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  • fsini-informatik/fsfahrttool
  • kleemeis/fsfahrttool
2 results
Show changes
with 3882 additions and 1358 deletions
display: none;
border: 1px dotted mediumvioletred;
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border-top: 1px dashed green;
padding: 15px;
background-color: greenyellow;
border: 1px solid black;
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.pages-cost-edit td{
border-right: 1px dotted darkgray;
padding: 3pt 5pt;
.deviderrow td{
border-top: 1px dotted darkgray;
.cost-table td{
border: 0;
.table-moneyio tr td{
vertical-align: top;
border: 0;
padding-right: 17px;
border-top: 1px dashed black !important;
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color: red;
color: green;
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background: url('../../view/graphics/jqueryui.png') no-repeat -85px -133px;
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content: "";
background: url('../../view/graphics/jqueryui.png') no-repeat -197px -100px;
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content: "";
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border-style: solid;
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bottom: 0;
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border-bottom-color: #000;
/* == END Tooltips ==
position: fixed;
left: 50px;
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display: block;
overflow: auto;
padding: 10px;
margin: 20px 0 0 0;
.pages-cost-list-content ul li{
padding: 0;
.pages-cost-list-content td{
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border-bottom: 1px dotted darkgray;
.pages-cost-list-topbar {
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display: block;
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
<table class="cost-table">
<th>Position - {{io}}</th>
<th ng-show="tform.$visible"></th>
<!-- extra -->
<tr ng-repeat="(key,row) in extra">
<td>{{row.pos || "&nbsp;" }}</td>
<td class="cost-table-numeric">{{row.val || 0 | currency}}</td>
<td ng-show="tform.$visible"></td>
<!-- editable stuff -->
<tr ng-repeat="row in col | filter:filterRow">
<span editable-text="row.pos" e-form="tableform" e-ng-change="chang(row, 'pos', $data)">
{{row.pos || "&nbsp;" }}
<td class="cost-table-numeric">
<span editable-text="row.val" e-form="tableform" e-style="width: 35pt" e-ng-change="chang(row, 'val', $data)">
{{row.val || 0 | currency}}
<td ng-show="tform.$visible" style="vertical-align: bottom;"><button type="button" ng-click="$parent.$parent.deleteRow(io,$index)" class="button-delete">del</button></td>
<button type="button" ng-disabled="tform.$waiting" ng-show="tform.$visible" ng-click="$parent.addRow(col)" class="button-add">add row</button>
\ No newline at end of file
<form editable-form name="tableform" onaftersave="saveTable()" oncancel="cancel()" onshow="prepareForm()">
<table class="table-moneyio">
<table-moneyio-col col="" extra="" io="in" tform="tableform"></table-moneyio-col>
<table-moneyio-col col="table.entries.out" extra="table.extra.out" io="out" tform="tableform"></table-moneyio-col>
<td class="cost-table-numeric table-moneyio-sum">{{ moneyioDataService.colSum(, | currency }}</td>
<td class="cost-table-numeric table-moneyio-sum">{{ moneyioDataService.colSum(table.entries.out, table.extra.out) | currency }}</td>
<td class="cost-table-numeric table-moneyio-sum" ng-class="{red:'red-text', yellow:'yellow-text', green: 'green-text'}[moneyioDataService.diffColor(table.extra)]" data-type="info" data-title="Differenz (Prognose)" bs-tooltip>{{ moneyioDataService.diff(table.extra) | currency }}</td>
<td class="cost-table-numeric table-moneyio-sum" ng-class="{red:'red-text', yellow:'yellow-text', green: 'green-text'}[moneyioDataService.diffRColor(table.extra)]" data-type="info" data-title="Differenz (Real)" bs-tooltip>{{ moneyioDataService.diffR(table.extra) | currency }}</td>
<!-- buttons -->
<div class="btn-edit">
<button type="button" class="button-edit" ng-show="!tableform.$visible" ng-click="tableform.$show()">edit</button>
<div class="btn-form" ng-show="tableform.$visible">
<button type="submit" ng-disabled="tableform.$waiting" class="button-save">save</button> |
<button type="button" ng-disabled="tableform.$waiting" ng-click="tableform.$cancel()" class="button-cancel">cancel</button>
<div class="debug" style="margin-top: 30px;">
