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projektseminar / projektseminar
MIT LicenseUpdated -
IQB / Speedtest-Modules
MIT LicenseUpdated -
IQB / verona-player-simple
MIT LicenseCI/CD for github repo iqb-berlin/verona-player-simple
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Benjamin Jakimow / profile
MIT LicenseExample Hugo site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/hugo
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callidus / Machina Callida
Apache License 2.0Vocabulary training in Latin with a REST API and web frontend
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Frontend für die Software des DFG-Projekts CALLIDUS (Kooperation aus Fachdidaktik Latein, Korpuslinguistik und CMS): Ionic / Angular / Cordova
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Sarah Kleest-Meißner / fsfahrttool
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
This is an application that allows users to interact with a dynamic network model created of the Berlin public transportation network during the cold war.
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Laudatio Repository Pre Beta / Laudatio repository Laravel
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Laura Tripetchr / dh-at-hu-website
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 UnportedUpdated -
HU-Berlin-Laudatio-Repository / laudatio-repository
Apache License 2.0Updated -
"Wissenschaftliche Sammlungen" is a Ruby on Rails graph-based documentation system and can be found at https://portal.wissenschaftliche-sammlungen.de/
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Schlüsselstellen / QuidEx-wh
Apache License 2.0Base version of the website for visualizing and exploring key passages.
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