From 121b4405d715a57884f10181a3ca7df3ace3df95 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Manuel Herrmann <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 18:48:14 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] sql update; fixes hashes shorter than in mail

---                              |   2 +-
 docker-compose.yml                            |   2 +-
 .../other/sqlDumps/init_20170421.sql          | 176 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../other/sqlDumps/update_20170421.sql        |   2 +
 4 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 registration-system/other/sqlDumps/init_20170421.sql
 create mode 100644 registration-system/other/sqlDumps/update_20170421.sql

diff --git a/ b/
index 07736f2..00630ff 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Wait for containers to start up.
 Run a bash inside the web container (`docker exec -it registrationsystem_web_1 bash`) and
 cd usr/share/nginx/html/
-echo 2 > config_current_fahrt_id
+echo -n 2 > config_current_fahrt_id
 chmod 777 config_current_fahrt_id 
 cp passwd/users.example.txt passwd/users.txt
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index 9f29804..6006e7b 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ db:
     - "3306"
     - ./mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql
-    - ./registration-system/other/sqlDumps/init_20161020.sql:/dump.sql:ro
+    - ./registration-system/other/sqlDumps/init_20170421.sql:/dump.sql:ro
diff --git a/registration-system/other/sqlDumps/init_20170421.sql b/registration-system/other/sqlDumps/init_20170421.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d9bb89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/registration-system/other/sqlDumps/init_20170421.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
+-- version 4.6.4
+-- Host: db:3306
+-- Generation Time: Oct 20, 2016 at 08:20 PM
+-- Server version: 5.5.52-MariaDB-1ubuntu0.14.04.1
+-- PHP Version: 5.6.26
+SET time_zone = "+00:00";
+-- Database: `fsfahrt`
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Table structure for table `bachelor`
+CREATE TABLE `bachelor` (
+  `bachelor_id` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
+  `fahrt_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+  `anm_time` int(11) NOT NULL,
+  `version` int(11) NOT NULL,
+  `forname` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
+  `sirname` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
+  `anday` date NOT NULL,
+  `abday` date NOT NULL,
+  `antyp` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+  `abtyp` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+  `pseudo` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
+  `mehl` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+  `essen` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
+  `public` int(11) NOT NULL,
+  `virgin` int(11) NOT NULL,
+  `studityp` varchar(11) NOT NULL,
+  `comment` text NOT NULL,
+  `paid` int(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'zahlung erhalten am unix timestamp',
+  `repaid` int(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'rückzahlung abgeschickt am unix timestamp',
+  `backstepped` int(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'rücktritt als unix timestamp',
+  `on_waitlist` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+  `transferred` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
+  `signupstats` text
+-- Dumping data for table `bachelor`
+INSERT INTO `bachelor` (`bachelor_id`, `fahrt_id`, `anm_time`, `version`, `forname`, `sirname`, `anday`, `abday`, `antyp`, `abtyp`, `pseudo`, `mehl`, `essen`, `public`, `virgin`, `studityp`, `comment`, `paid`, `repaid`, `backstepped`, `on_waitlist`, `transferred`, `signupstats`) VALUES
+  ('5b61b92044983e1', 2, 1411767105, 3, 'John', 'Doe', '2013-10-25', '2013-10-27', 'BUSBAHN', 'BUSBAHN', 'Backstepped', '', 'ALLES', 1, 1, 'ERSTI', 'Test comment', NULL, NULL, 1476889935, 0, NULL, '{"method":"game1", "methodinfo":{"achievedAchievements":[1,2,3,4,5,3,3,3,3,3,3]}}'),