{{ table.entries || "&nbsp;" | json }}
<div class="debug" style="margin-top: 30px;">
{{ table.extra || "&nbsp;" | json }}
\ No newline at end of file
<div ng-show="table.editmode" class="pages-cost-edit">
<div style="float: left">
<th>Tag 1</th>
<th>Tag 2</th>
<th>Tag 3</th>
<tr ng-repeat="(key,row) in table.edit.VAR">
<td ng-repeat="col in row">
<input ng-model="col.val" type="input" name="{{key}}.val" />
<input ng-model="col.ind" type="checkbox" name="{{key}}.ind" data-placement="top-left" data-type="info" data-title="{{tooltip.ind.title}}" bs-tooltip />
<input ng-model="" type="checkbox" name="{{key}}.an" data-placement="top-left" data-type="info" data-title="{{}}" bs-tooltip />
<input ng-model="col.ab" type="checkbox" name="{{key}}.ab" data-placement="top-left" data-type="info" data-title="{{tooltip.ab.title}}" bs-tooltip />
<tr class="deviderrow"><td colspan="4"></td></tr>
<tr ng-repeat="(key,val) in table.edit.ALL">
<td colspan="3">
<input ng-model="val" type="text" name="{{key}}" ng-change="table.editUpdateAll(val,'{{key}}')" />
<td colspan="3">
<input ng-model="table.amount" type="text" name="table.amount" />
<button type="button" ng-click="table.saveTable()" class="button-save">save</button> |
<button type="button" ng-click="table.cancelTable()" class="button-cancel">cancel</button>
<div style="float: left; margin-left: 20px; width: 400px;">
<div style="clear: both"></div>
<div class="debug" style="margin-top: 30px;">
{{ table.edit | json }}
\ No newline at end of file
<h2 style="margin-top: 0">Hilfsrechner</h2>
Zu verteilende Posten wählen: <span ng-click="resetty(">[reset]</span><br />
<br />
<ul style="list-style: none;">
<li ng-repeat="entry in">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="entry.neg" data-placement="top-left" data-type="info" data-title="negative" bs-tooltip />
<label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="entry.selected" /> {{entry.pos}} ({{entry.val || 0 | currency}})</label>
<ul style="list-style: none;">
<li ng-repeat="entry in">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="entry.neg" data-placement="top-left" data-type="info" data-title="negative" bs-tooltip />
<label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="entry.selected" /> {{entry.pos}} ({{entry.val || 0 | currency}})</label>
<label>Sontiges: <input type="text" style="width: 30pt" ng-model="special" /></label><br />
<br />
Einschränken auf:<br />
<label><input type="radio" ng-model="cnt" value="{{table.cnt.geman}}"> gemeinsam hin</label>
<label><input type="radio" ng-model="cnt" value="{{table.cnt.gemab}}"> gemeinsam rück</label><br />
<label><input type="radio" ng-model="cnt" value="{{table.cnt.all}}" ng-selected="{{table.cnt.all}}"> none</label><br />
<br />
Gewählte Summe: {{summy( || 0 | currency}}<br />
Anzahl Personen: {{cnt}} <br />
Betrag pro Person: {{meaner( || 0 | currency}}<br />
<!--<label><input type="radio" ng-model="round" value="{{table.round.up}}"> Aufrunden</label>
<label><input type="radio" ng-model="round" value="{{table.round.dwn}}" ng-selected="{{table.round.dwn}}"> Abrunden</label>-->
\ No newline at end of file
<div ng-show="table.listmode" class="pages-cost-list">
<div class="pages-cost-list-topbar"><p ng-click="table.toggleListmode()">X</p></div>
<div class="pages-cost-list-content">
<button type="button" ng-click="toggleDetails()" class="button-magnify">Details</button><br />
<br />
<div ng-repeat="(key,col) in table.list" style="float: left; width: 460px; border-right: 1px dashed #d3d3d3; padding: 10px 15px">
<table >
<th style="width: 30%; text-align: left;">Name + ID</th>
<th style="width: 70%; text-align: left;">Details</th>
<tr ng-repeat="row in col">
<td>{{}} ({{}})</td>
<strong>{{ || 0 | currency}}</strong> ({{ || 0 | currency}})<br />
{{row.person.von}} <br />
({{row.person.antyp}})<br />
{{row.person.bis}}<br />
({{row.person.abtyp}})<br />
<br />
<ul ng-repeat="entry in" ng-show="showdetails">
<li>{{entry.pos}}: {{entry.val || 0 | currency}}</li>
<div class="debug" style="margin-top: 30px;">
{{ otherDataService.getPaymentList() | json }}
\ No newline at end of file
<table class="cost-table">
<th>Anzahl (normal)</th>
<th>Satz (est)</th>
<tr ng-repeat="row in dataService.calc">
<td class="cost-table-numeric">{{row.cnt()}}</td>
<td class="cost-table-numeric">{{row.val() | currency}}</td>
<td class="cost-table-numeric">{{row.sum() | currency}}</td>
