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app-shared.xqm 6.62 KiB
xquery version "3.1" encoding "UTF-8";

module namespace app-shared="";

import module namespace functx="";
import module namespace str="" at "str.xqm";
import module namespace templates="" at "/db/apps/shared-resources/content/templates.xql";

declare variable $app-shared:FUNCTION_LOOKUP_ERROR := QName("", "FunctionLookupError");

 : Set an attribute to the value given in the $model map
 : @author Peter Stadler
declare function app-shared:set-attr($node as node(), $model as map(*), $attr as xs:string, $key as xs:string) as element() {
    element {name($node)} {
        $node/@*[not(name(.) = $attr)],
        attribute {$attr} {$model($key)},
        templates:process($node/node(), $model)

 : Simply print the string value of $model($key)
 : @author Peter Stadler
    function app-shared:print($node as node(), $model as map(*), $key as xs:string) as xs:string? {
        if ($model($key) castable as xs:string) then str:normalize-space($model($key))
        else app-shared:join($node, $model, $key, '0', '')

 : Simply print a sequence from the $model map by joining items with $separator
 : @param $separator the separator for the string-join()
 : @author Peter Stadler
    %templates:default("max", "0")
    %templates:default("separator", ", ")
    function app-shared:join($node as node(), $model as map(*), $key as xs:string, $max as xs:string, $separator as xs:string) as xs:string? {
        let $items := 
            if($max castable as xs:integer and number($max) le 0) then $model($key)
            else if($max castable as xs:integer and number($max) < count($model($key))) then (subsequence($model($key), 1, $max), '…')
            else if($max castable as xs:integer and number($max) > 0) then subsequence($model($key), 1, $max)
            else $model($key)
            if (every $i in $items satisfies $i castable as xs:string) then string-join($items ! str:normalize-space(.), $separator)
            else ()

 : A non-wrapping alternative to the standard templates:each()
 : Gets rid of the superfluous first list item
 : @author Peter Stadler
    %templates:default("max", "0")
    %templates:default("callback", "0")
    %templates:default("callbackArity", "2")
    function app-shared:each($node as node(), $model as map(*), $from as xs:string, $to as xs:string, $max as xs:string, $callback as xs:string, $callbackArity as xs:string) as node()* {
    let $items := 
        if($max castable as xs:integer and $max != '0') then subsequence($model($from), 1, $max)