From 184d230e25ce30ded08fcd76bde3c72544579c4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Markus Christian Schulze <>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 15:04:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Minor changes. Some partitioning factors for hexagon

 main.f90           | 113 ++++++++++++------------
 mod_Integrand.f90  |  24 +++--
 mod_LoopSpace.f90  | 214 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 mod_Misc.f90       |   2 +-
 mod_Parameters.f90 |   6 +-
 5 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-)

diff --git a/main.f90 b/main.f90
index f07cca5..d73b2e2 100755
--- a/main.f90
+++ b/main.f90
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ integer :: NumArgs,NArg
         read(arg(10:20),*) VegasNc0
     elseif( arg(1:9).eq."VegasNc1=" ) then
         read(arg(10:20),*) VegasNc1
+    elseif( arg(1:10).eq."Partition=" ) then
+        read(arg(11:12),*) Partition        
@@ -180,6 +182,9 @@ double precision :: epsrel, epsabs, flatness
 call qlinit
 MuRen = 100d0*GeV
 if( NPoint.eq.3 ) then
    print *, "Three-point integral:"
    shat = M_H**2
@@ -300,59 +305,16 @@ endif
-! k0min   = -300d0*GeV
-! k0max   = +300d0*GeV
-! k0steps = 100 + 1
+k0min   = +172d0*GeV + 0*GeV
+k0max   = +172d0*GeV
+k0steps = 0 + 1
-! iinit=0
-! do i = 1,k0steps
-!   kEfix = k0min + (k0max-k0min)*(i-1)/dble(k0steps-1)
-!   print *, i, "k0 FIX=",kEfix*100d0
-!   ncall = VegasNc0
-!   itmx  = VegasIt0
-!   iinit=0
-! #if UseMPIVegas==1
-!   call vegas_mpi(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,iinit,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,MC_Result,MC_Error,MC_Chi2)
-! #else
-!   call    nvegas(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,iinit,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,MC_Result,MC_Error,MC_Chi2)
-! #endif
-!   ncall = VegasNc1
-!   itmx  = VegasIt1
-!   iinit=1
-! #if UseMPIVegas==1
-!   call vegas_mpi(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,iinit,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,MC_Result,MC_Error,MC_Chi2)
-! #else
-!   call    nvegas(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,iinit,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,MC_Result,MC_Error,MC_Chi2)
-! #endif
-! write(30,*) kEFix*100d0,MC_Result/dble(k0steps),MC_Error/dble(k0steps)
-! enddo
+do i = 1,k0steps
-! k0steps = 400 + 1
-! k0min   = 0.0000000001d0
-! k0max   = 0.9999999999d0
-! do i = 1,k0steps
-!   x1fix = k0min + (k0max-k0min)*(i-1)/dble(k0steps-1)
+  kEfix = k0min      !+ (k0max-k0min)*(i-1)/dble(k0steps-1)
+  print *, i, "k0 FIX=",kEfix*100d0
-  k0steps=1
-!   x1fix = 0.212313d0
   ncall = VegasNc0
   itmx  = VegasIt0
@@ -362,6 +324,8 @@ endif
   call    nvegas(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,iinit,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,MC_Result,MC_Error,MC_Chi2)
   ncall = VegasNc1
   itmx  = VegasIt1
@@ -370,12 +334,53 @@ endif
   call    nvegas(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,iinit,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,MC_Result,MC_Error,MC_Chi2)
-  write(32,"(4E24.12)") x1fix,kEfix*100d0,MC_Result/dble(k0steps),MC_Error/dble(k0steps)
+write(30,*) kEFix*100d0,MC_Result/dble(k0steps),MC_Error/dble(k0steps)
-! enddo
+! ! k0steps = 400 + 1
+! ! k0min   = 0.0000000001d0
+! ! k0max   = 0.9999999999d0
+! ! 
