# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os, sys, fnmatch, six, subprocess, re from qgis import * from qgis.core import * from qgis.gui import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtSvg import * from PyQt5.QtXml import * from osgeo import gdal from timeseriesviewer import DIR_UI, DIR_REPO from timeseriesviewer.utils import file_search, jp def createFilePackage(dirData, recursive=True): import numpy as np from timeseriesviewer import DIR_REPO pathInit = jp(dirData, '__init__.py') code = ['#!/usr/bin/env python', '"""', 'This file is auto-generated.', 'Do not edit manually, as changes might get overwritten.', '"""', '__author__ = "auto-generated by {}"'.format(os.path.relpath(__file__, DIR_REPO)), '__date__ = "{}"'.format(np.datetime64('now')), '', 'import sys, os', '', 'thisDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)', '# File path attributes:', ] files = file_search(dirData, '*', recursive=recursive) filePathAttributes = set() def addFiles(files, comment=None, numberPrefix='File'): if len(files) > 0: if comment: code.append('# '+comment) for f in files: an, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f)) if re.search(r'^\d', an): an = numberPrefix+an an = re.sub(r'[-.]', '_',an) assert an not in filePathAttributes relpath = os.path.relpath(f, dirData) code.append("{} = os.path.join(thisDir,r'{}')".format(an, relpath)) filePathAttributes.add(an) code.append('\n') raster = [f for f in files if re.search(r'.*\.(bsq|bip|bil|tif|tiff)$', f)] vector = [f for f in files if re.search(r'.*\.(shp|kml|kmz)$', f)] addFiles(raster, 'Raster files:', numberPrefix='Img_') addFiles(vector, 'Vector files:', numberPrefix='Shp_') #add self-test for file existence if len(filePathAttributes) > 0: code.extend( [ "", "# self-test to check each file path attribute", "for a in dir(sys.modules[__name__]):", " v = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], a)", " if type(v) == str and os.path.isabs(v):" , " if not os.path.exists(v):", " sys.stderr.write('Missing package attribute file: {}={}'.format(a, v))", "", "# cleanup", "del thisDir, a, v ", ] ) open(pathInit, 'w').write('\n'.join(code)) print('Created '+pathInit) def getDOMAttributes(elem): assert isinstance(elem, QDomElement) values = dict() attributes = elem.attributes() for a in range(attributes.count()): attr = attributes.item(a) values[str(attr.nodeName())] = attr.nodeValue() return values def createTestData(dirTestData, pathTS, subsetRectangle, crs, drv=None): lines = open(pathTS).readlines() import tempfile, random from timeseriesviewer.main import TimeSeries, TimeSeriesDatum from qgis.core import QgsRectangle, QgsPoint, QgsPointXY, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem max_offset = 0 #in % assert isinstance(subsetRectangle, QgsRectangle) assert isinstance(crs, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem) TS = TimeSeries() TS.loadFromFile(pathTS) sw = subsetRectangle.width() sh = subsetRectangle.height() max_offset_x = sw / 100 * max_offset max_offset_y = sw / 100 * max_offset center = subsetRectangle.center() if not os.path.exists(dirTestData): os.mkdir(dirTestData) dirImages = os.path.join(dirTestData, 'Images') if not os.path.exists(dirImages): os.mkdir(dirImages) def random_offset(): offset_x = random.randrange(-max_offset_x, max_offset_x) if max_offset_x > 0 else 0 offset_y = random.randrange(-max_offset_y, max_offset_y) if max_offset_y > 0 else 0 return offset_x, offset_y drvMEM = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') from timeseriesviewer.main import transformGeometry for TSD in TS.data: assert isinstance(TSD, TimeSeriesDatum) ox, oy = random_offset() UL = QgsPointXY(subsetRectangle.xMinimum() + ox, subsetRectangle.yMaximum() + oy) LR = QgsPointXY(subsetRectangle.xMaximum() + ox, subsetRectangle.yMinimum() + oy) UL = transformGeometry(UL, crs, TSD.crs) LR = transformGeometry(LR, crs, TSD.crs) BBOX = QgsRectangle(UL, LR) if not BBOX.intersects(TSD.getBoundingBox()): print('Please note: no intersection with BBOX: '+TSD.pathImg) #crop src dataset to BBOX #for this we use GDAL LUT_EXT = {'ENVI':'.bsq'} filesToCopy = [f for f in [TSD.pathImg, TSD.pathMsk] if f is not None and os.path.exists(f)] for pathSrc in filesToCopy: dsSrc = gdal.Open(pathSrc) assert isinstance(dsSrc, gdal.Dataset) proj = dsSrc.GetProjection() trans = list(dsSrc.GetGeoTransform()) trans[0] = UL.x() trans[3] = UL.y() nsDst = int(BBOX.width() / TSD.lyrImg.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()) nlDst = int(BBOX.height() / TSD.lyrImg.rasterUnitsPerPixelY()) dsDst = drvMEM.Create('', nsDst, nlDst, dsSrc.RasterCount, eType = dsSrc.GetRasterBand(1).DataType) assert isinstance(dsDst, gdal.Dataset) dsDst.SetProjection(proj) dsDst.SetGeoTransform(trans) wo = gdal.WarpOptions() r = gdal.Warp(dsDst, dsSrc) assert r > 0 drvDst = gdal.GetDriverByName(drv) if drv is not None else dsSrc.GetDriver() #try to retireve an extension pathDst = os.path.join(dirImages, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pathSrc))[0]) ext = drvDst.GetMetadata_Dict().get('DMD_EXTENSION','') if ext == '': ext = LUT_EXT.get(drvDst.ShortName, '') if not pathDst.endswith(ext): pathDst += ext print('Write {}'.format(pathDst)) drvDst.CreateCopy(pathDst, dsDst) def compile_rc_files(ROOT, targetDir=None): #find ui files ui_files = file_search(ROOT, '*.ui', recursive=True) qrcs = set() doc = QDomDocument() reg = re.compile(r'(?<=resource=")[^"]+\.qrc(?=")') for ui_file in ui_files: pathDir = os.path.dirname(ui_file) doc.setContent(QFile(ui_file)) includeNodes = doc.elementsByTagName('include') for i in range(includeNodes.count()): attr = getDOMAttributes(includeNodes.item(i).toElement()) if 'location' in attr.keys(): print((ui_file, str(attr['location']))) qrcs.add((pathDir, str(attr['location']))) #compile Qt resource files #resourcefiles = file_search(ROOT, '*.qrc', recursive=True) resourcefiles = list(qrcs) assert len(resourcefiles) > 0 shell_cmds = [] subprocess_args = [] for root_dir, f in resourcefiles: #dn = os.path.dirname(f) pathQrc = os.path.normpath(jp(root_dir, f)) if not os.path.exists(pathQrc): print('Resource file does not exist: {}'.format(pathQrc)) continue bn = os.path.basename(pathQrc) if isinstance(targetDir, str): dn = targetDir else: dn = os.path.dirname(pathQrc) bn = os.path.splitext(bn)[0] pathPy = os.path.join(dn, bn+'.py' ) subprocess_args.append(('pyrcc5','-o', pathPy, pathQrc)) shell_cmds.append('pyrcc5 -o {} {}'.format(pathPy, pathQrc)) print('Call in shell:') for cmd in shell_cmds: print(cmd) for args in subprocess_args: try: subprocess.call(*args) except Exception as ex: print('Failed to call: pyrcc5 -o {} {}'.format(args[0], args[1])) def fileNeedsUpdate(file1, file2): if not os.path.exists(file2): return True else: if not os.path.exists(file1): return True else: return os.path.getmtime(file1) > os.path.getmtime(file2) def svg2png(pathDir, overwrite=False, mode='INKSCAPE', filterFile=None): """ Converts SVG files into PNG raster images :param pathDir: :param overwrite: :param mode: :return: """ assert mode in ['INKSCAPE', 'WEBKIT', 'SVG'] svgs = file_search(pathDir, '*.svg') if filterFile is not None: print('use file filter') lines = open(filterFile).readlines() lines = [l.strip() for l in lines] lines = [l for l in lines if not l.startswith('#') or len(l) == 0] svgs = [f for f in svgs if f in lines or os.path.basename(f) in lines] if len(svgs) == 0: print('No SVGs to convert') return app = QApplication([], True) buggySvg = [] for pathSvg in svgs: dn = os.path.dirname(pathSvg) bn, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pathSvg)) pathPng = jp(dn, bn+'.png') if