dcterms:description"The Digital Heraldry Entities Ontology is used to describe entities and their metadata that can be identified through coats of arms. It also enables linking an identification of a coat of arms (created with the Digital Heraldry Ontology) to a specific source in a specific context."@en;
rdfs:comment"Act of identifying a coat of arms in a concrete source context. This means, a CoAIdentificationAct entity links an entity (dhoe:IdentifiedEntity) that can be represented by a coat of arms to a textual or visual occurrance of a coat of arms at a particular place in a particular (historical) source (dhor:CoatOfArmsRepresentation)."@en;
rdfs:comment"The description of an entity by an agent. Each description is considered as an interpretative act, incorporating the view of the describing agent."@en;
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