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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
                              HUB TimeSeriesViewer
        begin                : 2017-08-04
        git sha              : $Format:%H$
        copyright            : (C) 2017 by HU-Berlin
        email                :

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os, sys, pickle, datetime
from collections import OrderedDict
from qgis.gui import *
from qgis.core import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtXml import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *

from timeseriesviewer import jp, SETTINGS
from timeseriesviewer.timeseries import *
from timeseriesviewer.utils import SpatialExtent, SpatialPoint, px2geo
from timeseriesviewer.ui.docks import TsvDockWidgetBase, loadUI
from timeseriesviewer.plotstyling import PlotStyle, PlotStyleButton
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from timeseriesviewer.pixelloader import PixelLoader, PixelLoaderTask
from timeseriesviewer.sensorvisualization import SensorListModel

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from pyqtgraph import functions as fn
from pyqtgraph import AxisItem

import datetime

from osgeo import gdal, gdal_array
import numpy as np

DEBUG = False

LABEL_DN = 'DN or Index'


    import OpenGL

    from pyqtgraph.opengl import GLViewWidget

    class ViewWidget3D(GLViewWidget):

        def paintGL(self, *args, **kwds):
            GLViewWidget.paintGL(self, *args, **kwds)

        def renderAnnotations(self):

            self.renderText(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 'text 3D')
            self.renderText(5, 10, 'text 2D fixed')
    class TemporalProfileGLLinePlotItem(gl.GLLinePlotItem):

        def __init__(self, plotStyle, *args, **kwds):
            assert isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle)

    if DEBUG:
        print('unable to import package OpenGL')
def getTextColorWithContrast(c):
    assert isinstance(c, QColor)
    if c.lightness() < 0.5:
        return QColor('white')
        return QColor('black')
def bandIndex2bandKey(i):
    assert isinstance(i, int)
    assert i >= 0
    return 'b{}'.format(i + 1)

def bandKey2bandIndex(key):
    match =
    assert match
    idx = int([1:]) - 1
    return idx

def selectedModelIndices(tableView):
    assert isinstance(tableView, QTableView)
    result = {}

    sm = tableView.selectionModel()
    m = tableView.model()
    if isinstance(sm, QItemSelectionModel) and isinstance(m, QAbstractItemModel):
        for idx in sm.selectedIndexes():
            assert isinstance(idx, QModelIndex)
            if idx.row() not in result.keys():
                result[idx.row()] = idx
    return result.values()

class DateTimeAxis(pg.AxisItem):
        super(DateTimeAxis, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
        self.labelAngle = 0
    def logTickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing):
        s = ""

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    def tickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing):
        strns = []

        if len(values) == 0:
            return []
        #assert isinstance(values[0],

        values = [num2date(v) if v > 0 else num2date(1) for v in values]
        ndays = rng.astype(int)

        strns = []

        for v in values:
            if ndays == 0:
    def tickValues(self, minVal, maxVal, size):
        d = super(DateTimeAxis, self).tickValues(minVal, maxVal, size)
    def drawPicture(self, p, axisSpec, tickSpecs, textSpecs):

        p.setRenderHint(p.Antialiasing, False)
        p.setRenderHint(p.TextAntialiasing, True)

        ## draw long line along axis
        pen, p1, p2 = axisSpec
        p.drawLine(p1, p2)
        p.translate(0.5, 0)  ## resolves some damn pixel ambiguity

        ## draw ticks
        for pen, p1, p2 in tickSpecs:
            p.drawLine(p1, p2)

        ## Draw all text
        if self.tickFont is not None:

        #for rect, flags, text in textSpecs:
        #    p.drawText(rect, flags, text)
        #    # p.drawRect(rect)
        for rect, flags, text in textSpecs:
    # save the painter state
            p.translate(   # move coordinate system to center of text rect
            p.rotate(self.labelAngle)  # rotate text
            p.translate(  # revert coordinate system
            p.drawText(rect, flags, text)
            p.restore()  # restore the painter state
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class _SensorPoints(pg.PlotDataItem):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
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        super(_SensorPoints, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
        # menu creation is deferred because it is expensive and often
        # the user will never see the menu anyway. = None
        return super(_SensorPoints,self).boundingRect()
        super(_SensorPoints, self).paint(p, *args)

    # On right-click, raise the context menu
    def mouseClickEvent(self, ev):
        if ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton:
            if self.raiseContextMenu(ev):

    def raiseContextMenu(self, ev):
        menu = self.getContextMenus()

        # Let the scene add on to the end of our context menu
        # (this is optional)
        menu = self.scene().addParentContextMenus(self, menu, ev)

        pos = ev.screenPos()
        menu.popup(QtCore.QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y()))
        return True

    # This method will be called when this item's _children_ want to raise
    # a context menu that includes their parents' menus.
    def getContextMenus(self, event=None):
        if is None:
   + " options..")

            green = QAction("Turn green",
   = green

            blue = QAction("Turn blue",
   = blue

            alpha = QWidgetAction(
            alphaSlider = QSlider()
   = alpha
   = alphaSlider

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class TemporalProfilePlotDataItem(pg.PlotDataItem):

    def __init__(self, plotStyle, parent=None):
        assert isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle)
        super(TemporalProfilePlotDataItem, self).__init__([], [], parent=parent) = None
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        self.mPlotStyle = plotStyle
        self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton)
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    # On right-click, raise the context menu
    def mouseClickEvent(self, ev):
        if ev.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton:
            if self.raiseContextMenu(ev):

    def raiseContextMenu(self, ev):
        menu = self.getContextMenus()

        # Let the scene add on to the end of our context menu
        # (this is optional)
        menu = self.scene().addParentContextMenus(self, menu, ev)

        pos = ev.screenPos()
        menu.popup(QtCore.QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y()))
        return True

    # This method will be called when this item's _children_ want to raise
    # a context menu that includes their parents' menus.
    def getContextMenus(self, event=None):
        if is None:
   = QMenu()
   + " options..")

            green = QAction("Turn green",
   = green

            blue = QAction("Turn blue",
   = blue

            alpha = QWidgetAction(
            alphaSlider = QSlider()
   = alpha
   = alphaSlider

    def updateDataAndStyle(self):

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        TP = self.mPlotStyle.temporalProfile()
        sensor = self.mPlotStyle.sensor()
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        if isinstance(TP, TemporalProfile) and isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument):
            x, y = TP.dataFromExpression(self.mPlotStyle.sensor(), self.mPlotStyle.expression())
            x =  np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float)
            y = np.asarray(y, dtype=np.float)
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            if len(y) > 0:
                self.setData(x=x, y=y)
                self.setData(x=[], y=[]) #dummy
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    def updateStyle(self):
        Updates visibility properties

        if DEBUG:
            print('{} updateStyle'.format(self))
        from pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.ScatterPlotItem import drawSymbol
#        path = drawSymbol(p, self.markerSymbol, self.markerSize, self.markerPen, self.markerBrush)
    #                    #painter, symbol, size, pen, brush
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        # self.setFillBrush(self.mPlotStyle.)

