password) cmd.append(tmp) del tmp cmd.append('-X POST {}'.format(urlDownloads)) for f in paths: cmd.append('-F files=@{}'.format(f)) cmd = ' '.join(cmd) print(cmd) print('# ') # files = {'file': ('test.csv', 'some,data,to,send\nanother,row,to,send\n')} if True: #upload session = requests.Session() session.auth = auth for url, paths in UPLOADS.items(): for path in paths: print('Upload {} \n\t to {}...'.format(path, url)) #mimeType = mimetypes.MimeTypes().guess_type(path)[0] #files = {'file': (open(path, 'rb'), mimeType)} files = {'files':open(path, 'rb')} r = session.post(url, auth=auth, files=files) #r = requests.post(url, auth=auth, data = open(path, 'rb').read()) r.close() assert isinstance(r, requests.models.Response) for f in files.values(): if isinstance(f, tuple): f = f[0] f.close() info = 'Status {} "{}"'.format(r.status_code, responses[r.status_code]) if r.status_code == 401: print(info, file=sys.stderr) from qgis.gui import QgsCredentialDialog #from qgis.core import QgsCredentialsConsole d = QgsCredentialDialog() #d = QgsCredentialsConsole() ok, usr, pwd = d.request(url, auth.username, auth.password) if ok: auth.username = usr auth.password = pwd session.auth = auth continue else: raise Exception('Need credentials to access {}'.format(url)) elif not r.status_code in [200,201]: print(info, file=sys.stderr) else: print(info) auth_success = True except Exception as ex: pass if auth_success: settings.setValue(skeyUsr, session.auth.username) if __name__ == "__main__": build() updateRepositoryXML() uploadDeveloperPlugin() #s = ""