# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** deploy.py Script to build the HUB-TimeSeriesViewer from Repository code --------------------- Date : September 2017 Copyright : (C) 2017 by Benjamin Jakimow Email : benjamin.jakimow@geo.hu-berlin.de *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ import os, sys, re, shutil, zipfile, datetime from pb_tool import pb_tool import numpy as np from timeseriesviewer import DIR_REPO, jp, file_search import timeseriesviewer DIR_BUILD = jp(DIR_REPO, 'build') DIR_DEPLOY = jp(DIR_REPO, 'deploy') #list of deploy options: # ZIP - add zipped plugin to DIR_DEPLOY # UNZIPPED - add the non-zipped plugin to DIR_DEPLOY DEPLOY_OPTIONS = ['ZIP', 'UNZIPPED'] ADD_TESTDATA = True #directories below the <enmapbox-repository> folder whose content is to be copied without filtering PLAIN_COPY_SUBDIRS = ['site-packages'] ########## End of config section timestamp = ''.join(np.datetime64(datetime.datetime.now()).astype(str).split(':')[0:-1]).replace('-','') buildID = '{}.{}'.format(timeseriesviewer.VERSION, timestamp) dirBuildPlugin = jp(DIR_BUILD, 'timeseriesviewerplugin') def rm(p): """ Remove files or directory 'p' :param p: path of file or directory to be removed. """ if os.path.isfile(p): os.remove(p) elif os.path.isdir(p): shutil.rmtree(p) def cleanDir(d): """ Remove content from directory 'd' :param d: directory to be cleaned. """ assert os.path.isdir(d) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(d): for p in dirs + files: rm(jp(root,p)) break def mkDir(d, delete=False): """ Make directory. :param d: path of directory to be created :param delete: set on True to delete the directory contents, in case the directory already existed. """ if delete and os.path.isdir(d): cleanDir(d) if not os.path.isdir(d): os.makedirs(d) if __name__ == "__main__": #the directory to build the "enmapboxplugin" folder DIR_DEPLOY = jp(DIR_REPO, 'deploy') mkDir(DIR_DEPLOY) # DIR_DEPLOY = r'E:\_EnMAP\temp\temp_bj\enmapbox_deploys\most_recent_version' import make make.updateMetadataTxt() #patch_pb_tool(DIR_DEPLOY) pathCfg = jp(DIR_REPO, 'pb_tool.cfg') cfg = pb_tool.get_config(pathCfg) cdir = os.path.dirname(pathCfg) pluginname = cfg.get('plugin', 'name') dirPlugin = jp(DIR_DEPLOY, pluginname) os.chdir(cdir) if True: #1. clean an existing directory = the timeseriesviewer folder pb_tool.clean_deployment(ask_first=False) #2. Compile. Basically call pyrcc to create the resources.rc file #I don't know how to call this from pure python pb_tool.compile_files(cfg) #3. Deploy = write the data to the new enmapboxplugin folder pb_tool.deploy_files(pathCfg, DIR_DEPLOY, quick=True, confirm=False) #4. As long as we can not specify in the pb_tool.cfg which file types are not to deploy, # we need to remove them afterwards. # issue: https://github.com/g-sherman/plugin_build_tool/issues/5 print('Remove files...') for f in file_search(DIR_DEPLOY, re.compile('(svg|pyc)$'), recursive=True): os.remove(f) #5. create a zip print('Create zipfile...') from timeseriesviewer.utils import zipdir pathZip = jp(DIR_DEPLOY, '{}.{}.QGIS3.zip'.format(pluginname,buildID)) zipdir(dirPlugin, pathZip) #os.chdir(dirPlugin) #shutil.make_archive(pathZip, 'zip', '..', dirPlugin) print('Finished')