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    def setClickable(self, b, width=None):
        assert isinstance(b, bool)
        self.curve.setClickable(b, width=width)

    def setColor(self, color):
        if not isinstance(color, QColor):

            color = QColor(color)

    def pen(self):
        return fn.mkPen(self.opts['pen'])

    def color(self):
        return self.pen().color()

    def setLineWidth(self, width):
        pen = pg.mkPen(self.opts['pen'])
        assert isinstance(pen, QPen)

class PlotSettingsModel2DWidgetDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):
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    def __init__(self, tableView, timeSeries, temporalProfileListModel, parent=None):
        super(PlotSettingsModel2DWidgetDelegate, self).__init__(parent=parent)
        self._preferedSize = QgsFieldExpressionWidget().sizeHint()
        self.mTableView = tableView
        self.mTimeSeries = timeSeries
        self.mTemporalProfileListModel = temporalProfileListModel
        self.mSensorLayers = {}
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    def setItemDelegates(self, tableView):
        assert isinstance(tableView, QTableView)
        model = tableView.model()

        assert isinstance(model, PlotSettingsModel2D)
        for c in [model.cnSensor, model.cnExpression, model.cnStyle, model.cnTemporalProfile]:
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            i = model.columNames.index(c)
            tableView.setItemDelegateForColumn(i, self)

    def getColumnName(self, index):
        assert index.isValid()
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        model = index.model()
        assert isinstance(model, PlotSettingsModel2D)
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        return model.columNames[index.column()]
    def sizeHint(self, options, index):
        s = super(ExpressionDelegate, self).sizeHint(options, index)
        exprString = self.tableView.model().data(index)
        l = QLabel()
        x = l.sizeHint().width() + 100
        s = QSize(x, s.height())
        return self._preferedSize
    def exampleLyr(self, sensor):
        assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)

        if sensor not in self.mSensorLayers.keys():

            crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:4862')
            uri = 'Point?crs={}'.format(crs.authid())
            lyr = QgsVectorLayer(uri, 'LOCATIONS', 'memory', False)
            f = sensorExampleQgsFeature(sensor)
            assert isinstance(f, QgsFeature)
            assert lyr.startEditing()
            for field in f.fields():
            self.mSensorLayers[sensor] = lyr
        return self.mSensorLayers[sensor]

    def createEditor(self, parent, option, index):
        cname = self.getColumnName(index)
        model = self.mTableView.model()
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        w = None
        if index.isValid() and isinstance(model, PlotSettingsModel2D):
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            plotStyle = model.idx2plotStyle(index)
            if isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle):
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                if cname == model.cnExpression:
                    w = QgsFieldExpressionWidget(parent=parent)
                    plotStyle.sigSensorChanged.connect(lambda s : w.setLayer(self.exampleLyr(s)))
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                    w.setToolTip('Set an expression to specify the image band or calculate a spectral index.')
                    w.fieldChanged[str,bool].connect(lambda n, b : self.checkData(index, w, w.expression()))
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                elif cname == model.cnStyle:
                    w = PlotStyleButton(parent=parent)
                    w.setToolTip('Set style.')
                    w.sigPlotStyleChanged.connect(lambda: self.checkData(index, w, w.plotStyle()))
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                elif cname == model.cnSensor:
                    w = QComboBox(parent=parent)
                    m = SensorListModel(self.mTimeSeries)
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                elif cname == model.cnTemporalProfile:
                    w = QComboBox(parent=parent)
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                    raise NotImplementedError()
    def checkData(self, index, w, expression):
        assert isinstance(index, QModelIndex)
        model = self.mTableView.model()
        if index.isValid() and isinstance(model, PlotSettingsModel2D):
            plotStyle = model.idx2plotStyle(index)
            assert isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle)
            if isinstance(w, QgsFieldExpressionWidget):
                assert expression == w.expression()
                assert w.isExpressionValid(expression) == w.isValidExpression()

                if w.isValidExpression():
                    s = ""
                    #print(('Delegate commit failed',w.asExpression()))
            if isinstance(w, PlotStyleButton):

    def setEditorData(self, editor, index):
        cname = self.getColumnName(index)
        model = self.mTableView.model()
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        w = None
        if index.isValid() and isinstance(model, PlotSettingsModel2D):
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            cname = self.getColumnName(index)
            if cname == model.cnExpression:
                lastExpr = index.model().data(index, Qt.DisplayRole)
                assert isinstance(editor, QgsFieldExpressionWidget)
                editor.setProperty('lastexpr', lastExpr)

            elif cname == model.cnStyle:
                style =
                assert isinstance(editor, PlotStyleButton)

            elif cname == model.cnSensor:
                assert isinstance(editor, QComboBox)
                m = editor.model()
                assert isinstance(m, SensorListModel)
                sensor =
                if isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument):
                    idx = m.sensor2idx(sensor)
            elif cname == model.cnTemporalProfile:
                assert isinstance(editor, QComboBox)
                m = editor.model()
                assert isinstance(m, TemporalProfileCollectionListModel)
                TP =
                if isinstance(TP, TemporalProfile):
                    idx = m.tp2idx(TP)
                raise NotImplementedError()

    def setModelData(self, w, model, index):
        cname = self.getColumnName(index)
        model = self.mTableView.model()
        if index.isValid() and isinstance(model, PlotSettingsModel2D):
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            if cname == model.cnExpression:
                assert isinstance(w, QgsFieldExpressionWidget)
                expr = w.asExpression()
                exprLast =, Qt.DisplayRole)
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                if w.isValidExpression() and expr != exprLast:
                    model.setData(index, w.asExpression(), Qt.EditRole)

            elif cname == model.cnStyle:
                assert isinstance(w, PlotStyleButton)
                model.setData(index, w.plotStyle(), Qt.EditRole)
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            elif cname == model.cnSensor:
                assert isinstance(w, QComboBox)
                sensor = w.itemData(w.currentIndex(), role=Qt.UserRole)
                assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
                model.setData(index, sensor, Qt.EditRole)

            elif cname == model.cnTemporalProfile:
                assert isinstance(w, QComboBox)
                TP = w.itemData(w.currentIndex(), role=Qt.UserRole)
                assert isinstance(TP, TemporalProfile)
                model.setData(index, TP, Qt.EditRole)

                raise NotImplementedError()

class PlotSettingsModel3DWidgetDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):

    def __init__(self, tableView, parent=None):

        super(PlotSettingsModel3DWidgetDelegate, self).__init__(parent=parent)
        self._preferedSize = QgsFieldExpressionWidget().sizeHint()
        self.mTableView = tableView

    def setItemDelegates(self, tableView):
        assert isinstance(tableView, QTableView)
        model = tableView.model()

        assert isinstance(model, PlotSettingsModel3D)
        for c in [model.cnStyle]:
            i = model.columNames.index(c)
            tableView.setItemDelegateForColumn(i, self)

