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IQB / discontinued / teststudio-lite-backend
MIT LicenseBackend of Testcenter-Lite, the application the IQB uses for create test items.
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IQB / discontinued / teststudio-lite-frontend
MIT LicenseFrontent of Testcenter-Lite, the application the IQB uses for authoring test items.
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IQB / discontinued / testcenter-frontend
MIT Licensethe application the IQB uses for it's own assessments - client-side angular; here you find the testcenter wiki for users and administrators
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Dane Letourneau / Constellation
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyAn open-source web application for unsupervised systematic trend detection in high-resolution mass spectrometry data. Use the web application live at https://constellation.chemie.hu-berlin.de/
Watch a tutorial on how to use the software at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5MfZY4E1ps
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Sami Kharma / Mutpy SE2
Apache License 2.0Updated -
HU-Berlin-Laudatio-Repository / Laudatio Data Pipeline
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Programmieraufgaben des Kurses Numerik Gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen 2021/22.
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Supplementary material for the article on fantasy languages: python code for phonological parameters, R data frame for ratings and R script for statistics
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Automated Pipelines and Mappings to integrate new data into the Digital Heraldry Knowledge Graph
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Scripts for the fire analysis. Important training data are also stored here.
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