from __future__ import absolute_import import six, sys, os, gc, re, collections, site, inspect, time, traceback, copy import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) import bisect, datetime from osgeo import gdal, ogr from qgis import * from qgis.core import * from qgis.gui import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtXml import * from osgeo import gdal, ogr, gdal_array gdal.SetConfigOption('VRT_SHARED_SOURCE', '0') #!important. really. do not change this. import numpy as np from timeseriesviewer import DIR_REPO, DIR_EXAMPLES, jp from timeseriesviewer.dateparser import parseDateFromDataSet def transformGeometry(geom, crsSrc, crsDst, trans=None): if trans is None: assert isinstance(crsSrc, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem) assert isinstance(crsDst, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem) return transformGeometry(geom, None, None, trans=QgsCoordinateTransform(crsSrc, crsDst)) else: assert isinstance(trans, QgsCoordinateTransform) return trans.transform(geom) METRIC_EXPONENTS = { "nm":-9,"um": -6, "mm":-3, "cm":-2, "dm":-1, "m": 0,"hm":2, "km":3 } #add synonyms METRIC_EXPONENTS['nanometers'] = METRIC_EXPONENTS['nm'] METRIC_EXPONENTS['micrometers'] = METRIC_EXPONENTS['um'] METRIC_EXPONENTS['millimeters'] = METRIC_EXPONENTS['mm'] METRIC_EXPONENTS['centimeters'] = METRIC_EXPONENTS['cm'] METRIC_EXPONENTS['decimeters'] = METRIC_EXPONENTS['dm'] METRIC_EXPONENTS['meters'] = METRIC_EXPONENTS['m'] METRIC_EXPONENTS['hectometers'] = METRIC_EXPONENTS['hm'] METRIC_EXPONENTS['kilometers'] = METRIC_EXPONENTS['km'] def convertMetricUnit(value, u1, u2): assert u1 in METRIC_EXPONENTS.keys() assert u2 in METRIC_EXPONENTS.keys() e1 = METRIC_EXPONENTS[u1] e2 = METRIC_EXPONENTS[u2] return value * 10**(e1-e2) def getDS(pathOrDataset): if isinstance(pathOrDataset, gdal.Dataset): return pathOrDataset else: ds = gdal.Open(pathOrDataset) assert isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset) return ds class SensorInstrument(QObject): sigNameChanged = pyqtSignal(str) LUT_Wavelengths = dict({'B':480, 'G':570, 'R':660, 'nIR':850, 'swIR':1650, 'swIR1':1650, 'swIR2':2150 }) """ Describes a Sensor Configuration """ def __init__(self, pathImg, sensor_name=None): super(SensorInstrument, self).__init__() ds = getDS(pathImg) self.nb, nl, ns, crs, self.px_size_x, self.px_size_y = getSpatialPropertiesFromDataset(ds) self.bandDataType = ds.GetRasterBand(1).DataType self.pathImg = ds.GetFileList()[0] #todo: better band names self.bandNames = [ds.GetRasterBand(b+1).GetDescription() for b in range(self.nb)] self.TS = None assert self.px_size_x > 0 assert self.px_size_y > 0 #find wavelength wl, wlu = parseWavelengthFromDataSet(ds) if wl is None: self.wavelengths = None self.wavelengthUnits = None else: self.wavelengths = np.asarray(wl) self.wavelengthUnits = wlu self._id = '{}b{}m'.format(self.nb, self.px_size_x) if wl is not None: self._id += ';'.join([str(w) for w in self.wavelengths])+ wlu if sensor_name is None: sensor_name = '{}bands@{}m'.format(self.nb, self.px_size_x) self.setName(sensor_name) self.hashvalue = hash(','.join(self.bandNames)) def id(self): return self._id def setName(self, name): self._name = name self.sigNameChanged.emit( def name(self): return self._name def dataType(self, p_int): return self.bandDataType def bandClosestToWavelength(self, wl, wl_unit='nm'): """ Returns the band index (>=0) of the band closest to wavelength wl :param wl: :param wl_unit: :return: """ if not self.wavelengthsDefined(): return None if wl in SensorInstrument.LUT_Wavelengths.keys(): wl_unit = 'nm' wl = SensorInstrument.LUT_Wavelengths[wl] wl = float(wl) if self.wavelengthUnits != wl_unit: wl = convertMetricUnit(wl, wl_unit, self.wavelengthUnits) return np.argmin(np.abs(self.wavelengths - wl)) def wavelengthsDefined(self): return self.wavelengths is not None and \ self.wavelengthUnits is not None def __eq__(self, other): return self.nb == other.nb and \ self.px_size_x == other.px_size_x and \ self.px_size_y == other.px_size_y def __hash__(self): return hash( def __repr__(self): return str(self.__class__) +' ' + def getDescription(self): info = [] info.append( info.append('{} Bands'.format(self.nb)) info.append('Band\tName\tWavelength') for b in range(self.nb): if self.wavelengths is not None: wl = str(self.wavelengths[b]) else: wl = 'unknown' info.append('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(b + 1, self.bandNames[b], wl)) return '\n'.join(info) def verifyInputImage(path, vrtInspection=''): if path is None or not type(path) in [str, unicode]: return None ds = gdal.Open(path) if not ds: logger.error('{}GDAL unable to open: '.format(vrtInspection, path)) return False if ds.RasterCount == 0 and len(ds.GetSubDatasets()) > 0: logger.error('Can not open container {}.\nPlease specify a subdataset'.format(path)) return False if ds.GetDriver().ShortName == 'VRT': vrtInspection = 'VRT Inspection {}\n'.format(path) nextFiles = set(ds.GetFileList()) - set([path]) validSrc = [verifyInputImage(p, vrtInspection=vrtInspection) for p in nextFiles] if not all(validSrc): return False from timeseriesviewer.dateparser import parseDateFromDataSet date = parseDateFromDataSet(ds) if date is None: return False return True def pixel2coord(gt, x, y): """Returns global coordinates from pixel x, y coords""" """""" xoff, a, b, yoff, d, e = gt xp = a * x + b * y + xoff yp = d * x + e * y + yoff return (xp, yp) class TimeSeriesDatum(QObject): @staticmethod def createFromPath(path): """ Creates a valid TSD or returns None if this is impossible :param path: :return: """ tsd = None if verifyInputImage(path): try: tsd = TimeSeriesDatum(None, path) except : pass return tsd """ Collects all data sets related to one sensor """ sigVisibilityChanged = pyqtSignal(bool) sigRemoveMe = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, timeSeries, pathImg): super(TimeSeriesDatum,self).__init__() ds = getDS(pathImg) self.pathImg = ds.GetFileList()[0] if isinstance(pathImg, gdal.Dataset) else pathImg self.timeSeries = timeSeries self.nb,, self.ns,, px_x, px_y = getSpatialPropertiesFromDataset(ds) self.sensor = SensorInstrument(ds) = parseDateFromDataSet(ds) assert is not None, 'Unable to find acquisition date of {}'.format(pathImg) from timeseriesviewer.dateparser import DOYfromDatetime64 self.doy = DOYfromDatetime64( gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() UL = QgsPoint(*pixel2coord(gt, 0, 0)) LR = QgsPoint(*pixel2coord(gt, self.ns, from timeseriesviewer.main import SpatialExtent self._spatialExtent = SpatialExtent(, UL, LR) self.srs_wkt = str( self.mVisibility = True def rank(self): return self.timeSeries.index(self) def setVisibility(self, b): old = self.mVisibility self.mVisibility = b if old != self.mVisibility: self.sigVisibilityChanged.emit(b) def isVisible(self): return self.mVisibility def getDate(self): return np.datetime64( def getSpatialReference(self): return def spatialExtent(self): return