    def getColumnName(self, index):
        assert index.isValid()
        model = index.model()
        assert isinstance(model, PlotSettingsModel3D)
        return model.columNames[index.column()]
    def sizeHint(self, options, index):
        s = super(ExpressionDelegate, self).sizeHint(options, index)
        exprString = self.tableView.model().data(index)
        l = QLabel()
        x = l.sizeHint().width() + 100
        s = QSize(x, s.height())
        return self._preferedSize
    def createEditor(self, parent, option, index):
        cname = self.getColumnName(index)
        model = self.mTableView.model()
        w = None
        if index.isValid() and isinstance(model, PlotSettingsModel3D):
            plotStyle = model.idx2plotStyle(index)
            if isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle):
                if cname == model.cnStyle:
                    w = QgsColorButton(parent=parent)
                    w.setToolTip('Set line color')
                    w.colorChanged.connect(lambda: self.checkData(index, w))

        return w

    def checkData(self, index, w):
        assert isinstance(index, QModelIndex)
        model = self.mTableView.model()
        if index.isValid() and isinstance(model, PlotSettingsModel3D):
            plotStyle = model.idx2plotStyle(index)
            assert isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle)
            if isinstance(w, QgsColorButton):

    def setEditorData(self, editor, index):
        cname = self.getColumnName(index)
        model = self.mTableView.model()

        w = None
        if index.isValid() and isinstance(model, PlotSettingsModel3D):
            style = model.idx2plotStyle(index)
            assert isinstance(style, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle)
            cname = self.getColumnName(index)
            if cname == model.cnStyle:
                assert isinstance(editor, QgsColorButton)
                raise NotImplementedError()

    def setModelData(self, w, model, index):
        cname = self.getColumnName(index)
        model = self.mTableView.model()

        if index.isValid() and isinstance(model, PlotSettingsModel3D):
            if cname == model.cnStyle:
                assert isinstance(w, QgsColorButton)
                model.setData(index, w.color(), Qt.EditRole)
                raise NotImplementedError()

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class SensorPixelDataMemoryLayer(QgsVectorLayer):

    def __init__(self, sensor, crs=None):
        assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
        if crs is None:
            crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:4862')
        uri = 'Point?crs={}'.format(crs.authid())
        super(SensorPixelDataMemoryLayer, self).__init__(uri, 'Pixels_sensor_' +, 'memory', False)
        self.mSensor = sensor

        #initialize fields
        assert self.startEditing()
        # standard field names, types, etc.
        fieldDefs = [('pxid', QVariant.String, 'integer'),
                     ('date', QVariant.String, 'char'),
                     ('doy', QVariant.Int, 'integer'),
                     ('geo_x', QVariant.Double, 'decimal'),
                     ('geo_y', QVariant.Double, 'decimal'),
                     ('px_x', QVariant.Int, 'integer'),
                     ('px_y', QVariant.Int, 'integer'),
        # one field for each band
        for b in range(sensor.nb):
            fName = 'b{}'.format(b + 1)
            fieldDefs.append((fName, QVariant.Double, 'decimal'))

        # initialize fields
        for fieldDef in fieldDefs:
            field = QgsField(fieldDef[0], fieldDef[1], fieldDef[2])

    def sensor(self):
        return self.mSensor

    def nPixels(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def dates(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

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class TemporalProfileCollectionListModel(QAbstractListModel):

    def __init__(self, temporalProfileCollection, *args, **kwds):

        super(TemporalProfileCollectionListModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
        assert isinstance(temporalProfileCollection, TemporalProfileCollection)

        self.mTPColl = temporalProfileCollection
        self.mTPColl.rowsRemoved.connect(lambda : self.modelReset.emit())

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    def idx2tp(self, *args, **kwds):
        return self.mTPColl.idx2tp(*args, **kwds)

    def tp2idx(self, *args, **kwds):
        return self.mTPColl.tp2idx(*args, **kwds)

    def flags(self, index):
        if index.isValid():
            flags = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable
            return flags
            #return item.qt_flags(index.column())
        return Qt.NoItemFlags

    def rowCount(self, *args, **kwds):
        return self.mTPColl.rowCount(*args, **kwds)

    def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
        if role is None or not index.isValid():
            return None

        TP = self.mTPColl.idx2tp(index)
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        value = None
        if isinstance(TP, TemporalProfile):
            if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
                value = '{}'.format(
            elif role == Qt.ToolTipRole:
                value = '#{} "{}" {}'.format(TP.mID,, TP.mCoordinate)
            elif role == Qt.UserRole:
                value = TP

        return value

class TemporalProfileCollection(QAbstractTableModel):
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    A collection to store the TemporalProfile data delivered by a PixelLoader
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    #sigSensorAdded = pyqtSignal(SensorInstrument)
    #sigSensorRemoved = pyqtSignal(SensorInstrument)
    #sigPixelAdded = pyqtSignal()
    #sigPixelRemoved = pyqtSignal()
    sigTemporalProfilesAdded = pyqtSignal(list)
    sigTemporalProfilesRemoved = pyqtSignal(list)
    sigMaxProfilesChanged = pyqtSignal(int)
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    def __init__(self, ):
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        super(TemporalProfileCollection, self).__init__()
        #self.sensorPxLayers = dict()
        #self.memLyrCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:4326')
        self.newDataFlag = False

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        self.mcnID = 'id'
        self.mcnCoordinate = 'Coordinate'
        self.mcnLoaded = 'Loading'
        self.mcnName = 'Name'
        self.mColumNames = [self.mcnName, self.mcnLoaded, self.mcnCoordinate]

        crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:4862')
        uri = 'Point?crs={}'.format(crs.authid())

        self.TS = None
        self.mLocations = QgsVectorLayer(uri, 'LOCATIONS', 'memory', False)
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        self.mTemporalProfiles = []
        self.mTPLookupSpatialPoint = {}
        self.mTPLookupID = {}
        self.mCurrentTPID = 0
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        self.mMaxProfiles = 10

        self.nextID = 0

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.mTemporalProfiles)
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    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.mTemporalProfiles)
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    def __getitem__(self, slice):
        return self.mTemporalProfiles[slice]
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    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self.mTemporalProfiles

    def rowCount(self, parent=None, *args, **kwargs):
        return len(self.mTemporalProfiles)

    def columnCount(self, QModelIndex_parent=None, *args, **kwargs):
        return len(self.mColumNames)

    def idx2tp(self, index):
        if index.isValid() and index.row() < len(self.mTemporalProfiles) :
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            return self.mTemporalProfiles[index.row()]
        return None

    def tp2idx(self, temporalProfile):
        assert isinstance(temporalProfile, TemporalProfile)
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        if temporalProfile in self.mTemporalProfiles:
            row = self.mTemporalProfiles.index(temporalProfile)
            return self.createIndex(row, 0)
            return QModelIndex()
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    def data(self, index, role = Qt.DisplayRole):
        if role is None or not index.isValid():
            return None

