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# coding=utf-8
"""Safe Translations Test.

.. note:: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
     (at your option) any later version.

from eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader import *
__author__ = ''

import unittest
import os, sys, pickle
from eotimeseriesviewer.tests import initQgisApplication
import example.Images
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from eotimeseriesviewer import *
from eotimeseriesviewer.tests import TestObjects, initQgisApplication
QGIS_APP = initQgisApplication()

SHOW_GUI = True and os.environ.get('CI') is None
def onDummy(*args):
    print(('dummy', args))

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def waitForEnd(pl:PixelLoader):
    print('wait for end...')

    while QgsApplication.taskManager().countActiveTasks() > 0:


class PixelLoaderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test translations work."""

    def setUpClass(cls):
        from eotimeseriesviewer import DIR_EXAMPLES
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        from eotimeseriesviewer import file_search
        cls.imgs = file_search(DIR_EXAMPLES, '*.tif', recursive=True)
        cls.img1 = list(cls.imgs)[0]
        ds = gdal.Open(cls.img1)
        assert isinstance(ds, gdal.Dataset)
        nb, nl, ns = ds.RasterCount, ds.RasterYSize, ds.RasterXSize
        cls.img1Shape = (nb, nl, ns)
        cls.img1gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
        cls.img1ProfileUL = ds.ReadAsArray(0, 0, 1, 1)
        cls.img1ProfileLR = ds.ReadAsArray(ns - 1, nl - 1, 1, 1)
        ds = None

    def tearDownClass(cls):

    def setUp(self):
        """Runs before each test."""
    def tearDown(self):
        """Runs after each test."""

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    def createTestImageSeries(self, n=10)->list:
        return TestObjects.createTestImageSeries(n=n)

    def test_QgsTaskManager(self):

        nTasks = 0
        result = None
        def countTasks(*args):
            nonlocal nTasks
            nTasks += 1

        tm = QgsApplication.taskManager()
        self.assertIsInstance(tm, QgsTaskManager)

        def func1(taskWrapper:QgsTaskWrapper):
            return 'Hello'

        def onFinished(e, value):
            nonlocal result
            assert e is None
            result = value

        task = QgsTask.fromFunction('',func1, on_finished = onFinished)
        self.assertIsInstance(task, QgsTask)

        while task.status() not in [QgsTask.Complete, QgsTask.Terminated]:
        while QgsApplication.taskManager().countActiveTasks() > 0:
        self.assertTrue(nTasks == 1)
        self.assertTrue(result == 'Hello')

    def test_PixelLoader(self):

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        images = self.createTestImageSeries(n=50)

        RESULTS = []
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        def onPixelLoaded(taskResult, *args):
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            nonlocal RESULTS
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            print('Pixel loaded: {}'.format(taskResult))
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        paths = [i.GetDescription() for i in images]
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        rl = QgsRasterLayer(paths[0])

        self.assertIsInstance(rl, QgsRasterLayer)

        center = SpatialPoint.fromMapLayerCenter(rl)
        cleft = SpatialPoint(, center.x()-100, center.y())

        geometries = [center, cleft]

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        self.assertIsInstance(pl, PixelLoader)
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        tasks = []
        for p in paths:
            task = PixelLoaderTask(p, geometries)

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        import time
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        self.assertTrue(len(RESULTS) == len(tasks))
    def test_pixelLoader_netCDF(self):

        p = r'Q:\Processing_BJ\99_OSARIS_Testdata\Loibl-2019-OSARIS-Ala-Archa\Amplitudes\20151207--20151231-amplitude.grd'
        if os.path.isfile(p):
            lyr = QgsRasterLayer(p)
            task = PixelLoaderTask(p, [SpatialPoint.fromMapLayerCenter(lyr)])
            from eotimeseriesviewer.utils import TaskMock
            result = doLoaderTask(TaskMock(), task.toDump())
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    def test_pixelLoader_OOImg(self):

        from eotimeseriesviewer.utils import TaskMock
        from eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader import PixelLoaderTask, doLoaderTask

        if os.path.isfile(path):
            crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:4326')
            pt = SpatialPoint(crs, -55.41314771195199995, -6.92449242268311593)

            lyr = QgsRasterLayer(path)
            ext = lyr.extent()
            pt2 = pt.toCrs(

            task = PixelLoaderTask(path, [p])
            result = doLoaderTask(TaskMock(), task.toDump())

            s = ""