+! ! do i = 1,k0steps
+! !   x1fix = k0min + (k0max-k0min)*(i-1)/dble(k0steps-1)
+!   k0steps=1
+! !   x1fix = 0.212313d0
+!   ncall = VegasNc0
+!   itmx  = VegasIt0
+!   iinit=0
+! #if UseMPIVegas==1
+!   call vegas_mpi(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,iinit,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,MC_Result,MC_Error,MC_Chi2)
+! #else
+!   call    nvegas(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,iinit,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,MC_Result,MC_Error,MC_Chi2)
+! #endif
+!   ncall = VegasNc1
+!   itmx  = VegasIt1
+!   iinit=1
+! #if UseMPIVegas==1
+!   call vegas_mpi(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,iinit,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,MC_Result,MC_Error,MC_Chi2)
+! #else
+!   call    nvegas(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,iinit,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,MC_Result,MC_Error,MC_Chi2)
+! #endif
+!   write(32,"(4E24.12)") x1fix,kEfix*100d0,MC_Result/dble(k0steps),MC_Error/dble(k0steps)
+! return
+! ! enddo
diff --git a/mod_Integrand.f90 b/mod_Integrand.f90
index 3156264..92c37cd 100755
--- a/mod_Integrand.f90
+++ b/mod_Integrand.f90
@@ -86,31 +86,37 @@ real(8) :: test,ki(1:4,1:3)
     call Generate1LoopMom(yRnd(1:4),kLoopJac)   
     call Init1LoopEvent(kExt)
 !         if( LoopMomInInterior ) return  ! only integrating Exterior
 !         if( .not. LoopMomInInterior ) return  ! only integrating Interior
     call GetContourJacobian1(ConJac)       
     call Eval1LoopIntegrand(LoopIntegrand)
     Res(1) = kLoopJac * dreal(LoopIntegrand * ConJac) 
+!       print *, "kLoopJac",kLoopJac
+!       print *, "ConJac",ConJac
+!       print *, "res(1)",res(1) 
+!       pause
     Res(1) = Res(1) / dreal(FinalRes)
-!    write(18,*) kLoop1(1),res(1)
 ! ki(1:4,1) = kLoop1(1:4) - qi(1:4,1)
 ! ki(1:4,2) = kLoop1(1:4) - qi(1:4,2)
 ! ki(1:4,3) = kLoop1(1:4)!- qi(1:4,3)    
-! write(19,"(10F16.8)") kloop1(4),Res(1),cdabs(ConJac),&
-!                       (ki(1:4,1).dot.kappa),1d0/((ki(1:4,1),1))-msqi(1)),&
-!                       (ki(1:4,2).dot.kappa),1d0/((ki(1:4,2),2))-msqi(2)),&
-!                       (ki(1:4,3).dot.kappa),1d0/((ki(1:4,3),3))-msqi(3))
+! write(19,"(10F16.8)") kloop1(1),kloop1(4),&  ! 1 2 
+!                       Res(1),& ! 3
+!                       0d0
diff --git a/mod_LoopSpace.f90 b/mod_LoopSpace.f90
index 617ee19..c2c76e8 100755
--- a/mod_LoopSpace.f90
+++ b/mod_LoopSpace.f90
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ public :: Eval1LoopIntegrand,Eval2LoopIntegrand,Eval1LoopDenominator_ggH
 real(8),public :: kappa(1:4),kLoop1(1:4),kLoop2(1:4)
 complex(8), public :: kLoop1Full(1:4)
-integer,public,parameter :: NPoint=4
+integer,public,parameter :: NPoint=3
 integer,public,parameter :: NPointMAX=6
 real(8),private ::mu1sq,mu2sq,E_soft,gamma1,gamma2
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ real(8) :: cutout
 ! urnd(3) = 0.0000001d0; print *, "fixing theta to zero"
 ! urnd(3) = 0.9999999d0; print *, "fixing theta to one"
-! uRnd(1) = 0.99999d0 ! going to UV
-! uRnd(2) =  0.5d0*( 1d0-1d0/dsqrt(2d0) ) ! this sets zeta to pi/4.
-! uRnd(3) = 1d0
+! uRnd(1) = 0.999999999d0 ! going to UV
+! uRnd(2) = 0.231d0!0.5d0*( 1d0-1d0/dsqrt(2d0) )  ! this sets zeta to pi/4.