+  ('06030f06b6e9194', 2, 1476889983, 2, 'TestA', 'Test', '2013-10-25', '2013-10-27', 'BUSBAHN', 'BUSBAHN', 'Paid', '', 'ALLES', 1, 0, 'ERSTI', 'huii', 1476890174, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '{"method":"game1", "methodinfo":{"achievedAchievements":[1,2,3,4,5,3,3,3,3,3,3]}}'),
+  ('06030f06b6e9195', 2, 1476889983, 2, 'TestA', 'Test', '2013-10-25', '2013-10-27', 'BUSBAHN', 'BUSBAHN', 'RePaid', '', 'ALLES', 1, 0, 'ERSTI', 'huii', NULL, 1476890179, NULL, 0, NULL, '{"method":"game1", "methodinfo":{"achievedAchievements":["first_step", "some_water", "saw_devs1", "spotted_gorilla", "hydrant", "muell","randomwalk", "rettich_pick", "kohl", "mais", "rasenmeh", "moneyboy", "batteries", "bierball", "bild","hu", "holz", "karriereleiter", "wrong_board", "hugo_water", "laptop2", "laptop1", "marathon", "ffa","stolper", "fs_chair", "laser", "speedrun", "woman", "plumber", "princess", "stroh", "blumen", "maske","gentzen", "kacke", "antler", "flowers", "wine", "chair", "started_game", "gameDone", "achievement42"]}}'),
+  ('06030f06b6e9196', 2, 1476889983, 3, 'TestA', 'Test', '2013-10-26', '2013-10-27', 'BUSBAHN', 'BUSBAHN', 'Paid+repaid', '', 'ALLES', 0, 0, 'ERSTI', 'huii', 1476890176, 1476890177, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL),
+  ('06030f06b6e9197', 2, 1476889983, 5, 'TestA', 'Test', '2013-10-25', '2013-10-27', 'BUSBAHN', 'BUSBAHN', 'Paid+backstepped', '', 'ALLES', 1, 0, 'ERSTI', 'huii', 1476890169, NULL, 1476890168, 0, NULL, NULL),
+  ('06030f06b6e9198', 2, 1476889983, 1, 'TestA', 'Test', '2013-10-25', '2013-10-27', 'BUSBAHN', 'BUSBAHN', 'tutti', '', 'ALLES', 0, 0, 'TUTTI', 'huii', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL),
+  ('06030f06b6e9193', 2, 1476889983, 1, 'TestA', 'Test', '2013-10-25', '2013-10-27', 'BUSBAHN', 'BUSBAHN', 'hoersti', '', 'ALLES', 1, 0, 'HOERS', 'huii', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '{"method":"game1", "methodinfo":{"achievedAchievements":["first_step", "some_water", "saw_devs1", "spotted_gorilla", "hydrant", "muell","randomwalk", "rettich_pick", "kohl", "mais", "rasenmeh", "moneyboy", "batteries", "bierball", "bild","hu", "holz", "karriereleiter", "wrong_board", "hugo_water", "laptop2", "laptop1", "marathon", "ffa","stolper", "fs_chair", "laser", "speedrun", "woman", "plumber", "princess", "stroh", "blumen", "maske", "achievement42"]}}'),
+  ('06030f06b6e919', 2, 1476889983, 3, 'TestA', 'Test', '2013-10-25', '2013-10-26', 'INDIVIDUELL', 'INDIVIDUELL', 'individuell', '', 'VEGA', 1, 0, 'ERSTI', 'huii', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL),
+  ('06030f06b6e929', 2, 1476889983, 3, 'TestA', 'Test', '2013-10-25', '2013-10-27', 'RAD', 'BUSBAHN', 'rad', '', 'VEGE', 1, 0, 'ERSTI', 'huii', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '{"method":"game1", "methodinfo":{"achievedAchievements":["first_step", "some_water", "saw_devs1", "spotted_gorilla", "hydrant", "muell","randomwalk", "rettich_pick", "kohl", "mais", "rasenmeh", "moneyboy", "batteries", "bierball", "bild","hu", "holz", "karriereleiter", "wrong_board", "achievement42"]}}'),
+  ('06030f06b6e939', 2, 1476889983, 3, 'TestA', 'Test', '2013-10-25', '2013-10-27', 'BUSBAHN', 'BUSBAHN', 'wait', '', 'VEGE', 0, 0, 'ERSTI', 'huii', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL),
+  ('06030f06b6e949', 2, 1476889983, 3, 'TestA', 'Test', '2013-10-25', '2013-10-27', 'INDIVIDUELL', 'BUSBAHN', 'bla', '', 'ALLES', 1, 0, 'ERSTI', 'huii', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL),
+  ('06030f06b6e959', 2, 1476889983, 4, 'TestA', 'Test', '2013-10-26', '2013-10-27', 'BUSBAHN', 'BUSBAHN', 'wait+trans', '', 'ALLES', 1, 0, 'ERSTI', 'huii', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1476890563, NULL),
+  ('dc29d62c30756a3', 2, 1476992412, 2, 'asd', 'asd', '2013-10-26', '2013-10-27', 'BUSBAHN', 'BUSBAHN', 'asd', '', 'VEGA', 1, 1, 'ERSTI', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1476992435, '{"method":"story","methodinfo":{"achievements":["stein","elch2","park"]}}');
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Table structure for table `cost`
