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xquery version "3.0" encoding "UTF-8";

 : XQuery module for processing dates
module namespace date="";

declare namespace tei="";
declare namespace mei="";
declare namespace pdr="";

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import module namespace datetime="" at "java:org.exist.xquery.modules.datetime.DateTimeModule";
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import module namespace functx="";

declare variable $date:DATE_FORMAT_ERROR := QName("", "DateFormatError");

 : Construct one normalized xs:date from a tei:date element's date or duration attributes (@from, @to, @when, @notBefore, @notAfter)
 : @author Christian Epp
 : @author Peter Stadler
 : @param $date the tei:date
 : @param $latest a boolean whether the constructed date shall be the latest or earliest possible
 : @return the constructed date as xs:date or empty
declare function date:getOneNormalizedDate($date as element()?, $latest as xs:boolean) as xs:date? {
    if($latest) then max($date/@* ! date:getCastableDate(., $latest))
    else min($date/@* ! date:getCastableDate(., $latest))

 : Checks, if given $date is castable as xs:date and returns this date.
 : If $date is castable as xs:gYear the first or the last day of the year (depending on $latest) will be returned 
 : (Helper function for date:getOneNormalizedDate() and date:printDate())
 : @author Christian Epp
 : @author Peter Stadler
 : @param $date the date to test as xs:string
 : @param $latest if $latest is set to true() the last day of the year will be returned
 : @return the (constructed) date as xs:date, empty() if no conversion is possible
declare %private function date:getCastableDate($date as xs:string, $latest as xs:boolean) as xs:date? {
    if($date castable as xs:date) then xs:date($date)
    else if($date castable as xs:dateTime) then
        if(starts-with($date, '-')) then xs:date(substring($date, 1, 11))
        else xs:date(substring($date, 1, 10))
    else if($date castable as xs:gYear) then 
        if($latest) then xs:date(concat($date,'-12-31'))
        else xs:date(concat($date,'-01-01'))
    else if($date castable as xs:gYearMonth) then
        if($latest) then xs:date(concat($date, '-', functx:days-in-month(xs:date(concat($date,'-01')))))
        else xs:date(concat($date,'-01'))
    else if($date castable as xs:gMonthDay) then xs:date(concat('9999-', substring-after($date, '--')))
    else if($date castable as xs:gDay) then xs:date(concat('9999-12-', substring-after($date, '---')))
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 : format year specification depending on positive or negative value
 : @author Peter Stadler
 : @param $year the year as (positive or negative) integer
 : @param $lang the language switch (en|de)
 : @return xs:string
declare function date:formatYear($year as xs:int, $lang as xs:string) as xs:string {
    if($year gt 0) then $year cast as xs:string
    else if($lang eq 'en') then concat($year*-1,' BC')
    else concat($year*-1,' v. Chr.')

 : Parse date from string via PDR webservice
 : @author Peter Stadler
 : @param $input the input string
 : @return tei:date element with the matching part of the string as text content and isodate attributes
declare function date:parse-date($input as xs:string, $http-get as function() as item()) as element(tei:date)* {
    let $webservice-url := ''
    let $text := 'text=' || encode-for-uri($input)
    let $pdr-result := $http-get(xs:anyURI(string-join(($webservice-url, $text), '&')))//pdr:result
        if($pdr-result) then 
            for $result in $pdr-result 
                element tei:date {$result/pdr:isodate/@*, $result/string(pdr:occurrence)}
        else ()

 :  Wrapper around the standard fn:format-date() function
 :  because the current implementation has a bug(?) with dates BC
declare function date:format-date($date as xs:date, $picture as xs:string, $lang as xs:string) as xs:string? {
    if(starts-with($date, '-')) then format-date($date, replace($picture, '\[Y\]', date:formatYear(year-from-date($date), $lang)), $lang, (), ())
    else format-date($date, $picture, $lang, (), ())

