From 586f22ef9504827a6cd26d644e68c0dff2f3a4c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Dr. Markus Schulze" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2017 13:24:08 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Some updates, 2-loop stuff, gfort/ifort support

 QCDLoop-1.9/ff/ffinit_mine.f |   6 +-
 QCDLoop-1.9/ff/makefile      |   1 +
 QCDLoop-1.9/ql/makefile      |   1 +
 main.f90                     |  46 +++++-----
 makefile                     |  14 ++-
 mod_Integrand.f90            |  52 ++++++++---
 mod_LoopSpace.f90            | 162 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 mod_Misc.f90                 |  18 +++-
 mod_Parameters.f90           |   7 +-
 9 files changed, 258 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 QCDLoop-1.9/ff/ffinit_mine.f
 mode change 100644 => 100755 QCDLoop-1.9/ff/makefile
 mode change 100644 => 100755 QCDLoop-1.9/ql/makefile
 mode change 100644 => 100755 mod_Integrand.f90

diff --git a/QCDLoop-1.9/ff/ffinit_mine.f b/QCDLoop-1.9/ff/ffinit_mine.f
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 38c1d75..0589305
--- a/QCDLoop-1.9/ff/ffinit_mine.f
+++ b/QCDLoop-1.9/ff/ffinit_mine.f
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@
      +  	'ffwarn:  warning:   illegal value for ierr'
 		xlosti(i) = 0
     1	    continue
-            call ffopen(ifile,'ffwarn.dat',ier)
+            call ffopen(ifile,'./ff/ffwarn.dat',ier)
 	    if ( ) goto 100
@@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ C	path = '/user/gj/lib/
    30	continue
 *	second try - the system directory
 C	path = '/usr/local/ff/'
-	path = '/afs/
-     +/TOPAZ/TTBZ/QCDLoop-1.9/ff/'
+	path='/users/pep/mschulze/projects/NumTwoLoop
+     +/Fortran/QCDLoop-1.9/'
 	fullname = path(1:index(path,' ')-1)//name
diff --git a/QCDLoop-1.9/ff/makefile b/QCDLoop-1.9/ff/makefile
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index c69731e..4ff6f5a
--- a/QCDLoop-1.9/ff/makefile
+++ b/QCDLoop-1.9/ff/makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 FC            = ifort -O2
+# FC            = gfortran -O2
 FFLAGS        = 
 LFLAGS	      = $(FFLAGS)
diff --git a/QCDLoop-1.9/ql/makefile b/QCDLoop-1.9/ql/makefile
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index ee04dff..70fb6d9
--- a/QCDLoop-1.9/ql/makefile
+++ b/QCDLoop-1.9/ql/makefile
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ FFLAGS 	= -O2
 HERE = $(PWD)
 LIBDIR = $(HERE)/../ff/
 FC = ifort
+# FC = gfortran
 LIBRARY	      = libqcdloop.a
diff --git a/main.f90 b/main.f90
index 83e6a78..0a55d13 100755
--- a/main.f90
+++ b/main.f90
@@ -10,18 +10,19 @@
 use ModParameters
 use ModKinematics
+#if compiler==1
 use ifport
 implicit none
 real(8) :: VG_Result,VG_Error,chi2
-!DEC$ IF(_UseMPIVegas .EQ.1)
+#if UseMPIVegas==1
 include 'mpif.h'
 integer ::ierror
    call MPI_INIT(ierror)
    call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,MPI_Rank,ierror)
    call GetCommandlineArgs()
    call SetFileNames()
