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Prediction of crop using Classification modelling
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This is an application that allows users to interact with a dynamic network model created of the Berlin public transportation network during the cold war.
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Jan Raoul Weber / Notebooks
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyExamples for Jupyter Notebooks
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Digitales Datenmanagement → Modul 3 Technologien des Datenmanagements
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Datenstrukturen und -integration
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Repository for the course Authorship Attribution, SoSe 2022
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Verschiedene Notebooks für das Modul MP2 Datenanalyse und -auswertung
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Vivian Iris Schlosser / Notebooks
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyExamples for Jupyter Notebooks
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Scripts for the fire analysis. Important training data are also stored here.