 : Creates a verbal date representation for i.e. birthday or the sending date of a letter in paraphrasing @notBefore, @notAfter etc.
 : @author Christian Epp
 : @author Peter Stadler
 : @param $date the date element to be displayed
 : @param $lang the current language (en|de)
 : @param $get-language-string a callback function that is expected to return a localized string for a given term
 : @return text
declare function date:printDate($date as element()?, $lang as xs:string, $get-language-string as function(xs:string, xs:string*) as xs:string, $get-picture-string as function(empty()) as xs:string) as xs:string? {
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    if($date) then (
        let $picture-string := $get-picture-string() (: if($lang = 'de') then '[D]. [MNn] [Y]' else '[MNn] [D], [Y]':)
        let $notBefore  := if($date/@notBefore) then date:getCastableDate(data($date/@notBefore),false())
                           else if($date/@notBefore-iso) then date:getCastableDate(data($date/@notBefore-iso),false())
        let $notAfter   := if($date/@notAfter) then date:getCastableDate(data($date/@notAfter),true())
                           else if($date/@notAfter-iso) then date:getCastableDate(data($date/@notAfter-iso),true())
        let $from       := if($date/@from) then date:getCastableDate(data($date/@from),false()) 
                           else if($date/@from-iso) then date:getCastableDate(data($date/@from-iso),false())
                           else if($date/@when-iso and contains($date/@when-iso, '/')) then date:getCastableDate(data(substring-before($date/@when-iso, '/')),false())
        let $to         := if($date/@to)  then date:getCastableDate(data($date/@to),true())
                           else if($date/@to-iso) then date:getCastableDate(data($date/@to-iso),true())
                           else if($date/@when-iso and contains($date/@when-iso, '/')) then date:getCastableDate(data(substring-after($date/@when-iso, '/')),true())                            
        let $notBefore_o := if($date/@notBefore-iso) then string($date/@notBefore-iso) else()
        let $notAfter_o  := if($date/@notAfter-iso)  then string($date/@notAfter-iso) else()
        let $from_o     := if($date/@from-iso) then string($date/@from-iso)
                           else if($date/@when-iso and contains($date/@when-iso, '/')) then substring-before($date/@when-iso, '/')
        let $to_o       := if($date/@to-iso) then string($date/@to-iso)
                           else if($date/@when-iso and contains($date/@when-iso, '/')) then substring-after($date/@when-iso, '/')
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        let $myDate := 
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            if($date/@when) then 
                if($date/@when castable as xs:date) then date:format-date($date/@when, $picture-string, $lang)
                else if($date/@when castable as xs:gYear) then date:formatYear($date/@when, $lang)
                else if($date/@when castable as xs:gYearMonth) then date:format-date(date:getCastableDate(data($date/@when),true()),'[MNn] [Y]', $lang)
                else if($date/@when castable as xs:gMonthDay) then $get-language-string('noYear',xs:string(date:format-date(date:getCastableDate(data($date/@when),true()),'[D]. [MNn]', $lang)))
                else if($date/@when castable as xs:gDay) then $get-language-string('noYearMonth',xs:string(date:format-date(date:getCastableDate(data($date/@when),true()),'[D].', $lang)))
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                else if($date/@when castable as xs:dateTime) then date:format-date(datetime:date-from-dateTime($date/@when), $picture-string, $lang)
                else error($date:DATE_FORMAT_ERROR, 'unsupported value for @when: "' || $date/@when || '".')
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           (:  @when-iso für die busoni-app :)
             else if($date/@when-iso and not(contains($date/@when-iso, '/'))) then 
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                if($date/@when-iso castable as xs:date) then date:format-date($date/@when-iso, $picture-string, $lang)
                else if($date/@when-iso castable as xs:gYear) then date:formatYear($date/@when-iso, $lang)
                else if($date/@when-iso castable as xs:gYearMonth) then date:format-date(date:getCastableDate(data($date/@when-iso),true()),'[MNn] [Y]', $lang)
                else if($date/@when-iso castable as xs:gMonthDay) then $get-language-string('noYear',xs:string(date:format-date(date:getCastableDate(data($date/@when-iso),true()),'[D]. [MNn]', $lang)))
                else if($date/@when-iso castable as xs:gDay) then $get-language-string('noYearMonth',xs:string(date:format-date(date:getCastableDate(data($date/@when-iso),true()),'[D].', $lang)))
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                else if($date/@when-iso castable as xs:dateTime) then date:format-date(datetime:date-from-dateTime($date/@when-iso), $picture-string, $lang)
                else error($date:DATE_FORMAT_ERROR, 'unsupported value for @when-iso: "' || $date/@when-iso || '".')                         
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            else if(exists($notBefore)) then 
                if(exists($notAfter)) then 
                    if(year-from-date($notBefore) eq year-from-date($notAfter)) then 
                        if(month-from-date($notBefore) eq month-from-date($notAfter)) then 
                            if(day-from-date($notBefore) = 1 and day-from-date($notAfter) = functx:days-in-month($notAfter)) then concat($get-language-string(concat('month',month-from-date($notAfter)),$lang),' ',date:formatYear(year-from-date($notAfter), $lang)) (: August 1879 :)