        value = None
        columnName = self.mColumNames[index.column()]
        TP = self.idx2tp(index)
        if not isinstance(TP, TemporalProfile):
            return None
        #self.mColumNames = ['id','coordinate','loaded']
        if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            if columnName == self.mcnID:
                value = TP.mID
            elif columnName == self.mcnName:
                value =
            elif columnName == self.mcnCoordinate:
                value = '{}'.format(TP.mCoordinate)
            elif columnName == self.mcnLoaded:
                nIs, nMax = TP.loadingStatus()
                if nMax > 0:
                    value = '{}/{} ({:0.2f} %)'.format(nIs, nMax, float(nIs) / nMax * 100)
        elif role == Qt.EditRole:
            if columnName == self.mcnName:
                value =
        elif role == Qt.ToolTipRole:
            if columnName == self.mcnID:
                value = 'ID Temporal Profile'
            elif columnName == self.mcnName:
                value =
            elif columnName == self.mcnCoordinate:
                value = '{}'.format(TP.mCoordinate)
            elif columnName == self.mcnLoaded:
                nIs, nMax = TP.loadingStatus()
                value = '{}'.format(TP.mCoordinate)
        elif role == Qt.UserRole:
            value = TP

        return value

    def flags(self, index):
        if index.isValid():
            flags = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable

            cName = self.mColumNames[index.column()]
            if cName == self.mcnName:
                flags = flags | Qt.ItemIsEditable

            return flags
            #return item.qt_flags(index.column())
        return None

    def setData(self, index, value, role=None):
        if role is None or not index.isValid():
            return None

        cName = self.mColumNames[index.column()]
        TP = self.idx2tp(index)
        if isinstance(TP, TemporalProfile):
            if role == Qt.EditRole and cName == self.mcnName:
                if len(value) == 0: #do not accept empty strings
                    return False
                return True

        return False

    def headerData(self, col, orientation, role):
        if Qt is None:
            return None
        if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            if orientation == Qt.Horizontal:
                return self.mColumNames[col]
            elif orientation == Qt.Vertical:
                return col
        return None

    def insertTemporalProfiles(self, temporalProfiles, i=None):
        if isinstance(temporalProfiles, TemporalProfile):
            temporalProfiles = [temporalProfiles]

        assert isinstance(temporalProfiles, list)
        for temporalProfile in temporalProfiles:
            assert isinstance(temporalProfile, TemporalProfile)

        if i is None:
            i = len(self.mTemporalProfiles)

        if len(temporalProfiles) > 0:
            self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), i, i + len(temporalProfiles) - 1)
            for temporalProfile in temporalProfiles:
                assert isinstance(temporalProfile, TemporalProfile)
                id = self.nextID
                self.nextID += 1
                temporalProfile.mID = id
                self.mTemporalProfiles.insert(i, temporalProfile)
                self.mTPLookupID[id] = temporalProfile
                self.mTPLookupSpatialPoint[temporalProfile.mCoordinate] = temporalProfile
                i += 1


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    def temporalProfileFromGeometry(self, geometry):
        if geometry in self.mTPLookupSpatialPoint.keys():
            return self.mTPLookupSpatialPoint[geometry]
            return None

    def temporalProfileFromID(self, id):
        if id in self.mTPLookupID.keys():
            return self.mTPLookupID[id]
            return None

    def id(self, temporalProfile):
        Returns the id of an TemporalProfile
        :param temporalProfile: TemporalProfile
        :return: id or None, inf temporalProfile is not part of this collections

        for k, tp in self.mTPLookupID.items():
            if tp == temporalProfile:
                return k
        return None

    def fromID(self, id):
        if self.mTPLookupID.has_key(id):
            return self.mTPLookupID[id]
            return None

    def fromSpatialPoint(self, spatialPoint):
        if self.mTPLookupSpatialPoint.has_key(spatialPoint):
            return self.mTPLookupSpatialPoint[spatialPoint]
            return None

    def removeTemporalProfiles(self, temporalProfiles):
        Removes temporal profiles from this collection
        :param temporalProfile: TemporalProfile

        if isinstance(temporalProfiles, TemporalProfile):
            temporalProfiles = [temporalProfiles]
        assert isinstance(temporalProfiles, list)

        temporalProfiles = [tp for tp in temporalProfiles if isinstance(tp, TemporalProfile) and tp in self.mTemporalProfiles]

        if len(temporalProfiles) > 0:

            def deleteFromDict(d, value):
                assert isinstance(d, dict)
                if value in d.values():
                    key = d.keys()[d.values().index(value)]
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            for temporalProfile in temporalProfiles:
                assert isinstance(temporalProfile, TemporalProfile)
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                idx = self.tp2idx(temporalProfile)
                row = idx.row()
                self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row)

                deleteFromDict(self.mTPLookupID, temporalProfile)
                deleteFromDict(self.mTPLookupSpatialPoint,  temporalProfile)

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    def connectTimeSeries(self, timeSeries):
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        if isinstance(timeSeries, TimeSeries):
            self.TS = timeSeries
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            #for sensor in self.TS.Sensors:
            #    self.addSensor(sensor)
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            self.TS = None

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    def setMaxProfiles(self, n):
        Sets the maximum number of temporal profiles to be stored in this container.
        :param n: number of profiles, must be >= 1
        old = self.mMaxProfiles

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        assert n >= 1
        if old != n:
            self.mMaxProfiles = n

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    def prune(self):
        Reduces the number of temporal profile to the value n defined with .setMaxProfiles(n)
        :return: [list-of-removed-TemporalProfiles]
    def getFieldDefn(self, name, values):
        if isinstance(values, np.ndarray):
            # add bands
            if values.dtype in [np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64,
                                np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64]:
                fType = QVariant.Int
                fTypeName = 'integer'
            elif values.dtype in [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]:
                fType = QVariant.Double
                fTypeName = 'decimal'
            raise NotImplementedError()

        return QgsField(name, fType, fTypeName)

    def setFeatureAttribute(self, feature, name, value):
        assert isinstance(feature, QgsFeature)
        assert isinstance(name, str)
        i = feature.fieldNameIndex(name)
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        assert i >= 0, 'Field "{}" does not exist'.format(name)
        field = feature.fields()[i]
        if field.isNumeric():
            if field.type() == QVariant.Int:
                value = int(value)
            elif field.type() == QVariant.Double:
                value = float(value)
                raise NotImplementedError()
        feature.setAttribute(i, value)