self._spatialExtent def __repr__(self): return 'TS Datum {} {}'.format(, str(self.sensor)) def __eq__(self, other): return == and == def __lt__(self, other): if < return True elif > return False else: return < def __hash__(self): return hash((, class TimeSeries(QObject): sigTimeSeriesDatesAdded = pyqtSignal(list) sigTimeSeriesDatesRemoved = pyqtSignal(list) sigLoadingProgress = pyqtSignal(int, int, str) sigSensorAdded = pyqtSignal(SensorInstrument) sigSensorRemoved = pyqtSignal(SensorInstrument) sigRuntimeStats = pyqtSignal(dict) def __init__(self, imageFiles=None, maskFiles=None): QObject.__init__(self) #define signals #fire when a new TSD is added = collections.OrderedDict() = list() self.shape = None self.Sensors = collections.OrderedDict() self.Pool = None if imageFiles is not None: self.addFiles(imageFiles) if maskFiles is not None: self.addMasks(maskFiles) _sep = ';' def loadFromFile(self, path, n_max=None): images = [] masks = [] with open(path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for l in lines: if re.match('^[ ]*[;#&]', l): continue parts = re.split('[\n'+TimeSeries._sep+']', l) parts = [p for p in parts if p != ''] images.append(parts[0]) if len(parts) > 1: masks.append(parts[1]) if n_max: n_max = min([len(images), n_max]) self.addFiles(images[0:n_max]) else: self.addFiles(images) #self.addMasks(masks) def saveToFile(self, path): if path is None or len(path) == 0: return lines = [] lines.append('#Time series definition file: {}'.format(np.datetime64('now').astype(str))) lines.append('#<image path>[;<mask path>]') for TSD in line = TSD.pathImg lines.append(line) lines = [l+'\n' for l in lines] print('Write {}'.format(path)) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.writelines(lines) def getPixelSizes(self): r = [] for sensor in self.Sensors.keys(): r.append((QgsRectangle(sensor.px_size_x, sensor.px_size_y))) return r return None def getMaxSpatialExtent(self, crs=None): if len( == 0: return None extent =[0].spatialExtent() if len( > 1: for TSD in[1:]: extent.combineExtentWith(TSD.spatialExtent()) return extent def tsdFromPath(self, path): for tsd in if tsd.pathImg == path: return tsd return False def getObservationDates(self): return [tsd.getDate() for tsd in] def getTSD(self, pathOfInterest): for tsd in if tsd.pathImg == pathOfInterest: return tsd return None def getTSDs(self, dateOfInterest=None, sensorOfInterest=None): tsds =[:] if dateOfInterest: tsds = [tsd for tsd in tsds if tsd.getDate() == dateOfInterest] if sensorOfInterest: tsds = [tsd for tsd in tsds if tsd.sensor == sensorOfInterest] return tsds def clear(self): self.removeDates(self[:]) def removeDates(self, TSDs): removed = list() for TSD in TSDs: assert type(TSD) is TimeSeriesDatum TSD.timeSeries = None removed.append(TSD) S = TSD.sensor self.Sensors[S].remove(TSD) if len(self.Sensors[S]) == 0: self.Sensors.pop(S) self.sigSensorRemoved.emit(S) self.sigTimeSeriesDatesRemoved.emit(removed) def addTimeSeriesDates(self, timeSeriesDates): assert isinstance(timeSeriesDates, list) added = list() for TSD in timeSeriesDates: try: sensorAdded = False existingSensors = list(self.Sensors.keys()) if TSD.sensor not in existingSensors: self.Sensors[TSD.sensor] = list() sensorAdded = True else: TSD.sensor = existingSensors[existingSensors.index(TSD.sensor)] if TSD in six.print_('Time series date-time already added ({} {}). \nPlease use VRTs to mosaic images with same acquisition date-time.'