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  • Unterstützt die aktuellen Fehlerbehebungen im Player



  • Erlaubt das Setzen von "Verdrängen erlauben" für Ablegelisten nur in Verbindung mit der Option "Nur ein Element"



  • Repariert die Indices von gezogenen Drag-and-Drop-Elementen bei dynamisch zentrierter Ausrichtung



  • Erneute Überarbeitung von Ablegelisten
    • Unterscheidung zwischen Sortierlisten und normalen Ablegelisten existiert nicht mehr. Alle Listen lassen Umsortieren zu.
    • Zurücklegen in Listen mit kopierenden Elementen ist nun standardmäßiges, unabänderliches Verhalten.
    • 'Verdrängen erlauben' ist nun eine Einstellung für Listen, anstatt für einzelne Optionen
    • Platzhalter übernehmen die Größe der bewegten Elemente
    • Verbesserte Ausrichtung in Lückentexten


  • Setzt für Eingabe- und Optionsfelder in Lückentexten den voreingestellten Wert für die Zeilenhöhe auf 100%



  • Unterstützt neue Darstellungen (s. Player Version 1.29.1)


Neue Funktionen

  • Bietet unterschiedliche Startpositionen für schwebende Eingabehilfen an



  • Ändert Symbol und Tooltip-Namen für Knopf als Lückentextelement
  • Erweiterung der Möglichkeiten für hervorzuhebende Textbereiche im TextEditor
    • Die hervorzuhebenden Textbereichen können mit einer Farbe belegt werden
    • Innerhalb eines Textbereichs können weitere Textbereiche mit anderen Farben definiert werden
      • Eine noch tiefere Verschachtelung ist nicht möglich
  • Überarbeitet die Variablenliste zur Codierung für Geometrie-, Bildbereiche- und Textelemente



  • Wendet die Eigenschaft "Schreibgeschützt" auf Formel Elemente an
  • Auswahllisten, die nur ein Element zulassen, werden von diesem Element komplett ausgefüllt
  • Vereinheitlicht das Verhalten von Kindelementen von Lückentexten bei Änderung ihrer Höhe Bei Veränderung des Wertes ändert sich die Höhe aus der Mitte heraus
  • Setzt bei allen Kindelementen von Lückentexten die Vorbelegung der Höhe auf 30



  • Das Aussehen von Formelelementen kann im Eigenschaftsfenster geändert werden


Neue Funktionen

  • "Bildbereiche" als neues Element Auf einem Hintergrundbild können durch den User ausfüllbare und nicht ausfüllbare (schreibgeschützte) "aktive Bereiche" platziert werden. Die Bereiche können als Ellipsen, Rechtecke und Dreiecke angelegt werden. Ihre Position, Größe, Drehung, Farbe und Rahmenbreite kann eingestellt werden. Das Element kann als Pflichtfeld ausgezeichnet werden.
  • Neues Element "Formel" Ermöglicht Formeleingabe in vergleichbarer Form zu einem Eingabefeld. In der Standardeinstellung lassen sich nur Formeln eingeben. Wenn "Eingabemodes änderbar" ausgewählt ist, erscheinen Knöpfe über dem Feld und der Eingabemodus kann auf 'Text' umgestellt werden. Das Einfügen von Formeln funktioniert nur im Formel-Modus! Für die Vorbelegung ist der duale Modus permanent aktiv.
  • Knöpfe können nun als Lückentextelemente verwendet werden. Sie haben als Vorbelegung die Einstellung "als Hyperlink-Text darstellen".
  • "Elementinteraktion erlauben"-Schalter ermöglicht mit Elementen bereits im Editor zu interagieren und deren Verhalten zu überprüfen. Das kann hinderlich beim Bewegen von Elementen sein und bleibt standardmäßig deaktiviert.
    • Dies hat keinen Einfluss auf das Verhalten im Player und wird beim Verlassen des Editors zurückgesetzt.
    • Interaktion mit den Elementen hat keinen Einfluss auf deren Vorbelegung. Diese ist weiterhin ggf. im Eigenschaftsfenster zu setzen.
  • Möglichkeit, die maximale Zeichenanzahl von Eingabefeldern zu begrenzen
  • Neue Kontrollelemente im Texteditor
    • Im TextEditor können nun Bereiche markiert werden, die dann im Navigationsknopf über die Aktion "Textabschnitt hervorheben" ausgewählt werden können.
    • Bilder können nun zusätzlich in voller Größe, in eigenem Absatz sowie mit rechts oder links umlaufendem Text angelegt werden.
  • Ermöglicht die Angabe einer Verzögerung (in Millisekunden) für Aktivieren von verborgenen Abschnitten
  • Runderneuerte Ablegelisten
    • Neuer Schalter "Sortierliste". Sortierlisten ermöglichen das Umsortieren der Elemente und haben einen dynamischen Platzhalter. Normale Listen haben einen unbewegten, versteckten Platzhalter und die gesamte Liste wird farbig markiert beim mouseover.
    • Neuer Schalter "Gleiche abgelegte Elemente löschen" Ist dieser gesetzt und es wird ein Element mit gleicher ID in das Feld zurückgelegt, so verschwindet dieses.
    • Neuer Schalter für Optionselemente "Verdrängen erlauben" Elemente mit gesetztem Schalter werden zurück in ihre Ursprungsliste verschoben, wenn ein anderes Element in ihre Liste gezogen wird.
    • "Potentielle Ablagen hervorheben" bezieht sich nun auf alle verbundenen Ablegelisten und muss nicht mehr in der Zielliste gesetzt werden.
    • Verbesserte Formatierierung des gezogenen Elements


