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unit_definition_changelog.txt 5.71 KiB
iqb-aspect-module@0.1.0 -> iqb-aspect-module@0.1.1:
  - change button element action: undefined | 'previous' | 'next' | 'end'

  - Rename variable
  - raise version to 1.0.0

2.0.0 (editor 1.26)
- positionProps -> position
- playerProps -> player
- styles -> styling

- radio now has "richTextOptions" instead of options
- text element has new property: columnCount

- LikertRowElement: +verticalButtonAlignment
- LikertRowElement: text: string; -> rowLabel: TextImageLabel;
- TextImageLabel: position: 'above' | 'below' | 'left' | 'right';

- SpellCorrectElement: +inputAssistancePreset: InputAssistancePreset;
                       +inputAssistancePosition: 'floating' | 'right';
                       +restrictedToInputAssistanceChars: boolean;
                       +showSoftwareKeyboard: boolean;
                       +softwareKeyboardShowFrench: boolean;
3.4.0 (editor 1.30)
- ToggleButton now have "richTextOptions" instead of options

3.5.0 (editor 1.31)
- +DropListSimpleElement
- +TextFieldSimpleElement

- DropList, DropListSimple: +copyOnDrop

- TextElement: +hasSelectionPopup: boolean;
- ToggleButtonElement now have "options: TextLabel[]" instead of "richTextOptions: string[]"
- TextAreaElement: InputAssistancePreset +'space'
                   +hasArrowKeys: boolean;
                   +hasReturnKey: boolean
- TextFieldElement/TextFieldSimpleElement/SpellCorrectElement: InputAssistancePreset +'space'
                                                                +hasArrowKeys: boolean;

- +HotspotImageElement
- TextAreaElement:  +hasDynamicRowCount: boolean;
                    +expectedCharactersCount: number;
                    +hasKeyboardIcon: boolean;
- TextFieldElement: +hasKeyboardIcon: boolean;
                    +isLimitedToMaxLength: boolean;
- TextFieldSimpleElement: +isLimitedToMaxLength: boolean;
- TextFieldElement/TextFieldSimpleElement/SpellCorrectElement/TextAreaElement: InputAssistancePreset +'custom'
- Remove drop-list-simple as cloze child; is now a drop-list
- ButtonElement: action +highlightText
                 param +string
- Section: +activeAfterIdDelay: number
- DropListElement: +deleteDroppedItemWithSameID
- DropListValueElement:
    + returnToOriginOnReplacement?: boolean;
    + originListID?: string;
    + originListIndex?: number;

- TextFieldElement/TextFieldSimpleElement/SpellCorrectElement/TextAreaElement
    +inputAssistanceFloatingStartPosition: 'startBottom' | 'endCenter';

- DropList: +allowReplacement
- DragAndDropValueObject: -returnToOriginOnReplacement; originListID and originListIndex are now mandatory

- UIElement:
  - remove width
  - remove height
  - add DimensionProperties:
      width: number;
      height: number;
      isWidthFixed: boolean;
      isHeightFixed: boolean;
      minWidth: number | null;
      maxWidth: number | null;
      minHeight: number | null;
      maxHeight: number | null;
- PositionProperties:
  - remove "dynamicPositioning"
  - remove "fixedSize"
  - remove "useMinHeight"
  - margin properties now have a unit attached and are therefore an object ({value: number; unit: string})
- Section.gridColumnSizes and Section.gridRowSizes now have a unit attached and are therefore an object
  ({value: number; unit: string})
- Section:
  - remove "activeAfterIdDelay"
  - remove "activeAfterId"
  - add "visibilityRules" (VisibilityRule[]) {id: string; operator: Operator; value: string;}
  - add "visibilityDelay"
  - add "animatedVisibility"
  - add "enableReHide"
- Likert: new property: stickyHeaders
- ToggleButton: dynamicWidth removed
- Button.action:
  - add "stateVariableChange"
- Button.actionParam:
  - add "StateVariable" (StateVariable: {id: string; value: string;})
- Button:
  - new properties: border-width, borderStyle, border-color, labelAlignment:  'super' | 'sub' | 'baseline',  tooltipText, tooltipPosition
- Unit:
  - add "stateVariables: StateVariable[]" (StateVariable: {id: string; value: string;})
- UIElement:
  - add "isRelevantForPresentationComplete"
- DragNDropValueObject:
  - add "audioSrc"
- TextAreaElement:
  - add "hasAutoHeight"
- Checkbox:
  - new property: crossOutChecked
- TextAreaElement, TextFieldElement, TextFieldSimpleElement, SpellCorrectElement:
  - remove property: softwareKeyboardShowFrench
  - new property: addInputAssistanceToKeyboard

  - Section
    - new property: logicalConnectiveOfRules: 'disjunction' | 'conjunction'

- Likert:
  - new property: styling.firstLineColoring
  - new property: styling.firstLineColoringColor
- new Element: MathTable
- new Element: TextAreaMath

- Geometry: new property: trackedVariables
- new property in "OtherStyles": helperRowColor
- MathTable:
  - new styling property: helperRowColor
  - new property: resultHelperRow
  - new property value: operation: 'variable'
  - new property: variableLayoutOptions: {
                      allowArithmeticChars: boolean;
                      isFirstLineUnderlined: boolean;
                      showResultRow: boolean;
                      showTopHelperRows: boolean;
                      allowFirstLineCrossOut: boolean; }

- New Trigger Element
- MathTable:
  - new property: inputAssistancePreset
  - new property: inputAssistancePosition
  - new property: inputAssistanceFloatingStartPosition
  - new property: showSoftwareKeyboard
  - new property: hideNativeKeyboard
  - new property: addInputAssistanceToKeyboard
  - new property: hasArrowKeys
- DropList:
  - new property: isSortList
- TextAreaElement, TextFieldElement, TextFieldSimpleElement, SpellCorrectElement, MathTableElement:
  - new property: hideNativeKeyboard