diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 64ca1a6ec74f670796ee31e6ebbd14ac2a62ab89..3d2d09aafe2f609c837dc4e3aef3037d0daa443b 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -44,10 +44,12 @@ So far, notebooks are listed by difficulty, indicated by stars (☆ = simple, 
   statistics and visualisation (☆☆)
 - [[file:Dracor.ipynb][DraCor]] :: retrieving data from a REST API, text transformation and
   classification (☆☆)
+- [[file:FCY.ipynb][FCA]] :: analysing characters in plays using Formal Concept Analysis
+  (☆☆)
 - [[file:machine_learning.ipynb][Machine Learning]] :: recipes for common machine learning tasks (☆☆)
 - [[file:Mondrian.ipynb][Mondrian]] :: turtle graphics, recursion, art (☆☆)
 - [[file:statistics_top50faculty.ipynb][Statistics top 50 faculty]] :: exploratory statistical analysis of the
-  [[http://cs.brown.edu/people/apapouts/faculty_dataset.html][dataset of 2200 faculty in 50 top US computer science graduate
+  [[htotp://cs.brown.edu/people/apapouts/faculty_dataset.html][dataset of 2200 faculty in 50 top US computer science graduate
   programs]] (☆☆)
 - [[file:distances.ipynb][Distances]] :: comprehensive interactive simulation of recovering
   information from noisy data (namely, point positions given their