+! uRnd(3) = 0.78d0
 ! uRnd(4) = 0d0
@@ -75,51 +75,58 @@ real(8) :: cutout
 ! endif
+!     !Weinzierl's spherical parameterization 
+!     kE    = dsqrt( mu_Loop1_sq*dtan( 0.5d0*Pi*uRnd(1) ) )! 0..inf
+!     kE_sq=kE**2
+!     zeta  = dacos(1d0-2d0*uRnd(2))!  0..Pi
+!     theta = dacos(1d0-2d0*uRnd(3))!  0..Pi
+!     phi   = 2d0*Pi*uRnd(4)        !  0..2Pi
+!     call sincos(phi,sinP,cosP)
+!     call sincos(theta,sinT,cosT)
+!     call sincos(zeta,sinZ,cosZ)
+!     kLoop1(1) = kE * cosZ
+!     kLoop1(2) = kE * sinZ * sinT * sinP
+!     kLoop1(3) = kE * sinZ * sinT * cosP
+!     kLoop1(4) = kE * sinZ * cosT    
+!     Jacobian = 2d0*Pi**2*kE_sq/mu_Loop1_sq * ( kE_sq**2+mu_Loop1_sq**2 )*sinZ  
+!     !note: for zeta=1/4,3/4Pi we have sinZ^2=cosZ^2 such that kLoop1.kLoop1 = kE^2 (  sinZ^2 - cosZ^2 ) = 0, without constraint on kE 
+!        uRnd(1) = x1fix
+  !My cylindrical parameterization     
+    k0    = mu_Loop1*dtan( Pi*(uRnd(1)-0.5d0) )      ! -inf..inf
-    !Weinzierl's spherical parameterization 
-    kE    = dsqrt( mu_Loop1_sq*dtan( 0.5d0*Pi*uRnd(1) ) )! 0..inf
-    kE_sq=kE**2
-    zeta  = dacos(1d0-2d0*uRnd(2))!  0..Pi
+! !          kEfix = k0
+!        k0 = kEfix
+! !        uRnd(3) = 0d0
+!        uRnd(4) = 0.32d0
+    kE    = mu_Loop1*dsqrt( dtan(0.5d0*Pi*uRnd(2)) ) ! 0..inf
     theta = dacos(1d0-2d0*uRnd(3))!  0..Pi
     phi   = 2d0*Pi*uRnd(4)        !  0..2Pi
     call sincos(phi,sinP,cosP)
     call sincos(theta,sinT,cosT)
-    call sincos(zeta,sinZ,cosZ)
-    kLoop1(1) = kE * cosZ
-    kLoop1(2) = kE * sinZ * sinT * sinP
-    kLoop1(3) = kE * sinZ * sinT * cosP
-    kLoop1(4) = kE * sinZ * cosT    
-    Jacobian = 2d0*Pi**2*kE_sq/mu_Loop1_sq * ( kE_sq**2+mu_Loop1_sq**2 )*sinZ  
-    !note: for zeta=1/4,3/4Pi we have sinZ^2=cosZ^2 such that kLoop1.kLoop1 = kE^2 (  sinZ^2 - cosZ^2 ) = 0, without constraint on kE 
+    kLoop1(1) = k0
+    kLoop1(2) = kE * sinT * sinP
+    kLoop1(3) = kE * sinT * cosP
+    kLoop1(4) = kE * cosT
+    Jacobian = Pi**3 * kE*mu_Loop1**3 * ((k0/mu_Loop1)**2+1d0) * ( (kE/mu_Loop1)**4+1d0 )
-!        uRnd(1) = x1fix
-!   !My cylindrical parameterization     
-!     k0    = mu_Loop1*dtan( Pi*(uRnd(1)-0.5d0) )      ! -inf..inf
-! !          kEfix = k0
-! !        k0 = kEfix
-!     kE    = mu_Loop1*dsqrt( dtan(0.5d0*Pi*uRnd(2)) ) ! 0..inf
-!     theta = dacos(1d0-2d0*uRnd(3))!  0..Pi
-!     phi   = 2d0*Pi*uRnd(4)        !  0..2Pi
-!     call sincos(phi,sinP,cosP)
-!     call sincos(theta,sinT,cosT)
-!     kLoop1(1) = k0
-!     kLoop1(2) = kE * sinT * sinP
-!     kLoop1(3) = kE * sinT * cosP
-!     kLoop1(4) = kE * cosT
-!     Jacobian = Pi**3 * kE*mu_Loop1**3 * ((k0/mu_Loop1)**2+1d0) * ( (kE/mu_Loop1)**4+1d0 )
@@ -278,8 +285,6 @@ real(8) :: Q(1:4),EHat
     kappa(:) = Get_kappa(kLoop1)
     kLoop1Full(:) = kLoop1(:) + cI*kappa(:)
