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math-editor.module.ts 6.22 KiB
// eslint-disable-next-line max-classes-per-file
import {
Component, AfterViewInit, ViewChild, ElementRef, Input, OnChanges, SimpleChanges
} from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { MathfieldElement, VirtualKeyboardDefinition } from 'mathlive';
import { VirtualKeyboardLayer } from 'mathlive/dist/public/options';
import { MatButtonToggleChange, MatButtonToggleModule } from '@angular/material/button-toggle';
selector: 'aspect-mathlive-math-field',
template: `
<mat-button-toggle-group *ngIf="enableModeSwitch"
<mat-button-toggle value="math">Formel</mat-button-toggle>
<mat-button-toggle value="text">Text</mat-button-toggle>
<div #mathfield []="readonly">
styles: [
'mat-button-toggle-group {height: 20px;}',
':host ::ng-deep .read-only math-field {outline: unset; border: unset }',
':host ::ng-deep .mat-button-toggle-label-content {line-height: unset}'
export class MathInputComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnChanges {
@Input() value!: string;
@Input() readonly!: boolean;
@Input() enableModeSwitch: boolean = false;
@ViewChild('mathfield') mathfieldRef!: ElementRef;
mathFieldElement: MathfieldElement = new MathfieldElement({
virtualKeyboardMode: 'onfocus',
customVirtualKeyboardLayers: MathInputComponent.setupKeyboadLayer(),
customVirtualKeyboards: MathInputComponent.setupKeyboard(),
virtualKeyboards: 'aspect-keyboard roman greek',
keypressSound: null,
plonkSound: null,
decimalSeparator: ','
// defaultMode: 'math'
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
setupMathfield(): void {
this.mathFieldElement.value = this.value;
this.mathFieldElement.readOnly = this.readonly;
static setupKeyboard(): Record<string, VirtualKeyboardDefinition> {
return {
'aspect-keyboard': {
label: 'Formel', // Label displayed in the Virtual Keyboard Switcher
tooltip: 'Zahlen & Formeln', // Tooltip when hovering over the label
layer: 'aspect-keyboard-layer'
static setupKeyboadLayer(): Record<string, string | Partial<VirtualKeyboardLayer>> {
return {
'aspect-keyboard-layer': {
styles: '',
rows: [
{ label: '7', key: '7' },
{ label: '8', key: '8' },
{ label: '9', key: '9' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ latex: '+' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ latex: '<' },
{ latex: '>' },
{ latex: '\\neq' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ latex: '€' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ label: '<span><i>x</i> ²</span>', insert: '$$#@^{2}$$' },
{ latex: '$$#@^{#?}' },
{ latex: '$$#@_{#?}' }
{ label: '4', latex: '4' },
{ label: '5', key: '5' },
{ label: '6', key: '6' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ latex: '-' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ latex: '\\le' },
{ latex: '\\ge' },
{ latex: '\\approx' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ latex: '\\%' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ class: 'small', latex: '\\frac{#0}{#0}' },
{ latex: '\\sqrt{#0}', insert: '$$\\sqrt{#0}$$' },
{ class: 'separator' }
{ label: '1', key: '1' },
{ label: '2', key: '2' },
{ label: '3', key: '3' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ latex: '\\times' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ latex: '(' },
{ latex: ')' },
{ latex: '\\Rightarrow' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ latex: '°' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ latex: '\\overline' },
{ class: 'separator' },
{ class: 'separator' }
{ label: '0', key: '0' },
{ latex: ',' },
{ latex: '=' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ latex: '\\div' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ latex: '[' },
{ latex: ']' },
{ latex: '\\Leftrightarrow' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
{ latex: '\\mid' },
{ class: 'separator w5' },
class: 'action',
label: "<svg><use xlink:href='#svg-arrow-left' /></svg>",
// command: ['performWithFeedback', 'moveToPreviousChar']
// command: ['performWithFeedback', 'moveToPreviousChar']
command: ['switchMode', 'math',
// command: ['insert', '\\frac{#0}{#0}']
class: 'action',
label: "<svg><use xlink:href='#svg-arrow-right' /></svg>",
// command: ['performWithFeedback', 'moveToNextChar']
command: ['switchMode', 'math']
class: 'action font-glyph bottom right',
label: '⌫',
// ifMode: 'math',
command: ['performWithFeedback', 'deleteBackward']
// command: ['insert', '\\sqrt{#0}', { format: 'latex' }]
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
this.mathFieldElement.setValue(changes.value.currentValue, { mode: 'text' });
setParseMode(event: MatButtonToggleChange) {
// TODO Keyboard moving up and down on focus loss may be avoided by using useSharedVirtualKeyboard
this.mathFieldElement.mode = event.value;
(this.mathfieldRef.nativeElement.childNodes[0] as HTMLElement).focus();
declarations: [
imports: [
exports: [
export class MathEditorModule {}