Updated README: added 2 Notebooks that were previously not listed in README (Machine Learning, Scrape review Blog) and changed the order in the list of Notebooks
So far, notebooks are listed by difficulty, indicated by stars (☆ = simple, ☆☆ = advanced, ☆☆☆ = sophisticated), then alphabetically:
- [[file:classification.ipynb][Classification]] :: basic machine learning classification example (☆)
- [[file:exponential_smoothing.ipynb][Exponential smoothing]] :: using [[https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/Widget%2520Basics.html][Jupyter's interactive widget]] to
- [[file:Hamming.ipynb][Hamming]] :: a graph visualising a strange type of word similarity (☆)
- [[file:Jupyter-Demo.ipynb][Jupyter-Demo]] :: demo of some Jupyter features useful for creating
learning material (☆)
- [[file:Twitter.ipynb][Twitter]] :: analysing Twitter data (raw JSON from Twitter's API) (☆)
- [[file:wikipedia_language_editions.ipynb][Wikipedia language editions]] :: plotting the depth and number of articles of different
Wikipedia language editions (☆)
- [[file:AirBnB_Use_Berlin.ipynb][AirBnB Use in Berlin]] :: exemplary (and excellent) term paper for the
module "Datenanalyse & -auswertung" (☆☆)
- [[file:amazon_reviews.ipynb][Amazon reviews]] :: crawling web sites with [[https://scrapy.org/][Scrapy]], processing JSON
data, basic statistics and visualisation (☆☆)
- [[file:Art.ipynb][Computer-generated art]] :: translation, scaling and composition of
- [[file:Art.ipynb][Art]] :: Creating computer-generated art by translation, scaling and composition of
functions (☆☆)
- [[file:classification.ipynb][Classification]] :: basic machine learning classification example (☆)
- [[file:community_detection.ipynb][Community detection]] :: applying community detection algorithms to
network graphs (☆☆)
- [[file:crawling_a_blog.ipynb][Crawling a blog]] :: crawling web sites, basic text mining, basic
statistics and visualisation (☆☆)
- [[file:distances.ipynb][Distances]] :: comprehensive interactive simulation of recovering
information from noisy data (namely, point positions given their
noisy distance matrix) (☆☆☆)
- [[file:Dracor.ipynb][DraCor]] :: retrieving data from a REST API, text transformation and
classification (☆☆)
- [[file:exponential_smoothing.ipynb][Exponential smoothing]] :: using [[https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/Widget%2520Basics.html][Jupyter's interactive widget]] to