  • Ermöglicht für Eingabebereiche die dynamische Anpassung der Anzahl von Zeilen Auf Grundlage der Angabe der erwarteten Zeichen für die Antwort des Users wird für das gegebene Seitenformat die Anzahl der Zeilen berechnet.
  • Darstellung eines optionalen Tastatursymbols bei Eingabefeldern und -bereichen
  • Validierungen ohne Warnmeldungen Warnmeldungen können nun ohne Zeichenketten abgespeichert werden.
  • Definition eigener Zeichen für die Eingabehilfe Durch Auswahl der Option "Eigene Zeichen" öffnet sich ein Textfeld, in das die gewünschten Zeichen als ein Wort eingegeben werden können.
  • Shortcuts und Rückgängig machen im TextEditor re-aktiviert. Das automatische Generieren von Listen bleibt deaktiviert.
  • GeoGebra-Elemente können nun auch durch Hochladen einer .ggb-Datei angelegt werden.
  • Die Erweiterung der Aktionsmöglichkeit eines Navigationsknopfs führt zur Umbenennung in "Knopf"
  • Zeigt Ladeanimation bei GeoGebra-, Video- und Audioelementen
  • Wendet die angegebene Zeilenhöhe bei Optionsfeldern auch auf die Beschriftung an


  • "Verbundene Ablegelisten"-Menu öffnet sich beim ersten Click und zeigt immer die Anzahl der verbundenen Listen.
  • Fehler bei leerer Unit-Definition behoben
  • Falls eine Unit-Definition nicht gelesen werden konnte erscheint eine Fehlermeldung und der Editor startet mit einer leeren Unit. Es soll möglich sein alle (alten) Unit-Definitionen zu laden, andernfalls ist es ein Bug. Dieses Verhalten verhindert, dass in diesem Ausnahmefall der Editor in einen unbenutzbaren Zustand gerät.
  • Felder zur Größenanpassung aus den elementspezifischen Einstellungen entfernt.
  • Verhindert die Anzeige von Bildlaufleisten bei Geogebra-Elementen mit fester Größe
  • Korrigiert Initialisierungs-Fehler von GeoGebra-Elementen beim wiederholten Laden von Aufgaben


  • Implement GeoGebra applet element This needs a base64 representation of a unit. CustomToolbar setting as text-field is a temporary solution as a nice UI would be rather complicated to implement. Reference list of possible values can be found here:
  • Add background color setting to text-field in cloze
  • Fix frame border initialization
  • Fix visual issue with double borders in TextEditor
  • Fix DropList duplication
  • Fix likert-row preset to show rich text
  • Fix frame border switch translation (top and bottom were mixed up)


  • Enable reading of duplicate IDs IDs will be generated and a warning is shown.