<td>{{table.amount || 0 | currency}}</td>
<td class="cost-table-invisible"></td>
<td class="cost-table-invisible"></td>
<td class="cost-table-invisible"></td>
<td>{{dataService.sum() | currency}}</td>
<button type="button" ng-click="table.editTable()" class="button-edit" ng-hide="table.editmode" >edit</button>
<button type="button" ng-click="table.listPay()" class="button-list" ng-hide="table.listmode">Liste</button>
<div class="debug" style="margin-top: 30px;">
{{ table.base || "&nbsp;" | json }}
<div class="debug" style="margin-top: 30px;">
{{ dataService.base || "&nbsp;" | json }}
\ No newline at end of file
<form editable-form name="tableform" onaftersave="saveTable()" oncancel="cancel()" onshow="prepareForm()">
<table class="cost-table" id="">
<tr ng-repeat="row in table.entries | filter:filterRow">
<span editable-text="row.pos" e-form="tableform" e-ng-change="chang($index, 'pos', $data)">
{{ row.pos || '&nbsp;' }}
<td class="cost-table-numeric" >
<span editable-text="row.cnt" e-form="tableform" e-style="width: 20pt" e-ng-change="chang($index, 'cnt', $data)">
{{ row.cnt || 1 }}
<td class="cost-table-numeric" >
<span editable-text="row.mul" e-form="tableform" e-style="width: 20pt" e-ng-change="chang($index, 'mul', $data)">
{{ row.mul || 1 }}
<td class="cost-table-numeric" >
<span editable-text="row.price" e-form="tableform" e-style="width: 30pt" e-ng-change="chang($index, 'price', $data)">
{{ row.price || 0 | currency}}
<td class="cost-table-numeric" >{{ dataService.rowSum(row) | currency}}</td>
<td><button type="button" ng-show="tableform.$visible" ng-click="deleteRow($index)" class="button-delete">del</button></td>
<td class="cost-table-invisible"></td>
<td class="cost-table-invisible"></td>
<td class="cost-table-invisible"></td>
<td class="cost-table-invisible"></td>
<td>{{dataService.sum() | currency}}</td>
<!-- buttons -->
<div class="btn-edit">
<button type="button" class="button-edit" ng-show="!tableform.$visible" ng-click="tableform.$show()">edit</button>
<div class="btn-form" ng-show="tableform.$visible">
<button type="button" ng-disabled="tableform.$waiting" ng-click="addRow()" class="button-add">add row</button> |
<button type="submit" ng-disabled="tableform.$waiting" class="button-save">save</button> |
<button type="button" ng-disabled="tableform.$waiting" ng-click="tableform.$cancel()" class="button-cancel">cancel</button>
<div class="debug" style="margin-top: 30px;">
{{ table.entries || "&nbsp;" | json }}
<div class="debug" style="margin-top: 30px;">
{{ dataService.entries || "&nbsp;" | json }}
\ No newline at end of file
<form editable-form name="tableform" onaftersave="saveTable()" oncancel="cancel()" onshow="prepareForm()">
<table class="cost-table">
<tr ng-repeat="row in table.entries | filter:filterRow">
<span editable-text="row.pos" e-form="tableform" e-ng-change="chang($index, 'pos', $data)">
{{ row.pos || '&nbsp;' }}
<td class="cost-table-numeric">
<span editable-text="row.cnt" e-form="tableform" e-style="width: 20pt" e-ng-change="chang($index, 'cnt', $data)">
{{ row.cnt || 1 }}
<td class="cost-table-numeric">
<span editable-text="row.price" e-form="tableform" e-style="width: 30pt" e-ng-change="chang($index, 'price', $data)">
{{row.price || 0 | currency}}
<td class="cost-table-numeric">{{dataService.rowSum(row) | currency}}</td>
<td><button type="button" ng-show="tableform.$visible" ng-click="deleteRow($index)" class="button-delete">del</button></td>
<td class="cost-table-invisible"></td>
<td class="cost-table-invisible"></td>
<td class="cost-table-invisible"></td>
<td>{{dataService.sum() | currency}}</td>
<!-- buttons -->
<div class="btn-edit">
<button type="button" class="button-edit" ng-show="!tableform.$visible" ng-click="tableform.$show()">edit</button>
<div class="btn-form" ng-show="tableform.$visible">
<button type="button" ng-disabled="tableform.$waiting" ng-click="addRow()" class="button-add">add row</button> |
<button type="submit" ng-disabled="tableform.$waiting" class="button-save">save</button> |
<button type="button" ng-disabled="tableform.$waiting" ng-click="tableform.$cancel()" class="button-cancel">cancel</button>
<div class="debug" style="margin-top: 30px;">
{{ table.entries || "&nbsp;" | json }}
<div class="debug" style="margin-top: 30px;">
{{ dataService.entries || "&nbsp;" | json }}
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.