@@ -43,10 +44,9 @@ integer ::ierror
    call CloseFiles()
-!DEC$ IF(_UseMPIVegas .EQ.1)  
+#if UseMPIVegas==1
    call MPI_FINALIZE(ierror)
@@ -71,8 +71,11 @@ integer :: NumArgs,NArg
+#if compiler==1
    NumArgs = NArgs()-1
+#elif compiler==2
    do NArg=1,NumArgs
     call GetArg(NArg,arg)
     if( arg(1:9).eq."VegasIt0=" ) then
@@ -100,7 +103,6 @@ END SUBROUTINE
 SUBROUTINE SetFileNames()
 use ModParameters
-use ifport
 implicit none
@@ -135,9 +137,9 @@ use ModParameters
 use modLoopSpace
 implicit none
 real(8) :: VG_Result,VG_Error,VG_Chi2
-!DEC$ IF(_UseMPIVegas .EQ.1)  
+#if UseMPIVegas==1
 include 'mpif.h'
 integer i,init,NDim
 real(8) :: yrange(1:2*MXDIM)
 complex(8) :: qlI3,qlI4,Int
@@ -151,10 +153,9 @@ real(8) :: shat,that,uhat
-!DEC$ IF(_UseMPIVegas .EQ.1)  
+#if UseMPIVegas==1
   call ClearRedHisto()
 call qlinit
 MuRen = 100d0*GeV
@@ -165,7 +166,6 @@ if( NPoint.eq.3 ) then
    Int = qlI3(shat,0d0,0d0,m_top**2,m_top**2,m_top**2,MuRen**2,-1);    print *, "QCD Lib: C0 1/ep^1",Int
    Int = qlI3(shat,0d0,0d0,m_top**2,m_top**2,m_top**2,MuRen**2,+0);    print *, "QCD Lib: C0 1/ep^0",Int
 elseif( NPoint.eq.4 ) then
    print *, "Four-point integral:"
    shat = +429.839225955798d0
    that = -121.141609980866d0
@@ -178,22 +178,21 @@ endif
   ncall = VegasNc0
   itmx  = VegasIt0
-!DEC$ IF(_UseMPIVegas .EQ.1)  
+#if UseMPIVegas==1
   call vegas_mpi(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,init,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,VG_Result,VG_Error,VG_Chi2)
   call vegas(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,init,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,VG_Result,VG_Error,VG_Chi2)
   ncall = VegasNc1
   itmx  = VegasIt1
-!DEC$ IF(_UseMPIVegas .EQ.1)  
+#if UseMPIVegas==1
   call vegas_mpi(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,init,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,VG_Result,VG_Error,VG_Chi2)
   call vegas(yrange(1:2*ndim),ndim,VegasIntegrand1,init,ncall,itmx,nprn,NUMFUNCTIONS,PDIM,WORKERS,VG_Result,VG_Error,VG_Chi2)
@@ -355,10 +354,11 @@ integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: gen_seed
 integer :: n,i,sclock,SeedSize
     if( seed_random ) then 
         call random_seed()
         call random_seed(size=SeedSize)
-        if( call Error("ifort SeedSize has changed from 2 to ",SeedSize)
+        if( call Error("SeedSize has changed from 2 to ",SeedSize)
         Seeds(0) = SeedSize
         call random_seed(get=Seeds(1:SeedSize))
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index 43a1779..7776a26 100755
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -20,21 +20,27 @@ useMPI = No
 ifeq ($(useMPI),Yes)
     Exec = ./NumInt_MPI
-    F95compiler = mpif90-ifort -lpthread -D_UseMPIVegas=1
+    F95compiler = mpif90-ifort -lpthread -DUseMPIVegas=1
     ccomp = mpicc -lpthread  -lm 
     Exec = ./NumInt
-    F95compiler = ifort -D_UseMPIVegas=0
+    F95compiler = ifort -fpp -DUseMPIVegas=0 -Dcompiler=1