  • Fix reading of old unit definition of likert options, radio-group-images image position and drop-list option with empty text


  • Fix reading of old unit definition of likert-row, radio-group-images and drop-list
  • Fix strike-through in toggle-button to only appear after a value is set


  • Provide response schemes for elements; They are used by the "verona schemer"
  • Implement changing media source for image, audio, video (also improve layout+styling)
  • Add option to hide borders of frame element This way line-like elements are possible.
  • Implement strike-through for selected value of toggle-button
  • Make popup for selecting marker colors for text elements optional
  • Implement read-only for elements still missing it
  • Rework option elements
    • All have "Options"
      • Likert has "Rows" additionally
    • All, except dropdown, can have rich text
    • Improve properties panel layout and styling
  • Rework radio-group-images element layout Add new parameter 'itemsPerRow'. This limits the grid columns used, making items move to the next row if overextending.
  • Add new special character to TextEditor: thin non-breaking space
  • Add primary and secondary label to likert
  • Fix setting of background color of pages
  • Fix shown position properties of elements created in static section
  • Fix input field (text+area) validation inputs (to actually show :))
    • Also don't hide fields when unusable, but disable them. This way the UI should be less jumpy. This is a general philosophy for the editor from now on.
  • Fix drop-list cursor when grabbing
  • Fix save/read of images within text elements
  • Fix button actions (was broken in several ways)
  • Fix duplication issues with radio-group-images and drop-list within cloze
  • Fix dynamic height of TextEditor dialog
  • Fix empty line in cloze text (no longer destroys the element)
  • Fix text field within cloze to have the same hover and focus styling as normal inputs
  • Fix properties panel Delete and Duplicate buttons to not work with cloze sub-elements
  • Improve several dialog layouts (mainly for labels and likert)
  • Fix several missing translations


  • Fix likert row generation
  • Overhaul new element panel Some new icons and element reordering. Button is now called navigation button, because that is it's only purpose.
  • Fix dropList element to read and register existing value IDs
  • Disable autocomplete in TextEditor This 'fixes' issues with wrong formatted lists.
  • Add more quoting characters to TextEditor special characters menu
  • Fix spaces around sub and sup elements in cloze


  • Fix drag and drop with images
  • Fix drag and drop out of cloze children


  • Add section copy&paste functionality Add 2 new menu buttons to the section menu. One simply copies the selected section to the clipboard. The other opens a dialog where a copied section can be pasted. The section element's IDs are checked for availability and a warning may be shown. This feature has one caveat: When pasting a section into one that already has elements in it, it will warn about duplicate IDs even though the IDs would be free again when the old section is replaced.
  • Implement 'copy on drop' for dropLists With this setting elements are copied when being dropped to another list. On drop, it is now also checked if the item ID is already present in the target list. If it is, the drop event is silently discarded. This allows putting items back in the list without creating duplicate IDs. Lists with this setting:
    • do show a placeholder of the items being dragged. This way it is conveyed that the item will remain there after being dropped.
    • don't show a placeholder when foreign items are hovered over them, to avoid confusion with duplicate items.
  • Add dynamic selection menu for connected drop lists This shows all available drop lists (including cloze children). This is pure QOL feature. Everything works the same as before, you just do not have to enter the target drop list ID manually.
  • Rework new element panel No longer uses tabs but but a single column of grouped elements. The grouping is supposed to reflect logical meaning of elements for creating units instead of the system (ascending by technical complexity) used before. (This classification has been criticized heavily already and will probably change again in the future. It still is an improvement and will be used until better ideas are submitted.)
  • Add tooltips to section menu This is supposed to help finding the right one, as there are quite a lot of buttons on there already. Also some icons are sub optimal. This whole panel needs a rework.
  • Improve properties panel style and layout For example, add property groups (field sets) for some elements. The image control of buttons is has a fixed size, scales properly and show buttons only on hover. Addes tooltip to action parameter of dropdown: When having selected pageNav it shows a tooltip to get across that only valid pages can show up. Increase the panel width slightly (by 20px).
  • Move dynamic width parameter of toggle buttons to dimension properties panel
  • Fix Frame element not saving changed properties
  • Fix line height property of cloze element
  • Improve alignment of all cloze child elements
  • Fix cloze element and section containing cloze elements duplication (IDs of children)
  • Fix unclickable radio button label