@@ -537,9 +542,11 @@ SUBROUTINE Eval1LoopIntegrand(LoopIntegrand)
 use ModMisc
 use ModParameters
 implicit none
-complex(8) :: LoopIntegrand,D(1:NPointMAX),rho(1:NPointMAX),PNorm
+complex(8) :: LoopIntegrand,D(1:NPointMAX),Dex(1:NPointMAX),rho(0:NPointMAX),PNorm
 complex(8),parameter :: LoopIntNorm=1d0/cI/Pi**2
-real(8), parameter :: alph=1.2d0
+real(8), parameter :: alph=1d0
+    rho(0) = 1d0
     if( NPoint.eq.3 ) then
         D(1) = Get_MInv2(kLoop1Full-qi(1:4,1))-msqi(1)
@@ -547,14 +554,19 @@ real(8), parameter :: alph=1.2d0
         D(3) = Get_MInv2(kLoop1Full-qi(1:4,3))-msqi(3)
         LoopIntegrand = LoopIntNorm/(D(1)*D(2)*D(3))
-!       ! partitioning factors such that rho(1)+rho(2)+rho(3)=1
-!       ! PNorm =! 0 and rho(i) cancels two propagators
-!         PNorm  = D(1)**alph*D(2)**alph + D(1)**alph*D(3)**alph + D(2)**alph*D(3)**alph
-!         rho(1) = D(2)**alph * D(3)**alph/PNorm 
-!         rho(2) = D(1)**alph * D(3)**alph/PNorm
-!         rho(3) = D(1)**alph * D(2)**alph/PNorm
-!         LoopIntegrand = LoopIntegrand * rho(3)
+      ! partitioning factors such that rho(1)+rho(2)+rho(3)=1
+      ! PNorm =! 0 and rho(i) cancels two propagators
+!         D(1) = Get_MInv2(kLoop1-qi(1:4,1))-msqi(1)
+!         D(2) = Get_MInv2(kLoop1-qi(1:4,2))-msqi(2)
+!         D(3) = Get_MInv2(kLoop1-qi(1:4,3))-msqi(3)
+        Dex(:) = D(:)**alph
+        PNorm  = Dex(1)*Dex(2) + Dex(1)*Dex(3) + Dex(2)*Dex(3)
+        rho(1) = Dex(2) * Dex(3)/PNorm 
+        rho(2) = Dex(1) * Dex(3)/PNorm
+        rho(3) = Dex(1) * Dex(2)/PNorm
+        LoopIntegrand = LoopIntegrand * rho(Partition)
     elseif( NPoint.eq.4 ) then
         D(1) = Get_MInv2(kLoop1Full-qi(1:4,1))-msqi(1)
         D(2) = Get_MInv2(kLoop1Full-qi(1:4,2))-msqi(2)
@@ -564,11 +576,11 @@ real(8), parameter :: alph=1.2d0
 !       ! partitioning factors such that rho(1)+rho(2)+rho(3)+rho(4)=1
 !       ! PNorm =! 0 and rho(i) cancels two propagators
-!         PNorm  = D(1)**alph*D(2)**alph*D(3)**alph + D(1)**alph*D(2)**alph*D(4)**alph + D(1)**alph*D(3)**alph*D(4)**alph + D(2)**alph*D(3)**alph*D(4)**alph
-!         rho(1) = D(2)**alph * D(3)**alph * D(4)**alph/PNorm 
-!         rho(2) = D(1)**alph * D(3)**alph * D(4)**alph/PNorm
-!         rho(3) = D(1)**alph * D(2)**alph * D(4)**alph/PNorm
-!         rho(4) = D(1)**alph * D(2)**alph * D(3)**alph/PNorm
+!         PNorm  = Dex(1)*Dex(2)*Dex(3) + Dex(1)*Dex(2)*Dex(4) + Dex(1)*Dex(3)*Dex(4) + Dex(2)*Dex(3)*Dex(4)
+!         rho(1) = Dex(2) * Dex(3) * Dex(4)/PNorm 
+!         rho(2) = Dex(1) * Dex(3) * Dex(4)/PNorm
+!         rho(3) = Dex(1) * Dex(2) * Dex(4)/PNorm
+!         rho(4) = Dex(1) * Dex(2) * Dex(3)/PNorm
 !         LoopIntegrand = LoopIntegrand * rho(1)        
     elseif( NPoint.eq.5 ) then
@@ -592,6 +604,22 @@ real(8), parameter :: alph=1.2d0
