<?php // https://repke.eu:8443 // passwort manu:kuzerPenis666! mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); mb_http_output('UTF-8'); mb_http_input('UTF-8'); mb_language('uni'); mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8'); ob_start('mb_output_handler'); date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Berlin"); $config_verbose_level = 3; // 0 = nothing, 1 = important, 2 = somewhat important, 3 = detailed verbose, 4 = with sql $config_admin_verbose_level = 3; $config_db = array( "name" => "fsfahrt", "user" => "fsfahrt", "pass" => "9Lug*96q", "host" => "localhost", "type" => "mysql" ); $config_studitypen_o = array( "ERSTI" => "Ersti", // 0 //"Wechsli", // 1 - woanders/was anderes studiert, jetzt hier //"MasterErsti", // 2 "HOERS" => "Hoersti", // 3 - länger an der HU "TUTTI" => "Tutor" // 4 - Tutor //"Fachi" // 5 - FS Ini ); $config_studitypen = array_values($config_studitypen_o); $config_essen = array( "Alles", "Vegetarisch", "Vegan" //,"Frutarisch", //"Grießbrei", //"Carnivore", //"Extrawurst" ); $config_reisearten_o = array( "BUSBAHN"=>"gemeinsam mit Bus/Bahn", "RAD"=>"gemeinsam mit Rad", "AUTO"=>"selbst mit Auto", "INDIVIDUELL"=>"Kamel/Individuell" //,"mit Kamel" ); $config_reisearten = array_values($config_reisearten_o); $config_reisearten_destroyed = array( "mit Kamel", "mit Esel", "mit Schlauchboot" ); /* // deprecated: $config_admins = array( // username => password "tim" => '{SHA-256}8013a101f26fd8dcc8c40d0eb1dcb513$c3a97d44e67564ed79a60fa0de6ea4193bb18932a8d08b5e8d664bd14b32a4f5', // broetchen "manu" => '{SHA-256}12c9b021c42741545f9f01e2afd67aa2$7112be28c0c11f987de4401798a2ba041e518bb3f22bcb8cf4f3bf3f590b65b9' // mepmepmep ,"nosa" => "{SHA-256}10be99b14c2627e8691134db9bacf456$0a7ce2973159cb2f3c971a62944fb865e5110780503513da6f6f1e16326f18a1" // murmeltier ); $config_superadmins = array( "tim", "manu" ); */ $config_userfile = __DIR__."/passwd/users.txt"; // relative to configfile $config_current_fahrt_file = __DIR__."/config_current_fahrt_id"; $config_mailtag = "[FS-Fahrt] - "; $config_baseurl = "http://fsfahrt.repke.eu/anmeldung/registration-system/"; $config_current_fahrt_id = getCFID(); function getCFID(){ global $config_current_fahrt_file; if(file_exists( $config_current_fahrt_file )) $tmp = file_get_contents($config_current_fahrt_file); if(is_numeric($tmp)) return $tmp; return 1; }