  • Improve aligmnent of elements within cloze
  • Re-Add line-height property to radio button group
  • Change default values for various fields
    • sections start in dynamic layout mode
    • default width of most elements to 180
    • cloze now uses default width
    • cloze line-height to 150
    • text element default paragraph margin to 0
    • drop list ion cloze context: background color to #f4f4f2; itemBackgroundColor to #c9e0e0
    • radio button group height to 100
    • radio button group margin-bottom to 40
    • text field dimensions to width: 180, height: 120
  • Fix cloze text to not show sub- and superscript twice
  • Fix (cloze element's) toggle button styling


  • Extend likert rows to have text and/or an image
  • Add switch likert row label to set the image postion relative to the text
  • Rework software keyboard settings To enable the virtual software keyboard on mobile devices, the use of the read-only field is no longer required.
  • Add input assistance and virtual software keyboard to spell-correct element
  • Fix frame initialisation
  • Fix section menu disappearing on short sections The solution is to always show the section menu of the selected section.
  • Fix droplist item background color initialization


  • Fix reading of old radio button group options


  • Add rich text functionality for radio button group and likert When editing option items a reduced variant of the TextEditor is used.
  • Add new property column count to text elements
  • Add section menu element for new section parameter "activeAfterID"
  • Implement subscript and superscript text formatting in cloze elements
  • Show selected element type and ID on top of properties panel
  • Keep selection on moved section
  • Fix likert element There were several issues with this element. Now it should be possible again to change properties and show the line colouring.
  • Fix toolbar to top of the TextEditor dialog This way it does not scroll out of view when editing very long texts.
  • Show only number input for slider default value Was mistakenly showing an additional text area.
  • Fix initial position parameters for dropdown, frame and drop list
  • Fix alignment of toggle buttons in cloze element
  • Fix styling issues with drop list Missing item color; half hidden outline etc.
  • Add some missing translations


  • Implement page navigation action for buttons

  • Improve wording for page width setting and show actual resulting page width

  • Add link variant to button This makes the button look like a text element.

  • Add textfield option that restricts input to chars of the selected assistance

  • Fix and Rework dynamic grid view Dynamically layouted sections with dynamic row and columns sizes no longer mistakenly show a predefined grid. (For a grid to be shown, info about either existing elements within or explicit column/row sizes is needed. So the dynamic grid can only be built after there are elements (with coordinates) within.) New elements no longer have initial grid coordinates and are therefore placed outside (i.e. under) the grid. Setting and manipulating element grid coordinates now has to be done mainly in the properties panel. The upside of this slight usability reduction is that it is now possible to see an appropriate representation of the layout as it will appear in the player.

    The grid coordinates have been simplified. Instead of defining the grid end column/row you can now directly enter the column/row span.

    Drag-and-Drop-Resizing of grid elements was bugged beyond redemption and is removed (for now).

  • Fix text element's sub- and superscript to not implicitly increase line height

  • Fix element selection to also select underlying section

  • Make section menu only appear on selected sections

  • Add option to show a software keyboard for text fields and text areas This is an intermediary solution for mobile devices where the system keyboard is not used. Note that setting this option does NOT automatically set the field to read-only, which would be necessary to prevent the system keyboard from appearing.

    There is an additional setting for showing french special characters on the keyboard as well. This is to remove the necessity of using the keyboard AND input assistance overlays. This might be extended to other character groups in the future.

  • Fix text fields within cloze elements to support all properties normal text fields have, including input assistance and software keyboard.


