- New Text-Editor (based on TipTap/ProseMirror)
- Fix background color of input fields
- Remove font size property from text elements
- Add 16px as font size option
- Textfield and Textarea have transparent background by default
- Use Roboto as default font
- [bug] Fix selection after adding/deleting pages/sections
- [bug] Fix deselection of maximum page width. Default design page width is always 900px.
- [bug] Fix reset default value (to undefined) for dropdown and radio button group
- Improve section highlighting
- Make enter key add options to option list of dropdown and radio button group
- [bug] Allow dragging of the whole button instead of just the text (in element toolbox)
- Allow section duplication
- Add new button properties for navigation actions
- [bug] Fix properties panel showing wrong properties when selecting multiple elements