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    def sort(self, col, order):
        if self.rowCount() == 0:
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        colName = self.mColumNames[col]
        r = order != Qt.AscendingOrder
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        if colName == self.mcnName:
            self.items.sort(key = lambda, reverse=r)
        elif colName == self.mcnCoordinate:
            self.items.sort(key=lambda TP: str(TP.mCoordinate), reverse=r)
        elif colName == self.mcnID:
            self.items.sort(key=lambda TP: TP.mID, reverse=r)
        elif colName == self.mcnLoaded:
            self.items.sort(key=lambda TP: TP.loadingStatus(), reverse=r)
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    def addPixelLoaderResult(self, d):
        assert isinstance(d, PixelLoaderTask)
        if d.success():
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            for i, TPid in enumerate(d.temporalProfileIDs):
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                TP = self.temporalProfileFromID(TPid)
                tsd = self.TS.getTSD(d.sourcePath)
                assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDatum)
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                if isinstance(TP, TemporalProfile):
                    profileData = d.resProfiles[i]
                    if not isinstance(profileData, tuple):
                        s = ""
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                    vMean, vStd = profileData
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                    values = {}
                    validValues = not isinstance(vMean, str)
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                    #1. add the pixel values per returned band
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                    for iBand, bandIndex in enumerate(d.bandIndices):
                        key = 'b{}'.format(bandIndex + 1)
                        values[key] = vMean[iBand] if validValues else None
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                        key = 'std{}'.format(bandIndex + 1)
                        values[key] = vStd[iBand] if validValues else None
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                    #indicesY, indicesX = d.imagePixelIndices()
                    #values['px_x'] = indicesX
                    #values['px_y'] = indicesY
                    TP.updateData(tsd, values)
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        #todo: remove TS Profiles
class TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle(PlotStyle):
    sigExpressionUpdated = pyqtSignal()
    sigSensorChanged = pyqtSignal(SensorInstrument)
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    def __init__(self, temporalProfile):
        super(TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle, self).__init__()
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        assert isinstance(temporalProfile, TemporalProfile)
        self.mSensor = None
        self.mTP = temporalProfile
        self.mExpression = u'"b1"'
        self.mPlotItems = []
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        if isinstance(temporalProfile, TemporalProfile):
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    def createPlotItem(self, plotWidget):
        pdi = TemporalProfilePlotDataItem(self)
        return pdi
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    def temporalProfile(self):
        return self.mTP
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    def setTemporalProfile(self, temporalPofile):
        assert isinstance(temporalPofile, TemporalProfile)
        b = temporalPofile != self.mTP
        self.mTP = temporalPofile
        if b: self.update()
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    def setSensor(self, sensor):
        assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
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        b = sensor != self.mSensor
        if b:
        super(TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle, self).update()

        for pdi in self.mPlotItems:
            assert isinstance(pdi, TemporalProfilePlotDataItem)
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    def sensor(self):
        return self.mSensor

    def setExpression(self, exp):
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        assert isinstance(exp, unicode)
        b = self.mExpression != exp
        if b:
    def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol):
        return self.__class__, (), self.__getstate__()

    def __getstate__(self):
        result = super(TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle, self).__getstate__()
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        del result['mTP']
class TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle(PlotStyle):

    def __init__(self,sensor):
        super(TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle, self).__init__()
        #assert isinstance(temporalProfile, TemporalProfile)
        assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
        self.mSensor = sensor
        #self.mTP = temporalProfile
        self.mScale = 1.0
        self.mOffset = 0.0
        self.mColor = QColor('green')


    def setColor(self, color):
        assert isinstance(color, QColor)
        old = self.mColor
        self.mColor = color
        if old != color:

    def color(self):
        return self.mColor

    def setScaling(self, scale, offset):
        scale = float(scale)
        offset = float(offset)
        x,y =self.mScale, self.mOffset
        self.mScale = scale
        self.mOffset = offset

        if x != scale or y != offset:

    def sensor(self):
        return self.mSensor

    def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol):
        return self.__class__, (), self.__getstate__()

    def __getstate__(self):
        result = super(TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle, self).__getstate__()
        del result['mSensor']

        return result

class DateTimeViewBox(pg.ViewBox):
    Subclass of ViewBox
    sigMoveToDate = pyqtSignal(np.datetime64)
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        Constructor of the CustomViewBox
        super(DateTimeViewBox, self).__init__(parent) = None # Override pyqtgraph ViewBoxMenu = self.getMenu() # Create the menu = None

    def raiseContextMenu(self, ev):

        pt = self.mapDeviceToView(ev.pos())
        print(pt.x(), pt.y())
        date = num2date(pt.x())
        menu = QMenu(None)
        a = menu.addAction('Move to {}'.format(date))
        a.triggered.connect(lambda : self.sigMoveToDate.emit(date))
        self.scene().addParentContextMenus(self, menu, ev)

class DateTimePlotWidget(pg.PlotWidget):
    Subclass of PlotWidget
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        Constructor of the widget
        super(DateTimePlotWidget, self).__init__(parent, viewBox=DateTimeViewBox())
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        self.plotItem = pg.PlotItem(
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        self.xAxisInitialized = False
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class PlotSettingsModel3D(QAbstractTableModel):

    #sigSensorAdded = pyqtSignal(SensorPlotSettings)
    sigVisibilityChanged = pyqtSignal(TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle)
    sigPlotStylesAdded = pyqtSignal(list)
    sigPlotStylesRemoved = pyqtSignal(list)

    def __init__(self, parent=None, *args):

        #assert isinstance(tableView, QTableView)

        super(PlotSettingsModel3D, self).__init__(parent=parent)
        self.mTimeSeries = None
        self.cnSensor = 'sensor'
        self.cnScale = 'Scale'
        self.cnOffset = 'Offset'
        self.cnStyle = 'style'

        self.columNames = [self.cnSensor, self.cnScale, self.cnOffset, self.cnStyle]

        self.mPlotSettings = []
        #assert isinstance(plotWidget, DateTimePlotWidget)

        self.sortColumnIndex = 0
        self.sortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder

        self.sort(0, Qt.AscendingOrder)

    def connectTimeSeries(self, timeSeries):
        if isinstance(timeSeries, TimeSeries):

            self.mTimeSeries = timeSeries
            for sensor in self.mTimeSeries.sensors():

    def hasStyleForSensor(self, sensor):
        assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
        for plotStyle in self.mPlotSettings:
            assert isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle)
            if plotStyle.sensor() == sensor:
                return True
        return False

    def createStyle(self, sensor):
        if not self.hasStyleForSensor(sensor):
            s = TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle(sensor)

    def onSensorRemoved(self, sensor):
        assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
        self.removePlotStyles([s for s in self.mPlotSettings if s.sensor() == sensor])

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.mPlotSettings)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.mPlotSettings)

    def __getitem__(self, slice):
        return self.mPlotSettings[slice]