     ccomp = icc -O2
+#     F95compiler = gfortran -cpp -DUseMPIVegas=0 -Dcompiler=2
+#     ccomp = gcc -O3
 ifeq ($(Opt),Yes)
-   IfortOpts   = -O2 -fpp -I$(Here)/colors -I$(VegasDir) -module $(ModuleDir) 
+   IfortOpts   = -O2 -I$(VegasDir) -module $(ModuleDir) 
+#    IfortOpts   = -O3 -I$(VegasDir) -I$(ModuleDir) -J$(ModuleDir) -ffree-line-length-none
-   IfortOpts   = -O0 -fpp -implicitnone -check bounds -check pointer -warn interfaces -ftrapuv  -debug extended -g -traceback -fpe0 -check uninit -I$(Here)/colors -I$(VegasDir) -module $(ModuleDir) 
+   IfortOpts   = -O0 -implicitnone -check bounds -check pointer -warn interfaces -ftrapuv  -debug extended -g -traceback -fpe0 -check uninit -I$(VegasDir) -module $(ModuleDir) 
 fcomp = $(F95compiler) $(IfortOpts) @$(ConfigFile)
diff --git a/mod_Integrand.f90 b/mod_Integrand.f90
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index d581624..2ab7542
--- a/mod_Integrand.f90
+++ b/mod_Integrand.f90
@@ -20,16 +20,18 @@ real(8) :: kLoopJac
 complex(8) :: LoopIntegrand,ConJac
-!    EHat=m_H
-!     call EvalPhasespace_2to1(EHat,kExt,PSWgt)
-    EHat = 1.9d0*( M_H+M_Z )
-    call EvalPhasespace_2to2(EHat,(/M_H,M_Z/),(/0.212d0,0.632d0/),kExt,PSWgt)
-    call GenerateLoopMom(yRnd(1:4),kLoopJac)
-    call InitLoopEvent(kExt)  
-    call GetContourJacobian(ConJac)
-    call EvalLoopIntegrand(LoopIntegrand)
+    if( NPoint.eq.3 ) then
+      EHat=m_H
+      call EvalPhasespace_2to1(EHat,kExt,PSWgt)
+    elseif( NPoint.eq.4 ) then
+      EHat = 1.9d0*( M_H+M_Z )
+      call EvalPhasespace_2to2(EHat,(/M_H,M_Z/),(/0.212d0,0.632d0/),kExt,PSWgt)
+    endif
+    call Generate1LoopMom(yRnd(1:4),kLoopJac)
+    call Init1LoopEvent(kExt)
+    call GetContourJacobian1(ConJac)
+    call Eval1LoopIntegrand(LoopIntegrand)
     Res(1) = kLoopJac * dreal(LoopIntegrand * ConJac)
@@ -43,6 +45,36 @@ END FUNCTION
+FUNCTION VegasIntegrand2(yRnd,VgsWgt,Res)
+use ModParameters
+use ModMisc
+use ModKinematics
+use ModLoopSpace
+implicit none
+integer :: VegasIntegrand2
+real(8) :: yRnd(*),Res(*),VgsWgt
+real(8) :: Ehat,kExt(1:4,1:4),PSWgt
+real(8) :: kLoopJac
+complex(8) :: LoopIntegrand,ConJac
+    EHat=m_H
+    call Generate2LoopMom(yRnd(1:8),kLoopJac)
+    call Init2LoopEvent(kExt)  
+    call GetContourJacobian2(ConJac)
+    call Eval2LoopIntegrand(LoopIntegrand)
+    Res(1) = kLoopJac * dreal(LoopIntegrand * ConJac)
+    VegasIntegrand2=0
 END MODULE ModIntegrand
diff --git a/mod_LoopSpace.f90 b/mod_LoopSpace.f90
index 15c0bc5..3315d81 100755
--- a/mod_LoopSpace.f90
+++ b/mod_LoopSpace.f90
@@ -6,12 +6,16 @@ implicit none
+public :: Generate1LoopMom,Generate2LoopMom
+public :: Init1LoopEvent,Init2LoopEvent
+public :: GetContourJacobian1,GetContourJacobian2
+public :: Eval1LoopIntegrand,Eval2LoopIntegrand
-public :: InitLoopEvent,GetContourJacobian,GenerateLoopMom,EvalLoopIntegrand
-real(8),public :: kappa(1:4),kLoop1(1:4)
+real(8),public :: kappa(1:4),kLoop1(1:4),kLoop2(1:4)
 complex(8), public :: kLoop1Full(1:4)
