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Example Hugo site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/hugo
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IQB ZOPE Extension: Application to load and present study information with search functionality
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Frontent of Testcenter-Lite, the application the IQB uses for authoring test items.
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Frontend für die Software des DFG-Projekts CALLIDUS (Kooperation aus Fachdidaktik Latein, Korpuslinguistik und CMS): Ionic / Angular / Cordova
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the application the IQB uses for it's own assessments - client-side angular; here you find the testcenter wiki for users and administrators
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the application the IQB uses for it's own assessments - server-side php
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"Wissenschaftliche Sammlungen" is a Ruby on Rails graph-based documentation system and can be found at https://portal.wissenschaftliche-sammlungen.de/
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Frontend für die Software des DFG-Projekts CALLIDUS (Kooperation aus Fachdidaktik Latein, Korpuslinguistik und CMS): Ionic / Angular / Cordova
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