  • Fix styling issues with some elements in version 1.26.0


  • Set the default language of the editor to German
  • Add handling of empty and invalid unit definitions Show error but continue on with empty unit.
  • Remove TextEditor window scaling (this makes unwanted scrollbars go away)
  • Fix height of elements with dynamic positioning and fixed size
  • Fix dimensions of image elements with dynamic positioning and fixed size


  • Remove border of slider rectangle in number line mode at position 0
  • Fix coloring of the slider rectangle in number line mode at position 0


  • Show arrow for slider in number line mode
  • Center the position of slider rectangle in number line mode
  • Color the slider rectangle in number line mode also in position 0
  • Add a Unicode font to display squares, bars, and dots


  • Fix setting of the default z-index for frames
  • Use dot instead of comma as thousands separator in number line
  • Rename option "Balken statt Kreis" of slider to "Zahlenstrahl-Modus"
  • Rename virtual keyboards for mathematics
  • Do not color the progress on the number line


  • Rework cloze element No longer uses 'backslash-markers'. Instead inserts and renders elements directly. It is also able to read sub element properties, though some things like alignment and default values might not work. Also a lot of small improvements, like better sub element selection and support for all TextEditor features. There is a known visual issue with blockquotes though, where sub elements don't respect it's indentation. Also removed some useless properties from cloze child elements, like label. Cloze duplication now works.
  • Cloze toggle-buttons now can have a manually set width and have a second optional vertical layout. The vertical layout is not very useful within a text but might come in handy in the future. The buttons on the element automatically stretch to meet the set width (or height).
  • Fix file upload dialog appearing twice in Chrome
  • Improve TextEditor layout Now widens to meet the set page width. All input controls are grouped in fieldsets.
  • Make frame elements start with a z-index of -1 Frames are supposedly used to group other elements and therefore need to be behind them.
  • Slightly improve all menu elements to not close when clicking on them
  • Fix sub- and superscript to not affect line height
  • Disable font field Since we can't safely assume any other font than the one we ship is available, it is better to not allow changing this. The field is not removed completely as in the future more than one font might be available. So for now you just can't choose a different one.


  • Fix multiselect of elements with array values (i.e. dropList) This includes correctly showing them and saving the changes properly so that other elements are not affected.
  • Extend default width of some elements So the example text is completely visible. Affects: checkbox, text field, text area, dropdown
  • Add default text to empty likert element This makes the element visible before content is defined.
  • Fix cloze element to also save the actual HTML text This allows future versions to correctly restore the element


  • Use shorter dash in TextEditor special chars
  • Add top-99-double quote to TextEditor special chars
  • Use font 'PT Sans' for blockquote quotes
  • Set blockquote margins (top and bottom) to 20px
  • Fix positioning values when duplicating elements
  • Fix changing element IDs


  • Implement fixedSize for all elements
  • Add long dash to TextEditor special characters
  • Remove border style 'hidden' from frame element This makes styling the element harder and the same can be achieved by setting the border width to 0.
  • Add TextEditor button for toggle-button in cloze element And improve tooltips for the cloze buttons.
  • Make dropLists always start with a min-height This makes the list not collapse when used in dynamic context.
  • Fix element multiselection
  • Selecting multiple elements in dynamic mode no longer bugs out making further editing impossible.
  • Now correctly keeps the selection after moving multiple elements on the (static) canvas.
  • Fix element alignment
  • Fix sizing property panel
  • Always show z-index
  • Only show alignment buttons in static mode
  • Change color defaults: dropList elements: #c9e0e0 dropList background: #f4f4f2 dropList highlight: #006064 likert line color: #c9e0e0


  • Add image feature to TextEditor Images are always inline and scaled down to the font size (of the text element as a whole).
  • Add blockquote feature to TextEditor This creates a special quote text, which is indented and has quote marks x2.5 the font size.
  • Add new position property fixedSize ('Feste Abmessungen') This allows elements in dynamic sections to have fixed dimensions. (Some modifications to property panel logic, to show dimension fields and proper labels.) Only implemented for dropList and button elements!
  • Add flex orientation for dropList This new setting makes child items space around in a row with line break. Images in vertical alignment now always reserve the whole row and don't appear next to each other.
  • Allow negative values for z-index and margins
  • Rework color inputs Use a suffix button to activate color picker instead of having an extra form field. This makes for a cleaner layout and also has the additional benefit of saving vertical space, reducing the need for scrolling. Also add direct input for likert line coloring color.
  • Change/Fix radio button and checkbox color to dark green Affects all elements using radio buttons (likert, images...).
  • Fix radio button without label Options still had a margin-top, when there is no label above. (Which produced the all-time favorite bug of unwanted scrollbars))
  • Improve item duplication There are still some issues with duplication (and multiselect). Will be fixed soon™.