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self.mPlotSettings

    def columnIndex(self, name):
        return self.columNames.index(name)

    def insertPlotStyles(self, plotStyles, i=None):
        Inserts PlotStyle
        :param plotStyles: TemporalProfilePlotStyle | [list-of-TemporalProfilePlotStyle]
        :param i: index to insert, defaults to the last list position
        if isinstance(plotStyles, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle):
            plotStyles = [plotStyles]
        assert isinstance(plotStyles, list)
        for plotStyle in plotStyles:
            assert isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle)

        if i is None:
            i = len(self.mPlotSettings)

        if len(plotStyles) > 0:
            self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), i, i + len(plotStyles)-1)
            for j, plotStyle in enumerate(plotStyles):
                assert isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle)
                self.mPlotSettings.insert(i+j, plotStyle)

    def removePlotStyles(self, plotStyles):
        Removes PlotStyle instances
        :param plotStyles: TemporalProfilePlotStyle | [list-of-TemporalProfilePlotStyle]
        if isinstance(plotStyles, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle):
            plotStyles = [plotStyles]
        assert isinstance(plotStyles, list)

        if len(plotStyles) > 0:
            for plotStyle in plotStyles:
                assert isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle)
                if plotStyle in self.mPlotSettings:
                    idx = self.plotStyle2idx(plotStyle)
                    self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), idx.row(),idx.row())
                if isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle):
                    for pi in plotStyle.mPlotItems:

    def sort(self, col, order):
        if self.rowCount() == 0:

        colName = self.columnames[col]
        r = order != Qt.AscendingOrder


        if colName == self.cnSensor:
            self.mPlotSettings.sort(key = lambda sv:sv.sensor().name(), reverse=r)

    def rowCount(self, parent = QModelIndex()):
        return len(self.mPlotSettings)

    def removeRows(self, row, count , parent = QModelIndex()):

        self.beginRemoveRows(parent, row, row + count-1)

        toRemove = self.mPlotSettings[row:row + count]

        for tsd in toRemove:


    def plotStyle2idx(self, plotStyle):

        assert isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle)

        if plotStyle in self.mPlotSettings:
            i = self.mPlotSettings.index(plotStyle)
            return self.createIndex(i, 0)
            return QModelIndex()

    def idx2plotStyle(self, index):

        if index.isValid() and index.row() < self.rowCount():
            return self.mPlotSettings[index.row()]

        return None

    def columnCount(self, parent = QModelIndex()):
        return len(self.columNames)

    def data(self, index, role = Qt.DisplayRole):
        if role is None or not index.isValid():
            return None

        value = None
        columnName = self.columNames[index.column()]
        plotStyle = self.idx2plotStyle(index)
        if isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle):
            sensor = plotStyle.sensor()
            #print(('data', columnName, role))
            if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
                if columnName == self.cnSensor:
                    if isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument):
                        value =
                        value = '<Select Sensor>'
                elif columnName == self.cnScale:
                    value = plotStyle.mScale
                elif columnName == self.cnOffset:
                    value = plotStyle.mOffset
            if role == Qt.EditRole:
                if columnName == self.cnScale:
                    value = plotStyle.mScale
                elif columnName == self.cnOffset:
                    value = plotStyle.mOffset

            elif role == Qt.CheckStateRole:
                if columnName == self.cnSensor:
                    value = Qt.Checked if plotStyle.isVisible() else Qt.Unchecked

            elif role == Qt.UserRole:
                value = plotStyle
                if columnName == self.cnSensor:
                    value = plotStyle.sensor()
                elif columnName == self.cnStyle:
                    value = plotStyle
                    value = plotStyle
        #print(('get data',value))
        return value

    def setData(self, index, value, role=None):
        if role is None or not index.isValid():
            return False
        #print(('Set data', index.row(), index.column(), value, role))
        columnName = self.columNames[index.column()]

        if value is None:
            return False

        result = False
        plotStyle = self.idx2plotStyle(index)
        if isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle):
            if role in [Qt.DisplayRole]:
                if columnName == self.cnScale and isinstance(value, float):
                    plotStyle.setScaling(value, plotStyle.mOffset)
                    result = True
                elif columnName == self.cnOffset and isinstance(value, float):
                    plotStyle.setScaling(plotStyle.mScale, value)
                    result = True
                elif columnName == self.cnStyle:
                    if isinstance(value, PlotStyle):
                        result = True
                    elif isinstance(value, QColor):
                        result = True

            if role == Qt.CheckStateRole:
                if columnName == self.cnSensor:
                    plotStyle.setVisibility(value == Qt.Checked)
                    result = True

            if role == Qt.EditRole:
                if columnName == self.cnScale:
                    plotStyle.setScaling(value, plotStyle.mOffset)
                    result = True
                elif columnName == self.cnOffset:
                    plotStyle.setScaling(plotStyle.mScale, value)
                    result = True
                elif columnName == self.cnStyle:
                    if isinstance(value, QColor):
                        result = True
                    if isinstance(value, TemporalProfile3DPlotStyle):
                        result = True

        return result

    def flags(self, index):
        if index.isValid():
            columnName = self.columNames[index.column()]
            flags = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable
            if columnName in [self.cnSensor]:
                flags = flags | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable
            if columnName in [self.cnScale, self.cnOffset, self.cnStyle]: #allow check state
                flags = flags | Qt.ItemIsEditable
            return flags
            #return item.qt_flags(index.column())
        return Qt.NoItemFlags

    def headerData(self, col, orientation, role):
        if Qt is None:
            return None
        if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            return self.columNames[col]
        elif orientation == Qt.Vertical and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            return col
        return None

class PlotSettingsModel2D(QAbstractTableModel):
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    #sigSensorAdded = pyqtSignal(SensorPlotSettings)
    sigVisibilityChanged = pyqtSignal(TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle)
    sigDataChanged = pyqtSignal(TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle)
    sigPlotStylesAdded = pyqtSignal(list)
    sigPlotStylesRemoved = pyqtSignal(list)
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    regBandKey = re.compile("(?<!\w)b\d+(?!\w)", re.IGNORECASE)
    regBandKeyExact = re.compile('^' + regBandKey.pattern + '$', re.IGNORECASE)
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    def __init__(self, temporalProfileCollection, plotWidget, parent=None, *args):
        super(PlotSettingsModel2D, self).__init__(parent=parent)
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        assert isinstance(temporalProfileCollection, TemporalProfileCollection)

        self.cnID = 'ID'
        self.cnSensor = 'sensor'
        self.cnExpression = LABEL_DN
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        self.cnStyle = 'style'
        self.cnTemporalProfile = 'Coordinate'
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        self.columNames = [self.cnTemporalProfile, self.cnSensor, self.cnStyle, self.cnExpression]

        self.mPlotSettings = []
        #assert isinstance(plotWidget, DateTimePlotWidget)
        self.mPlotWidget = plotWidget
        self.sortColumnIndex = 0
        self.sortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder
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        self.tpCollection = temporalProfileCollection
        #self.tpCollection.sigTemporalProfilesRemoved.connect(lambda removedTPs : self.removePlotStyles([p for p in self.mPlotSettings if p.temporalProfile() in removedTPs]))
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        assert isinstance(self.tpCollection.TS, TimeSeries)

        self.sort(0, Qt.AscendingOrder)