         D(6) = Get_MInv2(kLoop1Full-qi(1:4,6))-msqi(6)
         LoopIntegrand = LoopIntNorm/(D(1)*D(2)*D(3)*D(4)*D(5)*D(6))
+        Dex(:) = D(:)**alph
+        PNorm  = Dex(1)*Dex(2)*Dex(3)*Dex(4)*Dex(5) &
+               + Dex(1)*Dex(2)*Dex(3)*Dex(4)*Dex(6) &
+               + Dex(1)*Dex(2)*Dex(3)*Dex(5)*Dex(6) &
+               + Dex(1)*Dex(2)*Dex(4)*Dex(5)*Dex(6) &
+               + Dex(1)*Dex(3)*Dex(4)*Dex(5)*Dex(6) &
+               + Dex(2)*Dex(3)*Dex(4)*Dex(5)*Dex(6)
+        rho(1) = Dex(2)*Dex(3)*Dex(4)*Dex(5)*Dex(6)/PNorm 
+        rho(2) = Dex(1)*Dex(3)*Dex(4)*Dex(5)*Dex(6)/PNorm
+        rho(3) = Dex(1)*Dex(2)*Dex(4)*Dex(5)*Dex(6)/PNorm
+        rho(4) = Dex(1)*Dex(2)*Dex(3)*Dex(5)*Dex(6)/PNorm
+        rho(5) = Dex(1)*Dex(2)*Dex(3)*Dex(4)*Dex(6)/PNorm
+        rho(6) = Dex(1)*Dex(2)*Dex(3)*Dex(4)*Dex(5)/PNorm
+        LoopIntegrand = LoopIntegrand * rho(Partition)
 !         print *, "2",Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,1)), Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,2)-qi(1:4,1)), Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,3)-qi(1:4,2)), Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,4)-qi(1:4,3)), Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,5)-qi(1:4,4)),  Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,5)),Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,2)),Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,3)-qi(1:4,1)),Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,4)-qi(1:4,2)),Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,5)-qi(1:4,3)),Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,4)),Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,1)-qi(1:4,5)), Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,3)),Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,4)-qi(1:4,1)),Get_MInv2(qi(1:4,5)-qi(1:4,2))
 !         pause
@@ -599,8 +627,6 @@ real(8), parameter :: alph=1.2d0
@@ -851,7 +877,7 @@ implicit none
 real(8) :: Get_kappa(1:4),kTilde(:)
      if( NPoint.eq.3 ) then
-          Get_kappa = Get_kappa_Tri(kTilde) 
+          Get_kappa = Get_kappa_Tri(kTilde)
      elseif( NPoint.eq.4 ) then
           Get_kappa = Get_kappa_Quad(kTilde)
      elseif( NPoint.eq.5 ) then
@@ -871,6 +897,7 @@ END FUNCTION
 FUNCTION Get_kappa_Tri(kTilde)
 use ModMisc
+use ModParameters
 implicit none
 real(8) :: Get_kappa_Tri(1:4),kTilde(:),ki(1:4,1:3)
 real(8) :: c_pl,c_mi
@@ -894,31 +921,57 @@ complex(8) :: D(1:3)
     P_pl = get_Zpl(qi(:,1),+qi(:,1))
     P_mi = get_Zmi(qi(:,2),-qi(:,2))
-!     damping = 1d0
-!     kE_sq = VectorTimes(kTilde,kTilde)  
-!     damping = dexp(-((ki(1:4,1),1))-msqi(1))**2/1d0) + dexp(-((ki(1:4,2),2))-msqi(2))**2/1d0) + dexp(-((ki(1:4,3),3))-msqi(3))**2/1d0)
-!     damping = damping + kE_sq/(kE_sq+1d7 * 0.01d0)
     ! diagnostics    
     LoopMomInInterior = .false.
