from sim.Match import Match from sim.MatchSegment import MatchSegment from sim.Text import Text import re from sim.Token import Token from rapidfuzz import fuzz, process from datasketch import MinHash, MinHashLSH # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic class SimTexter: def __init__(self, min_match_length, max_gap): self.min_match_length = min_match_length self.max_gap = max_gap def compare(self, input_texts): (texts, tokens) = self.__read_input(input_texts) mts_tags = {} forward_references = {} lsh = MinHashLSH(threshold=0.80, num_perm=128) for i in range(0, len(texts)): (mts_tags, forward_references, lsh) = self.__make_forward_references(i, texts[i], tokens, mts_tags, forward_references, lsh) similarities = self.__get_similarities(tokens, texts, 0, 1, forward_references) # self.__print_similarities(similarities, input_texts) cleaned_similarities = [] pos = 0 current_match_segment = None while pos < len(similarities): if pos + 1 >= len(similarities) and not current_match_segment: if current_match_segment: cleaned_similarities.append(current_match_segment) cleaned_similarities.append(similarities[pos]) break if current_match_segment: extend_existing = True current_source_sim = current_match_segment[0] next_source_sim = similarities[pos][0] current_target_sim = current_match_segment[1] next_target_sim = similarities[pos][1] else: extend_existing = False current_source_sim = similarities[pos][0] next_source_sim = similarities[pos + 1][0] current_target_sim = similarities[pos][1] next_target_sim = similarities[pos + 1][1] if ((1 <= next_target_sim.token_start_pos - ( current_target_sim.token_start_pos + current_target_sim.token_length) <= 2) and ( 1 <= next_target_sim.token_start_pos - ( current_target_sim.token_start_pos + current_target_sim.token_length) <= 2)) or ( next_target_sim.token_start_pos - (current_target_sim.token_start_pos + current_target_sim.token_length) == 0 and '[...]' in input_texts[1][tokens[next_target_sim.token_start_pos-1].end_pos:tokens[next_target_sim.token_start_pos].start_pos]): current_match_segment = (MatchSegment(current_source_sim.text_index, current_source_sim.token_start_pos, current_source_sim.token_length + next_source_sim.token_length, current_source_sim.character_start_pos, next_source_sim.character_end_pos), MatchSegment(current_target_sim.text_index, current_target_sim.token_start_pos, current_target_sim.token_length + next_target_sim.token_length, current_target_sim.character_start_pos, next_target_sim.character_end_pos)) if extend_existing: pos = pos + 1 else: pos = pos + 2 if pos >= len(similarities): cleaned_similarities.append(current_match_segment) else: if current_match_segment: cleaned_similarities.append(current_match_segment) current_match_segment = None else: cleaned_similarities.append(similarities[pos]) pos = pos + 1 return cleaned_similarities # self.print_similarities(similarities, input_texts) def __read_input(self, input_texts): texts = [] tokens = [] for input_text in input_texts: nr_of_characters = len(input_text) nr_of_words = len(input_text.split()) file_name = 'dummy' tk_start_pos = len(tokens) tokens.extend(self.tokenize_text(input_text)) tk_end_pos = len(tokens) text = Text('Text', nr_of_characters, nr_of_words, file_name, tk_start_pos, tk_end_pos) texts.append(text) return texts, tokens def tokenize_text(self, input_text): cleaned_text = self.clean_text(input_text) tokens = [] for match in re.finditer("[^\\s]+", cleaned_text): token = self.__clean_word( if len(token) > 0: text_begin_pos = match.start() text_end_pos = match.end() tokens.append(Token(token, text_begin_pos, text_end_pos)) return tokens def clean_text(self, input_text): # TODO: optional machen input_text = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9äüöÄÜÖß ]", " ", input_text) # input_text = re.sub("[.?!,‚‘'’»«<>;:/()+\\-–\\[\\]…\"_\r\n]", " ", input_text) input_text = re.sub("[0-9]", " ", input_text) return input_text.lower() def __clean_word(self, input_word): # TODO: optional machen input_word = input_word.replace('ß', 'ss') input_word = input_word.replace('ä', 'ae') input_word = input_word.replace('ö', 'oe') input_word = input_word.replace('ü', 'ue') input_word = input_word.replace('ey', 'ei') return input_word def __make_forward_references(self, text_index, text, tokens, mts_tags, forward_references, lsh): text_begin_pos = text.tk_start_pos text_end_pos = text.tk_end_pos for i in range(text_begin_pos, text_end_pos - self.min_match_length): tag = '' for token in tokens[i: i + self.min_match_length]: tag = tag + token.text if text_index == 0: my_set = set(tag) min_hash = MinHash(num_perm=128) for d in my_set: min_hash.update(d.encode('utf8')) lsh.insert(tag, min_hash, False) else: my_set = set(tag) min_hash = MinHash(num_perm=128) for d in my_set: min_hash.update(d.encode('utf8')) result = lsh.query(min_hash) if result and len(result) > 0: closest_match = self.__get_closest_match(result, tag) if closest_match: forward_references[mts_tags[closest_match]] = i mts_tags[tag] = i return mts_tags, forward_references, lsh def __get_similarities(self, tokens, texts, source_text_index, target_text_index, forward_references): source_token_start_pos = texts[source_text_index].tk_start_pos source_token_end_pos = texts[source_text_index].tk_end_pos similarities = [] while source_token_start_pos + self.min_match_length <= source_token_end_pos: best_match = self.