  • Rework text field and text area styling The other variants are basically the same as filled. The only difference is the background color, which we are manipulating anyway. So there is no reason to keep them. The selected nackground color is now correctly applied to both remaining appearance variants.
  • Add coloring options to toggle-button Now correctly sets the chosen background color and additionally sets another (configurable) color to the selected value
  • Revert radio button color to default when not selected
  • Add special character 'apostrophe' to TextEditor


  • Fix text with background and font color
  • Fix line-height property for radio button group
  • Set default line height of 135 for likert and text
  • Fix dropList values in player
  • Allow indentation with individual sizes
  • Move radio button label 1px (!) to the top
  • Change radio button color to dark green For all elements using radio buttons.
  • Fix missing translation for "Andere Optionen durchstreichen"
  • Add section element list It is part of the section menu (appearing to the left of the hovered section) This allows to select elements without clicking them on the canvas, as elements may be obstructed or not visible for some reason. Also when an elements is selected it briefly gets z-index 100 so it is moved to the front and visible and manipulatable.
  • New element for cloze: toggle-button This is a replacement for actual radio button groups. Will be extended with colors in the next release.


  • New element frame ("Rahmen") (Tested and working for static layouts. Usage in dynamic layouts at one's own risk.)
  • TextEditor: New functionality to create hanging indent It now also possible to set the indent size. It will be used for hanging and normal indents.
  • Fix reading of droplist element IDs Should now correctly recognize already given (/read) IDs and refuse.
  • Fix creating elements in empty (i.e. newly created) dropLists
  • Improve property panel layout Delete and duplicate buttons are no longer part of the tab view. They are always visible below it.
  • Fix min-height showing up before being checked
  • Make text elements no longer start with a margin
  • Fix image scaling for radio-image element Images are scaled down when needed. Small images do not scale up.
  • Improve drop list item margins Horizontal orientation no longer has a wrong bottom-margin on the last element but elements now have a margin sideways (5px).
  • Reduce unused space in textarea


  • Fix reading of existing drop lists
  • Fix reading of highlight properties of text elements
  • New elements:
  • Slider
  • Spelling
  • Text elements have a general font size again Specific parts of the text can still have a different font size applied to them.


  • Remove underlinable option for text
  • Offer a choice of colors for marking text
  • Fix text element with background color and font color at the same time
  • Add proper label to textarea and reduce vertical space around text
  • Add 30px default bottom-margin to likert and radio
  • Rework dropList items to have an ID and allow images references To use images a text option has to be created like before. The image can be set afterwards. When an option has both a text and an image, the text is ignored and the image is shown.
  • Improve ID-Service to free up IDs when elements are deleted
  • Improve cloze element all around - most importantly allowing to manually size sub-elements


  • Add new element cloze ("Lückentext") Similar to a text element but parses the text on change and replaces markers with actual ui elements. The text is then displayed in line with the elements. Allowed markers are presented by buttons in the text editor but can also be entered manually. Implemented by now are "\i" for inputs and "\z" for drop Zones. It is now possible to select sub-elements (in addition to the parent cloze element) to alter element properties as usual. This element is still in development and contains functional and visual issues. Known issues:
    • To generate the text and elements you have to open the TextEditor at least once.
    • Elements are regenerated everytime the text is changed. This means they get a new ID and lose changed property values.
    • Text styling (like bold) does not continue after an inserted sub-element. To work around that, the style has to be applied separately to the text before and after inserted elements.
    • Changing dimension properties of sub-elements does not work.
  • Add typographic quotes to TextEditor's special characters
  • Fix radio button alignment Should now always correctly line up with the text on different line heights.
  • Allow element deletion regardless of the selected section This has the additional benefit of allowing to delete multiple selected elements in different sections.
  • Setting list style in TextEditor now also toggles the list (when not set)
  • Setting list style in TextEditor applies the selected font size to the list counter It takes the selected font size, which is indepent of the font size of the items in the list. If you change the font size you may have to re-apply the font size to the list. This can be done by selecting the wanted style again.
  • Changed default values:
  • font size: 20px
  • likert and text: line-height: 135px
  • likert and audio: width: 250px
  • page: margin: 30px
  • Revert likert heading with images to not scale the images
  • Improve visuals of radio-button-image elements Images are scaled again but behave a little better.
  • Make min-height optional


