"""The main application: Machina Callida.
It is a server-side backend for retrieving Latin texts and
generating language exercises for them."""
import sys
from typing import Type
from flask import Flask
from import create_csm_app
from mcserver.config import Config, ProductionConfig, DevelopmentConfig, TestingConfig
def get_app() -> Flask:
return create_csm_app(get_cfg())
def get_cfg() -> Type[Config]:
return ProductionConfig if Config.IS_PRODUCTION else (
TestingConfig if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == Config.TEST_FLAG else DevelopmentConfig)
def run_app() -> None:
cfg: Type[Config] = get_cfg()
get_app().run(host=cfg.HOST_IP_CSM, port=cfg.CORPUS_STORAGE_MANAGER_PORT, use_reloader=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# reloader has to be disabled because of a bug with Flask and multiprocessing