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    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.mPlotSettings)
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    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.mPlotSettings)
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    def __getitem__(self, slice):
        return self.mPlotSettings[slice]
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    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self.mPlotSettings
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    def testSlot(self, *args):
        print(('TESTSLOT', args))
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    def columnIndex(self, name):
        return self.columNames.index(name)
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    def signaler(self, idxUL, idxLR):
        if idxUL.isValid():
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            plotStyle = self.idx2plotStyle(idxUL)
            cname = self.columNames[idxUL.column()]
            if cname in [self.cnSensor,self.cnStyle]:
            if cname in [self.cnExpression]:
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    def requiredBandsIndices(self, sensor):
        Returns the band indices required to calculate the values for
        the different PlotStyle expressions making use of sensor
        :param sensor: SensorInstrument for which the band indices are to be returned.
        :return: [list-of-band-indices]
        bandIndices = set()
        assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
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        for p in [p for p in self.mPlotSettings if p.sensor() == sensor]:
            assert isinstance(p, TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle)
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            expression = p.expression()
            #remove leading & tailing "
            bandKeys = PlotSettingsModel2D.regBandKey.findall(expression)
            for bandIndex in [bandKey2bandIndex(key) for key in bandKeys]:
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        return bandIndices
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    def insertPlotStyles(self, plotStyles, i=None):
        Inserts PlotStyle
        :param plotStyles: TemporalProfilePlotStyle | [list-of-TemporalProfilePlotStyle]
        :param i: index to insert, defaults to the last list position
        if isinstance(plotStyles, TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle):
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            plotStyles = [plotStyles]
        assert isinstance(plotStyles, list)
        for plotStyle in plotStyles:
            assert isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle)
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        if i is None:
            i = len(self.mPlotSettings)
        if len(plotStyles) > 0:
            self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), i, i + len(plotStyles)-1)
            for j, plotStyle in enumerate(plotStyles):
                assert isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle)
                self.mPlotSettings.insert(i+j, plotStyle)
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    def removePlotStyles(self, plotStyles):
        Removes PlotStyle instances
        :param plotStyles: TemporalProfilePlotStyle | [list-of-TemporalProfilePlotStyle]
        if isinstance(plotStyles, PlotStyle):
            plotStyles = [plotStyles]
        assert isinstance(plotStyles, list)

        if len(plotStyles) > 0:
            for plotStyle in plotStyles:
                assert isinstance(plotStyle, PlotStyle)
                if plotStyle in self.mPlotSettings:
                    idx = self.plotStyle2idx(plotStyle)
                    self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), idx.row(),idx.row())
                if isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle):
                    for pi in plotStyle.mPlotItems:

    def sort(self, col, order):
        if self.rowCount() == 0:

        colName = self.columnames[col]
        r = order != Qt.AscendingOrder


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        if colName == self.cnSensor:
            self.mPlotSettings.sort(key = lambda sv:sv.sensor().name(), reverse=r)
        elif colName == self.cnExpression:
            self.mPlotSettings.sort(key=lambda sv: sv.expression(), reverse=r)
        elif colName == self.cnStyle:
            self.mPlotSettings.sort(key=lambda sv: sv.color, reverse=r)
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    def rowCount(self, parent = QModelIndex()):
        return len(self.mPlotSettings)
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    def removeRows(self, row, count , parent = QModelIndex()):
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        self.beginRemoveRows(parent, row, row + count-1)
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        toRemove = self.mPlotSettings[row:row + count]
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    def plotStyle2idx(self, plotStyle):
        assert isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle)
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        if plotStyle in self.mPlotSettings:
            i = self.mPlotSettings.index(plotStyle)
            return self.createIndex(i, 0)
            return QModelIndex()

    def idx2plotStyle(self, index):

        if index.isValid() and index.row() < self.rowCount():
            return self.mPlotSettings[index.row()]

        return None

    def columnCount(self, parent = QModelIndex()):
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        return len(self.columNames)

    def data(self, index, role = Qt.DisplayRole):
        if role is None or not index.isValid():
            return None

        value = None
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        columnName = self.columNames[index.column()]
        plotStyle = self.idx2plotStyle(index)
        if isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle):
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            sensor = plotStyle.sensor()
            #print(('data', columnName, role))
            if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
                if columnName == self.cnSensor:
                    if isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument):
                        value =
                        value = '<Select Sensor>'
                elif columnName == self.cnExpression:
                    value = plotStyle.expression()
                elif columnName == self.cnTemporalProfile:
                    value = plotStyle.temporalProfile().name()

            #elif role == Qt.DecorationRole:
            #    if columnName == self.cnStyle:
            #        value = plotStyle.createIcon(QSize(96,96))

            elif role == Qt.CheckStateRole:
                if columnName == self.cnTemporalProfile:
                    value = Qt.Checked if plotStyle.isVisible() else Qt.Unchecked

            elif role == Qt.UserRole:
                value = plotStyle
                if columnName == self.cnSensor:
                    value = plotStyle.sensor()
                elif columnName == self.cnExpression:
                    value = plotStyle.expression()
                elif columnName == self.cnStyle:
                    value = plotStyle
                elif columnName == self.cnTemporalProfile:
                    value == plotStyle.temporalProfile()
                    value = plotStyle
        #print(('get data',value))
        return value

    def setData(self, index, value, role=None):
        if role is None or not index.isValid():
            return False
        #print(('Set data', index.row(), index.column(), value, role))
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        columnName = self.columNames[index.column()]
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        result = False
        plotStyle = self.idx2plotStyle(index)
        if isinstance(plotStyle, TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle):
            if role in [Qt.DisplayRole]:
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                if columnName == self.cnExpression:
                    result = True
                elif columnName == self.cnStyle:
                    if isinstance(value, PlotStyle):
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                        result = True

            if role == Qt.CheckStateRole:
                if columnName == self.cnTemporalProfile:
                    plotStyle.setVisibility(value == Qt.Checked)
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            if role == Qt.EditRole:
                if columnName == self.cnExpression:
                    result = True
                elif columnName == self.cnStyle:
                    result = True
                elif columnName == self.cnSensor:
                    result = True
                elif columnName == self.cnTemporalProfile:
                    result = True
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            self.savePlotSettings(plotStyle, index='DEFAULT')
            self.dataChanged.emit(index, index)

        return result

    def savePlotSettings(self, sensorPlotSettings, index='DEFAULT'):
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        assert isinstance(sensorPlotSettings, TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle)
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        #todo: avoid dumps
        id = 'SPS.{}.{}'.format(index, sensorPlotSettings.sensor().id())
        d = pickle.dumps(sensorPlotSettings)
        SETTINGS.setValue(id, d)

    def restorePlotSettings(self, sensor, index='DEFAULT'):
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        return None

        assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
        id = 'SPS.{}.{}'.format(index,
        sensorPlotSettings = SETTINGS.value(id)
        if sensorPlotSettings is not None:
                sensorPlotSettings = pickle.loads(sensorPlotSettings)
                s = ""
                sensorPlotSettings = None
        if isinstance(sensorPlotSettings, TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle):
            return sensorPlotSettings
    def flags(self, index):
        if index.isValid():
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            columnName = self.columNames[index.column()]
            flags = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable
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            if columnName in [self.cnTemporalProfile]:
                flags = flags | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable
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            if columnName in [self.cnTemporalProfile, self.cnSensor, self.cnExpression, self.cnStyle]: #allow check state
                flags = flags | Qt.ItemIsEditable
            return flags
            #return item.qt_flags(index.column())
        return Qt.NoItemFlags

    def headerData(self, col, orientation, role):
        if Qt is None:
            return None
        if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
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            return self.columNames[col]
        elif orientation == Qt.Vertical and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            return col
        return None