  • New DropList feature: highlightReceivingDropList ("Potentielle Ablagen hervorheben") When set eligible dropLists display a highlight effect. Currently with a colored border. The color is adjustable. This needs to be set on the target list, NOT on the list items are being dragged from.
  • Refactor likert layout and add first column ratio property Images now scale depending on the available space. The new property controls the first (column) size parameter for the grid. The others are fixed at 1. Decimal values are allowed for fine-tuned control.
  • Improve TextEditor toolbar layout and functionality Reordered the controls to make it look nicer. The sub menu no longer exists. Improve layouting to prevent elements from moving unexpextedly on different window sizes. Changed color and list inputs to split-buttons. Those combine a button with a dropdown allowing to specify the action of the button. For lists this does not actually toggle the list. The button needs to be used after setting the style. For colors the color is set immediately after using the dropdown/color picker. Now saves the set color and it can be applied to subsequent selections as well.
  • Change dropList styling (Item margins and dropList border radius)
  • Improved cursors everywhere Notice how the cursor changes to the grabbing hand on click before actually dragging canvas elements! The resizing preview in dynamic mode is no longer obstructed by the element itself. It is now hidden while resize-dragging. Color inputs now have the pointer cursor.
  • Fix TestEditor (console) error when using the bullet-lists
  • Fix likert column-edit dialog to set values on save
  • Move some styling properties to the styling tab Applies to: borderRadius, itemBackgroundColor


  • Fix reading of existing likert element row values
  • Fix reading of existing dropList elements (This element was internally reworked and no longer has the 'options' property. To remain backwards compatible old 'option' lists are now correctly transformed to 'value' lists.)
  • Fix textarea edit dialog to use multiline dialog
  • Improve dialog sizing and styling


  • Make text underlinable
  • Fix marking of text


  • Fix dropList element 'connectedTo' property renaming
  • Implement 'readOnly' setting for dropList element This prevents reordering items.
  • Add 5px margin between 'radio-group-image' images
  • Improve dropList styling (background of draggable items, drop-preview, animations etc.)
  • Add property 'itemBackgroundColor' to dropList
  • Replace text element 'highlightable' with 'interaction' dropdown Multiple interaction themes are possible but mutually exclusive (for now). Player support will follow soon.
  • Implement setting 'likert' preset value


  • Add index indicator to option-list preset value
  • Add alternative radio button group with images Automatically aligned horizontally with a vertical label on top. The label can contain text and/or an image. The label is clickable to select a value. Images are not scaled at all.
  • Add small preview images to option list for radios with images
  • Remove image scaling from likert
  • Rename likert to 'Optionentabelle'
  • Fix value of button actions to refer to unit instead of page
  • Fix hidden autoStartDelay property
  • Add magnifier properties to properties panel
  • New element DropList ('Ablegeliste') This element has a list of strings as editable options. Those strings form draggable elements which may be reordered or moved between different DropList elements. To be able to move elements the DropLists need to be configured with the ID of the target DropList. There is an additional switch to allow only one item in a list.