.format(str(TSD), TSD.pathImg), file=sys.stderr) else: self.Sensors[TSD.sensor].append(TSD) #insert sorted bisect.insort(, TSD) TSD.timeSeries = self TSD.sigRemoveMe.connect(lambda : self.removeDates([TSD])) added.append(TSD) if sensorAdded: self.sigSensorAdded.emit(TSD.sensor) except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, limit=2) six.print_('Unable to add {}'.format(file), file=sys.stderr) pass if len(added) > 0: self.sigTimeSeriesDatesAdded.emit(added) def addFiles(self, files): assert isinstance(files, list) files = [f for f in files if f is not None] nMax = len(files) nDone = 0 self.sigLoadingProgress.emit(0,nMax, 'Start loading {} files...'.format(nMax)) for i, file in enumerate(files): t0 = np.datetime64('now') tsd = TimeSeriesDatum.createFromPath(file) if tsd is None: msg = 'Unable to add: {}'.format(os.path.basename(file)) logger.error(msg) else: self.addTimeSeriesDates([tsd]) msg = 'Added {}'.format(os.path.basename(file)) self.sigRuntimeStats.emit({'dt_addTSD':np.datetime64('now')-t0}) nDone += 1 self.sigLoadingProgress.emit(nDone, nMax, msg) def __len__(self): return len( def __iter__(self): return iter( def __getitem__(self, slice): return[slice] def __delitem__(self, slice): self.removeDates(slice) def __contains__(self, item): return item in def __repr__(self): info = [] info.append('TimeSeries:') l = len(self) info.append(' Scenes: {}'.format(l)) return '\n'.join(info) def getSpatialPropertiesFromDataset(ds): assert isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset) nb = ds.RasterCount nl = ds.RasterYSize ns = ds.RasterXSize proj = ds.GetGeoTransform() px_x = float(abs(proj[1])) px_y = float(abs(proj[5])) crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(ds.GetProjection()) return nb, nl, ns, crs, px_x, px_y def parseWavelengthFromDataSet(ds): assert isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset) wl = None wlu = None #see for supported wavelength units regWLkey = re.compile('.*wavelength[_ ]*$', re.I) regWLUkey = re.compile('.*wavelength[_ ]*units?$', re.I) regNumeric = re.compile(r"([-+]?\d*\.\d+|[-+]?\d+)", re.I) regWLU = re.compile('((micro|nano|centi)meters)|(um|nm|mm|cm|m|GHz|MHz)', re.I) for domain in ds.GetMetadataDomainList(): md = ds.GetMetadata_Dict(domain) for key, value in md.items(): if wl is None and numbers = regNumeric.findall(value) if len(numbers) == ds.RasterCount: wl = [float(n) for n in numbers] if wlu is None and match = if match: wlu = names = ['nanometers', 'micrometers', 'millimeters', 'centimeters', 'decimeters'] si = ['nm', 'um', 'mm', 'cm', 'dm'] if wlu in names: wlu = si[names.index(wlu)] return wl, wlu def parseWavelength(lyr): wl = None wlu = None assert isinstance(lyr, QgsRasterLayer) md = [l.split('=') for l in str(lyr.metadata()).splitlines() if 'wavelength' in l.lower()] #see for supported wavelength units regWLU = re.compile('((micro|nano|centi)meters)|(um|nm|mm|cm|m|GHz|MHz)') for kv in md: key, value = kv key = key.lower() if key == 'center wavelength': tmp = re.findall('\d*\.\d+|\d+', value) #find floats if len(tmp) == 0: tmp = re.findall('\d+', value) #find integers if len(tmp) == lyr.bandCount(): wl = [float(w) for w in tmp] if key == 'wavelength units': match = if match: wlu = names = ['nanometers','micrometers','millimeters','centimeters','decimenters'] si = ['nm','um','mm','cm','dm'] if wlu in names: wlu = si[names.index(wlu)] return wl, wlu if __name__ == '__main__': print convertMetricUnit(100, 'cm', 'm') print convertMetricUnit(1, 'm', 'um')