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Maximilian Sprengholz / a-long-view
MIT LicenseOpen materials for the paper "From "guestworkers" to EU migrants: A gendered view on the labor market integration of different arrival cohorts in Germany"
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Laura Tripetchr / dh-at-hu-website
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 UnportedUpdated -
This is an application that allows users to interact with a dynamic network model created of the Berlin public transportation network during the cold war.
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Laudatio Repository Pre Beta / Laudatio repository Laravel
Apache License 2.0Updated -
This is an early version of a Python script to add POS tags to Praat TextGrid files. It integrates several taggers into one interface, for example the TreeTagger, SpaCy and HanoverTagger. Also, normalized tiers can be added using a value pair file. Link to the newer version: https://scm.cms.hu-berlin.de/langerob/tiertagger
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Maximilian Sprengholz / The labor market integration of immigrant women in Europe. A review.
MIT LicenseWe provide a review of the literature on the labor market integration of immigrant women in Europe and some current descriptive statistics.
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A container containing a browser for autamated testing
Because Cypress does not support remote browsers: https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/5984
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Schlüsselstellen / LotteVizEx
Apache License 2.0Base version of the website for visualizing and exploring key passages.
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