  • Add showRestRuns property to player-elements
  • Fix (several problems with) likert element
    • Headings with Images should also work better now
  • Fix radio-button-group label margin (Was accidentally removed in the last release)
  • Fix editing properties of multiple selected elements
  • Fix disappearing style properties when deleting the value


  • Add radio-button-group property for strike-through of unselected options
  • Allow setting 'first' and 'last' as button actions
  • TextEditor: Add whitespace to special characters menu This allows multiple whitespaces after one another. Also keeps word groups from 'linebreaking'.
  • [bug] TextEditor: Show empty paragraphs outside of the TextEditor
  • Add extra field for manual background color selection Before it was not possible to switch back to transparent, since the color picker does not allow alpha channel settings. This also should make it easier to put the wanted color without having to navigate the picker. NOTE: The color picker does not recognize 'transparent' or any other color notation but hexadecimal. The preview is then always black.
  • Make radio button and first line of the option text (in case there is a line break) appear at the same height
  • Audio-/Video-Player: Use steps (of 1000) for timer fields
  • Remove 'underlinable' property from text elements This feature will have to be reworked from scratch and will be re-introduced in a different form later.


  • [bug] Fix resize (drag and drop) in dynamic sections
  • Replace element selection indicator from border to outline This makes element contents not move when selected.
  • Allow deselection of elements Clicking anywhere (but the side panels) will deselect elements. This makes it easier to get an impression of how it will look like.
  • Add 'line-height' property to all elements which have a font
  • Add 'rows' property to text areas
  • Change text property input to textarea This allows to properly enter longer default texts in text areas. (This is also active for text-field elements, where it makes little sense but makes it technically simpler to not differentiate).
  • Fix lables on text fields Now correctly uses a proper label instead of a placeholder.
  • Change text field appearance depending on label existence When the label text is empty the field will be rendered a lot smaller (and without any label obviously)
  • Change font-size property to number field
  • Improve radio-button-group styling Add 10px margin between label and options.
  • Fix likert elements sizing This should make the selected background color cover the whole element instead of just the upper 100 pixels.
  • Improve bold text style to be less bold and have letter spacing
  • Add read-only property to all input elements and likert
  • Allow changing the line-coloring color for likert elements (not to be mistaken for background color)
  • Add 'underlinable' property to text elements This is to allow different purpose markers on text. Does NOT work in the aspect-player yet.


  • Allow styling of "Likert" element
  • Set Roboto as app-wide font
  • [bug] Fix selected page when deleting sections
  • [bug] Fix duplicated section elements not getting new ID
  • TextEditor: Improve list style
  • TextEditor: Add more font sizes
  • Improve radio button group style (margins)
  • Allow editing text option properties (via overlay menu)


  • Add Likert-Element (looking for better name)
  • Add Player-Element property controls


  • Fix reading of existing elements


  • Show scroll bars on element overflow
  • Allow images for buttons
  • Add border-radius setting to buttons
  • [bug] Fix properties panel not always showing the appropriate inputs (especially when selecting multiple elements)
  • Allow editing of option list for multiple (selected) elements IF they contain the same values
  • Reduce delay of section menu hide-effect
  • Add grid settings automatic sizing
  • Improve deleting elements via Delete key
  • Add Input Assistance property to input elements This can be activated by selecting one of the presets, which are mutually exclusive for now.
  • Add "clearable" property to text field element When set, a button at the end of the field appears which allows deleting the field's content.
  • Add "position" property to "always-visible" pages
  • [bug] Fix option elements saving value index instead of actual option string This allows duplicate (or empty) options.
  • Fix TextEditor indent setting to persist when re-opening text element
  • Improve TextEditor margin logic Default margin of paragraphs is 0px. It can now read existing margin settings.
  • Make all elements non-interactable. Only the overlay can be moved and resized.


  • New Text-Editor (based on TipTap/ProseMirror)


  • Fix background color of input fields
  • Remove font size property from text elements
  • Add 16px as font size option
  • Textfield and Textarea have transparent background by default


  • Use Roboto as default font
  • [bug] Fix selection after adding/deleting pages/sections
  • [bug] Fix deselection of maximum page width. Default design page width is always 900px.
  • [bug] Fix reset default value (to undefined) for dropdown and radio button group
  • Improve section highlighting
  • Make enter key add options to option list of dropdown and radio button group
  • [bug] Allow dragging of the whole button instead of just the text (in element toolbox)
  • Allow section duplication
  • Add new button properties for navigation actions
  • [bug] Fix properties panel showing wrong properties when selecting multiple elements