__get_best_match(tokens, texts, source_text_index, target_text_index, source_token_start_pos, forward_references) if best_match and best_match.source_length > 0: source_character_start_pos = tokens[best_match.source_token_start_pos].start_pos source_character_end_pos = tokens[ best_match.source_token_start_pos + best_match.source_length - 1].end_pos target_character_start_pos = tokens[best_match.target_token_start_pos].start_pos target_character_end_pos = tokens[ best_match.target_token_start_pos + best_match.target_length - 1].end_pos similarities.append((MatchSegment(best_match.source_text_index, best_match.source_token_start_pos, best_match.source_length, source_character_start_pos, source_character_end_pos), MatchSegment(best_match.target_text_index, best_match.target_token_start_pos, best_match.target_length, target_character_start_pos, target_character_end_pos))) source_token_start_pos = source_token_start_pos + best_match.source_length else: source_token_start_pos = source_token_start_pos + 1 return similarities def __get_best_match(self, tokens, texts, source_text_index, target_text_index, source_token_start_pos, forward_references): best_match_length = 0 token_pos = source_token_start_pos best_match = None offset_source = 0 offset_target = 0 has_skipped = False while 0 <= token_pos < len(tokens): if token_pos < texts[target_text_index].tk_start_pos: if token_pos in forward_references: token_pos = forward_references[token_pos] else: token_pos = -1 continue min_match_length = self.min_match_length if best_match_length > 0: min_match_length = best_match_length + 1 source_token_pos = source_token_start_pos + min_match_length - 1 target_token_pos = token_pos + min_match_length - 1 if source_token_pos < texts[source_text_index].tk_end_pos and texts[ target_text_index].tk_end_pos > target_token_pos >= source_token_pos + min_match_length: cnt = min_match_length while cnt > 0: if self.__fuzzy_match(tokens[source_token_pos].text, tokens[target_token_pos].text) > 80: source_token_pos = source_token_pos - 1 target_token_pos = target_token_pos - 1 cnt = cnt - 1 else: found = False for i in range(1, self.max_gap + 1): if self.__fuzzy_match(tokens[source_token_pos - i].text, tokens[target_token_pos].text) > 80: source_token_pos = source_token_pos - 1 - i target_token_pos = target_token_pos - 1 cnt = cnt - 1 found = True break if not found: break if cnt > 0: if token_pos in forward_references: token_pos = forward_references[token_pos] else: token_pos = -1 continue else: if token_pos in forward_references: token_pos = forward_references[token_pos] else: token_pos = -1 continue new_match_length = min_match_length source_token_pos = source_token_start_pos + min_match_length target_token_pos = token_pos + min_match_length while source_token_pos < texts[source_text_index].tk_end_pos and texts[ target_text_index].tk_end_pos > target_token_pos > source_token_pos + new_match_length: if self.__fuzzy_match(tokens[source_token_pos].text, tokens[target_token_pos].text) > 80: source_token_pos = source_token_pos + 1 target_token_pos = target_token_pos + 1 new_match_length = new_match_length + 1 elif self.__fuzzy_match(tokens[source_token_pos].text + tokens[source_token_pos + 1].text, tokens[target_token_pos].text) > 80: source_token_pos = source_token_pos + 1 + 1 target_token_pos = target_token_pos + 1 new_match_length = new_match_length + 1 + 1 offset_target = offset_target + 1 elif self.__fuzzy_match(tokens[source_token_pos].text, tokens[target_token_pos].text + tokens[target_token_pos + 1].text) > 80: source_token_pos = source_token_pos + 1 target_token_pos = target_token_pos + 1 + 1 new_match_length = new_match_length + 1 + 1 offset_source = offset_source + 1 elif not has_skipped: found = False for i in range(1, self.max_gap + 1): if self.__fuzzy_match(tokens[source_token_pos + i].text, tokens[target_token_pos].text) > 80: source_token_pos = source_token_pos + 1 + i target_token_pos = target_token_pos + 1 new_match_length = new_match_length + 1 + i offset_target = offset_target + i found = True has_skipped = True break if not found: if self.__fuzzy_match(tokens[source_token_pos].text, tokens[target_token_pos + 1].text) > 80: source_token_pos = source_token_pos + 1 target_token_pos = target_token_pos + 1 + 1 new_match_length = new_match_length + 1 + 1 offset_source = offset_source + 1 found = True has_skipped = True if not found: break else: break if new_match_length >= self.min_match_length and new_match_length > best_match_length: best_match_length = new_match_length best_match_token_pos = token_pos best_match = Match(source_text_index, source_token_start_pos, target_text_index, best_match_token_pos, best_match_length - offset_source, best_match_length - offset_target) if token_pos in forward_references: token_pos = forward_references[token_pos] else: token_pos = -1 return best_match def __fuzzy_match(self, input1, input2): if len(input1) < 2 or len(input2) < 2: return 0 ratio = fuzz.ratio(input1, input2) return ratio def __get_closest_match(self, candidates, word): if not candidates or len(candidates) == 0: return None if word in candidates: return word best_existing_tag = process.extractOne(word, candidates, scorer=fuzz.ratio, score_cutoff=80) if best_existing_tag: return best_existing_tag[0] return None def __print_similarities(self, similarities, input_texts): literature_content = input_texts[0] scientific_content = input_texts[1] result = '' for similarity_tuple in similarities: similarity_literature = similarity_tuple[0] similarity_scientific = similarity_tuple[1] content = literature_content[ similarity_literature.character_start_pos:similarity_literature.character_end_pos] result += '\n' + str(similarity_literature.character_start_pos) + '\t' + str( similarity_literature.character_end_pos) + '\t' + content content = scientific_content[ similarity_scientific.character_start_pos:similarity_scientific.character_end_pos] result += '\n' + str(similarity_scientific.character_start_pos) + '\t' + str( similarity_scientific.character_end_pos) + '\t' + content print(result)