    def test_pixelLoader(self):
        from eotimeseriesviewer.pixelloader import doLoaderTask, PixelLoaderTask, INFO_OUT_OF_IMAGE, INFO_NO_DATA
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        from eotimeseriesviewer import px2geo
        source = example.Images.Img_2014_05_15_LE72270652014135CUB00_BOA

        ext = SpatialExtent.fromRasterSource(source)
        ds = gdal.Open(source)

        gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
        wkt = ds.GetProjection()
        ds = None
        ptNoData = px2geo(QgsPointXY(66,2), gt)

        pt = SpatialPoint.fromSpatialExtent(ext)
        x,y = pt.x(), pt.y()
        ptOutOfImage = SpatialExtent(, x + 10000, y, x + 12000, y + 70)  # out of image
        ptNoData     = SpatialPoint(, ptNoData)
        ptValid1      = SpatialPoint(, x, y)
        ptValid2 = SpatialPoint(, x+50, y+50)

        #test a valid pixels
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        plt = PixelLoaderTask(source, [ptValid1, ptValid2])
        dump = pickle.dumps([plt])
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        task = QgsTask.fromFunction('', doLoaderTask, plt)
            results = doLoaderTask(task, dump)
            results = pickle.loads(results)
        except Exception as ex:
  'Failed to return the pixels for two geometries')
        for result in results:
            self.assertIsInstance(result, PixelLoaderTask)
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            self.assertEqual(result.mSourcePath, source)
            self.assertSequenceEqual(result.mBandIndices, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
            self.assertIs(result.exception, None)
            self.assertEqual(result.resCrsWkt, wkt)
            self.assertEqual(result.resGeoTransformation, gt)
            self.assertEqual(result.resNoDataValues, None)
            self.assertIsInstance(result.resProfiles, list)
            self.assertEqual(len(result.resProfiles), 2, msg='did not return results for two geometries.')
            for i in range(len(result.resProfiles)):
                dn, stdDev = result.resProfiles[i]
                self.assertIsInstance(dn, np.ndarray)
                self.assertIsInstance(stdDev, np.ndarray)
                self.assertEqual(len(dn), len(stdDev))
                self.assertEqual(len(dn), 6)
                self.assertEqual(stdDev.max(), 0) #std deviation of a single pixel is always zero
                self.assertEqual(stdDev.min(), 0)
    def test_loadProfiles(self):

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        from eotimeseriesviewer import SpatialPoint, SpatialExtent, px2geo

        img1 = self.img1
        nb, nl, ns = self.img1Shape
        gt = self.img1gt

        ext = SpatialExtent.fromRasterSource(img1)

        ptUL = SpatialPoint(, *ext.upperLeft())
        ptLR = px2geo(QPoint(ns-1, nl-1), gt)
        ptLR = SpatialPoint(, ptLR)
        ptOutOfImage = SpatialPoint(, px2geo(QPoint(-1,-1), gt))

        dir = os.path.dirname(example.Images.__file__)
        # files = file_search(dir, '*.tif')
        files = [example.Images.Img_2014_05_07_LC82270652014127LGN00_BOA]
        files.extend(file_search(dir, 're_*.tif'))
        for f in files: print(f)
        ext = SpatialExtent.fromRasterSource(files[0])
        x, y =

            # SpatialPoint(, 681151.214,-752388.476), #nodata in Img_2014_04_29_LE72270652014119CUB00_BOA
            SpatialExtent(, x + 10000, y, x + 12000, y + 70),  # out of image
            SpatialExtent(, x, y, x + 10000, y + 70),

        geoms2 = [SpatialPoint(, x, y),
                  SpatialPoint(, x + 250, y + 70)]
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        loaded_values = []
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        def onPxLoaded(*args):
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            print('got loaded')
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            task = args[0]
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            nonlocal loaded_values
            self.assertIsInstance(task, PixelLoaderTask)
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        PL = PixelLoader()
        PL.sigLoadingFinished.connect(lambda: onDummy('finished'))
        PL.sigLoadingStarted.connect(lambda: onDummy('started'))

        tasks1 = []
        for i, f in enumerate(files):
            kwargs = {'myid': 'myID{}'.format(i)}
            tasks1.append(PixelLoaderTask(f, geoms1, bandIndices=None, **kwargs))

        tasks2 = []
        for i, f in enumerate(files):
            kwargs = {'myid': 'myID{}'.format(i)}
            tasks2.append(PixelLoaderTask(f, geoms2, bandIndices=None, **kwargs))


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        self.assertTrue(len(loaded_values) == len(tasks2)+len(tasks1))
    SHOW_GUI = False and os.environ.get('CI') is None

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