     if( InsideFWDLightcone(P_pl,kTilde,0d0) .and. InsideBWDLightcone(P_mi,kTilde,0d0) ) LoopMomInInterior = .not. LoopMomInInterior            
+! !---------------------- TEST -----------------------------    
+!      Get_kappa_Tri(1) = +2d0*ki(1,Partition)
+!      Get_kappa_Tri(2) = -2d0*ki(2,Partition)
+!      Get_kappa_Tri(3) = -2d0*ki(3,Partition)
+!      Get_kappa_Tri(4) = -2d0*ki(4,Partition)
+!     D(1) = Get_MInv2(ki(1:4,1))-msqi(1)
+!     D(2) = Get_MInv2(ki(1:4,2))-msqi(2)
+!     D(3) = Get_MInv2(ki(1:4,3))-msqi(3)
+!     damp_width=50d0*kTilde(1)+10*GeV
+! !     damping = dexp(-dreal(D(Partition))**2/damp_width**2)
+! !     Get_kappa_Tri= Get_kappa_Tri * damping
+! !      Get_kappa_Tri(1) = dsqrt(Get_kappa_Tri(2)**2+Get_kappa_Tri(3)**2+Get_kappa_Tri(4)**2) 
+!      Get_kappa_Tri(1) = +2d0*ki(1,1)*dexp(-dreal(D(1))**2/damp_width**2)  +2d0*ki(1,2)*dexp(-dreal(D(2))**2/damp_width**2)  !+2d0*ki(1,3)*dexp(-dreal(D(3))**2/damp_width**2)
+!      Get_kappa_Tri(2) = -2d0*ki(2,1)*dexp(-dreal(D(1))**2/damp_width**2)  -2d0*ki(2,2)*dexp(-dreal(D(2))**2/damp_width**2)  !-2d0*ki(2,3)*dexp(-dreal(D(3))**2/damp_width**2)
+!      Get_kappa_Tri(3) = -2d0*ki(3,1)*dexp(-dreal(D(1))**2/damp_width**2)  -2d0*ki(3,2)*dexp(-dreal(D(2))**2/damp_width**2)  !-2d0*ki(3,3)*dexp(-dreal(D(3))**2/damp_width**2)
+!      Get_kappa_Tri(4) = -2d0*ki(4,1)*dexp(-dreal(D(1))**2/damp_width**2)  -2d0*ki(4,2)*dexp(-dreal(D(2))**2/damp_width**2)  !-2d0*ki(4,3)*dexp(-dreal(D(3))**2/damp_width**2)
+! RETURN    
+! !------------------ END TEST -----------------------------    
 !   compute kappa_Ext
     call get_hdel_pm(ki(:,1),msqi(1),mu1sq,hdel1_pl,hdel1_mi) 
     call get_hdel_pm(ki(:,2),msqi(2),mu1sq,hdel2_pl,hdel2_mi) 
     call get_hdel_pm(ki(:,3),msqi(3),mu1sq,hdel3_pl,hdel3_mi)     
-    c_pl = hdel1_mi * hdel2_mi * hdel3_mi
-    c_mi = hdel1_pl * hdel2_pl * hdel3_pl
+    c_pl = hdel1_mi * hdel2_mi * hdel3_mi 
+    c_mi = hdel1_pl * hdel2_pl * hdel3_pl   
     k_pl(1:4) = kTilde(1:4)-P_pl(1:4)
     k_mi(1:4) = kTilde(1:4)-P_mi(1:4)
@@ -927,9 +980,7 @@ complex(8) :: D(1:3)
     kappa_Ext(2:4) =-c_pl * k_pl(2:4) - c_mi * k_mi(2:4)
-!   !compute kappa_Int   
+!    !   !compute kappa_Int   
     vij(:,ij12) = 0.5d0*( qi(:,1)+qi(:,2) - (dsqrt(msqi(1))-dsqrt(msqi(2)))/(Get_MInv(qi(1:4,1)-qi(1:4,2))+1d-14) *(qi(:,1)-qi(:,2)) )
     vij(:,ij13) = 0.5d0*( qi(:,1)+qi(:,3) - (dsqrt(msqi(1))-dsqrt(msqi(3)))/(Get_MInv(qi(1:4,1)-qi(1:4,3))+1d-14) *(qi(:,1)-qi(:,3)) )
     vij(:,ij23) = 0.5d0*( qi(:,2)+qi(:,3) - (dsqrt(msqi(2))-dsqrt(msqi(3)))/(Get_MInv(qi(1:4,2)-qi(1:4,3))+1d-14) *(qi(:,2)-qi(:,3)) )
@@ -949,25 +1000,22 @@ complex(8) :: D(1:3)
     call get_kappa_soft(gfac,kappa_soft)
     kappa_soft(:) = 0d0!  removing kappa_soft for now...
