import { Editor } from '@tiptap/core';
import StarterKit from '@tiptap/starter-kit';
import { Page, Section, Unit } from '../interfaces/unit';
PlayerProperties, PositionedElement,
PositionProperties, TextElement,
} from '../interfaces/elements';
import { IdService } from '../../editor/src/app/services/id.service';
import packageJSON from '../../../package.json';
import ToggleButtonExtension from '../tiptap-editor-extensions/toggle-button';
import DropListExtension from '../tiptap-editor-extensions/drop-list';
import TextFieldExtension from '../tiptap-editor-extensions/text-field';
import { ClozeDocument, ClozeDocumentParagraph, ClozeDocumentParagraphPart } from '../interfaces/cloze';
export abstract class UnitDefinitionSanitizer {
private static expectedUnitVersion: [number, number, number] =
packageJSON.config.unit_definition_version.split('.') as unknown as [number, number, number];
private static unitDefinitionVersion: [number, number, number] | undefined;
/* Second return value is for signaling if sanatization happened or not */
static sanitizeUnitDefinition(unitDefinition: Unit & { veronaModuleVersion?: string }): [Unit, boolean] {
try {
UnitDefinitionSanitizer.unitDefinitionVersion =
UnitDefinitionSanitizer.getUnitDefinitionVersion(unitDefinition as unknown as Record<string, string>);
} catch (e) {
console.error('Could not read unit defintion');
return [unitDefinition, true];
if (UnitDefinitionSanitizer.isVersionOlderThanCurrent(UnitDefinitionSanitizer.unitDefinitionVersion)) {
const x = {
pages: Page) => UnitDefinitionSanitizer.sanatizePage(page))
return [x as Unit, true];
return [unitDefinition, false];
private static getUnitDefinitionVersion(unitDefinition: Record<string, string>): [number, number, number] {
return (
unitDefinition.version ||
(unitDefinition.unitDefinitionType && unitDefinition.unitDefinitionType.split('@')[1]) ||
(unitDefinition.veronaModuleVersion && unitDefinition.veronaModuleVersion.split('@')[1]))
.split('.') as unknown as [number, number, number];
private static isVersionOlderThanCurrent(version: [number, number, number]): boolean {
if (!version) return true;
if (version[0] < UnitDefinitionSanitizer.expectedUnitVersion[0]) {
if (version[1] < UnitDefinitionSanitizer.expectedUnitVersion[1]) {
return version[2] < UnitDefinitionSanitizer.expectedUnitVersion[2];
static sanatizePage(page: Page): Page {
return {,
sections: Section) => UnitDefinitionSanitizer.sanatizeSection(section))
static sanatizeSection(section: Section): Section {
return {
elements: UIElement) => (
UnitDefinitionSanitizer.sanatizeElement(element, section.dynamicPositioning))) as PositionedElement[]
static sanatizeElement(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>, sectionDynamicPositioning?: boolean): UIElement {
let newElement: Partial<UIElement> = {
position: UnitDefinitionSanitizer.getPositionProps(element, sectionDynamicPositioning),
styling: UnitDefinitionSanitizer.getStyleProps(element),
player: UnitDefinitionSanitizer.getPlayerProps(element)
if (newElement.type === 'text') {
newElement = UnitDefinitionSanitizer.handleTextElement(newElement);
if (['text-field', 'text-area']
.includes(newElement.type as string)) {
newElement = UnitDefinitionSanitizer.handleTextInputElement(newElement);
if (newElement.type === 'cloze') {
newElement = UnitDefinitionSanitizer.handleClozeElement(newElement as Record<string, UIElementValue>);
if (newElement.type === 'drop-list') {
newElement = UnitDefinitionSanitizer.handleDropListElement(newElement as Record<string, UIElementValue>);
if (['dropdown', 'radio', 'likert-row', 'radio-group-images', 'toggle-button']
.includes(newElement.type as string)) {
newElement = UnitDefinitionSanitizer.handlePlusOne(newElement as InputElement);
if (['radio'].includes(newElement.type as string)) {
newElement = {
richTextOptions: newElement.options
if (['likert'].includes(newElement.type as string)) {
newElement = UnitDefinitionSanitizer.handleLikertElement(newElement as LikertElement);
if (['likert-row', 'likert_row'].includes(newElement.type as string)) {
newElement = UnitDefinitionSanitizer.handleLikertRowElement(newElement as LikertRowElement);
return newElement as unknown as UIElement;
private static getPositionProps(element: Record<string, any>, sectionDynamicPositioning?: boolean): PositionProperties {
if (element.position && element.position.gridColumnEnd) {
gridColumn: element.position.gridColumn !== undefined ?
element.position.gridColumn : element.position.gridColumnStart,
gridColumnRange: element.position.gridColumnEnd - element.position.gridColumnStart,
gridRow: element.position.gridRow !== undefined ?
element.position.gridRow : element.position.gridRowStart,
gridRowRange: element.position.gridRowEnd - element.position.gridRowStart
if (element.positionProps) {
return {
gridColumn: element.positionProps.gridColumn !== undefined ?
element.positionProps.gridColumn : element.positionProps.gridColumnStart,
gridColumnRange: element.positionProps.gridColumnEnd - element.positionProps.gridColumnStart,
gridRow: element.positionProps.gridRow !== undefined ?
element.positionProps.gridRow : element.positionProps.gridRowStart,
gridRowRange: element.positionProps.gridRowEnd - element.positionProps.gridRowStart
return {
dynamicPositioning: sectionDynamicPositioning
/* Style properties are expected to be in 'stylings'. If not they may be in fontProps and/or
* surfaceProps. Even older versions had them in the root of the object, which is uses as last resort.