                            else $get-language-string('dateBetween',(xs:string(day-from-date($notBefore)),date:format-date($notAfter,$picture-string, $lang))) (: Zwischen 1. und 7. August 1801 :)
                        else if(ends-with($notBefore, '01-01') and ends-with($notAfter, '12-31')) then date:formatYear(year-from-date($notBefore), $lang) (: 1879 :)
                        else if($notBefore_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then
                            if($notAfter_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('dateBetween',(xs:string(date:format-date($notBefore,'[MNn]', $lang)),date:format-date($notAfter,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang))) (: Zwischen Mai und August 1909 :)
                            else $get-language-string('dateBetween',(xs:string(date:format-date($notBefore,'[MNn]', $lang)),date:format-date($notAfter,$picture-string, $lang))) (: Zwischen Mai und 8. August 1909 :)
                        else if($notAfter_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('dateBetween', (xs:string(date:format-date($notBefore,$picture-string, $lang)),date:format-date($notAfter,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang))) (: Zwischen 1. Juli 1789 und August 1789 :)
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Peter Stadler committed
                        else $get-language-string('dateBetween', (replace(date:format-date($notBefore,$picture-string, $lang), '(,\s+)?' || year-from-date($notBefore), ''), date:format-date($notAfter,$picture-string, $lang))) (: Zwischen 1. Juli 1789 und 4. August 1789 :)
                    else if($notBefore_o castable as xs:gYear) then
                        if($notAfter_o castable as xs:gYear) then $get-language-string('dateBetween',(date:formatYear(year-from-date($notBefore), $lang),date:formatYear(year-from-date($notAfter), $lang))) (: Zwischen 1879 und 1881 :)
                        else if($notAfter_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('dateBetween',(date:formatYear(year-from-date($notBefore), $lang),date:format-date($notAfter,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang))) (: Zwischen 1879 und März 1881 :)
                        else $get-language-string('dateBetween', (date:formatYear(year-from-date($notBefore), $lang), date:format-date($notAfter,$picture-string, $lang))) (: Zwischen 1709 und 4. August 1789 :)
                    else if($notBefore_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then
                        if($notAfter_o castable as xs:gYear) then $get-language-string('dateBetween',(date:format-date($notAfter,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang),date:formatYear(year-from-date($notAfter), $lang))) (: Zwischen März 1879 und 1881 :)
                        else if($notAfter_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('dateBetween',(date:format-date($notAfter,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang),date:format-date($notAfter,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang))) (: Zwischen März 1879 und März 1881 :)
                        else $get-language-string('dateBetween', (date:formatYear(year-from-date($notBefore), $lang), date:format-date($notAfter,$picture-string, $lang))) (: zwischen Mai 1709 und 4. August 1789 :)
                    else if($notAfter_o castable as xs:gYear) then $get-language-string('dateBetween', (date:format-date($notBefore,$picture-string, $lang), date:formatYear(year-from-date($notAfter), $lang))) (: Zwischen 1. Juli 1709 und 1789 :)
                    else if($notAfter_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('dateBetween', (date:format-date($notBefore,$picture-string, $lang), date:format-date($notAfter,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang))) (: Zwischen 1. Juli 1709 und August 1789 :)
                    else $get-language-string('dateBetween', (date:format-date($notBefore,$picture-string, $lang), date:format-date($notAfter,$picture-string, $lang))) (: Zwischen 1. Juli 1709 und 4. August 1789 :)
                else if($notBefore_o castable as xs:gYear) then $get-language-string('dateNotBefore', (date:formatYear(year-from-date($notBefore), $lang))) (: Frühestens 1709 :)
                else if($notBefore_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('dateNotBefore', (date:format-date($notBefore,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang))) (: Frühestens Juli 1709 :)
                else $get-language-string('dateNotBefore', (date:format-date($notBefore,$picture-string, $lang))) (: Frühestens 1. Juli 1709 :)
            else if(exists($notAfter)) then
                if($notAfter_o castable as xs:gYear) then $get-language-string('dateNotAfter', (date:formatYear(year-from-date($notAfter), $lang))) (: Spätestens 1709 :)
                else if($notAfter_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('dateNotAfter', (date:format-date($notAfter,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang))) (: Spätestens Juli 1709 :)
                else $get-language-string('dateNotAfter', (date:format-date($notAfter,$picture-string, $lang))) (: Spätestens 1. Juli 1709 :)
            else if(exists($from)) then             
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                if(exists($to)) then 
                    if(year-from-date($from) eq year-from-date($to)) then 
                        if(month-from-date($from) eq month-from-date($to)) then 
                            if(day-from-date($from) = 1 and day-from-date($to) = functx:days-in-month($to)) then date:format-date($from,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang) (: August 1879 :)