-    kappa_Int(:) = -  c_i(1)*ki(:,1) - c_ij(ij12)*kij(:,ij12) - c_ij(ij13)*kij(:,ij13) &
-                   -  c_i(2)*ki(:,2) - c_ij(ij23)*kij(:,ij23) &
+    kappa_Int(:) = -  c_i(1)*ki(:,1) &
+                   -  c_i(2)*ki(:,2) &
                    -  c_i(3)*ki(:,3) & 
+                   - c_ij(ij12)*kij(:,ij12) &
+                   - c_ij(ij13)*kij(:,ij13) &
+                   - c_ij(ij23)*kij(:,ij23) &
                    +  kappa_soft(:)
-! kappa_Ext = 0d0  ; call PrintOnce("removing kappaExt")
-! kappa_Int = 0d0  ; call PrintOnce("removing kappaInt")
 !   compute scaling function
     kappa_0(:) = kappa_Int(:)+kappa_Ext(:)
     kappa0_sq = Get_MInv2(kappa_0)
-    ! removing kappa^2 terms by making it lightlike
-!     kappa_0(1) = dsqrt( dabs( kappa_0(2)**2+kappa_0(3)**2+kappa_0(4)**2 ) )
-!     call printonce("removing kappa^2 terms by making it lightlike")
     lambdai_sq(:) = 1d0
     do j=1,3
@@ -1085,7 +1133,7 @@ complex(8) :: D(1:3)
-    damping = 1d0
+!     damping = 1d0
 !     damp_width = 0.5d0
@@ -1103,7 +1151,7 @@ complex(8) :: D(1:3)
-    Get_kappa_Tri(1:4) = Get_kappa_Tri(1:4)   !* damping
+!     Get_kappa_Tri(1:4) = Get_kappa_Tri(1:4)   * damping
diff --git a/mod_Misc.f90 b/mod_Misc.f90
index 87b0434..bdbd245 100755
--- a/mod_Misc.f90
+++ b/mod_Misc.f90
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ real(8) :: RefMom(1:4),TestMom(1:4)
 real(8) :: Qsq,RefScale
 real(8),optional :: Msq
 ! *******************************************
-real(8),parameter :: RelSpaceing = 1d-3    !*
+real(8),parameter :: RelSpaceing = 1d-1    !*
 ! *******************************************
diff --git a/mod_Parameters.f90 b/mod_Parameters.f90
index 9a0eebc..09255c4 100755
--- a/mod_Parameters.f90
+++ b/mod_Parameters.f90
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ integer(8), public, save :: EvalCounter=0
 integer(8), public, save :: SkipCounter=0
 logical, public :: Seed_random,Init
-integer(8) :: ItMx,NCall,NPrn,It
+integer(8) :: ItMx,NCall,NPrn,It,Partition=0
 integer(8), parameter :: MXDIM=25! has to match pvegas_mpi.h
 #if compiler==1
 integer, parameter :: NumSeeds=2
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ real(8), public,save :: dummy(1:10) = 0d0
 real(8), public, parameter :: GF = (1.16639d-5)/GeV**2
-real(8), public, parameter :: m_Top   = 172d0*GeV  !50d0*GeV 
-real(8), public, parameter :: m_H     = 125d0*GeV ! 200d0*GeV 
+real(8), public, parameter :: m_Top   = 172d0*GeV  !50d0*GeV !
+real(8), public, parameter :: m_H     = 125d0*GeV ! 200d0*GeV !
 real(8), public, parameter :: m_Z     = 91.1876*GeV
 real(8), public, parameter :: m_W     = 80.399d0*GeV