-integer,public,parameter :: NPoint=4
+integer,public,parameter :: NPoint=3
 real(8),private :: msqi(1:NPoint),mu1sq,mu2sq,E_soft,gamma1,gamma2
 real(8),private :: qi(1:4,1:NPoint)
 real(8),private :: kbar(1:4),ImMuUVsq
@@ -22,7 +26,7 @@ real(8),private :: kbar(1:4),ImMuUVsq
-SUBROUTINE GenerateLoopMom(uRnd,Jacobian)
+SUBROUTINE Generate1LoopMom(uRnd,Jacobian)
 use ModParameters
 use modmisc
 implicit none
@@ -165,8 +169,60 @@ END SUBROUTINE
+SUBROUTINE Generate2LoopMom(uRnd,Jacobian)
+use ModParameters
+use modmisc
+implicit none
+real(8) :: uRnd(:),Jacobian
+real(8) :: kE,kE_sq,zeta,theta,phi
+real(8),parameter :: mu_Loop1_sq = (100d0*GeV)**2
+real(8),parameter :: mu_Loop2_sq = (100d0*GeV)**2
+real(8) :: sinZ,cosZ,sinT,cosT,sinP,cosP
+    kE    = dsqrt( mu_Loop1_sq*dtan( 0.5d0*Pi*uRnd(1) ) )
+    kE_sq=kE**2
+    zeta  = dacos(1d0-2d0*uRnd(2))
+    theta = dacos(1d0-2d0*uRnd(3))
+    phi   = 2d0*Pi*uRnd(4)
+    call sincos(phi,sinP,cosP)
+    call sincos(theta,sinT,cosT)
+    call sincos(zeta,sinZ,cosZ)
+    kLoop1(1) = kE * cosZ
+    kLoop1(2) = kE * sinZ * sinT * sinP
+    kLoop1(3) = kE * sinZ * sinT * cosP
+    kLoop1(4) = kE * sinZ * cosT
+    Jacobian = 2d0*Pi**2*kE_sq/mu_Loop1_sq * ( kE_sq**2+mu_Loop1_sq**2 )*sinZ  
+    !note: for zeta=1/4,3/4Pi we have sinZ^2=cosZ^2 such that kLoop1.kLoop1 = kE^2 (  sinZ^2 - cosZ^2 ) = 0, without constraint on kE 
-SUBROUTINE InitLoopEvent(kExt)
+    kE    = dsqrt( mu_Loop2_sq*dtan( 0.5d0*Pi*uRnd(5) ) )
+    kE_sq=kE**2
+    zeta  = dacos(1d0-2d0*uRnd(6))
+    theta = dacos(1d0-2d0*uRnd(7))
+    phi   = 2d0*Pi*uRnd(8)
+    call sincos(phi,sinP,cosP)
+    call sincos(theta,sinT,cosT)
+    call sincos(zeta,sinZ,cosZ)
+    kLoop2(1) = kE * cosZ
+    kLoop2(2) = kE * sinZ * sinT * sinP
+    kLoop2(3) = kE * sinZ * sinT * cosP
+    kLoop2(4) = kE * sinZ * cosT    
+    Jacobian = Jacobian * 2d0*Pi**2*kE_sq/mu_Loop2_sq * ( kE_sq**2+mu_Loop2_sq**2 )*sinZ  
+SUBROUTINE Init1LoopEvent(kExt)
 use ModMisc
 use ModParameters
 implicit none
@@ -224,8 +280,46 @@ END SUBROUTINE
+SUBROUTINE Init2LoopEvent(kExt)
+use ModMisc
+use ModParameters
+implicit none
+real(8) :: kExt(:,:)
+real(8) :: Q(1:4),EHat
+    EHat = 2d0*kExt(1,1)
+    mu1sq = (0.035d0*EHat)**2
+    mu2sq = (0.7d0*EHat)**2
+    E_soft = 0.03d0*EHat
+    gamma1 = 0.7d0
+    gamma2 = 0.008d0 
+    Q(1:4) = (/1000d0,1000d0,1000d0,1000d0/)*GeV
+    ImMuUVsq = -2500d0*GeV
+    kbar(:) = kLoop1(:) - Q(:)  ! defining kbar real i.e. with k_tilde and not k
+    qi(1:4,1) = -kExt(1:4,1)               
+    qi(1:4,2) = -kExt(1:4,1)+kExt(1:4,3)
+    qi(1:4,3) = 0d0
+    msqi(1) = m_Top**2
+    msqi(2) = m_Top**2
+    kappa(:) = Get_kappa(kLoop1)
+    kLoop1Full(:) = kLoop1(:) + cI*kappa(:)
-SUBROUTINE GetContourJacobian(Jacobian)
+SUBROUTINE GetContourJacobian1(Jacobian)
 !   J_ij = delta_ij + cI * d(kappa^i)/d(kLoop^j)
@@ -256,6 +350,35 @@ END SUBROUTINE
+SUBROUTINE GetContourJacobian2(Jacobian)
+!   J_ij = delta_ij + cI * d(kappa^i)/d(kLoop^j)
