diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 583929f9df87eb2946758206e5e3fad64c17d7ac..8e4a7ae2c3acae7f24ea1863017617fada534e14 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -9,39 +9,15 @@ Python]] is also available online.
 ** Contributing to this Repository
-To contribute a notebook, please follow these steps (they should work
-on most Linux shells, for other operating systems adopt them or [[https://git-scm.com/downloads/guis/][use a
-#+BEGIN_SRC shell
-# clone this repository
-git clone https://scm.cms.hu-berlin.de/ibi/notebooks.git
-# change into the repository
-cd notebooks
-# create a new branch (replace "yourbranch" by a meaningful name)
-git branch yourbranch
-# switch to your branch
-git checkout yourbranch
-# copy your notebook and give it a meaningful name
-cp /path/to/my/notebook meaningfulname.ipynb
-# add your notebook to git
-git add meaningfulname.ipynb
-# add a short description to the README:
-echo "- [[file:meaningfulname.ipynb][Task name]] :: a short task description" >> README.org
-# add this change to git as well
-git add README
-# commit your changes (adapt the change message!)
-git commit -m"my change message"
-# push your changes upstream
-git push
-After ~git push~ you will get a notification to create a merge
-request. Please do so by following the given URL (you don't need to
-fill out the form, just press "Submit merge request"). If you did
-everything correctly, you should see your changes in the [[https://scm.cms.hu-berlin.de/ibi/notebooks/-/merge_requests][list of merge
-requests]]. After your request has been approved, your notebook will be
-available in this repository. *Thank you for contributing!*
+To contribute a notebook, please
+1. [fork this project](/ibi/notebooks/-/forks/new),
+2. add your notebook and
+3. [create a merge request](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/creating_merge_requests.html#new-merge-request-from-a-fork).
+If you did everything correctly, you should see your changes in the
+[[/ibi/notebooks/-/merge_requests][list of merge requests]]. After your request has been approved, your
+notebook will be available in this repository. *Thank you for
 ** List of Notebooks