mode == 'SVG': renderer = QSvgRenderer(pathSvg) doc_size = renderer.defaultSize() # size in px img = QImage(doc_size, QImage.Format_ARGB32) #img.fill(0xaaA08080) painter = QPainter(img) renderer.render(painter) painter.end() if overwrite or not os.path.exists(pathPng): img.save(pathPng, quality=100) del painter, renderer """ elif mode == 'WEBKIT': page = QWebPage() frame = page.mainFrame() f = QFile(pathSvg) if f.open(QFile.ReadOnly | QFile.Text): textStream = QTextStream(f) svgData = textStream.readAll() f.close() qba = QByteArray(str(svgData)) frame.setContent(qba,"image/svg+xml") page.setViewportSize(frame.contentsSize()) palette = page.palette() background_color = QColor(50,0,0,50) palette.setColor(QPalette.Window, background_color) brush = QBrush(background_color) palette.setBrush(QPalette.Window, brush) page.setPalette(palette) img = QImage(page.viewportSize(), QImage.Format_ARGB32) img.fill(background_color) #set transparent background painter = QPainter(img) painter.setBackgroundMode(Qt.OpaqueMode) #print(frame.renderTreeDump()) frame.render(painter) painter.end() if overwrite or not os.path.exists(pathPng): print('Save {}...'.format(pathPng)) img.save(pathPng, quality=100) del painter, frame, img, page s ="" """ elif mode == 'INKSCAPE': if fileNeedsUpdate(pathSvg, pathPng): if sys.platform == 'darwin': cmd = ['inkscape'] else: dirInkscape = r'C:\Program Files\Inkscape' assert os.path.isdir(dirInkscape) cmd = [jp(dirInkscape,'inkscape')] cmd.append('--file={}'.format(pathSvg)) cmd.append('--export-png={}'.format(pathPng)) from subprocess import PIPE p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) output, err = p.communicate() rc = p.returncode print('Saved {}'.format(pathPng)) if err != '': buggySvg.append((pathSvg, err)) if len(buggySvg) > 0: six._print('SVG Errors') for t in buggySvg: pathSvg, error = t six._print(pathSvg, error, file=sys.stderr) s = "" def file2qrc(icondir, pathQrc, qrcPrefix='timeseriesviewer', fileExtension='.png'): pathQrc = os.path.abspath(pathQrc) dirQrc = os.path.dirname(pathQrc) app = QApplication([]) assert os.path.exists(pathQrc) #create the new RCC doc = QDomDocument('RCC') doc.setContent(QFile(pathQrc)) if str(doc.toString()) == '': doc.appendChild(doc.createElement('RCC')) root = doc.documentElement() fileOfInterest = set() fileAttributes = {} #add files that are already included in the QRC file fileNodes = doc.elementsByTagName('file') for i in range(fileNodes.count()): fileNode = fileNodes.item(i).toElement() file = str(fileNode.childNodes().item(0).nodeValue()) #if file.lower().endswith(fileExtension): fileOfInterest.add(file) if fileNode.hasAttributes(): attributes = {} for i in range(fileNode.attributes().count()): attr = fileNode.attributes().item(i).toAttr() attributes[str(attr.name())] = str(attr.value()) fileAttributes[file] = attributes #add new files from the icondir for f in file_search(icondir, '*'+fileExtension): file = os.path.relpath(f, dirQrc).replace('\\','/') fileOfInterest.add(file) fileOfInterest = sorted(list(fileOfInterest)) def elementsByTagAndProperties(elementName, attributeProperties, rootNode=None): assert isinstance(elementName, str) assert isinstance(attributeProperties, dict) if rootNode is None: rootNode = doc resourceNodes = rootNode.elementsByTagName(elementName) nodeList = [] for i in range(resourceNodes.count()): resourceNode = resourceNodes.item(i).toElement() for aName, aValue in attributeProperties.items(): if resourceNode.hasAttribute(aName): if aValue != None: assert isinstance(aValue, str) if str(resourceNode.attribute(aName)) == aValue: nodeList.append(resourceNode) else: nodeList.append(resourceNode) return nodeList resourceNodes = elementsByTagAndProperties('qresource', {'prefix':qrcPrefix}) if len(resourceNodes) == 0: resourceNode = doc.createElement('qresource') root.appendChild(resourceNode) resourceNode.setAttribute('prefix', qrcPrefix) elif len(resourceNodes) == 1: resourceNode = resourceNodes[0] else: raise NotImplementedError('Multiple resource nodes') #remove childs, as we have all stored in list pngFiles childs = resourceNode.childNodes() while not childs.isEmpty(): node = childs.item(0) node.parentNode().removeChild(node) #insert new childs for file in fileOfInterest: node = doc.createElement('file') attributes = fileAttributes.get(file) if attributes: for k, v in attributes.items(): node.setAttribute(k,v) s = 2 node.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(file)) resourceNode.appendChild(node) print(file) f = open(pathQrc, "w") f.write(doc.toString()) f.close() def updateMetadataTxt(): #see http://docs.qgis.org/testing/en/docs/pyqgis_developer_cookbook/plugins.html#plugin-metadata #for required metatags pathDst = jp(DIR_REPO, 'metadata.txt') pathAboutPlugin = jp(DIR_REPO, 'ABOUT_Plugin.html') assert os.path.exists(pathDst) import timeseriesviewer.utils #required to use QIcons qgis = timeseriesviewer.utils.initQgisApplication() import timeseriesviewer, collections md = collections.OrderedDict() with open(pathDst) as f: for line in f.readlines(): parts = line.split('=') if len(parts) >= 2: md[parts[0]] = '='.join(parts[1:]) #update/set new metadata md['name'] = timeseriesviewer.TITLE md['qgisMinimumVersion'] = "3.0" #md['qgisMaximumVersion'] = md['description'] = timeseriesviewer.DESCRIPTION.strip() md['about'] = timeseriesviewer.ABOUT.strip() md['version'] = timeseriesviewer.__version__.strip() md['author'] = r"Benjamin Jakimow, Geomatics Lab, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin" md['email'] = "benjamin.jakimow@geo.hu-berlin.de" #md['changelog'] = with open(pathAboutPlugin, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: aboutText =f.read() aboutText=aboutText.replace('\n','') md['about'] = aboutText md['experimental'] = "False" md['deprecated'] = "False" md['tags'] = "remote sensing, raster, time series" md['homepage'] = timeseriesviewer.HOMEPAGE md['repository'] = timeseriesviewer.HOMEPAGE md['tracker'] = timeseriesviewer.HOMEPAGE + '/issues' md['icon'] = r'timeseriesviewer/icon.png' md['category'] = 'Raster' lines = ['[general]'] for k, line in md.items(): lines.append('{}={}'.format(k, line)) with open(pathDst, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.writelines('\n'.join(lines)) f.flush() def make_pb_tool_cfg(): pathPBToolCgf = r'' lines = open(pathPBToolCgf).readlines() #main_dialog: def copyQGISRessourceFile(): if sys.platform == 'darwin': pathQGISRepo = r'/Users/benjamin.jakimow/Repositories/QGIS' else: pathQGISRepo = r'C:\Users\geo_beja\Repositories\QGIS' assert os.path.isdir(pathQGISRepo) dirTarget = os.path.join(DIR_REPO, *['qgisresources']) os.makedirs(dirTarget, exist_ok=True) compile_rc_files(pathQGISRepo, targetDir=dirTarget) #qrcFiles = file_search(pathQGISRepo, '*.qrc') #for qrcFile in qrcFiles: def checkFileHeader(): hdr = """ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- \"\"\" /*************************************************************************** EO Time Series Viewer ------------------- begin : 2017-08-04 git sha : $Format:%H$ copyright : (C) 2017 by HU-Berlin email : benjamin.jakimow@geo.hu-berlin.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ \"\"\" """ # noinspection PyPep8Naming root = jp(DIR_REPO, 'timeseriesviewer') pyFiles = file_search(root, '*.py') for path in pyFiles: file = open(path, 'r', encoding='utf8') lines = file.readlines() file.close() lineFirstImport = None for i in range(len(lines)): if re.search('^[ ]*import ', lines[i]): lineFirstImport = i break if isinstance(lineFirstImport, int) and lineFirstImport < 50: pass if __name__ == '__main__': if True: compile_rc_files(DIR_UI) print('Done')