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Repository for the course "Computer Vision", SoSe 2023
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This is an early version of a Python script to add POS tags to Praat TextGrid files. It integrates several taggers into one interface, for example the TreeTagger, SpaCy and HanoverTagger. Also, normalized tiers can be added using a value pair file. Link to the newer version: https://scm.cms.hu-berlin.de/langerob/tiertagger
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We provide a review of the literature on the labor market integration of immigrant women in Europe and some current descriptive statistics.
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Frontent of Testcenter-Lite, the application the IQB uses for authoring test items.
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Backend of Testcenter-Lite, the application the IQB uses for create test items.
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the application the IQB uses for it's own assessments - client-side angular; here you find the testcenter wiki for users and administrators
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Small service for the so called supervising monitor of the iqb-testcenter
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the application the IQB uses for it's own assessments - server-side php
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