+CREATE TABLE `cost` (
+  `fahrt_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'trip associated to calculation',
+  `tab1` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'JSON dump of tab1',
+  `tab2` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'JSON dump of tab2',
+  `tab3` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'JSON dump of tab3',
+  `moneyIO` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'JSON dump of money IO',
+  `collected` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'amount collected per person before trip'
+-- Dumping data for table `cost`
+INSERT INTO `cost` (`fahrt_id`, `tab1`, `tab2`, `tab3`, `moneyIO`, `collected`) VALUES
+  (2, '', '', '[{"pos":"Bettwäsche","cnt":"1","mul":"40","price":"1.43"},{"pos":"Grillnutzung","cnt":"1","mul":"40","price":"0.3"},{"pos":"Halbpension","cnt":"2","mul":"40","price":"12.30"},{"pos":"Klodeckel","cnt":1,"mul":1,"price":"33"},{"pos":"blubb","cnt":1,"mul":1,"price":"03"}]', '', 60);
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Table structure for table `fahrten`
+CREATE TABLE `fahrten` (
+  `fahrt_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+  `titel` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
+  `ziel` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+  `von` date NOT NULL,
+  `bis` date NOT NULL,
+  `regopen` int(1) NOT NULL,
+  `beschreibung` text NOT NULL,
+  `leiter` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+  `kontakt` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+  `map_pin` text NOT NULL,
+  `max_bachelor` int(4) NOT NULL,
+  `wikilink` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+  `paydeadline` date NOT NULL,
+  `payinfo` text NOT NULL,
+  `opentime` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+  `disclaimlink` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
+-- Dumping data for table `fahrten`
+INSERT INTO `fahrten` (`fahrt_id`, `titel`, `ziel`, `von`, `bis`, `regopen`, `beschreibung`, `leiter`, `kontakt`, `map_pin`, `max_bachelor`, `wikilink`, `paydeadline`, `payinfo`, `opentime`, `disclaimlink`) VALUES
+  (2, 'Fachschaftsfahrt Winter 2013', 'KiEZ Frauensee bei Gräbendorf', '2013-10-25', '2013-10-27', 1, 'Erstsemester und Fachschaftsfahrt im Wintersemester 13/14<br>Alle Informationen im <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="">Wiki</a>', 'Orga Name', '', '52.43893109993363 13.648079039184609', 10, '', '2015-09-24', 'Some\r\nPayment\r\nInfo\r\nHere', 1443639637, '');
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Table structure for table `notes`
+CREATE TABLE `notes` (
+  `note_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+  `fahrt_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+  `note` text NOT NULL
+-- Dumping data for table `notes`
+INSERT INTO `notes` (`note_id`, `fahrt_id`, `note`) VALUES
+  (2, 2, '<h1><b>Testnotiz 123<br></b></h1>hier kann man <i>notizen </i>hinterlassen test<br><br><h2><b>Dumme Bemerkung</b></h2>Notiz = no&nbsp;<span class="wysiwyg-color-red">tits!<br></span><b><br><br>aoisdkd<br>asdlji<br><br></b><b><br></b>');
+-- Indexes for dumped tables
+-- Indexes for table `bachelor`
+ALTER TABLE `bachelor`
+ADD PRIMARY KEY (`bachelor_id`,`fahrt_id`);
+-- Indexes for table `fahrten`
+ALTER TABLE `fahrten`
+ADD PRIMARY KEY (`fahrt_id`);
+-- Indexes for table `notes`
+ALTER TABLE `notes`
+ADD PRIMARY KEY (`note_id`);
+-- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables
+-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `fahrten`
+ALTER TABLE `fahrten`
+-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `notes`
+ALTER TABLE `notes`
diff --git a/registration-system/other/sqlDumps/update_20170421.sql b/registration-system/other/sqlDumps/update_20170421.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77f90cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/registration-system/other/sqlDumps/update_20170421.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ALTER TABLE `bachelor`
+MODIFY `bachelor_id` varchar(16) NOT NULL;