* The styles object then has all other properties of the element, but that is not a problem
* since the factory methods only use the values they care for and all others are discarded. */
private static getStyleProps(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): ElementStyling {
if (element.styling !== undefined) {
return element.styling as ElementStyling;
if (element.fontProps !== undefined) {
return {
...(element.fontProps as Record<string, any>),
backgroundColor: (element.surfaceProps as Record<string, any>)?.backgroundColor,
borderRadius: element.borderRadius as number | undefined,
itemBackgroundColor: element.itemBackgroundColor as string | undefined,
borderWidth: element.borderWidth as number | undefined,
borderColor: element.borderColor as string | undefined,
borderStyle: element.borderStyle as
'solid' | 'dotted' | 'dashed' | 'double' | 'groove' | 'ridge' | 'inset' | 'outset' | undefined,
lineColoring: element.lineColoring as boolean | undefined,
lineColoringColor: element.lineColoringColor as string | undefined
return element as ElementStyling;
private static getPlayerProps(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): PlayerProperties {
if (element.playerProps !== undefined) {
return element.playerProps as PlayerProperties;
} else if (element.player !== undefined) {
return element.player as PlayerProperties;
return element as unknown as PlayerProperties;
private static handleTextElement(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): TextElement {
const newElement = { ...element };
if (newElement.highlightable || newElement.interaction === 'highlightable') {
newElement.highlightableYellow = true;
newElement.highlightableTurquoise = true;
newElement.highlightableOrange = true;
if (newElement.interaction === 'underlinable') {
newElement.highlightableYellow = true;
return newElement as TextElement;
private static handleTextInputElement(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): InputElement {
const newElement = { ...element };
if (newElement.restrictedToInputAssistanceChars === undefined && newElement.inputAssistancePreset === 'french') {
newElement.restrictedToInputAssistanceChars = false;
return newElement as InputElement;
Replace raw text with backslash-markers with HTML tags.
The TipTap editor module can create JSOM from the HTML. It needs plugins though to be able
Afterwards element models are added to the JSON.
private static handleClozeElement(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): ClozeElement {
if (!element.document && (! || !element.text)) throw Error('Can\'t read Cloze Element');
// Version 2.0.0 needs to be sanatized as well because child elements were not sanatized before
if (UnitDefinitionSanitizer.unitDefinitionVersion && UnitDefinitionSanitizer.unitDefinitionVersion[0] >= 3) {
return element as ClozeElement;
let childElements: UIElement[];
let doc: ClozeDocument;
if (element.document) {
childElements = ClozeUtils.getClozeChildElements((element as ClozeElement).document);
doc = element.document as ClozeDocument;
} else {
childElements = ( as any[])
.map((el: any) => el
.filter((el2: { type: string; }) => ['text-field', 'drop-list', 'toggle-button'].includes(el2.type)).value)
doc = UnitDefinitionSanitizer.createClozeDocument(element);
return {
document: {
content: doc.content
.map((paragraph: ClozeDocumentParagraph) => ({
content: paragraph.content
.map((paraPart: ClozeDocumentParagraphPart) => (
['TextField', 'DropList', 'ToggleButton'].includes(paraPart.type) ?
attrs: {
model: UnitDefinitionSanitizer.sanatizeElement(childElements.shift()!)
} :
} as ClozeDocument
} as ClozeElement;
private static createClozeDocument(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): ClozeDocument {
const replacedText = (element.text as string).replace(/\\i|\\z|\\r/g, (match: string) => {
switch (match) {
case '\\i':
return '<aspect-nodeview-text-field></aspect-nodeview-text-field>';
case '\\z':
return '<aspect-nodeview-drop-list></aspect-nodeview-drop-list>';
case '\\r':
return '<aspect-nodeview-toggle-button></aspect-nodeview-toggle-button>';
throw Error('error in match');
const editor = new Editor({
extensions: [StarterKit, ToggleButtonExtension, DropListExtension, TextFieldExtension],
content: replacedText
return editor.getJSON() as ClozeDocument;
private static handleDropListElement(element: Record<string, UIElementValue>): DropListElement {
const newElement = element;
if (newElement.options) {
newElement.value = [];
(newElement.options as string[]).forEach(option => {
(newElement.value as DragNDropValueObject[]).push({
id: IdService.getInstance().getNewID('value'),
stringValue: option
if (newElement.value && !((newElement.value as DragNDropValueObject[])[0] instanceof Object)) {
const newValues: DragNDropValueObject[] = [];
(newElement.value as string[]).forEach(value => {
id: IdService.getInstance().getNewID('value'),
stringValue: value
newElement.value = newValues;
return newElement as DropListElement;
private static handleLikertElement(element: LikertElement): LikertElement {
return {
rows: LikertRowElement) => UnitDefinitionSanitizer.sanatizeElement(row))
} as LikertElement;
private static handleLikertRowElement(element: LikertRowElement): LikertRowElement {
const newElement = element;
if (newElement.rowLabel) {
return newElement;
return {
rowLabel: {
text: newElement.text,
imgSrc: null,
position: 'above'
} as LikertRowElement;
// version 1.1.0 is the only version where there was a plus one for values, which was rolled back afterwards.
private static handlePlusOne(element: InputElement): InputElement {
return ((UnitDefinitionSanitizer.unitDefinitionVersion === [1, 1, 0]) && (element.value && element.value > 0)) ?
value: (element.value as number) - 1
} :