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class ProfileViewDockUI(QgsDockWidget, loadUI('profileviewdock.ui')):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(ProfileViewDockUI, self).__init__(parent)
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        self.plotWidget3D = None
            l = self.frame3DPlot.layout()
            #from pyqtgraph.opengl import GLViewWidget
            #self.plotWidget3D = GLViewWidget(parent=self.page3D)
            self.plotWidget3D = ViewWidget3D(parent=self.frame3DPlot)
            size = self.labelDummy3D.size()
            self.splitter3D.setSizes([100, 100])
        #pi = self.plotWidget2D.plotItem
        #ax = DateAxis(orientation='bottom', showValues=True)
        #pi.layout.addItem(ax, 3,2)

        self.baseTitle = self.windowTitle()
        self.TS = None
        self.pxViewModel2D = None
        self.pxViewModel3D = None
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def qgsFieldFromKeyValue(fieldName, value):
    t = type(value)
    if t in [int, float] or np.isreal(value):

        fLen  = 0
        fPrec = 0
        fComm = ''
        fType = ''
        f = QgsField(fieldName, QVariant.Double, 'double', 40, 5)
        f = QgsField(fieldName, QVariant.String, 'text', 40, 5)
    return f

def sensorExampleQgsFeature(sensor):
    assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)
    #populate with exemplary band values (generally stored as floats)
    fieldValues = collections.OrderedDict()
    for b in range(sensor.nb):
        fn = bandIndex2bandKey(b)
        fieldValues[fn] = 1.0

    date =
    doy = dateDOY(date)
    fieldValues['doy'] = doy
    fieldValues['date'] = str(date)

    fields = QgsFields()
    for k, v in fieldValues.items():
    f = QgsFeature(fields)
    for k, v in fieldValues.items():
        f.setAttribute(k, v)
    return f

def dateDOY(date):
    if isinstance(date, np.datetime64):
        date = date.astype(
    return date.timetuple().tm_yday

def daysPerYear(year):
    if isinstance(year, np.datetime64):
        year = year.astype(
    if isinstance(year,
        year = year.timetuple().tm_year

    return dateDOY(, month=12, day=31))

    #kindly taken from
    if isinstance(d, np.datetime64):
        d = d.astype(datetime.datetime)
    assert isinstance(d,

    yearDuration = daysPerYear(d)
    yearElapsed = d.timetuple().tm_yday
    fraction = float(yearElapsed) / float(yearDuration)
    return float(d.year) + fraction

def num2date(n, dt64=True):
    n = float(n)

    year = int(n)
    fraction = n - year
    yearDuration = daysPerYear(year)
    yearElapsed = fraction * yearDuration

    import math
    doy = round(yearElapsed)
    if doy < 1:
        doy = 1
        date =, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=doy-1)
        s = ""
    if dt64:
        return np.datetime64(date)

    #return np.datetime64('{:04}-01-01'.format(year), 'D') + np.timedelta64(int(yearElapsed), 'D')

def depr_date2num(d):
    d2 = d.astype(datetime.datetime)
    o = d2.toordinal()

    #assert d == num2date(o)

    return o
def depr_num2date(n):
    n = int(np.round(n))
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    d = datetime.datetime.fromordinal(n)
    d =
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    return np.datetime64('{:04}-{:02}-{:02}'.format(d.year,d.month,, 'D')

class TemporalProfile(QObject):

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    _mNextID = 0
    def nextID():
        n = TemporalProfile._mNextID
        TemporalProfile._mNextID += 1
        return n

    def __init__(self, timeSeries, spatialPoint):
        super(TemporalProfile, self).__init__()
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        assert isinstance(timeSeries, TimeSeries)
        assert isinstance(spatialPoint, SpatialPoint)

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        self.mTimeSeries = timeSeries
        self.mCoordinate = spatialPoint
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        self.mID = TemporalProfile.nextID()
        self.mData = {}
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        self.mUpdated = False
        self.mName = '#{}'.format(self.mID)

        self.mLoaded = self.mLoadedMax = 0

    def initMetadata(self):
        for tsd in self.mTimeSeries:
            assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDatum)
            meta = {'doy':tsd.doy,
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            self.updateData(tsd, meta)
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    sigNameChanged = pyqtSignal(str)
    def setName(self, name):
        if name != self.mName:
            self.mName = name

    def name(self):
        return self.mName

    def plot(self):

        import pyqtgraph as pg

        for sensor in self.mTimeSeries.sensors():
            assert isinstance(sensor, SensorInstrument)

            plotStyle = TemporalProfile2DPlotStyle(self)

            pi = TemporalProfilePlotDataItem(plotStyle)
            pw = pg.plot(

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    def updateData(self, tsd, values):
        assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDatum)
        assert isinstance(values, dict)

        if tsd not in self.mData.keys():
            self.mData[tsd] = {}

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        self.mUpdated = True

    def resetUpdated(self):
        self.mUpdated = False

    def updated(self):
        return self.mUpdated
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    def dataFromExpression(self, sensor, expression, dateType='date'):
        assert dateType in ['date','doy']
        x = []
        y = []
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        if not isinstance(expression, QgsExpression):
            expression = QgsExpression(expression)
        assert isinstance(expression, QgsExpression)

        expression = QgsExpression(expression)
        fields = QgsFields()
        sensorTSDs = sorted([tsd for tsd in self.mData.keys() if tsd.sensor == sensor])
        for tsd in sensorTSDs:
            data = self.mData[tsd]
            for k, v in data.items():
                if v is not None and fields.fieldNameIndex(k) == -1:
                    fields.append(qgsFieldFromKeyValue(k, v))
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        for i, tsd in enumerate(sensorTSDs):
            assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDatum)
            data = self.mData[tsd]
            context = QgsExpressionContext()
            scope = QgsExpressionContextScope()
            f = QgsFeature()
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            for k, v in data.items():
                if v is None:
                idx = f.fieldNameIndex(k)
                field = f.fields().field(idx)
                if field.typeName() == 'text':
                    v = str(v)
                    v = float(v)

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            #value = expression.evaluatePrepared(f)
            value = expression.evaluate(context)

            if value in [None, NULL]:
                s = ""
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                if dateType == 'date':
                elif dateType == 'doy':

        #return np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y)
        assert len(x) == len(y)
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    def data(self, tsd):
        assert isinstance(tsd, TimeSeriesDatum)
        if self.hasData(tsd):
            return self.mData[tsd]
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