                            else $get-language-string('fromTo',(xs:string(day-from-date($from)),date:format-date($to,$picture-string, $lang))) (: Vom 1. bis 7. August 1801 :)
                        else if(ends-with($from, '01-01') and ends-with($to, '12-31')) then date:formatYear(year-from-date($from), $lang) (: 1879 :)
                        else if($from_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then
                            if($to_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('noFromTo',(date:format-date($from,'[MNn]', $lang),date:format-date($to,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang))) (: Mai bis August 1909 :)
                            else $get-language-string('noFromTo',(date:format-date($from,'[MNn]', $lang),date:format-date($to,$picture-string, $lang))) (: Mai bis 8. August 1909 :)
                        else if($to_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('noFromTo',(replace(date:format-date($from,$picture-string, $lang), '(,\s+)?' || date:formatYear(year-from-date($from), $lang), ''), date:format-date($to,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang))) (: 4. Juli bis August 1789 :)
                        else $get-language-string('fromTo', (replace(date:format-date($from,$picture-string, $lang), '(,\s+)?' || date:formatYear(year-from-date($from), $lang), ''), date:format-date($to,$picture-string, $lang))) (: Vom 1. Juli bis 4. August 1789 :)
                    else if($from_o castable as xs:gYear) then
                        if($to_o castable as xs:gYear) then $get-language-string('noFromTo',(date:formatYear(year-from-date($from), $lang),date:formatYear(year-from-date($to), $lang))) (: 1879 bis 1881 :)
                        else if($to_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('noFromTo',(date:formatYear(year-from-date($from), $lang),date:format-date($to,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang))) (: 1879 bis März 1881 :)
                        else $get-language-string('noFromTo', (date:formatYear(year-from-date($from), $lang), date:format-date($to,$picture-string, $lang))) (: 1709 bis 4. August 1789 :)
                    else if($from_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then
                        if($to_o castable as xs:gYear) then $get-language-string('noFromTo',(date:format-date($from,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang),date:formatYear(year-from-date($to), $lang))) (: März 1879 bis 1881 :)
                        else if($to_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('noFromTo',(date:format-date($from,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang),date:format-date($to,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang))) (: März 1879 bis März 1881 :)
                        else $get-language-string('noFromTo', (date:format-date($from,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang), date:format-date($to,$picture-string, $lang))) (: Mai 1709 bis 4. August 1789 :)
                    else if($to_o castable as xs:gYear) then $get-language-string('fromTo', (date:format-date($from,$picture-string, $lang), date:formatYear(year-from-date($to), $lang))) (: Vom 1. Juli 1709 bis 1789 :)
                    else if($to_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('fromTo', (date:format-date($from,$picture-string, $lang), date:format-date($to,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang))) (: Vom 1. Juli 1709 bis August 1789 :)
                    else $get-language-string('fromTo', (date:format-date($from,$picture-string, $lang), date:format-date($to,$picture-string, $lang))) (: Vom 1. Juli 1709 bis 4. August 1789 :)
                else if($from_o castable as xs:gYear) then $get-language-string('fromToUnknown', date:formatYear(year-from-date($from), $lang)) (: seit 1709 bis unbekannt :)
                else if($from_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('fromToUnknown', date:format-date($from,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang)) (: von Juli 1709 bis unbekannt :)
                else $get-language-string('fromToUnknown', date:format-date($from,$picture-string, $lang)) (: Vom 1. Juli 1709 bis unbekannt :)
            else if(exists($to)) then
                if ($to_o castable as xs:gYear) then $get-language-string('unknownTo', (date:formatYear(year-from-date($to), $lang))) (: von unbekannt bis 1709 :)
                else if ($to_o castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $get-language-string('unknownTo', (date:format-date($to,'[MNn] [Y]', $lang))) (: von unbekannt bis Juli 1709 :)
                else $get-language-string('unknownTo', (date:format-date($to,$picture-string, $lang))) (: von unbekannt bis 1. Juli 1709 :)
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            else if(normalize-space($date) castable as xs:date) then date:format-date(xs:date(normalize-space($date)),$picture-string, $lang)
            else $get-language-string('dateUnknown', ())
            if(exists($myDate)) then string($myDate)
            else error($date:DATE_FORMAT_ERROR, string-join(('date:printDate()', 'wrong date format', util:serialize($date, ('method=text', 'media-type=text/plain', 'encoding=utf-8'))), ' ;; '))
    else ()

 :  Helper function for translating a Gregorian date to the Julian calendar
 :  see
declare function date:gregorian2julian($date as xs:date) as xs:date? {
    let $JH :=
        if(month-from-date($date) lt 3) then ((year-from-date($date) -1) div 100) cast as xs:positiveInteger
        else (year-from-date($date) div 100) cast as xs:positiveInteger
    let $diff := 3*(($JH div 4) cast as xs:positiveInteger) + ($JH mod 4) -2
        $date - xs:dayTimeDuration('P' || $diff || 'D')