+use modMisc
+use ModParameters
+implicit none
+complex(8) :: Jacobian !,JacobiMatrixC(1:8,1:8)
+real(8) :: JacobiMatrix(1:8,1:8)
+!   call GetJacobiMatrix_kappa(kLoop1,kLoop2,JacobiMatrix)
+!   Jacobian = GetDet8x8OnePlusID(JacobiMatrix)
+!  write(*,"(4d14.3)") JacobiMatrix(1,1:4)
+!  write(*,"(4d14.3)") JacobiMatrix(2,1:4)
+!  write(*,"(4d14.3)") JacobiMatrix(3,1:4)
+!  write(*,"(4d14.3)") JacobiMatrix(4,1:4) 
+!  print *, Jacobian
+!  pause
 SUBROUTINE GetJacobiMatrix_kappa(kLoop,der) ! this is d(kappa)/d(kLoop) at kLoop
@@ -350,7 +473,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE
-SUBROUTINE EvalLoopIntegrand(LoopIntegrand)
+SUBROUTINE Eval1LoopIntegrand(LoopIntegrand)
 use ModMisc
 use ModParameters
 implicit none
@@ -376,6 +499,31 @@ END SUBROUTINE
+SUBROUTINE Eval2LoopIntegrand(LoopIntegrand)
+use ModMisc
+use ModParameters
+implicit none
+complex(8) :: LoopIntegrand,D(1:5)
+complex(8),parameter :: LoopIntNorm=1d0/(4d0*Pi)**4
+!     D(1) = Get_MInv2(kLoop1Full-qi(1:4,1))-msqi(1)
+!     D(2) = Get_MInv2(kLoop1Full-qi(1:4,2))-msqi(2)
+!     D(3) = Get_MInv2(kLoop1Full-qi(1:4,3))-msqi(3)
+!     D(4) = Get_MInv2(kLoop1Full-qi(1:4,4))-msqi(4)
+!     D(5) = Get_MInv2(kLoop1Full-qi(1:4,5))-msqi(5)
+!     LoopIntegrand = LoopIntNorm/(D(1)*D(2)*D(3)*D(4)*D(5))
 SUBROUTINE get_hdel_pm(k,msq,M1sq,hdel_pl,hdel_mi) 
 implicit none
 real(8),intent(in) :: k(:),msq,M1sq
diff --git a/mod_Misc.f90 b/mod_Misc.f90
index 4a6d741..63c30a3 100755
--- a/mod_Misc.f90
+++ b/mod_Misc.f90
@@ -166,6 +166,22 @@ END FUNCTION
+FUNCTION GetDet8x8OnePlusID(d) ! determinant of 1 + i*d(i,j)
+implicit none
+real(8) :: d(:,:)
+complex(8) :: GetDet8x8OnePlusID
+complex(8),parameter :: cI=(0d0,1d0)
+      GetDet8x8OnePlusID = 0d0
 FUNCTION InsideFWDLightcone(RefMom,TestMom,Msq)
 implicit none
@@ -1382,7 +1398,7 @@ complex(16) :: mult, tsum
     work(1:N,1:N+1) = matrix(1:N,1:N+1)
     do i = 1,N
-      if (cqabs(work(i,i)) <= 1.0e-6) then
+      if (abs(work(i,i)) <= 1.0e-6) then
 !          print *, i,N
 !          print *, "go_Gauss, Zero pivot element: ",cdabs(work(i,i))
 !          call Error("go_Gauss, Zero pivot element")
diff --git a/mod_Parameters.f90 b/mod_Parameters.f90
index a3a8e31..6fa09af 100755
--- a/mod_Parameters.f90
+++ b/mod_Parameters.f90
@@ -13,7 +13,12 @@ integer(8), public, save :: SkipCounter=0
 logical, public :: Seed_random,WarmUp
 integer(8) :: ItMx,NCall,NPrn,It
 integer(8), parameter :: MXDIM=25! has to match pvegas_mpi.h
-integer, public :: TheSeeds(0:2) = (/2,700470849,476/)! only used if seed_random=.false., the first entry is the total number of seeds
+#if compiler==1
+integer(8), parameter :: NumSeeds=2
+integer(8), parameter :: NumSeeds=12
+integer, public :: TheSeeds(0:12) = (/NumSeeds,700470849,476,123123,756,21434,6754654,12313,54353,12313,65464,12313,65464/)! only used if seed_random=.false., the first entry is the total number of seeds
 real(8), public :: IntegrandMax=-1d30
 ! PVegas (MPI) part